Evaluation Activity 1

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EVALUATION ACTIVITY 1 In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

media products? (i.e. Of film openings) Our media product consists of the typical forms and conventions of a thriller and this is portrayed in many ways throughout the trailer. Examples of how these conventions are shown are mise-en-scene, cinematography and sound. In order to complete the brief of the thriller production our group carried out research on thriller opening sequences and the codes and conventions they usually have. We also did research on sub-genres of thrillers to find that there are many different types of thrillers. We decided to categorise our opening sequence to a psychological thriller as we had developed ideas that fall under this sub-genre.
Figure 1

Figure one shows the title of our film, we choose this as our title as it leaves our audience with unanswered question in their head e.g. who is seeking for revenge? , What happens to cause the person to seek for revenge in the first place? And so on. This will lead our audience to watch the rest of the film so their questions can be answered; we chose the colour red for our film poster as its a common colour which is used in the thriller genre. It is mostly associated with blood and connotes danger and fear. The colours used in this title, are red and white, we chose the colour red for our film poster as its a common colour which is used in the thriller genre. It is mostly associated with blood and connotes danger and fear. We also chose these colours because we wanted to symbolise the character through the significance of the colour. The red represents Jake as being dangerous, deadly and cruel. The title is shown at the end to develop enigma, and create a dramatic effect.

To ensure that our sequence was effective we wanted to find a location to film that gave the visual codes we were looking for. A convention of thriller films is using realistic setting to allow the audience to be able to relate to the story and to keep them in suspense. We applied this to our opening sequence by filming in a family home where Bella was home alone. Our product challenged the forms and conventions of thriller films as we filmed during the daytime in an open area, a typical location for a thriller would be in dark, atmosphere Choosing a family home would allow the target audience to relate better to the film itself, as we have chosen to target teens and young adults. The fact that the film was shot in a family home allows Elisha as the director to innovate the stereotypical conventions of a classic thriller film, and by setting the production in a home environment, this allowed the plot to become clear, and as an audience, we get to see Elisha in a natural environment familiarise with this type of environment as they spend every day at home, so an immediate relationship is created between the production and audience, as they are able to understand where the location is, and why it is set in such a way, e.g. props of remote control , TV ,cupboards , We also wanted to keep the location fairly simple, as we wanted to create suspense by introducing sudden movement unexpectedly in a completely normal environment.
Figure 2

I decided to show the costumes and props we used in order to comply with a real thriller opening sequence. Figure three shows what Bella wore ,we had Bella wear white plain top and black leggings to show her youthfulness, also Bella is wearing normal casual clothes that a typical teenager would wear when relaxing at home, and this shows a sense of realism, which develops the conventions of a thriller.
Quite often the antagonist isnt seen until later in the film, however, we decided to show him in our film, but to keep his face covered, still keeping the mystery, which is often present in thriller films.
Figure 3

In a thriller the colour of a characters costume is very important as it tells a lot about the personality of the character. For example we chose to dress our antagonist, Jake in a black jacket; we did this as it connotes danger. However we dressed Bella in a white top and a black pair of leggings which proves that the audience cant always rely on costumes to judge the characters. Our sequence uses camerawork and editing to support the stereotypical conventions of a thriller and to frighten the audience. When filming Jessica we put the audience in her shoes using a Point Of View shot. This is a convention used in thrillers to put the audience in the same position as the character The camera angles and shots used by our director were very carefully chosen, we did this so the audience could feel very anxious about finding out who the antagonist was, we decided not to include any close ups of him to keep the audience guessing, Yet if we compare it to Bella, they are shot in a very high angle, this shows her weakness towards him, and that he is overpowering her. Whilst editing, we made it look like it was just an ordinary day. Also the whole film is a bit dark compared to how it was filmed. This is because it makes the film look more concealed, so people are left in a covert atmosphere.
Figure 4

We used bold font for our titles as this would stand out more. We used the colour red as this is typical of thrillers. We wanted our audience to feel fear before the sequence even begun
Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 5 shows the bold century gothic font we used to make it stand out from the background.
Figure 7

Figure 7 is the opening sequence of our scene it is the first thing our audience see when the film starts it shows a medium close up of a girl getting tied up on a bed I think this is effective as it makes the audience ask questions and makes them want to know more. Our opening sequence uses immediate mystery as it starts with Bella getting tied up and gets the audiences attention straight away and makes them ask questions.
Figure 8 Figure 9

Bella is introduced as a vulnerable girl as she is getting tied up this emphasises her weakness against Vince.

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