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Vol. 6 Issue 1 January 2013


Our Church Staff


Gary Burden
Senior Pastor 919-631-6789

Three New Six Week Studies Begin January 6

Landon Orr
Assoc. Pastor of Discipleship & Evangelism 919-229-9379

For Men: Sleeping Giant, by Kenny Luck Study Leader: Gary Burden. For Women: Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted, by Priscilla Shirer. Study Leader: Leigh Smith. For All Others: An exciting study topic to be announced. No study book to purchase. Study Leader: Landon Orr. See specific details about these studies on page 6 of this publication.

Debbe Langdon
Music Director/Pianist 919-410-0271

Chastity Comeau
Admin. AssistantFinances

Pat Baucom
Admin. Assistant - Publications

This Months Highlights

January Highlights Note from the Pastor Note from Landon Announcements Calendar Financials A Note from Debbe Extended Session Birthdays Anniversaries January Small Group Studies p. 1 p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 P. 4 p. 5 p. 5 p. 5 p. 6 p. 6 P.6

Some Beginning Thoughts

The beginning of any new year is a great time to make fresh commitments to our loving God Who makes all things new (Revelation 21:5) and Whose blessings are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). Yes, even the biblical book that laments our waywardness from the Lords love and grace offers silver linings to His words of judgment. In these dark days of having already gone over the moral cliff, we as His people need even more to be beacons of Gospel-grace lightlight and truth from a gracious God that alone can transform the human heart. Consider how God can take messed up lives and transform them into treasuresmuch like the work of the famous violinmaker. Antonio Stradivarius was an Italian violinmaker who lived from 1644 to 1737. His violins are now the most prized violins ever made because of the rich and resonating sound they produce. Their unique sound cannot be duplicated. Surprisingly, these precious instruments were not made from treasured pieces of wood. They were carved from discarded lumber. Stradivarius was very poor and could not afford fine materials like his contemporaries. He got most of his wood from the dirty harbors where he lived. He would take those waterlogged pieces of wood to his
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shop and clean them up. Then from those pieces of trashed lumber he would create instruments of rare beauty. It has since been discovered that while that wood floated in those dirty harbors, microbes went into the wood and ate out the center of those wood cells. This left just the fibrous infrastructure of the wood that created resonating chambers for the music. From wood that nobody wanted, Stradivarius produced violins that everybody wanted. Just as this poor violinmaker transformed trash into treasure, God can and wants to transform discarded, broken peopleeach one of usinto the treasured image of His Son, Jesus Christ. He excels at rescuing people like us from the sludge of our sin and transforming us into instruments of beauty and grace, of praise and worship to Him!

In last months Lamplighter article, I briefly described what I think when I hear the word discipleship - relationships that sanctify. Any relationship that we have with each other, that aids us in a movement toward Christian maturity is a discipleship relationship. Not surprisingly, these relationships are found almost exclusively in the midst of the Church. It just makes sense that way doesnt it? Discipleship only happens between church members, correct? Starting in 2013, my work at the church will shift a little bit. While I will still remain active as the Youth Pastor, I will also begin focusing my attention on two different areas, discipleship and evangelism. I think one common misconception often occurs when we look at these two areas of Christian life. The tendency is to think that discipleship is done in the church and evangelism is done outside of the church. When we act with this mindset we end up with truncated versions of discipleship and evangelism. Our discipleship becomes void of the gospel, and our evangelism becomes void of meaningful relationships. Going forward, I want us to think about discipleship and evangelism like this. True discipleship between believers requires a constant proclamation of the gospel. If you look through all but one of Pauls letters, written to fellow believers, you will find Paul using a robust Gospel in order to encourage and train others up in Christian maturity. (The exception being Philemon which, while only one chapter long, still has Gospel themes.) So in our own discipleship, the use of evangelism (the good news) is vital. Inversely, when we evangelize, we can't forget the importance of discipleship. Wait. Discipling those who are lost? Yes. If our discipleship is the building of relationships that promote Christian maturity, then wouldn't that be the type of relationships we want with our lost neighbors, lost friends, and lost co-workers? Of course, we will approach things differently with our lost friends than our Christian brothers and sisters, but as Christians all of our relationships should have the underlying goal of encouraging others to grow closer to Christ. This is how discipleship and evangelism, two seemingly distinct aspects of ministry, go hand in hand together.

New Beginning Tools

To borrow Paul David Tripps book title, the Lords desire is to transform us into Instruments in the Redeemers HandsPeople in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change. That leaves none of us out. Specialized small group studies/ experiences are God-ordained tools the Lord uses in this transformation/change process. The larger group experience (worship gatherings) certainly has its vital place, and should not be minimized. And general small group studies like Sunday School classes are critically important for developing healthy, functionally-relating-ministering saints in the Body of Christequipping the saints for the work of ministry. But there is no substitute for our special LifeLine small groups. They are essential to and evident in every strong growing church whatever the groups are called or wherever they meet (whether church campus or homes or wherever). I look forward to our upcoming Sunday morning worship as we begin a journey through Marks Gospel. But I pray many of you will see the advantage of and participate in one of our upcoming LifeLine classes on Sunday evening.

Gary Burden

Landon Orr

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Operation Christmas Child Volunteering at Charlotte

Pictured below are the volunteers from Bethesda who traveled to Charlotte to assist in processing the Christmas Child boxes from across the country. The volunteers at the Processing Center consisted of young, people, seniors, men, women all were movers and shakers. This year we all accepted new responsibilities at the Center and our team leader appreciated our flexibility. Many volunteers wanted to keep their previous processing positions. This caused me to stop and ask God, how many times He wants me to try something new and I respond by saying this is what I always do. As we are praying for these shoe boxes that will be soon placed in the hands of millions of children around the world, please pray that we will be flexible in how God wants to use Bethesda volunteers next year in this wonderful outreach. Maybe God is saying, make one or two more shoe boxes, volunteer at the processing center or at one of the many year-round positions that are available, or maybe help deliver these shoeboxes. For with God nothing shall be impossible. (Luke 1:37)


THEME: BE His Heart, His Hands, His Voice

National Goal: $175,000 Million Bethesda Baptist Church Goal: $5,000. Received as of 12/16: $4,064
What is the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering?
Southern Baptist churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the sole purpose of supporting our international missions. Every penny of the offering goes to the International Mission Boards overseas budget, thus supporting our missionaries and their work.

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2 Church Office Closed

3 AWANA and Un-decorating Party 9 AWANA and Weekly Wed. 16 AWANA and Weekly Wed. Schedule 23 AWANA and Weekly Wed. Schedule




6 Breakfast Fellowship Weekly Sunday Service with The Lords Supper 13 Weekly Sunday Service

8 Deacons Meeting 7:00 PM




14 Ladies Night Out (Bowling)

15 Board of Directors Mtg. 7:00 PM




20 Weekly Sunday Service Church Council Mtg. 4:30 PM 27 Weekly Sunday Service








30 AWANA and Weekly Wed. Schedule


Sunday Schedule
9:15 am ....................................................................Bible Study Fellowship 10:30 am ......................................................... Morning Worship Celebration 6:00 pm .......................................... LifeLine...Get Connected (Small Groups)

Wednesday Night Schedule

6:30pm ........................................................... Awana, Youth Bible Study 6:45 pm ..................................................... Adult Prayer and Bible Study Choir Rehearsal

Student LifeLine SPK CHOIR (Shout Praises Kids) - Grades 1-5

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During the weeks of Advent, we read this scripture together each week during morning worship: We believe in the Great Commission. Jesus said, Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28: 19-20) I cannot think of a more fitting focus for our new year. As we move from our Christmas celebrations into New Years resolutions, we have a call
Good Christian friends, rejoice, with heart and soul and voice! Now ye need not fear the grave; Jesus Christ was born to save; Calls you one and calls you all, to gain His everlasting hall, Christ was born to save, Christ was born to save! Down in a lowly manger, the humble Christ was born, And God sent us salvation, that blessed Christmas morn. Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; Go, tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born!


Wednesday, Jan. 2 Frances Burden & Louise Gilmore Sunday, Jan. 6 - AM Babies: Kathleen McLamb & Cherilyn Murphy 2s: Heather Henry & Tori Smith 3s/4s: Julie Brueggen & Kristen Duncan K-3rd Kids Church Frances Burden & Angel Duncan Sunday, Jan. 6 - PM Sharon Johnson & Linda Wilson Wednesday, Jan. 9 Jennifer Harrison & Terry Gatewood Sunday, Jan. 13 - AM Babies: Brigitte Creech & Jan Culpepper 2s: Missy Urban & Tara Baker 3s/4s: Mandy & Brianna Windham K-3rd Kids Church Nicole & Michael Ritchie Sunday, Jan 13 - PM Jane & Johnnie Gatlin Wednesday, Jan 16 Volunteers Needed Sunday, Jan. 27 - AM Babies: Faye Wells & Shalee Sams 2s: Wendy Beasley & Diane Duncan 3s/4s: Kristol & Nick Flanigan K-3rd Kids Church Will & Leigh Smith Sunday, Jan. 27 - PM Bob & Brenda Jones Wednesday, Jan. 30 Sarah Jay Sunday, Jan. 20- AM Babies: Sondra Gatewood & Jane Gatlin 2s: Brittany & Andrew Arant 3s/4 s: Wendy & Chris Gatewood K-3rd Kids Church Terry Gatewood & David Duncan Sunday, Jan. 20 - PM Seth & Nicole Langdon Wednesday, 23 Warren & Christina Casper

So, as we begin another new year, go tell the good news! And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Happy New Year & God Bless. Debbe Langdon Facts & Figures for December 2012
Date Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Total Avg. S.S. 115 120 115 350 117 AM Worship 139 143 164 446 149 Budget Offering 6,774.99 7,073.50 8,947.45 22,795.94 7,598.65 His Vision Our Mission 319.00 2,540.00 710.00 3,569.00 1,190.00

Average Attendance & Offerings for November 2011 Avg. 118 170 6,256.34 2,722.00

Preschool Regis. Desk Diane Duncan

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4967 Highway 70 West Business Clayton, NC 27520 Phone: 919-553-7678 Address Service Guaranteed

Introductory Large Group Gathering Sunday, January 6, 2013, 6:00 PM We all meet together to introduce the three new studies Then each small group meets for further introductions and discussion Three New Six Week Studies Begin January 6 For Men: Sleeping Giant, by Kenny Luck As our culture decays around us...a giant sleepsthe men of your church,This Sleeping Giant mens strategy is a clarion call to action ...encouraging men to awaken, to move from the audience to the army Study Leader: Gary Burden. (Study Book -$11.00) For Women: Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted, by Priscilla Shirer Whether big or small, life is filled with interruptions and detours. How do you navigate your life through it all successfully? This study of Jonah will help provide perspective and encouragement. Study Leader: Leigh Smith. (Study Book - $12.00) For All Others: Your Role in Others LivesA Biblical Study of Relationships. No study book to purchase. Study Leader: Landon Orr.

Were on the web!

January Birthdays
Landon Orr Sara Murphy Dorothy Langston Elana Sasser Nathan McLamb Darlene Holt Nicole Langdon Jordan Murphy Jessica Peedin Sondra Gatewood Louise Gilmore 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 13th 16th 22nd 23rd 28th 30th 30th

January Anniversaries
Landon & Sara Orr Mac & Vickie Beasley Chris & Sharon Johnson Larry & Ann Harper Sherman & Darlene Holt Husel & Linda Lee 9th 14th 20th 25th 26th 27th

Your offering envelopes for 2013 are on the table in the foyer. Please remember to get a box for your 2013 family tithes & offerings.

A humble and heartfelt thank you from Pastor Gary, Landon, Debbe, Chastity, Pat, Tommy and Jonathan for the gift we received from you this Christmas. We appreciate your dedication, friendship, and love. It is our pleasure to serve you throughout the year. In looking forward to the new year..we prayerfully wish each of youre a joyful, healthy and Happy New Year.

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