Scribd's New Profile Pages: Spotlight On Content

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Scribds New Profile Pages

Today we released a new version of Profile pages on Scribd. The new design is a result of strategic thinking about how to best allow publishers and readers alike to highlight specific content. Spotlight on Content We have introduced multiple content modules where members can surface documents and collections they would like people to see first.

Before, when people clicked on a profile, they saw the profile owners timeline-driven activity feed. For example, if you published or read a document -- that story would appear there when the action occurred. Our publishers and readers never really had any ability to tinker or adjust this page. Until now. Scribds new Profiles have a variety of modules that place content control squarely with the user. Users can highlight a variety of collections and documents at a number of levels: * Featured content module appears at the top. Here, publishers and readers can really emphasize particularly noteworthy documents. Note, documents do not necessarily have to be published by the profile owner (attribution is given to the actual publisher).

* For Publishers, their published public documents will appear next. We have made it a point to highlight content with the most reading and sharing activity. At the same time, we give publishers the controls to modify what gets displayed through a feature / unfeature action. * Users Collections are also highlighted on the new Profile pages. As with individual documents, some collections will be shown by default, but the profile owner has ultimate control over this. * Most popular Readcasts are also featured in the main section of the page. Events are determined by a combination of reading and sharing activity of the particular document. * The Timeline displaying the profile owners activity still occupies an important place on the page, on the right panel, below the profile owners information. As a result, more content will be surfaced to the top of a users Profile and Content pages.

Content Pages From the Profile page, profile owners as well as other people viewing their profile will be able to navigate to content sub-pages displaying all the profile owners Published documents and Collections. With the new design of these pages (as well as of the Profile) more content is displayed, providing a much better content discovery experience. From these pages anyone can select publications to feature (or un-feature) on their own profile too.

As a note for Publisher Partners, profile support for these accounts will be forthcoming. Please continue to follow our blog and twitter for future updates. Start exploring, displaying and featuring your content! And let us know what you think of these recent updates. #####

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