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function u1=parabolic(u0,tlist,b,p,e,t,c,a,f,d,rtol,atol) %PARABOLIC Solve parabolic PDE problem.

% % U1=PARABOLIC(U0,TLIST,B,P,E,T,C,A,F,D) produces the % solution to the FEM formulation of the scalar PDE problem % d*du/dt-div(c*grad(u))+a*u=f, on a mesh described by P, E, % and T, with boundary conditions given by B, and with initial % value U0. % % For the scalar case, each row in the solution matrix U1 is the % solution at the coordinates given by the corresponding column in % P. Each column in U1 is the solution at the time given by the % corresponding item in TLIST. For a system of dimension N % with NP node points, the first NP rows of U1 describe the first % component of u, the following NP rows of U1 describe the second % component of u, and so on. Thus, the components of u are placed % in blocks U as N blocks of node point rows. % % B describes the boundary conditions of the PDE problem. B % can either be a Boundary Condition Matrix or the name of Boundary % M-file. See PDEBOUND for details. % % The coefficients C, A, F, and D of the PDE problem can % be given in a wide variety of ways. See ASSEMPDE for details. % % U1=PARABOLIC(U0,TLIST,B,P,E,T,C,A,F,D,RTOL) and % U1=PARABOLIC(U0,TLIST,B,P,E,T,C,A,F,D,RTOL,ATOL) passes % absolute and relative tolerances to the ODE solver. % % U1=PARABOLIC(U0,TLIST,K,F,B,UD,M) produces the solution to % the ODE problem B'*M*B*(dui/dt)+K*ui=F, u=B*ui+ud, % with initial value U0. % % See also ASSEMPDE, HYPERBOLIC % % % A. Nordmark 8-01-94, AN 1-20-95. Copyright 1994-2003 The MathWorks, Inc. $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/01/16 20:06:36 $

global pdeprbK pdeprbM pdeprbF ... pdeprbQ pdeprbG pdeprbH pdeprbR pdeprbMM ... pdeprbB pdeprbud ... pdeprbNu pdeprbOr ... pdeprbp pdeprbe pdeprbt ... pdeprbb pdeprbc pdeprba pdeprbf pdeprbd ... pdeprbqt pdeprbgt pdeprbht pdeprbrt ... pdeprbct pdeprbat pdeprbft pdeprbdt ... pdeprbpm pdeprbN pdeprbts [ttlist,itlist]=sort(tlist); nlist=length(tlist); pdeprbqt=0; pdeprbgt=0; pdeprbht=0; pdeprbrt=0; pdeprbct=0; pdeprbat=0; pdeprbft=0;

pdeprbdt=0; gotatol=0; gotrtol=0; if nargin==11 gotrtol=1; elseif nargin==12 gotrtol=1; gotatol=1; elseif nargin==8; rtol=a; gotrtol=1; elseif nargin==9 rtol=a; atol=f; gotrtol=1; gotatol=1; end if nargin==10 || nargin==11 || nargin==12 time=NaN; [unused,MM]=assema(p,t,0,d,f,time); [K,M,F]=assema(p,t,c,a,f,time); [Q,G,H,R]=assemb(b,p,e,time); pdeprbN=size(K,2)/size(p,2); nu=size(K,2); pdeprbp=p; pdeprbe=e; pdeprbt=t; if any(any(isnan(MM))) pdeprbdt=1; pdeprbd=d; else pdeprbMM=MM; pdeprbd=0; end if any(any(isnan(K))) pdeprbct=1; pdeprbc=c; else pdeprbK=K; pdeprbc=0; end if any(any(isnan(M))) pdeprbat=1; pdeprba=a; else pdeprbM=M; pdeprba=0; end if any(isnan(F)) pdeprbft=1; pdeprbf=f; else pdeprbF=F;

pdeprbf=zeros(pdeprbN,1); end pdeprbb=b; if any(any(isnan(Q))) pdeprbqt=1; else pdeprbQ=Q; end if any(isnan(G)) pdeprbgt=1; else pdeprbG=G; end if any(any(isnan(H))) pdeprbht=1; else pdeprbH=H; end if any(isnan(R)) pdeprbrt=1; else pdeprbR=R; end [Q,G,H,R]=assemb(b,p,e,tlist(1)); % H must be free of NaN [KK,FF,B,ud]=assempde(K,M,F,Q,G,H,R); pdeprbpm=colamd(B'*MM*B+KK);% if ~(pdeprbdt | pdeprbht) if ~pdeprbht pdeprbB=B; [pdeprbNu,pdeprbOr]=pdenullorth(H); end if ~(pdeprbqt || pdeprbgt || pdeprbht || pdeprbrt || ... pdeprbct || pdeprbat || pdeprbft) pdeprbK=KK(:,pdeprbpm); pdeprbF=FF; end if ~(pdeprbht || pdeprbrt) pdeprbud=ud; else pdeprbts=max(tlist)-min(tlist); end clear K M F Q G H R KK FF B ud % Expand initial condition if ischar(u0) x=p(1,:)'; y=p(2,:)'; end if ischar(u0) if pdeisfunc(u0) u0=feval(u0,x,y); % supposedly a function name else u0=eval(u0); % supposedly an expression of 'x' and 'y' end end

u0=u0(:); elseif nargin==7 || nargin==8 || nargin==9 pdeprbK=b; pdeprbF=p; pdeprbB=e; pdeprbud=t; pdeprbMM=c; pdeprbpm=colamd(pdeprbB'*pdeprbMM*pdeprbB+pdeprbK); pdeprbK=pdeprbK(:,pdeprbpm); nu=size(pdeprbud,1); else error('PDE:parabolic:nargin', 'Number of input arguments must be between 7 and 12.') end nuu=nu; if size(u0,1)==1, u0=ones(nu,1)*u0; end if ~pdeprbht u0=pdeprbB'*u0; else [Q,G,H,R]=assemb(b,p,e,tlist(1)); B=pdenullorth(H); u0=B'*u0; end nu=size(u0,1); uu0=u0(pdeprbpm); options=odeset('Jacobian','on'); if ~(pdeprbct || pdeprbat || pdeprbqt || pdeprbht) options=odeset(options,'JConstant','on'); end if ~(pdeprbdt || pdeprbht) options=odeset(options,'Mass','M'); else options=odeset(options,'Mass','M(t)'); end if gotrtol options=odeset(options,'RelTol',rtol); end if gotatol options=odeset(options,'AbsTol',atol); end options=odeset(options,'Stats','on','OutputFcn','pdeoutfun'); [t,uu]=ode15s('pdeprbf',ttlist,uu0,options); u1=zeros(nu,nlist); if length(itlist)==2, % ODE15S behaves differently if length(tlist)==2 if diff(itlist)>0, u1(pdeprbpm,:)=uu([1 size(uu,1)],:).'; else

u1(pdeprbpm,:)=uu([size(uu,1) 1],:).'; end else u1(pdeprbpm,:)=uu(itlist,:).'; end if pdeprbht || pdeprbrt if pdeprbht uu1=zeros(nuu,nlist); for k=1:nlist [Q,G,H,R]=assemb(b,p,e,tlist(k)); [null,orth]=pdenullorth(H); ud=full(orth*((H*orth)\R)); uu1(:,k)=null*u1(:,k)+ud; end u1=uu1; else HH=pdeprbH*pdeprbOr; ud=zeros(nuu,nlist); for k=1:nlist [Q,G,H,R]=assemb(b,p,e,tlist(k)); ud(:,k)=pdeprbOr*(HH\R); end u1=pdeprbNu*u1+ud; end else u1=pdeprbB*u1+pdeprbud*ones(1,nlist); end

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