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Motivation and English Language Learning

VARIABLES Variable I: Motivation Variable II: English language learning

DIMENSIONS intrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation Oral comprehension Text comprehension Text production Oral production


Operationalization of variables, First grade students ,Soyer Cabero School,Chorrillos,2013

General problem: To what extent is motivation related to English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School, Surco, 2013? Specific problems: To what extent is intrinsic motivation related to English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School, Surco, 2013? To what extent is extrinsic motivation related to English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School, Surco, 2013?

General objectives: To establish the relationship between motivation and English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School,Surco,2013. Specific objectives: To establish the relationship between intrinsic motivation and English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School,Surco,2013. To establish the relationship between extrinsic motivation and English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School,Surco,2013.

General hypothesis: Motivation is significantly related to English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School, Surco, 2013. Specific hypothesis: Intrinsic motivation is significantly related to English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School, Surco, 2013. Extrinsic motivation is significantly related to English Language Learning in students of the First Grade at Guadalupe School, Surco, 2013.

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