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Sales Today, Entrepreneur Tomorrow

By Ronald B Sitolang B. Acc., B. Comp.

World Class Racer Understand The Risks


An Entrepreneur should: Have Passion Set Dreams & Goals Willing to work hard & do the work smart Always Creative & Inovative Always Seek and Calculate risk Never give up (persistent) Sincere & Whole heart

Before starting his/her business: An Entrepreneur need to understand how to sell the products, services or at least the ideas to anyone.

Understand the Risk Loss Losing Money Losing Time Losing Face Or even Losing Friend, Best Friend or Family

Being An Entrepreneur

Great Boxer Understand The Risks



Avoided by prospect (dihindari) Rejected by prospect (ditolak) Deceived by prospect (dibohongi) Bullied by prospect (dikerjai)

Job Descriptions:

Look for new contacts by join organization Set meeting with prospects as many as possible Find out the prospects needs Know the F A B of the product Can offer and give solutions to prospect

Sales Job Descriptions & Risks

Mindset Student
Do it last minute, thus cant see the opportunity Usually havent set their own goals With least /No Effort but want to get a Great Results If possible anything is free (no capital)

Mindset Entrepreneur
Always seek for an opportunity Set Goals, Always seek and calculate risks Willing to work extremely hard to achieve the goal Willing to invest (energy, time, money and everything if necessary)

Status Students Mindset Entrepreneur


If You Want to Succeed Set Clear Goals

Know your prospect Make a relationship not merely selling products




Selling Sold

Believe in yourself

Build Rapport, to Gain Trust Practice, Practice, Practice (Role Play)

Know your product (Feature, Advantage & Benefit)

8 Simple Step in Selling Cycle


Respect yourself and others Dress Up Properly (Formal) Be Confident (Listen Carefully & Speak Clearly) Make an Appointment Be Patience & Be Polite Ask for a reference for next prospect Never under estimate other people (be nice)

How to do it?


Feature / Fitur Advantage / Keunggulan Benefit / Manfaat Tuliskan 5 FAB tentang pribadi anda (2 Menit)

Ember terbuat dari Plastik Tahan banting Ringan Lebih awet Mudah di pelihara

Know Your FAB

Nina itu orangnya sangat pandai dalam Matematika, dengan cepat dan akurat ia bisa menyelesaikan persoalanpersoalan hitungan sehingga akibatnya kalau tante pergi ke pasar dengan Nina ngga kan salah hitung belanjaan Tante. Ini menghemat waktu dan dana kan? F : Pandai Matematika A : Hitung Cepat B : Hemat Waktu


............ itu orangnya sangat pandai dalam ........, dengan ...........dan ......... ia bisa ...............sehingga akibatnya kalau ........... dengan .................................................... F: A: B:

Siapa Dia

Sepeda motor ini menggunakan mesin buatan Jepang sehingga dipertanggung jawabkan garansi ketahanannya yang tentunya pada akhirnya akan menghemat uang dan waktu anda. F : mesin buatan Jepang A : garansi ketahanannya B : menghemat uang dan waktu


Great Salesperson always prepared

Great Salesperson must prepare a sales script

Good practice become routine

Role Play with Yourself in front of mirror

Role Play with someone You Know

Role Play with Stranger

Role Play

Introduce your self

Try to Look For / Establish Similarities

Ask, Listen, Ask, Listen, Ask, Listen, Dont Preach

Give Compliment

Build Raport


Peco Peco Sushi

Nasi Bali


Solutions Selling Sold




Great Salesperson and Successful Entrepreneur live from Repeat Orders





Successfull Entrepreneur should be able to sell anything or at least his Ideas

Know your prospect Make a relationship not merely selling products




Selling Sold

Believe in yourself

Build Rapport, to Gain Trust Practice, Practice, Practice (Role Play)

Know your product (Feature, Advantage & Benefit)

8 Simple Step in Selling Cycle




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