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The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process

Learn how to get your next job.

WWW.CV-GENIE.CO.UK July 1, 2010 Authored by: Andrew Duffy -

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L E A R N H O W T O G E T Y O U R NE X T J O B .

The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3 WHY START A JOB SEARCH ...................................................................................... 4 FIRST JOB ......................................................................................................... 4 GRADUATE .................................................................................................... 4 CHANGING JOBS / NEW JOB .................................................................................. 5 PAY ............................................................................................................. 5 WORKING TIMES ............................................................................................. 5 PROMOTION .................................................................................................. 5 REDUNDANCY ................................................................................................ 6 GETTING SACKED ............................................................................................ 6 PREPARING TO SEARCH FOR A JOB ............................................................................ 7 MAKING TIME .................................................................................................... 7 COVERING LETTER .............................................................................................. 7 CV ................................................................................................................. 8 DECIDING ON WHICH JOBS TO SEARCH FOR ................................................................ 9 INDUSTRY ......................................................................................................... 9 SALARY .......................................................................................................... 10 POSITION........................................................................................................ 10 LOCATION ...................................................................................................... 10 SEARCHING FOR A JOB .......................................................................................... 12 ONLINE JOB SEARCH.......................................................................................... 12 DIRECT .......................................................................................................... 12 SPECULATIVE ................................................................................................... 13
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NETWORKING .................................................................................................. 13 AGENCIES ....................................................................................................... 13 INTERVIEW ......................................................................................................... 14 PHONE INTERVIEW ............................................................................................ 14 PRESENTATION / COMMUNICATION ...................................................................... 14 APPEARANCE ................................................................................................... 14 TESTS ............................................................................................................ 14 POST INTERVIEW .............................................................................................. 15 JOB OFFER ......................................................................................................... 16 LOCATION ...................................................................................................... 16 WORKING TIMES............................................................................................... 16 BENEFITS ........................................................................................................ 16 POSITION........................................................................................................ 17 NEGOTIATION TACTICS ...................................................................................... 17 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX A - JOB SEARCH PREPARATION WORKSHEET ................................................. 19 APPENDIX B - JOB SEARCH RECORD ......................................................................... 20 APPENDIX C POST-INTERVIEW ASSESSMENT ............................................................. 21 APPENDIX D JOB SEARCH PROCESS DIAGRAM ............................................................ 22
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SALARY .......................................................................................................... 16

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Dear Job Seeker, you need to change your job three times before youll be on the salary you want I start looking for other jobs as soon as I start work just in case ... make your first impression count - thats your CV not your interview.
The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

.your CV only gets 30 seconds!! Were never taught how to go about finding a new job; rather were expected to just know. One day we wake up and decide to change jobs - or events out of our control make the decision for us. We then start making time to send out applications and CVs. If we dont get any interviews we give up!! Theres always a job out there but if you dont sell yourself and have an effective job search strategy youll never get it. This guide describes the job search process as never before. It gives you a structured approach that helps you build on successes and critically review setbacks to help keep you motivated. Appendix A contains a worksheet in which you should record details about your job search. Keep updating it as you work through this guide and keep referring to it as you search for a job. We hope it helps you get the job you always wanted. Appendix B is a place where you can record details of jobs youve applied for. Appendix C is a post interview assessment sheet. Appendix D contains a link to the job search process chart. Yours Faithfully

Andrew Duffy
Andrew Duffy, CV Consultant.

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To achieve great things great efforts need to be expended

Andrew Duffy (me!).

The difference between achievers and dreamers is that achievers persist against the odds and overcome the hurdles that life throws at them. They know what they want and they continue to work towards their goal. Dreamers on the other hand just keep moving from dream to dream. To become successful and achieve your potential you need to know why and where youre going. If you dont youre liable to stop trying once you face a problem. By understanding what drives you and staying focused youre more likely to achieve your objectives. When beginning a job search you need to keep in mind why youre looking for a job. Use the worksheet in Appendix A and read it daily or at least weekly to help keep you focused and motivated.
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You should be looking at your options several months before completing your education. Visiting the careers office, talking to your teachers/lecturers and deciding whether you want to continue to higher education, find an apprenticeship, or find a full time job.

During your final year you should be actively looking for positions. Deadlines for graduate job applications normally range from January to April so make sure you get yours in. Photocopy all applications and keep a record to track the application stage of each of the positions. Speak to your career advisor and use all the resources available to you.

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There are a variety of reasons why people want to find a job and during your job search you need to keep yourself motivated by reminding yourself of what they are.

Before determining if youre underpaid work out the full value of the package that you get take into account any extra costs such as petrol, train, etc... If this is the only reason for wanting to get a new job it may be an idea to mention this and only this The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

during your next appraisal. Whatever you do - dont tell your current employer youre looking for a job. Once youre pretty sure youre unlikely to get a pay rise start looking for another job. Even getting job offers equivalent to your current package will give you an added confidence in your current position and possibly some leverage in demanding a pay rise. Having a fallback position allows you to stand your ground in any negotiations.

Maybe you want to work different hours or want more flexibility in your working times. It could be that youve simply got tired of working all hours of the day and want a more normal working day.

Sometimes its not the money or the work environment thats a problem but just the fact that you havent had a promotion, or have been overlooked for a promotion. You may continue to be patient but youll find the lack of recognition and responsibilities will affect your future career prospects. The longer youre in a supervisory position the better it will look on your CV. You may wait years for a promotion in the same company whilst by moving to a new job youll get this from day one. The added benefit will be youll be judged by your performance on the job rather than the time spent in service for the firm. More than likely youll be on more money too.

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This is a difficult situation for all of us. The best thing is to plan ahead. If a redundancy package is offered then at least you have some sort of sponge fund to survive on. At any rate you need to make sure you start preparing as soon as possible, even if you only hear a rumor of any redundancies being made. You need to have a job lined up your much more employable being in a job than when youre unemployed.

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You should always carry yourself professionally. Always check yourself and never lose your temper. Patience is a virtue and remaining silent can hold you in good stead. If the situation is beyond your control and you end up getting sacked you should already have been prepared. Ideally you should have seen the writing on the wall and have a job lined up. If not you need to get your boots on and start your job search. Whatever happens do not mention getting the sack to employers or agents even your network of friends and colleagues the worlds a small place. When asked why youre looking for a job think of some of the other reasons why youd like to have changed jobs location is always a good one. Be careful - if youre directly asked about being sacked then its best to own up - if the employer finds out later youre liable to get the sack again!!

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There are some practical steps you need to take before you can begin your job search.

Without spending time youll never get the applications done or the CVs sent. In fact youll be missing opportunities because you wont be actively looking. "A recruitment agent spends 35 hours a week looking for new opportunities
The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

Of course if youre already in full time employment you wont have 35 hours a week to spare but imagine if you spent even 5 hours and those 5 hours were spent in an effective and focused way and you had an professional, interview-pulling CV - youd certainly be well on the way to getting the job of your dreams. The first step is to determine when you have the time. Maybe in the morning before work maybe at work during your lunch break (be very careful not to be seen) maybe after work. The weekend may seem like a good option but it isnt. Most agents arent working and employers arent available. Only use the weekend for searching for opportunities, to review your strategy or to respond to eMails. I recommend spending half an hour to an hour a day to actively look for new opportunities, modify/write your CV, fill in application forms, browse newspapers and answer/return phone calls. You need to continuously be reviewing your approach; the jobs you apply for, your CV, your interview techniques, your negotiating skills and the media channels youre using to find new opportunities and showcase your expertise.

A covering letter is a letter (or eMail) of introduction. Always keep a copy. Its the first thing the recruiter will read and needs to convey all relevant facts whilst creating a curiosity to look further at your CV and then you!! Perfect English and professional language is a must. During the preparation step create a basic template that you can customise when you find a position you want to apply to. Click here to find out more.
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The letters CV stand for Curriculum Vitae which is Latin for the way your life has run. A CV has several uses: Highlights your potential value to an employer. Provides a framework for the interview. Chronicles your employment and education. Presents a well-round picture of you. Its a personal sales brochure. The ultimate purpose of your CV is to get you an INTERVIEW. There are several ways to create a CV. I suggest using a service similar to the one provided by, but of course you can try creating one from scratch - it will take longer and you will have to make sure its formatted to a professional standard. Dont waste time and opportunities by using a poorly formatted CV. Get you CV right the first time since youll be unable to replace a poor quality CV most companies will keep your application on file for several months particularly if you sent it electronically. Check out the CV builder at CV Genie. Click here to create a professionally formatted CV.
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You need to decide on the criteria to determine which jobs youre going to apply for. You may need to review these criteria if you get rejections. If your CV keeps getting rejections it may be youre applying for the wrong jobs, you simply dont have the skills and experience or you dont have a professionally formatted CV with content written to sell you effectively. Whatever the reason you need to fix it so that you start getting interviews and lots of them.
The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

To improve you need to analyse your successes and rejections. If youre falling over at the interview stage review your interview skills. It could be you havent had an interview for years so make sure you review the interview especially the questions. This will allow you to build up a bank of questions to look over before your next interview. Dont forget to complete Appendix A with your preferences.

You need to weigh up the pros and cons of working in a particular industry. This decision will affect your future career especially if this is your first job after university, college, or high school. Different industries may pay differently and may give you more valuable skills than others. A computer programmer working for the financial industry is almost certainly guaranteed a higher salary than one who works for a manufacturing firm even though the job will pretty much be the same. The same goes for working times in some industries its expected you work long hours while in others youll only be expected to put in 35 flexi-hours!!! Only you can decide what type of work life balance youre willing to accept. Changing industries can be difficult depending on your job role. If youll pretty much do the same job whatever the industry then its easier to change. On the other hand if youve always worked in a bank youll find theres a much longer learning curve if you get a job in a manufacturing firm. Of course you may well be able to pick up the business process skills required but the employer would like to have someone who can hit the ground running and already knows the business.

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You firstly need to determine what all your outgoings are. This is the minimum you need to live. Next you need to research the market and check out job boards to decide what the market rate is for someone with your expertise, qualifications and expertise you can even talk to recruitment agents. If the market rate is less than your current salary then you may be hard pushed to get a new job which offers more money. There must be something that distinguishes you from other candidates, something that gives the
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employer more value for money. Above all be realistic but dont lose hope many companies are willing to pay extra for truly out of the ordinary people.

Even if the reason for you wanting to change positions isnt to get a promotion you still need to decide what positions you want to apply for. If youve been working in a job for a long time then more than likely youll have been doing the job of someone more senior whilst getting the pay of a junior staff member!! This isnt always the case but on many occasions Ive found candidates pretty much doing the work of their manager. In this case you should be applying for more senior positions even if this isnt the reason for the job search.

Location is a very important variable in your job search. Being flexible increases your odds of getting the job you want. Restricting the area in which you want to work in will most likely mean youll have to compromise on some of your requirements. Youll also have to decide on how much you want to commute. Some people dont mind an hour or so but others want to work down the road! Also the further away your place of work is the more it will cost to get there. Dont forget to add in travelling costs when weighing up offers.

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If youre looking to relocate make sure youve found out commuting times to areas nearby. Sometimes a place that looks close by on a map takes longer than somewhere twice as far on a motorway or train route.

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The search for a job is really a search for opportunities that match your requirements. Companies also have requirements. They search for people that can fill gaps in their workforce and help them be more profitable. You must either directly or indirectly make them a profit. You have to be value for money. If youre not you wont get the job or if you do you wont be employed for long. The best strategy for searching for a job is really one where all the different approaches are used. This takes organization and time but is the most effective to ensure you have all bases covered. Use Appendix B to keep track of your applications.
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Probably one of the easiest ways of discovering new opportunities is to search online. There are numerous job sites which specialize in particular industries and fields. They advertise jobs directly from employers and recruitment agents. The other option is to check out company websites looking for job openings. If youve decided on doing speculative applications you can also find numerous eMails, names and addresses on company websites or simply on company listings such as the online yellow pages. Phone numbers can also be collected to help you in cold calling for any opportunities. A disadvantage of searching online is that competition is fierce. Everyone has access to the web so everyone searching for a job may have found the job youve found. Also sometimes recruitment agents may put up false adverts with an aim to collect CVs and possible leads. Not much you can do about this but just be careful sharing information about recent interviews and opportunities that you or other agents have found for you.

When applying directly you cut out the middle man - the agency and save the company a finders fee. A direct search is difficult since you will have to find each and

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every opportunity by regularly scouring job adverts, online job posts, company websites and the yellow pages.

Sending letters of application and CVs to employers on the off chance is quite a daunting task. You need to try to ascertain what type of skills and experience they may want and customise your CV and covering letter appropriately. Be ready to select and approach at least one hundred potential employers in your
The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

speculative job search. The benefit to the employer is they dont need to spend any money on advertising!!

Your network of friends and colleagues can be invaluable. Staff normally are the first to find out about openings and a recommendation from one of them gives you credibility without even having attended an interview. Being recommended doesnt mean youre going to get the job you still have to have the required qualifications, experience and prove, during an interview, youre capable of the job and easy to get on with.

Not all agents are the same but they pretty much have the same aim find new opportunities and fill them with candidates and thus earn a finders fee or a percentage of the salary / hourly rate. Find an agent who specializes in your industry. Recommendations from friends and colleagues or agent reviews on the internet can help. A good agent will know your industry, give you feedback on your CV, ask your permission before putting you forward for a particular role and try to get you the best rate possible. Agents take the work out of finding opportunities but will only actively work on placing you if youre more likely to fill the job than other candidates.
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Your CV has done its job but dont throw it away just yet!!! Your CV is used to guide the interviewer .and is almost certainly going to be used by senior management to determine what sort of offer you deserve make sure you have a million dollar CV!!!! Ive summed up the basic stuff but you may want to check out some other material too. Click here for more info.

Normally conducted to filter out the fluff. Make sure you know any technical stuff required for the job. Use industry specific jargon and answer the questions in a slow and deliberate fashion without being hesitant or unconfident. Have your CV close to hand. Try to create a rapport with the interviewer. Always be professional. A quick banter about football or the weather is acceptable but anything more will simply make you sound unprofessional.

Communicate in a clear voice and answer questions in a logical manner providing the interviewer with appropriate information supporting your application.

For interviews you must be smart and professional. Casual wear is a no-no and smart but casual is reserved for current employees only!!! There are jobs where your clothes may not be a problem for instance a bricklayer, a plasterer, or a mechanic but again any effort made may help in securing the job.

Psychometric tests and aptitude tests are almost guaranteed for first time job seekers in a graduate position.

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Technical tests will be used to check your level of expertise especially for jobs requiring Professional Certification of some sort. For psychometric tests try to be as middle of the road as possible depending on the position. If youre looking to get into sales then almost certainly the employer will want someone who is extrovert - so pitch yourself appropriately without moving too far away from your personality. If you put on too much of an act you may end up in a job you hate.

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Make sure you fill out a copy of Appendix C. You can use these notes for future interviews if needed!

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All aspects of a job are negotiable but know what you want and how to ask for it. If you have multiple offers or are currently employed then you have some leverage and can afford to say no.

Always ask for a few thousand more than youre willing to accept but be careful asking youll bring to the company especially if it directly increases company profits. Make sure you calculate the full package value and not just compare the salary. Theres no point taking a job thats 2 hours away over one thats round the corner even if theres a small salary difference your travelling costs will easily make up the difference! If youve left a positive effect during the interview and you have a million dollar CV you may be surprised that you get what youve asked for.
The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

for too much. If you do ask for a lot make sure you emphasize any extra value that

Being flexible with location is very important when looking for a job but once you have an offer you may be able to negotiate working some days from home especially if the job is located a considerable distance away. Try your luck you never know.

If working times are an issue then ask for flexi-time or possibly a late start, late finish, shorter lunch( so you can home early!). If you have kids youll find employers to be very accommodating. Again the employer is unlikely to withdraw the offer just because youre asking for different working times.

Pension plans, discounts and holidays can all be negotiated. If the company doesnt budge on salary maybe theyll be willing to up the number of holidays. Somethings

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better than nothing so keep pushing! Explain your current situation or an opposing offer to try to get the employer to match it some other way.

Your CV and interview should have determined the position youre capable of. If youre offered something more junior be sure you can justify the more senior role. Initially try to determine why you didnt get offered the senior role - ask the employer to get a further insight. Their reasoning may well be justified.
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Negotiation is a waiting game. Even if theres an acceptable offer made its always a good idea to ask for a little more. Dont underestimate the value of silence a simple pause puts pressure on the offer maker to give something more to close the deal. One final point - tread carefully with recruitment agents. Theyre expert negotiators and will manage both your expectations and the employers. You may even receive a lower offer initially with the agent simply holding back so that you later feel you negotiated a higher rate even though that really was the only offer made by the employer.

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Constantly review your position and improve your job finding, interview taking, CV writing skills. Never give up - there is always a job out there for you! This report is a summary of the job finding process. Getting a job is a skill like any other. It requires knowledge, expertise and the right attitude. Careful preparation, organization, purposeful action and a commitment to success are necessary. Don't waste time and opportunities - use a professional CV to increase your interview chances. CV-Genie takes the hard work out of writing a CV. Focus on whats important. Click here to take a further look.
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I NEED a new job because Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3
________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

The Ultimate No-Nonsense Step By Step Guide To The Job Search Process |

My ideal job is _____________________________________________________________ working in the ___________________________________________________ industry as

______________________________________________________________________. __________________________________________________________.

It will located in

I can spend ___________________ hours a week looking for a job. The market rate for the job Im looking for is The salary I want and need is ________________________________.


Ive created a professionally formatted CV using My CV can be easily customised using Ive created a covering letter and an eMail that I can customise.

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Job Title Employer Name & No. Source & Date Initial Enquiry Date & Date & Form Of Contacts Application Follow-up Interview Date, Result etc..


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Take account of your interview performance so your next interview is better. General Performance Presentation Communication
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Knowledge Level of Dialogue Specific Areas Career History

Prepared Questions

Pressure Questions

Salary / Reservations

Things to avoid in future interviews.

Strengths to highlight in future interviews.

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Click below to download the most up-to-date job search process diagram.

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