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Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Evaluation Of Tap Changing Equipment For Applicability

Note: The source of the technical material in this volume is the Professional Engineering Development Program (PEDP) of Engineering Services. Warning: The material contained in this document was developed for Saudi Aramco and is intended for the exclusive use of Saudi Aramcos employees. Any material contained in this document which is not already in the public domain may not be copied, reproduced, sold, given, or disclosed to third parties, or otherwise used in whole, or in part, without the written permission of the Vice President, Engineering Services, Saudi Aramco.

Chapter : Electrical File Reference: EEX20204

For additional information on this subject, contact W.A. Roussel

Engineering Encyclopedia

Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability



INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1 Voltage Control ........................................................................................................ 1 NO-LOAD TAP CHANGERS: MAJOR COMPONENTS AND OPERATION................... 3 Operation .................................................................................................................. 3 Major Components.................................................................................................... 4 Load Tap Changers ................................................................................................... 9 Auxiliary Voltage Regulating Transformer (AVRT) ....................................... 9 POWER TRANSFORMER AUTOMATIC LOAD TAP CHANGER (ALTC): APPLICATIONS, SYSTEM COMPONENTS, OPERATING PROBLEMS, PREVENTIVE MEASURES...............................................................................................13 Purpose of ALTC Voltage Regulating ......................................................................13 Control System.........................................................................................................15 Parallel Operation.....................................................................................................16 Control Compartment...............................................................................................19 Mechanism Operation ...................................................................................22 Tap Selector Compartment.......................................................................................22 Tap Selector Operation.................................................................................23 LOAD TAP CHANGER (LTC) OPERATING METHODS ................................................24 Automatic Operation ................................................................................................24 Remote Operation ....................................................................................................27 Manual Operation....................................................................................................28 Parallel Operation.....................................................................................................29 GLOSSARY........................................................................................................................31

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Engineering Encyclopedia

Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

INTRODUCTION Voltage Control The standards and recommendations for preferred voltage levels for primary and secondary distribution systems, as well as for higher-voltage systems, have been evolving since the early 1900s. The latest listing of standard system voltages is ANSI C84.1-1982 Voltage Ratings for Electrical Power Systems and Equipment at 60 Hz. This standard was formulated by both utilities and equipment manufacturers, and its recommendations are followed by both segments of the industry. Observance of this standard enables the utilities and manufacturers to work in harmony. This standard sets specific numerical valves as standard voltage levels including single phase residential house voltage, three-phase low voltage distribution, as well as higher primary distribution voltages. The standard designates two different ranges of voltages, Range A and Range B. A service voltage specifies that utility supply system be designed and operated so most service voltages are within the limits specified. Also, that the occurrence of service voltages outside these limits to be infrequent. With the typical voltage drops between the service entrance and the points of utilization, the utilization equipment is designed and rated to give fully satisfactory performance within Range A. Range B service voltage includes voltages above and below Range that necessarily result from practical design and operating conditions on supply or user systems. These conditions are limited in extent, frequency, and duration. When they occur, connective measures should be undertaken within a reasonable time to improve voltages to meet, Range A requirements. Utilization equipment is designed to give acceptable performance within Range B. The design and operating guidelines of all utilities is to provide service voltage to all customers at times within the Range A limits. An electrical power systems have several factors influencing the magnitude of its electrical parameters. Because of a need to maintain consistent electrical parameters it was determined that the voltage of the system would be the most logical to control. Usually there is voltage control equipment in primary and secondary distribution substations also transmission substations. This equipment is usually a transformer or auto-transformer with no-load or load tap changing equipment. The application of the no-load or load tap changer can be on large power transformers having automatic load tap changer assemblies affecting the total power system or on the independent application of a particularly load by use of voltage regulating transformers.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

The voltage of a system may be varied through the medium of adjusting taps on a tap changer on a power transformer or by some form of auxiliary voltage regulator which also may be a tapped transformer or other type of variable voltage apparatus. The voltage may be varied, in steps or by stepless control. Experience has taught that voltage variation of transmission and distribution systems can be carried out quite effectively in steps without creating objectionable disturbances on the system. All power and distribution transformers for use in Saudi Aramco electrical systems require a noload or a load tap changer. The requirements of each individual electrical installation will dictate whether a no-load or a load tap changer should be specified. One task of an electrical engineer is to evaluate no-load and load tap changer systems for applicability of use in Saudi Aramco electrical systems. There are two types of transformer tap changer classifications: No-load tap changer Load tap changer

The major difference being that a no-load tap changer is not built to change taps while supplying power to a load and to do so would damage the transformer and tap changer while also causing a safety hazard. The load tap changer is basically designed to operate while supplying power to a load and operation is designed and constructed for this purpose.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

NO-LOAD TAP CHANGERS: MAJOR COMPONENTS AND OPERATION Operation Often it is desirable to change, by a relatively small amount, the ratio of the transformer. This may be done to compensate for the voltage drop in the supply source or to supply a particular voltage for the connected load. Most transformers have a device or method to change the voltage rating of one or both of the transformer windings. To change the relationship, all we need to do is to change the ratio of turns between the winding. This is exactly what a no-tap changer does. It adds or subtracts turns in a winding. These taps do not improve voltage regulation but are only for changing general voltage level the transformer feeds. On liquid-filled transformers this is typically done by turning a hand crank mounted on the transformer. This hand crank operates an internal mechanism to add or subtract turns. On drytype transformers you move wire jumpers between terminals to select a different tap. We call this type a no-load tap changer, but a better name would be de-energized tap changer. It is abbreviated as NLTC. This type of tap changer must be operated only when the transformer is completely de-energized. CAUTION: Do not operate a no-load tap changer when the transformer is energized. The transformer must be completely isolated from all voltage sources. By operating a no-load tap changer when the transformer is energized, you can cause damage to the transformer and more importantly possible serious injury to yourself.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Major Components No-load tap changers normally have two major assemblies: the tap changing mechanism and the operating mechanism. A common wedge-type tap changing mechanism is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Wedge-Type Tap Changing Mechanism

The tap leads from the transformer are connected to the circular group of nickel-plated copper rods. The rods are held together between two insulating heads. A wedge is found in the center of the assembly, and connected to a crankshaft. The wedge completes the winding circuit by connecting two adjacent rods. A spring between the wedge and crankshaft gives high-pressure line contact between current-carrying components.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Two types of operating mechanisms are available. Most applications use a hex-head drive mechanism. The folding handle drive mechanisms are used when high driving torque is needed. Both types are shown in Figure 2.

A. Hex-Head Drive

B. Folding Handle Drive

Figure 2. Operating Mechanisms

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

The drive mechanism is normally found on the sidewall of the transformer. This mechanism is connected to the crankshaft of the tap changer through an insulator. The mechanism is normally covered with a cap. The cap gives a seal between the atmosphere and the operating mechanism. The cap is held on by 2 screws. One screw has an oversize head with a hole in it. The hole can be fitted with a padlock to prevent access. These types of no-tap changers will add and subtract turns in the primary winding of the transformer. There are a total of 5 taps. The middle tap labeled Tap 3 will be the nominal voltage rating of the primary winding. There are 2 taps above and 2 taps below the nominal voltage rating. When the no-tap changer is at the nominal voltage tap, we call this the neutral tap or center tap. Each tap will change the voltage by 2.5% of the rated nominal voltage. This means there is a voltage range of + 5% and - 5% from the nominal voltage. Figure 3 shows part of a transformer nameplate listing the no-load tap changer voltage ratings. This nameplate tells us the nominal voltage rating on Tap 3 of the primary winding is 13,800 volts. Taps 1 and 2 are each 2.5% higher than tap 3 (13,800 x 0.025 = 345 volts). Taps 4 and 5 are each 2.5% lower than Tap 3.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Figure 3. Typical Nameplate for Transformer with Off-Load Tap Changer

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

The last column tells us what part of the winding is in or out of the circuit. These numbers are shown on the winding drawing. For example, if the no-load tap changer is in position 3, the chart tells us that the no-load tap changer connects numbers 3 to 6. This is done on all three primary windings. By placing a jumper between points 3 and 6, all turns between those points are shorted out. Therefore, these turns are effectively removed from the winding and the turns ratio is changed. Now lets look at what happens when the no-tap changer is in position 1. The table tells us points 4 and 5 are connected. The winding diagram shows us that all turns are in the circuit. Remember the winding turns ratio and voltage ratio are the same. The turns ratio is equal to: Number of Primary Turns (Np)/Number of Secondary Turns (Ns) If the number of primary turns increase, then the turns ratio increases. This also changes the voltage ratio. The opposite happens when you move to tap position 5. Points 2 and 7 are connected. This means that all turns between 2 and 7 are jumpered. Using the above formula, this lowers the turns ratio and voltage ratio. The winding is always tapped in the center. This prevents the no-tap changer leads and mechanism from being exposed to voltage surges and high terminal voltages. All power and distribution transformers should have a no-load tap changer. This will allow you to adjust or match the primary winding to the actual primary voltage. All transformers should be specified with a no-load tap changer with the standard + 2.5% taps - 2 up and 2 down. Example 1: You have selected a 1000 kVA transformer with a primary voltage of 4160 volts. Calculate the tap values for the standard five taps. Answer: Nominal voltage is 4160 volts. This is Tap 3. 2.5% of 4160 = 0.025 x 4160 = 104 volts. Tap 2 = 4160 + 104 = 4264 volts Tap 1 = 4264 + 104 = 4368 volts Tap 4 = 4160 - 104 = 4056 volts Tap 5 = 4056 - 104 = 3952 volts

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Engineering Encyclopedia

Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Load Tap Changers When voltage regulation is required during loading conditions, there are two type of devices used, each with a different application. The two main types of variable load voltage control are: Auxiliary voltage regulating transformer Power transformer with automatic load tap changer

Auxiliary Voltage Regulating Transformer (AVRT) An AVRT is used to maintain voltage of a circuit close-in at the load. These can be used on feeders up to 34.5 kV with 2 MVA output. It is essentially a special application of an autotransformer. The voltage in the portion of the winding in an auto-transformer, which is added or subtracted, is made variable, so the outgoing voltage may thus be kept approximately at the rated value. There are two types of voltage regulators commonly used, and the principle of operation of both is the same as for the auto-transformer, which are: Induction voltage regulator Step-type voltage regulator

Inductor Voltage Regulators. The primary (high voltage) winding is mounted so that it can rotate on the axis of the secondary winding. The voltage induced in the secondary or series winding depends on the position of the primary winding. The primary winding thus can be placed so that the voltage induced in the series winding will add or subtract from the input line voltage. When the load current is small, the primary will be rotated in one direction, thus lowering or bucking the line voltage. When load current is larger, the primary winding will be rotated in the opposite direction, thus boosting it. The turning of the primary coil is usually controlled by means of a voltage sensitive relay connected in the output side of the circuit. This type of voltage regulator is not recommended for use by Saudi Aramco but is used by SCECO in some applications.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Step-Type Voltage Regulator. The connection of this type of regulator in the circuit is the same as that of the induction voltage regulator. The only type of automatic voltage regulator that Saudi Aramco uses is the step-voltage type. This type of regulator automatically controls the voltage on feeders up to 34.5 kV with a throughput up to 2.5 MVA. These regulators are available for both single- and three-phase installations. A typical step-voltage regulator is shown in Figure 4. This unit involves a shunt winding, a series winding and a bridging reactor or preventive autotransformer. Taps, each representing essentially 1-1/4% voltage, are affixed to the series winding and brought to a specially designed dial switch. (See Figure 5a.) The main transformer comprises the shunt winding and the series winding. The series winding most often is rated at 10% voltage of the shunt winding. Usually eight taps on the series winding are brought to a dial-switch assembly as individual contacts, with the voltage difference between contacts being 1-1/4% voltage. The terminals of a center-tapped preventive autotransformer are able to transition (slide) between the dial switch contacts in a manner which avoids momentary loss of load. As one finger advances to the next step, arcing results because of the inductive nature of the reactor, but load current is maintained (see Figure 5b) through the finger which does not part contact. When the parting finger remakes on the adjacent contact, a bridging condition is established (see Figure 5c). A circulating current is established through the prevent autotransformer (PA), or a center tapped bridging reactor, and load potential is seen to be average potential of the taps being bridged. To minimize the arc duration, a quick-break mechanism accelerates the moving contacts. The rapid separation of the contacts and the use of contact tips composed of a tungsten-carbon alloy mitigate the attendant ablation of contact material. (See Figure 5). A reversing switch permits the polarity of the series winding to be reversed relative to the shunt winding, thereby accommodating plus and minus regulation with the same series winding. A voltage transformer and current transformer are used to provide signals necessary for the control to perform its function. Dielectric protection of the series winding is afforded by the bypass arrestor. A surge propagated on the line will be shunted past the regulator. Lightning arrestors, often provided at both the source and the load terminals, similarly protect the regulator from overvoltage surge conditions.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Saudi Aramco uses regulators to overcome the voltage drop on long feeders where the operation of feeder transformer tap changers may cause excessive and unacceptable voltage rises at the transformer end of the feeder. Saudi Aramco may also install a regulator on an existing feeder where the regulation of an existing transformer with deenergized taps has become excessive. The decision to install a regulator in these situations should be based on an economic comparison of all alternatives. These alternatives include replacing the existing transformer with one that has a load tap changer, installing power factor correction capacitors, etc.
1 Bypass Arrestor

Series Winding Reversing Switch Source 2 5 Preventive Autotransformer Current Transformer

Load Control Panel Enclosure

Lightning Arrestor Shunt Winding

Contacts on Dial Switch Voltage Transformer

Regulator Tank SL

Figure 4. Wiring Diagram of a Typicao Distribution Step-Voltage Regulator Showing Both External and Internal Connections. Preventive Autotransformer Shown on a NonBridging Position. (1) Bypass Switch; (2) Source Switch; (3) Load Switch

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Series Winding Reversing Switch S L Shunt Winding Preventive Autotransformer (a ) Dial Switch

Dial Switch Motion


(b )


(c )

Figure 5. Operations of the Internal Mechanisms of the Regulator

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

POWER TRANSFORMER AUTOMATIC LOAD TAP CHANGER (ALTC): APPLICATIONS, SYSTEM COMPONENTS, OPERATING PROBLEMS, PREVENTIVE MEASURES The ALTC type of transformer voltage regulating device is used more for a system approach than for effects at just equipment loading. ALTC transformers are most often found in electrical substations. These substations are usually at least primary distribution system or larger subtransmission or transmission systems. This type of equipment is associated with the supply of large amounts of power. The connection of this type of regulating device in the circuit is the same as that of the induction voltage regulator. The changes in voltage are accomplished by varying the ratio of transformation by changing the number of turns in the primary by means of various taps. The tap-changing device, because of it arcing during operation is located in a separate compartment of oil to prevent contamination of main tank oil. Such ALTC transformers may be used to regulate voltage over a plus 10 percent to minus 10 percent range, and may have thirty-six steps incorporated in the tap changing mechanism. ALTC transformers are available for most medium voltage and power ratings. They are normally only used on the following Saudi Aramco transformers: Power transformers stepping down from 69 kV or above. Power transformers interconnecting two systems, where power flow can be in either direction.

These are the normal applications because the added cost, complexity, and maintenance of automatic load tap changers is not justifiable for the others. They can be used in other places in exceptional cases. An example would be an installation requiring load voltage control. Purpose of ALTC Voltage Regulating Voltage regulating equipment is installed to carry out one or more of the following functions: Maintain a constant secondary voltage with a variable primary voltage. Control secondary voltage with a fixed primary voltage. Control the flow of reactive power between two generating systems or branches of loop circuits.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Figure 6 is a typical example of an automatic load tap changers installation. Figure 6 shows that the primary windings of the transformers in bank number one and in bank number two are each supplied with a source of incoming line power. The transformers supply power through two output breakers to various load circuits. The primary side of each bank is also equipped with an automatic load tap changer (ALTC). The automatic load tap changer functions to maintain 13.8 kV to the downstream load circuits when the incoming line power varies. The automatic load tap changers will also function to control the flow of reactive power between bank 1 and bank 2 (shown on Figure 6) when the two banks are operated in parallel.

Typical Automatic Load Tap Changer Installation Figure 6

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Control System A voltage regulator control circuit has four major components: Sensing circuit Reference circuit Comparison circuit Control drive Figure 7 is a basic block diagram of a voltage

These four components are shown in Figure 7. regulator control circuit.

Figure 7. Control System Block Diagram

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

This circuit has three functions: Monitor the output voltage and/or current of the transformer. Find out if they are in the allowable range.

Adjust the output of the transformer if needed. These functions are carried out by the four major components. The sensing circuit monitors the transformers output. This output is reduced to an equivalent value that is sent to the comparison circuit. The reference circuit produces an adjustable signal that is also sent to the comparison circuit. Once the reference signal is set to the needed value, it gives a stable signal to compare with the actual value. The comparison circuit compares the actual value to the reference value. This produces an error signal. The error signal is sent to the control device. The control device gives the interface between the control circuit and the voltage regulating unit. The control device output causes the voltage regulating unit to adjust the transformers output. It will adjust the output up or down, based on the error signal produced. Parallel Operation Operation of two voltage regulators, in parallel, can result in unsatisfactory load distribution and high circulating currents. These operational problems are explained below in reference to Figure 8.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Installation Using Parallel Transformers Figure 8

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

For purposes of explanation, assume that the HV tie switch is open, main breakers #1 and #2 are closed. The regulator for Transformer No. 1 is maintaining 12,688 volts, and that the regulator for Transformer No. 2 is maintaining 13,000 volts. If the tie breaker is closed to place both transformers #1 and #2 in parallel, the following sequence of events would occur: Transformer No. 2 picks up load from Transformer No. 1 plus its normal load. The line drop compensator for Transformer No. 2 sees a larger voltage drop. The regulator for Transformer No. 2 operates to raise transformer output. At the same time, the load on Transformer No. 1 is lowering. The line drop compensator for Transformer No. 1 sees a smaller voltage drop. The regulator for Transformer No. 1 operates to lower transformer output. This process continues until Transformer No. 2 is in full boost and Transformer No. 1 is in full buck. Transformer No. 2 will be in an extreme overload condition. High circulating currents will be flowing. Transformer No. 2 would be over heating.

If transformers are to be operated in parallel, the control system must prevent overloading and high circulating currents. The preferred control scheme is the current balance type. This scheme uses current transformers. The other acceptable control schemes are the master/follower, odd/even, and reverse reactance types.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

LOAD TAP CHANGERS: CONTROL COMPARTMENT, DRIVE MECHANISM AND TAP SELECTOR Load tap changers can be divided into three major sections: Control compartment. Drive mechanism. Tap selector compartment.

Control Compartment A typical tap changer control compartment contains the following components: Operating panel with control power circuit breaker. Position indicator. Operation counter. Automatic static control equipment. Optional auxiliary equipment.

A typical tap changer control compartment is shown in Figure 9.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Figure 9. Typical Tap Changer Control Compartment

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Drive Mechanism The drive mechanism is the physical interface between the automatic controls and the tap selector switches. A typical drive mechanism is shown in Figure 10.

A. Drive Mechanism (Assembled)

B. Drive Mechanism (Exploded View) Figure 10. Typical Drive Mechanism

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Mechanism Operation The load tap changer (LTC) is driven by a 115V, 60 Hz, single-phase, capacitor-start, capacitorrun motor. Positive stopping of the drive is done using dynamic braking. The motor (1) drives the geneva pinion (2) through two spur gear reductions (3, 4). The geneva pinion must make three revolutions per tap change for a 32-step LTC. This pinion makes six revolutions per tap change for a 16-step LTC. The geneva pinion motion is sent to a six-tooth geneva gear (5). The geneva gear drives a universal driveshaft (6) through a pair of miter gears (7, 8). The motion of the universal driveshaft changes the position of the tap selector. Tap Selector Compartment The tap selector compartment is a separate, oil-filled compartment. It is isolated from the transformer by an oil-tight insulating panel. A typical compartment is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Typical Tap Selector Compartment

The main component, inside the tap selector compartment, is the tap selector switch. The type of tap selector switch shown in Figure 11 is an arcing tap switch. Figure 12 shows a detailed view of the switch.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Figure 12. Arcing Tap Switch

Tap Selector Operation Refer to Figure 12. Universal drive shaft motion is sent to the horizontal drive shaft through two miter gears. Horizontal driveshaft motion is sent to the scroll cam. This causes the scroll cam to rotate. Every 180-degrees of motion operates one of two roller plates. Roller plate motion causes the movable arcing contacts to move from one stationary arcing contact to the adjacent one. The reversing switch changes the winding connections to raise or lower regulation.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

LOAD TAP CHANGER (LTC) OPERATING METHODS The different methods of operating LTCs are best described through use of diagrams of the control circuits. A typical transformer tap changer control circuit is shown in Figure 13. Figure 13A shows the automatic voltage regulation scheme and Figure 13B shows the drive motor control circuit. Automatic Operation Refer to Figure 13A and Figure 13B, which show a typical transformer tap changer control circuit schematic. The components shown in Figure 13A and 13B are identified through use of standard device function numbers and standard schematic symbology. This discussion of automatic operation only covers the essential components. Automatic operation is the normal operating mode. Automatic operation is started by placing the switches in Figure 13B in the following positions; Auto-Manual switch in Auto, and the LocalRemote switch in Local. These positions allow for automatic drive motor control circuit response to changes in line voltage. As shown in 13A, line voltage changes are felt by the static voltage sensor (device 90) through the auxiliary power transformer and the VRR supply potential transformer. When the difference between line voltage and desired voltage reaches a preset limit, the static voltage sensor automatically actuates the time delay raise (TR) or time delay lower contacts in the drive motor (TL) relay as applicable. If the TR relay actuates, it closes the control circuit if the TL relay actuates, it closes the circuit. When or contacts in the drive motor control closes, the respective motor contactor (84R or 84L) actuates. If the and and opens and

84R contactor actuates, it closes contacts contact . If the 84L contactor actuates, it closes contacts

and opens contact . These series of contacts energize the proper motor (84) coil for moving the tap changer up or down to the next position and align the braking circuit for operation.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

A. Automatic Voltage Regulation Scheme Figure 13(A). Typical Transformer Tap Changer Control Circuit

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

B. Drive Motor Control Circuit Figure 13(B). Typical Transformer Tap Changer Control Circuit
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When the tap changer starts to move, cam operated switch closes to seal-in the motor contactor (84R or 84L). When the tap changer reaches the next position, cam operated switch , opens, deenergizing the associated motor contactor (84R or 84L). When the motor contactor deenergizes, all of the seven associated contacts are repositioned. When or returns to their normally closed position, braking contactor 84D actuates and closes contacts and . When contacts and close, the drive motor is stopped through use of dynamic braking. This prevents further motion of the tap changer. Contact will open after a short time delay (several seconds) and deenergize the braking contactor. When the braking contactor deenergizes, the six 84D contacts return to their normally open position. The circuit is now back to its original condition, and ready for the next sequence of automatic operation. Remote Operation Remote operation allows control of the LTC through use of a remote momentary raise-lower switch. Remote operation is started by placing the Local-Remote switch in the Remote position, and the Auto-Manual switch in the Manual position. The LTC can now be operated electrically by placing the remote momentary Raise-Lower switch in either the raise or lower position. When the remote momentary Raise-Lower switch is in the raise or lower position, the associated motor contactor (84R or 84L) will actuate. The resultant circuit operation is the same as that discussed previously under automatic operation, with one exception. If the operator does not release the remote momentary Raise-Lower switch, the tap changer will continue stepping the voltage up or down until one of the cam operated limit switches or open.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Manual Operation Manual operation of the LTC can mean two different things: Manual operation of the LTC with the electrical control circuit while in the manual mode. Manual operation of the LTC with the handcrank.

Manual operation of the LTC with the electrical control circuit is started by placing the LocalRemote switch in the Local position and the Auto-Manual switch in the Manual position. The LTC can now be operated in manual, through use of the electrical control circuit, by placing the Local Momentary Raise-Lower switch in either the raise or lower position. When the Local Momentary Raise-Lower switch is in the raise or lower position, the associated motor contactor (84R or 84L) will actuate. The resultant circuit operation is the same as that discussed previously under remote operation. Manual operation of the LTC with the handcrank does not require the use of any of the electrical control circuit components and, therefore, the handcrank is not shown in Figure 13. Operating the LTC with the manual handcrank instead of the drive motor (84) is normally done only during maintenance. Manual handcrank operation with the transformer energized is not recommended. Such operations should be done only in an extreme emergency. Manual handcrank operation is done by deenergizing the electrical control circuit. The handcrank is then removed from its holder and placed on the handcrank shaft in the drive box. The handcrank shaft was shown previously in Figure 10 Item #6. Turning the handcrank after it is placed on the handcrank shaft will manually reposition the tap changer.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

Parallel Operation Previous discussions pointed out more problems with operating transformers in parallel. They also pointed out the control schemes that can be used to compensate for these problems. The preferred scheme for Saudi Aramco installations is the current balance. An example of this paralleling control scheme is shown in Figure 14, with all of the components identified. Only those components that are vital to the following explanation will be discussed.

Figure 14. Typical Paralleling Control Scheme

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

In this scheme, load current flows through the line drop compensator CT (LDC CTs) of Banks 1 and 2. The secondary current of the LDC splits into two components: The load component that flows through the load auxiliary current transformer (LCT) and the compensator auxiliary current transformer (CCT). The circulating current component.

When the tap changers are on the same step, circulating current will be minimal. When the tap changers are on different steps, circulating current will flow from the bank on a higher step to the bank on a lower step. In the high bank, the circulating current through the LDC flows in the opposite direction to the load component of current through the LDC. The resultant current to the voltage regulating relay (90) will be less, and the tap changer will lower. In the low bank, the circulating current through the LDC flows in the same direction as the load component of current through the LDC. Thus, the resultant current to the voltage regulating relay (90) will be more, and the tap changer will rise. With one incoming breaker open, the in-service bank will carry the total bus load. The 152a contact will be open, breaking the circulating current path. The 152b contact will be closed, shorting out the secondaries of LCT1 and LCT2. The current will split through the balance leg, so each line drop compensator sees half of the load, preventing both regulators from moving. With both banks in service, and the bus tie breaker (24) open, the 24a contacts will be open, interrupting the circulating current path and the balance leg. The 24b contacts will be closed, shorting out the secondaries of LCT1, LCT2, CCT1, and CCT2. Each bank is now set up to operate independently, with correct load tap changer control.

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Electrical Evaluation of Tap Changing Equipment for Applicability

GLOSSARY load tap changer An attachment or auxiliary to a transformer whose primary function is to provide a major change in voltage between input and output. A step (or line) voltage regulator is a device whose only function is to maintain a voltage within specified limits. In an emergency, the regulator can be bypassed or jumpered out because both input and output voltages are in the same class. The energy that is stored and transferred between the inductive and capacitive elements of a system. Reactive power does not perform useful work.


reactive power

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