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P.L. BUTZER Lehrstuhl A fur Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Templergraben 55, D-52062 Aachen, Germany U. WESTPHAL Institut fur Mathematik, Universitdt Hannover, Welfengarten 1, D-30167 Hannover, Germany

1 Various Approaches to the Fractional Calculus 1.1 Some history 1.2 Basic definitions; Riemann-Liouville and Weyl approaches . . . 1.3 Three examples 1.4 Approaches by Hadamard, by contour integration and other methods Leibniz Rule and Applications; Semigroups of Operators 2.1 Fractional Leibniz rule for functions 2.2 Fractional Landau-Kallman-Rota-Hille inequalities for operators 2.3 The behaviour of semigroup operators at zero and infinity with rates Liouville-Griinwald, Marchaud and Riesz Fractional Derivatives 3.1 Liouville-Griinwald derivatives and their chief properties . . . . 3.2 A crucial proposition; basic theorems 3.3 The point-wise Liouville-Griinwald fractional derivative . . . . 3.4 Extensions and applications of the Liouville-Griinwald calculus 3.5 The Marchaud fractional derivative 3.6 Equivalence of the Weyl and Marchaud fractional derivatives 3.7 Riesz derivatives on K Various Applications 4.1 Integral representations of special functions 4.2 Stirling functions of the first kind 4.3 Stirling functions of the second kind 4.4 Euler functions 4.5 Eulerian numbers E(a, k) for a E R 4.6 The Bernoulli functions Ba{x) for a G 1 4.7 Ordinary and partial differential equations and other applications Integral Transforms and Fractional Calculus 5.1 Fourier transforms 5.2 Mellin transforms 5.3 Laplace transforms and characterizations of fractional derivatives 3 3 6 12 15 16 16 20 22

29 29 32 35 36 38 44 45 51 51 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 64 68 71


Various Approaches to the Fractional Calculus

Some history

As to the history of fractional calculus, already in 1695 L'Hospital raised the question as to the meaning of d^y/dx" if n = 1/2, that is "what if n is fractional?". "This is an apparent paradox from which, one day, useful consequences will be drawn", Leibniz replied, together with "d 1 / 2 ^ will be equal to xVdx: x". S. F. Lacroix [100] was the first to mention in some two pages a derivative of arbitrary order in a 700 page text book of 1819. Thus for y = xa, a e M+, he showed that

*y _ r(q + l)
diVa ~ T(a +1/2)




In particular he had {d/dx)l/2x = 2y/x~pK (the same result as by the present day Riemann-Liouville definition below). Although the name "fractional calculus" is actually a misnomer, the designation "integration and differentiation of arbitrary order" being more appropriate, one usually sticks to "fractional calculus", a terminology in use since the days of L'Hospital. J. B. J. Fourier, who in 1822 derived an integral representation for f(x), f(x) ~ 1T~ / f(a)da

/ cosp(x - a) dp,

obtained (formally) the derivative version ^ / ( z ) = 2^ I f(a)da


I P" cos{p(x - a) + ^-} dP>


where "the number v will be regarded as any quantity whatever, positive or negative". It is usually claimed that Abel resolved in 1823 the integral equation arising from the brachistochrone problem, namely

r ^ / ( ^ ^

= /(*)-



with the solution

g{x) =

- J A l-l^L-du.


As J. Liitzen [107, p. 314] first showed, Abel never solved the problem by fractional calculus but merely showed how the solution, found by other means, could be written as a fractional derivative. Liitzen also briefly summarized what Abel actually did. Liouville [103], however, did solve the integral equation (1.2) in 1832. Perhaps the first serious attempt to give a logical definition of a fractional derivative is due to Liouville; he published nine papers on the subject between 1832 and 1837, the last in the field in 1855. They grew out of Liouville's early work on electromagnetism. There is further work of George Peacock (1833), D. F. Gregory (1841), Augustus de Morgan (1842), P. Kelland (1846), William Center (1848). Especially basic is Riemann's student paper of 1847 [139]. Liouville0 started in 1832 with the well known result Dneax = aneax where D = d/dx, n N, and extended it at first in the particular case u = 1/2, a 2, and then to arbitrary order v M+ by D"eax = aveax. as f(x) = YlT=oCkeakX (1.4)

He assumed the series representation for f(x) defined the derivative of arbitrary order v by

fl'/fr) = 5>aj;e0*.


Whereas this was Liouville's first approach, his second method was applied to the explicit function x~a. He considered the integral 7 = f ua~1e~xu du. Substituting xu = t gives the result I = x~a J^ ta~1e~t dt = x~aT{a) (for 9te a > 0). Operating on both sides of x~a = I/T(a) with D", he obtained, using D"(e-xu) = {-\)vuve-xu, D"x- = (_l)"E^ + ^ x " . r(a) (1.6)

Liouville used the latter in his investigations of potential theory.

"The most serious and detailed examination of the work of Liouville is that presented by J. Liitzen [107, pp. 303-349]

Since the ordinary differential equation dny/dxn = 0 of n-th order has the complementary (general) solution y = CQ + c\x + . . . + cn-.ixn~x, Liouville considered that the fractional order equation day/dxa = 0, a E+, should have a suitable corresponding complementary solution, too. In this respect Riemann added a il)(x) to (1.8) below as the complementary function (shown to be of indeterminate nature by Cayley in 1880). For details on complementary functions see [127]. As partly indicated above, among the mathematicians spearheading research in the broad area of fractional calculus until 1941 were S.F. Lacroix, J.B.J. Fourier, N.H. Abel, J. Liouville, A. De Morgan, B. Riemann, Hj. Holmgren, K. Griinwald, A.V. Letnikov, N.Ya. Sonine, J. Hadamard, G.H. Hardy, H. Weyl, M. Riesz, H.T. Davis, A. Marchaud, J.E. Littlewood, E.L. Post, E.R. Love, B.Sz.-Nagy, A. Erdelyi and H. Kober. Fractional calculus has developed especially intensively since 1974 when the first international conference in the field took place. It was organized by Bertram Ross [144] and took place at the University of New Haven, Connecticut in 1974. It had an exceptional turnout of 94 mathematicians; the proceedings contain 26 papers by the experts of the time. It was followed by the conferences conducted by Adam Mc Bride and Garry Roach [115] (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland) of 1984, by Katsuyuki Nishimoto [125] (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan) of 1989, and by Peter Rusev, Ivan Dimovski and Virginia Kiryakova [150] (Varna, Bulgaria) of 1996. In the period 1975 to the present, about 600 papers have been published relating to fractional calculus. Samko et al in their encyclopedic volume [153, p. xxxvi] state and we cite: "We pay tribute to investigators of recent decades by citing the names of mathematicians who have made a valuable scientific contribution to fractional calculus development from 1941 until the present [1990]. These are M.A. AlBassam, L.S. Bosanquet, P.L. Butzer, M.M. Dzherbashyan, A. Erdelyi, T.M. Flett, Ch. Fox, S.G. Gindikin, S.L. Kalla, LA. Kipriyanov, H. Kober, P.I. Lizorkin, E.R. Love, A.C. McBride, M. Mikolas, S.M. Nikol'skii, K. Nishimoto, LI. Ogievetskii, R.O. O'Neil, T.J. Osier, S. Owa, B. Ross, M. Saigo, I.N. Sneddon, H.M. Srivastava, A.F. Timan, U. Westphal, A. Zygmund and others". To this list must of course be added the names of the authors of Samko et al [153] and many other mathematicians, particularly those of the younger generation. Books especially devoted to fractional calculus include K.B. Oldham and J. Spanier [133], S.G. Samko, A.A. Kilbas and O.I. Marichev [153], V.S. Kiryakova [91], K.S. Miller and B. Ross [121], B. Rubin [147]. Books containing a chapter or sections dealing with certain aspects of frac-

tional calculus include H.T. Davis [37], A. Zygmund [181], M.M.Dzherbashyan [45], I.N. Sneddon [159], P.L. Butzer and R.J. Nessel [25], P.L. Butzer and W. Trebels [28], G.O. Okikiolu [132], S. Fenyo and H.W. Stolle [55], H.M. Srivastava and H.L. Manocha [162], R. Gorenfio and S. Vessella [65]. There also exist two journals devoted especially to fractional calculus, namely the one edited by K. Nishimoto [126], and the one recently founded by V. Kiryakova [92]. For an historical survey of the field until 1975 one may consult OldhamSpanier [133, pp. 1-15] as well as Ross [145]. 1.2 Basic definitions; RiemannLiouville and Weyl approaches

Let us consider some of the starting points for a discussion of classical fractional calculus; we will also introduce notations. One development begins with a generalization of repeated integration. Thus if / is locally integrable on (a, oo), then the n-fold iterated integral is given by





a x


/ f(un)


-^hy.I ~ ~

{x u)n lf(u)du


for almost all x with oo < a < x < oo and n N. Writing (n 1)! = T(n), an immediate generalization is the integral of / of fractional order a > 0,

= fL^J(x-



(right hand),


and similarly f o r - o o < a ; < 6 < o o



= - i - / ( u - x)a-lf{u)du 1(a) J

(left hand),


both being defined for suitable / . The subscripts in I denote the terminals of integration (in the given order). Note the kernel (u a;)" - 1 for (1.9). Observe that (1.8) for a = n can be shown to be (see e. g. [145, pp. 7-10]) the unique solution of the initial value problem yW(x) = f{x), y(a) = y'(a) - . . . = y^-^a) = 0. (1.10)

When a = - o o equation (1.8) is equivalent to Liouville's definition, and when a = 0 we have Riemann's definition (without the complementary function). One generally speaks of aIf as the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of order a of / , a terminology introduced by Holmgren (1863/64). On the other hand, one usually refers to

W/(*) = , / / ( * )

= fLjJ(uX

xr-'Hu) du


-ooWZf(x) = -ooISfix) = ^ y

J (X - uT^f^du o o


as Weyl fractional integrals of order a, they being defined for suitable / . The right and left hand fractional integrals aI"f(x) and xIgf(x) are related via the Parseval equality (fractional integration by parts) which we give for convenience for a = 0 and b = oo :
oo oo

I f{x) (QI?g) (x) dx = J (xWf)

0 0

(x)g(x) dx.


The following properties are stated for right handed fractional integrals (with obvious changes in the case of left handed integrals). Concerning existence of fractional integrals, let / L\oc{a, oo). Then, if a > oo, aI"f(x) is finite almost everywhere on (a, oo) and belongs to L\oc(a, oo). If a = oo, it is assumed that / behaves at oo such that the integral (1.8) converges. Under these assumptions the fractional integrals satisfy the additive index law (or semigroup property)
a^ alx3f = ai:+(}f (a,0>O). (1.14)

Indeed, by Dirichlet's formula concerning the change of the order of integration, we have

alS algf(x) = _ L 1(3 - )-! du^ J{U - tf-lf(t) dt

a x

a x

Ir(/?) //(*)d*/(s-)a~1("-*)g-1du.
a t

The second integral on the right equals, under the substitution y = u-^,

(x-tr+l -

3 1


= B{a,0)(x


B(a,0) being the Beta-function (see (1.29)). When this is substituted into the above the result follows. In particular, we have
aI? +a

= ai: aI?f

(n e N, a > 0)


which implies by n-fold differentiation ~ J?+af{x) = aI?f(x) (n 6 N,a > 0)

for almost all x. The above results also hold for complex parameters a, if the condition a > 0 is replaced by Ke a > 0. Then the operation aI% may be considered as a holomorphic function of a for 3?e a > 0 which can be extended to the whole complex plane by analytic continuation, if / is sufficiently smooth. To understand and establish this fact, we assume, for convenience, that / is an infinitely differentiable function defined on K with compact support contained in [a, oo), if a > - o o , implying that /^ n '(a) = 0 for n = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . . Then for any fixed x > a the integral in (1.8) is a holomorphic function of a for Se a > 0. Now, integration by parts n-times yields

= aIZ+afW(x)



Applying the semigroup property (1.16) to the expression on the right in (1.17) and differentiating the result n-times with respect to x, we obtain ; J?f(x) = //<">(*) (Sfe a > 0,n e N), (1.18)

showing that under the hypotheses assumed on / the operations of integration of fractional order a and differentiation of integral order n commute. Returning to formula (1.17) we now realize that its right-hand side is a holomorphic function of a in the wider domain {a C; Me a > n} and even equals there -^ aI+af(x), by (1.18). Thus we can extend aIf{x) to the domain {a C; 3?e a < 0} analytically, defining for a C with Me a < 0

:= ai:+af(n)(x)

= ~



9 with any integer n > -5Re a. In particular, we obtain

jxf(x) = /(*), a i r m = /<B>oo (n e N).

Moreover, it is clear by complex function theory arguments that the semigroup property (1.14) remains valid for all a,/? G C. The very elegant method of analytic continuation developed by M. Riesz and his school is restricted to a rather small class of functions (even if the assumptions are weakened somewhat which is, indeed, possible). But the expressions occurring in formula (1.19) are meaningful for much more general classes of functions and thus give rise to the following definitions of fractional derivatives which go back to Liouville. Let a be a complex number with 5Re a > 0 and n = [5Re a] + 1, where [Sfte a] denotes the integral, part of Sfte a. Then the right-handed fractional derivative of order a is defined by

= ^airaf(x)

(n = [8ea] + l)


for any / G Lloc(a, oo) for which the expression on the right exists. One can unify the definitions of integrals and derivatives of arbitrary order a, 5fe a ^ 0, (equivalently) by, for n N, fira/>-ra"1/()<*'
aDZf(x) = t

(ea<0) (Be a > 0; n - 1 < Ue a < n); (1.21)

. ( ) " aI2~af{x)

one often speaks of a differintegral of / of order a in this respect. This process is also referred to as fractional integro-differentiation. Note that the left-handed fractional derivative of order a is defined by zD?f(x) = (-l)n;xI?-f(x) (n = [eo] + l). (1.22)

The fractional derivative of purely imaginary order a = id, 9 ^ 0, is defined by


= i - ^ / jJ^- ie du,
T(l - id) dx J (x- u)


and the associated integral of order a = i6 by

J?/W - rf/w - j ^ i /(. -.)-/(.) *


(since the fractional integral (1.8) diverges for a = iff). Then the definition of fractional integro-differentiation for all a C is completed by introducing the identity operator aDf := aIf = f for a = 0. Let us also observe that the fractional operators are linear:
a P [ c i / l ( x ) + 0 2 / 3 ( 1 ) ] = Ci a W l M + C2 a Z ^ / 2 ( * ) ,

ci, C2 being constants. Concerning sufficient conditions for the existence of the fractional derivatives (1.20) and their relation to (1.26), let us consider the case 0 < Re a < 1, if a > - 0 0 . Suppose that / is absolutely continuous on the finite interval [a, 6], in notation / AC[a,b], meaning that / is differentiable almost everywhere on (a, 6) with / ' 6 L 1 (a, b) and has the representation on [a, b]

f(x) = J f'(u)du + f(a) = Jlf'{x)


+ f(a).

Substituting this in aIl"af(x) and noting that, by the semigroup property, the operators I1~a and I1 commute, we obtain


= Jl Jl-af'(x)

+ r^{x

~ a) 1 " 0 .

r(2 - a) By differentiating with respect to a; this implies


= ^ Jl~af{x) = Jl-af{x) + r ^ r ^ ( * - r a


which shows that, in general, the operators aIx~a and ^ do not commute. By Holder's inequality one easily derives from (1.23) that aD"f Lr(a, b) for 1 < r < l/3fte a. Formula (1.23) may be extended to complex a with Sfte a > 1. The results are summarized in Proposition 1.1 below. Beforehand we introduce the following notation: For n N, ACn~1[a, b] denotes the set of (n - l)-times differentiable functions / on [a,b] such that / , / ' , . . . , / ' n - 1 ' are absolutely continuous on [a,b]. Note that AC0[a,b] equals AC[a,b].


Proposition 1.1. a) If f eAC[a,b], f being given just in the (finite) interval [a,b], then aD%f, xD"f exist a. e. for 0 < SRe a < 1. Moreover, r < l/3?e a with aD%f G L (a, b) forl<r

Correspondingly for xD%f. b) If f eACT1-1^, b], n = [3?e a] + 1, then xD%f exists a. e. for Ke a > 0 and has the representation - V aDx f{x) - 1 ,

D f(x)

/ (fe) () 1 / /^H") (x _ a ) * - a + ) + r ( n - a) 7 (x - ) - + ! r ( 1 + fc _ a ) (*


(1.25) An alternative way to define a fractional derivative of order a, also due to Liouville, is aDlfix) := a i r a / ( n ) ( * ) (n = [Ste a] + 1). (1.26)

Obviously, / has to be n-times differentiable in order that the right-hand side of (1.26) exists. The relation between the two fractional derivatives (1.20) and (1.26) is given by formula (1.25) above, namely

= aDaxf{x) +

- J ^

{ x



holding under the assumptions stated in Proposition 1.1 b). Definition (1.20) is commonly used in mathematical circles, while definition (1.26) is often preferable in problems of physical interest when initial conditions are expressed in terms of integer derivatives and Laplace transform methods are applied; see (5.27) for the Laplace transform of 0Dxf. The use of definition (1.26) in this context goes back to Caputo [32]. For a new real function space C Q , 0 < a < 1, larger than the space of continuous functions, enabling one to study fractional order continuity, derivability and integrability, see Bonilla et al [10]. There are many results concerned with two-weight problems for various types of fractional integrals (and transforms). Many arose especially after the appearance of the monographs Kokilashvili-Krbec [95], Genebashvili et


al [60]. Let us indicate two of these. Let , (0, oo) be the class of Lebesgue measurable functions on R+. for which | | / | | L J , = (/0 \f(u)\pw(u)du) < +oo, where w(x) > 0 a.e. and is locally integrable on IR+. For simplicity take Jaf(x) = f*(x - u)a-lf(u)du. There holds: Let 1 < p < q < oo, ^ < a < 1 or a > 1, and p' = p/(p - 1). Then the operator Ja is bounded from Lp(0,oo) to ,(0, oo), i.e., \\Jaf\\Ll for a constant A independent of f, iff < A\\f\\Lr (1.27)

/u( _ 1 );(ti)du| t1/p'<oo. (1.28) / Moreover, if A is the best constant in (1.27), then A B. Further, this operator Ja is compact from L p (0, oo) to Lqw(0, oo) iff condition (1.28) holds as well as the condition limt_K)-B(*) = limt-Kx B(t) 0. The more general problem of boundedness and compactness of Ja from p L (0, oo) (with v ^ 1) to L^(0, oo) has also been solved, the formulation being more difficult. The two-weight problem for the Weyl operator xW^f(x) is also a closed problem. There exist similar results for the Erdelyi-Kober operators, operators with power-logarithmic kernels, for Riesz potentials, etc. For this growing field see e.g. A. Meshki [118], H.P. Heinig [70] and [96], [97], and the extensive literature cited there.




Three examples

Let us compare the foregoing with the classical calculus. For this purpose let us first evaluate the fractional derivative oD%f(x) for the function f(x) = xb for b > 1. In view of the evaluation of the beta integral, valid for all p > 0 and q > 0 (or 5?e p > 0, 3?e q > 0), namely

B(P,ff):=/"-1(l-)-1du=^^, o



we have for m 1 < a < m, m G

nD?x b

= I -^

1 r(fr+l)r(m-q) f A ^ m - * - ^ T(m - a) T(b + 1 + m - a) \dx r(6+l) 6-a r ( m - a + 6 + l ) r ( 6 + 1 + m - a) T(m - a + 6 - m + l) r(fc+l) x6-a r ( 6 - a + 1) where we made use of, with p G E\{1, 2, 3 , . . . } d\m



r ( p + i) p m m TV T r , ^ 1 , ~ - = p ( p - l ) - . - ( p - m + l) 2 ;''1 (p m + 1)

(m G N). (1.31)

For 6 = 0 we obtain QD"c = c x / r ( l a) for any a > 0. Thus fractional differentiation of a constant c is zero only for positive integral values of a n G N (recall T(l - n) oo). On the other hand, for any a > 0, 0D%f(x) = 0 if f(x)=xa-k, Jb = 1,2,... , l + [a]. Let us consider a second example, namely 0-f"/ f r f(x) = logo:. Indeed, under the substitution u = x(l v),


r(fri) los;c -f^/ log ( 1 -^^ 1 -^



by integration by parts. Noting f vx - vy dv = 4>{y + 1) - tp(x + 1) J l-v o




where the psi function, defined by ip(x) = [T(x)]~1(d/dx)T(x), obeys the recursion ip(x + 1) - i/>(x) = x'1 with 0(1) = 7 = 0.5772157..., this yields o4Q logx = r J ^ O o g s - ^ ( a + 1) + V(l)}Thus, for T7i 1 < Ste a < m, o^logx = ^J



(1.34) [log a; - ip(m - a + 1) + ip{l)],


T{m - a + 1)

where classical termwise differentiation is to be applied. Combining the result with (1.33) we obtain for all a C,

log x =

* _ a ) {log x - 1>(1 - a) - 7} ,


where in case a = n e N the expression on the right has to be interpreted as the limit for a - n. In fact, from the limit lima_>i/>(l - a ) / r ( l - a) ( - 1 ) - T ( n ) , t n e r u i e (d/dx)nlogx = -T(n)(-x)~n readily follows. However for a = n N there holds the classical result
n "I 1I logx = 0 4 " log* = ~ h o g x - - \ ,


also observing that ^ ( n + 1) - V>(1) = Y^=i 3~li which follows from the recursion tp(x + 1) - ip(x) = x~l. As to our third example, take Weyl's definition, for m 1 < a < m, m N,

= (-l)m^-J




for which, for the example f(x) = e y/p,


, p > 0, under the substitution u - x =

*W~e~PX =


= mtl ~ ~

ya le ydy=

oo r






This yields for p > 0,



(m _ 1 <


(1.38) 1.4 Approaches by Hadamard, by contour integration and other methods

The approach, due to J. Hadamard (1892), is to consider fractional differentiation of an analytic function via differentiation of its Taylor series f(z) Yl^Lo kiz z$)k formally "a times", thus *D?f(z) = JLvJiil^1) ^k(z-z0)k-a ^r(fc-fl-a) (ck = fM(z0)/k\). (1.39)

This approach is discussed in articles by Gaer-Rubel [59], Lavoie, Tremblay and Osier [101], Ross [145]. If z is complex, the natural extension of the Riemann-Liouville definition of the fractional integral is

./?/(*) = fL-)J{za



where the path of integration is along the line from = a to = z in the complex C-plane. The multivalued function ( z - C ) a - 1 is defined by ( z - C ) a _ 1 = exp[(a - 1) log(z - )] with log(z - C) = log \z - C| + i arg(z - ). To obtain a single-valued branch for the integrand of (1.40) it is appropriate to choose arg(z - C) = arg(z - a) for all on the line from a to z, where arg(z - a) is fixed by IT < arg(z - a) < it.


An important method of defining a derivative of arbitrary order for holomorphic functions is given through a generalization of Cauchy's integral formula
f(n){z) =

^ij{(-z)"^* c


where / is holomorphic in a simply connected region V in the complex plane, and C is a piecewise smooth Jordan curve in V. N.Y. Sonine (1872), P.A. Nekrassov (1888) et al. and more recently T.J. Osier [134] defined a fractional derivative of order a of f(z) by


Here the integral curve C(a,z+) in V is a closed contour starting at a, encircling = z once in the positive sense and returning to = a. For nonintegral a, the integrand has a branch line which is chosen as the ray beginning at = z and passing through = a. Thus, this branch line cuts the integration contour in its beginning and ending point, but nowhere else. For the function ( z)~a~l its principal branch is taken; it is that continuous range of the function for which arg( z) is zero when C z is real and positive. Note that the generalized Cauchy integral formula (1.41) is defined for all a C; for negative integers n(n N) it is to be understood as the limit for a n. If 5fte a < 0, then (1.41) coincides with the Riemann-Liouville > a integral aI- f(z). The Cauchy type complex contour integral approach is especially useful in the study of special functions. See e.g. Lavoie-Osler-Tremblay [102]. There exist further approaches to fractional integration by Erdelyi and Kober [51,93], R.K. Saxena [154], G.O. Okikiolu [131], Kalla-Saxena [90], K. Nishimoto [124], J. Cossar [36], S. Ruscheweyh [149], etc.


Leibniz Rule and Applications; Semigroups of Operators

Fractional Leibniz rule for functions

The classical Leibniz rule for the n-fold derivative of a product of two functions / , g as a sum of products of operations performed on each function is given by,


provided / and g are n-times differentiable at z, D^[f(z)g(z)) = J2 Q l ? r * / W D"zg{z), (2.1)

where = (d/dz)n. This rule can be extended to fractional values of a: > replacing n by a we have for holomorphic functions / , g

=f) Q




(a 6 C)


a result which basically goes back to Liouville (1832), where aDf is now understood in the sense of Osier [134]. This formula suffers from the apparent drawback that the interchange of f(z) and g(z) on the right side of (2.2) is not obvious. An interesting generalization of this rule without the drawback, due to Y.Watanabe (1931) [170] and Osier [134] (1970), is



) aDZ-k-*M



where \i is arbitrary, rational, irrational, or a complex number. The special case fi = 0 reduces to (2.2). Observe that if 3te a < 0, then formula (2.2) is actually the counterpart of Leibniz rule for fractional integrals. There also exists a symmetrical fractional Leibniz rule in the form (due to Osier [137])




J aDrek-f(z)-



where a,/x C for which (cJfc+ ) is well-defined, and 0 < c < 1; it yields (2.3) for c = 1, and reduces to (2.2) for c = 1 and fi = 0. As special cases of (2.3), there holds for f(z) = 1, and g(z) renamed as

^ , n a ^ _ r ( a + l)8in((a-M)g) ^(-1) aDz f{z) -


(z - a ) f c + ^ (a_ll_k)r(ll

+ k + 1)

(2.5) for SRe a > - 1 , a - /z f Z, noting T(z)T(l - z) = -rr/simrz for z $ Z.


A further result, also due to Osier [134], is the case a = 0 of (2.3), namely

/(.w,) = *y= (-ir o r '""'li/ (~rl; p -" 9 W 7T K


o.i*> (2.6)

Note that (2.3) has under suitable conditions the interesting integral analogue

= |

^ J


aDl+g(z) dr,


where a, ^ G C\Z~. It assumes an elegant form for /x = 0 (see Osier [136]). By setting a = 0 formula (2.7) readily reduces to (see [87, p. 16])


= -

7r y


/x +

+ r)



aD+Tg{z) dr

(^ $ Z~).


Recently Kalia and his coworkers deduced from the Leibniz rule (2.4) a number of interesting expansion formulae associated with the Gamma function r ( z ) , the Psi function ip(z) : T'(z)/T(z), with the incomplete Gamma function -y(a,z), defined by

7(,a, z)=

f tz-le-1


(SRe z > 0),


as well as with the entire incomplete Gamma function j*(a,z), azl*(a,z) = ^ ^

defined by (2.10)

(|arg(z)| < T - e;0 < e < n). T

One is the well-known result (see e.g. Magnus, Oberhettinger and Soni [108]) concerning the psi function (recall (1-33))
CO I_ \

valid for 8?e 0 > - 1 and /? - a + 1 $ Z~. Here (a)*. = a ( a + 1 ) . . . (a + k - 1) for k G N.


A newer expansion, one for the entire incomplete Gamma function, is given for3?e/?> -l;a$Z-,a-v$Zby smn{a--u)i / ) ^ ^ i 1) V^ (~1) 7 *(ff d_- _- M ) ^ (_i)* I ' sin^a^ k,z) r ( a + 1) -*) = n 2 . ( a - v - * ) r ( v + jb + i ) fc= O O



(2 12)


The special case of (2.12) when 13 = 0, which easily reduces to 7(a,z) = 3in7r(a + i/)-sin(7ri/) >-^ : ^ >
K = OO




with a, a + v $ Z, was given earlier by [134, p. 671, Entry 18]. The particular case v = 0 of (2.12) gives

= 5 ^ r ( a + l )

^ ^ 7 * G 8 - M )


valid for 3?e /3 > - l ; a Z . An interesting application of the Leibniz rule to hypergeometric functions is given by the identity

'<-^> = f B ^

(2 15)


valid for $le c > Re(a + b), c ZQ , which follows directly from the integral representation (which may be established by the Leibniz rule - see [121, p. 114])


(a, b, c; z) =

^ _

/ a _ 1 (1 - ) C " a _ 1 ' (1 ~ ^ ) _ 6 d o (Sfte c > 5Re a > 0, |z| < 1),


or by applying the Leibniz rule for fractional integrals to the product of f(x) xM and g(x) = xx, A,/J > 0, yielding

r(A + M + i)
T(A + M + ^ + I) -

r(M + i)

__ ,

v(n + v +

-iy r i ( - A , / / , ^ + i / + 1 ; 1 ) . 2i


The more conventional notation a = A, 6 = i/, c = /z +1/ + 1 then gives (2.15).


Observe that formula (2.15) is actually a particular case of the Shannon sampling theorem of signal analysis (see [19]). A further one is given by ([121, p. 77]), namely = (l-z)-62F1(c-a,6,c;^-). z 1 Let us finally add an unusual integral analogue of the fractional version of Taylor's theorem (see Osier [135], [87, p. 297-8])
2 F 1 (a,6,c;z)

' = E


ncAi-f-u (



( <^ ^ eQ o

in the form


= I rft+7+"i) { z " w ) t + " d t


^ G C ' l ^ - H = k-l)- (2.17)

For fractional versions of Taylor's formula with integral remainder terms as well as with those of Lagrange type one may consult M.M. Dzherbashyan et al. [47] and J. Trujillo et al. [168] and the literature cited there. 2.2 Fractional Landau-Kallman-Rota-Hille inequalities for operators

There exists an interesting inequality due to E. Landau (1913) which has been generalized in recent years in many directions. It is customary to write it in the form |/'(x)| 2 < 4 max a . e[ o,i]|/(a:)| max a . e[ o,i]|/"(a;)| provided / , / ' and / " are continuous on [0,1]. The inequality the spaces C[0,oo] and L p (0, oo), V{oo, oo) for any 1 < p cases the constant "4" may be different. Now E. Hille [82] generalized this inequality by replacing operators (d/dx) and (d/dx)2 by semi-group generators A and arbitrary integral orders in the form is also valid for < oo. In some the differential their powers of



where n and k are integers with 1 < k < n, Cn k being a constant independent of/.


As to the concepts involved above and below, a family {T(t);t > 0} of operators mapping a Banach space X (with norm || \\x) into itself, satisfying the functional equation T(t + s) = T(t)T(s) for all s, t > 0, T(0) = I (identity operator), together with the strong continuity property


is said to be a (Co)-semigroup of operators. Its infinitesimal generator A is defined by Af = s - l i m / ^ o + Z r 1 ^ ) - / ] / = T ' ( 0 + ) / for all f X for which this limit exists, so for all / 6 D(A). The fractional power {-A)a of order a > 0 can be defined by

(-A) fJ = lim - i - f [I~T{!}]mfdt a l






for each / X for which the limit exists in the X-norm. Here 0 < a < m, Ca,m is the constant of (3.24), and so (2.19) can be regarded as an abstract generalization of the Marchaud fractional derivative of (3.22). Alternatively this power may be defined by (-A)af= lim [ / ~ T{t)]af (2.20) v J ' t->o+ t<* which is motivated by the Liouville-Griinwald fractional derivative defined in (3.1). The fractional version of (2.18), which is due to Trebels and Westphal [167], reads: Let {T(t); t > 0} be a uniformly bounded (\\T(t)\\ < M){CQ)semigroup of operators, A its infinitesimal generator. If f D((A)1) and 0 < a < 7, then \\(-A)af\P < C]ta\\fW>-\\(-A)V\\a, (2.21)

where C 7 j Q is a certain constant depending on 7 and a. Applying (2.21) with a 1, 7 = 2 and M = 1 yields

P/ll 2 <(l^) 2 ||/IIP 2 /ll

with C2,i = (2/log2) ~ 2.885 instead of the constant 2 (which is better). As a further application one may deduce Bernstein's inequality for fractional derivatives from the classical one for integers. The latter reads

k=~ n


< nr\\tn(x)\\

(r = 1,2,...),


22 where tn(x) = XX^nCjte'* 1 i s a trigonometric polynomial of degree n, the norm being either CW or L\v, 1 < p < oo. As to the fractional version, take the particular translation semigroup T(t)f(x) = f(x t) which has infinitesimal generator A = (-d/dx). Then for fractional a {-A)atn(x)=%'Hx) = f^


which is just the Riemann-Liouville or Liouville-Griinwald derivative of order a. Thus, by the foregoing theorem and (2.22) we have for 0 < a < r,

\\t{na)\\r < c;,jitiri# ) ii Q < 3> pa n*ir.

which gives

||4a)ll < C r , a n a ||i n ||.

Replacing L\v by L p (-oo, +00) and tn by entire functions of exponential type < n, one arrives at results of Lizorkin [104]; see also Junggeburth-SchererTrebels [86], as well as Section 3.4. Let us finally remark that the above argument may be extended to groups of operators using the analysis of Westphal [173, II]. Inequalities estimating intermediate derivatives via a higher derivative and the function itself are also referred to as Hadamard (1914) - Kolmogorov (1939) type inequalities (also in the more general instance when the terms of the inequalities are taken with respect to different norms). The literature in this respect is quite large; see e.g. [153, p. 313] and the literature cited there. It includes papers by Hardy, Landau and Littlewood (1935), S.P. Geisberg (1965), R.J. Hughes (1977), G.G. Magaril-Il'yaev and V.M. Tikhomirov (1981). The case for Marchaud-type derivatives is quite popular. For a recent and excellent account of all aspects of the classical Landau-Kolmogorov inequality see S. Bagdasarov [4], also M.K. Kwong and A. Zettl [99]. 2.3 The behaviour of semigroup operators at zero and infinity with rates

Fractional integration may be used to investigate methods of summation of series, integrals and functions (see e.g. [153, pp. 276 ff, 304, 314 f] and the extended literature cited there). Thus for a function ip : 1+ - C one says ip(t) -> L as t -> 0+ in the sense of Cesaro (C, a)-summability provided (Ca<p)(t) := - / ' ( i - u)a-l^{u)du - L as t - 0+.


For semigroup operators, apart from the strong limit s-lim t ^o+ T(t)f for / X one is interested in the limit of the Cesaro means


C%{t)f:=^j{t-u)a-lT{u)fdu o



for t - 0+ as well as for t -t oo. Concerning the approximation theoretical behaviour of {T(t);t {Cy(i); t > 0} for t - 0+, it is connected as follows:

> 0} and

<= lic?(*)/-/lk = { ^
*=* 1 / N(A)
(2 24)


provided the Banach space X is reflexive. Otherwise D(A) above has to be replaced by the completion of D(A) relative to X, namely D(A) (for this concept see [15] and the literature cited there). Above, N(A) {/ G D(A); Af 6} is the null space of A. As to the ergodic theoretical behaviour of {T(t); t > 0} for t oo, s - lim C ? ( i ) / = Pf (2.25)

for each / X and a > 1, where P is the linear, bounded projection of X onto the kernel N(A) parallel to R(A), the closure of the range R(A). The result is true provided {T(t); t > 0} is uniformly bounded and X is reflexive. As to the rate of approximation of C^{t)f to P / for t - oo, the study of which was initiated in [29], there holds for a > 1,

\\^JT{u)fdu-Pf\\x = [0o^
o | | a r a f(t - uY-'T{u)f o \ feN(B)=N(A),i.e.,Pf - P/|| = | o^

= f.

{2 2b

' >


Above, the operator B is an appropriate extension of the inverse of the generator, A-1, restricted to R(A). [More precisely, B is the closed, densely defined operator mapping / = Ag + Pf R(A) N(A) onto g 6 D(A) n N(P) with P 3 = 6.] There is a most surprising connection between the approximation and ergodic theoretical behaviour of the semigroup {T(t); t > 0}, thus between the approximation of T{t)f to / for t -> 0+ and of (1/t) /' TB{u)fdu to Pf for t -> oo, where {Ta(t); > 0} is the semigroup generated by B. It was raised as an open problem in a different setting (astronomy) on the occasion of a colloquium talk given at Aachen in the early sixties by Prof. R. Kurth and established in the doctoral thesis of A. Gessinger [62]. In this respect, first note that the resolvent R(X; A) = (XI - A)^1 of A can be represented as the Laplace transform (see Section 5.3) of {T(t);t > 0} for each SRe A > 0 and / X in the form

fl(A;A)/= f


The Abelian mean ergodic theorem in this frame states that for each / 6 X the strong Abel limit s - limA-..ooA.R(A; A)f = f. The fundamental connection between R(X; A) and the resolvent R(X; B) of B i s XR{X;A)f -Pf = f\~1R(X~1;B)f (Re A > 0 ; / X).

Further, if the operator A generates a holomorphic semigroup { T ^ t ) ; * > 0} (see [12, p. 15] or [15] for this concept) so does the operator B, to be denoted by {TB{t);t > 0}, and conversely. On top, the latter semigroup associated with B can be given explicitly via

TB(t) = f + Pf-Vt


[Jl{2f^TA(u)fdu, Vu

Ji (u) being the Bessel function of first kind. The fundamental connection between 1A() and Ts(t) announced above, now reads:

25 Theorem 2.1. / / {TA(t);t >0} is a holomorphic semigroup with generator A acting on the reflexive Banach space X, then:

\\TA(t)f - f\\x = [ $

(t -* oo)

<= \\r JTB(u)fdu - pf\\x = I ^ ' ^


||Ai?(A; A)f - f\\x = { ffi |A/E(A; B)/ - P/|U = { ff

\ / JV(A) = JV(B).

(A -> oo) (A - 0+)

The foregoing matter should be of special interest in the physical applications sketched in Section 4.7 since often semigroup and ergodic theory methods are applied. As an application to Theorem 2.1 consider the Weierstrass semigroup
oo "


= Y,

e~tk* fA(k)eikx

= -Jf(x-



with x K and t > 0 where i? 3 (x,t) = J2T=-ooe~tk function, and




Jacobi's theta

f (k) = J f(u)e-ikudu

are the Fourier coefficients of / L\w. It is well-known that the infinitesimal generator is given by [Af){x) = f"{x) with domain D(A) = {/ L\v\f e AC\^, f" L\n}. The associated operator B turns out to be (see [15])

[Bf](x) = - 5Z k~2fA(k)eikx
fc = oo

{x e R)




for which H-B/H^ < ||/||xl, so that B is bounded. Since {WA(t);t > 0} is holomorphic, the operator B also generates a holomorphic semigroup, namely {WB(t);t>0}, given by


= f*(0) + Y,
fc = o o




where the exponent -tk2 of (2.27) is now tk~2. The projector is given by Pf = / A (0), and the resolvent by (see [16]) X[R(\,B)f](x) = f(x) +


= / A (0)+ J ] A(A + fc-2)-1/A(fc)eifcx.


Corollary 2.2. The following assertions are equivalent for f L\^ and any a > 0, j3 > 0:

WI|W0i(t)/-/||i3it = { *$) (H) \\CfrA(t)f-f\\Llw = { o$


("<>+), (t-0+),
(t -+ oo),

H*-1 /o W B ()/du - / A ( 0 ) | | i L = | ^ f ^

M l|C#/(*)/ - / A (0)|L L = | J^T^

^ ||A*(A; A ) / - / | | L L = { ^ ^

(t -> oo),
(A - oo), (A -* 0 + ) ,

r ; ||Afl(A; B)f - / A ( 0 ) | | L L = | ^

() 1 /(*) - //A(0) a.e. t(~\ = A Observe that iu(x,i) := [WA(t)f](x) of (2.27) is the solution of the heat equation (d/dt)w(x,t) = (d2/dx2)w(x,t), -it < x < IT, t > 0 with the boundary conditions w(-ir,t) = w(ir,t), (d/dx)w(-ir,t) (d/dx)w(n,t)


and the initial condition limt_).o+ w(x,t) = f(x). Then assertions (i), (ii) and (iii) of Corollary 2.2 state that either W0t(f.)/(a;) or the arithmetic mean t _ 1 / 0 WA(u)fdu of the solution WAWJ (having generator A) tends to the initial value f(x) with the rate 0(t) as t -> 0+ iff the mean _ 1 JQ WB(u)fdu associated with the generator B (namely (2.29), (2.28)) tends to / A (0) = l (1/2TT) f_v f{u)du with the rate 0{t~ ) as * -> oo. Let us consider now Abel summability of a uniformly bounded (Co)semigroup {T(t)\ t > 0} with generator A acting on a Banach space X, the integral order powers of the resolvent R(X; A) now being extended to the fractional case 7 > 0, thus

W(\;A)f = ^-jjf<-1e-xtT(t)fdt o In this respect H. Komatsu [98] showed that s-

(f 6 X).


lim A7i?7(A; A)f exists & f X0,


where X0 = N(A) R(A). If so, the limit is equal to Pf. The mean ergodic theorem for A7i?7(A; A)f with rates, first established by U. Westphal [176], states that Theorem 2.3. There holds for f XQ, 7 > 0 and A -> 0+ \\X'K'(\;A)f-Pf\\x = { .+v. J f D{By) 0(A 7 ) C

or f e DiB^)

if X is reflexive



1 / G JV(A)
As to the above, ( - A ) 7 is defined either by (2.19) or (2.20). Further, observe that i?7(A; A)f e D ( ( - A ) 7 ) for / G X, and (-A) 7 i? 7 (A; A)f = [I- Ai?(A; A)]^f. Then the operator B1 is defined by BJf = g where g is the D((-A)i) n i?(i4) satisfying {-A)fg = f - Pf. Note that D(Bif) = X0, and iV(5 7 ) = JV(^). It is interesting to observe that the rate of approximation with the exponent 7 of the resolvent -R7(A; A). This is not order a of the Cesaro means of (2.23). unique element in 5 7 is closed with in (2.31) increases the case with the


Let us now apply Theorem 2.3 to the (Co)-semigroup of translations on L 2 (0,oo), namely [TA(t)f]{x) = f{x - i) if x > t > 0, and [TA{t)f](x) = 0, if 0 < x < t with [Af]{x) = - / ' ( x ) , domain D(A) = {/ L 2 ( 0 , o o ) ; / ACioc, f L 2 (0,oo)}, and \\TA(t)\\ < 1, N(A) = {0}, X 0 = L 2 (0,oo), the projector P being the null operator. Now for / L2(0, oo), 7 > 0,

[[I-T(i)]VKs) = ( - l ) J ' ( ; ) / ( s - J i ) ,

so that ( - A ) 7 / is the strong fractional Griinwald-Liouville derivative of / of order 7. In terms of the Laplace transform (-A)"* is characterized by (see Section 5.3) D((-A)i) = {/ 6 L2(0,oo);3g e 2 (0,oo) such that s 7 / ( s ) = <$(*), Be * > 0}, [ ( - ^ r / ] ( * ) = * V M ,3?e S > 0. The operators Ry(X;A) L (0,oo), SRes > 0 by

and their Laplace transforms are given for /

[iT(A;,4)/](x) =

f{a)/{\ +

[iT(A;A)/]2( S )

Again, using the Laplace transform (cf. Section 5.3), it follows that B1f = and D(B"i) = {/ 2 (0,oo); 0I^f e L 2 (0,oo)}. This leads to the 0I2f following application involving fractional integrals of the type o / J e A l / ( x ) with the exponential weight eXx, studied e.g. in [153, pp. 195-199]. Corollary 2.4. Let 7 > 0 and f L 2 (0,oo). One has for A -> 0+: a)




= O(1)

iff/ = 0;

r H lo t^e-vfix

- t)dt\ ^ = 0(1)

/ e >(7) o 0 ^ / e L2(0,oo).
Observe that ( l / r f r ) ) /0X n ^ e ^ ' / t x - t)dt = e~Xx
0/ 7




Liouville-Griinwald, Marchaud and Riesz Fractional Derivatives

Liouville-Griinwald derivatives and their chief properties

A. K. Griinwald 6 (1867) [66] and A.V. Letnikov (1868) developed an approach to fractional differentiation for which the definition of the fractional derivative Daf(x) is the limit of a fractional difference quotient, thus

Daf(x) = lim *ffi,




h->o h<*

A/(x) being the right-handed difference of fractional order

Aahf(x) = J2(-iy(a)f(x-Jh)
j=o ^J'


which coincides with the classical r-th right handed difference AThf(x) for a r N (noting that ( r ) = 0 for j > r + 1). While the arguments of Griinwald were rather formal, Letnikov's were rigorous. They showed in particular that D~af coincides with Liouville's expression (1.8) for a > 0 and sufficiently good functions / . In fact, Liouville (1832) already formulated a definition of the form (3.1), however only for functions which are expressible as sums of exponentials. Although the foregoing approach was also developed further by E. L. Post (1930), it does not seem to have received general attention until the work of Westphal (1974) and Butzer and Westphal (1975) (see however also the earlier work of K. F. Moppert (1953), N. Stuloff (1951), and M. Mikolas (1963) see [120] 1975). Observe that the difference (3.2) is generally not defined for a < 0. Thus for the example f(x) = 1, the sum


T(r + 1 - a)

diverges for r -> oo if a < 0. In this section we confine the matter to periodic functions, treating definition (3.1) in the norm-topologies of C^ and Lf^, 1 < p < oo. (Note that the series (3.2) always converges with respect to these norms.) Thus this approach is a global and not a pointwise one; it enables one
6 According to Lavoie-Osler-Tremblay [101], the Griinwald approach is "the most difficult, yet in some ways the most natural approach to a representation for fractional differentiation". This approach is carried out in the frame of 2?r-periodic functions below. The ButzerWestphal treatment [30] via fractional differences was also incorporated into Samko et al [153, pp. 371-381].


to present a fully rigorous and thorough approach to fractional calculus using elementary means of Fourier analysis. It extends the matter in the integral case (i. e., a r) as considered in [25] (Chapter 10); see also [11] (1961). The background to this approach is best seen by transfering definition (3.1) into the setting of Fourier expansions of 27r-periodic functions. If



= [/(0] A (*) ~ ^

/ e-ikuf(u)


(k G Z)

defining the finite Fourier transform of / (or Fourier-coefficients of / ) , one is led to introduce the fractional derivative Daf for / E C-m or L\^ by

(noting that (d/dx)Telkx = (ik)Telkx


for a = r) or, equivalently, by (k G Z).



= (ik)af*(k)


To connect definition (3.1) with this set-up, instead of inserting the factor (ik)a one could also take an approximation for it, i. e. ,

wa = 2%{ir-)
suggesting as a definition

(3 6)

, -

ikh \



This is indeed reasonable since (see [30, p. 126]) [Ag/(-)] A (*) = ( l - e - i f c h ) a / A ( * ) (*eZ). (3.8)

Returning to the classical instance a r e N, it was Riemann who (in the case r = 2) first defined Drf by

*.&>_ a


in the pointwise sense. If the r-th ordinary derivative, denned recursively by f^(x) = lim/ l _>o[/^ r_1 H x + ^) ~f^T~1Kx)\l^li exists at a point x = XQ, so does the pointwise (Riemann) derivative Drf and both are equal. But the converse is not necessarily valid. However, the existence of Drf in the uniform norm is equivalent to the fact that the r-th ordinary derivative f^ (x) exists for all x and is continuous. A corresponding result holds with respect to the L*nnorm. This again suggests that the fractional derivative Daf can be handled by considering the limit in norm. If this is the case, then lim /r[Ag/(-)] A (*) = [Daf(-T(k)

(k e Z),

or (ik)afA(k) = [Daf(-)]A(k) by (3.8) and (3.6), giving the connection with (3.5). Thus, the a-th strong Liouville-Griinwald derivative Daf of / will be that function g in C<m or L%, 1 < p < oo, respectively, for which the limit lim \\h-aA%f-g\\=0 (3.9)

exists. For simplicity we shall briefly write Daf Civ or Daf L ^ , respectively. To show how definition (3.9) is correctly related to formula (3.4) we shall prove that ((1 - e~thh)/(ikh))a is the finite Fourier transform of some function Xa(x; h) which is 27r-periodic, integrable, and behaves properly as h approaches zero. These results are stated in Props. 3.1 through 3.3 below. As to the fractional integral, since an r-fold indefinite integration of elkx yields elkx /(ik)r, one is led to introduce it by, following H. Weyl [177],

I /(*)~ ^ 7 A W e i h / W "
A;= oo



(the dash indicating that the term k = 0 is omitted), or equivalently by [Iaf(-T(k) = ( f ) - a m ' *= f ' 2 " " [0, k 0. (3-11)

To give the formal definition (3.10) a more correct interpretation, one customarily defines for / L%K, 1 < p < oo (or C27r) and a > 0,

Pfix) = (/ * 1>a)(x) ~ ^ J

f(x ~ li)Va(u) du




_ v ^ cos(fcz fc=l



the series being convergent for all x (0,27r), Q > 0, uniformly so on e < x < 2w e, e > 0, so that it represents the Fourier series of ipa. Thus

a a

A , , , _ )(ik)'a, [0,

k =


k = 0,

where (iA;) = \k\ e x p ^ s i g n k) for it G Z. Hence the convolution and uniqueness theorems give that definition (3.12) is consistent with (3.10) for any a > 0, noting again that (3.11) holds. Since if)a e L\n (see [25, p. 426]), Iaf belongs to Lv2lt or C2n if / does so, since the right side of (3.12), which is called a Weylc fractional integral of order a, is a convolution product. 3.2 A crucial proposition; basic theorems

The function Xa(x;h) mentioned after Definition (3.9) will depend upon a basic function, namely

*, w=A?*, w = ( [r(a)r ' s w - t f C K * - >>"-' <*<<*>

[0, - c o < x < 0, (3.14) where ka(x) = [ r ( a ) ] _ 1 x " _ 1 . It will be needed several times in this chapter. Some of its properties are collected in the following proposition, F\pa(-)](v) denoting its Fourier transform J e~lvupa(u) du, E l (see Section 5.1). For references and proof see [172]. Proposition 3.1. The function1* pa(x) has for a > 0 the properties a)
PaeL 1



= l;


v = 0;

c) pa{x) = 0 for x > a in the cases a = 1,2,....

In fact, Weyl only considered fractional integration in this form. T h e most difficult part of this proposition is the proof of pa belonging to L 1 (K), a fact treated in Westphal [172] (see Section 3.2 of [175]).
d c


If a > 1, then d)

= 0{x-a~l)

(x -> oo),

ej p^ and xp'a belong to Z,1(K). Now the function Xa{x; h) is defined by







It has the properties, established in the following crucial proposition. Proposition 3.2. For a > 0 and h > 0 one has a) Xa(-; ft) G L\, * xa(u; h) du 2TT;

b) \\Xa{-;h)\\L\^ < M, uniformly in h; c) lim/,_>0+ / / |Xo(; h)\ du = 0 for 6 > 0;



= 0;



Relation e) clarifies the need for Xa(x\ h). Now the latter function is a so called approximate identity. This follows especially from Proposition 3.3. If f belongs to L\v, 1 <p < oo or to C-2.v, then for any a>0, lim || Jh,af

- f\\ = 0,

the norm being taken with respect to L^ or CW, where






Now to the basic results, including the monotonicity and additivity laws, and the fundamental theorem of the fractional calculus. Part a) expresses definition (3.9) in terms of the finite Fourier transform.


T h e o r e m 3.4. a) The following three assertions are equivalent for f G ^2-ir' 1 < P < oo and a > 0: (i) D*f L*; (ii) 3g G L5 : {ik)af*{k) = gA(fc), k G Z ; fittf 3g L ^ : / ( x ) - /*(0) = 7- 5 (x) a. e. If (i) or (ii) are satisfied, then Daf b) There holds for f G L%n,a,0 > 0 : (i) (Monotonicity law) IfDaf G L\K, then D?f G Lp2l! for any 0 < (3 < a; (ii) (Additivity law) DaDPf = Da+0f whenever one of the two sides is meaningful; (Hi) (Fundamental theorem of fractional calculus) Da(Ia)f = f-fA(0) = Ia{Daf), G L\,. G L\, if and only if (h > o). (3.17) = g.

the latter equality holding if Daf c) If f G Z/2ir f


1 < P < oo, then D f

\\*U\\L'aw = o(ha)

d) If f G L\v, then the following statements are equivalent for a > 0:


Da-1feBV2nnLln, J - " / G W27r,



ft) lfeBV27r,

a < 1;
a A

(nj 3/i G flVb* such that (ik) f (k)

= /zv(fc) := /* w


fcGZ W HA^/|LL = 0(/i)



fit;,) 3/i G .BVbjr suc/i that for every s G C21,


lim / s ( u ) [ / r A / ( u ) ] d u = [ h-o+ y y
0 0



Above BV2v is the space of all functions n which are of bounded variation on every finite interval, are normalized by n(x) = [fi(x + 0) + fi(x 0)]/2, and satisfy fx(x + 2ir) = fi(x) + n{2ir) ^(0) for all x. In connection with part b) (iii) let us remark that the formulae h'aAah{Iaf) = Jh<af - / A (0) = Ia(h-A%f),

being valid for / e L ^ , 1 < p < oo, may be regarded as precursors to (3.17). Theorem 3.4 b)(iii) is actually the counterpart of the fundamental theorem of the differential and integral calculus for the fractional case, in the sense that Da and Ia, introduced independently of each other in this section, are precisely inverse operators provided / A (0) = 0. Therefore, it is justified to set Da = I~a if a < 0. Then one has as a generalization of Part b)(ii) that if a, /3 are any reals, / A ( 0 ) = 0 and DaD0f exists, then DaD(}f = Da+Pf. The foregoing results were considered for L\v-functions. Their chief counterparts are now stated for / C2n all together in one theorem. T h e o r e m 3.5. a) If f 6 C ^ , then Da f C2n if and only if 3g CW :(ik)af*(k)=g*(k), kel. b) The following statements are equivalent for f Ci*, ct > 0: (i)3geL%:(ik)af*(k)=g*(k), (ii) 3g6L%:
A a

kel., (h -> 0+),

f(x) - / ( 0 ) = I g(x) for all x,

(iii) ||A/|| C a . = 0{h"),

(iv) 3 g e L^ such that for every s e L\n J s(u)[h-aA%f(u)



- g(u)} du = 0,

i.e., D f = g exists in this weak*-sense, (v) In~af 3.3 AC^-1 and (d/dx)nIn-af < Lf, with n = [a] + 1. E

The point-wise Liouville-Griinwald fractional derivative

The conventional way to define a fractional derivative is via point-wise convergence. The foregoing norm-convergence approach is especially reasonable in view of the remark to part b) (iii) of Theorem 3.4. The connection of Definition (3.9) with a certain point-wise version of it, at least for a > 1, is given by


Theorem 3.6.

a) If f L\ and a > 1, then for almost all x lim Jh,af(x) = f(x).

b) If f Z^JT, 1 ^ P < ; a > 1) then Daf Z^TT */? there exists a g L\n such that A/(x) = (ha/2-K)/0*Xa(x u;h)g(u)du for all x E and a /i > 0, and t/ie pointwise derivative D f belongs to L%n. The Griinwald-Liouville approach via fractional differences in the nonperiodic case was considered by Samko [151]; see Samko et al [153, pp. 382-85]. 3.4 Extensions and applications of the Liouville-Griinwald calculus

The foregoing rigorous and modern approach to the Liouville-Griinwald fractional calculus was further developed by Butzer, Dyckhoff, Gorlich and Stens [13], Wilmes [178], [179], Taberski [164,165], Diaz and Osier [39], V.G Ponomarenko [138], D.P. Driavnov [44]. In particular, Butzer et al [13] denned moduli of continuity of fractional order, defined generalized Lipschitz spaces via these moduli and applied the matter to the theory of best approximation by trigonometric polynomials. Basic in this respect is a Bernstein-type inequality for trigonometric polynomials in the fractional case. If tn(x) is a trigonometric polynomial of degree n N, then it reads that \\Datn\\x2n < B(a)na\\tn\\X2 (a > 0). (3.18) [24]) in the

Needed in the proofs is further a Jackson-type inequality (cf. fractional case. It states: If Daf X-m, then En{f\X2n) := i n f J I / - t|U air < J(a)n-a\\Daf\\X2.

A certain generalization of inequality (3.18), is a fractional version of the so-called M. Riesz inequality. It states that (see Wilmes [178], [179]) \\Datn\\X2n <(n/2)a\\A/ntn\\X2.

Above, B(a) and J(a) are constants depending on a > 0. Left-handed fractional order differences (with step 1) in the complex plane were considered by Diaz and Osier [39] in the form

A?/(z) = ( - 1 ) ' r U(z + a-j),



with the main result


T(a + 1) f f(u)T(u


r(u - z +1)


where the contour C envelopes the ray L = {u; u = z + a , > 0} in the positive sense. Here / is assumed to be analytic in a domain containing L such that \f(z)\ < M\(z)a~p\ for some positive constants M and p. They also obtained a Leibniz formula for these differences. The idea of fractional differentiation by Liouville-Grunwald allows other wide reaching generalizations as Samko et al [153, p. 446] report. Replacing the translation operator (r/ l /)(a;) = f(x - h) in the definition (3.2), which can be rewritten as A%f(x) = ( 7 - r / l ) a / ( a ; ) , by other generalized translation operators, one can obtain various forms of fractional differentiation. This idea was carried out by Butzer and Stens [26,27] for the so-called Chebyshev translation operator Th, defined by 1, Thfix) = -[f(xh + y/{l - x*)(l - h*)) + f(xh - V ( l - * * ) ( 1 - * 2 ) ) ]

for x,h [1,1] with the associated fractional derivative


= J&- f^jj-p ^/() := (~v[a] B- 1 )'(")n/(*)-

The limit here is taken in the norm of the space X = C[l, 1] or X = Lvw with norm ||/|| = { ( 1 / T T ) / ^ \f{u)\pw{u)du}1'p, w(x) = (1 - x2)-1'2. For a pointwise interpretation of D^ in terms of ordinary derivatives, D^f(x) = 2 (1 - x )f"(x) - xf'(x); further D^^f(x) = -Vl=l?(d/dx)(Hf)(x), the Hilbert transform of (3.36) now being denned by




where fA(k) = (1/n) f_x /(u)cos(fc arccos u)w(u)du is the Chebyshev transform of / 6 X. The Chebyshev integral 1^ f of order a > 0 is defined by the convolution product (/( a )/)(z) = (l/n) jl1(Txf)(u)ilja(u)w(u)du, where V'a(fc) = (-l)la]k-2a, keN. The basic theorem here is: If f e X, then (i) ><")/ e X iff (ii) 3g0 X with (-l)^k2af^(k) = g$(k), keN, iff (in) 39l G X with f{x) = (T^gi) (x)+ const, (a.e.). Then D^f(x) = gi(x) - gf (0),


i = 0 , 1 . The fundamental theorem for fractional Chebyshev derivatives and integrals then reads: D(a) {I^a) f) = / - / A (0) = 7 ( Q ) (Z? (a >/), the latter equality holding if D^f X. This calculus enables one to present a simple and unified approach to the theory of best approximation by algebraic polynomials, which also covers the delicate behaviour on the boundary of the interval [-1,1]Discrete fractional differences Aauk := $^1 0 ( l) J '(") u fc+j f r sequences {uk}k>o of real numbers, introduced by A.F. Andersen (1928), the discrete fractional bounded variation spaces bva+1 = {{uk} /; f ] (j
+ a

) | A a + 1 J + lim |ti,| < oo}

and their continuous fractional counterparts BVa(R+), introduced by W. Trebels [166], play important roles in various investigations of fractional differentiation in connection with Fourier- multiplier problems, of the Hankel, Jacobi-types, etc. In W. Trebels [166], G. Gasper-W. Trebels [57], [58] and H.J. Mertens-R.J. Nessel-G. Wilmes [117] also the Cossar derivative is applied. D. Elliott [48] and D. Delbourgo-D. Elliott [38] treat algorithms for the numerical evaluation of certain Hadamard finite-part integrals (which are indeed fractional derivatives) by making use of the Griinwald fractional differences. The algorithms in question are based on the use of Bernstein polynomials; convergence rates are included.


The Marchaud fractional derivative

Marchaud's idea (1927) [111] was to try to define a fractional derivative of order a directly via -00I^j(x) of (1.8), replacing a by -a. This suggests defining

r f{x) = ^[u-a-1f(x-u)du T(-a) J o



However, no matter how smooth / might be, the latter integral diverges due to the singularity of u _ a _ 1 at the origin. Hence, following J. Hadamard (1892), first considering 0 < a < 1, one takes the "finite part" of (3.19) in the sense that one subtracts from (3.19) that part which makes it diverge, namely the term / u ~ Q _ 1 / ( a ; ) d u = a~1e~af(x) with e -> 0+. This yields the correct

39 interpretation of (3.19), namely

i T^ / " ~ a _ 1 [ / ( ^ - ) - f(x)]du. e-o+ 1 ( - a ) y



It will include the definition given by (1.21). Indeed, by partial integration one has (formally), noting T(l a) = aT(a), that the limit expression (3.20) equals



In order to extend equation (3.20) to the case a > 1, one tries to replace the first difference there by a difference of higher order I of / , with step u, i. e. ,

A'u/(*) ~ E ( ~ 1 ) j ( ) / ( * - >)

( 3 - 21 )

In fact, the Marchaud fractional derivative of order a,0 < a < I, (Samko et al [153, p. 116ff.]), reads




, AL/(x)


( 2) 32

provided / is sufficiently smooth, where


having the representation f r(-a)i;;.=1(-l)' . j ( 0 < a < U * N ) C a ,/ := < , , + 1 , I ^^iE^^-^'O^logJ (a = 1,2 Z-l).



To see that (3.22) is independent of I whenever I > a, consider only the case 0 < a < 1. Then for any I N,

which yields the result as e - 0+, noting (3.24). It should be observed that the functions Caj of (3.23) are practically the Stirling functions S(a, I) of Section 4. 3. In fact, S(a,l) = ( - l ) ' C a , i [ / ! r ( - a ) ] - 1 . Usually, definition (3.22) can be interpreted in a more general sense in order to include larger classes of functions / for which a Marchaud derivative is defined. In fact, introducing the truncated integrals

D?f(x) = -- l^i^-du



their limit as e - 0+ may be regarded with respect to different types of convergence depending on the problems under consideration. We shall treat the case where convergence takes place in the norm of L p , 1 < p < oo, for functions / defined on the whole real line or on the half-axis K+. Though the latter class of functions may and will be regarded as a subclass of the former by extending / to be zero on the negative real axis, nicer and more well-rounded results may be obtained for functions defined on E+. Moreover, the Laplace transform is an effective tool in this case, which shall be considered briefly first. The treatment below is based on [6,7] and [173,1]. If / Li0C(M+), its Laplace transform is defined by

C[f}(s) = Ji 7(u)du
for each complex number s for which the integral exists (see Section 5.3). Usually it suffices to confine oneself to real s. The following lemma shows how the Laplace transform acts on finite differences (3.21) and truncated integrals (3.26). L e m m a 3.7. Let f G Li oc (M + ) such that the Laplace transform of f is absolutely convergent for each s > 0. Then for 0 < a < I and s,t,e > 0,


(i) {t-Altf](s)

= saC[f](s) C\pa,i}(ts),

(ii) C[D>lf]{s) = saC[f](s) C[q^](es), where the functions paj and qaj are defined by

for 0 < a <l and

for 0 < a < I. Both functions belong to Ll{M+) and satisfy

oo oo

Pa,i(u)du=l 0



and o

qa>i(u)du = 1.

Their Laplace transforms are given by C\Pa,l](s)=s-a(l-e~s)1 and, respectively,



fo.i]() = 7^


(s > 0).

Part (ii) of Lemma 3.7 implies the following characterization of the Marchaud fractional derivative (see [6], [7]). Theorem 3.8. Let f 6 Li o c (l+) such that the Laplace transform of f is absolutely convergent for each s > 0, and let g 6 LP(R+), 1 < p < oo. Then the following are equivalent for 0 < a < I: (i) s"C[f]{s) = C[g]{s) (ii) 0Ig = / , (Hi) Daf = g, i.e., for each e > 0, Df-'f L"(M+) and lime_v0+ I P ? ' ' / - s||/>(R+) = 0. (s > 0),


Let us remark that the equivalence of (ii) and (iii) states that o-^" and Da are inverse operations. The implication (ii) => (iii) may be interpreted in the sense that if g G L P (K + ), then the integral equation oI"g = / has a solution which can be represented by the Marchaud fractional derivative Daf. As for the analogue of this result for functions defined on the whole real axis, note that g LP(R) implies the existence of the fractional integral -oolg, in general, only if 1 < p < 1/a. Otherwise one has to assume it expressly; cf. Theorem 3.10 below. Also note that in the above theorem the function / itself need not belong to L P (M+). If, however, one is interested in a full theory for Marchaud fractional derivatives including, for example, the monotonicity and additivity laws, then it is appropriate to take a fixed L p -space as a basis which implies that fractional derivatives are explained a priori only for functions belonging to the underlying space. Thus, considering now functions on the whole real line, we assume that the operator Da has the domain D{Da) := {/ 6 LP(R); 3g L P (E) such that
a \im+ \\D>1' f - - y\\Lp{R)R ) -= 0}, S||L,( '

(3.27) and for g as in (3.27) we set D f := g. Then, as a counterpart to Lemma 3.7, the following formulas may be regarded as representative for the whole theory: For each f LP(W) and 0 < a < I the convolution integrals

1 f u du U * -Pa,/(-))(x) := J f{x - u)pa,i(-) and


(t >


1 c C J 0



(/ * -<7a,/( 7 ))W := / fix - u ) 9 a , , ( - ) c c

(e > 0)

belong to D(Da) and satisfy t-AlJ = Da(f*-tpa<l(-)),

Moreover, if f D{Da), then rabttf


= Daf*pa,l(-),



D?f = Daf*-qatl(-J.


From these relations and others of similar type the following theorem is deduced. It is an application of results obtained in the more general framework of semigroups of operators; cf. [173, I], [176] and Chapter III of this volume. Theorem 3.9. a) For each a > 0, Da is a closed, densely defined linear operator in LP(E), l<p<oo. There holds for f G LP(R), a,fi> 0: (i) (Monotonicity law) If f D(Da), and then f e D(D^) for any 0 < 0 < a






(ii) (Additivity law) There holds f D(Da+0) D0f D{Da). In this case,

if and only if f D{D0) and

b) If f LP(R), for a > 0: (i) f D{D), (ii) \\D? ''/HI,P(R) - 0(1)

= DaDpf.

1 < p < oo, thin the following statements are equivalent

(e - 0+), where


(Hi) there exists g L (M) such that





= 0.

In this event, D f

= g.

In Part b) (iii) of Theorem 3-9 the limit in L p -norm of the integral




as S -> 0+ may be considered as a generalization of the fractional integral -ooI"g(x) which need not exist, if g LP(R), as was mentioned above. In


this wider sense, the fractional integral is the inverse operator of the fractional derivative defined by (3.27). This is the interpretation of the equivalence of (i) and (iii) in Theorem 3.9 b) above. On the other hand, if for g LP(R) it is assumed that the integral -ooIg(x) does exist in the sense of Lebesgue for almost all real x, then for 0 < a < I and t > 0 one has

t-A[ -vJZgix)

= o


which implies, by Pubini's theorem, for e > 0,



- o o O ( x ) = j'g(x-

u)g a .,(H)



Note the similarity of these equations with formulas (3.28) and (3.29) above, which hold under different assumptions. The integral on the right-hand side of (3.30) belongs to LP(R) and converges to g in norm if e > 0+. Thus, there holds the following theorem which has its roots in the paper of Marchaud [111], cf. Samko [153, p. 125/6] and Rubin [147, p. 163]. Theorem 3.10. Let g LP(R), 1 < p < oo, and assume that the fractional integral f(x) = _oo^"ff(^) (a > 0) exists in the sense of Lebesgue for almost all real x. Then for 0 < a < I and each e > 0, >?'/ L P (E) and lim\\D'lf-g\\LP{R) 3.6 = 0.

Equivalence of the Weyl and Marchaud fractional derivatives

At first to the situation for 0 < a < 1. If / 6 L\, the Weyl fractional derivative


~ / 1 _ a / ( a ; ) = Tx ( h If{x ~ u)^-a(u) du)

(3 31)

may, under (formal) differentiation under the integral sign and partial integration, be written as ^j[f{x-u)-f{x)Wx_a{u)du; (3.32)


Samko et al [153, p. 352, 109] then speak of the Weyl-Marchaud derivative. Denoting the truncated version of (3.32) by Df' f(x), i.e.,


= ~ J[f{x - u) - /(X)] # _ ( ) du,

then it can be shown for / L^,

1 < p < oo, that the two truncated fractional

derivatives Df^fix) (cf. (3.26)) and Df'1 f(x) converge for almost all x, and in L ^ simultaneously, and Daf(x) = lim > Q,1 /(x) = lim DfAf(x) =: Daf(x), (3.33)

so that the Marchaud derivative for periodic functions coincides with that of Weyl (-Marchaud). Moreover the L\v-convergence of the truncated Marchaud derivative, namely that 3g L\v such that \\Df 'l f g\\Lp -> 0 for e -> 0, is equivalent to the representability of f(x) as a Weyl fractional integral of some g 6 L^, namely f(x) / A (0) + Iag(x). If 1 < p < oo, then this is also equivalent to H-Df'1/!^? = 0(1), O being independent of e. Recalling Theorem 3.4, it is also clear that the strong Liouville- Griinwald derivative and the strong Marchaud derivative coincide for periodic functions in L%n, 1 < p < oo. The foregoing results may be extended from 0 < a < 1 to any a > 0. Marchaud's approach has proved to be very useful in building up integral representations of numerous operators in analysis and mathematical physics, in particular in finding explicit and approximate solutions to various integral equations, arising in mechanics, electrostatics, diffraction theory, and especially in constructing explicit inverses to various fractional integrals and operators of potential type. This matter is the main topic of B. Rubin's specialized volume [147]; see also the books by V.I. Fabrikant [53,54]. 3.7 Riesz derivatives on R

Let us here consider a modified type of fractional integrals which were introduced by M. Riesz (1949) [140]. If 0 < a < 1, the integral

Ra x

f( )

= OTV x , wo / 2T(a) cos(a7r)/2 J


i f{Ul du \x - ul1-"

(3.34) v '


is called the Riesz potential of / of order a. With (3.34) there is associated the so-called conjugate Riesz potential of order a defined by

^ / ( z ) = OTV ^ 1r wo / | g " ( X a " i / ( " ) ^ 2 r ( a ) sin(a7r)/2 J \x - u\l-a '


(3-35) '

Under appropriate assumptions on / , say, for instance, / 6 L 1 (K)nL 2 (R), the integrals Raf(x) and Raf(x) exist almost everywhere and belong to Lj0C(R). They are related to each other via the Hilbert transform H, namely Raf = flatf/,

where H is defined by the Cauchy principal value (Hf){x) = f~(x)= lim f -^-du (3.36)

4-I-0+ 7T J X U \xu\>5

at every point x for which this limit exists. Moreover, provided / behaves well enough, then the following additivity laws are satisfied: If a > 0, /3 > 0 such that a + (5 < 1, then RaR0f RaR0f = = Ra+0f, -Ra+0f.

The Riesz potential as well as its conjugate counterpart can be extended to all complex a with Re a > 0 by distributional methods. See Samko et al [153, 25.2], where the matter is treated even in the multidimensional case. To find an appropriate Riesz derivative of fractional order, let us look very formally at the Fourier transforms of Raf and Raf. (For notation and some basic properties of the Fourier transform, compare Section 5.1.) Since for 0 < a < 1
oo oo

f J^Ldu

= 2\v\-a

[ ^-du


we have for v ^ 0, by the Fourier transform of convolutions, [ i T / ] = \v\-af*(v), [Raf]A(v) =H sgnv)\v\-af*(v),

and by the Fourier transform of derivatives,


() = (i)||-'/A() = (i sgn)MT(),



(v) = ()(- s g n t ; ) M a - 7 = M a / .


Thus, comparing the last four formulas, one is led to take -jj^Rl~af(x) as a candidate for the a-th Riesz derivative, as this expression inverts, at least formally, the Riesz potential Raf(x), while ^R1~af(x) plays the corresponding role with respect to the conjugate Riesz potential Raf(x). We want to follow up only the first of these two cases; the other may be treated in an analogous manner. Writing ^R1~af{x) as the limit lim Rl~aKx
+ h



we can represent the numerator of the above difference quotient as the convolution integral

(/ * n M _ a ) ( x ) = j= I f(x - u)nh:i-.a(u)du,


where the kernel /\_ nh,i-a{x) V^ f sgn(x + h) sgnxl ( l - a) cos(a7r)/2 \ \x + h\a ~ ~\x^~ J


belongs to L 1 (M) and has the Fourier transform < i - = (~i sgnv)(eihv - l)^-1 (v ? 0).

Thus, for every 1 < p < oo, the integral (3.38) exists as a function in LP{R), whenever / LP(M). This gives rise to the following definition of a fractional Riesz derivative in the sense of the norm topology of ZAfunction spaces: Let / e LP(R), 1 < p < oo. If 0 < a < 1 we define the a-th strong Riesz derivative D^f of / by lim Wh-'if * n M _ a ) - D^f\\p

= 0


whenever this limit exists. If a = 1, (3.39) is replaced by lim \\hrl[f~(



/-()] - D ^ / l l p = 0,



while for a > 1 we proceed inductively. If I < a < I + 1, I being a positive integer, then we set ><">/:=>{"-'>>{'>/. (3.41)

With this definition of an Q-th strong Riesz derivative, formula (3.37) receives the following correct interpretation: A function / G P (K), 1 < p < 2, has a strong Riesz derivative of order a > 0 if and only if the function v !- |v| a / A (t;) is the Fourier transform of some function g e LP(R). If so, g equals >{">/. Our principal aim in this section is, however, to characterize the strong Riesz derivative by an integral of Marchaud type. Indeed, making an attempt to define a Riesz potential of negative order one is led to use the method of Hadamard's finite part; for 0 < a < 2 it means to consider the integral

^ ' c / ^ ^

(3 42)

as e -> 0+, where

*- = { 2r( "t
Ka,2 J

-a) cos ^


0 < a < 2, a I.

a ^ 1

By a substitution, (3.42) may be rewritten as




with a central difference of / in the numerator of the integrand. This suggests for arbitrary a > 0 the following regularizations
oo 2j

(more precisely D}a' order 2j is given by

"Q,2j J e

%T^d (0 < a < 2j)


' f) as e 0+, where the central difference of / of even >

Auj/(z) = ( - 1 ) * (^ ) /(* + 0' - Qu)



49 and

Ka,2j = (-lV2^ J


The characterization of strong Riesz derivatives given in the next theorem is valid in L p -spaces for all real p > 1; see Butzer-Trebels [28] and Butzer-Nessel [25], Sec. 11 (for 1 < p < 2) and Sec. 13.2.4, 13.2.5 (for p > 2). T h e o r e m 3.11. Let a > 0. For f G LP(E), assertions are equivalent: (i) f has an a-th strong Riesz derivative, (ii) there exists g G LP(M) such that

1 < p < oo, the following

eK>+ KQ



= 0,


where j is a positive integer chosen so that 0 < a < 2j. In this case, D^f = g. The above equivalence may be established by Fourier transform methods. In case of L p -spaces, 1 < p < 2, one may argue directly via the characterization of the strong Riesz derivative in terms of the Fourier transform which was mentioned subsequent to definitions (3.39) - (3.41), while for p > 2 dual methods are appropriate. To give an idea how the Fourier transform acts on the Marchaud approximants De f, let us consider the case 0 < a < 2 more precisely. If / G LP(R), 1 P < 2, and 0 < a < 2, then we have for almost all v G K

M which implies

lim [ > < " > / ] = M V ^ ) -


On the other hand, there exists a function A;a G L1 (IK) satisfying / f ka(u)du = v2n, such that

2 K^J

/"cosu-l -^^du^ka{v)



(see Sunouchi [158] and [173, II]). Hence, [Z?|>/] A (v) = \v\af*(v)k2(ev). (3.45)

Now, formulas (3.44) and (3.45) imply, by standard Fourier transform arguments, the equivalence of the statements (ii) and (iii) in the next theorem (for the case 0 < a < 2). For a different method of proof generalizing one due to Salem-Zygmund we refer to Butzer-Trebels [28], see also [25, p. 414]. Theorem 3.12 summarizes all results of this section for the spaces L P (R), 1 < p < 2. T h e o r e m 3.12. Let a > 0. For f G LP(M), 1 < p < 2, the following assertions are equivalent: (i) f has an a-th strong Riesz derivative, (ii) there exists g LP(K) such that \v\af*(v) = gA(v),

(iii) there exists g G LP(R) such that eq. (3-43) holds for 0 < a < 2j, (iv) ifl<p<2,

KCa,2jJ a where 0 < a < 2j.

-du U 1+

= 0(1)


For the counterpart of (iv) in the space ,1( acterization. P r o p o s i t i o n 3.13. Let a > 0. For f L1 equivalent:

we have the following charthe following assertions are

(i) There exists a function \i of bounded variation over E such that its Fourier-Stieltjes transform


= -^= J


satisfies for almost all v M

(ii) If j is a positive integer such that 0 < a < 2j, then


-r-2 j



= 0(1)




Various Applications
Integral representations of special functions

Fractional calculus may be used to construct non-trivial integral representations of special functions. One example is (2.16). Another is Poisson's integral representation of the Bessel function

M*) = (g)"

( )2fc ' fc!r> +fc+ i) 2


which is a solution of Bessel's equation z2D2w + zDw + (z2 v2)w = 0, namely (see [121, p. 302, 114, 99, 89])

As a third example, the Legendre function Pa(x) of the first kind and degree a may be expressed as a fractional derivative. It is given in terms of hypergeometric functions as Pa(x)=2F1(a + l,-a,l;^(l-x)), |1 - x\ < 2. (4.1)

If a is a nonnegative integer n, then Pa(x) becomes the Legendre polynomial Pn(x) which may be represented by the classical Rodrigues' formula

w = 2hD*(x2-vnW^-J* ixKi.

To obtain a similar expression for arbitrary a note that

Differentiating termwise and using (recall (1.30))

we obtain nDaxa(l-x)a
0 x (

k+a _ r ( a + 1 + k)

T(fc + 1)

y - T(fc - a) r ( q + 1 + k)


~ r(-a)^o


r(fc + i)

r(a + l) 2 F i ( a + l , - a , l ; x ) .


Thus recalling (4.1),



f(^Ti) 0 j D " [ a ; Q ( 1 ~
this becomes

x n

By the change of variable t l-2x,

For further applications of fractional calculus to special functions see e.g. L.M.B.C. Campos [31], R.N. Kalia [87], Lavoie-Tremblay-Osler [102], V. Kiryakova [91]. 4.2 Stirling functions of the first kind

The classical Stirling numbers, introduced by James Stirling in his "Methodus Differentialis" in 1730, which are said to be "as important as Bernoulli's, or even more so" (see Jordan ([85, 1959, p. 143])), play a major role in a variety of branches of mathematics, such as combinatorial theory, finite difference calculus, numerical analysis, interpolation theory and number theory. Those of the first kind, s(n, k), can be defined via their exponential generating function

Oog(l + z)

g (n^z



or via their (horizontal) generating function


[z]n =

s{n, k)zk

{z e C, n N0)


where [z]n = z(z 1 ) . . . (z n + 1), and with the convention s(n,0) = Snyo (Kronecker's delta); see Riordan [141], Comtet [35]. The latter gives a natural possibility to define "Stirling numbers of fractional order" s(a, k) with a C and k G No In fact, these "Stirling functions", as one may call them, which were introduced by Butzer, Hauss and Schmidt [22], may be defined via the generating function
+ 1 W" : = J(Z lu =fl^k)zk T(z - a + 1) ^

(\z\ < l,a C).


53 Theorem 4.1. For a C and k > 3?e a > - o o , A N there holds the ; integral representation


For a proof see [67, pp. 117-121]. This integral calls to mind the Riemann-Liouville derivative of order a with Ke a > 0 of the function f(x) = (loga;)fc/fc! taken at x = 1. In fact, equation (4.5) in this respect reads for k > 5Re a, k 6 No, = i-o^(log*)fc

S (a,fc)


The proof of (4.6) for 5fte a < 0 is immediate from (4.5) and Definition (1.21). However, for k > 3?e a > 0 it is rather long and technical (see [67, pp. 123128]). Formula (4.6) is the fractional counterpart of, which follows from (4.2), s(n, k) = (J^j " (log(l + z))k|z=0. (4.7)

Observe that the results (1.30) and (1.35) enable one to evaluate certain Stirling functions. Thuss(a,0) = 0 2?"l|x=i = x~a /T(l-a)\x=i = l/T(l-a), s ( l / 2 , l ) = l o g 4 / v , s ( - l / 2 , l ) = 2(log4 - 2)/>/5r (cf. Hauss [67, p. 107f]),

(, 1) = * ( 1 ) . T . * ( 1 7 r(l-a)



) - J - , ^J{J -a)




_ oo


Observe that the representation (4.5) may also be associated with the Weyl-fractional derivative. In fact, under the substitution u = (1 + t)~x the


integral (4.5) turns into


s(a k) =


r^ajki / [ l o g ( 1 + u)]"u~1~a0- + < _ 1



for k > 3?e a, k G N. For Ste a < 0 it follows immediately that s(a, k) =

+ x ) - l [ l Q g ( l + x)] fc (-l)Vfc!}


However a proof for such a representation for A > Sfte a > 0 seems to be quite ; difficult. Whether it is possible to evaluate the fractional order derivatives of the s(a,k) is an open question. In any case, the s{a, k) are arbitrarily often continuously differentiable in a and one has for a K\N and k NQ, (d/da)s(a, fc) =



The s(a, k) are connected with the fundamental Riemann zeta function (s) = ^ ^ . 1 j _ s , K e s > 1, in a striking fashion (see [19] and the literature cited there). Thus, for m N, C(m + 1) = lim T(-a)(-l)ms(a,m)

= lim(-l)"T(-a) 0/"tt



as well as C(m + 1) = l i m ( - l ) m + 1 (d/da)s(a,m). 4.3 Stirling functions of the second kind

The Stirling numbers S(n,k) of the second kind could be defined via their exponential generating function



=yS(n,fc)^r ^' n!



or, equivalently, by

*,*, = |dx/V "fc!" ' i -

/ A\

to* _ n *





or by the horizontal generating function


x" = ^ 5 ( n , f c ) [ x ] f c

with the associated S(n,k) = -Akxn



eNo), : f(x +

A being the forward (left-handed) difference operator, namely Af(x)


In analogy with the third definition, the Stirling functions S(a, k) of second kind, of fractional order a 1R+, introduced in Butzer and Hauss [20], are defined by S(a,k):=-Akxa

{a M+; k


They may also be expressed by a finite sum as S(a, k) -^ 5I*_ 0 (l) fc+J (*)3aThere exists a real integral representation for S(ct,k), namely there holds for 0 < a < k, k e N, (see [67, p. 71])



Now this integral looks formally like the Weyl fractional derivative of order a(> 0!) of the function / ( x ) = (e~x l)k/k\, taken at x 0. As a matter of fact, Theorem 4.2. For k N, any a > 0 there holds

S(a,k) = I ^ { ( e - * _i)*-(_i)*}


As to the proof, recalling (1.38), for p = j ,




^ '



7= 1



Observe that (4.13) is actually the counterpart of (4.10) in the fractional instance, since by (4.13), for n G N,


= i & { ( e - - If- (-1)*}






provided x in (4.10) is replaced by a: (due to the fact that the integral (1.37) converges only for p > 0). Let us finally observe that fractional order Stirling numbers S(a, k) have been considered indirectly, at least, in Westphal [173, p. 76], in her theory of fractional powers of infinitesimal generators of semigroup operators. They are related to the normalizing factor Ca<k -recall Section 3.5 - of the Marchaud fractional order derivative (3.22), (3.23), first treated by Marchaud. Also the proof of (4.12) in [20] is modelled upon [173]. 4.4 Euler functions

The classical Euler polynomials En (x) can be defined in terms of their exponential generating function by 2exw *r^, wn - = V En(x) w e +1 '-^ n!

(x e S; \w\ < w)


or, equivalently, by 2exr

* < " - ( = ) " ( e^ + l


These polynomials were extended to Euler functions Ea(z) dices a C and 3?e z > 0 in [14] by

with complex in-

J 1 + e^ c


C being a positively oriented loop around the negative real axis, composed of a circle C2, of radius 0 < c < 2it around the origin together with the lower and upper edges C\ and C3 of the "cut" in the complex plane along R~. In fact, C = C ( - o o , 0 + ) o f (1.41). These Euler functions have removable discontinuities at a Z~ since the gamma function has simple poles at these points, and the integral vanishes by


Cauchy's theorem, since then the integrand is analytic. This yields (see [2]) that Ea (z) is an analytic function of a C for die z > 0. These functions can even be defined for all z e C\K^"; the Ea(z) are analytic there. There exists a Weyl-type integral representation, namely

*'" = rra / ir^-0"*"*



(4 19)


for S e a < 0 and die z > 0. This integral can be regarded as the fractional Weyl derivative of order a of the generating function fz(y) := 2ezy/(l + ey) at y = 0. Thus Ea(z) = -ooD% fz(y)\y=o = (%)m -ooW y m - a /z()|,,=o holds for m 1 < die a < m, which is the counterpart of formula (4.17). In Section 1.3 we presented three examples dealing with the evaluation of the functions x 6 , logx and e~ px according to the Riemann-Liouville-Weyl definitions. Let us now apply the Liouville-Griinwald definition, and take the Euler functions as the example. In order to apply it we shall take the 1-antiperiodic continuation of Ea(x) for x 6 (0,1] and denote it by a(x). It has the Fourier series representation
00 p(2k+l)irix

g .(x) = 2 r(a +


[(2fc + l H + 1

for a C, die a > - 1 . Whereas (d/dx)En{x) = n n _ i ( i ) for n e N, (d/dx)Ea(x) = aEa-i(x) for x K^, die a > 0. As to the fractional order differential operator D& for /? > 0 of Definition (3.9), taken in the norm of L^-space, we have

provided a > /? > - o o . As to the proof, one has for all v Z, (ivf\a(-T(v)

= { mlri)"P-^ [0

.^ = (2^ + Dn for one k G Z, , v (2k + l)n for all k 6 Z

r ( " + !) re . / M A , [-/()] I > - /3 + 1)

An application of Theorem 3.4 then completes the proof. For details see [14].



Eulerian numbers E(a, k) for a G R

The Eulerian numbers are well known, especially in combinatorics and discrete mathematics, but also in geometry, statistical applications and spline theory. These numbers, E(n,k), defined by E^Q-^f^i-iy^^yk satisfy the recurrence formula (in n) E(n,k) = (k + l)E{n-l,k) + (n-k)E(nl,fc-l) (k,n G N). (4.21) + l-jr (k,ne No), (4.20)

They are also quite useful since they connect the monomials xn with the consecutive binomial coefficients, namely xn = ^E(n,k)(X fc=o

} /


(4.22) where n 6 N is

There is a natural extension to Eulerian functions E(a,k), replaced by a G R, defined for k G No by E(a, k) := ( - i y (a + 1\(k + l - j)<*. j=o \ 3 /


This matter was first carried out in [21]. The first four Eulerian functions are given for a G R by E(a,0) E(a,l) E(a,2) E(a,3) = 1, = 2 Q - ( a + l), = 3a-(a + l)2a+v = 4-(a

a + 1"

l)3+(a +

)2-(Q + 1). namely

There exists a horizontal generating function for the E(a,k),

Y, E{a, k)xk = ^ W

( a i ; \x\ < i) ;



where Aa (x) are the generalized Eulerian "polynomials", i. e.


AQ(x) := (1 - x)a+1



the radius of convergence of the latter series is 1. This yields a representation of these functions in terms of derivatives, namely


(a G K; k


Another such representation is that due to Worpitzky (1883) in the classical instance, namely

.*>=()" (<-'>'tr>
Theorem 4.3.



The counterpart for the E(a, k) for arbitrary a E can be expressed in terms of a Weyl fractional derivative. Indeed, a) For any a < 0, k No there holds
a + 1

E(a,k) =


_-\v( [i2(-l)i('



b) For a > 0, k e No one has

15(a,fc)= s D ( ( - ! ) ' ( " J 1 ) ,



The proof follows basically from (1.37), (1.38) with p = k - j + 1. For details see [21]. The E(a, k) have interesting properties, asymptotic relations, and are con-


nected with the Stirling functions of Sec. 4.3. In particular,


i . i\

= f ff(a &>


P(a'fc) )(a,fc);


(m + l ) a =

(a,fc) ^moo(fcTlF a-+-oo (a)*

= 1


+ l,fc) = E(a,k)

k + 1


,im f ^

= fc! i


B(a,*) = ( - l )




= T{a + l) f




J(a, fc) = T(a + 1)


The second to last result connects the Eulerian numbers with the basic function pa(x) of Proposition 3.1; it yields the last one since J*0 pa(u)du = 1. Further, pa(k +1) = [r(a)]~1E(al, k) for a > 0. The implications may be worthwhile to consider. In any case, the foregoing connection suggests it seems to be possible to generalize the Eulerian functions E(a, k) to the instance when also k is allowed to be fractional in terms of the pa(x) function, namely E{a,0) = T(a + l)pa+1{p + l)

where /3 is real with /3 > 1. For the role of Eulerian numbers in mathematics see the excellent account in Hilton et al [83, pp. 217-248] and its literature. 4.6 The Bernoulli functions Ba{x) for a R

The classical Bernoulli polynomials Bn{x) can be denned via their exponential generating function by
~ .71

- = V Bn(x) ( i E; \w\ < 2TT), 1 *' n!


61 or equivalently by , , ( d \

f wewx



But they can also be defined in terms of their Fourier series, at first for 0 < x < 1 by Bn(x) = Bn(x), where Bn(x) is the one-periodic function


cos(27rA:x mr/2)

( , > 2).


This led Butzer et al [17] to define the Bernoulli functions Ba(x) for a G C, firstly for Re a > 1 by Ba{x) Ba(x) on 0 < x < 1, where Ba(x) := - 2 I > + 1) f )

(2^* ~ (2irk)



(* G K,K e

> 1),


have period 1. The Ba{x) are then extended in a suitable way to a; Ej}~ and E~. They can also be extended (noting (4.31)) beyond the line 3?e a = 1 to the whole a-plane C as well as to complex x = z, via the contour integral





c for z G <C\RQ , at first for S e z > 0 , where C denotes the positively oriented loop following Defintion (4.18), and then for any z e <C\EjJ" by Ba(z - m) := Ba{z) - a ^

(z - k - \)a~\


where Re z (0,1), z $ R, m e K The Ba(z) are now holomorphic functions of a C for z C\R^. Ba(z) can also be represented as a Weyl integral o

W = Zf(b) / e^-ri{~Uradu

(4 36)

for S e a < 0 and Ke 2 > 0. This integral suggests that the fractional Weyl derivative of order a of the generating function fz(y) = (yezy)/(ey - 1) at y = 0, equals
/ 1 \ m

Ba(z) = . o o U J / . d / ) ! ^ = ( ^ J

_ooW- 0 /,(y)| v = 0

(4. 37)


for m 1 < SRea < m. It is the counterpart of formula (4.31) in the fractional instance. The foregoing Bernoulli functions can be connected in an interesting way with Liouville-Griinwald derivatives. Indeed, given such a derivative Daf 6 Lfjri 1 < P < oo of order a, then the Ba(x) may be used to recapture f(x) itself from
2?r 2jr

/(*) = ~ r ( I + i ) /


~ ) ( /2TT) du+^J


f(u) du.


It is due to the fact that the function ipa(x) of (3.13), which is associated with the Weyl-fractional integral, can be represented in an interesting fashion in terms of Ba(x) i. e. ,

The connection (4.39) was noted in the particular case a = n N by Samko et al [153]. The result (4.38) follows from Theorem 3.4. 4.7 Ordinary and partial differential equations and other applications

There exist a variety of papers dealing with applications of fractional calculus to (ordinary) differential equations of fractional order, the first discussion of which goes back at least to L.O' Shaughnessy (1918) and E.L. Post (1919). See especially the monographs by Miller-Ross [121], Samko et al [153, pp. 795-872], and the work of M. Pujiwae (1933), E. Pitcher and W.E. Sewell (1938), G.H. Hardy (1945), J.M. Barret (1954), M.A. Al-Bassam (1966), M.M. Dzherbashyan and A.B. Nersesyan (1968), L.M.B.C. Campos (1990), D. Delbosco and L. Rodino (1996). See e.g. the recent N. Hayek et al [69] and the literature cited there. An algorithm for the numerical solution of nonlinear differential equations of fractional order was developed by K. Diethelm and A.D. Freed [40,41]. As to the partial differential equations there also exist a large number of publications. For some earlier material see Oldham-Spanier [133, pp. 197-218] and for more recent results Rusev et al [150], and especially the succeeding chapters of this volume. Thus H. Berens and U. Westphal already in 1968 [7] considered the Cauchy problem for the generalized wave equation w(x, t) + 0D]w(x, t) = 0 ax (x, t > 0; 0 < 7 < 1)


where QDJ is the Riemann-Liouville fractional differentiation operator applied with respect to t and suitably restricted to functions of L p (0, oo). The solution has the form w(x, i) = [Wy(x)f](t), where {W^(x)\ x > 0} is a (Co)-semigroup inL p (0,oo). In the particular case 7 = 1/2 it can be given explicitly as \W\/2(x)f](t) 3 2 2 (X/V^TT) /o f(t - u)u- / exp{-x /iu)du with / e L p (0,00). The proofs are carried out by precise applications of semigroup theory and Laplace transform analysis. This investigation of the fractional wave equation, which is discussed briefly in Samko et al [153, p. 865], seems to be unknown among mathematical physicists and physicists. Of the literature they cite, it is generally restricted to the standard works of Oldham-Spanier [133] and Ross [144]; sometimes Ross [146], McBride-Roach [115] and Nishimoto [124, Vols. I and II] are also added (see e.g. H. Beyer and S. Kempfle [8]). Explicit solutions of fractional wave and diffusion equations were given by Schneider and Wyss [157], Hilfer [77], B.J. West et al [171] and R. Metzler and Nonnenmacher [119], in terms of Fox functions (see A.M. Mathai and R.K. Saxena [112]). F. Mainardi in a series of papers studied especially the fractional diffusion equation, based on Laplace transforms and special functions of E.M. Wright-type (cf. Kiryakova [91]; see [110], and El-Sayed [49] for a semigroup approach. Schneider [156] and Hilfer [80,81] established the relation between fractional diffusion and stochastic processes, master equations and continuous time random walks. A review of the early contributors of the applications of fractional calculus to the theory of viscoelasticity has been given by R.L. Bagley and P.J. Torvik [5]. In later papers these authors and R.C. Koeller [94] show the connection between fractional calculus and Abel's integral for materials with memory and that the fractional calculus constitutive equation allows for a continuous transition from the solid state to the fluid state when the memory parameter varies from zero to one. In particular, Koeller continued the Bagley-Torvik work and Yu. N. Rabotnov's (1980) theory of hereditary solid mechanics using the method of integral equations (instead of Laplace transforms); it leads to results expressed in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function which depends on the fractional derivative parameter in question. See especially R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi ([64]) in this respect. Chapters VII and VIII in this volume give a review of more recent work on viscoelasticity and rheology. As to statics and dynamics of polymers, Douglas [43] has emphasized the appearance of fractional integral equations for surface interacting polymers and other systems. See also Chapter VI of this volume. Of recent increasing interest in the area of fractals and nonlinear dynamics


are fractional dynamical systems. Such systems can be discussed in the frame of abstract ergodic theory as flows or semiflows on measure spaces involving fractional time derivatives. They are related to problems of time irreversibility and ergodicity breaking. For literature in this respect see e.g. R. Hilfer ([78,79]), H. Hayakawa [69]. A new class of phase transitions, called anequilibrium transitions, has recently been introduced by R. Hilfer [73]-[75]. It characterizes each phase transition by its generalized noninteger order and a slowly varying function (in the sense of E. Seneta, see e.g. Jansche [84]) Thermodynamically this characterization arises from generalizing the classification of P. Ehrenfest (1933) to noninteger orders A > 1 but also A < 1. In the setting of Hamiltonian chaotic analysis anomalous kinetics of particles has been studied by G.M. Zaslavsky in real systems. Such systems have fractal sets of islands or tori (cylinders) in the phase space, and these sets are responsible for the anomalous kinetics. In this respect a new fractional Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation describes the particle kinetics; it can be considered as a new universal scheme for those processes where chaotic dynamics meet strongly correlated ballistic dynamics similar to the Levy flights. See [180] and its literature as well as Chapters IV and V of this volume for more information on this subject.


Integral Transforms and Fractional Calculus

Fourier transforms

The Fourier transform of a function / : E -> C, defined by Hf\(v) = / A () = ^ = / f(u)e-ivudu,




is a powerful tool in the analysis of operators commuting with the translation operator (see e.g. [25]). Its inverse is given by / ( * ) =-F- 1 [/ A (v)]( a 0 =


for almost all x M, if / and fA belong to Ll(R). of the Fourier transform are

Two of the basic properties

F[fin)}(v) = M n / ,





valid for sufficiently smooth functions / ; (5.2) holds if, for example, / G L1(M)n AC^iR) with /(") G L ^ E ) , while for (5.3) it is sufficient that / as well as xnf(x) belong to L 1 (K). The convolution theorem F[f*g]{v) = F[f]{v)F{9]{v) (5-4)

holds, for example, for / , j LX(R), where (/ * 9){x) = -j== I fix - u)giu)du.


The fractional integral -<x>I%f of (1.12) is such a commuting operator. The counterpart of (5.2) reads for such operators (see e.g. [147, p. 32] Lemma 5.1. If f E L^K) and 0 < 3?e a < 1, then ^ | - / ? / ] ( ) = (*w)- a / A (t;). Indeed, changing the order of integration,






e~ fit)dt





T{aj I ~ W

e itv



e iyv a ld

' y ' v-

But for any fixed v ^ 0,

0 < Ke a < 1, / e-iyvya-ldy o = {iv)-aT{a). (5.7)

Here the Fourier integral on the left is to be understood in the sense of a principal value. Hence, taking the limit above for N oo, there results (5.6). Thus the action of fractional integration under Fourier transforms is reduced to dividing the Fourier transform by (iv)a. Equation (5.6) cannot be extended to values 3?e a > 1 immediately since the left-hand side of (5.6) may then not exist even for very smooth functions,


e.g. / E CQ, the space of all infinitely differentiable pact support in E. Indeed, for a = 1, _oo.Tj/(x) = -oo!xf(x) ~* const, as x -> oo, implying that T[-ooIlf\ usual sense (see e.g. [153, p. 139]). If a > 1 take a non-negative function / CQ to interval [a,b\. Then for x > b

functions with com/f^ f(u)du, so that does not exist in the be positive on some


> p r [(* - u)a-'f{u)du

1 (a) J

> min/(u)

(x - a) a - (x - 6)c r(a +1)

so that _oo/^/(x) ~ Cx"" /T(a) as x -^ oo, implying again that J"[_ 00 7^/] does not exist in the usual sense. Thus one can only expect to extend (5.6) to all a with Stea > 0 for a special class of functions / . For this purpose, let S = 5(E) be the space of Schwartz test functions, i.e., those / ( x ) , x E which are infinitely differentiable and rapidly decreasing together with their derivatives as |x| oo, thus > lim (1 + x2)mfU) (x) = 0,

all m > 0, j > 0.

5(E) is a topological vector space, the topology being given by the family of seminorms | | / | | j , m = supj. R |(l + x 2 ) m / ^ ( x ) | ; it is metrizable and is complete (thus a Frechet space). Now let * = *(R) be the space of functions / 5 which are equal to zero at the point x = 0 together with their derivatives, i.e., * := {/ e 5; /<fc>(0) = 0, A 6 No-} Then the Lizorkin space $ is ; the space of functions in S the Fourier transforms of which belong to * , thus $ = {/; / 5, / A * } In fact, $ may be characterized as the space of f S which are orthogonal to all polynomials: / ukf(u)du = 0, JfcNo, (5.8)

since fRe-iouukf{u)du = t*V27r(/ A )W(0) = 0. Now if / belongs to $, then equation (5.6) is indeed valid for all 5Re a > 0. Let us establish it for 1 < 3?ea < 2. Indeed,
N t

r(a)^[_ 0 0 / I /](w) = lim

/ e~ dt

f (t J


N-+oa J N N-u


/ e-ivuf(u)du




67 If SRea ^ 1, integration by parts yields


(tt;)r(a).F[_ 0 oJ s /](i/) = JimJ-N^e-"

j (1 -oo



(a - 1) f f(u)e- du



The first term on the right tends to zero by (5.8) (noting L'Hospital's rule), while in the second one can pass to the limit directly since die a < 2. Noting (5.7), this yields T(a)Jr[-00Iaf](v) = (a-l)T{a-l)(iv)-afA(v), as required. The case a = 1 is simple, since, by (5.8),
iuv iuv _






For the case 3?e a = 1, a ^ 1, i.e., a = 1 + id, d ^ 0, which is quite technical (see [153, p. 149]). As to the fractional counterpart of (5.2), we have, by Lemma 5.1 and (5.2) for sufficiently smooth functions / , for example, / G S (n [3?e a] + 1),

r[-coD2f](v) = :F[_0oir7W(*)]() - (tt>)-<n-a> (/<">)

= (ii;)-< n - a >(*i;) n / A (w) = (iv)afA{v). Let us finally remark that there exists a fractional Fourier transform Ta of order a, introduced by N. Wiener (1929). It is a unitary integral transform on L 2 (E), the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of which are, respectively, e~tna and the normalized Hermite functions hn (n N 0 ). It is defined for all a e M. by the limit in L2 (K)-norm

Faf{-) l.i.m.jv-Kx, /


where ' A a e x P ( ^ c o t a ) e x p ( - 4 ^ + i^cota) Ka(v,u)= ^5(u-v)

J(u + v)

a $ a

{In-JeZ} {2irl;lZ}

a e {2-KI +


and Aa = exp[-i (f sgn a - f )]/-\/27r|sina|. For a = 7r/2 we obtain the classical Fourier transform T and for a = TT/2 its inverse transform T~x. For a = nir/2, n Z, we have Tn, the nth power of T. Ta satisfies the index law TaTpf = Fa+pf forall / L 2 ( l ) . The inverse of Ta is T-a. This transform is of interest in sampling theory of signal analysis in case the samples are not equally spaced apart but are irregular. It is of primary interest in the case of complex valued functions. See e.g. B. Bittner [9] and especially the literature cited there. For sampling theory itself one may consult Higgins [71] and Higgins-Stens [72]. 5.2 Mellin transforms

The Mellin transform of / : K+ -> C, defined by



= fZt(s) = [u'-if^du

(s = c + it)


for / Xc := {/ : K+ -* C, \\f\\x. = /0 | / ( u ) K - 1 d u < oo}, for some c R, has its inverse given by

f(x) = M- [fUs)](x) provided / j ^ Ll({c}

= ~




x iR). The Mellin convolution of / and g is given by






provided it exists, and the associated convolution theorem reads for f,g Xc, [f9]AM(s) = [f}M(s)l9]Us)(5-12)

For the Mellin differential operator 0 C , defined for c R by Qcf(x) := xf'(x) + cf(x), xeR+ (5.13)

in case it exists, and that of order n N iteratively by Q\f := Qcf, 0/ = O c ( Q ? - 1 / ) , one has for s = c + it, t e R, Wf\%i(s) = Ht)nfM(s) (5-14)

69 provided / G A C f t " 1 ^ ) D Xc and 0 ? / Xc. See especially [23] and the literature cited there for the foregoing approach to Mellin transforms. Whereas this is the natural operator of differentiation in the Mellin setting, for the classical nth order derivative D " / ( x ) we have

M[DnJ){s) = {~})nT{8JfW
1 (s n) provided / A C J ^ R f ) and DkJ G Xc+k-n classical fractional integral on M+, given by

~ ),


for k = 0 , . . . ,n. Now for the

oZM one has

= rTT A

- )a_1/()d


r(a) y

A4[o7(*)]() = T{1
if / G Xc+xe

.S)fU* + <*)


r(l-a) a and c + 5Re a < 1. In fact, formally


?> / ('" )""'#?]{s) - M[I < ' / ) W ! W '

where 3a (ar) = r(a)~ 1 (a: - l)+~1x~a (see [147, p. 43] ) with M[ga(x)](s) = r ( l - s ) / r ( l - s + a ) , Res < 1. Now>f[x a /(a;)](s) = fjU(s + a) so that (5.17) follows since M[xa(ga o /)(*)]() = [gQ o / ] * , ( * + a) =
r n

" I T i A ^ ( * + <*) 1 (1 - (s + a) + a)

r ( 1

As to the fractional derivative on E + , one has by (5.15) under suitable conditions M[oDZf}(s) = ^^M[0iraf](s-n) (n - 1 < 5Re a < n). (5.18)

Hence by (5.17)

M\0Dfl(8) M[oDxtm -

- (-irns)r(l-(s-a)) T(s-n) T(l-s

+ n)fM{S




By applying the functional equation T(l - (s - a)) = -4, r v v " r(s-a)sin7r(s-a) as well as ditto for a = n, then M[0D"xf](s) = (-l)T(a) * sin^s-n) 1 (s a)sm7r(s a) 7r _ (5.19) simrs T(s) sin7r(s a) T(s a)
& ( * < * )

Sufficient conditions for the validity of (5.19) in case n - l < $ c a < n are, for instance, that c + n - 3fe a < 1, / AC^)~1(R+) and Dxf X c+ /t_5} e Q for k = 0 , . . . ,n. Note that (5.19) reduces to (5.15) for a = n. Thus the factor (sin7rs)/sin7r(s a) is a replacement for (1)" in the fractional case. Observe that the fractional integral defined by (5.16) is not the natural one connected with a possible generalization of the differential operator given via (5.14) to the fractional case in the sense that one is the inverse to the other (in the sense of Theorem 11 of [23]). What would be needed is a fractional integral which is the true counterpart of the new differential operator (5.13), at first in the particular case a = n. In this respect see also the theory of fractional powers of some classes of operators, including Riemann-Liouville and Weyl fractional integrals, via a Mellin transform approach due to McBride [114]. Rooney [143] presented an approach via Mellin multipliers. The fractional integral T(a) -00I^f{x) = J0 ua~1f(x - u)du, Ke a > 0 is the Mellin transform of f(x ~ u). Applying the inverse Mellin transform M~x, we deduce the following integral representation of the function f(x) in terms of its fractional integral, namely
Re a+ioo
x u

f( - )

= J-

Se atoo

r(a) _00/(a:)-ada


provided, for fixed x M. and some c > 0, the function r(a)_oo/"/(a;) belongs to Lx{{c} x iR) with respect to a. This formula may be regarded as another integral counterpart of the Taylor series expansion of f(x u). Further, taking x 0, we have
Me a+ioo

f{ u) =

hi I n<*)-ooizf{x)\x=0u-<kx
Me atoo



This implies that f(x) can be recovered from the values of its fractional integrals - o o l " / ^ ) taken at only the one point x = 0 if these are known for all a on the vertical line !Re a = const > 0. 5.3 Laplace transforms and characterizations of fractional derivatives

The Laplace transform of a locally integrable function / : M+ -> C, defined by


[/](*) = fc() = J e-suf{u)du o


is another powerful tool in solving differential and integral equations of fractional analysis. In this framework it is appropriate to assume that the integral in (5.21) converges absolutely in the complex half-plane 5fte s > 0. If, in addition, / is of bounded variation in a neighbourhood of some x > 0, then there holds the inversion formula

C- m*) = FVi I



(*>0) (5.22)

for each fixed a > 0. The associated convolution relation is given by


(f g)(x) = J f(x- u)g(u)du (5.23) o the transform of which is C[f g](s) = C[f](s)C[g](s). Thus the transform of the fractional integral oIf, Ke a > 0, namely the Laplace convolution

is given by, noting Clx^T1/T{a)](s) = s~a for Ke a > 0, (5.24)

[o4 a /K) = s-aC[f](s), valid for sufficiently good functions.


As to fractional differentiation, first recall that for n N C[^f\{s) so that = snC[f]{s)-Yi8kf^-1-kH0+),



c-wfK*) = [^ 0iraf](s)
a k a sc[0ir f](s) - E s ^^ "** f(o+) Oir J K^/ n-l-k
"-! jn-l-k
dx (5>26)


= s [/](s) -

s* 0 2 ? r 1 _ * / ( 0 + )

(n - 1 < o < n).

If, however, one would work with definition (1.26) of fractional differentiation, i.e. ^ D f / : = 0 / r a / ( n ) ( z ) , then

[o>"/](s) = s a r [ / ] ( s ) - s - 1 - fc /(=)(0+) *=o

(n - 1 < a < n).


The essential difference between the expansions (5.26) and (5.27) is that the former involves the fractional derivatives 0D%~1~kf{0+) (k = 0,1, ..,n - 1), whereas the latter involves only the integer derivatives / ^ ' ( 0 + ) . G. Doetsch [42, p. 163ff.] defines the fractional derivative as the solution g of the integral equation

= ^LjJ(xo


= f(x)

in case it exists. Let us denote it by ^D^f. Then there holds the following connection between the three definitions: Let f,g Li 0C (R+) and let their Laplace transforms converge absolutely for each s with We s > 0. Then the following three assertions (i) - (in) are equivalent for n 1 < a < n: (i) sf(8)=g${8) (ii) g = lDaxf, (Hi) j-r[oIx~a]f are locally absolutely continuous on [0, oo) and equal to zero at x = 0 for k = 0 , 1 , . . . ,n - 1, together with oD"f = g(Ues>0),


Each of these assertions is implied by the following sufficient condition: (iv) /( fc '(x) are locally absolutely continuous on [0, oo) and equal to zero at x 0 for k = 0 , 1 , . . . , n 1, together with aDxf = g. For functions belonging to LP(E+), 1 < p < oo, these concepts can be related to the Marchaud-type derivative considered in Section 3.5; cf. Theorems 3.8-3.10.

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