What Drives Animal Abuse - Psychology

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What drives Animal Abuse?

by Dr George Simon, PhD

There several different reasons why some people abuse animals. Research conducted by various animal protection agencies and interest groups places abusers into one of three categories: Unwitting abusers dont set out to harm animals. They simply dont realize that some of the things they do are cruel. They might keep a pet dog on a short chain not realizing that the dog needs time and space to move more freely. Or, they may have heard that swatting a pet on the snout with a newspaper is a way to discipline, not realizing that there are far more effective and humane ways. Immature abusers actually set out to hurt animals but lack the mental and emotional maturity to realized the nature and extent of harm they are doing not only to the animal but also to their own character development. A young child throwing rocks at a frog in a pond or deliberately scaring a cat to watch its typical reaction might fall into this category. Serious intentional abusers actually derive satisfaction from hurting animals. From a psychological perspective, the reason is mainly about power. For the most part, animals, especially smaller or domesticated animals, cant easily defend themselves and are vulnerable in the face of someone who can inflict great pain on them. This makes the abuser feel powerful. Some abusers feel a lack of power in other areas of their lives and try to make up for it by wielding ruthless power over the weak. Others simply enjoy the feeling of dominance so much that theyre always looking for an opportunity to exercise it. Still others have such a feeling of superiority and entitlement that they view the animals only purpose as being to serve their needs. Such is often the case when animals are used for fighting contests (e.g., dog fights, cock fights, etc.) as a way to make money for and gain notoriety for the owners and handlers. Animal abuse is a serious and fairly widespread problem. It is seen across many cultures, age groups, and sexes. If you know someone who is engaged in the serious, intentional abuse of an animal, the chances are that they need psychological help. Whats more, the reason many animals continue to endure abuse is because good people dont take action. There are many organizations dedicated to the humane treatment of animals. Groups such as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the Humane Society work tirelessly to promote the passing of laws to prevent animal abuse and to aid their enforcement. Most of these groups have telephone hotlines that you can call to report an instance of animal abuse.

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