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Rickettsia and Coxiella

The genus Rickettsia is placed in the order Rickettsiales and family Rickettsiaceae of the _-proteobacteria, whereas Coxiella is in the order Legionellales and family Coxiellaceae of the _-proteobacteria. However, here we discuss Rickettsia and Coxiella together because of their similarity in life-style, despite their apparent phylogenetic distance. These bacteria are rod-shaped, coccoid, or pleomorphic with typical gram-negative walls and no flagella. Although their size varies, they tend to be very small. For example, Rickettsia is 0.3 to 0.5 _m in diameter and 0.8 to 2.0 _m long; Coxiella is 0.2 to 0.4 _m by 0.4 to 1.0 _m. All species are parasitic or mutualistic. The parasitic forms grow in vertebrate erythrocytes, macrophages, and vascular endothelial cells. Often they also live in blood-sucking arthropods such as fleas, ticks, mites, or lice, which serve as vectors or as primary hosts. Microbial interactions (section 30.1) Because these genera include important human pathogens, their reproduction and metabolism have been intensively studied. Rickettsias enter the host cell by inducing phagocytosis. Members of the genus Rickettsia immediately escape the phagosome and reproduce by binary fission in the cytoplasm (figure 22.4). In contrast, Coxiella remains within the phagosome after it has fused with a lysosome and actually reproduces within the phagolysosome. Eventually the host cell bursts, releasing new organisms. Besides incurring damage from cell lysis, the host is harmed by the toxic effects of rickettsial cell walls (wall toxicity appears related to the mechanism of penetration into host cells). Phagocytosis (section 31.3) Rickettsias are very different from most other bacteria in physiology and metabolism. They lack glycolytic pathways and do not use glucose as an energy source, but rather oxidize glutamate and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates such as succinate. The rickettsial plasma membrane has carrier-mediated transport systems, and host cell nutrients and coenzymes are absorbed and directly used. For example, rickettsias take up both NAD_ and uridine diphosphate glucose. Their membrane also has an adenylate exchange carrier that exchanges ADP for external ATP. Thus host ATP may provide much of the energy needed for growth. This metabolic dependence explains why many of these organisms must be cultivated in the yolk sacs of chick embryos or in tissue culture cells. Genome sequencing shows that R. prowazekii is similar in many ways to mitochondria. Possibly mitochondria arose from an endosymbiotic association with an ancestor of Rickettsia. Microbial evolution: Endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and
chloroplasts (section 19.1)

These orders contain many important pathogens. Rickettsia prowazekii and R. typhi are associated with typhus fever, and R. rickettsii, with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Coxiella burnetii causes Q fever in humans. These diseases are discussed in some detail in chapter 38. Rickettsias are also important pathogens of domestic animals such as dogs, horses, sheep, and cattle
Rickettsia 0.30.5 _ 0.82.0 short nonmotile rods; 2933 / 1.11.3 / Aerobic / Obligate intracellular parasite

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