No Peek Giveaway Ends February 12th!: Dinner For Two Valentines Weekend

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Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch

of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.
- Edith Sitwell

Dinner for Two ~ Valentines Weekend

~ Crab Crusted Sirloin over garlic mashed potatoes with spicy creole cream sauce
~ Crab Crusted Tilapia over garlic mashed potatoes with spicy creole cream sauce
Both dinners include salad & a glass of Champagne all for $39.99!
This offer valid February 13 & 14 from 4pm ~ 10:30pm and on February 15 from 11am ~ 10pm

This offer is not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount.

No Peek Giveaway Ends February 12th!

Bring your “No Peeking” Holiday Envelopes soon! We’re giving away $20,000 in
complimentary dinners, desserts and appetizers! Remember you have to open it in
front of your server. You must return the envelope unopened for the prize to be valid.
Only ONE envelope valid per table.
This offer is not valid with any coupon or any other offer.

Online Ordering at the Brick Oven ~ 20% off on Sundays

It's Fast & Convenient! Try this easy method of ordering carry-out from Brick Oven. For the
month of February we have a Special Promotion just for YOU! Every Sunday when you use
online ordering, we will give you 20% off your bill!
not valid with any other offers, coupons or discounts ~

Wednesday, February 25th Wine Dinner, 7pm

Tomato Basil Artichoke Bruschetta
Edna Valley Chardonnay

Apple & Pomegranate Salad with Toasted Almonds and Bleu cheese
Provenance Sauvignon Blanc

Grilled Tuna with White Bean Puree & Olive Tapenade served with Roasted Garlic, Onion & Cherry Tomatoes
Spruce Goose Pinot Noir Brioche

Berry Bread Pudding with Lemon Fondant

Castello del Poggio Moscato

$60 per person ~ Call to reserve your seat soon! Space is limited.
This offer is not valid with any coupon or any other offer.

Beginning the First Wednesday in March Brick Oven will Offer Wine Tastings!
$30 per person. Call for details 785.478.2742
Brick Oven Courtyard Grille 3030 SW Wanamaker Rd. Topeka, Kansas 66614
Did you ever wonder . . . where superstitions began? I haven’t given this subject much thought, but
the other day, my husband made air travel arrangements for me on the 13th of April. As I started to wonder whether
I liked this idea and why it made me uneasy, I said, “Change it to the 12th.” My husband nodded and continued
speaking to the customer service representative. He asked about the 12th. He said, “Oh.” Meanwhile, I imagined
that once in an ancient cave village where the 13th tally mark for another day had been scrawled, that on that day,
one of the cave dwellers must have had something catastrophic occur, like ending up underneath a fallen boulder or
in the jaws of prehistoric beast. My husband got off the phone and explained that Easter this year is on the 12th and it is a heavy travel day . . . so
says the airlines I hear in my head. I think it’s because Monday is the 13th.
According to several references, superstitions are really ignorance of natural causes which lead to the belief that certain striking phenomena ex-
press the will or the anger of some invisible overruling power, and the objects in which such phenomena appear are forthwith deified, as example, in
Nature-worship. Conversely, many superstitious practices are due to an exaggerated notion or fear or a false interpretation of natural events, so that
effects are sought which are beyond the efficiency of physical causes. Superstitions may be classified roughly as religious, cultural and/or personal.
Here are just a few common superstitions:
A rabbit's foot brings good luck~I never owned one~I always thought of the rabbit’s bad luck; an apple a day keeps the
doctor away~the apple industry loves this one & so did my mother. All through my school years, snacks and apples
were synonymous; to find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck~this one is true, I have one to prove it~I think I can prove
it; if a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck~that explains why all three black cats I’ve owned were short
lived; to break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck~no experience with this one~never broke one (oh great, now
I will); to open an umbrella indoors is to bring bad luck~that’s why I never know when I purchase an umbrella just exactly
what it looks like before I buy it; Hang a horseshoe for good luck~have one, hung in “U” shape in my home (& the posi-
tion of it is in dispute by several friends); step on a crack, break your mother's back--Oh my gosh! The strides I took
walking to school in efforts to prevent this outcome~and I’m proud to say my efforts paid off; you can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times
in a clockwise circle~haven’t tried this one due to my dependency on Dramamine; garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires~works! After I saw
the Exorcist in the mid 70’s I wore garlic to bed ~no problems; Our fate is written in the stars~I believe in free will and ‘I will not fear the night~I love
the stars too fondly’; at the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold~if you truly appreciate a rainbow, it is the pot of gold; clothes worn inside out will bring

December Where in the good luck~I never tried this one, but my chil-
Recipe of the Month dren have worn their pajamas inside out every
World Answer: Asparagus Risotto time it snows, in hopes that the district would
Lightstation Mukilteo, Elliot Point I ingredients list:
cancel school~this worked once.
Washington State Now having said all of this, I’m asking that
2 lb of asparagus. everyone who reads this thinks positive
1 shallot, chopped finely. thoughts about me on April 13th. On this date
3 ½ oz of vialone rice. I will be flying to South Africa. I’m very excited
2 oz of butter. about this incredible opportunity, but a little
1 cup of dry white wine. nervous about the date.
4 tablespoons of freshly grated parmesan cheese. The number 13 is associated with bad luck
Salt and pepper. in some countries, and even has a specifically
recognized phobia, Triskaidekaphobia, (who
Instructions for Asparagus Risotto:
knew?) a word which was coined in 1911. Fri-
Break the ends off the asparagus stalks and discard. day the 13th has been considered an unlucky
February Where in the Cut off the extreme tips and chop the rest of the stalks. day since the 1800s, as a combination be-
World is This? Win a Blanch the tips in boiling water. tween an unlucky day, Friday, and the number
Remove the tips with a slotted spoon and set aside. 13. And if the above word wasn’t enough for
FREE Dinner! Cook the stalks in the same water until they go soft. you, try this one: The fear of Friday the 13th is
Come in & tell us where & what this is & if In a blender, puree the stalks with their cooking water to called paraskavedekatriaphobia (neither of
you are one make a thick stock. these words could even fit on a Scrabble
of the first Add dry white wine, and simmer over a low heat. board).
twenty In a pan, melt half of the butter and cook the shallot un-
In all seriousness, please do think of me on
people to til it turns soft.
Add the rice to the pan and let it begin to absorb the April 13, though not a Friday. I
answer will wear my four leaf clover and
butter before adding a ladle of the asparagus stock.
correctly, Keep stirring until it is absorbed. say my mantra: Thirteen people
you’ll win a Stir in the tips and add another ladle of stock. Keep attended the last supper . . .
FREE adding the stock, one Thirteen people attended . . .
dinner ladle at a time, making
($12.00 certain not to drown the Rito Saenz is the February
value). Not rice, until the rice is al V.I.P. winner and will
valid with dente (takes 15-20 receive a $25.00
any other mins). Serve as gift certificate.
offer. desired.
Catering Corner,
... Tricia Adolphson, Catering Director
785-478-2742(BRIC) Direct Catering 785-249-1282
It takes only a few minutes to pass around
kindness. Either buy or use “business card” The holidays may be behind us . . . host an “after the holidays” party! We cater
format on your computer. Choose an eye- hors d'oeuvres and party trays, buffets, and formal sit down dinners. We want to help make your
catching art clip (flower, tree, sun, etc.,) from celebrations more enjoyable. You can be a guest at your own event. Give Tricia Adolphson a call to place
Microsoft Free Clip Art online. Then type your order or set up an appointment to plan your event.
“Kindness Card ~ Your kindness is recognized!
Pass this card on to the next person you see Are you having a fund raiser, social gathering, office luncheon, corporate event, wedding rehearsal, or
performing a kind act.” Print off a page of these wedding reception? Do you want your event to be memorable? We can help you plan your event whether
cards, carry them with you, next time the clerk at it's casual, semi-casual or formal and make it spectacular with our great menu selections and excellent
the store is nice, let them know with the card.
Drop-n-Go Buffet
Right Time, Right Price! Our most economical buffet. Drop-n-Go Buffets serve one-third pound of sliced meat per person with your
Monday through Saturday from 4pm- choice of two meats: Beef Brisket, Chopped Kobe-style Burnt Ends, Hickory Roasted Ham, Smoked Turkey
5:30pm. For $10.99 choose from any of the Breast or Pulled Pork
following menu items & comes with 1 side 50-74 guests 75-99 guests 100+ guests
dish: 9.25 9.00 8.75

~ Oven Roasted Chicken Wood Grilled Buffet

A genuine hickory wood-fired delight. All wood grilled buffets are prepared on site. Customize your meal.
~ The Carolina Choose from:
~ Oven Roasted Chicken & Backyard Picnic (burgers, brats and hot dogs) -------- 11.95 per person
Kobe-Style Burnt Ends Add Boneless Chicken Breast Fillets--------------------- 1.99 per person
~ Fire-Seared Eggplant The 12 oz. K.C. Strip---------------------------------------25.99 per person
~Wood-Grilled Scallop & ½ Marinated Grilled Chicken------------------------------12.99 per person
Tenderloin Kabob All buffets include the delivery & set-up of disposable table covering for 8 foot tables (provided by you).
~ Fire-Seared Sirloin Food arrives in disposable containers. Our sides include our famous iron-skillet beans, creamy coleslaw,
Prices are only valid on these items listed above. pasta salad, barbeque sauce, pickles, and variety of breads, paperware, and serving utensils. Call me to
This offer not valid with any other discount, cou- plan your event and give you further details on our catering.
pon or offer. These items come with 1 side dish. Thanks, Tricia Adolphson
February Word of the Month Love Sick from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ~ How We Met
Diana Yaga met her husband, George, in McKeesport Hospital in December 1973 when she was
maudlin • \MAUD-lin\ • adjective 19 and he was 22. Both were slated for surgery -- she for tendon repair on her ankle, he for carti-
lage repair on his knee -- but their surgeon's mother died, & he had to fly to Florida for the funer-
1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly al. After their surgeries were postponed, they had the option of leaving, then returning in a couple
*2 : weakly and effusively sentimental of days or just staying the two days until their doctor returned. "At that time, you could stay in the
Example Sentence: hospital for an extended period of time with no problem," says Ms. Yaga, 53, of White Oak. They
"Oh, please don't be maudlin," cried Mills both opted to stay. Their rooms were across the hall from each other. "In the course of those two
when Sue dropped days, we played checkers, we watched TV, we walked the halls, we talked a lot," she says. "I
to her knees, held stayed in the hospital for about 18 days. He picked me up when I was discharged." They've been
her hand to his together ever since, marrying in June 1976."She's put up with me for some 30-odd years," says
Mr. Yaga, 56. He was drawn to her adventurous spirit. "She was willing to do or try anything or
tear-soaked cheek,
go anywhere," he says ."When we tell people we met in the hospital, they're kind of astounded,"
and begged him for says Ms. Yaga, who now works at UPMC McKeesport. "Seems like we've come full circle."
Monday Nights are Vision in the New Year of 2009
Prime Rib Night at Every year we intend to change something about ourselves to bet-
Brick Oven Courtyard Grille ter our lives. Take your new 2009 calendar and mark the first
day of each month with your resolution of the month. You might
Enjoy our Prime Rib Dinner take your bigger resolutions and slot them into a certain day of
for $15.99 every month as a reminder.
Entrée includes
10 ounce slice of delicious smoked Prime Rib Some ideas to widen your horizons:
served with one of our fabulous side dishes and Pass out your own kindness cards~You’ll be amazed!
a dinner salad.
This offer is not valid with any other offer, coupon or Journal on this topic ~ What am I doing to contribute to
discount. Price does not include beverages, tax or the good of everyone I meet? If you don’t have answers,
gratuity. You MUST mention that you want this make a list, a long list so you’re always prepared.
special when ordering to receive special price.
Dine in only 4-10pm. Write clever captions to your photos----> Stop Nanny! No more pictures!
NEW AT BRICK OVEN Ice, particularly at this time of
year is something we simply take for granted. Last Sun-
Mark Your Calendars NOW! day morning, CBS Sunday Morning aired a piece about ice.
March 5th ~ Wine Tasting ~ 7pm Very interesting.
I had no idea that the US makes and uses more ice than
Call to Reserve your Spot! anywhere on the planet. Nor did I know that some bars make
785.478.2742 ice glasses for their drinks, nor that it used to be that a sign of
affluence was ice, nor that there is actually a website dedi-
cated to the art of chewing ice.
To watch this segment,
Our Wine Tasting is a “mini” version of our wine dinner with deli-
click on the picture to the right
cious appetizers & a dessert. We will try several different types of
or type in:
wine, learn a little about the wines and have fun!
Herb Toast with Crab and Grilled Balsamic Tomatoes watch?id=4766976n%3fsourc
Wild Mushroom & Bleu Cheese Bruschetta e=search_video
Chicken Skewers with Fresh Mango Salsa
Chocolate Espresso Cookies It’s cool!
$30.00 per person
For all you facebook people ~
This offer not valid with any other coupon, offer or discount.
In the search bar type “Brick Oven Court-
Wine tasting (often, in wine circles, simply tasting) is the sensory yard Grille”. Join the Brick Oven group on
examination and evaluation of wine. While the practice of wine tast- facebook and keep up with what’s going
ing is as ancient as its production, a more formalized methodology
has slowly become established from the 14th century onwards. Gen- on. Find specials,
erally, one learns some terminology which is used to describe the upcoming events,
range of perceived flavors, aromas and general characteristics of a newsletter links
wine. More often the affair is an informal, recreational tasting and so- and more.
cial gathering.
accommodate your party! Or better yet, put us on your speed dial on your cell phone--just call to see if we have room for you-- 478-2742!!!!
Please know that often times our parking lot appears full and we still have plenty of room in the restaurant. Do come in and see if we can

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