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Planning an Evaluation

PSY 811 Program Evaluation

Evaluation Theory

Evaluation can mean many different things to different people Determine what model/theory defines the stakeholders view Determine what model/theory defines your stance

Evaluation Theory

Evaluation theory is NOT

Program theory Theory-based evaluation

Evaluation theory outlines specific models or approaches to evaluation and outlines why certain evaluation practices lead to particular kinds of results across situations

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Evaluation theory is who we are

All evaluators should know evaluation theory because it is central to our professional identity. It is what we talk about more than anything else, it seems to give rise to our most trenchant debates, it gives us the language we use for talking to ourselves and others, and perhaps most important, it is what makes us different from other professions (W.R. Shadish)

Evaluation Theory Should




Clarify the activities, processes, and goals of evaluation Explicate the relations among evaluative activities and the processes and goals they facilitate Empirically test propositions to identify and address those that conflict with research about evaluation

Evaluation Theory

Functional Perspective 5 components

Social Programming Knowledge Construction Valuing



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Evaluation Theories/Models

Traditional Model

Impressionistic Implicit or explicit bias may have influence Often serve to maintain the status quo

Evaluation Theories/Models

Social Science Research Model

Examine program success via controlled


Introduced rigor and objectivity Inherent limitations for applied settings

Evaluation Theories/Models

Industrial Inspection Model

Inspecting a product at the end of the production line Very inefficient and costly Does not provide timely information for correcting problems Example - one exam at the end of 4 years in university

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Evaluation Theories/Models

Black Box Evaluation Model

Examines the output of a program without examining its internal operations or activities Good for consumer evaluations of products Does not provide information on processes of change Does not provide information relevant to program improvement

Evaluation Theories/Models

Objectives Based Evaluation Model

Most prevalent model Focus on measuring concrete goals and objectives A rigid focus neglects:

Why the program is succeeding/failing Unanticipated effects Whether the stated goals are appropriate

Evaluation Theories/Models

Goal-Free Evaluation Model

Evaluators work most effectively if they do not

know the stated goals

Allows them to examine and present data on

all observable outcomes without bias

Very time consuming, very expensive and

often quite threatening to stakeholders

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Evaluation Theories/Models

Fiscal Evaluation Model

Calculations of the financial investment (input)

and the return on that investment

Cost-Benefit Analysis Hard to place a price on many psycho-social


Evaluation Theories/Models

Accountability Model

Program audit Compliance with mandates and regulations Are very individualized

Evaluation Theories/Models

Expert Opinion Model

Experts evaluate the program Often used when the program is large,
complex and unique - qualitative impressions will enhance the results


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Evaluation Theories/Models

Qualitative Model

Naturalistic evaluation Deep and thorough understanding of:

the program the clients the social environment

Evaluation Theories/Models

Success Case Method

Seeks detailed information from those who

have benefitted most from the program

Provides clues as to what works best Caution can result in targeting program to
those most likely to succeed

Evaluation Theories/Models

Empowerment Evaluation

Stakeholders actively participate in the

evaluation and gain skills from the process

Enables them to become:

More competent in dealing with social problems More competent in dealing with social agencies More informed citizens More self-confident and self-directed

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Evaluation Theories/Models

Theory Driven Evaluation

Focuses on examining the relations between:

The services and the participants The services and the immediate changes The immediate changes and the outcome variables

Evaluation Theories/Models

Improvement Focused Approach

Focuses on discovering discrepancies:

The program objectives and the target population need The plans and the implementation Target population expectations and services delivered Outcomes expected and outcomes achieved

Evaluation Theories/Models

Utilization-Focused Evaluation Emphasis on utility and actual use Focus is on intended use by intended users

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Evaluation Theories/Models

Developmental Evaluation

A form of evaluation designed to support program adaptation to emergent and dynamic realities from a complex systems perspective

Stakeholder Relations

Many preconceived notions regarding evaluations Important to dispel myths and address attitudes likely to impede evaluation efforts

Dysfunctional Attitudes

My program is perfect!

People think they are better than average,

even though on average that cannot be!

Dramatic program effects rarely occur Assist stakeholders in estimating a realistic or

practical amount of improvement

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Dysfunctional Attitudes

Fear that the evaluation will offend staff

Examining services creates an atmosphere of


Asking for client feedback threatening to


Dysfunctional Attitudes

Evaluation inhibits innovation

Evaluation does not limit day to day flexibility

in social programs

Major restructuring should be curtailed Need to strike a balance between research

and service needs

Dysfunctional Attitudes

Fear the program will be terminated

Unfavorable results most often result in

refinement rather than termination

Involve stakeholders from beginning Circulate draft to managers for their input

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Dysfunctional Attitudes

Fear that the information will be misused

Confusion between program evaluation and

personal performance appraisal

Evaluator must make distinction clear (to


Dysfunctional Attitudes

Qualitative understanding will be supplanted

Service providers trust their own conclusions

based on observation and experience

Include both qualitative and quantitative to get full


Dysfunctional Attitudes

Evaluations drain program resources

Takes money away from service provision Usually a required budget line Educate how it can improve service delivery

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Dysfunctional Attitudes

Fear of losing control of the program

Staff and managers fear losing decision-making


Work closely with stakeholders Address their concerns and questions within the

Dysfunctional Attitudes

Evaluation has no impact

Often true that evaluation results are filed Can raise the odds of utilization by:
Designing well constructed evaluation plan Address issues of importance to stakeholders Present findings in a manner conducive to use

Vital for Planning Evaluations

Consulting Collaborating Coordinating Creativity Contracting

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