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RNC Counter Calculation Spreadsheet Introduction

Title Doc. Nr. Revision Date Copyright Copyright Ericsson AB 2008. All rights reserved. Calculation Spreadsheet for Number of Counters in RNC 23/1553-AXD 105 03/1 B 12/8/2008

Disclaimer No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner. The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shall have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.


The spreadsheet calculates the total number of active counters for a specific Radio Network Controller (RNC) configuration. There is a limit of simultaneously active counters in an RNC, which is dependent on the RNC type and installed hardware. See the WCDMA RAN documentation for applicable limits. This calculation spreadsheet may be used before activating counters to avoid exceeding the limit and subsequent alarms. The configured alarm limit refers to the total number of counters activated in scanners from Operations Support System Radio and Core (OSS-RC). Both radio network and transport network counters are included. The following sheets are available: - RncConfiguration - CountersPerPredefinedScanner - UserDefRnScannersMoClass - UserDefRnScannersInstances - UserDefTnScannersMoClass - GrandTotal

See the Managed Object Model RNC for detailed descriptions of the counters. Sheet Description RncConfiguration: Specifies the Managed Object (MO) classes in RNC that report counters, including both the RN and the TN parts. The appropriate values for the current RNC configuration shall be filled in here. CountersPerPredefinedScanner: Calculates the number of active counter instances in the RNC due to pre-defined scanners. The RNC provides two predefined scanners, both with a predefined set of counters included, and in state Resumed at RNC startup. Depending on the RNC configuration, the predefined scanners in state Resumed will result in a corresponding number of active counter instances. Note that only RN counters are included in predefined scanners, and the content in a predefined scanner cannot be changed. To activate TN counters and other RN counters, it is required to create user-defined scanners during run-time. Note: Scanners are also known as performance monitorings.

UserDefRnScannersMoClass: Calculates the number of active counters and the total number of RN counter instances for user-defined RN scanners based on the specified RNC configuration and the specified content in the scanners. This calculation is based on a general selection of counters per scanner, meaning that selected counters are activated for all instances of the selected MO classes. UserDefRnScannersInstances: Calculates the number of active counters and the total number of RN counter instances for user-defined RN scanners based on the specified RNC configuration and the specified content in the scanners. This calculation is based on a activation of counters for selected UtranCell instances per scanner, meaning that selected counters are activated only for the selected MO instances. UserDefTnScannersMoClass: Calculates the total number of active TN counter instances for userdefined TN scanners based on the specified RNC configuration and the specified content in the scanners. GrandTotal: Calculates the number of active counters and the total number of counter instances in the specified RNC configuration, including predefined scanners and user-defined RN and TN scanners. Note: If a counter is included in more than one scanner, it will be counted for each scanner, and written to file as many times as it is selected in scanners.

How to Calculate the Number of Active Counters

How to Calculate the Number of Active Counters 1. Specify the values appropriate to your RNC configuration in the sheet RncConfiguration. It is important to fill in the exact values according to your RNC configuration to get the correct number of active counter instances and the total number of counter instances in the sheet GrandTotal. See the sheet RncConfiguration for more details. 2. If desirable, change the default scanner states in the sheet CountersPerPredefinedScanner. The calculation spreadsheet calculates the total number of active counter instances included in predefined scanners accordingly. 3. Specify the RN counters included in user-defined RN scanners in the sheet UserDefRnScannersMoClass and UserDefRnScannersInstances. The calculation spreadsheet calculates the number of active counters and the total number of RN counter instances included in user-defined RN scanners accordingly. 4. Specify the TN counters included in user-defined TN scanners in the sheet UserDefTnScannersMoClass. The calculation spreadsheet calculates the total number of active TN counter instances included in user-defined TN scanners accordingly.

Spreadsheet to Specify the Number of MOs in the Current RNC

There are two alternative ways to select counters when creating a user-defined scanner in an RNC from Operations Support System Radio and Core (OSS-RC), see the document PM, Subscription Profiles and Performance Monitoring User Guide : Alternative 1: MO Class Counter Activation (applies to all counters) 1. Select one or more MO classes. 2. Select counters to activate for each of the previously selected MO classes. Result: The selected counters are activated for all existing MO instances of the selected MO classes. , Alternative 2: Specific MO Instance Counter Activation (applies to selected UtranCell Instances) This way to activate counters applies to the following MO classes: - GsmRelation - Hsdsch - Rach - UtranCell - UtranRelation The following steps apply when selecting counters in MO instance based scanners: 1. Select individual UtranCell instances. 2. Select counters from available MO classes. Selection will apply to all selected UtranCell instances and/or all associated instances from any of the other applicable MO classes for each selected UtranCell. Result: The selected UtranCell counters are activated for all selected UtranCells instances. The selected counters from any of the other applicable MO classes are activated for all instances associated with each selected UtranCell.

This document provides support for both alternatives in the calculations. There can be several simultaneous active scanners, but only one of the alternatives above can be used per scanner. This document only considers the total amount of active counters, regardless of the number of scanners and their contents. When filling in this document, please consider the total amount of counters included in all scanners in your RNC, and also how the counters are selected in the scanners, in the general way, or based on UtranCell instances, as described above. Note: If a counter is included in more than one scanner, it will be counted for each scanner, and written to file as many times as it is selected in scanners.

ALTERNATIVE 1: MO Class Counter Activation (applies to all counters)

Use the table below to fill in the appropriate values according to your RNC configuration. Column Description MO Class: MO classes which report counters in an RNC. Current Number: Specifies the current number of instances per MO class in the RNC configuration. The green cells indicate where to enter or change values to define the current RNC configuration. The green cells have 0 (zero) as default values. Please fill in the appropriate values according to your RNC configuration . Note that the cells that are not green shall not be altered, since they either have fixed values, or are dependant on values given for other MO classes. Note: Comments are included in some cells, indicated by a red triangle in the upper-right corner of the cell. RADIO NETWORK APPLICATION PART OF CONFIGURATION MO Class

Current Number 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Paging Rcs SecurityHandling CchFrameSynch CcDevice DcDevice PdrDevice

DchFrameSynch Eul

GsmRelation Handover Hsdsch IpEthPacketDataRouter IubEdch IuLink IubLink IuBcLink IurLink LoadControl LocationArea Mbms MbmsCch MtchFrameSynch NbapCommon NodeSynch PacketDataRouter Pcap PositioningServiceClass Rach Ranap RncCapacity RoutingArea UeRc Ura UtranCell UtranRelation, Inter-Frequency UtranRelation, Intra-Frequency

TRANSPORT NETWORK APPLICATION PART OF CONFIGURATION MO Class Aal0TpVccTp Aal1TpVccTp Aal2Ap Aal2PathVccTp Aal2Sp Aal5TpVccTp AtmPort E1PhysPathTerm E1Ttp E3PhysPathTerm EthernetLink ImaGroup ImaLink Ip IpAccessHostGpb IpAccessHostMsb IpAtmLink J1PhysPathTerm M3uAssociation MediumAccessUnit Mtp3bAp Mtp3bSlAnsi, Mtp3bSlChina, Mtp3bSlItu or Mtp3bSlTtc Mtp3bSpAnsi, Mtp3bSpChina, Mtp3bSpItu or Mtp3bSpTtc Mtp3bSr Mtp3bSrs NniSaalTp Os155SpiTtp Ospf OspfArea OspfInterface SccpAccountingCriteria SccpPolicing SccpScrc SccpSp Sctp Sts1SpeTtp Sts3CspeTtp T1PhysPathTerm T1Ttp T3PhysPathTerm UniSaalTp Vc12Ttp Vc4Ttp VclTp VpcTp VplTp Vt15Ttp

Current Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ALTERNATIVE 2: Specific MO Instance Counter Activation Number of Individually Selected UtranCells Use the table below to fill in the selected number of UtranCell instances. Column Description MO Class: MO classes which report counters in an RNC. Current Number: Specifies the current number of UtranCell instances in the RNC configuration, individually selected in scanners to include a selected set of counters. The cells have 0 (zero) as default values. Please fill in the appropriate values according to your current scanners in the RNC. Note: Comments are included in some cells, indicated by a red triangle in the upper-right corner of the cell. MO Class UtranCell 0 Current Number

Number of Other Active Counters Based on Individually Selected UtranCells

This document does not calculate the exact number of active GsmRelation, Hsdsch, Rach and UtranRelation counters. The exact number of counters depends on the actual configuration. The document instead calculates an approximate number, based on the average number of applicable MO instances and active counters per UtranCell. Both the formula to calculate the exact number of counters, and the formula for the approximate calculation used in this document, are explained below. Nevertheless, the document provides two alternatives for measuring the contribution from counters of any of the above listed MO classes in the total number of active counters, see How To Calculate the Number of Active Counters in This Document below. These formulas apply to the following MO classes: - GsmRelation - Hsdsch - Rach - UtranCell - UtranRelation The X in the formulas below represents any of the above listed MO classes.

Formula for exact number of counters: For all UtranCells with active X counters: SUM[(Number of X per UtranCell) x (Number of active X counters, per MO class X, per UtranCell)] Formula based on average values: For all UtranCells with active X counters: [(Number of UtranCells with active X counters) x (Average number of X per UtranCell) x (Average number of active X counters per UtranRelation)] Example: Out of 200 UtranCells in the RNC configuration, 100 of them have cell relations and active X counters. On average, each of these 100 UtranCells has 10 X instances, and each X on average has five active counters. This gives 100 x 10 x 5 = 5000 active X counters. How To Calculate the Number of Active Counters in This Document There are two alternatives for measuring the number of active counters in this document. In alternative 2.1 below the exact number of counters must be provided. In alternative 2.2 below the average number of MO instances and average number of active counters has to be provided. Based on the numbers provided in alternative 2.2, an approximate number of counters is calculated. Based on the numbers provided in alternative 2.2, an approximate number of counters is calculated. The result is given in the sheet UserDefRnScannersInstances. Alternative 2.1 Fill in the exact total Fill in the exact total Fill in the exact total Fill in the exact total Alternative 2.2 UtranRelation Counters Fill in the appropriate values for source UtranCells with active UtranRelation counters in your RNC configuration. Number of source UtranCells with active UtranRelation counters 0 Average number of inter-frequency UtranRelations per source UtranCells 0 Average number of intra-frequency UtranRelations per source UtranCells 0 Average number of selected UtranRelation counters per UtranRelation (including inter-and intra-frequency counters and Outgoing Core Network Hard Handover (CNHHO) counters) 0 GsmRelation Counters Fill in the appropriate values for source UtranCells with active GsmRelation counters in your RNC configuration. Number of source UtranCells with active GsmRelation counters 0 Average number of GsmRelations per source UtranCells 0 Average number of selected GsmRelation counters per GsmRelation 0

number of number of number of number of

active UtranRelation counters in your RNC configuration: active GsmRelation counters in your RNC configuration: active HsDsch counters in your RNC configuration: active Rach counters in your RNC configuration:

0 0 0 0

Hsdsch Counters Fill in the appropriate values for UtranCells with active Hsdsch counters in your RNC configuration. Number of UtranCells with active Hsdsch counters 0 Average number of Hsdsch per UtranCells 0 Average number of selected Hsdsch counters per Hsdsch 0 Rach Counters Fill in the appropriate values for UtranCells with active Rach counters in your RNC configuration. Number of UtranCells with active Rach counters Average number of Hsdsch per UtranCells Average number of selected Rach counters per Rach Finally, select the alternative to use in the calculations, give 1 for alternative 2.1 and 2 for alternative 2.2: Faulty input for UtranRelations, please select alternative 1 or 2! 0 0 0

Spreadsheet to Calculate the Number of Active RNC Counters for Predefined Scanners
This sheet gives the number of radio network counter values from pre-defined scanners. The total sum is based on the input given in the sheet RncConfiguration and the selected scanner state in the table below.

Total number of RNC counters from predefined scanners:

Column Description Scanner: Lists the predefined scanners in the RNC. The initial state of each scanner at startup of the RNC is Resumed. MO Class: MO classes which report counters are listed per scanner. Counter: Counters per MO class that are included in the related predefined scanner.


Scanner State: State of each predefined scanner. The default state at startup of the RNC is Resumed. The values in the green cells can be modified to change the state of a scanner. Changing a value will change the sum at the bottom of the page. Changing the settings will subsequently change the number of active counters in the RNC if they are implemented in your RNC. Number of Counter Values per Scanner: The resulting number of counter instances per predefined scanner. The sum of counter instances from predefined scanners is given below the table. Scanner State Number of Counter Number of (Resumed = 1 Values per MOs Suspended = 0) Scanner 1 1 37

Scanner primary

MO Class RncFunction



UeRc UtranCell

Counter pmNoIuSigEstablishAttemptCs pmNoIuSigEstablishAttemptPs pmNoIuSigEstablishSuccessCs pmNoIuSigEstablishSuccessPs pmNoOfPacketCallDuration1 pmNoOfPacketCallDuration2 pmNoOfPacketCallDuration3 pmNoOfPacketCallDuration4 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs1 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs2 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs3 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs4 pmNoOfRedirectedEmergencyCalls pmSentPacketData1 pmSentPacketData2 pmSentPacketData3 pmSentPacketData4 pmSentPacketDataHs1 pmSentPacketDataHs2 pmSentPacketDataHs3 pmSentPacketDataHs4 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans1 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans2 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans3 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans4 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs1 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs2 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs3 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs4 pmTotalPacketDuration1 pmTotalPacketDuration2 pmTotalPacketDuration3 pmTotalPacketDuration4 pmTotalPacketDurationHs1 pmTotalPacketDurationHs2 pmTotalPacketDurationHs3 pmTotalPacketDurationHs4 pmEulDowntimeAuto pmEulDowntimeMan pmSamplesEulRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesEulRlcUserPacketThp pmSumEulRlcTotPacketThp pmSumEulRlcUserPacketThp pmHsDowntimeAuto pmHsDowntimeMan pmSamplesHsDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumHsDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmFaultyTransportBlocksAcUl pmTransportBlocksAcUl pmCellDowntimeAuto pmCellDowntimeMan pmChSwitchFachIdle pmNoCsStreamDchDiscNormal pmNoCsStreamDchDiscAbnorm pmNoDirRetryAtt pmNoHsHardHoReturnOldChSource pmNoHsHardHoReturnOldChTarget pmNoIncomingHsHardHoAttempt pmNoIncomingPsStreamHsHhoAttempt pmNoIncomingPsStreamHsHhoSuccess

0 0

pmNoLoadSharingRrcConn pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs pmNoNormalRabReleaseCs64 pmNoNormalRabReleaseCsStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream128 pmNoNormalRabReleasePsStreamHs pmNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech pmNoNormalRbReleaseEul pmNoNormalRbReleaseHs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedCs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedEul pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedHs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedInteractive pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedPsStr128 pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedPsStreaming pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedSpeech pmNoOutgoingHsHardHoAttempt pmNoOutgoingPsStreamHsHhoAttempt pmNoOutgoingPsStreamHsHhoSuccess pmNoPsStream64Ps8DchDiscAbnorm pmNoPsStream64Ps8DchDiscNormal pmNoPsStreamHsHhoReturnOldSource pmNoPsStreamHsHhoReturnOldTarget pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs57 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs64 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractive pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveEul pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveHs pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketStream pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketStream128 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech pmNoRabEstablishSuccessCs57 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessCs64 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveEul pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveHs pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketStream pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketStream128 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech pmNoRabEstAttemptPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstAttemptPsStreamHs pmNoRabEstSuccessPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstSuccessPsStreamHs pmNoRrcCsReqDeniedAdm pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64 pmNoSystemRabReleaseCsStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream128 pmNoSystemRabReleasePsStreamHs pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech pmNoSystemRbReleaseEul pmNoSystemRbReleaseHs pmRabEstablishEcAttempt pmRabEstablishEcSuccess pmSamplesBestCs12Establish pmSamplesBestCs57RabEstablish pmSamplesBestCs64RabEstablish pmSamplesBestDchPsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsEulRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStreamHsRabEst pmSamplesCs12RabEstablish pmSamplesDchDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSamplesDchUlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStream64 pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStreamHs pmSamplesFachPsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesPacketLatency pmSamplesPacketLatencyPsStreamHs pmSamplesPsInteractive pmSamplesPsStreamHsRabEst pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream16 pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream32 pmSumBestCs12Establish pmSumBestCs57RabEstablish pmSumBestCs64RabEstablish pmSumBestDchPsIntRabEstablish pmSumBestPsEulRabEstablish pmSumBestPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSumBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSumBestPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumBestPsStreamHsRabEst



Eul Hsdsch


IuLink IurLink



CcDevice DcDevice PdrDevice RncCapacity


pmSumCs12RabEstablish pmSumDchDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumDchUlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStream64 pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStreamHs pmSumFachPsIntRabEstablish pmSumPacketLatency pmSumPacketLatencyPsStreamHs pmSumPsInteractive pmSumPsStreamHsRabEst pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream16 pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream32 pmTotalTimeDlCellCong pmTotalTimeUlCellCong pmTotNoRrcConnectReq pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSuccess pmNoRabEstablishFailureUeCapability pmSamplesDchDchDlRcvDelay pmSamplesDchDchJitter pmSamplesDchDchLatency pmSamplesDchDlDelay pmSamplesHsDchDlRcvDelay pmSamplesHsDchJitter pmSamplesHsDchLatency pmSamplesHsDlDelay pmSamplesHsEulDlRcvDelay pmSamplesHsEulJitter pmSamplesHsEulLatency pmSumDchDchDlRcvDelay pmSumDchDchJitter pmSumDchDchLatency pmSumDchDlDelay pmSumHsDchDlRcvDelay pmSumHsDchJitter pmSumHsDchLatency pmSumHsDlDelay pmSumHsEulDlRcvDelay pmSumHsEulJitter pmSumHsEulLatency pmEulRlcUserPacketThp pmNoDiscardSduDtchHs pmNoReceivedSduDtchHs pmHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmDlCredits pmSamplesDlCredits pmSamplesUlCredits pmSumDlCredits pmSumSqrDlCredits pmSumSqrUlCredits pmSumUlCredits pmUlCredits pmInLostFrames pmNoNormalRabReleaseCs64 pmNoNormalRabReleaseCsStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream pmNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech pmNoOfRlForDriftingUesPerDrnc pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64 pmNoSystemRabReleaseCsStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech pmSamplesMeasuredLoad pmSumMeasuredLoad pmSumSqrMeasuredLoad pmNoReleaseCchWaitCuT pmNoReleaseDchRcLostT pmNoRlcErrors pmSamplesMeasuredCcSpLoad pmSumMeasuredCcSpLoad pmSamplesMeasuredDcSpLoad pmSumMeasuredDcSpLoad pmSamplesMeasuredPdrSpLoad pmSumMeasuredPdrSpLoad pmSamplesCapacity pmSamplesCapacityRegulation pmSumCapacity pmSumCapacityRegulation pmTotalTimeCapacityRegulated pmCnInitPagingToUraUe pmSamplesRabUra pmSumRabUra pmUtranInitPagingToUraUe


0 0

0 0

0 0 0 0


pmChSwitchAttemptFachUra pmChSwitchAttemptUraFach pmChSwitchSuccFachUra pmChSwitchSuccUraFach pmDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmDlUpswitchAttemptHigh pmDlUpswitchAttemptHs pmDlUpswitchAttemptLow pmDlUpswitchAttemptMedium pmDlUpswitchSuccessHigh pmDlUpswitchSuccessHs pmDlUpswitchSuccessLow pmDlUpswitchSuccessMedium pmDownSwitchAttempt pmDownSwitchSuccess pmEulHarqTransmTti10Failure pmEulHarqTransmTti10PsInteractive pmEulHarqTransmTti10Srb pmEulHarqTransmTti2PsRabs pmEulHarqTransmTti2Srb pmInactivityPsStreamIdle pmNoCellDchDisconnectAbnorm pmNoCellDchDisconnectNormal pmNoCellFachDisconnectAbnorm pmNoCellFachDisconnectNormal pmNoCellUpdAttempt pmNoCellUpdSuccess pmNoCs64DchDiscAbnorm pmNoCs64DchDiscNormal pmNoDirRetrySuccess pmNoDiscardSduDtchDlPsStreaming pmNoDiscardSduDtchHsPsStream pmNoFailedAfterAdm pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptExceedConnLimit pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHw pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqPsHw pmNoHsCcAttempt pmNoHsCcSuccess pmNoIncomingHsHardHoSuccess pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketUra pmNoOfReturningEmergencyCalls pmNoOfReturningRrcConn pmNoOfRlForDriftingUes pmNoOfRlForNonDriftingUes pmNoOfSampAseDl pmNoOfSampAseUl pmNoOfSwDownNgAdm pmNoOutgoingHsHardHoSuccess pmNoPacketDchDiscAbnorm pmNoPacketDchDiscNormal pmNoPsStreamHsCcAttempt pmNoPsStreamHsCcSuccess pmNoRabEstBlkNodePsIntNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlkNodePsStrNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodeCs57Best pmNoRabEstBlockNodeCs64Best pmNoRabEstBlockNodePsIntHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodePsStrHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodeSpeechBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs57 pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs57Best pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs64 pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs64Best pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStreamHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrNonHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnSpeech pmNoRabEstBlockTnSpeechBest pmNoReceivedSduDtchDlPsStreaming pmNoReceivedSduDtchHsPsStream pmNoReceivedSduDtchUlPsStreaming pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC pmNoReqDeniedAdm pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodeCs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodePs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnCs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnPs

pmNoSpeechDchDiscAbnorm pmNoSpeechDchDiscNormal pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo pmNoSysRelSpeechUlSynch pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra pmNoTimesCellFailAddToActSet pmNoTimesRlAddToActSet pmNoTimesRlDelFrActSet pmNoTimesRlRepInActSet pmNoUraUpdAttempt pmNoUraUpdSuccess pmSamplesBestCs12PsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesBestCs64PsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesCs64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesDlCode pmSamplesPacketDlDelay pmSamplesPsEulRabEstablish pmSamplesPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSamplesPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesUlRssi pmSumBestCs12PsIntRabEstablish pmSumBestCs64PsIntRabEstablish pmSumCs64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumDlCode pmSumOfSampAseDl pmSumOfSampAseUl pmSumOfTimesMeasOlDl pmSumOfTimesMeasOlUl pmSumPacketDlDelay pmSumPsEulRabEstablish pmSumPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSumPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSumSqrDlCode pmSumSqrUlRssi pmSumUlRssi pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq pmUlUpswitchAttemptEul pmUlUpswitchAttemptHigh pmUlUpswitchAttemptLow pmUlUpswitchAttemptMedium pmUlUpswitchSuccessEul pmUlUpswitchSuccessHigh pmUlUpswitchSuccessLow pmUlUpswitchSuccessMedium pmUpswitchFachHsAttempt pmUpswitchFachHsSuccess

Spreadsheet to Calculate the Number of Radio Network Counters for User-Defined Scanners, MO Class Selection
This sheet gives the total number of radio network counter values from user-defined scanners on MO class. The total sum is based on the input given in the sheet RncConfiguration and the selected counters per MO class in the table below.

Total number of active radio network counter instances from user-defined scanners:

Counter Selection Per MO Class

Please fill in the number of counter occurrences per MO class in the table below. Column Description MO Class: MO classes which report counters. Counter: Counters available per MO class. Note: Counters included in any of the pre-defined scanners (see sheet CountersPerPredefinedScanner) are marked in grey colour. It is recommended to not include any of these counters in a user-defined scanner. If a counter is included in more than one scanner, it will be counted for each scanner, and written to file as many times as it is selected in scanners, meaning that counter capacity is consumed unnecessarily. Counter Occurrences: The number of occurrences of each counter. The values in the green cells can be modified to change the number of occurrences of a counter. Changing a value will change the total number of counter values. Changing the settings will subsequently change the total number of counters values in the RNC if the same counter occurrences are implemented in your RNC. If a counter is included in a user-defined scanner a '1' should be inserted in the green cell next to the counter. Note that Probability Density Function (PDF) counters contain an array of elements. In this calculation spreadsheet one PDF counter is considered as one counter, and each element in the PDF counter array is considered as one counter value and is counted as '1' in the counter calculation. Fill in the number of PDF counters where applicable. Total Number of Counter Values per MO Class: The resulting total number of counter instances per MO class as reported in the ROP file. Counter Occurrences (Specify Number of Occurrences) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MO Class CchFrameSynch

Number of MOs 1

CcDevice DcDevice PdrDevice DchFrameSynch

0 0 0 0


Counter pmNoCchDiscardedDataFramesE pmNoCchDiscardedDataFramesL pmNoCchTimingAdjContrFrames pmSamplesMeasuredCcSpLoad pmSumMeasuredCcSpLoad pmSamplesMeasuredDcSpLoad pmSumMeasuredDcSpLoad pmSamplesMeasuredPdrSpLoad pmSumMeasuredPdrSpLoad pmNoDchDlTimingAdjContrFrames pmNoDchUlDataFramesOutsideWindow pmNoDlDchDiscardedDataFramesE pmNoDlDchDiscardedDataFramesL pmNoUlDchDiscardedDataFramesE pmNoUlDchDiscardedDataFramesL pmNoAttOutIratHoCs57 pmNoAttOutIratHoMulti pmNoAttOutIratHoSpeech pmNoAttOutIratHoStandalone pmNoAttOutSbHoSpeech pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57GsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57ReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57ReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57UeRejection pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiGsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiUeRejection pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechGsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechUeRejection pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneGsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneUeRejection pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechGsmFailure pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechUeRejection pmNoOutIratCcAtt pmNoOutIratCcAttEul pmNoOutIratCcAttHs pmNoOutIratCcReturnOldCh pmNoOutIratCcReturnOldChEul pmNoOutIratCcReturnOldChHs pmNoOutIratCcSuccess pmNoOutIratCcSuccessEul pmNoOutIratCcSuccessHs pmNoSuccessOutIratHoCs57

Total Number of Counter Values per MO Class 0

0 0 0 0











pmNoSuccessOutIratHoMulti pmNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech pmNoSuccessOutIratHoStandalone pmNoSuccessOutSbHoSpeech pmEulDowntimeAuto pmEulDowntimeMan pmSamplesEulRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesEulRlcUserPacketThp pmSumEulRlcTotPacketThp pmSumEulRlcUserPacketThp pmEulRlcUserPacketThp pmNoSbHoMeasStart pmNoSuccessSbHo pmTotNoSbHo pmHsDowntimeAuto pmHsDowntimeMan pmSamplesHsDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumHsDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmNoDiscardSduDtchHs pmNoReceivedSduDtchHs pmHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmNoFaultyIpPackets pmNoRoutedIpBytesDl pmNoRoutedIpBytesUl pmNoRoutedIpPacketsDl pmNoRoutedIpPacketsUl pmSamplesPacketDataRab pmSumPacketDataRab pmEdchDataFrameDelayIub pmEdchDataFramesLost pmEdchDataFramesReceived pmInFrames pmInOutOfSequenceFrames pmOutFrames pmInLostFrames pmDchFramesOutOfSequenceUl pmHsSevereCong pmNoMtchTimingAdjContrFrames pmNoOfDiscardedNbapcMessages pmTotalTimeIubLinkCongestedDl pmTotalTimeIubLinkUnavail pmDlCredits pmSamplesDlCredits pmSamplesUlCredits pmSumDlCredits pmSumSqrDlCredits pmSumSqrUlCredits pmSumUlCredits pmUlCredits pmNoReceivedSabpMsgs pmNoSentSabpMsgs pmNoRejectedTcpConnections pmDchFramesOutOfSequenceUl pmEdchDataFrameDelayIub pmEdchDataFramesLost pmEdchDataFramesReceived pmHsSevereCong pmNoAttIncCnhhoCsNonSpeech pmNoAttIncCnhhoSpeech pmNoSuccIncCnhhoCsNonSpeech pmNoSuccIncCnhhoSpeech pmNoNormalRabReleaseCs64 pmNoNormalRabReleaseCsStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream pmNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech pmNoOfRlForDriftingUesPerDrnc pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64 pmNoSystemRabReleaseCsStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech pmAdmittedRequestsB0 pmAdmittedRequestsB1 pmAdmittedRequestsF0 pmAdmittedRequestsF1 pmAdmittedRequestsF2 pmAdmittedRequestsF3 pmAdmittedRequestsF4 pmMeasuredLoad pmRefusedRequestsB0 pmRefusedRequestsB1 pmRefusedRequestsF0 pmRefusedRequestsF1 pmRefusedRequestsF2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LocationArea Mbms

0 0


NbapCommon NodeSynch PacketDataRouter

0 0 0

Paging Pcap

1 0



Ranap Rcs

0 1



pmRefusedRequestsF3 pmRefusedRequestsF4 pmSamplesMeasuredLoad pmSumMeasuredLoad pmSumSqrMeasuredLoad pmCnInitPagingToIdleUeLa pmNoDiscardSduMtch128 pmNoDiscardSduMtch256 pmNoDiscardSduMtch64 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStrMbms128 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStrMbms256 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStrMbms64 pmMbmsCellCongestionTime pmMbmsDowntimeAuto pmMbmsDowntimeMan pmNoAttemptMbmsSession pmNoFailedMbmsSessionLackRnRes pmNoFailedMbmsSessionLackTnRes pmNoSuccessMbmsSession pmNoSuccessMbmsSessionStart pmNoSystemMbmsSessionStop pmSamplesMbmsTraffic pmSamplesPsStrMbms128RlcUserThp pmSamplesPsStrMbms256RlcUserThp pmSamplesPsStrMbms64RlcUserThp pmSumMbmsTraffic pmSumPsStrMbms128RlcUserThp pmSumPsStrMbms256RlcUserThp pmSumPsStrMbms64RlcUserThp pmNoOfDiscardedNbapMessages pmIubLinkDynamicDelayMax pmIubLinkStaticDelay pmNoFaultyIpPackets pmNoRoutedIpBytesDl pmNoRoutedIpBytesUl pmNoRoutedIpPacketsDl pmNoRoutedIpPacketsUl pmSamplesPacketDataRab pmSumPacketDataRab pmCnInitPagingToIdleUe pmNoPageDiscardCmpLoadC pmNoPcapPosIniReq pmNoPcapPosIniResp pmNoPcapPosActReq pmNoPcapPosActResp pmAgpsAttempt pmAgpsSuccQosNotOk pmAgpsSuccQosOk pmCellIdAttempt pmCellIdSuccQosNotOk pmCellIdSuccQosOk pmRttAttempt pmRttSuccQosNotOk pmRttSuccQosOk pmFaultyTransportBlocks pmNoRecRandomAccSuccess pmTransportBlocks pmNnsfLoadDistributionRouted pmNnsfNriRouted pmNoReleaseCchWaitCuT pmNoReleaseDchRcLostT pmNoRlcErrors pmSamplesCapacity pmSamplesCapacityRegulation pmSumCapacity pmSumCapacityRegulation pmTotalTimeCapacityRegulated pmCsCnDowntime pmMocnRedirections pmNoDiscardSduDcch pmNoDiscardSduDtch pmNoInvalidRabEstablishAttempts pmNoInvalidRabReleaseAttempts pmNoReceivedSduDcch pmNoReceivedSduDtch pmNoRetransPduDcch pmNoRetransPduDtch pmNoSentPduDcch pmNoSentPduDtch pmIuSccpConRate pmNoIuSigEstablishAttemptCs pmNoIuSigEstablishAttemptPs pmNoIuSigEstablishSuccessCs pmNoIuSigEstablishSuccessPs pmNoOfPacketCallDuration1 pmNoOfPacketCallDuration2 pmNoOfPacketCallDuration3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0 0

0 0

0 0

RoutingArea SecurityHandling UeRc

0 1 0



pmNoOfPacketCallDuration4 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs1 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs2 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs3 pmNoOfPacketCallDurationHs4 pmNoOfRedirectedEmergencyCalls pmSentPacketData1 pmSentPacketData2 pmSentPacketData3 pmSentPacketData4 pmSentPacketDataHs1 pmSentPacketDataHs2 pmSentPacketDataHs3 pmSentPacketDataHs4 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans1 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans2 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans3 pmSentPacketDataInclRetrans4 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs1 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs2 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs3 pmSentPacketDataInclRetransHs4 pmTotalPacketDuration1 pmTotalPacketDuration2 pmTotalPacketDuration3 pmTotalPacketDuration4 pmTotalPacketDurationHs1 pmTotalPacketDurationHs2 pmTotalPacketDurationHs3 pmTotalPacketDurationHs4 pmNoRabEstablishFailureUeCapability pmSamplesDchDchDlRcvDelay pmSamplesDchDchJitter pmSamplesDchDchLatency pmSamplesDchDlDelay pmSamplesHsDchDlRcvDelay pmSamplesHsDchJitter pmSamplesHsDchLatency pmSamplesHsDlDelay pmSamplesHsEulDlRcvDelay pmSamplesHsEulJitter pmSamplesHsEulLatency pmSumDchDchDlRcvDelay pmSumDchDchJitter pmSumDchDchLatency pmSumDchDlDelay pmSumHsDchDlRcvDelay pmSumHsDchJitter pmSumHsDchLatency pmSumHsDlDelay pmSumHsEulDlRcvDelay pmSumHsEulJitter pmSumHsEulLatency pmCnInitPagingToIdleUeRa pmIntegrityFailureRrcMsg pmDlDchTrafficVolumeBeforeSplit pmDlFachTrafficVolume pmNoRabEstablishAttempts pmNoRabEstablishSuccess pmNoRabReleaseAttempts pmNoRabReleaseSuccess pmSamplesRabEstablish pmSumRabEstablish pmUlDchTrafficVolumeAfterComb pmUlRachTrafficVolume pmFaultyTransportBlocksAcUl pmTransportBlocksAcUl pmCnInitPagingToUraUe pmSamplesRabUra pmSumRabUra pmUtranInitPagingToUraUe pmCmAttDlHls pmCmAttDlSf2 pmCmAttUlHls pmCmAttUlSf2 pmCmStop pmCmSuccDlHls pmCmSuccDlSf2 pmCmSuccUlHls pmCmSuccUlSf2 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmr4750 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmr5900 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmr7950 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmrNbMm pmDlTrafficVolumeAmrWb pmDlTrafficVolumeCs12 pmDlTrafficVolumeCs57

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0

pmDlTrafficVolumeCs64 pmDlTrafficVolumePs128 pmDlTrafficVolumePs16 pmDlTrafficVolumePs384 pmDlTrafficVolumePs64 pmDlTrafficVolumePs8 pmDlTrafficVolumePsCommon pmDlTrafficVolumePsIntHs pmDlTrafficVolumePsStr128 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStr16 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStr64 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStrHs pmDlTrafficVolumeSrb136 pmDlTrafficVolumeSrb34 pmEnableEulHhoAttempt pmEnableEulHhoSuccess pmEnableHsHhoAttempt pmEnableHsHhoSuccess pmEulHarqTransmTti2Failure pmEulMacesPduTti10DelivPsInteractive pmEulMacesPduTti10DelivSrb pmEulMacesPduTti10UndelivPsInteractive pmEulMacesPduTti10UndelivSrb pmEulMacesPduTti2DelivPsRabs pmEulMacesPduTti2DelivSrb pmEulMacesPduTti2UndelivPsRabs pmEulMacesPduTti2UndelivSrb pmEulToDchAttempt pmEulToDchSuccess pmFaultyTransportBlocksBcUl pmHsdschOverloadDetection pmHsToDchAttempt pmHsToDchSuccess pmInactivityMultiPsInt pmInterFreqMeasCmStart pmInterFreqMeasCmStop pmInterFreqMeasNoCmStart pmInterFreqMeasNoCmStop pmIratHoGsmMeasCmStart pmIratHoGsmMeasNoCmStart pmNoDlChCodeAllocAltCodeCm pmNoDlChCodeAllocAttemptCm pmNoDiscardedCbsMsgOrders pmNoDiscardedBmcCbsMsgs pmBmcTrafficVolume pmNoEulCcAttempt pmNoEulCcSuccess pmNoEulHardHoReturnOldChSource pmNoEulHardHoReturnOldChTarget pmNoIncomingEulHardHoAttempt pmNoIncomingEulHardHoSuccess pmNoInCsIratHoAdmFail pmNoInCsIratHoAtt pmNoInCsIratHoSuccess pmNoNonServingCellReqDeniedEul pmNoNormalRabReleaseAmrNb pmNoNormalRabReleaseAmrWb pmNoNormalReleaseSrbOnly136 pmNoNormalReleaseSrbOnly34 pmNoOfIurSwDownNgCong pmNoOfIurTermCsCong pmNoOfIurTermHsCong pmNoOfIurTermSpeechCong pmNoOfSwDownEulCong pmNoOfSwDownHsCong pmNoOfSwDownNgCong pmNoOfSwDownNgHo pmNoOfTermCsCong pmNoOfTermSpeechCong pmNoOutgoingEulHardHoAttempt pmNoOutgoingEulHardHoSuccess pmNoPagingAttemptCnInitDcch pmNoPagingAttemptUtranRejected pmNoPagingType1Attempt pmNoPagingType1AttemptCs pmNoPagingType1AttemptPs pmNoPsStream128Ps8DchDiscAbnorm pmNoPsStream128Ps8DchDiscNormal pmNoRabEstablishAttemptAmrNb pmNoRabEstablishAttemptAmrWb pmNoRabEstablishSuccessAmrNb pmNoRabEstablishSuccessAmrWb pmNoRabEstBlockRnBestPsStreamHs pmNoRabEstBlockRnPsStreamHs pmNoRlDeniedAdm pmNoRrcPsReqDeniedAdm pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdm pmNoServingCellReqDeniedEul

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pmNoServingCellReqDeniedEulTti2 pmNoSystemRabReleaseAmrNb pmNoSystemRabReleaseAmrWb pmNoSystemReleaseSrbOnly136 pmNoSystemReleaseSrbOnly34 pmNoTimesIfhoCellFailAddToActSet pmNoTimesIfhoRlAddToActSet pmPsStreamHsToDchAttempt pmPsStreamHsToDchSuccess pmRes1 pmRes2 pmRes3 pmRes4 pmRes5 pmRes6 pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketLow pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellSpeech pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStream pmRlAddSuccessBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketLow pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStream pmSamplesAmr12200RabEstablish pmSamplesAmr4750RabEstablish pmSamplesAmr5900RabEstablish pmSamplesAmr7950RabEstablish pmSamplesAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSamplesAmrWbRabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr12200RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr4750RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr5900RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr7950RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmrWbRabEstablish pmSamplesBestRrcOnlyEstablish pmSamplesBestSrbOnly34 pmSamplesCompMode pmSamplesCs12Ps0RabEstablish pmSamplesCs12Ps64RabEstablish pmSamplesCs57RabEstablish pmSamplesCs64RabEstablish pmSamplesPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesRrcOnlyEstablish pmSamplesSrbOnly34 pmSamplesUesWith1Rls1RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith1Rls2RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith1Rls3RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith2Rls2RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith2Rls3RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith2Rls4RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith3Rls3RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith3Rls4RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith4Rls4RlInActSet pmSumAmr12200RabEstablish pmSumAmr4750RabEstablish pmSumAmr5900RabEstablish pmSumAmr7950RabEstablish pmSumAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSumAmrWbRabEstablish pmSumBestAmr12200RabEstablish pmSumBestAmr4750RabEstablish pmSumBestAmr5900RabEstablish pmSumBestAmr7950RabEstablish pmSumBestAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSumBestAmrWbRabEstablish pmSumBestRrcOnlyEstablish pmSumBestSrbOnly34 pmSumCompMode pmSumCs12Ps0RabEstablish pmSumCs12Ps64RabEstablish pmSumCs57RabEstablish pmSumCs64RabEstablish pmSumPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumRrcOnlyEstablish pmSumSrbOnly34 pmSumUesWith1Rls1RlInActSet pmSumUesWith1Rls2RlInActSet pmSumUesWith1Rls3RlInActSet pmSumUesWith2Rls2RlInActSet pmSumUesWith2Rls3RlInActSet pmSumUesWith2Rls4RlInActSet pmSumUesWith3Rls3RlInActSet pmSumUesWith3Rls4RlInActSet

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

pmSumUesWith4Rls4RlInActSet pmTotalTimeHsdschOverload pmTotNoRrcConnectAttIratCcOrder pmTotNoRrcConnectAttIratCellResel pmTotNoRrcConnectFailCongIratCcOrder pmTotNoRrcConnectFailCongIratCellResel pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSms pmTotNoRrcConnectSuccessIratCcOrder pmTotNoRrcConnectSuccessIratCellResel pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReq pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqCs pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqCsSucc pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqPs pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqPsSucc pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqSucc pmTransportBlocksBcUl pmUlTrafficVolumeAmr4750 pmUlTrafficVolumeAmr5900 pmUlTrafficVolumeAmr7950 pmUlTrafficVolumeAmrNbMm pmUlTrafficVolumeAmrWb pmUlTrafficVolumeCs12 pmUlTrafficVolumeCs57 pmUlTrafficVolumeCs64 pmUlTrafficVolumePs128 pmUlTrafficVolumePs16 pmUlTrafficVolumePs384 pmUlTrafficVolumePs64 pmUlTrafficVolumePs8 pmUlTrafficVolumePsCommon pmUlTrafficVolumePsIntEul pmUlTrafficVolumePsStr128 pmUlTrafficVolumePsStr16 pmUlTrafficVolumePsStr32 pmUlTrafficVolumeSrb136 pmUlTrafficVolumeSrb34 pmCellDowntimeAuto pmCellDowntimeMan pmChSwitchFachIdle pmNoCsStreamDchDiscAbnorm pmNoCsStreamDchDiscNormal pmNoDirRetryAtt pmNoHsHardHoReturnOldChSource pmNoHsHardHoReturnOldChTarget pmNoIncomingHsHardHoAttempt pmNoIncomingPsStreamHsHhoAttempt pmNoIncomingPsStreamHsHhoSuccess pmNoLoadSharingRrcConn pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs pmNoNormalRabReleaseCs64 pmNoNormalRabReleaseCsStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream128 pmNoNormalRabReleasePsStreamHs pmNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech pmNoNormalRbReleaseEul pmNoNormalRbReleaseHs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedCs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedEul pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedHs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedInteractive pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedPsStr128 pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedPsStreaming pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedSpeech pmNoOutgoingHsHardHoAttempt pmNoOutgoingPsStreamHsHhoAttempt pmNoOutgoingPsStreamHsHhoSuccess pmNoPsStream64Ps8DchDiscAbnorm pmNoPsStream64Ps8DchDiscNormal pmNoPsStreamHsHhoReturnOldSource pmNoPsStreamHsHhoReturnOldTarget pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs57 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs64 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractive pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveEul pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveHs pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketStream pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketStream128 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech pmNoRabEstablishSuccessCs57 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessCs64 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveEul pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveHs pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketStream pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketStream128

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech pmNoRabEstAttemptPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstAttemptPsStreamHs pmNoRabEstSuccessPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstSuccessPsStreamHs pmNoRrcCsReqDeniedAdm pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64 pmNoSystemRabReleaseCsStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream128 pmNoSystemRabReleasePsStreamHs pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech pmNoSystemRbReleaseEul pmNoSystemRbReleaseHs pmRabEstablishEcAttempt pmRabEstablishEcSuccess pmSamplesBestCs12Establish pmSamplesBestCs57RabEstablish pmSamplesBestCs64RabEstablish pmSamplesBestDchPsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsEulRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStreamHsRabEst pmSamplesCs12RabEstablish pmSamplesDchDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSamplesDchUlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStream64 pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStreamHs pmSamplesFachPsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesPacketLatency pmSamplesPacketLatencyPsStreamHs pmSamplesPsInteractive pmSamplesPsStreamHsRabEst pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream16 pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream32 pmSumBestCs12Establish pmSumBestCs57RabEstablish pmSumBestCs64RabEstablish pmSumBestDchPsIntRabEstablish pmSumBestPsEulRabEstablish pmSumBestPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSumBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSumBestPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumBestPsStreamHsRabEst pmSumCs12RabEstablish pmSumDchDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumDchUlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStream64 pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStreamHs pmSumFachPsIntRabEstablish pmSumPacketLatency pmSumPacketLatencyPsStreamHs pmSumPsInteractive pmSumPsStreamHsRabEst pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream16 pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream32 pmTotalTimeDlCellCong pmTotalTimeUlCellCong pmTotNoRrcConnectReq pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSuccess pmChSwitchAttemptFachUra pmChSwitchAttemptUraFach pmChSwitchSuccFachUra pmChSwitchSuccUraFach pmDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmDlUpswitchAttemptHigh pmDlUpswitchAttemptHs pmDlUpswitchAttemptLow pmDlUpswitchAttemptMedium pmDlUpswitchSuccessHigh pmDlUpswitchSuccessHs pmDlUpswitchSuccessLow

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

pmDlUpswitchSuccessMedium pmDownSwitchAttempt pmDownSwitchSuccess pmEulHarqTransmTti10Failure pmEulHarqTransmTti10PsInteractive pmEulHarqTransmTti10Srb pmEulHarqTransmTti2PsRabs pmEulHarqTransmTti2Srb pmInactivityPsStreamIdle pmNoCellDchDisconnectAbnorm pmNoCellDchDisconnectNormal pmNoCellFachDisconnectAbnorm pmNoCellFachDisconnectNormal pmNoCellUpdAttempt pmNoCellUpdSuccess pmNoCs64DchDiscAbnorm pmNoCs64DchDiscNormal pmNoDirRetrySuccess pmNoDiscardSduDtchDlPsStreaming pmNoDiscardSduDtchHsPsStream pmNoFailedAfterAdm pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptExceedConnLimit pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHw pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqPsHw pmNoHsCcAttempt pmNoHsCcSuccess pmNoIncomingHsHardHoSuccess pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketUra pmNoOfReturningEmergencyCalls pmNoOfReturningRrcConn pmNoOfRlForDriftingUes pmNoOfRlForNonDriftingUes pmNoOfSampAseDl pmNoOfSampAseUl pmNoOfSwDownNgAdm pmNoOutgoingHsHardHoSuccess pmNoPacketDchDiscAbnorm pmNoPacketDchDiscNormal pmNoPsStreamHsCcAttempt pmNoPsStreamHsCcSuccess pmNoRabEstBlkNodePsIntNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlkNodePsStrNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodeCs57Best pmNoRabEstBlockNodeCs64Best pmNoRabEstBlockNodePsIntHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodePsStrHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodeSpeechBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs57 pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs57Best pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs64 pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs64Best pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStreamHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrNonHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnSpeech pmNoRabEstBlockTnSpeechBest pmNoReceivedSduDtchDlPsStreaming pmNoReceivedSduDtchHsPsStream pmNoReceivedSduDtchUlPsStreaming pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC pmNoReqDeniedAdm pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodeCs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodePs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnCs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnPs pmNoSpeechDchDiscAbnorm pmNoSpeechDchDiscNormal pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo pmNoSysRelSpeechUlSynch pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra pmNoTimesCellFailAddToActSet pmNoTimesRlAddToActSet pmNoTimesRlDelFrActSet

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


pmNoTimesRlRepInActSet pmNoUraUpdAttempt pmNoUraUpdSuccess pmSamplesBestCs12PsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesBestCs64PsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesCs64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesDlCode pmSamplesPacketDlDelay pmSamplesPsEulRabEstablish pmSamplesPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSamplesPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesUlRssi pmSumBestCs12PsIntRabEstablish pmSumBestCs64PsIntRabEstablish pmSumCs64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumDlCode pmSumOfSampAseDl pmSumOfSampAseUl pmSumOfTimesMeasOlDl pmSumOfTimesMeasOlUl pmSumPacketDlDelay pmSumPsEulRabEstablish pmSumPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSumPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSumSqrDlCode pmSumSqrUlRssi pmSumUlRssi pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq pmUlUpswitchAttemptEul pmUlUpswitchAttemptHigh pmUlUpswitchAttemptLow pmUlUpswitchAttemptMedium pmUlUpswitchSuccessEul pmUlUpswitchSuccessHigh pmUlUpswitchSuccessLow pmUlUpswitchSuccessMedium pmUpswitchFachHsAttempt pmUpswitchFachHsSuccess pmAttNonBlindIfhoPsIntEul pmAttNonBlindIfhoPsIntHs pmAttNonBlindIfhoPsStrHs pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsConversational pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveGreater64 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveLess64 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoStreamingOther pmFailNonBlindIfhoFailRevPsIntEul pmFailNonBlindIfhoFailRevPsIntHs pmFailNonBlindIfhoFailRevPsStrHs pmFailNonBlindIfhoRevPsIntEul pmFailNonBlindIfhoRevPsIntHs pmFailNonBlindIfhoRevPsStrHs pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsConversational pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsSpeech12 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertPsInteractiveGreater64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertPsInteractiveLess64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertStreamingOther pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertCsConversational pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertCsSpeech12 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertPsInteractiveGreater64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertPsInteractiveLess64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertStreamingOther pmSuccNonBlindIfhoPsIntEul pmSuccNonBlindIfhoPsIntHs pmSuccNonBlindIfhoPsStrHs pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoCsConversational pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12 pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveGreater64 pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveLess64 pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoStreamingOther pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketLow pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellSpeech pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStream pmRlAddSuccessBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketLow pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStream pmNoAttOutCnhhoCsNonSpeech pmNoAttOutCnhhoPsConnRelease pmNoAttOutCnhhoSpeech pmNoSuccOutCnhhoCsNonSpeech pmNoSuccOutCnhhoSpeech

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Inter-Frequency relation counters

Intra-Frequency relation counters

Intra-Frequency relation counters

Inter-Frequency relation counters

Outgoing Core Network Hard Handover counters

Outgoing Core Network Hard Handover counters

Spreadsheet to Calculate the Number of Radio Network Counters for User-Defined Scanners, Instance Based Selection
This sheet gives the total number of radio network counter values from user-defined MO instance based scanners. The total sum is based on the input given in the sheet RncConfiguration and the selected counters per MO class in the table below.

Total number of active radio network counter instances from user-defined scanners:

Counter Selection Per MO Class

Please fill in the number of counter occurrences per MO class where appliacble in the table below. Column Description MO Class: MO classes which report counters. Counter: Counters available per MO class. Counter Occurrences: The number of occurrences of each counter. The values in the green cells can be modified to change the number of occurrences of a counter. Changing a value will change the total number of counter values. Changing the settings will subsequently change the total number of counters values in the RNC if the same counter occurrences are implemented in your RNC. If a counter is included in a user-defined scanner a '1' should be inserted in the green cell next to the counter. Note that Probability Density Function (PDF) counters contains an array of elements. In this calculation spreadsheet one PDF counter is considered as one counter, and each element in the PDF counter array is considered as one counter value and is counted as '1' in the counter calculation. Fill in the number of PDF counters where applicable. Total Number of Counter Values per MO Class: The resulting total number of counter instances per MO class as reported in the ROP file. Counter Occurrences (Specify Number of Occurrences)

MO Class GsmRelation

Number of MOs 0

Counter pmNoAttOutIratHoCs57 pmNoAttOutIratHoMulti pmNoAttOutIratHoSpeech pmNoAttOutIratHoStandalone pmNoAttOutSbHoSpeech pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57GsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57ReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57ReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoCs57UeRejection pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiGsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoMultiUeRejection pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechGsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoSpeechUeRejection pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneGsmFailure pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutIratHoStandaloneUeRejection pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechGsmFailure pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechReturnOldChNotPhyChFail pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechReturnOldChPhyChFail pmNoFailOutSbHoSpeechUeRejection pmNoOutIratCcAtt pmNoOutIratCcAttEul pmNoOutIratCcAttHs pmNoOutIratCcReturnOldCh pmNoOutIratCcReturnOldChEul pmNoOutIratCcReturnOldChHs pmNoOutIratCcSuccess pmNoOutIratCcSuccessEul pmNoOutIratCcSuccessHs pmNoSuccessOutIratHoCs57 pmNoSuccessOutIratHoMulti pmNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech pmNoSuccessOutIratHoStandalone pmNoSuccessOutSbHoSpeech pmHsDowntimeAuto pmHsDowntimeMan pmSamplesHsDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumHsDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmNoDiscardSduDtchHs pmNoReceivedSduDtchHs pmHsDlRlcUserPacketThp pmFaultyTransportBlocks pmNoRecRandomAccSuccess pmTransportBlocks pmCmAttDlHls pmCmAttDlSf2

Total Number of Counter Values per MO Class 0




0 0

pmCmAttUlHls pmCmAttUlSf2 pmCmStop pmCmSuccDlHls pmCmSuccDlSf2 pmCmSuccUlHls pmCmSuccUlSf2 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmr4750 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmr5900 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmr7950 pmDlTrafficVolumeAmrNbMm pmDlTrafficVolumeAmrWb pmDlTrafficVolumeCs12 pmDlTrafficVolumeCs57 pmDlTrafficVolumeCs64 pmDlTrafficVolumePs128 pmDlTrafficVolumePs16 pmDlTrafficVolumePs384 pmDlTrafficVolumePs64 pmDlTrafficVolumePs8 pmDlTrafficVolumePsCommon pmDlTrafficVolumePsIntHs pmDlTrafficVolumePsStr128 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStr16 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStr64 pmDlTrafficVolumePsStrHs pmDlTrafficVolumeSrb136 pmDlTrafficVolumeSrb34 pmEnableEulHhoAttempt pmEnableEulHhoSuccess pmEnableHsHhoAttempt pmEnableHsHhoSuccess pmEulHarqTransmTti2Failure pmEulMacesPduTti10DelivPsInteractive pmEulMacesPduTti10DelivSrb pmEulMacesPduTti10UndelivPsInteractive pmEulMacesPduTti10UndelivSrb pmEulMacesPduTti2DelivPsRabs pmEulMacesPduTti2DelivSrb pmEulMacesPduTti2UndelivPsRabs pmEulMacesPduTti2UndelivSrb pmEulToDchAttempt pmEulToDchSuccess pmFaultyTransportBlocksBcUl pmHsdschOverloadDetection pmHsToDchAttempt pmHsToDchSuccess pmInactivityMultiPsInt pmInterFreqMeasCmStart pmInterFreqMeasCmStop pmInterFreqMeasNoCmStart pmInterFreqMeasNoCmStop pmIratHoGsmMeasCmStart pmIratHoGsmMeasNoCmStart pmNoDlChCodeAllocAltCodeCm pmNoDlChCodeAllocAttemptCm pmNoDiscardedCbsMsgOrders pmNoDiscardedBmcCbsMsgs pmBmcTrafficVolume pmNoEulCcAttempt pmNoEulCcSuccess pmNoEulHardHoReturnOldChSource pmNoEulHardHoReturnOldChTarget pmNoIncomingEulHardHoAttempt pmNoIncomingEulHardHoSuccess pmNoInCsIratHoAdmFail pmNoInCsIratHoAtt pmNoInCsIratHoSuccess pmNoNonServingCellReqDeniedEul pmNoNormalRabReleaseAmrNb pmNoNormalRabReleaseAmrWb pmNoNormalReleaseSrbOnly136 pmNoNormalReleaseSrbOnly34 pmNoOfIurSwDownNgCong pmNoOfIurTermCsCong pmNoOfIurTermHsCong pmNoOfIurTermSpeechCong pmNoOfSwDownEulCong pmNoOfSwDownHsCong pmNoOfSwDownNgCong pmNoOfSwDownNgHo pmNoOfTermCsCong pmNoOfTermSpeechCong pmNoOutgoingEulHardHoAttempt pmNoOutgoingEulHardHoSuccess pmNoPagingAttemptCnInitDcch pmNoPagingAttemptUtranRejected pmNoPagingType1Attempt

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

pmNoPagingType1AttemptCs pmNoPagingType1AttemptPs pmNoPsStream128Ps8DchDiscAbnorm pmNoPsStream128Ps8DchDiscNormal pmNoRabEstablishAttemptAmrNb pmNoRabEstablishAttemptAmrWb pmNoRabEstablishSuccessAmrNb pmNoRabEstablishSuccessAmrWb pmNoRabEstBlockRnBestPsStreamHs pmNoRabEstBlockRnPsStreamHs pmNoRlDeniedAdm pmNoRrcPsReqDeniedAdm pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdm pmNoServingCellReqDeniedEul pmNoServingCellReqDeniedEulTti2 pmNoSystemRabReleaseAmrNb pmNoSystemRabReleaseAmrWb pmNoSystemReleaseSrbOnly136 pmNoSystemReleaseSrbOnly34 pmNoTimesIfhoCellFailAddToActSet pmNoTimesIfhoRlAddToActSet pmPsStreamHsToDchAttempt pmPsStreamHsToDchSuccess pmRes1 pmRes2 pmRes3 pmRes4 pmRes5 pmRes6 pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketLow pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellSpeech pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStream pmRlAddSuccessBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketLow pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStream pmSamplesAmr12200RabEstablish pmSamplesAmr4750RabEstablish pmSamplesAmr5900RabEstablish pmSamplesAmr7950RabEstablish pmSamplesAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSamplesAmrWbRabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr12200RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr4750RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr5900RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmr7950RabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSamplesBestAmrWbRabEstablish pmSamplesBestRrcOnlyEstablish pmSamplesBestSrbOnly34 pmSamplesCompMode pmSamplesCs12Ps0RabEstablish pmSamplesCs12Ps64RabEstablish pmSamplesCs57RabEstablish pmSamplesCs64RabEstablish pmSamplesPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesRrcOnlyEstablish pmSamplesSrbOnly34 pmSamplesUesWith1Rls1RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith1Rls2RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith1Rls3RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith2Rls2RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith2Rls3RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith2Rls4RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith3Rls3RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith3Rls4RlInActSet pmSamplesUesWith4Rls4RlInActSet pmSumAmr12200RabEstablish pmSumAmr4750RabEstablish pmSumAmr5900RabEstablish pmSumAmr7950RabEstablish pmSumAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSumAmrWbRabEstablish pmSumBestAmr12200RabEstablish pmSumBestAmr4750RabEstablish pmSumBestAmr5900RabEstablish pmSumBestAmr7950RabEstablish pmSumBestAmrNbMmRabEstablish pmSumBestAmrWbRabEstablish pmSumBestRrcOnlyEstablish pmSumBestSrbOnly34 pmSumCompMode pmSumCs12Ps0RabEstablish

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

pmSumCs12Ps64RabEstablish pmSumCs57RabEstablish pmSumCs64RabEstablish pmSumPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumRrcOnlyEstablish pmSumSrbOnly34 pmSumUesWith1Rls1RlInActSet pmSumUesWith1Rls2RlInActSet pmSumUesWith1Rls3RlInActSet pmSumUesWith2Rls2RlInActSet pmSumUesWith2Rls3RlInActSet pmSumUesWith2Rls4RlInActSet pmSumUesWith3Rls3RlInActSet pmSumUesWith3Rls4RlInActSet pmSumUesWith4Rls4RlInActSet pmTotalTimeHsdschOverload pmTotNoRrcConnectAttIratCcOrder pmTotNoRrcConnectAttIratCellResel pmTotNoRrcConnectFailCongIratCcOrder pmTotNoRrcConnectFailCongIratCellResel pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSms pmTotNoRrcConnectSuccessIratCcOrder pmTotNoRrcConnectSuccessIratCellResel pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReq pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqCs pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqCsSucc pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqPs pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqPsSucc pmTotNoTermRrcConnectReqSucc pmTransportBlocksBcUl pmUlTrafficVolumeAmr4750 pmUlTrafficVolumeAmr5900 pmUlTrafficVolumeAmr7950 pmUlTrafficVolumeAmrNbMm pmUlTrafficVolumeAmrWb pmUlTrafficVolumeCs12 pmUlTrafficVolumeCs57 pmUlTrafficVolumeCs64 pmUlTrafficVolumePs128 pmUlTrafficVolumePs16 pmUlTrafficVolumePs384 pmUlTrafficVolumePs64 pmUlTrafficVolumePs8 pmUlTrafficVolumePsCommon pmUlTrafficVolumePsIntEul pmUlTrafficVolumePsStr128 pmUlTrafficVolumePsStr16 pmUlTrafficVolumePsStr32 pmUlTrafficVolumeSrb136 pmUlTrafficVolumeSrb34 pmCellDowntimeAuto pmCellDowntimeMan pmChSwitchFachIdle pmNoCsStreamDchDiscAbnorm pmNoCsStreamDchDiscNormal pmNoDirRetryAtt pmNoHsHardHoReturnOldChSource pmNoHsHardHoReturnOldChTarget pmNoIncomingHsHardHoAttempt pmNoIncomingPsStreamHsHhoAttempt pmNoIncomingPsStreamHsHhoSuccess pmNoLoadSharingRrcConn pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnPs pmNoNormalRabReleaseCs64 pmNoNormalRabReleaseCsStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacket pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketStream128 pmNoNormalRabReleasePsStreamHs pmNoNormalRabReleaseSpeech pmNoNormalRbReleaseEul pmNoNormalRbReleaseHs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedCs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedEul pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedHs pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedInteractive pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedPsStr128 pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedPsStreaming pmNoOfNonHoReqDeniedSpeech pmNoOutgoingHsHardHoAttempt pmNoOutgoingPsStreamHsHhoAttempt pmNoOutgoingPsStreamHsHhoSuccess pmNoPsStream64Ps8DchDiscAbnorm pmNoPsStream64Ps8DchDiscNormal pmNoPsStreamHsHhoReturnOldSource pmNoPsStreamHsHhoReturnOldTarget pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs57

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

pmNoRabEstablishAttemptCs64 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractive pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveEul pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketInteractiveHs pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketStream pmNoRabEstablishAttemptPacketStream128 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech pmNoRabEstablishSuccessCs57 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessCs64 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractive pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveEul pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketInteractiveHs pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketStream pmNoRabEstablishSuccessPacketStream128 pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech pmNoRabEstAttemptPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstAttemptPsStreamHs pmNoRabEstSuccessPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstSuccessPsStreamHs pmNoRrcCsReqDeniedAdm pmNoSystemRabReleaseCs64 pmNoSystemRabReleaseCsStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacket pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketStream128 pmNoSystemRabReleasePsStreamHs pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech pmNoSystemRbReleaseEul pmNoSystemRbReleaseHs pmRabEstablishEcAttempt pmRabEstablishEcSuccess pmSamplesBestCs12Establish pmSamplesBestCs57RabEstablish pmSamplesBestCs64RabEstablish pmSamplesBestDchPsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsEulRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesBestPsStreamHsRabEst pmSamplesCs12RabEstablish pmSamplesDchDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSamplesDchUlRlcTotPacketThp pmSamplesDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStream64 pmSamplesDlRlcUserThpPsStreamHs pmSamplesFachPsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesPacketLatency pmSamplesPacketLatencyPsStreamHs pmSamplesPsInteractive pmSamplesPsStreamHsRabEst pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream16 pmSamplesUlRlcUserThpPsStream32 pmSumBestCs12Establish pmSumBestCs57RabEstablish pmSumBestCs64RabEstablish pmSumBestDchPsIntRabEstablish pmSumBestPsEulRabEstablish pmSumBestPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSumBestPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSumBestPsStr64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumBestPsStreamHsRabEst pmSumCs12RabEstablish pmSumDchDlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumDchUlRlcTotPacketThp pmSumDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStream64 pmSumDlRlcUserThpPsStreamHs pmSumFachPsIntRabEstablish pmSumPacketLatency pmSumPacketLatencyPsStreamHs pmSumPsInteractive pmSumPsStreamHsRabEst pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream128 pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream16 pmSumUlRlcUserThpPsStream32 pmTotalTimeDlCellCong pmTotalTimeUlCellCong pmTotNoRrcConnectReq pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPs pmTotNoRrcConnectReqPsSucc

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

pmTotNoRrcConnectReqSuccess pmChSwitchAttemptFachUra pmChSwitchAttemptUraFach pmChSwitchSuccFachUra pmChSwitchSuccUraFach pmDchDlRlcUserPacketThp pmDchUlRlcUserPacketThp pmDlUpswitchAttemptHigh pmDlUpswitchAttemptHs pmDlUpswitchAttemptLow pmDlUpswitchAttemptMedium pmDlUpswitchSuccessHigh pmDlUpswitchSuccessHs pmDlUpswitchSuccessLow pmDlUpswitchSuccessMedium pmDownSwitchAttempt pmDownSwitchSuccess pmEulHarqTransmTti10Failure pmEulHarqTransmTti10PsInteractive pmEulHarqTransmTti10Srb pmEulHarqTransmTti2PsRabs pmEulHarqTransmTti2Srb pmInactivityPsStreamIdle pmNoCellDchDisconnectAbnorm pmNoCellDchDisconnectNormal pmNoCellFachDisconnectAbnorm pmNoCellFachDisconnectNormal pmNoCellUpdAttempt pmNoCellUpdSuccess pmNoCs64DchDiscAbnorm pmNoCs64DchDiscNormal pmNoDirRetrySuccess pmNoDiscardSduDtchDlPsStreaming pmNoDiscardSduDtchHsPsStream pmNoFailedAfterAdm pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptExceedConnLimit pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHw pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqPsHw pmNoHsCcAttempt pmNoHsCcSuccess pmNoIncomingHsHardHoSuccess pmNoNormalRabReleasePacketUra pmNoOfReturningEmergencyCalls pmNoOfReturningRrcConn pmNoOfRlForDriftingUes pmNoOfRlForNonDriftingUes pmNoOfSampAseDl pmNoOfSampAseUl pmNoOfSwDownNgAdm pmNoOutgoingHsHardHoSuccess pmNoPacketDchDiscAbnorm pmNoPacketDchDiscNormal pmNoPsStreamHsCcAttempt pmNoPsStreamHsCcSuccess pmNoRabEstBlkNodePsIntNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlkNodePsStrNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodeCs57Best pmNoRabEstBlockNodeCs64Best pmNoRabEstBlockNodePsIntHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodePsStrHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockNodeSpeechBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs57 pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs57Best pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs64 pmNoRabEstBlockTnCs64Best pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntNonHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsIntNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStreamHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrNonHs pmNoRabEstBlockTnPsStrNonHsBest pmNoRabEstBlockTnSpeech pmNoRabEstBlockTnSpeechBest pmNoReceivedSduDtchDlPsStreaming pmNoReceivedSduDtchHsPsStream pmNoReceivedSduDtchUlPsStreaming pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Intra-Frequency relation counters

pmNoReqDeniedAdm pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodeCs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodePs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnCs pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnPs pmNoSpeechDchDiscAbnorm pmNoSpeechDchDiscNormal pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo pmNoSysRelSpeechUlSynch pmNoSystemRabReleasePacketUra pmNoTimesCellFailAddToActSet pmNoTimesRlAddToActSet pmNoTimesRlDelFrActSet pmNoTimesRlRepInActSet pmNoUraUpdAttempt pmNoUraUpdSuccess pmSamplesBestCs12PsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesBestCs64PsIntRabEstablish pmSamplesCs64Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesDlCode pmSamplesPacketDlDelay pmSamplesPsEulRabEstablish pmSamplesPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSamplesPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSamplesUlRssi pmSumBestCs12PsIntRabEstablish pmSumBestCs64PsIntRabEstablish pmSumCs64Ps8RabEstablish pmSumDlCode pmSumOfSampAseDl pmSumOfSampAseUl pmSumOfTimesMeasOlDl pmSumOfTimesMeasOlUl pmSumPacketDlDelay pmSumPsEulRabEstablish pmSumPsHsAdchRabEstablish pmSumPsStr128Ps8RabEstablish pmSumSqrDlCode pmSumSqrUlRssi pmSumUlRssi pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq pmUlUpswitchAttemptEul pmUlUpswitchAttemptHigh pmUlUpswitchAttemptLow pmUlUpswitchAttemptMedium pmUlUpswitchSuccessEul pmUlUpswitchSuccessHigh pmUlUpswitchSuccessLow pmUlUpswitchSuccessMedium pmUpswitchFachHsAttempt pmUpswitchFachHsSuccess pmAttNonBlindIfhoPsIntEul pmAttNonBlindIfhoPsIntHs pmAttNonBlindIfhoPsStrHs pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsConversational pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveGreater64 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveLess64 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoStreamingOther pmFailNonBlindIfhoFailRevPsIntEul pmFailNonBlindIfhoFailRevPsIntHs pmFailNonBlindIfhoFailRevPsStrHs pmFailNonBlindIfhoRevPsIntEul pmFailNonBlindIfhoRevPsIntHs pmFailNonBlindIfhoRevPsStrHs pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsConversational pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsSpeech12 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertPsInteractiveGreater64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertPsInteractiveLess64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertStreamingOther pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertCsConversational pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertCsSpeech12 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertPsInteractiveGreater64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertPsInteractiveLess64 pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoRevertStreamingOther pmSuccNonBlindIfhoPsIntEul pmSuccNonBlindIfhoPsIntHs pmSuccNonBlindIfhoPsStrHs pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoCsConversational pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12 pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveGreater64 pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoPsInteractiveLess64 pmSuccNonBlindInterFreqHoStreamingOther pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellPacketLow

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note

Inter-Frequency relation counters

Intra-Frequency relation counters

pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellSpeech pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellStream pmRlAddSuccessBestCellCsConvers pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketHigh pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketLow pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStandAlone pmRlAddSuccessBestCellStream pmNoAttOutCnhhoCsNonSpeech pmNoAttOutCnhhoPsConnRelease pmNoAttOutCnhhoSpeech pmNoSuccOutCnhhoCsNonSpeech pmNoSuccOutCnhhoSpeech

Outgoing Core Network Hard Handover counters

Spreadsheet to Calculate the Number of Transport Network Counters for User-Defined Scanners, MO Class Selection
This sheet gives the number of transport network counter values from user-defined scanners on MO class. The total sum is based on the input given in the sheet RncConfiguration and the selected counters per MO class in the table below.

Number of active transport network counters from user-defined scanners: Counter Selection Per MO Class
Please fill in the number of counter occurrences per MO class in the table below. Column Description MO Class: MO classes which report counters. Counter: Counters available per MO class. Counter Occurrences: The number of occurrences of each counter. The values in the green cells can be modified to change the number of occurrences of a counter. Changing a value will change the total number of counter values. Changing the settings will subsequently change the total number of counters values in the RNC if the same counter occurrences are implemented in your RNC. If a counter is included in a userdefined scanner a '1' should be inserted in the green cell next to the counter. Total Number of Counter Values per MO Class: The resulting total number of counter instances per MO class as reported in the ROP file. Counter Occurrences (Specify Number of Occurrences) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MO Class Aal0TpVccTp

Counter pmBwErrBlocks pmBwLostCells pmBwMissinsCells pmFwErrBlocks pmFwLostCells pmFwMissinsCells pmLostBrCells pmLostFpmCells pmBwErrBlocks pmBwLostCells pmBwMissinsCells pmFwErrBlocks pmFwLostCells pmFwMissinsCells pmLostBrCells pmLostFpmCells pmExisOrigConns pmExisTermConns pmExisTransConns pmSuccInConnsRemote pmSuccOutConnsRemote pmUnRecMessages pmUnRecParams pmUnSuccInConnsLocal pmUnSuccInConnsRemote pmUnSuccOutConnsLocal pmUnSuccOutConnsRemote pmNrOfRemotelyBlockedAal2Path pmBwErrBlocks pmBwLostCells pmBwMissinsCells pmFwErrBlocks pmFwLostCells pmFwMissinsCells pmLostBrCells pmLostFpmCells pmUnsuccessfulConnsInternal pmBwErrBlocks pmBwLostCells pmBwMissinsCells pmFwErrBlocks pmFwLostCells pmFwMissinsCells pmLostBrCells pmLostFpmCells pmReceivedAtmCells pmSecondsWithUnexp pmTransmittedAtmCells pmEs pmSes pmUas pmEs pmSes pmUas

Total Number of Counter Values per MO Class 0




Aal2Sp Aal5TpVccTp

0 0













pmEs pmSes pmUas pmNoOfIfInDiscards pmNoOfIfInErrors pmNoOfIfInNUcastPkts pmNoOfIfInUcastPkts pmNoOfIfOutNUcastPkts pmNoOfIfOutUcastPkts pmNoOfifOutDiscards pmGrFc pmGrFcFe pmGrUasIma pmIvIma pmOifIma pmRxFc pmRxFcFe pmRxStuffIma pmRxUusIma pmRxUusImaFe pmSesIma pmSesImaFe pmTxFc pmTxFcFe pmTxStuffIma pmTxUusIma pmTxUusImaFe pmUasIma pmUasImaFe pmNoOfHdrErrors pmNoOfIpAddrErrors pmNoOfIpForwDatagrams pmNoOfIpInDiscards pmNoOfIpInReceives pmNoOfIpOutDiscards pmNoOfIpReasmOKs pmNoOfIpReasmReqds pmIpInReceives pmIpInHdrErrors pmIpInAddrErrors pmIpInUnknownProtos pmIpInDiscards pmIpInDelivers pmIpOutRequests pmIpOutDiscards pmIpReasmReqds pmIpReasmOKs pmIpReasmFails pmIpFragOKs pmIpFragFails pmIpFragCreates pmIcmpInMsgs pmIcmpInErrors pmIcmpInDestUnreachs pmIcmpInTimeExcds pmIcmpInParamProbs pmIcmpInSrcQuenchs pmIcmpInRedirects pmIcmpInEchos pmIcmpInEchoReps pmIcmpOutMsgs pmIcmpOutErrors pmIcmpOutDestUnreachs pmIcmpOutParmProbs pmIcmpOutEchos pmIcmpOutEchoReps pmUdpInDatagrams pmUdpNoPorts pmUdpInErrors pmUdpOutDatagrams pmNoOfIfInDiscards pmNoOfIfInErrors pmNoOfIfInNUcastPkts pmNoOfIfInUcastPkts pmNoOfIfOutNUcastPkts pmNoOfIfOutUcastPkts pmNoOfifOutDiscards pmEs pmSes pmUas pmNoOfCommunicationLost pmNoOfCongestions pmNoOfDunaRec pmNoOfDavaRec pmNoOfSconRec pmNoOfDupuRec pmNoOfDataMsgSent

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MediumAccessUnit Mtp3bAp Mtp3bSlAnsi, Mtp3bSlChina, Mtp3bSlItu or Mtp3bSlTtc



pmNoOfDunaSent pmNoOfDavaSent pmNoOfSconSent pmNoOfDupuSent pmNoOfDataMsgRec pmNoOfErrorMsgRec pmNoOfErrorMsgSent pmNoOfNotifyMsgRec pmNoOfDaudMsgSent pmNoOfDaudMsgRec pmNoOfAspupSent pmNoOfAspupReceived pmNoOfAspdnSent pmNoOfAspdnReceived pmNoOfAspacSent pmNoOfAspacReceived pmNoOfAspiaSent pmNoOfAspiaReceived pmNoOfAspupAckSent pmNoOfAspupAckReceived pmNoOfAspdnAckSent pmNoOfAspdnAckReceived pmNoOfAspacAckSent pmNoOfAspacAckReceived pmNoOfAspiaAckSent pmNoOfAspiaAckReceived pmNoOfM3uaDataMsgDiscarded pmNoOfDot3StatsLateCollisions pmNoOfDot3StatsFCSErrors pmNoOfAdjacentSPNotAccessible pmNoOfUserPartUnavailRec pmNoOfAALINServiceInd pmNoOfAALOUTInd pmNoOfCBDSent pmNoOfCOOXCOSent pmNoOfLocalLinkCongestCeaseRec pmNoOfLocalLinkCongestRec pmNoOfMSURec pmNoOfMSUSent pmNoOfForcedRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfCBARec pmNoOfCBASent pmNoOfChangeBackDeclRec pmNoOfChangeOverRec pmNoOfCOAXCARec pmNoOfCOAXCASent pmNoOfControlledRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfECARec pmNoOfECASent pmNoOfECOSent pmNoOfEmergencyChangeOverRec pmNoOfIncomingAssocEstabRequestInStateDownWhenStateEstabIsBlocked pmNoOfLowerPrioMsgDiscarded pmNoOfMaxTrialsForAssocActivReached pmNoOfMaxTrialsForAssocEstabReached pmNoOfSctpAssociationRestart pmNoOfSctpBufOverflow pmNoOfSctpCommunicationErr pmNoOfSctpNetworkStatusChange pmNoOfSctpResumeSending pmNoOfSctpSendFailure pmNoOfSLTAFirstTimeOutRec pmNoOfSLTASecondTimeOutRec pmNoOfSuccessAssocAbort pmNoOfSuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfTimerT21WasStarted pmNoOfTRARec pmNoOfTRASent pmNoOfUnsuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfUnsuccessForcedRerouting pmNoOfUPMsgDiscardedDueToRoutingErr pmNoOfCBARec pmNoOfCBASent pmNoOfChangeBackDeclRec pmNoOfChangeOverRec pmNoOfCOAXCARec pmNoOfCOAXCASent pmNoOfControlledRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfECARec pmNoOfECASent pmNoOfECOSent pmNoOfEmergencyChangeOverRec pmNoOfForcedRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfIncomingAssocEstabRequestInStateDownWhenStateEstabIsBlocked pmNoOfLowerPrioMsgDiscarded pmNoOfMaxTrialsForAssocActivReached pmNoOfMaxTrialsForAssocEstabReached

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0



Mtp3bSr Mtp3bSrs


pmNoOfSctpAssociationRestart pmNoOfSctpBufOverflow pmNoOfSctpCommunicationErr pmNoOfSctpNetworkStatusChange pmNoOfSctpResumeSending pmNoOfSctpSendFailure pmNoOfSLTAFirstTimeOutRec pmNoOfSLTASecondTimeOutRec pmNoOfSuccessAssocAbort pmNoOfSuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfTimerT21WasStarted pmNoOfTRARec pmNoOfTRASent pmNoOfUnsuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfUnsuccessForcedRerouting pmNoOfUPMsgDiscardedDueToRoutingErr pmNoOfCBARec pmNoOfCBASent pmNoOfChangeBackDeclRec pmNoOfChangeOverRec pmNoOfCOAXCARec pmNoOfCOAXCASent pmNoOfControlledRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfECARec pmNoOfECASent pmNoOfECOSent pmNoOfEmergencyChangeOverRec pmNoOfForcedRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfIncomingAssocEstabRequestInStateDownWhenStateEstabIsBlocked pmNoOfLowerPrioMsgDiscarded pmNoOfMaxTrialsForAssocActivReached pmNoOfMaxTrialsForAssocEstabReached pmNoOfSctpAssociationRestart pmNoOfSctpBufOverflow pmNoOfSctpCommunicationErr pmNoOfSctpNetworkStatusChange pmNoOfSctpResumeSending pmNoOfSctpSendFailure pmNoOfSLTAFirstTimeOutRec pmNoOfSLTASecondTimeOutRec pmNoOfSuccessAssocAbort pmNoOfSuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfTimerT21WasStarted pmNoOfTRARec pmNoOfTRASent pmNoOfUnsuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfUnsuccessForcedRerouting pmNoOfUPMsgDiscardedDueToRoutingErr pmNoOfCBARec pmNoOfCBASent pmNoOfChangeBackDeclRec pmNoOfChangeOverRec pmNoOfCOAXCARec pmNoOfCOAXCASent pmNoOfControlledRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfECARec pmNoOfECASent pmNoOfECOSent pmNoOfEmergencyChangeOverRec pmNoOfForcedRerouteSuccessPerf pmNoOfSctpAssociationRestart pmNoOfSctpBufOverflow pmNoOfSctpCommunicationErr pmNoOfSctpNetworkStatusChange pmNoOfSctpResumeSending pmNoOfSctpSendFailure pmNoOfSLTAFirstTimeOutRec pmNoOfSLTASecondTimeOutRec pmNoOfSuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfTRARec pmNoOfTRASent pmNoOfUnsuccessAssocEstablish pmNoOfUnsuccessForcedRerouting pmNoOfUPMsgDiscardedDueToRoutingErr pmNoOfSecondsAccumulatedRouteUnavailable pmNoOfTransferAllowedRec pmNoOfTransferControlledRec pmNoOfTransferProhibitedRec pmNoOfDiscardedMsgFromBroadToNarrow pmLinkInServiceTime pmNoOfAlignmentFailures pmNoOfAllSLFailures pmNoOfLocalCongestions pmNoOfNoResponses pmNoOfOtherErrors pmNoOfProtocolErrors pmNoOfReceivedSDUs

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0

pmNoOfRemoteCongestions pmNoOfSentSDUs pmNoOfSequenceDataLosses pmNoOfUnsuccReTransmissions Os155SpiTtp pmMsEs pmMsSes pmMsBbe pmMsUas Ospf pmNoOfOspfOriginateNewLsas pmNoOfOspfRxNewLsas OspfArea pmNoOfOspfSpfRuns OspfInterface pmNoOfOspfIfEvents SccpAccountingCriteria pmNoOfMsg pmNoOfOctets SccpPolicing pmNoOfRejectMsg SccpScrc pmNoOfConnectFailure pmNoOfHopCounterViolation pmNoOfRoutingFailNetworkCongest pmNoOfRoutingFailNoTransAddrOfSuchNature pmNoOfRoutingFailNoTransSpecificAddr pmNoOfRoutingFailReasonUnknown pmNoOfRoutingFailSubsysUnavail pmNoOfRoutingFailUnequippedSubsys pmNoOfRoutingFailure pmNoOfRoutingFailurePointCodeUnAvail SccpSp pmNoOfConInUseExceedHighWaterMark pmNoOfConInUseReceededLowWaterMark pmNoOfCREFRecFromNL pmNoOfCREFSentToNL pmNoOfCRRec pmNoOfCRSent pmNoOfDT1Rec pmNoOfDT1Sent pmNoOfERRRec pmNoOfERRSent pmNoOfLUDTRec pmNoOfLUDTSSent pmNoOfRLSDRecFromNL pmNoOfRLSDSentToNL pmNoOfSubsysAllowedSent pmNoOfUDTRec pmNoOfUDTSent pmNoOfUDTSRec pmNoOfUDTSSent pmNoOfXUDTRec pmNoOfXUDTSent pmNoOfXUDTSRec pmNoOfXUDTSSent Sctp pmSctpAborted pmSctpActiveEstab pmSctpCurrEstab pmSctpPassiveEstab pmSctpShutdowns pmSctpStatAssocOutOfBlue pmSctpStatChecksumErrorCounter pmSctpStatCommResume pmSctpStatCommStop pmSctpStatFragmentedUserMsg pmSctpStatOutOfOrderRecChunks pmSctpStatOutOfOrderSendChunks pmSctpStatReassembledUserMsg pmSctpStatRecChunks pmSctpStatRecChunksDropped pmSctpStatReceivedControlChunks pmSctpStatReceivedPackages pmSctpStatRetransChunks pmSctpStatSentChunks pmSctpStatSentChunksDropped pmSctpStatSentControlChunks pmSctpStatSentPackages Sts1SpeTtp pmEsp pmSesp pmUasp Sts3CspeTtp pmEsp pmSesp pmUasp pmEs T1PhysPathTerm pmSes pmUas T1Ttp pmEs pmSes pmUas T3PhysPathTerm pmEsCpp pmSesCpp pmUas UniSaalTp pmLinkInServiceTime pmNoOfAllSLFailures

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0





VplTp Vt15Ttp

pmNoOfLocalCongestions pmNoOfNoResponses pmNoOfOtherErrors pmNoOfProtocolErrors pmNoOfReceivedSDUs pmNoOfRemoteCongestions pmNoOfSentSDUs pmNoOfSequenceDataLosses pmNoOfUnsuccReTransmissions pmVcEs pmVcSes pmVcBbe pmVcUas pmVcEs pmVcSes pmVcBbe pmVcUas pmBwUtilizationRx pmBwUtilizationTx pmReceivedAtmCells pmTransmittedAtmCells pmBwErrBlocks pmBwLostCells pmBwMissinsCells pmFwErrBlocks pmFwLostCells pmFwMissinsCells pmLostBrCells pmLostFpmCells pmReceivedAtmCells pmTransmittedAtmCells pmEs pmSes pmUas

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0

Grand Total Number of RNC Counters Number of active counters from predefined scanners: Number of active counters from user-defined RN scanners, MO class counter activation: Number of active counters from user-defined RN scanners, UtranCell/UtranRelation MO instance counter activation: Number of active counters from user-defined TN scanners, MO class counter activation: Total number of active counters in the current RNC configuration: 95 0
0 0


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