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Science A Biology Unit 1 Revision questions Keeping healthy

1. What role do the following have in the body: (a) carbohydrates (b) fats and (c) proteins

2. What happens when a person is malnourished?

3. What is a deficiency disease?

4. How does exercise help in losing weight?

5. What is metabolic rate?

6. Why are people who exercise usually healthier than those who take little exercise?

How our bodies defend themselves against diseases

1. What are microbes that cause infectious diseases called?

2. Name three ways in which white blood cells defend the body against infectious diseases

3. What are antibodies?

4. What are antibiotics?

5. How does hand washing help prevent diseases?

6. Why is it important not to overuse antibiotics?

7. How can MRSA develop resistance to antibiotics

8. What three diseases does the MMR vaccine protect against?

9. Why are cultures incubated at a maximum of 25C in schools?

The nervous system

1. What are cells that detect stimuli called?

2. Name two stimuli that receptors in the ears are sensitive to.

3. What three things are receptors in the skin sensitive to?

4. Name three things that animal cells have.

5. What are neurones?

6. What are reflex actions?

7. Describe a simple reflex action.

Control in the human body 1. List four condition that are kept the same in the human body

2. What are hormones?

3. How are hormones transported through the body?

4. What role do the following hormones play in the menstrual cylcle: (a) FSH (b) LH (c) oestrogen

5. Which hormones are contained in an oral contraceptive (birth control pill)?

6. Which hormones are used in fertility treatments?

Control in plants 1. What three things are plants sensitive to?

2. What are (a) phototropism and (b) geotropism

3. What is the name of the plant hormone?

4. How are plant hormones used in (a) weed killers and (b) rooting compounds?

Drugs 1. What do statins do?

2. What three things are drugs tested for in clinical trials?

3. Explain the meaning of the term double-blind tirlas.

4. What is a placebo?

5. What was thalidomide originally used for?

6. What effect did it have on pregnant mothers?

7. What can it be used for now?

8. Why does the misuse of legal drugs have greater impact on health than illegal drugs?

9. Name three legal and three illegal drugs.

10. Why can people become dependent upon drugs?

11. Why do some athletes use stimulants?

12. Why do some athletes use anabolic steroids?

Interdependence and adaptation 1. Name three things that plants compete for.

2. Name three things that animals compete for.

3. What name is given to organisms that can survive in extreme conditions?

4. How does camouflage help animals survive?

5. How does thickness of coat or body fat help animals survive?

Environmental change 1. How can lichen help detect pollution?

2. What factors can change in the environment that may affect where animals live?

Energy and biomass 1. Where do producers obtain their energy?

2. Why does the energy at each stage in a food chain decrease?

Waste materials from plants and animals 1. What three conditions enable materials to decay faster?

2. Describe the carbon cycle.

Genetic variation 1. What controls the development of different characteristics of an organism?

2. Complete the sentence The n_________ of a cell contains c____________. C__________ carry g_________ that control the characteristics of the body.

Reproduction 1. What re the two forms of reproduction?

2. Name three types of cloning techniques.

3. Complete the sentences:

In g_______________ e_______________, g_________ from the chromosomes of organisms can be c_____ o____ using e__________ and transferred to cells of other organisms.

4. List three concerns about GM crops

Evolution 1. Why was Darwins theory of evolution only gradually accepted?

2. What is the difference between Lamark and Darwins ideas?

3. What is natural selection?

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