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Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas from the Geddie, Cain, McDonald, & Dycus families! We have all survived the presidential election and the end of the Mayan calendar apocalypse; evidence your reading this letter. Thankfully as Christians our hope is in the Lord not in a man-made calendar nor threatened by manmade events/predictions. Now, on to the update! Grandkids! That is what life is all about! If you dont have any, get some! Colin is now 19 months old and Emma is 15 months. It is great fun watching them develop and grow. and to hand them back to their parents when they are fussy or needing a diaper change. We were presented with a great surprise at Thanksgiving Nicole is pregnant again and due June 2013! No pressure on the rest of the daughters, but the more the merrier I say!

Joyce is a practicing therapist at Fountaingate Counseling Center in Kennesaw, GA. The Center is a nonprofit counseling agency dedicated to providing counseling services to those who can least afford it. Although she sees regular paying clients as well, Joyce sees a majority of individuals who would not obtain counseling if it were not affordable. She continues to increase the piles of books accumulating in our home and enjoys attending counseling seminars to further hone her skills. She also practices on me with mixed results. Rachel, Matt and Emma continue to live in a mainly Spanish area of the country so I will provide translation for your reading pleasure. They live in the Greater Los Angeles (The Angels) Area, specifically in La Crescenta (The Crescent) which right next to La Caada (The Canada). [Why someone would name a city The Canada is beyond me when it is really quite small and there is a much bigger The Canada up northnamely Canada.] Matt works at Universal Studios as a computer graphics designer and Rachel is starting a Spanish class for mothers of young children who wish to teach their children Spanish. She also works at home running after Emma. Emma works both of her parents to suit her purposes. Emma enjoys music and dancing and also watching her mother sing and dance.

Robin changed jobs this year and moved from Miami to Orlando. She is still in the TV news business and with the move stepped up to managing a creative promotions department of a local news channel. So now instead of waiting for Castro updates from Cuba, she focuses on Mickey Mouse updates from the Magic Kingdom. [Actually she tells me a lot of the news updates she sees are Mickey Mouse which I believe is some sort of news code.] Seriously, she enjoys the challenges of her new job as a manager and really likes her new company. Robins cat Barbara made the move well and seems to like her new home. Please schedule visits to Robin as far in advance as possible since her guest bedroom calendar is filling up in The Vacation Capitol of the World. Nicole, Nathaniel, Colin, Baby to Be, and Oakley the dog still live in Cincinnati but are seeking a transfer to Atlanta. Nathaniels company, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, has a large office in Atlanta and with his recent promotion, they think they will be able to relocate to Atlanta this spring before Baby to Be is born. This is quite exciting for us grandparents! Nicole works at home chasing around a very active son. Colin likes exploring new things and imitating noises. One of his favorite noises is screaming banshee which he practices quite often. Their dog Oakley is excited about the potential for the move as well new areas to sniff and pee on! Kelsey is taking some courses in preparation for grad school, still with the objective of becoming a registered dietician. Due to the limited local job market, she is back working at Chik-fil-A to make ends meet but will probably retire again once grad school starts. She is dating a guy named Matt (thats three Matts if you are keeping count) who is finishing up at Lee University. She enjoys watching cooking shows in her free time and practices new dishes on her parentswhich they enjoy immensely. I am enjoying my job as a 737 captain but would like to have a little more seniority in order to consistently have weekends off. But, it is fun being the boss (people talk to me and actually laugh at my jokes!) and I will fly the plane a few more months before making a change to improve my seniority. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is givenand his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Wise men still seek Him!

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