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Petraeus in Scandals

12/20/2012 10:26:09 AM

Petraeus Gate
What have we learned? (Why a leader had to resign,
what happened in Benghazi, questions slowly answered.)
News etc. digested by Alister William Macintyre What is: what the public learned so far about multiple incidents, history, investigations; which may or may not be inter-related; lessons learned; national problems needing repair? Last updated 2012 Dec 20
Version 0.7

Table of Contents Why these notes? ........................................................................................................ 4 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 4 Propaganda Machines ................................................................................................. 6 Why blind side the President?......................................................................................... 7 Why did Petraeus have to resign? ................................................................................... 7 Morals ............................................................................................................................. 7 Unwanted Communications........................................................................................ 9 Privacy Alarms.............................................................................................................. 11 Privacy FAQ ............................................................................................................. 12 e-mail backlash ......................................................................................................... 12 LinkedIn Groups ............................................................................................................... 13 People in Petraeus Story ............................................................................................... 13 Kelley family and need for Accountability............................................................... 16 Levin McCain etc...................................................................................................... 19 Time Line.......................................................................................................................... 22 General Petraeus History .............................................................................................. 22 1952............................................................................................................................... 22 1972............................................................................................................................... 23 1975............................................................................................................................... 23 1983 CENTCOM starts................................................................................................. 23 1991............................................................................................................................... 23 1995............................................................................................................................... 23 2000............................................................................................................................... 23 2003............................................................................................................................... 24 2004............................................................................................................................... 24 2006 Broadwell and Petraeus first meet ....................................................................... 24 2007 January ................................................................................................................. 24 2007 November............................................................................................................. 24 2008............................................................................................................................... 25 2008 October................................................................................................................. 25

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2009............................................................................................................................... 25 2010............................................................................................................................... 25 2010 June ...................................................................................................................... 25 2010 Autumn to 2011 ................................................................................................... 26 2011 April ..................................................................................................................... 26 2011 July....................................................................................................................... 26 2011 August Petraeus retires from US Army ............................................................... 26 2011 September Petraeus becomes CIA director.......................................................... 26 2011 November............................................................................................................. 26 2011 December ............................................................................................................. 26 2012 January ................................................................................................................. 26 2012 February ............................................................................................................... 27 2012 March ................................................................................................................... 27 2012 April ..................................................................................................................... 27 2012 May ...................................................................................................................... 27 2012 June ...................................................................................................................... 28 2012 Early Summer FBI investigation starts ................................................................ 28 e-mail implications.................................................................................................... 28 Cyber Investigation................................................................................................... 29 Cyber trick ............................................................................................................. 29 Broadwell Suspicious Documents ............................................................................ 30 2012 July....................................................................................................................... 30 2012 Late Summer........................................................................................................ 31 2012 Aug....................................................................................................................... 31 2012 Sep 08 Libya ........................................................................................................ 32 2012 Sep 09 Middle East .............................................................................................. 32 2012 Sep 11 Benghazi Tuesday.................................................................................... 32 2012 Sep 11 Investigation Findings.......................................................................... 32 Benghazi Security Inadequate................................................................................... 33 Libya Security neglected by Washington DC........................................................... 33 Local Security not competent ................................................................................... 34 2012 Sep 11 Washington DC in Confusion.............................................................. 35 2012 Sep 11 Libya 9 pm (3 pm ET) ......................................................................... 36 2012 Sep 11 Libya 10 pm (4 pm ET) ....................................................................... 37 2012 Sep 11 Libya 11 pm (5 pm ET) ....................................................................... 38 2012 Sep 11 Libya Midnight (6 pm ET)................................................................... 39 2012 Sep 12 Libya 4 am (Sep 11 US 10 pm ET)...................................................... 39 2012 Sep 12 Libya ........................................................................................................ 40 2012 Sep 12 Public Reaction in US .......................................................................... 41 2012 Sep 13 Thu ........................................................................................................... 42 2012 Sep 14 Fri............................................................................................................. 42 2012 Sep 15-16 Weekend ............................................................................................. 42 2012 Sep 17 Mon .......................................................................................................... 44 2012 Sep 18 Tue ........................................................................................................... 44 2012 Sep 19 Wed .......................................................................................................... 44 2012 Sep 20 Thu ........................................................................................................... 44

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2012 Sep 21 Libya ........................................................................................................ 45 2012 Sep 23 Libya ........................................................................................................ 45 2012 Sep 28................................................................................................................... 45 2012 Oct........................................................................................................................ 45 2012 Oct 10............................................................................................................... 46 2012 Oct 15............................................................................................................... 47 2012 Oct 24............................................................................................................... 47 2012 Oct Petraeus Gate implicates Congress ........................................................... 48 2012 Nov 06 Tuesday Election Day ............................................................................. 49 2012 Nov 08 Thursday.................................................................................................. 49 Questions and Conspiracy Theories.......................................................................... 49 2012 Nov 09 Friday Petraeus resignation hits news ..................................................... 50 2012 Nov 10 Saturday .................................................................................................. 52 2012 Nov 11 Sunday..................................................................................................... 52 2012 Nov 12 Monday ................................................................................................... 52 2012 Nov 13 Tuesday ................................................................................................... 53 2012 Nov 14 Wednesday .............................................................................................. 54 2012 Nov 15 Thursday.................................................................................................. 54 GAO on Diplomatic Security Challenges................................................................. 56 Dunford Afghanistan Hearing................................................................................... 57 Impeach Congress..................................................................................................... 61 Benghazi Narratives.................................................................................................. 62 Susan Rice, UN Ambassador.................................................................................... 63 2012 Nov 16 Petraeus Benghazi Testimony................................................................. 64 Susan Rices fan club................................................................................................ 65 2012 Nov 19 Monday ................................................................................................... 66 What is Ansar al Sharia?........................................................................................... 66 2012 Nov 25 Sun .......................................................................................................... 67 2012 Nov 26 Mon ......................................................................................................... 67 2012 Nov 27 Tuesday ................................................................................................... 67 2012 Nov 29.................................................................................................................. 67 1-800-Benghazi......................................................................................................... 68 2012 Dec 4 Tu............................................................................................................... 68 2012 Dec 6 Thu............................................................................................................. 68 2012 Dec 8 Sat .............................................................................................................. 68 2012 Dec 9 Sun............................................................................................................. 68 2012 Dec 10 M.............................................................................................................. 69 2012 Dec 11 Tu............................................................................................................. 69 2012 Dec 13 Th............................................................................................................. 70 2012 Dec 19 Wed reports ............................................................................................. 71 (1) Overarching Security needed .............................................................................. 71 (2) Staffing High Threat, High Risk, Diplomatic Posts............................................ 73 (3) Training and Awareness...................................................................................... 74 (4) Security and Fire Safety Equipment.................................................................... 74 (5) Intelligence and Threat Analysis......................................................................... 75 (6) Personnel Accountability .................................................................................... 75

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2015 Troops still in Afghanistan................................................................................... 76

Why these notes?

It is critically important for the people to know the basis for foreign policy decisions and actions which could lead us to another major war, on top of the frightfully expensive ones we are already in, where the costs include: Significant death toll of our people; Significant death toll of our enemies; Significant death toll of innocents; Significant impact upon our national debt and economy; The UN, and many nations, say that the US has been doing war crimes; 1 We may be creating conditions which will lead us into future wars. We have enjoyed many constitutional rights which now appear to being eroded, in the name of security. Is it real security, or security theater? Some of my definitions: Security Mirror is when a person defines security based on what they know how to do, ignoring what other people may be able to do. This is one reason why we have an epidemic of cyber security breaches. There are other reasons. Security Theater is when it is more important to send a message that we are doing a good job with security, than to actually do a good job. Airport security is a prime example. Security Theater, Smoke, and Mirrors is when people propose solutions, which are disconnected from any sane reality, where the people and their proposals are more important than the end mission. o For example, many US states mandate security on school buses which are exactly the kind of systems which kill and maim children in crashes, as found by national safety testing, which have also found systems which work effectively, but are illegal in most US states.2 We have had an explosion of discussions about topics which may be related, while the news of the topics also continues to explode. Theres lots of news stories quoting people, where they appear to be saying things at extreme odds with what other people said. Theres an extreme need for fact checking. So this is a collection of my notes on what I have learned so far, where I do my best to cite sources for where I got my info.

This is a rapidly developing story. I will probably only have pieces of it forever. But hopefully what I find will be helpful to other people on parallel investigations, as may be some of their discoveries for me. From time to time, I share what I have figured out so far. My sources are mainly the news media and secondarily Wikipedia. Footnotes give

1 2

I explore this topic in my Drone research. Pursuing challenges with children commuting to and from Schools, are found in my School Bus Abduction notes, regarding: pedophiles targeting school bus stops, and unaccompanied school children commuters; and a large number of motorists who claim to be totally ignorant about the rolling traffic light function of school buses.

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citations wherever practical, but sometimes when flipping channels, jotting down notes, I can lose track of which TV show told me which details. I intermingle news of what the heck I think is happening, with my analysis and observations, of what I think are human errors, and what those people should have been doing, to protect themselves better. It is better to not engage in shady activities in the first place, but if you must, then when someone else does a shady attack on you, you should be aware that complaining to the authorities can open your own shady behavior for the world to see. This developing story is entangled with: Afghanistan post-2012. See 2012 Nov-15 Dunford Afghanistan Hearing Benghazi 9/11 2012 clarification. See 2012 Nov Congress briefings. Constitutional Rights in the Electronic Age of Technology. Guantanamo Bay future of its mission.3 Susan Rice US Foreign Policy vs. o Afghanistan o Africa o Arab Spring o Israel o Libya o Pakistan War in Afghanistan. See 2012 Nov-15 Dunford Afghanistan Hearing Washington DC verbal war between Republicans and Democrats I have been following many of these stories, so I am using these notes to add to the latest news on the multiple frontiers of these different entangled issues. Most everything in this document are direct quotes from news media, followed by footnote to source of that quote. In a few cases I am copying what other people have shared on social media, where I agree with their sentiments. I also have watched some Congress hearings on C-Span, and written up a summary of what I got out of them. There are a lot of unanswered questions.4 Who knew what when? Why were certain actions taken, which do not appear to make sense, based on the info released so far? The story is mushrooming into multiple complications.5 Political Accusations: In the news media, and social media, there are millions of accusations against leaders in government, the military, and private industry, where those people have not been found guilty in any court of law. There is no doubt in my mind that
3 4 5

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someone must be responsible for certain transgressions, which have been proven to have occurred. But a few of the accusations have reached court rooms, and the cases have been thrown out by the judges, as having no merit, such as many Birther cases. While some of the stories sound very compelling, may in fact be true, such as Mrs.X could in fact be negligently responsible for the 100+ homes damaged in the Indianapolis explosion,6 I want to try to refrain from joining the parade of libelous finger pointers at specific people, in the absence of legally culpable provability of guilt. There are stories which are not conflicting, just extremely confusing, about: Cantor found out how, Oct 2012.7 Contents of E-mail annoying Kelley. There are multiple conflicting stories, about: Affair started when Benghazi Obama timing of being told Sharing Reminders, when copy/paste to social media Google Plus: Asterisks before & after strings to make them bolded. Linked In: copy/paste loses footnote citations; columns lose actual digits. Acronyms in here, are most all defined in my Drone Terms document.

Propaganda Machines
It is sometimes hard to get at the facts, because Washington DC is a machine which churns out a lot of garbage to fuel phony scandals. When I looked into the ATF scandal of guns being supplied by agents of US government to Mexican drug cartels, I found an enormous amount of speculation reported as truth, where it seemed to me that Republicans in Congress were more interested in attacking the Democratic Administration than working in a non-partisan way to fix systemic problems in areas of the US government that Congress is supposed to conduct Oversight of. When I read reports about Fusion Centers, I found that an enormous amount of effort is expended by law enforcement and judicial authorities at federal state and local levels to put the Constitution through a shredding machine, and to publish poor quality science fiction labeled as fact. When looking into Drone stories, depending on who you believe, One version of reality is they are striking homes filled with women and children in extended families and magically only killing the microscopic volume of

6 7

See my Indy Boom research notes. ws

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occupants who happen to be our enemies. Also, the government and people of Pakistan must be astronomical liars regarding everything done by the USA. Another version of reality is that the USA kills 1,000 innocent civilians for every one drone attack aimed at our enemies. I now believe the truth is somewhere in between the two extremes, where military boots on the ground kill 10-15 innocent civilians for every one enemy killed, and drone strikes kill much fewer innocents, for every one enemy. But also, the quality of intelligence getting to the CIA and US military, to identify this or that target as an enemy, royally sucks. Informants are paid to identify enemies of the USA, but they often identify innocents, like a mafia protection racket. Pay me $$$$ or else I will tell the CIA that you need to be killed, by drones. I plan to vote for X for political office, but Y is more popular, so I will tell the CIA to use drones to assassinate Y.

Why blind side the President?

Why did the FBI keep the President in the dark for so long? Well there is a policy in place since Nixon Watergate.8 If people around the President are suspected of wrong doing, and the President may be implicated in the scandal, the investigation integrity needs to stay confidential, so the perpetrators do not learn details of the investigation, through White House notification channels, and use that inside knowledge to help the perpetrators escape justice.

Why did Petraeus have to resign?

People in Washington DC have affairs all the time. It is inconceivable to me that the ability of someone knowing about the affair, could successfully blackmail him. A more important reason is that the leader of an organization like the CIA cannot possibly know everything thats going on, unless the work force trusts him, has confidence in his leadership, comes forward with what he has need to know. The affair undermines this confidence, his leadership is weakened. Are there any other dimensions?9

Petraeus-gate has many morals. Incidentally, Adultery is banned by the military, for reasons other than religion.10 9 10

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Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction writers could never make all this stuff up, and be believed. Did this story come from the Onion, or the National Inquirer? No, it came via the mainstream news media, because sex sells. There is the fable that people in glass houses should not throw stones. In other words, if you are engaged in some sordid affair(s), it is extremely stupid to report someone elses misdeeds to the authorities, because all of yours will probably get revealed. CIA you later. "Never use thy rod with thy staff," is good guide line for the officers corps. There is the phenomena of the boss of some organization enforcing rules which do not apply to the boss. It is an extremely common phenomena, in business, in government, and it can lead to the eventual downfall of the boss. Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. It may not happen immediately, but it can happen over time. We need a system of checks & balances, which *works*, to help the victims of this getting corrupted, avoid this trap, and the rest of us avoid being trapped by the consequences of our leaders getting corrupted. You want your legacy to reflect all the good stuff that the organization did, during your tenure as the leader, not be remembered as General Scandal, due to some brief problems near the end of your career. Also the inability of people lower down in organizational hierarchy, to fight the corruption, that also corrupts. If you believe that you cannot fight City Hall, then you will never even try to fix the problems. Anything we do on the Internet, on the phone, on our computers, in our snail mail, leaves foot prints that other people can see years later. People say foolish things on their Facebook page, and it means they can never get into College or get a good job, because their reputation is now ruined, forever and ever. When people sit down to plot some secret, the odds are high that one will be a police spy or a journalist. The odds are almost 100% if the plotting is done over the Internet, or phone, or snail mail. Yes, there is such a thing as encryption, but it can be broken, and there is also traffic tracing. In other words, you are in your apartment communicating with your lover who is in her apartment. The FBI knows who is where, and who is connecting with whom, even if they are too lazy to break the encryption. So you have to spoof the locations. That can be done, but our government can also unspoof the spoofing, if they want to take the trouble. Do you want to bother with all this? Much simpler not to have the illicit conversation in the first place.

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If you want to have a secret affair, all your communications need to be whispers, where there is white noise to drown out any spies. Do not bring your cell phone, or other electronic device into the bedroom shared with your illicit lover. Remember that drones can see through walls. You also need to have a cover story for why you are both at that same location. Shes working on another book, I was helping her with it. I want to do a special surprise for the 40th anniversary with my wife. We were throwing out ideas, what might be good. Otherwise we end up with a soap opera, As the General Turns. The information is being dribbled out to spin the talking heads of the newstainment industry who self-righteously start up a drum beat about how our leaders are failing us. They are not wrong. There are many faux leaders and false prophets in today's politics. But what about our leaders who are truly making a difference toward our safety and security and, yes, make a mistake in judgment. Imagine if Eisenhower were placed under this kind of scrutiny right before D-Day in June 1944. We know now that he was sleeping with a female aide. But so what? Removing Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander would undoubtedly have been disastrous to the future of the U.S. and the World. Today, the wrong questions are being asked or, maybe more correctly, there are no questions being asked. The media just laps up whatever the spin doctors spoon into their mouths. Thus, the emphasis is being placed on titillation instead of carefully weighed news. I have yet to hear any newscaster ask this: What is our country NOT going to be protected from because Petraeus is not at the helm of the CIA?

Unwanted Communications
This scandal involves some people who seem to lack a good understanding of what should you do when you get unwanted communications. The actions, that they took, converted a mildly unpleasant situation into potentially a career ending disaster. Heres my advice for someone in a similar situation in the future. You dont want those nasty people to dominate your life. Get rid of them rapidly, with minimal personal effort, in a manner which is both legal, and does not expose your life to any more unpleasantness. There are some circumstances, which may require slightly different approaches, such as in these examples: the info from these unwanted communications, contains some threat against someone other than yourself; your keeping silent about them could conceivably make you an accessory to whatever wrong doing these people are up to; these clowns are causing trouble between you and third parties;


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I am now almost age 70. In my life, I have received the following types of unwanted communications: Billing for products and services I did not order, get, ask for. Billing which would not go away when I tried to cancel some services. Car Wars. Death Attempts. Death Threats. Door to Door sales people who would not accept a simple no thank you. Junk onto my car. Phishing via e-mail, voice phone calls, snail mail. Phone sales who would not accept a simple no thank you, then after I hung up on them, they called back to tell me how rude that was, then attempt same pitch again, so I hang up on them again. Sales efforts which publish my phone # in their ads. Viruses attached to e-mails. Simple, fast, legal solutions: I forward e-mail spam to KNUJON (no junk backwards). They put the spammers in the slammer. When I get something which is a threat against a 3rd party, I print it out and take it to the police. Thats what I did when it was a death threat against our President. When I am being billed for services, from some outfit which will not cooperate by voice phone communications, here is what I do: I make a small partial payment by check, in the mail to them, then wait for it to clear the bank. I send them a letter, which they have to sign for, in which I explain why I do not owe them anything. I go to the bank, from which the check was written, and have it reverse that payment, explaining why the outfit is fraudulently billing me. The bank will investigate my complaint, and give them hell. These places pay a lot more attention to a bank giving them hell, than an ordinary alleged customer. This is unethical, maybe illegal? There is a real estate outfit in my community, which advertises all sorts of things. I know they must have just done another ad, when I get flooded with phone calls from people responding to their ads, who think my phone # is that outfit. This happens for several reasons: 1. Their people are incompetent. Sometimes they really do an ad with my phone #, which is like theirs, only with 2 digits reversed. 2. They always use microscopic print, such that a person without excellent eyesight, will probably misread the phone #. I have a strategy for dealing with this. I have sent them a letter explaining the situation, my strategy, and my suggestions for how they can fix it. They have ignored me.


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1. I tell the caller that it is a wrong #, I advise them not to do business with this outfit, for reasons which would be libelous for me to spell out. When I am aware of an opportunity with a competitor of this outfit, I pass along that lead to them. 2. Many callers refuse to believe this is a wrong #. So, in that scenario I say to them, that I am sorry but: then I say something designed to get that outfit in trouble, if the callers pursue our conversation, such as: a. We dont rent to colored people. b. We dont rent to seniors. c. We dont rent to the disabled. d. We dont accept women as being equals in our society. If there is a story in the news media about some Stephanie getting killed or injured, here is how that might have happened. There is some guy who calls me occasionally, and wants to speak to Stephanie. He refuses to believe this is a wrong #, that there is no one by that name here. I was tempted to tell him that she was busy in my bed, and cant come to the phone right now, but instead I tell him there was a terrible accident, the ambulance just left, taking her to St Marys Hospital, or that the police were just here, and took her I do not know where if you call the District Attorneys office, they can tell you what the charges are, and where she is being held. Every time he calls, I always start with the truth. I only do these crazy stories with a caller, after they refuse to accept the truth.

Privacy Alarms
The stories, I have been reading, sound like nothing illegal between consenting adults, outside the work place, while the FBI is on a witch hunt, going through peoples private sex lives, with the most trivial of justifications. 11 Well thats what Civil Libertarians have been accusing the government of for years. The FBI got caught this time, and will probably say this situation was a fluke. However, the situation may lead to Congress tightening up the ability of US law enforcement authorities to access peoples e-mail without a probable cause warrant.12 It is like the police raiding the wrong address and seriously hurting innocent people. It happens thousands of times, and every time the police say it was a fluke, an isolated incident, and there is no accountability, for the fact that it happens all the time.13 Here are links to articles, explaining how the FBI allegedly traced the anonymous e-mails, and users of the joint account.14

11 12 13 14


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In mid November, Google released its biannual transparency report, which shows that the US government made nearly 8,000 requests for data on its users' accounts over the past six months one third more than the previous reporting period. Of those requests, 90 per cent were fully or partially complied with. The search giant is far from alone. Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo and a host of similar sites all store huge amounts of our personal data. In the US, where many of the biggest internet firms are based, such data are protected under the Stored Communications Act. Law enforcement agencies require a search warrant to gain access to personal online content, just as they would if they wanted to search your home ...." unless they can claim it is a Terrorist case, in which a different set of rules apply. For the full article, How metadata brought down CIA boss David Petraeus, go to

Privacy FAQ
Is it possible to have secure communications via Internet, e-mail, cell-phone, other phone, snail mail, etc. Some people say yes, some say no. Here is an article saying how to hide your e-mail.15 During the Arab Spring, which is still going on in Syria, and other nations, many brave individuals have captured pictures of whats happening in their nations, and gets that info to the outside world. There are Internet tools to facilitate them doing so, from within repressive regimes, which would kill such informants, without the good security to protect them and their communications. I downloaded a copy of a guide for such persons, then uploaded to my Google Doc Drive Disaster Avoidance collection.16 See the doc named *Protecting Your Security On Line*. Here are FAQ regarding your governments legal access to your e-mail.17 If the government thinks they need some info because it has to do with National Security, then under the Patriot Act, and other laws, they are supposed to get permission from a FISA judge to issue a demand for the info, but in an emergency, they can issue the demand, then get approval from the judge later.

e-mail backlash
QUOTE from Steve Holcombe who is an expert in both the law and in cyber security.

15 16 17

LinkedIn Groups
Group: Data Ownership in the Cloud Subject: Why email is and must remain private

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Why email is and must remain private Private communication, if monitored, will damage trust between individuals, making it harder to form relationships. Sarah Kendzior* 27 Nov 2012 13:19 Al Jazeera Excerpt "The aftermath of the Petraeus scandal, in which the CIA director's emails to his mistress biographer were considered grounds for his resignation, has sparked debate on whether email should be considered private communication. "I assume that every single email is something that will be in the public domain," investor Peter Thiel, a board member of Facebook, proclaimed at a panel discussion on social media and politics hosted by The New Republic last week. He edits his emails meticulously, in anticipation of their inevitable reveal. Corporations like Facebook and Google have long abandoned privacy as a tenable goal. Their CEOs tend to echo the moralising platitudes grandfathers use to keep their grandchildren in line. "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place," former Google CEO Eric Schmidt told CNBC in 2009. ...." For the full text, go to Cheers, Steve Holcombe, Manager Follow the group on Twitter at * Sarah Kendzior is an anthropologist who recently received her PhD from Washington University in St Louis.


People in Petraeus Story

The names here are: 1. Alphabetical sequence by surname. 2. Within surname, alphabetical by first name. This directory is an incomplete list of relevant people, but I will add to it, as I wrap my mind around the story. Here I share most critical identification. Elsewhere in my time line and notes, I provide more details on what is known, and believed. Flow Charts connecting some of these people.18 4 star Marine Gen. *John R Allen*,19 top American commander in Afghanistan, is under investigation for allegedly having flirtatious e-mail communications with Jill Kelley,20 the woman who caused the FBI investigation to begin, because of e-mails she got from Paula Broadwell, with whom David Petraeus had a brief affair. Allen denies he is having an affair, says the e-mail account is shared between him and his wife, and the
18 19 20


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flirtatious e-mails were in fact playful communications between his wife and Kelley, which are totally innocent between good friends.21 The FBI investigation of Allen may have begun because Broadwell sent an anonymous email to Allen, making libelous claims about Kelley. Allens nomination to serve as the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, as well as commander of the U.S. European Command, is now on hold, pending completion of the current investigations.22 Allen, John also see: FBI-A; Jill Kelley; Khawam; Joe McCarthy. *Ms. Catherine Bertini*23 is a member of the Accountability Review Board, chaired by Thomas Pickering, which will review the facts and circumstances of the attacks in Libya, then report back to the State Dept.24 She was head of the UN World Food Program for a decade,25 and has been active in other UN and NGO efforts. Bertini also see: Jill Kelley; T Pickering.

*Paula (Dean Kranz) Broadwell*,26 age 40, the woman David Petraeus had
the affair with, from some time in 2011 until summer 2012, a West Point graduate who spent months studying the general's leadership of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, leading to her book "All In: The Education of General David Petraeus.".27 Part of her career was spent working on the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force.28 She lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, near the home of Rielle Hunter, mistress of Sen John Edward (D-N.C.).29 Paula Broadwell is married to Scott, with two children.30 She had a brief affair with David Petraeus, and engaged in behavior which led to it being discovered. She sent anonymous e-mails to several people, whose content was disturbing to them. One of them was Jill Kelley, another was John Allen. Kelley complained about the e-mails to the FBI, which launched an investigation. They traced the e-mails to Broadwell, and while looking at e-mail to and from various people, they found reason to
21 22 23 24 25 See my rant about the Bumpers Amendment below Kelley family. Maybe she has the clout to get that over-turned. 26 27 28 29 30


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look at the e-mail of the accounts involved, then from there look at the e-mails of other connected people. Some of the content may be totally innocent, some raises suspicions of improper behavior. The investigation continues, and somehow the news media has gotten wind of the content of what the FBI has been finding out about all these private lives. Paula Broadwell also see: John Allen; FBI-A; Jill Kelley; Joe McCarthy; Robert Muse; David Petraeus. *Scott

Broadwell*,31 husband of Paula Broadwell.

House Majority Leader *Eric Cantor*, R-Virginia, was informed in October 2012, about the affair between Broadwell and CIA director Petraeus, and its national security implications, thanks to info from Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Washington, FBI agent A labeled (alleged) as an FBI whistle blower, and another FBI person.32 At this point in time, Congress Intelligence Committees, the White House, and Petraeuss boss, the DNI, had not yet been notified. However, Cantor did notify FBI and DoJ, via his staff, about what he had found out. If this had *really* been confidential, maybe he should not have gone through his staff. Eric Cantor also see: FBI-A. Senator *Saxby Chambliss*, R-Georgia, is Vice Chairman of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence33 for 112nd Congress. Director of National Intelligence (DNI)34 *James Clapper*, is informed on Election Day Nov 6, 2012 about the affair between Broadwell and CIA director Petraeus. He speaks with the FBI and Petraeus about this, urges Petraeus to resign. Clapper informs President Obama that evening.35 At this point in time, Congress Intelligence Committees have not yet been informed. Marine Corps Gen. *Joseph Dunford*, has been nominated to replace Allen as commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, if Allen is indeed promoted.36

31 html 32 33 34 35 36


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Senator *Susan Collins*, R-, is Vice Chairman of US Senate Homeland Security Committee for 112nd Congress. *FBI agent A* in Tampa, not yet identified.37 This guy was: More than a friend to cyber stalking victim Jill Kelley; Initiated FBI investigation which led to: o Broadwell; o Petraeus; o Kelley; o Allen; o Agent A; o And perhaps more. He thought the FBI would abandon the case, so he attempted whistle blowing to Congress, via Rep. Dave Reichert. It has not yet been explained why he selected that Congressman for his avenue of notification. Senator *Dianne Feinstein*, D-California, is Chairwoman of US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence38 for 112nd Congress. She first learned of the situation when news media called her Nov-9 asking for her comments on the story. Attorney General *Eric Holder* was informed late summer 2012 by the FBI. By this time, the FBI had concluded there was no national security breach, but continues investigating whether Petraeus had any role in the harassing emails sent to Kelley. 39 Holder allegedly had an obligation to inform the White House, but apparently did not.

Kelley family and need for Accountability

*Gilberte Jill Khawam Kelley*,40 age 37, and her husband Scott released
a statement saying they have been friends with Petraeus 41 and his family for more than five years and asked for privacy.42 Jill and Scott have 3 daughters. Jill Kelley had received e-mails anonymously from Paula Broadwell, which allegedly started the FBI investigation. Those e-mails contained confidential info about US military leadership movements. Kelley was also allegedly involved with both Gen. Paul Allan and FBI agent A.

The FBI has no business investigating our sex lives, except when one of the players is a top government or security clearance person. In any case, there is no justification for the
37 38

If when he is identified, I may re-write my notes. 39 40 41 42


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salacious details, of the sex lives of the subjects of an FBI investigation, to be plastered all over the news media, for discussion by the social media. We do not yet know the justification for FBI investigating the relationship between Kelley and FBI agent A. There is nothing wrong with a man sending shirtless photos of himself (not pantless) to a lady friend, unless they were done from his work e-mail account, or to her work e-mail account. Kelley lives in Florida, but is part of the Washington DC social circle. Was Jill Kelley a guest at the White House?43 Petraeus-Kelley Photo Gets DMCA Takedown Notice

Until recently, Jill Kelley enjoyed unrestricted access to the Tampa-based MacDill Air Force Base, because she was part of a Friends of MacDill program which required a nomination and background check. The quality of that check may now be something which will need to get audited. Now because she is involved in an ongoing investigation, she needs a security escort, any place she wants to go on the base. 45 This Jill Kelly is of Middle Eastern descent and is broke, runs a shady charity. 46 She rubs elbows with 4 star generals and FBI agents.47 If that sounds like counter-intel, then 100% children of immigrants are suspects, including guys like Colin Powell and President Obama oh sounding more and more like a right wing conspiracy. Jill and Scott Kelley founded a cancer charity with questionable finances. 48 The money raised, by the now bankrupt charity, was used to pay for lavish parties where military top brass mingled with Florida high society.49 Who are that high society? Everyone who is high up in government, such as the Governor, Attorney General. You know, Big Wigs. One of the best charities in the USA is the American Cancer Society, because 3/4 of the money it raises goes towards the purposes for which it is founded, with for operating expenses.50 The worst charities are those in which no money goes to the reasons for existence, with all the donations going to benefit the organizers, their parties, etc. The Kelly charity falls into this category.51 It is unfortunate that this is not unusual in
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51


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America. There are thousands of charities like that. Very few donors do any due diligence to see if their donations are going to a reputable charity, or how the charity is spending the money, and dealing with this type of scandal is seldom on any government radar screen. In fact, government regulations encourage some abuse. For example, money donated to help victims in Haiti or some country in Africa. The logical thing would be for the NGO to buy food from farmers real close to the disaster, to provide to the victims of the disaster. This would help the local agricultural economy. No, the food is bought in America, because the Bumpers Amendment prohibits charities based in the USA, which includes the UN, from doing the logical thing. Instead, they must buy the food from US farmers, at prices vastly higher than prices close to the disaster, then spend the money needed to ship it from America to the disaster location, and in Haitis case, pay high bribes to get it across the border without falling into the hands of the black market. It needs a private military escort. There are the paid volunteers, living in Ritz hotels, while they deliver the food to the disaster victims living in what passes for tents. Of the money donated, they buy maybe 1% of the food that could be bought locally, because of the high overhead of delivery. Meanwhile the local farmer economy is ruined, because it cannot compete with the donated food relief. This might make sense short term, if recovery from a disaster was reasonably fast, but Haiti has had decades of disasters, where they are not recovered from one disaster, before another comes along. This is a pattern with failed states. The international relief effort is good at maintaining the welfare dependency on relief, but not good at helping the victim nations rebuild, and become functioning nations again. Jill Kelley also see: John Allen; C Bertini; Paula Broadwell; FBI-A; Joe McCarthy. *Scott Kelley*, husband of Jill Kelley. He is a surgeon. There is a wrongful death law suit against Scott. *Natalie Khawam*,52 twin sister of Jill Kelley. Natalie also socialized with Petraeus and Allan. Both Petraeus and Allen wrote letters lauding Khawam as a devoted mother to help her in a bitter child custody battle with her ex-husband. Earlier in that divorce case, Superior Court Judge Neal Kravitz had criticized Khawam for a lack of honesty and "misrepresentations about virtually everything." Natalie also dated Charlie Crist, former Florida Governor, and failed Senate candidate. 53 Jill and Natalie faced off against twin brothers in a Food Network cook-off show, Food Fight, in 2003. Their dish: Alligator.54

52 53 54

Rep. *Peter

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King*, R-, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee,

*Neal Kravitz*, Superior Court Judge in the child custody battle between Natalie Khawam, twin sister of Jill Kelley, and Natalies ex-husband.55

Levin McCain etc.

Senator *Carl Levin*, D-Michigan, is Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee56 for 112nd Congress. Senator *John McCain*, R-Arizona, is Vice-Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee57 for 112nd Congress. In studying some investigations, I am reminded of *Senator


Raymond Joe McCarthy*,

who is famous for linking contacts of contacts, mushrooming who is suspicious. In the modern era, it would be like NSA 59 spying on a suspected terrorist home, recording all the phone #s that call them, and all that they call, then spying on them also. The Terrorists call for a Pizza to be delivered, and soon NSA is spying on the people in the city who get food delivered. Well in this alleged scandal, Kelley receives anonymous e-mails containing some disturbing content. o Theres apparent cyber stalking. o Theres info about military leader movements which are supposed to be secret. o Theres all sorts of hints, easily misconstrued. When looking at Kelley e-mail, they find that FBI agent A had sent shirtless pictures of himself to Kelley. What is wrong with that? They were not pantless. The FBI traces the anonymous e-mails to Broadwell. The FBI figures out o She had an affair with Petraeus. o She sent anonymous e-mail to Allen. o She had access to info maybe she should not have access to. So now they are investigating Allen why? He was apparent victim of cyber stalking. The FBI figures out. o There is heavy e-mail between Allen and Kelley, some of which seems flirtatious. Whether it is really between two women, as Allen claims, or not, there is nothing wrong with friendly e-mail banter, unless it is going through a work account.
55 56

58 57 58 59 National Security Agency, sometimes called No Such Agency.


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Rep. *Howard P. "Buck" McKeon*,60 R-California, is Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee for 112nd Congress. Acting CIA Director Morell FBI61 Director *Robert Mueller* is notified early summer 2012 about the situation, an affair between CIA Director Petraeus and Broadwell, where Broadwell had been sending suspicious e-mails to Kelley.62 At this point in time, Congress Intelligence Committees, the White House, and Petraeuss boss, the DNI, had not yet been notified. Admiral *Michael Glenn Mike Mullen*63 is a member of the Accountability Review Board, chaired by Thomas Pickering, which will review the facts and circumstances of the attacks in Libya, then report back to the State Dept.64 He rose up to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the 3rd officer in US Naval history to be appointed to four different four star positions (not all at the same time <G>). Mike Mullen also see T Pickering. *Robert F. Muse* is a Washington lawyer representing Broadwell. He is in the same firm which represented Monica Lewinsky.65 President *Obama* is informed about the affair between Broadwell and CIA director Petraeus, and its national security implications, either on the evening of election day Nov 6, 2012, or a few days later,66 by DNI Clapper.67 At this point in time, Congress Intelligence Committees have not yet been informed. The President of the USA, like Congress, has enormous responsibility, in charge of everything that is going on in the country. Many people see this or that scandal, then vehemently attack the President, and other politicians, for what was done under their watch, things they may have known nothing about. I think it is more important to criticize that they do not have systems which can identify wrong doing earlier in the process, nip it in the bud. Pres Obama also see: John Allen; James Clapper; Joe McCarthy, David Petraeus.
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Conflicting news stories on this precise part of the time line. 67


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Secretary of Defense *Leon Panetta*, Retired (from the military), highly decorated, 4 star Army General *David

Petraeus*,68 age 60, and his wife, Holly, of 38 years, live in Virginia. They have two
grown children. Until his surprise resignation,69 Petraeus had been director of the CIA. Petraeus-Kelley Photo Gets DMCA Takedown Notice 70 Does Petraeus dye his hair,71 and does hair dying negatively impact brain function? David Petraeus also see: Paula Broadwell; James Clapper; Khawam. *Holly Petraeus*,72 wife for 38 years, of David Petraeus. Holly is in charge of service member assistance at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and is a wellknown advocate for military families. Mrs. Petraeus is said to be devastated by her husband's infidelity. "Furious would be an understatement," family friend Boylan told ABC's "Good Morning America." *Thomas R Pickering*,73 a retired U.S. ambassador, is Chair of the Accountability Review Board which will review the facts and circumstances of the attacks in Libya, then report back to the State Dept.74 Over 4 decades, he has been ambassador to El Salvador, India, Israel, Jordan, Nigeria, Russia, the UN, rising to the highest rank possible in the US Foreign Service. 75 He is fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Swahili languages, with a working knowledge of Arabic, Hebrew, and Russian. A widow, he has two adult children. Rep. *Dave Reichert*, R-Washington, found out Oct 2012 about the affair between Broadwell and CIA director Petraeus, and its national security implications, thanks to FBI agent A labeled (alleged) as an FBI whistle blower.76 At this point in time, Congress Intelligence Committees, the White House, and Petraeuss boss, the DNI, had not yet been notified. Dave Reichert also see: Eric Cantor; FBI-A.
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76


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Rep. *Mike Rogers*, R-Michigan,77 is Chairman of US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence for 112nd Congress. Rep. *C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger*,78 D-Maryland, is Ranking Member of US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence for 112nd Congress. Mr. *Richard J. Shinnick* is a member of the Accountability Review Board, chaired by Thomas Pickering, which will review the facts and circumstances of the attacks in Libya, then report back to the State Dept.79 Richart Shinnick also see T Pickering. Rep. *Adam Smith*, D-Washington,80 is Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee for 112nd Congress. Mr. *Hugh J. Turner III* is a member of the Accountability Review Board, chaired by Thomas Pickering, which will review the facts and circumstances of the attacks in Libya, then report back to the State Dept.81 Hugh Turner also see T Pickering.

Time Line
The CIA has had 7 directors in 8 years. Some people are saying that some of them were not a good fit for what the nation needed there.

General Petraeus History

He is considered to be one of the most influential military leaders for the USA since Eisenhower.82 He is closely identified with US policies with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and drone warfare.

David Petraeus is born.83

77 78 79 80 81 82 83


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Paula Dean Broadwell, nee Kranz is born.84

Jill Kelley is born.85

1983 CENTCOM starts

US Central Command (CENTCOM) was formed, for US military interests in the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia, most notably Afghanistan and Iraq. 86 Its commanders, so far, have been: Army General Robert Kingston 1983 Jan to 1985 Nov. Marine General George B. Crist 1985 Nov to 1988 Nov. Army General H. Norman Schwarzkopf 1988 Nov to 1991 Aug. Marine General Joseph P. Hoar 1991 Aug to 1994 Aug. Army General J. H. Binford Peay III 1994 Aug to 1997 Aug. Marine General Anthony Zinni 1997 Aug to 2000 July. Army General Tommy Franks 2000 July to 2003 July. Marine General John Abizaid 2003 July to 2007 March. Navy Admiral William J. Fallon 2007 March to 2008 March. Army Lieutenant General Martin E. Dempsey 2008 March to 2008 Oct. Army General David H. Petraeus 2008 October to 2010 June.87 Marine Lieutenant General John R. Allen 2010 June to 2010 Aug.88 Marine General James Mattis 2010 Aug to still there.

David Petraeus is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.89

Paula Broadwell graduated from West Point military academy.90 David Petraeus is promoted to Colonel.91 After lots of experience working with the 101st Airborne, David Petraeus was assigned to the United Nations Mission in Haiti Military Staff as its Chief Operations Officer during Operation Uphold Democracy. Then he got an assignment with the 82nd Airborne.

David Petraeus was promoted to 1 star Brigadier General.92
84 85 86 87 See the whos who section, and stuff throughout this time line. 88 See the whos who section. 89 90 91


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David Petraeus was promoted to 2 star Major General.93 He played a key roll in the fighting in Iraq.

David Petraeus was promoted to 3 star Lieutenant General.94 He became commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq.

2006 Broadwell and Petraeus first meet

Broadwell and Petraeus first met Spring 2006 at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government,95 where she was a graduate student, Broadwell wrote in the preface of the biography she co-authored on Petraeus. Petraeus is at the time a 3 star Lieutenant General working on a manual about counterinsurgency, and was invited there to give a speech about his experiences in Iraq.96 She told him about her interest in studying military leadership, and he offered his help, because he often mentors aspiring soldier-scholars. Months of research, and Broadwells access to Petraeus, led to her book "All In: The Education of General David Petraeus." Broadwell earned a Masters Degree in International Security at University of Denver. 97

2007 January
US Senate confirms Petraeus as the new commanding general for U.S. troops in Iraq.98 In 2007, Petraeus was promoted to 4 star general.99

2007 November
When the story broke, in 2012 November, Jill Kelley, and her husband Scott released a statement saying they have been friends with Petraeus 100 and his family for more than five years and asked for privacy.101 Five years math means 2007 or earlier.
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101


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Broadwell earns a Masters in Public Administration at Harvard University.102 Broadwell initiates a case study of Petraeus leadership, for her Ph.D. dissertation, at Kings College in London.103 On a visit to Washington, Petraeus invites Broadwell to join him and his team for a run along the Potomac River.104 2008 October to 2010 June, General David Petraeus is commander of CENTCOM. See 1983 chart.

2008 October
Petraeus is named commander of U.S. Central Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base near Tampa, Fla., where Jill Kelley and her husband attend social events alongside the area's military elite.105 Previously, Petraeus had commanded US and NATO multinational forces in Iraq.

Broadwell moved with her husband, Scott, to Charlotte, North Carolina. 106

I am not yet sure exactly when this happened in the year, and I dont much care. Chase Bank sued Scott Kelley in 2010 over a $25,880 unpaid credit card bill, and an investment by the Kelleys in a Tampa office building turned into a dispute with the tenant over $28,000-a-month rent. The couple didn't pay the mortgage and entered into foreclosure.107 Attorney Barry Cohen represented the Kelleys in the case, but they turned around and sued him over legal fees, claiming he overcharged them by $5,000. The suit was dismissed, but court documents did not say what happened. 108

2010 June
US Senate confirms Petraeus as the new commander for the war in Afghanistan.109 Previously, he was CENTCOM commander. See 1983 chart.

102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

2010 Autumn to 2011

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Broadwell expands her research of Petraeus into an authorized biography. She makes multiple trips to Afghanistan and is given unprecedented access to Petraeus and his commanders.110

2011 April
President Obama announced that he had nominated David Petraeus for CIA Director. 111

2011 July
The affair between Broadwell and Petraeus allegedly began.112 Other sources disagree on when it started, saying it was after Petraeus left the military, and joined the CIA. 113

2011 August Petraeus retires from US Army

Petraeus retires from the U.S. Army, leaves Afghanistan.114 He had served for 37 years in the US Army.115

2011 September Petraeus becomes CIA director

US Senate approves David Petraeus for CIA director.116

2011 November
The affair between Broadwell and Petraeus allegedly began.117 Other sources disagree on when it started, saying it was before Petraeus left the military, and joined the CIA. 118

2011 December
Terror plot thwarted, but Benghazi emergency plan warns of many Islamic terrorists still operating in area.119

2012 January
Broadwells book "All In: The Education of General David Petraeus" is released.120

110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120

2012 February

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After the Benghazi Attack, in an interview with CBS News' Attkisson, Lt. Col. Wood says there was "pressure to reduce the number of security people" in Libya, starting shortly after his arrival in February.121 The State Dept. said Wood was stationed in Tripoli and was not a part of the assessment of security in Benghazi. However, the size of the Tripoli security force surely was a factor in the ability of Tripoli to send reinforcements to Benghazi, without placing Tripoli at risk.

2012 March
U.S. Embassy in Tripoli lead security officer, RSO Eric Nordstrom, requests additional security but later testified he received no response. 122

2012 April
Two former security guards, at the US consulate in Benghazi, threw improvised explosive devices (IEDs) over the fence, which fortunately did not cause any serious damage.123 4 days later there was a similar attack on a convoy of the UN special envoy to Libya, which also had mild results.124

2012 May
Jill Kelley started getting some kind of annoying e-mails.125 They were sent to an account shared with her husband, and they came from a variety of e-mail accounts, where the sender did not identify self.126 The first of the unwanted e-mails, subsequently traced to Broadwell, also arrived to General Allen, in May.127 An al-Qaida affiliate took credit for an attack on the Red Cross offices in Benghazi Libya.128

121 See Oct 8 in the time line. 122 123 124 125
126 ws 127 128

2012 June

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An attack on the US consulate in Benghazi leaves a huge hole in the defenses. 129 An alQaida affiliate takes credit, promising more attacks, in retaliation for US drone strikes against their people.130 There is an assassination attempt against the British ambassador to Libya, which injures two other Brits. This involved a rocket propelled grenade attack 300 yards from the British consulate office in Benghazi. Consequently the British closed that office, and withdrew all personnel from Benghazi.131

2012 Early Summer FBI investigation starts

Jill Kelley complained, about the annoying e-mails, to a friend of hers who works for the FBI.132 Cyber-stalking is a legitimate topic to trigger an FBI investigation. The US Secret Service also investigates serious Cyber crimes. Serious is when there are threats against people, or property, there is child porn (the kids could be at risk), or when the $ lost by cyber threat is significant. The FBI, Secret Service, and local police, are rarely interested in spam, hacking, malware, other petty cyber-mischief. The FBI does not investigate merely annoying e-mails, unless something else is going on with their content, or who is targeted, but apparently the friend at the FBI did launch this investigation. The friend was more than a friend. Earlier he had sent shirtless pictures of himself to Kelley, which turned up during the FBI investigation of Kelleys traffic, and led to the FBI removing him from the case.133 That agent is now under investigation by the Office of Professional Responsibility, the internal-affairs arm of the FBI, according to two officials familiar with the matter.134

e-mail implications
The e-mails accused Kelley of untoward behavior with some generals at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida where Kelley did volunteer work. The e-mails detailed alleged "comings and goings of the generals and Ms. Kelley, in which General Petraeus was one of those named. Because parts of Petreaus' schedule were not public, the e-mails raised questions about whether the sender of the e-mails had access to his private schedule or other sensitive information.135

129 130 131 132 133 ws
134 ws 135


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There was also content in the e-mails, which had nothing to do with National Security, but sounded like cyber-stalking.136 This is obviously much more than harassing annoying or threatening e-mails. However, there have been talk shows on national cable TV networks, 137 claiming that the only thing they have heard is that the e-mails were only annoying, and that the FBI has more important things to do with their time than investigate annoying e-mails, so either there is something else which is the reason for the investigation, something they do not know, or there is the implication that some people at the FBI were out to get Obama, for political partisan reasons. I saw these talk shows several days after CNN had published the something else, so either those other cable TV channels have incompetent management, or they replay shows containing info they now know to be bogus, without any info to their audience saying their info is dated. In the news stories I have seen so far, it is unclear when either Kelley or the FBI figured out that the e-mails were coming from Broadwell.

Cyber Investigation
The FBI friend is not an expert on e-mails, so the investigation would have had to go to the cyber division at the local office which started it, and they would have needed a subpoena, or National Security Letter, or something, to get the ISP to cough up info on the person who sent the e-mails, which was Paula Broadwell. If it is not a terrorism case, yet, the FBI is supposed to go to the local Attorney General office to get the subpoena. Otherwise they are supposed to go through the FISA court. There may be other, secret options thanks to the Patriot Act. We have recently seen with ATF Gun smuggling to Mexican Cartels, Fusion Centers shredding the US Constitution, and Birther movement infiltrating some local government officials, that government officials and agents do not always follow the rules. We do not know what path they followed, to identify the source of the e-mails as being Paula Broadwell.

Cyber trick
While studying Broadwells e-mail traffic, they see she is communicating with an alias for Petraeus using a Gmail account, and conclude they are having an affair. 138 Petraeus and Broadwell apparently used a trick, known to terrorists and teenagers alike, to conceal their email traffic, one of the law enforcement officials said. Rather than
136 ws 137 Including CNN, FOX and MSNBC. Yes, one talk show on CNN did not know what another area of CNN had found out days earlier. 138


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transmitting emails to the other's inbox, they composed at least some messages and instead of transmitting them, left them in a draft folder or in an electronic "dropbox," the official said. Then the other person could log onto the same account and read the draft emails there. This avoids creating an email trail that is easier for outsiders to intercept or trace.139 That may be Ok, if the account is used exclusively for their communications, but if Broadwell used the account to harass Kelley, it can make Petraeus look bad, to also be using the same account. On multiple occasions, the FBI interviews both Broadwell and Petraeus.140 So, if Petraeus was going to resign just because his affair had been found out, he would have done it right after the FBI came calling. It is unclear at what point they admit the affair to the FBI, but it seems they had done so by October 2012.141

Broadwell Suspicious Documents

FBI agents who contacted Petraeus told him that sensitive, possibly classified documents related to Afghanistan were found on her computer, the general's associates said. He assured investigators they did not come from him.142 However, Broadwell had had high security clearances as part of her former job as a reserve Army major in military intelligence, and often documents which have in fact been declassified, can still be marked with former secret status, not properly updated, misleading investigators. 143 FBI investigators inform FBI Director Robert Mueller.144

2012 July
The affair between Broadwell and Petraeus ended,145 by mutual agreement.146 July 2012: RSO Nordstrom again requests additional security (perhaps via cable signed by Amb. Stevens dated July 9, see below).147 July 9, 2012: Amb. Stevens sends a cable requesting continued help from military SST and State Dept. MSD (Mobile Security Deployment team) through mid-Sept. 2012,

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saying that benchmarks for a drawdown have not been met. The teams are not extended.148

2012 Late Summer

The FBI informs Attorney General Eric Holder. By this time, the FBI has long since concluded there was no national security breach by Petraeus, but continues investigating whether Petraeus had any role in the harassing emails sent to Kelley. 149 Even though no national security breach, cyber stalking can be a crime depending on: (a)Where it occurred o Victim location o Accused location o Electronic Data Server location (b) Whether the state/locality of the activity is a crime depends on o State Legislature laws / Local Government ordinances o Relevant District Attorney has any interest in prosecuting a case

2012 Aug
Broadwell is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army Reserves. 150 The International Red Cross suspends operations in Libya because of the escalating violence there.151 Early August: State Dept. removes the last of three 6-man State Dept. security teams and a 16-man military SST team from Libya.152 August 2, 2012: Ambassador Stevens sends a cable to D.C. requesting "protective detail bodyguard positions" -- saying the added guards "will fill the vacuum of security personnel currently at post... who will be leaving with the next month and will not be replaced." He called "the security condition in Libya ... unpredictable, volatile and violent."153 August 8, 2012: A cable from Amb. Stevens to D.C. says "a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape" and calls them "targeted and discriminate attacks."154 Aug. 27, 2012: The State Department issues a travel warning for Libya citing the threat of assassination and car bombings in Benghazi/Tripoli.155 But apparently this awareness does not translate into improved security for the US embassy personnel.
148 149 150 151 152 153 154

2012 Sep 08 Libya

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3 days before the attack in Benghazi, Libyan security and military briefed US diplomats on deteriorating security in the area.156

2012 Sep 09 Middle East

2 days before the attack in Benghazi, the head of Egyptian Intelligence reported to US intelligence that a major attack was imminent against the USA in the Middle East, but he did not know where. US intelligence reportedly did not inform the State Dept. I read about this in the Israeli news media.

2012 Sep 11 Benghazi Tuesday

There was an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi Libya, 157 which led to the deaths of 4 members of the US diplomatic staff, and an explosion of questions, and conspiracy theories, which seemed to me to be partially designed to undermine President Obamas re-election campaign, part of the usual Washington DC nonsense, where people who hate Obama are true believers, like Birthers. But the US Dept of State handling of the antiIslam propaganda effort, seemed to me to be playing into right wing hands, such as Republicans running for re-election.

2012 Sep 11 Investigation Findings

According to State Dept Benghazi Accountability 2012 Dec158 39 page download: QUOTE

A series of attacks on September 11-12, 2012 involving arson, smallarms and machine-gun fire, and use of rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), grenades and mortars, focused on two U.S. facilities in Benghazi, as well as U.S. personnel en route between the two facilities. The terrorist attacks resulted in the deaths of four U.S. government personnel, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty; seriously wounded two other U.S. personnel and injured three Libyan contract guards; and resulted in the destruction and abandonment of the U.S. Special Mission compound and Annex. Responsibility for the tragic loss of life, injuries, and damage to U.S. facilities and property rests solely and completely with the terrorists
155 156 157 Benghazi is the second largest city in Libya. 158 2012 Dec 19 downloaded State Dept Accountability Report on Benghazi, thanks to NBC link thanks to NBC story


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who perpetrated the attacks. The Board concluded that there was no protest prior to the attacks, which were unanticipated in their scale and intensity.
Benghazi Security Inadequate

Systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department (the Department) resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place. Security in Benghazi was not recognized and implemented as a shared responsibility by the bureaus in Washington charged with supporting the post, resulting in stove-piped discussions and decisions on policy and security. That said, Embassy Tripoli did not demonstrate strong and sustained advocacy with Washington for increased security for Special Mission Benghazi. The short-term, transitory nature of Special Mission Benghazis staffing, with talented and committed, but relatively inexperienced, American personnel often on temporary assignments of 40 days or less, resulted in diminished institutional knowledge, continuity, and mission capacity.159
Libya Security neglected by Washington DC

Overall, the number of Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) security staff in Benghazi on the day of the attack and in the months and weeks leading up to it was inadequate, despite repeated requests from Special Mission Benghazi and Embassy Tripoli for additional staffing. Board members found a pervasive realization among personnel who served in Benghazi that the Special Mission was not a high priority for Washington when it came to security-related requests, especially those relating to staffing. The insufficient Special Mission security (SMC) platform was at variance with the appropriate Overseas Security Policy Board (OSPB) standards with respect to perimeter and interior security. Benghazi was also severely under-resourced with regard to certain needed security equipment, although DS funded and installed in 2012 a number of physical security upgrades.

In Al Mac opinion, having reviewed incident reports from other nations, this is a systemic problem for many US agencies operating outside USA.


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In the weeks and months leading up to the attacks, the response from post, Embassy Tripoli, and Washington to a deteriorating security situation was inadequate. At the same time, the SMCs dependence on the armed but poorly skilled Libyan February 17 Martyrs Brigade (February 17) militia members and unarmed, locally contracted Blue Mountain Libya (BML) guards for security support was misplaced. At the time of Ambassador Stevens visit, February 17 militia members had stopped accompanying Special Mission vehicle movements in protest over salary and working hours. Post and the Department were well aware of the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks but at no time were there ever any specific, credible threats against the mission in Benghazi related to the September 11 anniversary.160 Communication, cooperation, and coordination among Washington, Tripoli, and Benghazi functioned collegially at the working-level but were constrained by a lack of transparency, responsiveness, and leadership at the senior levels. Among various Department bureaus and personnel in the field, there appeared to be very real confusion over who, ultimately, was responsible and empowered to make decisions based on both policy and security considerations.
Local Security not competent

The Board found the responses by both the BML guards and February 17 to be inadequate. The Boards inquiry found little evidence that the armed February 17 guards offered any meaningful defense of the SMC, or succeeded in summoning a February 17 militia presence to assist expeditiously. The Board found the Libyan governments response to be profoundly lacking on the night of the attacks, reflecting both weak capacity and near absence of central government influence and control in Benghazi. The Libyan government did facilitate assistance from a quasi-governmental militia that supported the evacuation of U.S. government personnel to Benghazi airport. The Libyan government also provided a military C-130 aircraft which was used to evacuate remaining U.S. personnel and the bodies of the deceased from Benghazi to Tripoli on September 12.

I have read about reports that there were regional threats, which were non-specific to the site of this attack. Also, I have read about prior attacks at this site, which were escalating over time.


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The Board determined that U.S. personnel on the ground in Benghazi performed with courage and readiness to risk their lives to protect their colleagues, in a near impossible situation. The Board members believe every possible effort was made to rescue and recover Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith. The interagency response was timely and appropriate, but there simply was not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference. The Board found that certain senior State Department officials within two bureaus demonstrated a lack of proactive leadership and management ability in their responses to security concerns posed by Special Mission Benghazi, given the deteriorating threat environment and the lack of reliable host government protection. However, the Board did not find reasonable cause to determine that any individual U.S. government employee breached his or her duty.

2012 Sep 11 Washington DC in Confusion

In the alphabet soup of government agencies (so many, I am amazed anyone can keep track of what are supposed to have which roles), is the Counterterrorism Security Group, (CSG), which is supposed to know what resources every agency has. They know of multiple options and have the ability to coordinate counterterrorism assets across all the agencies, like FEMA is to natural disasters. CSG was not called upon to help coordinate response to this attack, says CBS News.161 As to why the Counterterrorism Security Group was not convened, National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor told CBS News "From the moment the President was briefed on the Benghazi attack, the response effort was handled by the most senior national security officials in governments. Members of the CSG were of course involved in these meetings and discussions to support their bosses." The Administration also didn't call on the only interagency, on-call, short notice team poised to respond to terrorist incidents worldwide: the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST). FEST's seasoned experts leave within four hours of notification and can provide "the fastest assistance possible." When asked why the FEST wasn't utilized, a State Department official said it was used previously in East Africa because of damage sustained to a U.S. Embassy "to help restore



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communications and other infrastructure support. In this case, that was unnecessary at Embassy Tripoli."162 As US Congress Committees get briefings on the events, we learn that different branches of US government may have somewhat different time lines of what happened when, and who knew what when. September 11, 2012: 9:43 a.m. Benghazi time (3:43 ET): Amb. Stevens sent cables to D.C., including a Benghazi weekly report of security incidents reflecting Libyans' "growing frustration with police and security forces who were too weak to keep the country secure."163 Hours before the Benghazi assault, nearly 750 miles away in Cairo, events were taking shape that would inform the early narrative surrounding the events in Benghazi: Around 12:00 p.m. (6:00 a.m. ET): The U.S. Embassy in Cairo releases a statement on its website disavowing a YouTube film named "Innocence of Muslims," which mocks the Prophet Mohammad. Later that afternoon, protesters who had gathered outside the embassy compound stormed the gates and tore the American flag down, replacing it with a black Salafist flag.164

2012 Sep 11 Libya 9 pm (3 pm ET)

Around 9:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m. ET): In the walled Benghazi compound, U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens says good night to the Turkish Ambassador Ali Kemal Aydin and retires to his room in Building C, a large residence with numerous bedrooms and a safe haven.165 Subsequent stories have a lot of conflicting info about the buildings in the US embassy compounds. They include: Tactical Operations Center (TOC); Diplomatic Security (DS) agents 3 based in Benghazi and 2 traveling with Stevens; Barracks by front gate, staffed by Libyan security guards.

9:40 p.m. (3:40 p.m. ET): Gunfire and an explosion are heard. A TOC agent sees dozens of armed people over security camera flowing through a pedestrian gate at the compound's main entrance.166 It is not clear how the gate was opened.

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The agent hits the alarm and alerts the CIA security team in the nearby annex and the Libyan 17th of February Brigade, one of several powerful militias serving as a de facto security presence in Benghazi. The embassy in Tripoli and the State Dept. command center were also alerted.167 State Dept. Diplomatic Security follows events in real time on a listen-only, audio-only feed, according to testimony of Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant director for international programs, given before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Oct 10.168 See Dec-11 claim that Congress wanted to hear Lambs testimony but were denied access.

2012 Sep 11 Libya 10 pm (4 pm ET)

Around 10 p.m. (4 p.m. ET): At the compound, several DS agents leave to get tactical gear from Building B. One stays in Building C with Ambassador Stevens and Info Officer Sean Smith. The mob sets fire to the 17th of February Brigade barracks on site. DS agent Scott Strickland moves Stevens and Smith to the closest area "safe haven" in Building C. Other agents, currently in Building B and the TOC come under attack. 169 The attackers get into Building C, lights furniture on fire, then the building's exterior. Stevens, Smith and Agent Strickland move to the bathroom and lie on floor but decide to leave safe haven after being overcome by smoke. Strickland goes out an emergency escape window. Stevens and Smith do not follow. Strickland returns several times but can't find them in the overwhelming smoke. He goes up to the roof and radios the other agents. Three agents return to Building C via armored vehicle. They search and find Smith's body, but not Stevens.170 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is told of the incident "shortly after it began at 4 p.m.," CBS News' Margaret Brennan reported Sept. 14. Clinton spoke to the Libyan President Mohammed Magariaf to "enlist his full support." Meanwhile, the U.S. military began moving an unarmed drone over Benghazi to provide real-time intelligence to the CIA team on the ground. It would take roughly an hour to arrive. 10:05 p.m. (4:05 p.m. ET): As the attacks began, the State Department Operations Center issued alerts to various government emergency watch lists including:
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the White House Situation Room (, the office of the Director of National Intelligence (, and the FBI ( 169 170


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The alerts were titled: "US Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack" -- "approx 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM (Chief of Mission/embassy) personnel are in the compound safe haven."171 Except, as we have found out later, there is no such thing as a safe haven. Also, we have yet to learn what kinds of alerts were sent out in the aftermath of the string of prior attacks on the US embassy, and on other nations embassies, in the months leading up to this assault. 10:25 p.m. (4:25 p.m. ET): A six-member CIA team arrives from the annex with 40 to 60 members of 17th of February Brigade.172 The team removes Smith's body. Around 10:30 p.m. (4:30 p.m. ET): Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and his top military adviser learn of the incident. 10:54 p.m. (4:54 p.m. ET): An alert from the State Dept. Operations Center: "the firing... in Benghazi has stopped. A response team is on site attempting to locate COM personnel."173 As we can see from the rest of the time line, the shooting had not in fact stopped.

2012 Sep 11 Libya 11 pm (5 pm ET)

11 p.m. (5 p.m. ET): Just ahead of the weekly meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey, White House National Security Advisor Tom Donilon tells President Obama of the attack and the fire at the main villa. The president and those officials discuss possible responses to the situation. 174 At the compound, the 17th of February Brigade says they can't hold the perimeter and withdraws.175 DS agents make final search for Stevens and leave with the CIA team in an armored vehicle heading for the annex, taking fire along the way. 176 When CBS News' Elizabeth Palmer later visited the compound in one of several trips to Libya, she found little evidence of an extensive firefight at the compound's walls and main gate, likely indicating the fiercest fighting occurred away from the compound.

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2012 Sep 11 Libya Midnight (6 pm ET)

Midnight (6 p.m. ET) Agents arrive at the annex, which receives sporadic small-arms fire and RPG rounds over a roughly 90-minute period.177 The security team returns fire and the attackers disperse. Over the next two hours, Sec. Panetta holds a series of meetings and issues several orders:178 Two Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) platoons stationed in Rota, Spain prepare to deploy - one to Benghazi and the other to the Embassy in Tripoli; A special operations team in Europe is ordered to move to Sigonella, Sicily - less than one hour's flight away from Benghazi; An additional special operations team based in the U.S. is ordered to deploy to Sigonella.

12:07 a.m. (6:07 p.m. ET): An alert from the State Dept. Operations Center states that the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli reports the Islamic military group "Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibilty for Benghazi Attack"... "on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."179 Around 12:30 a.m. (6:30 p.m. ET): A six-man security team, including two Defense Dept. personnel, leave Embassy Tripoli for Benghazi.180 1:30 a.m. (7:30 p.m. ET): The U.S. security team from Embassy Tripoli lands in Benghazi and learn that the ambassador is missing. They try to arrange for transportation into town, with the goal of locating Stevens.181

2012 Sep 12 Libya 4 am (Sep 11 US 10 pm ET)

4:07 a.m. (10:07 p.m. ET): Secretary Clinton issues a statement acknowledging the death of one State Dept. officer,182 known so far. 5:00 a.m. (11:00 p.m.): A second U.S. Predator drone arrives to relieve the first. 5:15 a.m. (11:15 p.m. ET): The U.S. Regional Security Office in Tripoli gets a phone call from an Arabic-speaking source who says a Westerner has been found in Benghazi and is perhaps at a hospital. It's believed to be Ambassador Stevens. Transfer to airport is arranged.183

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At around the same time, the additional security team finds transportation from the airport under the escort of the Libyan Shield, another local militia, but decides to head to the annex after learning that Stevens was almost certainly dead. Just after their arrival, the annex takes mortar fire, sustaining three direct hits. The precision of the attacks indicates a level of sophistication and coordination. 184 Former U.S. Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are killed in the mortar assault, which lasts just 11 minutes before dissipating; a DS agent and annex security member are severely wounded. After the mortar attack, about 30 Americans evacuate the annex and head to the airport, with the assistance of the Libyan security convoy. 185 Ambassador Stevens is confirmed dead later that morning, as Americans see his body at the airport Around 7:40 a.m. (1:40 a.m. ET): Unable to fit on one plane, the first wave of Americans - consisting of U.S. diplomats and civilians - departs Benghazi and heads to Tripoli, leaving behind security staff and bodies. 186

2012 Sep 12 Libya

Around 10:00 a.m. (4 a.m. ET): The second flight leaves Benghazi for Tripoli with U.S. security members and bodies. President Obama is told of Stevens' death.187 State Department tells all diplomatic posts around the world to review their security posture and to take all necessary steps to enhance it. Around 7 p.m. (1 p.m. ET): Americans are transported out of Tripoli on a C-17 military aircraft, heading for Ramstein, Germany. Around 8 p.m. (2 p.m. ET): U.S. special forces team arrives in Sigonella, Sicily, becoming the first military unit in the region.188 Around 9 p.m. (3 p.m. ET): A FAST platoon arrives in Tripoli.189 10:19 p.m. (4:19 p.m. ET) The C-17 carrying Stevens' body and the other Americans arrives in Ramstein. Thousands of Libyans participated in peaceful demonstrations in Benghazi and Tripoli, condemning terrorism and the Sept-11 attack, in support of the US government, and
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Ambassador Stevens, expressing regret at what had happened. 190 In the USA, the right wing labeled this news as photo shopped fakery, denying the demonstrations had even occurred.

2012 Sep 12 Public Reaction in US

Secretary Clinton informs the world of the death of Amb. Stevens, and has a video conference with the personnel evacuated from Libya. Pres Obama meets with State Dept staff. President Obama condemned this outrageous attack, speaking out against terrorism. He ordered that security be increased at all such facilities world wide. He sent to Libya: 50 US marines; two US navy destroyers; and at least one drone. 191 The FBI opens an investigation into the attack. There are conflicting stories what was said by various US officials when, regarding impact of the film, and what they thought they knew about the nature of the attack on US consulate; who in the US government knew about the security threats to Libya diplomats, independent of, and before the film came out; who in the US government knew about Libya diplomats requesting more security; Sep 18, CBS News' Elizabeth Palmer reports from Benghazi that witnesses say there was no protest outside of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on the night of Sept. 11. 192 As I have stated in my Drone research, I believe the US government has a serious problem with Group Think, where heads of government agencies, under peer pressure, are forced to give a story which is consistent with a party line, instead of identifying What they know, from personal research and observation, for a fact; What they are quoting was told them by whom, where they are relying on someone else for the facts; What they have been told to say, irrespective of what they believe to be true. When they got the info they are using in their statements. I believe this problem dates back at least to the alleged WMD in Iraq. I see the same pattern with: ATF providing guns to Mexico Drug Cartels; Benghazi attack particulars; US Drones killing people alleged to be totally innocent;

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2012 Sep 13 Thu

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The FBI reportedly will soon be interviewing the people evacuated from Libya to Germany. However, while the State Dept has supplied the FBI with a list of the survivors, Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R- UT) told Breitbart News193 Dec-13 that he has been thwarted by the State Department from seeing any Americans who survived the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi. 194 Marine anti-terrorist teams similar to the one sent to Tripoli land in Yemen to protect the U.S. Embassy in Sana'a, reports CBS News' David Martin. There are two more of these teams on standby but so far no plans to send them to particular embassies. 195 CBS News' Charlie D'Agata gets access to an injured Libyan guard based inside the consulate, who offers a firsthand account of the attack and makes the first mention of Blue Mountain, a British security firm contracted by the State Department that employed Libyans to conduct procedural security measures inside the compound, including x-rays of equipment.196

2012 Sep 14 Fri

The bodies of Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty are returned to the U.S. They are welcomed in a televised ceremony at Joint Base Andrews. Secretary Clinton publicly denounces the "Innocence of Muslims" video. Secretary Clinton makes multiple trips to the White House. There are protests around the Middle East, against the video. Some protesters try to invade embassy compounds, but are repelled by local police. CBS News' Charlie D'Agata interviews members of the 17th of February Brigade's VIP protection team involved in the evacuation and obtains exclusive photos of an injured American being evacuated to the airport from the annex under the brigade's escort. They put the total number of Americans evacuated from Benghazi at 32. 197

2012 Sep 15-16 Weekend

Libyan President Magariaf claimed "about 50" people had been arrested in connection with the attack.198 There were conflicting stories about alleged leaders of the attack, not yet arrested. CBS News' D'Agata is the first reporter to locate the secret CIA annex in Benghazi. He reports that the roof of the house is covered in mortars. CBS News broadcasts images of the helmets and bloodied flak jackets discovered there.199
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Part of the right wing propaganda machine. 195 196 197 198 199


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An article in the SLATE on Nov 28 wrote:200 QUOTE The weekend after terrorists attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, killing four officials including the ambassador to Libya, Susan Rice went on the talk shows to deliver the administrations position. The official line at the time was that the attack began as a spontaneous protestsimilar to the one that sparked violent demonstrations outside U.S. embassies in Egypt and elsewhereto an American-made anti-Muslim movie that had gone viral on the Internet. As it turned out, and as she explained in a meeting with senators on Tuesday, Rice was only reciting an unclassified talking points sheet prepared by the U.S. intelligence community. Acting CIA Director Michael Morrel, who joined Rice at the meeting, affirmed that those talking points were consistent with classified intelligence reports at the time. He also noted that, to the extent that Rices authorized comments differed from the top-secret version (for instance, they left out the finding that a jihadist group was involved in the attack), it was for security reasons. UNQUOTE One of the talking points was that this was a developing investigation, where this is what we know so far, later we may know more, and communicate more. One of the issues raised by critics is how long it apparently took the government to figure out more. As we learned over time, the Intelligence Community (IC) was hearing from a lot of sources that the official line at the time was correct. It was not immediately obvious to them, that the latest version of reality was more accurate. One branch of the IC presented classified and unclassified briefings to Congress, sharing the talking points memo, which was also distributed across the entire IC, many of which made adjustments to the text, before State Dept representatives spoke to the American public, using the latest IC talking points script. Many Republicans in Congress, vehemently attacked the Administrations presentation of reality, claiming that they, not IC, had changed the talking points, to exclude info which the IC briefings had clearly told Congress was classified information. It was not until much later, that it was shown that these Republicans were saying things which were probably politically motivated, not based in IC briefings. Thanks to these Republicans raising a storm of demand for answers, the IC and other elements of the Administration, have provided a multitude of follow-up briefings to Congress to clear the confusion out of the brains of all except those who continue to have an interest in causing political trouble.

200 can_attack_on_the_u_n_ambassador_over_benghazi.html

2012 Sep 17 Mon

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FBI officials say that they will not be going to the crime scene until they are sure they have substantial protection.201

2012 Sep 18 Tue

Secretary Clinton announces that the FBI has arrived in Libya. 202 The team remains in Tripoli. The right wing conspiracy theory propaganda machine will later claim that it took the FBI many weeks before they were able to get to Libya, giving all sorts of reasons how come this fantasy occurred, spawning lots of comment in news media and social media about the fantasy, by people who did not know it was a fantasy.

2012 Sep 19 Wed

Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matthew Olsen tells Congress that the Benghazi assault was "a terrorist attack on our embassy. 203

2012 Sep 20 Thu

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton formed a panel to investigate the Sept 11 incident in Benghazi, independent of the FBI investigation. 204 House Oversight Committee sends a letter to Secretary Clinton asking for information in regard to the attack. U.S. State Department spends $70,000 to buy ad time on seven Pakistani TV stations, featuring clips of Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama disavowing the film "Innocence of Muslims." The clips were taken from previous speeches from Mr. Obama and Clinton. Pakistan's government declares a national holiday to protest the film. 205 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivers a closed briefing to Congress. CBS News obtains a memo detailing injuries sustained by DS personnel in Benghazi: 206 "Special Agent David Ubben, was injured during the attacks on Consulate Benghazi. From the last I have heard, Dave repeatedly entered the burning Consulate to recover injured personnel, was involved in a heavy firefight, and at some point was struck by
201 202 203 204

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mortar shrapnel. David has been successfully evacuated to Tripoli, was stabilized and is currently in Germany for more medical treatment. David has suffered a serious compound fracture to his leg and shrapnel injuries to his head. As of our last communication, the doctors are optimistic that his leg will be saved but he may currently have some minor brain injuries. "

2012 Sep 21 Libya

Approx 30,000 Libyans participated in a demonstration against the militia believed to have been responsible for the attack on the US consulate.207 In the USA, the right wing labeled this news as propaganda, denying it occurred.

2012 Sep 23 Libya

The President of Libya demanded that all militias come under the government or disband. Many disbanded, turned over their weapons to the government. Previously the Libyan government had been unable to deal with the militias, but now there was a clear mandate of the Libyan people in opposition to what had happened at the US consulate. 208

2012 Sep 28
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence releases the following statement:209 "As we learned more about the attack, we revised our initial assessment to reflect new information indicating that it was a deliberate and organized terrorist attack carried out by extremists. It remains unclear if any group or person exercised overall command and control of the attack, and if extremist group leaders directed their members to participate. However, we do assess that some of those involved were linked to groups affiliated with, or sympathetic to al-Qa'ida."

2012 Oct
Information has come out, that before his death, Ambassador Stevens had informed Washington DC that the security situation in Libya was extremely violent, necessitating an improvement in embassy security, which had not been forthcoming. 210 Oct. 1: State Dept. security team reviews security camera footage of the attack in Benghazi for the first time.211

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Oct. 2: Secretary Clinton announces her appointees to the Accountability Review Board (ARB), which will conduct the probe of the events of Sept. 11. The board begins work the same week.212 The FBI had sent 2 teams to Libya, one for security, one for investigations. According to the Washington Post, they were in country by Oct 3.213 See Sep 18 for CBS news, about the arrival of the first team, Sep 18. Oct. 4: CBS News' Bob Orr reports the FBI arrived at the consulate in Benghazi, where it conducted an examination, collecting evidence and documentation to the extent possible given the time elapsed from the incident.214 The US State Dept announces an Accountability Review Board which will review the facts and circumstances of the attacks in Libya.215 Thomas Pickering, a retired U.S. ambassador, is Chair of the Board, assisted by Admiral Michael G. Mullen, Ms. Catherine Bertini, Mr. Richard J. Shinnick, and Mr. Hugh J. Turner III.

2012 Oct 10
Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant director for international programs, testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, according to CBS News time line.216 The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee holds a hearing into the attack, with testimony from Lt. Col. Wood, former regional security officer in Libya Eric Nordstrom, State Department's deputy assistant director for international programs Charlene Lamb and State Department's Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy.217 See Sept 11 9.40 Libya time, 3.40 pm ET, for some confusion over whether this hearing was a fantasy, because of alleged complaints by people in Congress being denied access to the very people who supposedly testified here. Lawmakers questioned the pre-attack security levels and the government's initial linking of the attack to the anti-Muslim film.

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Several members of Congress sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a list of recent serious attacks on the US Embassy and Consulate in Libya, clearly indicating a need for increased security there, wanting to know why security had not been increased.218 Colonel Hamid Hassi, a senior Libyan army officer, tells CBS News' Elizabeth Palmer that he believes American intelligence knows exactly where Ansar al Sharia, the group linked to the attack, are.219

2012 Oct 15
In an interview with CBS News' Margaret Brennan, Secretary Clinton first acknowledges that the State Dept. considered using outside assets to rescue those under siege in Benghazi but decided against it: "Well we considered everything and, um, we did as you know send additional assets from Tripoli. But it was a fast moving, very difficult assault to try to figure out. As you know, the assault on the post ended, there was a gap of time, then the assault on the annex, um, so everybody who had any responsibility was scrambling very hard to figure out what more could be done."220

2012 Oct 24
CBS News' Andres Triay confirms that government investigators are in possession of footage from security cameras at the U.S. compound.221 The quality is said to be "decent." CBS News' Margaret Brennan reports that the footage had been in Libyan custody for "weeks" until it was handed over to U.S. government investigators. 222 Brennan also confirms that there was no live video feed of the attack in Benghazi that was being viewed at Diplomatic Security headquarters during the night of the attack. CBS News' David Martin and Andres Triay confirm the arrest of a Tunisian suspect in Turkey who is believed to be involved with the attack. CBS News' David Martin reports a SIF team was activated in Italy and a destroyer moved off the coast of Libya during the attack.223 However, these elements were activated in light of the growing tensions in the region - protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Algeria - not necessarily to specifically relieve Benghazi.

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2012 Oct Petraeus Gate implicates Congress

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Virginia, knew in October about Petraeus' involvement in an extramarital affair, which had National Security implications.224 He found out from an alleged whistle blower with the FBI,225 whom he was told about by Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Washington, and another FBI person.226 One of these two FBI persons was later revealed, by an unnamed federal law enforcement official, Mon Nov 12, to have been the same one informed about the e-mails to Kelley, and who launched this FBI investigation. But at the time, when Cantors staff called FBI and DoJ HQ seeking confirmation of this info, they were was told the FBI could neither confirm nor deny the story.227 US Dept of Justice decides there will be no criminal prosecution in the Broadwell Petraeus case.228 Paula Broadwell, the woman David Petraeus had the affair with, said in a speech at the University of Denver, that the CIA was holding people prisoner at a secret prison at the Benghazi consulate annex, and that is why the place got attacked. 229 The CIA has denied this. In 2009, the CIA lost the legal right to hold prisoners, but there is a long history of the CIA sub-contracting with other organizations to hold prisoners on their behalf. In late October, Petraeus allegedly traveled to Libya to conduct his own review of the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.230 I say allegedly, because when the story about Petraeus broke, Dianne Feinstein, Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said she had been unable to confirm through official sources whether this visit actually occurred, or if it was a figment of the news media imagination. The Libya stop was part of a six nation trip to the region. Petraeus intended the review as a way to prepare for his upcoming testimony before Congress on Benghazi.

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Many in Congress want Petraeus to testify about everything he knows about Benghazi, but now Petraeus is telling friends he does not think he should testify, offering reasons for wanting to avoid testifying:231 1. Acting CIA Director Morell is in possession of all the information Petraeus gathered in conducting his review, and he has more current information gathered since Petraeus' departure; 2. and it would be a media circus.

2012 Nov 06 Tuesday Election Day

David Petraeus, director of the CIA, informs his boss, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper about the situation, who advises Petraeus to resign. 232 The FBI also notified DNI Clapper on Nov 06. We do not know which came first, the FBI notification of DNI, or Petraeus notification. The DNI called President Obama about this 5 pm Tues, which was the first that Obama knew about it.233 It just boggles the imagination that a member of the Presidents cabinet was under investigation by the FBI for 6 months, without the White House getting informed.

2012 Nov 08 Thursday

Petraeus visits the White House and offers his resignation234 to Obama, who thinks about it for a while, and accepts it the next day.235

Questions and Conspiracy Theories

In the days ahead, this fuels many questions and conspiracy theories. 236 Why was it necessary for him to resign? Timing of the resignation (Election, Benghazi) theres always SOMETHING going on, so it does not matter WHEN, there will always be conspiracy theories associated with the timing of something happening with an important subject or important person. Why did the FBI keep the President and Congress in the dark about this investigation, of such important people: David Petraeus (CIA Director) and General Allen (commander in Afghanistan).
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What impact will this have in Afghanistan, Pentagon strategies, and anywhere else where he had been a commander? Would the gmail tricks have worked, had Broadwell not used the same account for mundane e-mail? Reminder to everyone that the government can get into our private lives. Should heads of agencies get briefings on how to conceal your private lives, or leave them in their arrogance to believe they dont need to do so? The sordid life of the woman who launched the FBI investigation she and her husband would still be high society today, had her criminality not been exposed to the media, thanks to the FBI investigation. The importance of staying innocent if anyone harasses you, and you complain to the authorities, then your own dirty laundry is at high risk of being exposed. Time Line was David Petraeus still in the military when the affair started, and could he be prosecuted for violating military rules, when he is no longer in the military?

2012 Nov 09 Friday Petraeus resignation hits news

Some in Congress have questioned why this situation necessitated Petraeus resignation.237 Congressional aides claim that Congressional Intelligence Committees were totally in the dark about any FBI investigation involving Petraeus, until Nov 9. Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., complained that she first learned of the matter from the media late last week, and confirmed it in a phone call to the then-CIA director on Friday.238 "The committees are required to be kept informed of significant intelligence activities," the aide said Saturday Nov 10. "If there was an official investigation that was looking, at least in part, at information that was compromising the CIA director, then I think there's a solid argument to say that the committee leadership should have been notified to at least some level of detail."239 But former FBI assistant director Tom Fuentes told CNN on Monday Nov 12 that if, as the investigation progresses, the FBI is not "uncovering criminal activity" or a "breach of security" then "there really isn't a need" to notify members of Congress. 240 Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, former CIA director, and former member of Congress, disagrees. There is a responsibility to make sure that the intelligence

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committees are informed of issues that could affect, you know the security of those intelligence operations.241 Typically, FBI investigations of government officials, or anyone else for that matter, are kept confidential, to protect their privacy, and the integrity of the investigations, until such time that what has been found out rises to the level at which criminal charges should be brought. At that point, the Dept of Justice would be notified, and the subjects boss. The boss of the CIA director is the DNI, both of whom should inform the President. It is not the job of the FBI to notify the White House, that a member of the Cabinet, a person engaged in some of the most secret work of the US government, is under investigation by the FBI. Maybe it should be. Multiple members of Congress claimed that they are able to keep the nations secrets confidential, and thus they should have been notified.242 These people are either ignorant, or ignoring history. We all should remember: 1. Once upon a time, NSA was listening in on phone calls of alQ leaders, such as bin Laden. 2. Congress got a secret briefing about what US intelligence was learning from this. 3. A Congressional aide informed the news media. 4. alQ leaders stopped using phones and other electronic media. 5. This crippled US intelligence. 6. No one was held accountable. While the story broke, about the Petraeus-Broadwell affair, Jill and Scott Broadwell were having a romantic dinner.243 Here is the letter, which David Petraeus sent to CIA workers, explaining his resignation.244 Here is statement by now acting CIA Director Michael Morell, to CIA employees. 245 Here is public statement, by DNI James Clapper, regarding David Petraeus resignation. 246 Here is statement by Congressman Mike Rogers, regarding David Petraeus resignation. 247

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Some other high level US official is having a situation, just like Petraeus, which has not yet gone public. See footnotes for clues.248

2012 Nov 10 Saturday

Broadwell's book, ranked 76,792 on Amazon the day before, jumps to 111. 249

2012 Nov 11 Sunday

Members of Congress, in televised interviews, complain that they should have been notified much sooner, about the Petraeus investigation.250 Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta says the FBI referred the Allen matter to the Pentagon on Sunday.251 The info I have seen so far on sounds to me like absolutely nothing inappropriate happened with Allen. See my section on People in Petreaus Story, where I liken the stuff about Allen to a modern day Joe McCarthy witch hunt out of control. A driver's license belonging to Paula Broadwell was turned in on Sunday to the Maryland-National Capital Park Police, a park police spokesperson has confirmed.252

2012 Nov 12 Monday

FBI agents were at Broadwell's Charlotte, North Carolina, home late Monday. 253 Video from WCNC-TV showed a handful of people getting out of vehicles, carrying boxes and bags into the house, perhaps for the purpose of putting things into those boxes and bags to later carry them out again. None spoke to reporters, even when asked who they were.254 Panetta says he ordered the Pentagon inspector general to investigate Allen on Monday255. The Pentagon said Monday Nov 12 that the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, is under investigation for alleged "inappropriate communications" with a woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Broadwell. It was not yet
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clear, in initial news stories, which I saw, whether that is the same Kelley woman involved in the start of the FBI investigation, then later news stories confirmed yes, same woman.256 General Allens nomination to be the next commander of U.S. European Command and the commander of NATO forces in Europe is on hold, because of this. General Allen said that he and his wife shared the same e-mail account, and that the communications were between his wife and Kelley. He is not having an affair with Kelley. His wife is not having an affair with Kelley. The e-mails are innocent playful communications between two close friends. I guess if you are in the military, or an important person in Washington politics, having the same e-mail account as your spouse means the two of you trust each other, but your spouse can inadvertently get you in trouble with the rules of your job. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has a briefing on Benghazi. The news media reports, that high level sources confirmed, that David Petraeus knew about his own affair for a year.257 This is nuts.258 Everyone knows about their own affairs, unless they have serious brain disease which comes with old age. We remember major events in our life. I clearly remember some guys who tried to kill me several decades ago, where they blocked the highway and aimed long guns at me. There was no room to turn around, so I put the car in reverse, and put the pedal to the metal. I learned fast about steering backwards at excessive speed, while these guys were chasing me. I remember nothing about the day before, very little about the days after. I also clearly remember the first attempt on my life, which occurred when I was a teenager (I am now almost age 70). I so not remember the weeks before or after that event, other than the events surrounding my Dad learning that the accident was on purpose. I remember these events because they were unusual and spectacular.

2012 Nov 13 Tuesday

Bob Woodward had reported that David Petraeus had made a recent visit to Benghazi, before the story broke which led to his resignation. But as of Nov 13, the Senate Intelligence committee has yet to receive confirmation of whether Woodwards story is correct.259 As of Tuesday afternoon, the Park Police was still in possession of Paula Broadwells drivers license, which had been turned into them on Sunday. 260 Nov-13 C-Span has a call in show, discussing the resignation of David Petraeus. 261
256 257,30349/ 258 After re-reading the story, I realize it is from the Onion, a satire source. 259 260

2012 Nov 14 Wednesday

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House Intelligence Committee hosts a discussion of the FBI investigation (or Petraeus etc.) with the FBI, CIA acting director Michael Morell, and senior members of Congress.262 Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif, head of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Nov-14 that former CIA Director David Petraeus has agreed to testify to Congress about the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.263 No date for his testimony has been set yet, but it could be in a few days. President Obama has a news conference Nov 14.264 Many people are trying to untangle Paula Broadwells security clearances. 265 This raises in my mind, the security clearances of the FBI or other law enforcement authorities who raid the home and computer of someone who has security clearances, and classified material in their possession. Do the FBI agents, in the raid, have the proper security clearances to look at the material? Does the judge know, when approving the warrant, that the person to be raided, is someone with security clearances? If the FBI, or police, are keeping the investigation secret from the top of government, the agencies the people work for, then maybe they are unable to remain current on their clearances.

2012 Nov 15 Thursday

The CIA Inspector General has launched an investigation of David Petraeus conduct as director of the CIA.266 The Senate Armed Services Committee has scheduled a confirmation hearing on the nomination of Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, who is to replace Allen as commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, if Allen is indeed promoted.267 Negotiations started Nov-15 in Kabul, regarding whether any US troops are to remain in Afghanistan after 2014, and under what conditions. Pakistan drone attacks are justified, not because the targets pose a threat to the homelands of any NATO nations, but because they allegedly pose a threat to NATO military in Afghanistan. So if the troops are to remain there, the drone attacks will continue.
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For more info on the above, see Dunford Afghanistan Hearings. Congress will have hearing(s) regarding the events in Benghazi Libya.268 Petraeus was originally scheduled to testify there, but now Morell will testify for the CIA. 269 Some members of Congress say they also want to question Petraeus about Benghazi, however, when they had the opportunity to do so, some Republicans preferred to make statements to the news media, attacking the Administration. For more info on the above, see: Nov 14 news; Benghazi Narratives; Susan Rice. The Senate Intelligence Committee will be closed to the public, and shall include such topics as: The intelligence collection and threat reporting relating to Libya and other Middle East countries prior to the September 11 attack, how and when that information was disseminated, and what actions were taken in response; What is now known about the events of September 11 2012, who was responsible for the attack, and what efforts are being made to find and hold those responsible to account; The Intelligence Communitys collection capabilities in the Middle East and North Africa, to include the levels of funding and availability of intelligence personnel with language and other skills necessary to operate in that part of the world; and The level and adequacy of security at the State Department and other U.S. government facilities in the Middle East and North Africa, and whether current arrangements for providing security at these facilities are appropriate. Nancy Pelosi was interviewed on the Rachel Maddow show, on MSNBC, about what is known so far in the continuing investigation into the reasons why David Petraeus had to resign. Nancy said the standard should be: 1. Protect privacy of people 2. unless there is a known impact on National Security Nancy says, that from what we know so far, nothing criminal has been found, and nothing was violated with respect to classified matters. Days prior, to this interview, I had heard information about Scott & Jill Kelley, which sounded criminal, with respect to their Cancer Charity being used to fund lavish parties; and Paula Broadwell engaged in what sounds like cyber stalking.

268 269 CIA = Central Intelligence Agency


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GAO on Diplomatic Security Challenges

The Government Accountability Office, on Nov 15, 2015, came out with a relevant report.270 If you are unfamiliar with GAO reports, the summary is an extremely diplomatically phrased synopsis of what we may want to know. You have to read the detail report to find meaningful dirty laundry. The report explains the duties of Diplomatic Security, the scale of challenges, their funding, size of workforce, use of contractors. Then there is a laundry list of serious problems. It is shameful that the GAO has been telling Congress about this for years, and instead of fixing the problems, Congress uses the problems as an excuse to bash the President and his Administration. In 2009, GAO told State that a strategic review was needed. State agreed, said they planned one. Well we are thru 2012 and it has not happened yet. This is typical of GAO reports. After USAID screwed up big time with Haiti 2010 earthquake, I checked GAO reports prior to 2010. Sure enough, the GAO has been telling USAID to clean up their act for *decades* and each time USAID says we will do as you suggest, and here we are, same old same old screw ups. I have seen many criticisms, some of them unfounded. I hoped that GAO report could clear the air in some areas. Nope, no clarification whatsoever here. Are contractor personnel, used to protect US embassies, drawn mainly from patriotic Americans, or are they drawn from people in the local nations, whose loyalties are not towards US employer, but to their national and cultural interests, such that they would be tempted to undermine US security, when they think the US should be punished for that horrible film?
Our State Dept has expanded Diplomatic Security without the benefit of adequate strategic planning. There are some places so dangerous, that State should have closed our missions there. We should have a navy ship sitting off shore. You want to visit the US embassy? Go thru like TSA to get on ferry boat to take you to the navy ship, which has an embassy office there. Sometimes the places dangers are exacerbated by the rules of the local nation. Hey, if you are not allowed to arm your security guards on the perimeter defenses, then maybe you need an attack helicopter stationed on the roof of the facility, with military troops on board ready for instant take off, to fill the security gap until the nations forces are able to get to the scene. Despite growth in personnel, some places have severe staff shortages.

Summary = of GAO testimony before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Detail 13 pages = which I downloaded into my National Security collection Also see over a dozen related reports listed at the end of the detail report. GAO, State Department: Diplomatic Securitys Recent Growth Warrants Strategic Review, GAO10-156 (Washington, D.C.: Nov. 12, 2009). GAO, Iraq: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight, GAO-09-294SP (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 24, 2009). Overseas Security: State Department has Not Fully Implemented KeyMeasures to Protect U.S. Officials from Terrorist Attacks Outside of Embassies. GAO-05-642. Washington, D.C.: May 9, 2005.


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From 1998 to 2009, there were 39 attacks aimed at U.S. Embassies, Consulates, or Chief of Mission personnel (not including regular attacks against the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad since 2004). The nature of some of these attacks led Diplomatic Security to further adapt its security measures. Thats after the fact. How about acting on intelligence before the attacks? That concept is beyond their imagination.

Dunford Afghanistan Hearing

This 2 hour unclassified Nov-15 hearing was shown on C-Span. I watched most of it.271 Here is a summary of what I got out of it. C-Span often re-shows hearings, offers transcripts. Some are worth watching more than once, to extract info we may not have absorbed well the first time around. Chairman of committee = Carl Levin, D-Michigan. Vice-Chair = John McCain, R-Arizona Many members of the committee attended, with statements, questions. Some other Senators popped in to get their needs responded to. Q+A included from: Kelly Avotte R-New Hampshire Mark Begich D-Alaska Susan Collins R-Maine Linsey Graham R-South Carolina James Inhofe R-Oklahoma Joseph Lieberman I-Connecticut Jack Reed R-Rhode Island Jeff Sessions R-Alabama Mark Udall D-Colorado Jim Webb D-Virginia The plan was for the current commander of NATO in Afghanistan, General Allen, to be the next commander of U.S. European Command and the commander of NATO forces in Europe, but that is on hold, pending an IG 272 investigation of what FBI found out thru Petraeus-Gate. John McCain asked: Do you get Daily Briefings on Afghanistan? Dunford: Yes. McCain: You recently visited Afghanistan? Dunford: Yes. McCain says that many of Dunfords answers had been a promise to do an assessment or study if confirmed, or I have not been included in those conversations.273 Or I would assume. McCain wanted to know what Dunford knew for sure, from those briefings and visits. Dunford gave good answers.

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I admit I fell asleep in the middle. IG = Inspector-General. 273 For example, Dunford has not been included in whatever our Administration is doing with regional stability such as Pakistan-India, reconciliation for Taliban in Pakistan or Afghanistan.


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4 star General Dunford is currently the second highest ranking in the Marine Corps. His current job is Marine Corps Assistant to the Commandant. He has visited Afghanistan several times, is encouraged by the progress he has witnessed. As of his latest visit: 76% of Afghanistan is protected by the Afghan (military) security force, and Afghan local police, with NATO support. Significant improvement of Afghan forces in last 18 months. 80% of the violence is now where there is 20% of the population. Afghanistan has 5 geographical regions. Violence is decreating where Afghan forces are now protecting the people in urban centers. The Afghans and our forces are meeting key milestones. Capabilities of the enemy are diminishing. Capabilities of Afghans are improving. Dunford will be getting more info for the Senators, in response to various questions, info not at his fingertips at the hearing. For example, statistics on whats going on in Afghanistan. Compare same time period this year to last year. What exactly is going to change under sequestration? Many of the Senators asked about similar topics. Rather than my summary linking who asked what, I am doing a list of the topics here, with answers, grouped to try to help overall understanding. Senators on the Armed Services Committee had many concerns and questions: Why Afghanistan matters to the USA voter? o We invaded in the wake of 9/11 because there were Al Qaida sanctuaries there, which were being used for attacks on Americans. o The region is still ripe for them. We have the continued objectives of combating them. o We need to be sure that the new Afghan government can do what we have been doing. If we have a rapid pull out, it will destabilize Afghanistan, the Taliban will return, there will be a resurgence of Al Qaida, and we will be back where we were before 9/11 2001. What are metrics for success in Afghanistan? o Validity of the Afghan Government, its 2014 election, legitimacy in the eyes of the Afghan people. o The current structure of Afghan Government may not be an ideal fit to Afghan history vs. long term needs and sustainability. Can they make a smooth transition? o National Afghan military is now bigger than at any time in Afghan history, and more than they can sustain within their current resources. There will need to be post-2014 support from US and the Coalition. There was a Taliban attack, which fought their way onto a US military base in Afghanistan, and destroyed six helicopters, totaling $ 200 million. (my math = approx $ 30 million each.) Dunford says this is a force protection issue.


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48 rockets, made in Iran, were seized in Afghanistan. What level of Iranian activity is inside Afghanistan? Dunford will do a briefing on this outside the unclassified hearing. Insider attacks are up, since last year, but down in the last 2 months. This is a critical Force Protection issue. Hes impressed what has been done about this under Afghan and Gen Allen leadership, but we are dealing with an adaptive thinking enemy. Insider trouble is least with merged units, reflecting ethnic divisions and demographics of Afghanistan. Enemy initiated attacks are down. Al Qaida presence exists, but is not growing stronger. Al Qaida leadership is now 10 years younger, than at the start of the war. Pakistan has reopened permission for NATO hardware to leave via land route. Impact of that on cost of withdrawal. What hardware additions needed by Afghan military, such as an air force, drones. 68,000 US troops there now, the surge is gone. President Obama expects a steady US force draw down. Is that reasonable? If confirmed as General Allens replacement, Dunford will do an assessment of that. Former Warlords are calling upon a rise up against the Taliban, claiming the Kabul government is not up to the task, and NATO failing to do the job. Dunford confirms that Warlord rearming is a challenge. Security is in transition. Yes, we have all authorities needed for transition, and withdrawal. 16,000 is current size of Afghan local police (ALP), which has local leadership. 32,000 is goal size for ALP. They are now very popular, have been a serious and successful threat to the Taliban. 352,000 Afghan (military) security force size exists now, all recruited, training anticipated completion early 2013. Nature of that training. Pace of the training, impacting appropriate withdrawal of NATO forces. Ability of Afghanistan to sustain this size force, since it is much larger than at any time in Afghanistan history. Training focus includes: o Quality sustainability o Literacy with enhanced literacy in their military duty areas Literacy rate was much higher in Iraq o Rule of Law o Institutions o Leadership o Aviation o Counter-IED o Fire Support o Next 25 months will have additions to the critical pieces. 230,000 is the size the NATO conference in Chicago concluded was needed, and is anticipated will be the size in 2015. There are funding pledges to support it from a conference in Tokyo, which in turn depend on confidence in the next Afghanistan election. Levin and McCain think it should be larger than 230,000, and have lots of questions following up on this concern. If confirmed as General Allens replacement, Dunford will revisit the assumptions which led to this plan.


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He says what is most critical is a consistent narrative from the Coalition leadership, and the Afghan government. o Several Senators asked for hard #s for the record, of what was decided in the Chicago and Tokyo conferences, for the decade of Afghan transformation Dec 2014 to 2024. Dunford will get them that info. After 2014 troop withdrawal, what then? A repeat of Iraq? Lessons from Iraq. o Iraq is letting people go, whom USA detained for good reason. o We have no continuing presence in Iraq. Iran and al Qaeda are allegedly getting stronger there.274 o Assuming things go as planned, after 2014 the missions would be advising/assisting Afghan security with counter-terrorism (such as drones in Pakistan). o Enough time needs to be allowed for good negotiations. o Functions by the coalition must train/transfer to other control by the nation involved. o Force Protection Issues. o Afghan military will need Air Power, Helicopters, Counter-terror intel, drones. o Senator Graham asked Dunford to visit Iraq before final Afghan recommendations, because Iraq is coming apart the Senator said. $60 Billion was wasted by Contractors in Iraq & some went to the enemy. What more can we do to combat this in the future? o Dunford: Thanks for what Congress did. Weve stopped a lot of the abuses. Negotiations are in progress in Kabul regarding what happens after 2014, in which a Bilateral Security Agreement is anticipated. How important is this? o It is part of the long term commitment, which needs to give confidence to the Afghan people, and regional actors / capitals, about the long term security of Afghanistan, supported by the US Coalition. o This will change the calculus of Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, Coalition capitals, for their planning ahead. Pakistan stability needs Afghan stability. o Terrorist plans for day after we leave, will be foiled. o It needs to include protection for US military and contractors, where if they are accused of wrong doing, it will be resolved thru US courts. o Afghan legal system makes no distinctions between criminals and insurgents, which means there is catch & release back to the battlefield. The US wants Afghanistan to add administrative detention under the Geneva Convention.275 o Ideal time frame is to complete agreement not later than 1 year beyond prior agreement, that is 2013 May. Treaties need the involvement of Congress, as to content, approval, ratification. How come these military agreements exclude Congress?

Fortunately Iran and al Qaeda are bitter enemies of each other, something some US politicians sometimes seem to overlook. 275 This is an improvement over the Bush doctrine of reinterpreting the Geneva Convention.


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o Dunford says Treaties are binding, while these military agreements are not, so there is no need for Congressional involvement. o Senator Webb wondered why the British Parliament gets to discuss and vote on theirs, but not the US Congress. Can we accomplish the mission by withdrawing our 68,000 troops? Dunford believes the mission is doable, under the current plans. The Afghan forces will need US + Coalition support post-2014 to accomplish their mission. Faster withdrawal, if we cannot accomplish the mission? Dunford believes we can accomplish the mission. Senator Collins cited disturbing independent reports which paint a bleak picture about our alleged inability to defeat Al Qaida in the region, which includes Pakistan, and prevent its return. Dunford cited statistics contrary to those reports, and will provide additional info for the record. There are polls in Afghanistan indicating a high support of the Afghan people for both their new military, and their local police. Are those polls accurate? If confirmed as General Allens replacement, Dunford will look into the methodology of those polls. Guantanamo Bay will have no more additions. o Yes thats a challenge the Administration is addressing. o These enemies continue. What are the biggest strategic challenges moving forwards? o Afghan corruption continues to be serious, although progress has been made in the last 18 months. o Pakistan safe havens for our enemy, no progress made in last 18 months.276

Impeach Congress
Republicans are trying to find an excuse to impeach the President. They cannot stand it that the President is a non-white Democrat. This will be difficult when Republicans control the House of Representatives, but not the Senate. Who denied the money to upgrade embassy security staff? Democrats say it was Republicans in Congress. I just have their say so. I want to find citations. After the hearings, many politicians who attended the hearings, told the news media what they could share, which was unclassified. For an unexplained reason, Senator McCain did not attend the briefings. Instead he held a press conference to rail at the failure of the Administration to explain things, alleging a cover-up administrative conspiracy, all these topics were explained at the hearings he did not attend. When a CNN reporter asked why he did not attend, he said a scheduling error, and he had no opinion, and when pressed, he asked the CNN reporter Who the hell are you to question what I do and do not do, and not have an opinion on. This was widely covered by other media. The latest theory is

I should think we have gone backwards, due to drones killing many innocent people.


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that McCains actions are the opening guns of a Republican announcement that the next 4 years will be like the last 4 years, trying to tear down the Obama administration, and doing nothing to serve the needs of the nation. After Senator McCain cooled down, he told another reporter that everyone in Congress is followed around by reporters asking questions. Sometimes he talks nice to them. Sometimes he gets annoyed and tells them to take a hike. He swears it was a scheduling error, because there are many committees to attend every day. True, and that was something the 9/11 commission told Congress it needed to fix. Guess why it is not getting fixed.

Benghazi Narratives
Different agencies of government, and their leaders, have slightly different narratives, on: What happened in Benghazi? Who was responsible for the attacks in Benghazi? What requests did the Libyan embassy staff make for improved security, and who in Washington DC decided not to supply that improved security? How much of that was figured out at what point in time? Why there was confusion in the immediate aftermath of Sept 11 2012. When various spokespeople shared narratives with the nation and with the UN, were they sharing the latest best info figured out, or was there some spin? Were different stories supplied to Congress, and to other branches of government, and if so, who was editing those stories, controlling the flow of info delivery? Reports shared, with info later found to be incorrect. When it was found to be incorrect. What efforts were followed to give a correction heads up to the people who had been given the info, now known to have been incorrect, misleading, etc. Agencies of government, whose leadership are involved in briefings to Congress, for those politicians who are interested in hearing the truth, which does not include a lot of Republicans, include: CIA, current acting director, recently resigned director; DNI277 DoD278 Libya surviving diplomatic leadership State Dept Security leadership WH279 There are to be several days of hearing. Those testifying Nov-15 included: CIA acting director DNI IC280
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DNI = Director of National Intelligence DoD = Dept of Defense, The Pentagon 279 WH = White House


Petraeus in Scandals Joint Chiefs of the Military281 State Dept head of Security

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This classified Intelligence Committee briefing was focused on Benghazi, not PetraeusGate. At the start of the hearing, they saw a film composite, put together by NCTC (National Counter Terrorism Center),282 which showed what was observed, in real time Sept 11 2012, from multiple sources. Mistakes were made, yes, and they were identified. Why this is such a difficult area of the world for US IC: culture; language dialects; instability. Tough questions were answered, yes. There are a large number of conspiracy theories. I do not know if they were answered. These different departments, of US government, gave Congress a detailed chronology of what they knew, and when they knew it, explaining why at earlier points in the process, they did not have as good a picture as they had later, with respect to the role of demonstrators and al Qaeda. Some of this material is classified. After Congress has the whole story, the committees will share with the American public. Some Republicans dont like this system, a system they have approved for decades, and instead are calling for a Watergate style investigation. There are to be future hearings, to include such topics as: What Petraeus learned when he visited Libya after the attacks. Changing risks in Africa, and due to Arab Spring, which impact what changes should be made to US Foreign Policy.

Susan Rice, UN Ambassador

There are Republican politicians, FOX News, other right wing sources who claim: 1. IC283 produced talking points for the weekend, (which has been made controversial by Republicans during the recent election), with what had been figured out so far. 2. This info was supplied to Congress, State Dept, and WH. 3. Either State or WH, they dont know which, and they want an explanation of who edited the talking points, and why, took out some of the info, when the talking points were passed to Susan Rice. 4. Susan Rice then spoke to the nation, and the world, with the falsified story. Politicians who attended the IC briefings say that this is a false narrative. This includes Republican and Democratic heads of the committees, sub-committees which were

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Intelligence Community Highest ranking persons in the military. The only people higher are the Secretary of Defense, the President, and people in the White House who run military operations outside of the military and CIA, such as drone decisions. 282 283 IC = Intelligence Community


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briefed, and lower ranking individuals, who listened to the briefings, and asked questions at them. They say that there was classified material, and unclassified material. They say that the info given out by Susan Rice over the weekend was EXACTLY the same unclassified info that IC gave to Congress that weekend, and that it included the statement that this was an evolving investigation, and this is what the IC believes right now.

2012 Nov 16 Petraeus Benghazi Testimony

After Petraeus testified about classified materials to the Senate Intelligence Committee, a parade of politicians told the news media what they could relay, which was unclassified. There are many classified things they heard from Petraeus, which they are not at liberty to share. Petraeus had provided Congress with a download of all that he knew about Benghazi. He had been the most senior US government person to visit Libya since the Benghazi attack. He clarified many issues which had been cloudy for some politicians. This has now been the second of two days of testimony. There are two more sessions ahead. Some info is classified, may not be shared with the media. Some info is still under investigation. How did the group penetrate our facilities? Who were they? Al Qaida still exists as a threat to the USA, as do other groups with similar goals. Q+A at the meeting included: Had the Intelligence Community info been accurate sooner, would it have made a difference? No different reaction would have occurred. False intelligence a few years ago made a huge difference. The notion that we must invade Iraq because of the WMD there, that made a huge difference. It got 4,486 US soldiers killed, and a hell of a lot more Iraqis. This info did not come from the Intelligence Community, in fact the CIA at the time said the WMD story was untrue. This story came from Republicans. There is no question Benghazi was an act of terrorism, everyone knows that NOW, that it was not demonstrators, because of the timing of demonstrations around the Middle East, protesting the film, and the weapon systems brought to bear. However, at the time that Susan Rice CORRECTLY communicated the talking points delivered by the Intelligence Community, there was A LOT of contrary information to analyze.


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The notion that the Benghazi attack emerged from a demonstration came from 12 separate sources in Libya, which thought that was the truth. It took a while for the Intelligence Community to figure out that the 12 sources were wrong, and that it really was an enemy plan. Once they had figured this out, they told both Congress and the Administration the same story. Susan Rice had done exactly the right thing. She communicated talking points precisely in agreement with unclassified information that the entire Intelligence Community had signed off on, as being Ok to communicate. What Patraeus earlier communicated to Congress, in an unclassified briefing, was entirely consistent with what Susan Rice told the general public. There was other info which was classified, and apparently some Republican Senators and Congressmen are confused about the difference between classified and unclassified. John McCain complained about the Afghans releasing a person who had made a terrorist attack on Americans.

Susan Rices fan club

A group of 9 women members of the Congressional Democratic Caucus, speaking for themselves and other women in Congress, spoke out against Republicans who had been making offensive and unpatriotic attacks on Susan Rice. They never called a white man unqualified or untrustworthy. This is sexist and racist. If getting some info wrong, which someone else gave you (the Intelligence Community), makes a person unqualified, does that make McCain unqualified to be a Senator, because he got so much wrong? These men lost the election. They are disappointed, angry, disoriented, lashing out at people who had nothing to do with your loss, who serve the USA with distinction. Their attacks are unworthy of their responsibilities. Any time there is any alleged problem, they pick on women and minorities. These haters need to look in the mirror. Your hatred is not accomplishing anything, other than to divide our nation. These men, did not wait for results of investigations.284 They are not interested in getting the facts, they are only intereed in ranting and raving conspiracy theories. They lunged, shoot the messenger, scoffing at the notion that Susan Rice relied on intelligence data. The entire Intelligence Community says she did, but these Republicans are in denial that when she said she was sharing info then available, in a developing situation of what we knew over time, which was exactly the same info the Intelligence Community had supplied to Congress at the same time. She said the info was preliminary, what we know so far.

We know that there are at least two on-going investigations, what Congress itself has been doing, and the independent Pickering panel.


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At the time, the unclassified story was that the attack followed a spontaneous demonstration earlier that day. The Intelligence Community had considerable information that was in fact the truth. There is no evidence whatsoever that there was any false info from: Susan Rice President Obama The Administration

2012 Nov 19 Monday

Reuters reports that Republicans are calling for Susan Rice to testify next, in a showdown that is sure to be uglythough good theater.285 The news media is now widely reporting that Susan Rice was falsely accused. It was the Intelligence Community, which prepared the Benghazi Talking Points for both Congress and the Administration, and defined what was classified.286 Several Republicans were apparently confused, ignorant, or being deliberately provocative with false allegations. The unclassified talking points were first developed by the CIA at the request of the House Intelligence Committee, whose members wanted to know what they could say publicly about the Benghazi attack. When the document was sent to the rest of the intelligence community for review, "al Qaeda" was changed to "extremists," for legitimate intelligence and legal reasons, not for political purposes. "The intelligence community made substantive, analytical changes before the talking points were sent to government agency partners for their feedback," said Turner, spokesman for National Intelligence Director James Clapper. The FBI requested a change in language which originally stated the U.S. "knew" Islamic extremists participated in the attack. The wording was changed to "there are indications" Islamic extremists participated. The White House said it made only one change, substituting the word "mission" for "consulate.".

What is Ansar al Sharia?

Former CIA Director Petraeus told lawmakers last Friday (Nov-16) there were multiple streams of intelligence, some that indicated Ansar al Sharia was behind the attack. But other intelligence indicated the violence at the Benghazi mission was inspired by protests in Egypt over the anti Muslim video

Here is CNN addressing What is Ansar al Sharia, and their role at Benghazi? 287

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Ansar al Sharia is more a label than an organization, one that's been adopted by conservative Salafist groups across the Arab world. The name means, simply, "Partisans of Islamic Law." Just because the assailants carried the black flag often associated with Salafist groups, it did not mean Ansar al Sharia was responsible. A CNN analysis of photographs of a large Islamist parade in Benghazi in June -- and similar shows of strength elsewhere -indicates the flag is widely used by Libyan Islamist militia. In Libya, the group's central belief is that all authority is derived from the Prophet Mohammed, that democracy is un-Islamic and that other branches of Islam, such as the Sufi, are heretical.

2012 Nov 25 Sun

Chris Jenks288 writes that getting US personnel in Afghanistan to not be under Afghanistan judicial system, after 2014, may be a deal breaker.289 The USA tried to get the same deal in Iraq, failed, so instead of 10,000+ troops left behind, it was 150-.

2012 Nov 26 Mon

From the perspective of the Democrats, and the news media which reports the Democratic side, the handful of Republican leaders who are ganging up on Susan Rice, are doing so for no legitimate reason, other than to block the Democratic Administration from accomplishing anything useful.290

2012 Nov 27 Tuesday

Lawfare writes that:291 Susan Rice met today with Sens. McCain, Graham, and a new musketeer, Sen. Kelly Ayotte. Scott Wong of the Politico has the story, as do Sara Murray of the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press. Unfortunately for Ms. Rice, her efforts to mollify GOP senators seem to have fallen flat.

2012 Nov 29
The Senate Judiciary Committee announced that it will be voting Nov. 29 on whether to advance legislation that would require authorities to obtain a probable-cause warrant to get access to all e-mail and other content stored in the cloud, just as a warrant is required to search a car or house.292

[Chris Jenks is an assistant professor of law at SMU Dedman School of Law. He previously served as chief of the US Armys international law branch where his responsibilities included foreign criminal jurisdiction (FCJ) over US service members.] 289
290 can_attack_on_the_u_n_ambassador_over_benghazi.html 291 292


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Lawfare reports,293 QUOTE 1-800-Benghazi: Thats not the phone number, but the FBI is seeking tipsby phone, text, or emailfrom anyone with information about the Benghazi attack, says Carol Cratty of CNNs Security Clearance blog.294 UNQUOTE

2012 Dec 4 Tu
Cryptome tells us about Black Water Fever.295

2012 Dec 6 Thu

Lawfare tells us that SecDef Leon Panetta has announced296 that President Obama intends to nominate Gen. Lloyd Austin as the next commander of CENTCOM to replace General James Mattis.297

2012 Dec 8 Sat

According to CBS News, the US State Dept Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) now has a High Threat Unit to prioritize responding to situations like Benghazi, where reports of serious threats got buried in the ho hum day to day traffic, and did not get the priority attention they deserved.298

2012 Dec 9 Sun

Lawfare, and other news media,299 tells us more about the costs300 for Afghan-US agreement for what comes after 2014. Major challenges include: Theres lots of stuff Afghanistan wants, that apparently the USA wont agree to. Theres stuff the USA wants, which apparently is unacceptable to Afghanistan. Afghan and US governments disagreement over criminal jurisdiction over U.S. service members (much as happened previously vis-a-vis Iraq).301 Afghan vs. US custody, and release, of detainees captured on Afghan soil. Afghans want no more US prisons on Afghan soil, and accuse the US of violating an earlier agreement on this subject.302
293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301


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The US wants the Afghan court system to make a distinction between violations of law, and acts of war, so detainees are not released early, back to the fighting. Afghan government wants the US to cease raids on Afghan towns and villages, without Afghan government approval. Afghan government wants US and NATO to stop creating corruption in Afghanistan.303 Afghanistan wants the US to turn over control of airspace over Afghanistan, and to fund a larger Afghan Air Force. Validity of Peace Talks with the Taliban.304 Remember that there have been peace talks with the Taliban various places, then the US made military strikes on those peace conferences.305 Other nations now want a commitment in advance from the USA that there will be no such interference with such peace talks.

2012 Dec 10 M
The New York Times informs us that a new Pentagon report has found that only one of the Afghan National Armys 23 brigades is able to operate independently without air or other military support from the United States and NATO partners. The Report on Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghanistan, is required twice a year by Congress.306

2012 Dec 11 Tu
According to the Washington Free Beacon, a classified hearing was told that no shots were fired by US Security, in defense of the attack on the Benghazi compound.307 CBS news is cited as their source.308 I have several problems with this report. The articles cite various people the hearings had wanted to hear from, but not yet heard from. But I watched, on C-Span, after the Congress people exited the hearings. They got to hear from a hell of a lot of high level people. So just because they were denied access to a few people, does not mean they were denied access to all the info they had been seeking. One of the claims is that Congress was denied access to testimony by Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant director for international programs, who testified before

302 303 304 305 Details in my Drone Dates and Drone Terms. 306 307 308


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the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Oct 10, according to CBS News time line.309 See Sept 11 9.40 Libya time, 3.40 pm ET. Classified hearings are supposed to be confidential from the public, so anyone, saying what was revealed there, is either doing treason, or making up a story. From other stories, I have heard that US Security was prohibited from having any weapons, by order of the local government, and Libya is not the only nation with such rules for embassies. From other stories, I have heard that what was being used for US Security was locally hired contractors, whose loyalty was to their local religion and culture, which was outraged about the video, so they thought the USA deserved to be punished.

2012 Dec 13 Th UN Ambassador Susan Rice withdraws her name as a candidate for Secretary of State, because of Republican opposition.310 Her withdrawal leaves Sen. John Kerry
(D-Mass.) as the leading candidate for the job. Former Senator Chuck Hagel of (R-Nebraska) has emerged as a solid candidate to run the Pentagon, though a final decision has not been made. For the CIA, Obama is deciding between acting director Michael J. Morell and deputy national security adviser John Brennan, who has yet to tell the president whether he would accept the job. The European Court of Human Rights condemned Macedonia's illegal transfer of Khaled El-Masri into CIA custody and found that his abusive treatment at Macedonia's airport by the U.S. rendition team "amounted to torture." El-Masri is a German citizen who, in 2003, was mistaken for another person and tortured for 4 months by the USA, trying to extract info which that other person may have had. The court also found that his abduction and detention including the time he was in U.S. custody constituted "enforced disappearance" under international law.311 The court's ruling is available here.312 The US Senate accepted a classified report on CIA rendition and torture, and is closing that investigation.313

309 310 311



2012 Dec 19 Wed reports

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GAO comes out with a relevant report. Afghanistan Drawdown Preparations: DOD Decision Makers Need Additional Analyses to Determine Costs and Benefits of Returning Excess Equipment, GAO-13-185R, December 19 Podcast - Some of that equipment might be what Afghanistan needs to purchase from USA, and it might be better for USA to sell whats there, then use the money in USA to replace with higher state-of-art. It is unclear to me exactly when the State Dept Benghazi Accountability 2012 Dec314 39 page report came out, but it was Dec-20 when I read it: QUOTE

With the lessons of the past and the challenges of the future in mind, the Board puts forward recommendations in six core areas: Overarching Security Considerations; Staffing High Risk, High Threat Posts; Training and Awareness; Security and Fire Safety Equipment; Intelligence and Threat Analysis; and Personnel Accountability.
(1) Overarching Security needed

The Department must strengthen security for personnel and platforms beyond traditional reliance on host government security support in high risk, high threat315 posts. The Department should urgently review the proper balance between acceptable risk and expected outcomes in high risk, high threat areas. While the answer cannot be to refrain from operating in such environments, the Department must do so on the basis of having: 1) a defined, attainable, and prioritized mission; 2) a clear-eyed assessment of the risk and costs involved; 3) a commitment of sufficient resources to mitigate these costs and risks;


2012 Dec 19 downloaded State Dept Accountability Report on Benghazi, thanks to NBC link thanks to NBC story 315 The Board defines high risk, high threat posts as those in countries with high to critical levels of political violence and terrorism, governments of weak capacity, and security platforms that fall well below established standards.


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4) an explicit acceptance of those costs and risks that cannot be mitigated; and 5) constant attention to changes in the situation, including when to leave and perform the mission from a distance. The United States must be self-reliant and enterprising in developing alternate security platforms, profiles, and staffing footprints to address such realities. Assessments must be made on a case-by case basis and repeated as circumstances change. The Board recommends the Department re-examine DS organization and management, with a particular emphasis on span of control for security policy planning for all overseas U.S. diplomatic facilities. As the Presidents personal representative, the Chief of Mission bears direct and full responsibility for the security of [his or her] mission and all the personnel for whom [he or she is] responsible, and thus for risk management in the country to which he or she is accredited. In Washington, each regional Assistant Secretary has a corresponding responsibility to support the Chief of Mission in executing this duty. Regional bureaus should have augmented support within the bureau on security matters, to include a senior DS officer to report to the regional Assistant Secretary. The Department should establish a panel of outside independent experts (military, security, humanitarian) with experience in high risk, high threat areas to support DS, identify best practices (from other agencies and other countries), and regularly evaluate U.S. security platforms in high risk, high threat posts. The Department should develop minimum security standards for occupancy of temporary facilities in high risk, high threat environments, and seek greater flexibility for the use of Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) sources of funding so that they can be rapidly made available for security upgrades at such facilities. The Secretary should require an action plan from DS, OBO and other relevant offices on the use of fire as a weapon against diplomatic facilities, including immediate steps to deal with urgent issues. The report should also include reviews of fire safety and crisis management training for all employees and dependents, safe haven


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standards and fire safety equipment, and recommendations to facilitate survival in smoke and fire situations. Tripwires are too often treated only as indicators of threat rather than an essential trigger mechanism for serious risk management decisions and actions. The Department should revise its guidance to posts and require key offices to perform in-depth status checks of post tripwires. The Board supports the State Departments initiative to request additional Marines and expand the Marine Security Guard (MSG) Program as well as corresponding requirements for staffing and funding.
(2) Staffing High Threat, High Risk, Diplomatic Posts

The Board strongly endorses the Departments request for increased DS personnel for high- and critical-threat posts and for additional Mobile Security Deployment teams, as well as an increase in DS domestic staffing in support of such action. The Department should assign key policy, program, and security personnel at high risk, high threat posts for a minimum of one year. For less critical personnel, the temporary duty length (TDY) length should be no less than 120 days. The ARB suggests a comprehensive review of human resources authorities with an eye to using those authorities to promote sending more experienced officers, including When Actually Employed (WAE) personnel, to these high risk, high threat locations, particularly in security and management positions for longer periods of time. The Department needs to review the staffing footprints at high risk, high threat posts, with particular attention to ensuring adequate Locally Employed Staff (LES) and management support. High risk, high threat posts must be funded and the human resources process prioritized to hire LES interpreters and translators.


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The Department should enhance its ongoing efforts to significantly upgrade its language capacity316, especially Arabic, among American employees, including DS, and receive greater resources to do so.
(3) Training and Awareness

A panel of Senior Special Agents and Supervisory Special Agents should revisit DS high-threat training with respect to active internal defense and fire survival as well as Chief of Mission protective detail training. The Diplomatic Security Training Center and Foreign Service Institute should collaborate in designing joint courses that integrate high threat training and risk management decision processes for senior and mid-level DS agents and Foreign Service Officers and better prepare them for leadership positions in high risk, high threat posts. They should consult throughout the U.S. government for best practices and lessons learned. Foreign Affairs Counter Threat training should be mandatory for high risk, high threat posts, whether an individual is assigned permanently or in longer-term temporary duty status.
(4) Security and Fire Safety Equipment

The Department should ensure provision of adequate fire safety and security equipment for safe havens and safe areas in nonInman/SECCA317 facilities, as well as high threat Inman facilities. There have been technological advancements in non-lethal deterrents, and the State Department should ensure it rapidly and routinely identifies and procures additional options for non-lethal deterrents in high risk, high threat posts and trains personnel on their use.


In my readings of challenges in other nations, it is evident to me that this is a systemic challenge with US foreign policy activities, where US personnel are sent to nations, where they are totally ignorant of the language, culture, etc. of where they get posted. 317 Inman buildings are diplomatic facilities that meet the mandatory minimum physical security standards established after the 1985 Inman Report about the 1983 Embassy and Marine barracks bombings in Lebanon. SECCA refers to the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999, passed by Congress after the 1998 Nairobi and Dar es Salaam Embassy bombings. SECCA mandated setback and other standards for newly acquired diplomatic facilities.


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DS should upgrade surveillance cameras at high risk, high threat posts for greater resolution, nighttime visibility, and monitoring capability beyond post.
(5) Intelligence and Threat Analysis

Post-2001, intelligence collection has expanded exponentially, but the Benghazi attacks are a stark reminder that we cannot over-rely on the certainty or even likelihood of warning intelligence.318 Careful attention should be given to factors showing a deteriorating threat situation in general as a basis for improving security posture. Key trends must be quickly identified and used to sharpen risk calculations. The DS Office of Intelligence and Threat Analysis should report directly to the DS Assistant Secretary and directly supply threat analysis to all DS components, regional Assistant Secretaries and Chiefs of Mission in order to get key security-related threat information into the right hands more rapidly.319
(6) Personnel Accountability

The Board recognizes that poor performance does not ordinarily constitute a breach of duty that would serve as a basis for disciplinary action but is instead addressed through the performance management system. However, the Board is of the view that findings of unsatisfactory leadership performance by senior officials in relation to the security incident under review should be a potential basis for

My Drone Terms notes also have many instances of US intelligence and judicial efforts which are stove piped to the extreme, and staffed with systems and personnel whose training is totally inadequate for their responsibilities. Do a search in there for suggestion to find scores of suggestions by me for how this challenge can be mitigated. 319 State Dept Intelligence is only one of maybe 20 in the official Intelligence Community (IC) while the US government has scores of additional Intelligence resources throughout the entire federal government and 50 states, which are heavily stove piped. This madness is long overdue for rethinking. The Church Commission found serious abuses by IC and law and order enforcement (LEO), and enacted reforms, which replaced people who knew security, but not the US constitution, with people who knew the US constitution, but not security, which left us open to 9/11 2001 and other risks. After 9/11 2001, we moved in the direction of repeating the abuses the Church Commission found, without fully repairing security. What the US needs is an IC and LEO system which is competent in all desirable areas: security; technology; and the US Constitution, not trade off one area or other area.


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discipline recommendations by future ARBs, and would recommend a revision of Department regulations or amendment to the relevant statute to this end. The Board was humbled by the courage and integrity shown by those on the ground in Benghazi and Tripoli, in particular the DS agents and Annex team who defended their colleagues; the Tripoli response team which mobilized without hesitation; those in Benghazi and Tripoli who cared for the wounded; and the many U.S. government employees who served in Benghazi under difficult conditions in the months leading up to the September 11-12 attacks. We trust that the Department and relevant agencies will take the opportunity to recognize their exceptional valor and performance, which epitomized the highest ideals of government service.

2015 Troops still in Afghanistan

Pakistan drone attacks are justified, not because the targets pose a threat to the homelands of any NATO nations, but because they allegedly pose a threat to NATO military in Afghanistan. So if the troops are to remain there, the drone attacks will continue.

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