Navigational Data

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ICE-03: GPS and its Application

GPS Navigational Data

by : Jayanta Kumar Ghosh, Ph.D.

Geomatics Engineering Group

Civil Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Roorkee Uttarakhand 247667 INDIA
8/28/2012 LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED 1

Navigation Data
GPS satellites transmit data streams, called navigation message Contains data about the satellite orbit, clock, health etc. Both with L1 and L2 signals Rate of transmission is 50 bps. Get modulated to both the codes using modulo-2 addition

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Data modulated with code


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED

Navigation Data.
Data organized in frames and sub-frames


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED

Navigation Data.

Consists of 25 frames, each containing 1500 bits. Frame consists of FIVE 300 bit sub-frames Sub-frame consists of 10 words of 30 bits each At 50-bps rate it takes 6 sec to transmit a sub-frame, 30 sec to complete a frame, and 12.5 min for one complete transmission of the navigation message.
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Navigation Data.

The sub-frames 1, 2, and 3 are transmitted with each frame thus these three frames repeat every 30 sec. Sub-frames 4 and 5 are each subcommutated 25 times. The 25 versions of sub-frames 4 and 5 are referred to as pages 1 through 25. Thus, each of these pages repeats every 750 sec or every 12.5 min.
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Navigation Data (Sub-frame 1)

Sub-frame begins with the telemetry word (TLM) The telemetry word begins with a preamble (8 bit), and contain information for authorized user (22 bits). Handover word (HOW) follows TLM in a subframe. HOW represents GPS time of week (TOW). As soon as the receivers gets locked to the C/Acode, the HOW word gets extracted. Thus, receiver knows exactly which part of the long P(Y)-code is being transmitted which leads to identification of SV.
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Nav.. Data (Sub-frame 1)

The Z count is a 29-bit number that contains several pieces of timing information. One part of the Z count is the HOW. HOW multiplied by provides Xl count at the start of a sub-frame GPS time is directly related to the X1 counts of the P(Y)code. A full week equals 403,199 X1 counts. Other parts of the Z count can be converted to time of week (TOW), which represents the number of seconds since the beginning of the GPS week. Yet another part of the Z count gives the current GPS week number (modulo 1024).
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Nav.. Data (Sub-frame 1)

First sub-frame further contains satellite clock correction terms clock reference time toc differential group delay, TGD IODC (issue of date, clock) term IODC indicates the issue number of the clock data set to alert users of changes in the clock parameters. Messages are updated usually every 4 hours.
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Keplerian parameters


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


Navigation Data (Sub-frame 2 & 3)


LICE-04 GPS Signal Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


Navigation Data (Sub-frame 2 & 3)

Elements are least- squares curve fitting of the predicted ephemeris over a well-specified interval of time (not valid for the total orbit). lODE (issue of data, ephemeris) to detect changes in the ephemeris parameters. The broadcast elements should be used with the ephemeris algorithm resulting in coordinates in the WGS 84 coordinate system.
LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED



Ephemeris Algorithm


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


Navigation Data (Sub-frame 4)

25 pages contain

special messages ionospheric correction terms (8 coefficients) coefficients to convert GPS time to UTC almanac for satellites with SVN number 25 and higher.

For deriving UTC as accurately as possible from GPS time, the message provides a constant offset term, a linear polynomial term, the reference time tot, and the current value of the leap second. With these data a correction can be computed and added to the GPS time.
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Navigation Data (Sub-frame 5)

25 pages Contains

almanac of satellites 1 through 24.

( almanac provides the data necessary to compute the positions of satellites other than the transmitting satellite. The almanac essentially is a truncated form of the ephemeris data listed in sub-frames 1 to 3)


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


Nav.. Data Conclusion

Mean anomaly, the longitude of the ascending node, the inclination, and UTC (if desired) are formulated as a polynomial in time; the time argument is GPS time. The polynomial coefficients are, of course, a function of the epoch of expansion. The respective epochs are toc, toe, too and tot.


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


Nav.. Data Conclusion

Clock reference epoch toc and the ephemeris reference epoch toe are chosen 2h after the first valid transmission for a 4h fit interval data set, and 3 h for a 6h fit interval data set. Almanac and UTC reference epochs too and tot are 3.5 days after the first valid transmission.


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


Nav.. Data Conclusion

The navigation message contains

User Range Error (URE) [projection of the

ephemeris curve fit errors onto the user range, and includes effects of satellite timing errors] Flags that indicate the health status of the satellite Etc.


LICE-05 GPS Navigational Data Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


8/28/2012 LICE-04 GPS Signal Dr. J.K.Ghosh, CED


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