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Contradicting beliefs may tear the family apart. It takes miracle to be united again. How is that?

Read to find out.


This story is dedicated to the ff: -- All the fathers who don't see the worth of their wives, -- All the mothers victimed by emotional abuse -- All the children who emotionally tormented -- All atheists and sole science believers

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In this era of high technology, people are too consumed to get rich. They even valued material things above all else. Reputations are being take care of well while ignoring the value of Dignity. Rich becomes richer. Poor becomes poorer. Number of broken families get higher. If a woman lost her things, she got real angry but if she lost her virginity, she reacted as if nothing happened. Dignity is never the basis nowadays. It can easily be given up to the person with no assurance. Learning the truth is difficult to take but it's all part of being. Afterall, truth shall sets me free.

By the way, I'm Isaac. Sixteen years old. A real grown-up. I am happy to have my family complete. Though arguments are inevitable at some points, we somehow managed it to solved through mild discussions. My mother believes in Bible and my father believes in Pure Science. They had quite

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troubled in naming me because of contradicting beliefs. In the end, they named me Isaac; a bible character who was the son of Abraham and a named after Isaac Newton; an English mathematician, physicist and astronomer considered to be the greatest genius the world has ever known. So, my name could be in Religion or Science. I always hearing them arguing about their beliefs especially in the field of Creation. Oh, before else, I would like to introduce you my parents. Lea is my mother. Louis is my father. They often tell me about why their parents named them their name. Lea got from Bible. She was the first wife of Isaac. She sometimes ignored by Isaac for her husband real devoted to his second wife named Raquel. Though was that, she kept on loving Isaac. Louis came after a scientist named Louis Pasteur; a French scientist who became famous for his work on fermentation and decay which led to the development of the germ theory of disease and to the sterilization of food through the use of heat.

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In my view, they are perfect couple. And we are a perfect family. Living in this perfect house called Home.

Back to the field of Creation. Mama Lea accusing science of manipulating data of Big Bang Theory. This theory stated that the earth and all material universe were created in huge explosion. The explosion happened because of the collision of high energy particles. Almost everyone knows the theory was created by science. But the truth is, the theory was created by Georges Henri Joseph douard Lematre; A Belgian priest, astronomer and professor of physics at the Catholic University of Louvain. He was a priest. He tried to unite religion and science but was failed to do it. Science adopted the theory and removed all the information regarding religion. Papa Louis defended that religion and science can never be united. He also open the topic about the

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Pope's selling of forgiveness; whoever sinner he laid an eyes upon, shall decrease million of years of sufferings he bear in the purgatory. The idea of that doesn't suit well to papa Louis. As well as the topic of Catholic burned down some famous scientists who dare to unite the two opposition. One of the scientist burned alive was Galileo Galilei. Because of trying to unite the religion and science, Catholic resolved to silence him. (According to the book Angels and Demons.).They formed a brotherhood named Illuminati means the Enlightment. As their brotherhood widen and become financially poor, they united to another brotherhood named Free Masons; this brotherhood holds the majority of power in the world. Jose Abad Santos and Emilio Aguinaldo were the two of the Filipino members of it. Some of the United States presidents that were a member of it as well were George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, Howard Taft and many more. It is believed that Masons are worshipping Abaddon.

In Revelation 9:11

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"They had a king over them, the angel of the abyss," who's name in Hebrew Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. The 'angel' of the abyss (hell) is really the chief demon whose name is abaddon. Mason itself claim, that the deity they worship is Abaddon.

(Read this Link:) esidentasmasons.htm

Papa Louis has the facination of this brotherhood for he believes that the enlightment will really found here. He added that he preffered to be anti-christ than to pretend holy outside but evil inside. Mama Lea widen her eyes in disbelief. Not because of the knowledge in Free Masons but because of papa Louis's statement. Being anti-christ is a very serious matter in Christianity. "Can miracle save you?" he asked.

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"Of course. Miracle is a matter of faith." "No.. Even if you have faith, miracle won't come. In science, miracle is not waiting to come. But miracles were created by human knowledge itself." he contradicted. "Human knowledge is given by God. And it is limited. So is science. Science is just knowledgeable in all aspect but still its limited." she reasond-out. I nod with approval. "If the scientist back then waited for "miracle", do you think we're gonna reach this era? No. Waiting is nothing." "God uses a tool. The good, better and best. Good is the knowledge of that scientist, better is the application and best is the outcome. See? He used the scientist to explore His creation and discover His hidden mysteries. If they indeed claiming they were perfect, then, why do they haven't figure out what exactly happen in time zero? Explain." "They working on it."

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"It takes time to discover things for humans. But it takes a blink of an eye for God to unveil His mysteries." "Where is your God? "Our God." she corrected. "He's here." She put her hand on her chest. "Ridiculous." He turned to leave. I'm quite fascinated at first about their argument. But as frequent as they do it, the more I noticed that they are pricking their personals'. Papa Louis become hot-tempered and always noticing even the small inconsequential mistakes of mama Lea. When mama defended herself, argument started to flare. "Do you think this relationship will still workout?" He asked in the middle of our dinner. Mama eye her emotionless. "For the love of God, what are you saying?"

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He pointed his temple. "I'm being logical. We aren't compatible." "You must be kidding, papa." I interjected. "Do I look like one?" "Louis, we had vowed before God that we will be toghether until our last breath." mama's eye started to covered with tear. He just sighed and leave. Since then, he seldom comes home. Even if he came, they were always arguing even the smallest thing. I resolved to wake up every night for their shoutings rang through my ears. I want to meddle but its their problem, not mine. Days passed when I noticed the effect of the situation to mama. She grew depressed. I always hear her crying everynight. Though she hides it from me, I still feel her bearing. If only I can take away that burden and lift it by myself, I will do it. She keeps on blaming herself about their situation. If not her persistence in her beliefs, he would stay here in our house.

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Papa Louis came drunk one night. Mama Lea took care of him all right. Without the knowledge of what happened last night, he left her alone without a word. I started to get irritated to him.

Whenever he comes home, he just talks about how wonderful science is and how he wanted so badly to be part of free masons. Mama just nod for approval. She doesn't dare to open the topic about the religion for fearing that papa Louis would just leave again. He just makes love to her then leave. Makeslove to her then leave. Makes love to her then leave. Does he think love can be justified in sex? Mama grew obedient day by day. It wasn't the kind of her to be like that. She likes proving God is real and does exists, but why does she couldn't prove it to her own husband?

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One afternoon, mama came rushing crying. I come to her and ask her why. She told me she saw papa having another woman. I just pat her back so that she knew that I'm there willing to listen to her.

In the evening, papa arrived with a woman. I saw how sharp the look of mama was to the sophisticated woman. And I had wondered if that was the woman mama Lea saw. She was. In the dinner, papa Louis and the sophisticated woman named Dorothy have the same humor for they keep on talking about the latest inventions of the scientists nowadays and laugh when it comes to the topic of religion, particularly in Christianity. They are both atheist. Even we're not asking, papa Louis boasted saying about the named Dorothy. The woman just smiling at him. He told us that the woman's name named after Dorothy Hodgkin; a scientist who

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determined the structure of biochemical compounds essential in combatting permicious anemia. Mama Lea and I just nodded dryly. We're not interested to know the origin of her name. We're more interested of why the hell he brought that woman into our house. They praised each other as if they pretty sure of themselves that they were born to be a scientist. That they were belong with each other. What's more despising is that when they mocked mama's God. I mean my God too. Our God. Mama Lea got real red in anger. They don't have the right to mock our Creator, for goodness sake! They even laugh at mama Lea for her "unjustified" beliefs. I got real annoyed too. "Uhmmm..Miss Dorothy," I cut their laughing. "How do you fit yourself in the environment which you do not belong?" I asked with a connote meaning. She smiled. "That's because I'm an open Thermodynamic System. All living things do, so do you. That system has a content flow of energy and

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matter between you and the environment. That flow of the energy and matter is Dynamic Equilibrium or often called Steady State. This dynamic steady state is continously changing but there are systems that keep them within certain ranges of Norms. Well, its hard to explain it wholly. But I'm advicing you to read about Homeostasis. You will know there how do things fit to their environment which they do not belong." I nod. She's numb. Didn't she feel she's unwlecome here? I'm not asking her scientific explanation but asking her to leave. It will be impolite of me to ask that to her. She doesn't belong here, does she? Mama Lea keeps silent. Another hour passed she suffered when Dorothy decided to leave. After leaving, mama confronted papa. He denied the accusation and tell her he loves her. 'Loves her through the mouth only.' I thought. He pulled mama and kiss her. There he go again. Another ramification of his play. He will surely takes mama and makes love with her to quiet her. But mama wasn't the least aware of that. She pushed him away.

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"Making love to me isn't the justification of real

"Fine. Then, I'll leave." He started to leave but he stopped and then turned around to face mama again. "Now, where is your God? Where is the miracle? Will your God miraculously change my mind?" Mama Lea just cried. He doesn't know what he's saying. Papa Louis didn't come home for two months. He left us and be with that Dorothy. Mama silently crying at night. She keeps and keeps and keeps blaming herself about the parting of the family. She thought I don't hear her but I do. She thought I don't care but I do. She doesn't even know that I'm always in front of her door, sitting on the floor and leaning to the wall. I'm staring at the ceiling thinking that it might give an answer to our situation. I want to question God about this but mama tell me never to question God for He has plan for us.

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And for the sleepless nights I suffer, I started to pray that God unveil His plan for my family, of why we have to suffer? I started to put my faith upon him and hope for miracles. Just as what mama said, miracles were just a matter of faith. I thought we're perfect. But God shows us our imperfections. I couldn't understand it. But somehow, I will in the future. In that two months, since I learned to pray, I often dream about this: Papa Louis and Dorothy tried to race for fun in the busy roads of Manila. They will start and end in Abad Santos, Tondo. In the middle of the race, papa's car came to halt. He cursed when he saw his engines reekying. He cursed and cursed because Dorothy has taken the lead. Until he heard a loud explosion. He look at the source of explosion and only to see Dorothy collided to a ten-wheeler truck. The woman died. Her head uprooted from her body. And that's when the dream ended. I always dream about the accident. Since I believed that dreams are vice versa, I started to feel fear about the safety of my

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father. Then I remember, I already given my faith to God, so why fear? And so, I stop it.

The day after yesterday, mama decided to leave the house. She thought the house just keeps reminding her about the memories of papa Louis. Just as we ready to leave, we heard a loud knocked at the door. Mama open it. There stood with misty eyes, was my father. He hugs mama so tightly. And I was happy to see him okay. He saw us carrying a bag and asked us why. Then mama tell that we're leaving. He disappoved and snatched our bag in our hands. He went to the living room and stood there so silently. I feel something's wrong. Mama feels it too. So, we both asked him the matter of why he's agitating. And... He then tell what happened to him exactly what had happened in my dreams. I was terrified by the connections. And then, I admitted about my dream. Mama Lea hugged papa Louis.

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"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't leave." He was the one who were pleading now. Mama cried and huggedhim tight. I know she can forgive papa for she has the tender feelings of a loving mother and wife. "God's miracle saved you." she said. And for the first time, I heard him say: "Yes. God's miracle saved me." he admitted. "If not by Him, I would have been dead by now. If He not made my car to stop, probably, no , precisely, I was to be hit by the truck." He cried I started to cry and join them. "So,mama, will we still leave?" I asked. "It depends on your papa." she replied. "No, I will never let you go. I promised." "Prove it, papa."

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God is Good, God's miracle is true! Human knowledge can't predict the eventuality ahead but God knows the future of everyone for He already finished the story of each one of us and had done constucting the every components of our life.

"I promise this for all of my life until I die, "What is it?" mama and I chorused. "First, I will make this house be as perfect as the way it is. ANd...." He paused. "I will worship God forever." Not only him who must worship God, but the three of us. Science is just a tool of God. And everyone of us is a tool to unveil the mysteries of the world.

I can say now that we're perfect family. Because GOD is within us. They are perfect couples now, because GOD rules them. And a perfect house

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because GOD is residing with us now. Our house became a real HOME now.

King James Version Proverbs 6:12-15 [12] A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. [13] He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; [14] Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. [15] Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

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---------- THE END ----------

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