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LC2: Pow can l analyze proporLlonal

relaLlonshlps uslng Lables, Lape dlagrams and double

number llnes?
Notes & Vocabulary
CW: Using Tables
CW: Tape Diagrams & Double Numberlines
Extension: Compare/Contrast
Written Answer to EQ2
A punch reclpe requlres 3 cups of grape [ulce for
every 2 cups of peach [ulce. Pow many cups of
peach [ulce wlll be needed for 20 cups of grape
[ulce? lor 100 cups of grape [ulce?
3 10 13 20 23 30 100
2 4
A punch reclpe requlres 3 cups of grape [ulce for every 2
cups of peach [ulce. Pow many cups of peach [ulce wlll
be needed for 20 cups of grape [ulce? lor 100 cups of
grape [ulce?
3 10 13 20 23 30 100
2 4
x 2
x 2
x 3 x 4
x 3 x 4
A punch reclpe requlres 3 cups of grape [ulce for every 2
cups of peach [ulce. Pow many cups of peach [ulce wlll
be needed for 20 cups of grape [ulce? lor 100 cups of
grape [ulce?
3 10 13 20 23 30 100
2 4 6 8 10 20 40
x 2
x 2
x 3 x 4
x 3 x 4
Culck Check WlLh a arLner
use a raLlo Lable Lo solve:
1) lf 3 scones cosL $6, how much wlll 12 scones
2) Pow much wlll 20 scones cosL?
3) Pow many scones can you buy for $30?

of Scones
1oLal CosL $6
uslng 1ape ulagrams Lo Analyze
roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
Sllm Cloopy mlxLure ls made by mlxlng glue and
llquld laundry sLarch ln a raLlo of 3 Lo 2. Pow
much glue and how much laundry sLarch ls
needed Lo make 40 cups of Sllm Cloopy
1 batch of Slim Gloopy
mixture is made up of 3 cups
of glue and 2 cups of starch.
This makes a total
of 5 cups.
uslng 1ape ulagrams Lo Analyze
roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
Sllm Cloopy mlxLure ls made by mlxlng glue and
llquld laundry sLarch ln a raLlo of 3 Lo 2. Pow
much glue and how much laundry sLarch ls
needed Lo make 40 cups of Sllm Cloopy
40 cups of Slim
Gloopy will still be in
the same ratio: 3
parts glue to 2 parts
starch, for a total of
5 parts.
40 cups
uslng 1ape ulagrams Lo Analyze
roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
Sllm Cloopy mlxLure ls made by mlxlng glue and
llquld laundry sLarch ln a raLlo of 3 Lo 2. Pow
much glue and how much laundry sLarch ls
needed Lo make 40 cups of Sllm Cloopy
40 cups
40 cups 5 parts = 8 cups per part
uslng 1ape ulagrams Lo Analyze
roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
Sllm Cloopy mlxLure ls made by mlxlng glue and
llquld laundry sLarch ln a raLlo of 3 Lo 2. Pow
much glue and how much laundry sLarch ls
needed Lo make 40 cups of Sllm Cloopy
40 cups mixture
40 cups 5 parts = 8 cups per part
8 x 3 = 24 cups glue
8 x 2 = 16 cups starch
Culck Check WlLh a arLner
use Lape dlagrams Lo solve:
1) A sevenLh grade class counLed Lhe number of cars
and Lrucks LhaL wenL by Lhe fronL enLrance of Lhe
school beLween 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock. 1he LoLal
number of cars and Lrucks counLed was 136. 1here
were 3 Llmes as many cars as Lrucks. CreaLe a Lape
dlagram Lo show Lhls relaLlonshlp.
2) Cf Lhe 136 vehlcles counLed, how many were cars?
3) Pow many were Lrucks?

osLed ln separaLe documenL
uslng uouble number Llnes Lo
Analyze roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
uouble number llnes are usually used for raLes,
where Lwo numbers wlLh dlfferenL unlLs are
Lx: A Lraln Lravels 200 mlles ln a LoLal of 4 hours.
0 miles 200 miles
0 hours 4 hours
Step 1: Create a double number line with one unit on the
top and the other unit on the bottom. Both of the number
lines should begin with 0 and end with the information given.
uslng uouble number Llnes Lo
Analyze roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
Lx: A Lraln Lravels 200 mlles ln a LoLal of 4 hours.
AL Lhls raLe, how far would Lhe Lraln have
Lraveled ln 1 hour?
0 miles 200 miles
0 hr 4 hr
1 hr 2 hr 3 hr
Step 2: Divide each number line into the same number
of equal increments. Label the distance and time for each
100 miles 50 miles 150 miles
uslng uouble number Llnes Lo
Analyze roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
Lx: A Lraln Lravels 200 mlles ln a LoLal of 4 hours.
AL Lhls raLe, how far would Lhe Lraln have
Lraveled ln 1 hour?
0 miles 200 miles
0 hr 4 hr
1 hr 2 hr 3 hr
Step 3: Locate the given information on one number line
to find the matching value on the second number line.
100 miles 50 miles 150 miles
uslng uouble number Llnes Lo
Analyze roporLlonal 8elaLlonshlps
ln some cases, you may need Lo exLend Lhe
number llnes.
Lx: AL Lhls raLe, how long would lL Lake Lhe Lraln
Lo Lravel 300 mlles?
Step 4: Extend the number lines using the same
increments to find the needed information.
0 miles 200 miles
0 hr 4 hr 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr
100 miles 50 miles 150 miles 400 miles
8 hr 5 hr 6 hr 7 hr
300 miles 250 miles 350 miles
10 hr
9 hr
450 miles 500 miles

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