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MEPCO SCHLENK ENGINEERING COLLEGE, SIVAKASI Mission To Produce Competent, Disciplined and Quality Engineers & Administrators through

Service Par Excellence Vision Envisioning a world lead by our engineers, holding a beacon of hope and confidence for generations to come Department of Computer Science and Engineering Vision To become of a centre of excellence in computer education and research and to create the platform for industrial consultancy Program Educational Objectives Graduating students of BE program in Artificial Intelligence will be able to

Specify, design, develop, test and maintain usable software systems that behave reliably and

efficiently and satisfy all the requirements that customers have defined for them following professional practices

Work in a team using common tools and environments to achieve project objectives Develop software systems that would perform tasks related to Research, Education and

Training and/or E-governance within the relevant international and national standards based on an understanding of the impact such systems on the target groups and the environment Instructional System Design (ISD) Course Details: Subject Code Subject Name Semester Prepared By Approved By Effective Date Revision No. : : : : : : : CS61 Artificial Intelligence B.E(CSE) VI Semester M.Rajakani / T.Jeyanthi Dr. K. Muneeswaran 02.01.2011 1

Program Outcomes Selected (Washington Accord) 1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the conceptualization of engineering models. 2. Identify, formulate, research literature and solve complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics and engineering sciences.

3. Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. 4. Conduct investigations of complex problems including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions. 5. Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations. 6. Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings. 7. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. 8. Demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice. 9. Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. 10. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development. 11. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of management and business practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations. 12. Recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning. Competencies

1. 2. 3.

Convert any system into intelligent agents (1) Design a gaming environment with optimal decisions (1,3,4) Determine the source of problem and searching for solutions (4,5)

4. 5. 6. 7.

Update knowledge by various learning methods (2,4) Create the learning agents , problem solving agents and Intelligent agents (4,5,12) Develop a Bayesian networks (4,10) Design a knowledge based agents by Learning approach (11,12)

Concept Map

Course Assessment Matrix Course Title : Artificial Intelligence Competencies 1 1. Understand the concepts of intelligent agents such that to convert any system into intelligent agents 2. Design a gaming environment with optimal decisions 3. Determine the source of problem and searching for solutions 4. Understand the methods of learning in terms of knowledge 5. Create the learning agents , problem solving agents and Intelligent agents 2 1 4 1 3 4 4 4 5 12 5 2 3 Programme Outcomes (Washington Accord) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6. Develop a Bayesian networks 7. Design a knowledge based agents by Learning approach Lecture Schedule CS61 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT I PROBLEM SOLVING

10 11 12

Introduction Agents Problem formulation uninformed search strategies heuristics informed search strategies constraint satisfaction UNIT II LOGICAL REASONING Logical agents propositional logic inferences first-order logic inferences in first-order logic forward chaining backward chaining unification resolution UNIT III PLANNING Planning with state-space search partial-order planning planning graphs planning and acting in the real world UNIT IV UNCERTAIN KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING Uncertainty review of probability - probabilistic Reasoning Bayesian networks inferences in Bayesian networks Temporal models Hidden Markov models UNIT V LEARNING Learning from observation - Inductive learning Decision trees Explanation based learning Statistical Learning methods - Reinforcement Learning TEXT BOOK: 1. S. Russel and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. David Poole, Alan Mackworth, Randy Goebel, Computational Intelligence : a logical approach, Oxford University Press, 2004. G. Luger, Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for complex problem solving, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, 2002. J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence: A new Synthesis, Elsevier Publishers, 1998. WEB REFERENCES http://www.


LU 2. LU 3. LU 4. LU 5. LU 6. LU 7. LU 8. LU 9. LU 10. LU 11. LU 12.

Intelligent Agents Agents and environments Good behavior The nature of environments structure of agents Problem Solving problem solving agents Example problems Searching for solutions Uniformed search strategies Avoiding repeated states searching with partial information.

T1:ch.2 T1:ch.2 T1:ch.2 T1:ch.2 T1:ch.2 T1:ch.3 T1:ch.3 T1:ch.3 T1:ch.3 T1:ch.3 T1:ch.3

MODULE II - LOGICAL REASONING LU 13. LU 14. LU 15. LU 16. LU 17. LU 18. LU 19. LU 20. LU 21. Logical agents-Knowledge based Agents The Wumpus World and logic and Propositional logic: A Very Simple Logic First order logic representation revisited , Syntax and semantics for first order logic Using first order logic Knowledge engineering in first order logic Inference in First order Logic: Prepositional versus first order logic, Unification and lifting Forward chaining Backward chaining Resolution T1:ch.9 T1:ch.9 T1:ch.9 T1:ch.8 T1:ch.8 T1:ch.9 T1:ch.8 T1: ch.7 T1: ch.7

MODULE III PLANNING LU 22. LU 23. LU 24. LU 25. LU 26. LU 27. LU 28. LU 29. Planning: Planning with state-space search Partial-order planning Planning graphs Planning and acting in the real world: Time, Schedules, and Resources Hierarchical Task Network Planning Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic Domains Conditional Planning and Execution Monitoring and Replanning Continuous Planning and Multi-Agent Planning T1:ch.12 T1:ch.12 T1:ch.12 T1:ch.12 T1:ch.11 T1:ch.11 T1:ch.12 T1:ch.12

MODULE IV- UNCERTAIN KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING LU 30. Uncertainty Acting under Uncertainity T1:ch.13

LU 31. LU 32. LU 33. LU 34. LU 35. LU 36. LU 37.

review of probability Basic Probability Notation & The Axioms of Probability Probabilistic Reasoning Representation Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain Bayesian networks The semantics of Bayesian Networks Inferences in Bayesian networks Exact Inferences in Bayesian networks Approximate inferences in Bayesian networks Inference in Temporal models Hidden Markov models

T1:ch.13 T1:ch.14 T1:ch.14 T1:ch.14 T1:ch.14 T1:ch.15 T1:ch.15

MODULE V-LEARNING LU 38. LU 39. LU 40. LU 41. LU 42. LU 43. LU 44. LU 45. LU 46. LU 47. Forms of learning Inductive learning Learning decision trees Explanation based learning Statistical learning methods - Learning with complete data Learning with hidden variable: The EM Algorithm Instance based learning Neural networks Kernel Machines Reinforcement Learning: Passive reinforcement learning - Active reinforcement learning LU 48. Generalization in reinforcement learning. MODULE-1(PROBLEM SOLVING) Introduction Agents Problem formulation uninformed search strategies heuristics informed search strategies constraint satisfaction Module Overview Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the area of computer science focusing on creating machines that can engage on behaviors that humans consider intelligent. The ability to create intelligent machines has intrigued humans since ancient times and today with the advent of the computer and 50 years of research into AI programming techniques, the dream of smart machines is becoming a reality. This module helps to understand about intelligent agents and also helps to identify the domain problems by means of informed or uninformed (heuristic) problem definition in terms of constraints. T1:ch.21 T1:ch.18 T1:ch.18 T1:ch.18 T1:ch.19 T1:ch.20 T1:ch.20 T1:ch.20 T1:ch.20 T1:ch.20 T1:ch.21

Module Competencies

1. 2.

Understand the basics of AI and intelligent agents. Design a sequence actions that achieves its goals in problem formulation by informed (heuristics) and uninformed search strategies. Analysis and examine the problems by means of defined constraints.

Instructional objectives of a course in Gronlund format (General Instructional Objectives and Specific Learning Outcomes) and the Test Items (TI) Module 1: INTRODUCTION C1: Understand the basics of AI and intelligent agents.


Definie AI and explain about its human behavior and rationality.


How the AI definitions measure success in terms of fidelity to human performance (Remember) TI1: What is turing test approach and research area of Artificial Intelligence? TI2: List out the research areas of Artificial intelligence for designing a test for Turing test approach. T13: What are two ways to identify that a system thinks like human in cognitive approach?


Define the Ideal Concept of Intelligence (Understand) TI1: How laws of thought were supposed to govern the operation of the mind by means of Logic? TI2: How a rational agent can behave? T13: Discuss the issues of limited rationality


Explain about the Agents and Environments. 2.1 Identify the nature of Agents and its Environment. (Analyse) TI1: How an agent can act in Environment and draw its interaction with its Environments? TI2: What do you meant by actuators and percept sequence? TI3: How an AGENT FUNCTION & AGENT PROGRAM maps any percept sequence to an action?


List the Good behaviour and the concept of Rationality of Agent. (Remember) TI1: Define RATIONAL AGENT. TI2: How the rationality depends upon four things at any given time? TI3: What do you mean by omniscience, learning and autonomy?


Explain about the Nature of Environments and Structure of agents.


Build the rational agents in required task Environments. (Create) TI1: How the nature of environments can understand by this Acronym PEAS? TI2: Create task Environment for an automated Taxi.

TI3: List out the types of Agents. TI4: Discuss the properties of task Environment? TI5: Analyse and create a suitable environment for a rational Agent. 3.2 Discuss the importance of designing an agent with architecture and agent program. (Analyse) TI1: What is the job of AI and how the architecture and agent program help to create an agent? TI2: Discuss the four basic kinds of agent program that embody the principles underlying almost all intelligent systems. TI3: What do you meant by learning agent and what are the elements in it? C2. Design a sequence actions that achieves its goals in problem formulation by informed (heuristics) and uninformed search strategies


To Explain the concepts of solving problems by searching.


List out the techniques of Problem solving Agents. (Remember) TI1: What do you mean by Goal formulation and problem formulation? TI2: What are the four components of a problem? TI3: Why abstraction is needed in formulating a problem?


Discuss about some real time problems. (Understand) TI1: What are the two kinds of problems? TI2: Give the Examples of Toy problems and Real world problems? TI3: What is incremental and complete-state formulation?


Analyse about the searching for solutions. (Analyse) TI1: How you formulate the problems description and what is the way to solve it? TI2: What are all the five components to represent a node? TI3: How will you evaluate an algorithms performance? TI4: Write the algorithm of TREE-SEARCH?


Explain the techniques of blind or Uninformed Search Strategies.


List out the techniques of search strategies of uninformed search.(Remember) TI1: List out the five search techniques of uninformed search strategies. TI2: Explain about BFS, DFS and uniform-cost search. TI3: Discuss about the Iterative deepening depth-first search and Bidirectional search.


Compare the Uninformed search Strategies. (Understand) TI1: Write the Time complexity of BFS and DFS? TI2: Compare and explain which searching strategies is the best?


Explain the various methods for abtaining the problem-specific Information by Heuristics or Informed search strategies. 3.1 Describes the informed versions of the algorithm. (Understand) TI1: What is best first search and how it works in informed search techniques? TI2: What do you mean by Greedy search and HSLD? TI3: Explain the A* Search and how it minimize the total Estimated solution cost? TI4: What are the properties of A* search? TI5: Discuss the Memory bound heuristic search?


Analyse and Develop problem specifications in heuristic function. (Create) TI1: Define heuristic function TI2: What is Manhattan distance? TI3: Discuss the effect of heuristic accuracy on performance. TI4: How you invent the admissible heuristic function

C3.Analysis and examine the problems by means of defined constraints.


Examines defined constraints whose states and goal test conform to a standard, structured and very simple representation.


Explain the concepts of constraint satisfaction problem. (Remember) TI1: What is meant by variables, domain, consistent and objective function? TI2: What do you mean by constraint graph? TI3: What is incremental formulation and complete state formulation? TI4: What are types of constraints? TI5: What do you mean by crypt arithmetic problem?


How Backtracking search is useful for CSP. (Analyse) TI1: Define backtracking search and discuss why it necessary? TI2: Write the Backtracking Search Algorithm TI3: What do you meant by minimum remaining values (MRV)? TI4: Explain the propagating information through constraints? TI5: Discuss the intelligent backtracking techniques.


Analyse about the Local search algorithm and the Structure of problems for Constraint satisfaction problems 2.1 Analyse the techniques of complete state formulation (Analyse) TI1: How you apply this local search technique in 8-queens problem? TI2: Write the MIN-CONFLICTS algorithm. TI3: What are the advantages of Local search for CSP?


Develop constraint graphs for representing various problem structures. (Create) TI1: What do you mean by independent subproblem? TI2: Write the general algorithm in CSP. TI3. What is cycle cutset?

TI4. Discuss the problems faced in CSP & how it solved by decomposing it? MODULE-2 (LOGICAL REASONING) Logical agents propositional logic inferences first-order logic inferences in first-order logic forward chaining backward chaining unification resolution Module Overview This module introduces the Knowledge based agents could represent the world in which it operates and deduce what actions to take. For this propositional logic is used as representation language because it sufficed to illustrate the basic concepts of logic and knowledge-based agents. Unfortunately, propositional logic is too puny a language to represent knowledge of complex environments in a concise way. So, first order logic which is sufficiently expressive to represent a good deal of our commonsense knowledge. It also either subsumes or forms the foundation of many other representation languages and has been studied for many decades. Module Competencies 1. Understand the concepts of knowledge based agents and the Propositional Logic Representation. 2. Identify the drawbacks of propositional logic and introduces the representation of First Order Logic.


Define the effective procedures for answering questions posed in first order logic by forward and backward chaining & Resolution.

Instructional objectives of a course in Gronlund format (General Instructional Objectives and Specific Learning Outcomes) and the Test Items (TI) Module: LOGICAL REASONING C1: Understand the concepts of knowledge based agents and the Propositional Logic Representation. 1. Understands the overall agent design and introduces a simple new environment, the Wumpus World.


Introduction about the concepts of knowledge based agents. (Remember) TI1: What do you mean by Knowledge base & Knowledge representation language? TI2: Which type of agent is selected for using this KB and why? TI3: Write the algorithm for simple KB_AGENT. TI4: What do you mean by knowledge level and implementation level? TI5: Differentiate declarative approach and procedural approach.


Analyse the new Environment WUMPUS WORLD and examine whether the agent using its knowledge base. (Analyse)

TI1: Explain the WUMPUS WORLD environment? TI2: List out the PEAS description of Wumpus world. TI3: Analyse and prove that the logical thinking agent can use its KB and take action in the Wumpus world Environment? 2. Understand the syntax of Propositional Logic and its semantics the way in which the truth of the sentences is determined.


Understand the Syntax of Propositional Logic. (Remember) TI1: What do you mean by a sentence? TI2: What are the types of Sentences? TI3: Write the syntax of Atomic sentences. TI4: Write the syntax of Complex sentences. TI5: Write the order of precedence in propositional logic.


Derive the semantics of Propositional Logic. (Analyse) TI1: Write the Truth table for P^Q. TI2: Derive the semantics for this sentence P =>Q. TI3: Write the syntax for the sentence A square is breezy if a neighbouring square has a pit, and a square is breezy only if a neighbouring square has a pit.


Create the Simple Knowledge base and analyse its inference rules. 3.1 Create the Simple KB using all the inferences. (Create) TI1: What it depicts if P1,1? TI2: Write the sentence for There is no pit in [1,1]. TI3: How you create the knowledge base? Explain this?


Enumerate all the models and check the sentences are valid using the inference rules. (Analyse) TI1: Write the algorithm of TT-ENTAILS. TI2: Write the algorithm of TT-CHECK-ALL. TI3: Write the List out all the rules in propositional logic. TI4: What do you mean by Equivalence, validity and satisfiability? TI5: Define Deduction theorem

C2: Identify the drawbacks of propositional logic and introduces the representation of First Order Logic.


To derive the importance of first order logic by revisiting all the other representation and Introduction about the syntax and semantics of first order logic.


Discuss about the nature of representation of languages. (Remember) TI1: What are the drawbacks of procedural languages? TI2: Why first order logic is more expressive than propositional logic? TI3: Define compositionality property.

TI4: What do you mean by objects, relations and functions in first order logic? TI5: Define ontological commitments and epistemological commitments. TI6: Differentiate temporal logic and higher order logic.


Discuss about the various elements of the languages and analyse their semantics in first order logic. (Analyse) TI1: Draw the model for first order logic. TI2: What do mean by domain, domain elements and objects? TI3: Describe the syntax of first order logic specified in Backus Naur form. TI4: Define term and give examples TI5: Write the Syntax of Atomic and Complex sentences in first order logic. TI6: What are the types of quantifiers?


Describes about the concepts of first order logic and deals with how to use it.


Describes the Assertions and queries in first order logic. (Remember) TI1: To add a Sentence to KB which keyword is used? TI2: What do you mean by ASK? TI3: What is Substitution or binding Lists? T14: How you assert that John is a king and that kings are persons?


Analyze the logic in the domain of family relationships or Kinship. (analyze) TI1: What do you mean by Kinship domain? TI2: What are the relationships involved in kinship domain? TI3: Create the logic for the Sentences i. ii. Ones mother is ones female parent A grandparent is a parent of ones parent.

TI4: Differentiate axioms and theorems. 2.3 Create the Numbers, sets and Lists logic in first order Logic. (Create) TI1: Define infix and prefix notations. TI2: Define Syntactic Sugar. TI3: What do you mean by PEANO AXIOMS? TI4: Create the logic for the Sentences i. ii. 2.4 Two sets are equal if and only if each is a subset of the other. Adjoining an element already in the set has no effect.

TI5: What are the predicates in LISTS? Create the Logic in THE WUMPUS WORLD. (Create) TI1: Create the sentence for the typical percept sentence having Stench, Breeze & Glitter as predicates. TI2: Differentiate binary and unary predicates. TI3: Differentiate Synchronic and Diachronic Sentences. TI4: How the adjacency of any two squares can be defined?

T15: Create Diagnostic Rules in wumpus world environment. TI6: Create Causal Rules in the same environment.


Describes the General process of knowledge base construction- a process called knowledge Engineering.


Describe the Steps of Knowledge Engineering process in General Process. (Analyse) TI1: Define Knowledge Acquisition. TI2: Write the Generalised Steps in Knowledge Engineering Process. TI3: How the Knowledge based can be debugged? TI4: How the falsehood information can be solved in Knowledge base?


Develop Knowledge Engineering Process in Electronic Domain. (Create) TI1: Draw the Digital Circuit. TI2: How you identify all the tasks in the DC? TI3: How you assemble the relevant Knowledge in Digital circuit domain? TI4: Describe the process of encode general knowledge of the DC domain? TI5: How you will verify the simple circuit domain and prove this?

C3: Define the effective procedures for answering questions posed in first order logic by forward and backward chaining & Resolution. 1. Describe the Comparison of Propositional Vs first order logic and the generalised concepts of Unification and Lifting. 1.1 Describe the ideas of Underlying the modern concepts of First order logic. (Understand) TI1: What is Universal Instantiation? TI2: What is Existential Instantiation? TI3: What are Skolem Constant and Skolemization? TI4: How the inference rules of Propositional logic can be converted to First order Logic? What are the Rules? TI5: Explain the reduction to Propositional Inference process?


Analyse the importance of Unification and Lifting. (Analyse) TI1: What is Generalised modus Modus Law? How it is lifted? TI2: What is Unification? TI3: What is Most General Unifier? TI4: What is Occur Check? TI5: what is Subsumption Lattice?

2. Describe the Concepts of forward and backward Chaining. 2.1 How the ideas of Forward chaining algorithm is used in First order logic. (Understand) TI1: Write the problem of Forward Chaining. TI2: Derive the Laws from the Forward chaining Problem? TI3: Why renaming is necessary in Forward Chaining?

TI4: What are properties of Forward Chaining Process? TI5: Write the Algorithm of FOL-FC.













representation? (Analyse) TI1: Why backward chaining is necessary? TI2: Write the Algorithm for FOL-BC. TI3: Describe the concepts of Logic Programming? TI4: Describe the Efficient implementation of Logic programs? TI5: Describe the redundant inference and inference loops? TI6: Describe the Constraint Logic Programming. 3. Describe the Concepts of Resolution.


Describe the concepts of Conjunctive normal form in resolution. (Remember) TI1: Write the Steps in Resolution Process. TI2: Write the resolution inference Rule. TI3: Define Binary resolution. TI4: What is Skolem Functions? TI5: What do you mean by CNF?


Analyse the concepts by means of Example Proofs. (Analyse) TI1: Solve the problem Everyone who loves all animals is loved by someone. Anyone who kills an animal is loved by no one. Jack loves all animals. Either Jack or curiosity killed the cat, who is named Tuna. Did, curiosity kill the cat? TI2: Explain the completeness of Resolution? TI3: What is herbrand base and herbrands theorem? TI4: Define Lifting Lemma. TI5: Describe the Design of a theorem prover? MODULE-3(PLANNING)

Planning with state-space search partial-order planning planning graphs planning and acting in the real world Module Overview The Task of coming up with a sequence of actions that will achieve a goal is called Planning. This module is concerned primarily with scaling up to complex planning problems that defeat all the other approaches. Planning is of two types, classical planning and non-classical planning. Classical Planning means that environments are fully observable, deterministic, finite, static and discrete. Non-classical planning is for partially observable or stochastic environments and involves a different set of algorithms and agent designs.

Module Competencies

1. 2.

Introduction about an expressive constrained language for representing planning problems & describes the straightforward approaches is to use state-space search. Describes about the concepts of Partial order planning and Partial Graphs. about more expressive representations and more interactive agent

3. Analyse

architectures lead to planners that are useful in the real world. Instructional objectives of a course in Gronlund format (General Instructional Objectives and Specific Learning Outcomes) and the Test Items (TI) Module: PLANNING C1: Introduction about an expressive language for representing planning problems & describes the straightforward approaches is to use state-space search. 1. Introduction about the concepts of planning problems.













representation of planning problems. (Understand) TI1: List out the problems faced by problem solving agent. TI2: Write the structure of Action Schema. TI3: Define STRIPS Language and its importance. TI4: How you represent the states, foals and actions in STRIPS Language? TI5: What do you mean by ADD list and DELETE list? TI6: What do you mean by STRIPS Assumption?


Explain the Expressiveness and extensions for representing the planning problems and discussion about some examples. (Understand) TI1: Why STRIPS language is not suitable for real world problems? TI2: Define ADL Language and its importance. TI3: Differentiate STRIPS and ADL Language. TI4: Write a STRIPS problem involving transportation of Air-Cargo problem. TI5: Write the Spare Tire problem in ADL Languages. TI6: What do you mean y block world problem?


Describe about the planning algorithms by using state space search.


Describe about the planning with forward state space search. (Remember) TI1: What do you mean by Progressing Planning? TI2: How you formulate the planning problems as state space search? TI3: Explain with a neat example & diagram for explaining Forward state space? TI4: What are drawbacks faced by Forward state space search?


Analyse about the planning with Backward state space search. (Analyse) TI1: What are advantages of Backward state space search?

TI2: What do you mean by regression? TI3: Why there is a need of consistency? TI4: Give the definition for relevance and consistency. TI5: For a given goal description how its predecessors are formulated?


Analyse about the planning with Heuristic state space search. (Analyse) TI1: Why heuristic state space search is important than other two state space search? TI2: What is Sub goal independence? TI3: What is empty delete list heuristic? TI4: How can we derive the admissible heuristic value? TI5: What do you mean by relaxed problem?

C2: Describes about the concepts of Partial order planning and Planning Graphs. 1. Explain the concepts of partial order planning with an Example.


Explain the importance of partial order plan than the total order plan. (Understand) TI1: What is least commitment? TI2: What do you mean by partial order planning and its example? TI3: What is linearization? TI4: What are the components in a plan? TI5: What is causal Links? TI6: Write the Partial order Plan algorithm?


Analyse the concepts of Partial order planning with unbound variables and with

heuristics. (Analyse) TI1: Write an example for unbound variables. TI2: Define inequality constraints. TI3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of partial order plan? TI4: Analyse its drawbacks and explain how heuristics is necessary? TI5: What is most constrained variable? 2. Create a special Data Structure and understand its concepts The Planning Graphs. 2.1 Total order and partial order plan suffers from inaccuracies so created a data structure called Planning Graphs (Create) TI1: Define Planning Graph. TI2: Draw the Planning Graph for Have cake and Eat cake problem. TI3: What is a Persistence action? TI4: What do you mean by Mutual Exclusion or mutex links? TI5: What do you mean by leveled off? TI6: What are three conditions in mutex links? TI7: What is serial planning Graph? 2.2 Extract a solution directly from the planning graph, using a specialized algorithm such as the one called Graph Plan algorithm. (Analyse) TI1: Write the Graph plan Algorithm.

TI2: Draw the planning Graph for spare tire problem. TI3: What do you mean by Inconsistent effects? TI4: Define Inference and competing needs. TI5: What is inconsistent support? TI6: Define the search problem as a EXTRACT-SOLUTION. TI7: What are the properties for Termination of GRAPHPLAN? C3: Analyze about more expressive representations and more interactive agent architectures lead to planners that are useful in the real world.


Role of planners in terms of the representation language and the way that the planner interacts with the environment.


Describes planning and scheduling with time and resource constraints. (Understand) TI1: What is job shop scheduling? TI2: Write a job shop scheduling problem for assembling two cars? TI3: What is critical path method? TI4: What is slack algorithm? TI5: What do mean by reusable resources? TI6: Define aggregation.


Analyse the complexity of Planning with most pervasive ideas by Hierarchical Task Network Planning. (Analyse) TI1: Define Hierarchical decomposition TI2: What is plan library? TI3: What are primary and secondary effects? TI4: Draw the diagram for one possible decomposition for the Build House action? TI5: Explain about the modifying planner for decomposition? TI6: Define subtask sharing. TI7: Explain the magi problem?

2. Describes 2.1










environments. Describes about the Planning and Acting in Nondeterministic domain. (understand) TI1: Differentiate bounded indeterminacy and unbounded indeterminacy. TI2: What is conformant planning? TI3: What is contingency planning? TI4: Explain with an example to clarify the differences among the various kinds of agents. TI5: How will you use these non-deterministic concepts in real world?


Analyse a way to deal with uncertainty in the environment at predetermined points in the plan. (Analyse) TI1: Explain the conditional planning in fully observable environments? TI2: Differentiate disjunctive effects and conditional effects.

TI3: What do you mean by game against nature? TI4: Write the algorithm for AND-OR-GRAPH SEARCH and AND-SEARCH. TI5: Explain in detail about the conditional planning in partially observable environments?


Describe the concepts of Execution monitoring and replanning. (Remember) TI1: Define Execution monitoring and action monitoring. TI2: What is replanning? TI3: What is Plan monitoring? TI4: What are the advantages of serendipity? TI5: Write the REPLANNING-AGENT algorithm?

3. Analyse the concepts of how to plan when the environment contains other agents. 3.1 Design an agent that persists indefinitely in an Environment. (Create) TI1: What is the need of continuous planning agent? TI2: Design an Example for Continuous planning agent. TI3: Explain the initial plan constructed by the continuous planning agent? TI4: Write the algorithm for CONTINUOUS-POP-AGENT. TI5: What are the flaws handled by continuous planning agent?


Compare the issues of single agent Environment With the multi agent Environment. (Analyse) TI1: List out the issues of single agent environments? TI2: What are the advantages of Multiagent environments? TI3: Differentiate cooperative and competitive Environments? TI4: Define Join plan. TI5: Explain Multibody planning? TI6: Define convention and competition. TI7: List out the Emergent behaviors of flying pseudo body? MODULE-4(UNCERTAIN KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING)

Uncertainty review of probability - probabilistic Reasoning Bayesian networks inferences in Bayesian networks Temporal models Hidden Markov models Module Overview The Logical Agents knows enough facts about its environments, the logical approach enables it to derive plans that are guaranteed to work. Unfortunately, agents almost never have access to the whole truth about their environment. Agent must therefore act under uncertainty. And describes the ideas in preparation for the development of the general theories of uncertain reasoning and rational decisions. Module Competencies


Describes the nature of uncertain knowledge and the concepts of basics of Probability.

2. Introduces a systematic way to represent such relationships explicitly in the form of semantic networks.


Explain about the inference in temporal model and hidden markov model.

Instructional objectives of a course in Gronlund format (General Instructional Objectives and Specific Learning Outcomes) and the Test Items (TI) Module: UNCERTAIN KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING C1: Describes the nature of uncertain knowledge and the concepts of basics of Probability.

1. 1.1

Understand the concepts of Acting under Uncertainty. Introduction about the concepts of uncertainty and nature of uncertain knowledge. (Remember) TI1: Define uncertainty. TI2: Why rational decision is important in uncertainty? TI3: Why first order logic fails in uncertainty? TI4: What do you mean by degree of belief? TI5: What are the kinds of probability?


Analyse the presence of uncertainty radically changes the way an agent makes decisions. (Analyse) TI1: Define decision theory. TI2: Define utility theory. TI3: What is maximum Expected Utility (MEU). TI4: Write the algorithm for DT-AGENT.


Analyse the need of uncertain knowledge and introduces a formal language

for representing and reasoning with uncertain knowledge. 2.1 Introduction about the concepts of propositions and Random variables. (Remember) TI1: What is random variable? TI2: What are the three kinds of random variables? TI3: What do you mean by atomic events? TI4: What are the properties of Atomic events? TI5: Define prior probability. TI6: What do you mean by probability distribution and full joint probability distribution? TI7: What is probability density functions? TI8: Define conditional probability and product rule. 2.2 Explain the Axioms of Probability and Full joint distribution. (Remember) TI1: Define kolmogorovs axioms?

TI2: Explain the uses of axioms of probability? TI3: How do you derive a variety of useful facts from the basic axioms? TI4: Why the axioms of probability are reasonable? TI5: Define marginalization. TI6: A domain consists of just three Boolean variables Toothache, cavity and catch. Draw the full joint distribution 222 table. TI7: Define the concept of independence. C2: Introduces a systematic way to represent such relationships explicitly in the form of semantic networks. 1. Introduction about representing the knowledge in an uncertain domain and about the semantics of Bayesian Networks.











(Remember) TI1: Define Bayesian Networks. TI2: Describe the Burglary alarm problem. TI3: What is conditional Probability table? TI4: What are the properties of Bayesian Networks? TI5: Draw the simple Bayesian Network consists of Toothache, Cavity, Catch & Weather? 1.2 Analyse the syntax and semantics of the Bayesian networks. (Analyse) TI1: Describe how you will representing the full joint distribution/ TI2: What is chain rule? TI3: Analyse a method for constructing Bayesian Networks? TI4: Define locally structured nodes? TI5: Describe compactness and node ordering. TI6: What is Markov blanket? TI7: What is a conditional Independence relation in Bayesian Networks? 2. Deriving the Exact and approximate inference in Bayesian Networks. 2.1 Analyse the Exact inference in Bayesian Networks. (Analyse) TI1: What are hidden variables? TI2: What are query variables and evidence variables? TI3: Derive the Inference by enumeration. TI4: Write the algorithm of ENUMERATION-ASK and ENUMERATION-ALL. TI5: Describe the variable Elimination Algorithm. TI6: Describe the Complexity of Exact Inference. TI7: Describe Clustering Algorithm. 2.2 Analyse the Approximate inference in Bayesian Networks. (Analyse) TI1: What is Monte Carlo algorithm? TI2: Describe direct Sampling methods.

TI3: What is Rejection sampling? TI4: What is likelihood weighting? TI5: Write the Algorithm for LIKELIHOOD-WEIGHTING and WEIGHTER-SAMPLE. TI6: Write the Algorithm for MCMC-ASK. TI7: What is transition probability? TI8: Define Markov Chain. TI9: Define the property detailed balance. TI10: What is Gibbs sampler. . C3: Explain about the inference in temporal model and hidden markov model 1. Describe the basic inference tasks and general structure of inference algorithms for Temporal Models 1.1 Analyse the inference in temporal models. (Analyse) TI1: What is filtering or monitoring? TI2: What is Belief State? TI3: Define prediction? TI4: What is smoothing or hindsight? TI5: Define Most Likely Explanation? TI6: What is stationary distribution? TI7: Write the algorithm for FORWARD-BACKWARD for computing posterior probabilities of a sequence of states given a sequence of observations? TI8: Define Fixed-lag smoothing? TI9: What is Viterbi algorithm? 1.2 Analyse the inference in Hidden Markov models. (Analyse) TI1: Define Hidden Markov model. TI2: Describe the Simplified matrix algorithm. TI3: What is B Matrix? TI4: Write the Backward Equation. MODULE-5(LEARNING) Learning from observation - Inductive learning Decision trees Explanation based learning Statistical Learning methods - Reinforcement Learning Module Overview Agents that can improve their behaviour through diligent study of their own experience. Learning is that percept should be used not only for acting, but also for improving the agents ability to act in the future. Learning takes place as the agent observes its interactions with the world and its own decisionmaking processes. Learning can range from trivial memorization of experience to the creation of entire scientific theories. This module describes inductive learning from observations and describes how to learn simple theories in propositional logic. Module Competencies

1. 3.

Describes the theoretical analysis with inductive learning.

2. Describes the learning as a form of uncertain reasoning from observations Describe about the concepts of reinforcement learning.

Instructional objectives of a course in Gronlund format (General Instructional Objectives and Specific Learning Outcomes) and the Test Items (TI) Module: LEARNING C1: Describes the theoretical analysis that explains why inductive learning. 1 Introduction about how inductive learning possible from observation.


Introduction about the forms of learning. (Remember) TI1: Why learning agent is suitable for learning mechanisms? TI2: Write the three major issues faced while designing the learning agent? TI3: What are types of learning? TI4: What is supervised learning? TI5: What is unsupervised learning? TI6: Define reinforcement learning?


Analyse the task of pure inductive inference. (Analyse) TI1: What is Hypothesis? TI2: Define the fundamental problem of induction. TI3: Define Ockhams razor. TI4: Differentiate realizable and unrealizable.

Explain about the decision trees and Explanation based learning.


Design a most successful forms of learning algorithm. (Create)

TI1: Define Decision Tree. TI2: Differentiate Classification and Regression. TI3: Explain the Expressiveness of decision Trees. TI4: Describe inducing trees from examples. TI5: Define Training set. TI6: How you choose the attributes for testing in decision trees? TI7: What is information gain? TI8: How do you assessing the performance of the learning algorithm? TI9: What is a happy graph? T10: Explain Noise and Overfitting. T11: Explain broadening the applicability of decision trees?


Develop a methods for extracting general rules from individual observations by Explanation based Learning. (Create) TI1: Define memoization. TI2: Explain the Extracting general rules from examples. TI3: What are the basic EBL process works?

TI4: What is branching factor? TI5: What is operationality? TI6: Define Pruning. C2: Describes the learning as a form of uncertain reasoning from observations. 1 Describes the Learning methods that store and recall specific instances.


Introduction about the concepts of Statistical Learning. (Remember)

TI1: What are data and hypotheses? TI2: Define Bayesian Learning? TI3: What is maximum-likelihood? TI4: Define overfitting. TI5: What is maximum of posteriori? 1.2 Analyse the concepts of learning methods with complete data. (Analyse) TI1: What is log likelihood? TI2: What is the standard model for maximum-likelihood parameter learning? TI3: Explain Nave Bayes models? TI4: Explain the Maximum-likelihood parameter Learning? TI5: What is Linear-Gaussian model? TI6: What is conjugate prior? TI7: What is parameter independence? TI8: Explain the learning Bayes net structures?











(Understand) TI1: What is Expectation Maximization? TI2: Explain the unsupervised clustering. TI3: Describe the process of Learning Bayesian Networks with hidden variables. TI4: Derive the techniques of Learning with hidden Markov models. TI5: Write the general form of EM Algorithm. TI6: Explain Learning concepts in Bayes net structures with hidden variables.


Compare the concepts of non-parametric learning with instance based

learning. (Analyse) TI1: What do you mean by non-parametric learning? TI2: What is instance based or memory based learning? TI3: Explain Nearest-neighbor models. TI4: What is Mahalanobis distance? TI5: Why Hamming distance is used in discrete features? TI6: What are kernel model and kernel functions? 2 Describes the neural network learning and introduces kernel machines concept.


Introduction about the concepts of Neural Networks. (Remember)

TI1: What is neural Network? TI2: Write the other research fields of Neural Networks? TI3: What are all the units in Neural Networks? TI4: Define Bias Weight. TI5: Define Threshold function and sigmoid function. TI6: Explain the single layer feed forward neural Networks (perceptrons). TI7: Explain the multi layer feed forward neural Networks.


Explore a relatively new family of learning methods called support vector

machines or kernel machines. (Analyse) TI1: Define Kernel Machines. TI2: What is quadratic programming? TI3: What is kernel functions? TI4: Define Mercers theorem. TI5: What is polynomial kernel? TI6: What is kernalization? C3: Describe about the concepts of reinforcement learning. 1 Describes how an agent can learn from success and failure from reward and punishment in reinforment learning.


Describes the concept of Passive reinforcement Learning. (Remember)

TI1: What is passive learning? TI2: What is policy evaluation? TI3: What is discount factor? TI4: What is direct Utility estimation? TI5: Define adaptive control theory. TI6: Describe Adaptive dynamic programming. TI7: Write the algorithm for PASSIVE-ADP-AGENT in passive reinforcement. TI8: Write the algorithm for PASSIVE-TD-AGENT in passive reinforcement. TI9: What is prioritized sweeping?


Describes the concept of Active reinforcement Learning. (Remember)

TI1: What is active learning? TI2: What is greedy agent? TI3: Write the bandit problems. TI4: Differentiate Exploitation & Exploration. TI5: What is Exploration Function? TI6: Describe Learning an Action-Value Function. TI7: What is Q-Learning? TI8: Write the algorithm for Q-LEARNING-AGENT in active reinforcement. TI9: What is model free method?


Describes the concept of Generalized reinforcement Learning. (Remember)

TI1: What is function approximation? TI2: Write the Basis functions? TI3: Define Supervised Learning. TI4: Write the Widrow-Hoff rule. TI5: Explain the Application to Game Playing. TI6: Explain the Application to Robot Control. TI7: What is cart-pole problem? TI8: What is bang bang control? TI9: How can you judge that Generalized learning is best in reinforcement Learning? ******************************

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