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The EZ-Adjust Menu This service menu gets access to what LG apparently thinks are the items a tech

needs most. It can be accessed many ways. The approved method is via a service remote. A universal remote is probably the most reliable and simplest method for most owners. See the ircodes page for details. Another method that works on older firmware versions is to press OK/Select on both the set and the remote for five seconds. You can also get it several ways through the serial port. Use the documented way to send arbitrary remote codes to send code 0xFF. You can also get it through the debug interface on the serial port. EZ-Adjust Menu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tool Option 1 Tool Option 2 Tool Option 3 Tool Option 4 Country Group ADC Calibration White Balance Test Pattern EDID D/L Sub B/C

Tool Option 1 Numeric Value (Default 17792) Inch Tool Maker Module Rev. 32 LF11 LGD 0

Not sure what the size of the screen changes in the interface other than perhaps what goes out via EDID to a PC connected to the VGA or HDMI ports. Bits 12-15 0000 19 Inch 0001 22 0010 26 0011 27 0100 32 0101 37 0110 42 0111 46 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 47 50 52 55 60 70 undefined undefined

The Tool item is the base model number of the set and can be changed through a fair range of values. Not entirely sure what changing it gets you though. Here they are in binary pattern order. Bits 6-10 (and probably 11 eventually) 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 <-bits 6-8 -----------------------------------------------------CL40 LH20 LH30 LH35 LH40 LH41 LH45 LH50 000-+

LH55 LU40 SL80 LH31

LH60 LH70 LH80 LH85 LH90 LH95 LU30 LU50 LU55 LU60 LU70 LF25 LF11 LH37 LF10 LU45 SL90 CL20 LF21 LG21 LG31 SL82

001 | 010 +-bits 9-11 011 | 100-+

The Maker indicates who's glass is actually in the set. Mine was made by LG but if you lost the panel lottery it could be something else they scrounged up to meet a production quota. Be careful playing with this, some of them result in a blank or distorted display which can make it hard to recover from. Bits 3-5 011=LGD 10bit, 100=CMO (CHI-MEI), 101=AUO (Acer) 8bit, 110=Sharp Revision's purpose is unknown but occupies bits 0-2. Tool Option 2 Numeric Value (Default 2600) HDMI Count HDMI Switch IC Component Count S-Video RCA AV Count SCART 3 NONE 1 0 2 NONE

This screen defines what physical connectors are present on your set. Changing these would be pointless unless you are really handy with a soldering iron and Dremel tool. Tool Option 3 Numeric Value (Default 416) EMF(JPEG,MP3) Divx Bluetooth Digital Eye Headphone OPC EPA e-Manual Audio Amp LED Type New E-Con 0 OFF 0 0 0 0 1 1 NTP3100 NORMAL 0

This is the most popular menu for modding. Flip the first option to one and the USB menu will appear in the set's main menu. Pictures look far too saturated, almost like cartoons. Hope someone else has better luck with this feature than I did. A USB item will replace the eco mode in the Q-Menu. This item safely umounts the USB drive. Remember, on a Linux system you should always unmount a drive before physically disconnecting it. By the way, the eco hard key still works, it just displays a small UI at the bottom instead of using the Q-Menu.

Enable Divx and you can play video. Beware, there is a good reason LG shipped these sets with these items disabled. Play the wrong video, even let the cursor dwell long enough on one for the preview window to start playing and you can crash the set. There is a complete Bluetooth stack compiled into the shipping Linux kernel. Some models apparently include an internal BT dongle but you can also plug one into the USB port on the rear of the set. The next option enables a headphone via BT. However clues in the audio module sources suggest the internal dongle directly ties into the audio mux so an external USB BT wouldn't work. I don't have a dongle or a set of headphones to test with. This is backed up by a schematic for a Saturn6 based set I found online. It clearly shows an audio stream plus USB signals going to the internal BT radio. On the other hand the schematic for my set, based on the Saturn5 doesn't show any special audio link to the optional BT dongle. Not sure yet what OPC does. The manual has this to say about the optional feature: "As the technology to reduce the power consumption while keeping the same brightness, this has the effect of reducing power consumption, improvement in contrast." And in English? Darned if I know. Sounds green to me. No clue what the EPA option does. It doesn't disable the Eco mode. Disable the e-Manual and you should be able to free up 5MB of Flash in the set to load something more useful. Changing the Audio AMP is another option that isn't useful to normal folks. I know some models in this same line support a fancy blinking animated power light. Mine doesn't. Do wish I could frob the right bit to enable the menu option to disable the power light. Not sure what New E-Con does but tihomir999 on says: "If its 1, change to 0 and vice-versa... The way its set now you can control playback by up-down-left-righ and OK buttons..." Ok, useful enough. Tool Option 4 Numeric Value (Default 1152) Clear QAM Local Dimming THX Digital Demod Analog Demod THX Media Director Picture Wizard 0 0 0 LGDT3305 UCA36AL 0 0

The set supports Clear QAM with it set to 0, not sure what the other option would do. One clue is the option in RELEASE.cfg called bSupportChinaClearQAM. So there probably isn't much point in adjusting this unless you plan on relocating to China and

subscribing to cable tv there. Don't know what local dimming does. But some LCD sets break up the backlight into sections and can adjust them individually so that would be the smart guess. If it isn't already switched on don't bother because your set doesn't support it. The THX option is probably useless unless LG loaded carefully measured values for your individual set during manufacturing, in which case they would have set the value to one. They sell several sets that are THX certified and they are the only ones that this option is supposed to apply to. Don't let Mr. Lucas catch you using this without him getting his license fee, especially since the THX logo might be seen on equipment that isn't proven to meet their exacting specs, thus debasing the trademark. Enabling it does add THX Cinema and perhaps THX Bright Room to the list of Picture Modes. The demods are more items tied to the physical hardware so leave them alone. THX Media Director is mostly a buzzword at this point, but someday all media will be tagged with special metadata for this stuff and everything will be unicorns and rainbows... and Lucas will get a taste of every media stream on the planet. After enabling it here you also have to go into the normal Option menu and turn it on. Picture Wizard selects between the basic one that you get out of the box and a more advanced one with several additional setup screens. No harm in trying it out. When exploring the filesystem there are two more test patterns present in the directory that are used by the Expert Pattern option. This one is in the manual but as it notes is only available if viewing a digital signal. Why is a mystery. Country Group Country Group Country US US

These items reconfigure a lot of things, everything from the default language used in the menus to the frequency tables for the tuner. From the debug menu, issue show then rcode to dump the database this option uses. ADC Calibration Unless you have test equipment, leave this whole menu alone. White Balance Color Temp R-Gain G-Gain B-Gain R-Cut G-Cut B-Cut Test Pattern. Reset Cool 192 144 176 64 64 64 ON/OFF To Set Medium 192 135 150 64 64 64 Warm 192 118 68 64 64 64

Recalibrate the three color temp profiles. The first item selects

which one to adjust. While the the screen will be white. When becomes grey (the cut point?). display and the normal picture.

cursor is on the first four items on the four cut values the display Test Pattern flips between the blank Didn't try the reset.

Without some sort of calibration standard you probably don't want to do much here. Test Pattern Pattern Control Off

Select between Off, White, Red, Green, Blue and Black. Select toggles the OSD on and off to get a totally monocolor display. EDID D/L This allows uploading new EDID data via the video ports. The serial eeproms have a Write Protect line that is normally enabled. Sub B/C Sub Brightness Sub Contrast 128 128

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