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Start of ch 8 Chapter 8 State space analysis 8.

1 Introduction
Mathematical modeling of a system plays an important role in the analysis and design of control systems. Transfer function is one such model, which we have used for analysis and design of control systems. This is a useful representation if the system is linear, time invariant and has a single input and single output (SISO). It is also defined for systems with zero initial conditions only. The tools developed, viz, root locus technique, Bode plot, Nyquist plot, Nichol's chart etc are powerful in the analysis and design of control systems. But transfer function representation is not useful for, 1. Systems with initial conditions 2. Nonlinear systems 3. Time varying systems and 4. Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems Further, the output for a given input can only be found. It does not throw any light on the variation of internal variables. Sometimes this information is necessary because, some internal variables may go out of bounds, even though the output remains within the desired limits. In this method, the output only is fedback to obtain the desired performance of the system. This may not result in the best or optimum performance of the system. It may be desirable to feedback additional internal variables to achieve better results. The design procedures in classical theory are mostly trial and error procedures. A need for a representation which overcomes all the above draw backs was felt and the state space representation of the system was evolved. This representation forms the basis for the development of modern control systems. This representation contains the information about some of the internal variables along with the output variable and is amenable for analysis and design using digital computer. It is suitable for representing linear, nonlinear, time invariant, time varying, SISO and MIMO systems.

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from Bakshi 15-1 8.1.2 Introduction to State space representation

In control engineering, a state space representation is a mathematical model of a physical system as a set of input, output and state variables related by first-order differential equations. To abstract from the number of inputs, outputs and states, the variables are expressed as vectors. Additionally, if the dynamical system is linear and time invariant, the differential and algebraic equations may be written in matrix form. The state space representation (also known as the "time-domain approach") provides a convenient and compact way to model and analyze systems with multiple inputs and outputs. Unlike the frequency domain approach, the use of the state space representation is not limited to systems with linear components and zero initial conditions. "State space" refers to the space whose axes are the state variables. The state of the system can be represented as a vector within that space. The state space representation of a system replaces an nth order differential equation with a single first order matrix differential equation.
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