Civilization Book4

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Noah Arrick
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This is an image of the landscape of Noatopia. You can see the grassy planes, twisting river and majestic mountains in the background.

A large expanse of dry, tall grass stretched over the at plain, as rolling foothills popped up in the background. A twisting river brought water to the vari1
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ous animals of the plain, including snakes, mice, deer and birds. Fish swam freely in the owing water, easy pickings for a meal. The tall, green trees scattered

amongst the valley served as homes for the birds, but could also have their trunks cut down for tools, weapons or irrigation pipes. Some heavy plowing would be needed to have soil reasonable enough for farming, and because the dirt was so parched, lots of watering would make a huge difference in the effort to make good farming soil. The trees also served as shade in the day, for the searing sun shone endlessly on the land with little clouds blocking its glare. Judging by the light blue sky, the season seems to be summer. The entire estate lay under a blanket of peace and quiet, with only the chirping of nearby birds and the rustling of the soft breeze breaking the bliss. To live in Noatopia would be a dream, to eat from
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the fresh fruit hanging delicately from the trees; to drink the cool refreshing water from the winding river; or even to lay in the smooth, tickling grass sleeping under the unending black veil that is the night sky. To the north the mountains towered over the valley, surrounding them, almost like guardians of the quiet. Clouds darkened over the mountains, swirling and brewing, but the mountains remained triumphant, and broke up the storm until when the clouds reached the valley, only wisps still oated in the air. Upon this land will be born the civilization of Noatopia. A civilization whose design has been inspired from the study of past civilizations such as the Mayans, the

Aztecs, the Romans, the Greeks, the Arabs, and many more. This book will document the steps needed to be taken for the design of a successful civilization; specically in regards to modications of the physical environment, infrastructure development, and the favorable characteristics of government, spiritual belief systems, and culture.

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Man is a child of his environment ~ Shinichi Suzuki

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Human Changes to the Land

Minecraft replica of Irrigation Canals

Part I - Analysis of the Problem ! The rst step in building a successful civilization is to secure basic human needs such as food, shelter, and clothing.
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Due to its geography, the major challenges the civilization of Noatopia faces in achieving a basic food supply and water include the following:

1. The dry plains of Noatopia would be difcult to farm on because of the soils hard and dehydrated state. Intense watering would be needed in order to make the soil in shape for planting crops, not including clearing a big enough space for farming, and the tall grass enclosing Noatopia would be a obstacle in that process. If people would not be able to water and clear a space big enough for farming, the civilization would be without food and eventually would perish. 2. A grassy plain is difcult to start a civilization due to the fact that the only water source for the entire plain is one winding river, and if that river were to

dry up, the entire civilization of Noatopia will be without water for bathing, farming and drinking. Without water to complete these basic needs, Noatopia will die.

Part II - Proposed Solutions ! In order for a civilization to thrive, it rst must modify the environment around it in order to survive. A modication is when a civilization changes the environment around it to t the needs in order for the civilization to survive. It is extremely important that a civilization nds out a way to modify the environment around them to develop a sustainable and reliable food and water supply. For

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:55:38 AM Pacic Standard Time


example, cutting down trees for shelter would be an example of a modication because people would be taking what the environment gives them in order to create a house to live in. If people were not able to do this, their civilization would not be successful. ! Because Noatopia is located in a grassy and dry environment, it would be difcult to develop a piece of land suitable for farming, which would lead to people having no food. A solution for the problem would be to dig irrigation canals, which would stretch from the river, to the farmland. These canals would be dug using stone or wooden tool, and would be dug so that the canal could

Irrigation Canal

This canal is located in Mesopotamia and runs from the Euphrates River.

branch out to reach as many farms as possible. The canals would water the land and make it more convenient for citizens of Noatopia to water it themselves. This would also allow people to grow food in order to survive. This modication that Noatopians would make to their civilization to grow crops is similar to the modi7

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:55:38 AM Pacic Standard Time


cations that Mesopotamia made in order to maintain a successful civilization. Mesopotamians farmers had a hard time watering their crops, and almost mainly relied on rain to water them. By 5000 B. C. E., farmers could not produce enough food for the increasing amount of people, and towns began to suffer from food shortages. They built irrigation canals, which stretched from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, to their crops. The canal branched out and divided itself in order to reach everyones crops. Buy digging these elaborate canals, Mesopotamians were able to water their crops in their dry environment. Irrigation has advanced immensely from the time of the Mesopotamians, and now is constructed so that water
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runs through narrow, rubber pipes to crops and plants, where the water then drips constantly through small holes in the pipes to water plants. This is called drip irrigation, and can be found in any modern garden. ! Noatopians would rely on the river stretching through their civilization in order for bathing, cooking, farming and drinking. But, if the river where to dry up, Noatopians would be without water for these basic needs. To x this problem, the people of Noatopia would build trenches; deep, covered holes lled with water. These trenches would be dug with the help of the entire civilization, for they would need to be really deep in

order to maintain enough water for an entire civiliza tion. Once Water well constructed with cement bricks. the trench is deep enough, a path for water to ow from the river to the trench will be dug, so that the trench can be lled up. Then, the trench will be covered by a wooden boards tied together, so that the water inside the trenches does not evaporate and is protected from animals. Trenches would benet the civilization because the water inside the trenches would be used as a back-up plan incase the river were to desiccate, and since the trenches would
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Water Well

be covered, the water inside would be protected from other animals and would not evaporate. The environmental modications made by the people of Noatopia in order to have a secure water supply are similar to the modications made by the Arabs. The Arabs settled in a desert environment, which contained little to no surface water. In order to contain enough water to maintain a successful civilization, the Arabs dug trenches to preserve the water that they had. This way, they were able to maintain enough water in order to farm and drink. These trenches are still used today in Chikhali village, Maharashtra for clean and fresh drinking water.

Gallery 1.1 Real Word Examples

This is a Minecraft example of covered water trenches.

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Law & Government

The peoples good is the highest law. ~ Cicero

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Maintaining Civil Order

Minecraft replica of the Twelve Tables.

Lessons on Democracy In order to have a successful civilization, laws should be written down and presented in a public place, so that everyone
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can become familiar with the laws and know not to break them. This is an important part in a successful government, because if laws were not written down, po-

Conict of Orders

litical leaders can modify the laws to benet the needs of themselves and hurt the people. This very case happened in theRoman Republicin509 B.C.E.In this time, the political leaders were the wealthy landowners of Rome but only made up about 5% of Romes total population. These people were called thePatricians. The other 95% were the slaves and merchants, called thePlebeians. The government consisted of 300 Patricians called theSenatethat made laws and served as judges. Two Patricians were also chosen asConsuls. These men ran the army along with day-to-day business in Rome. The Patricians in the government were making laws that completely favored themselves and hurt the Plebeians, and
Arrick, Noah Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:55:38 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f6:35 The Plebeians left the city in protest of the unfair laws passed by the government.

the laws were constantly being changed to help the Patricians more and more. In494 B.C.E., the Plebeians ended up leaving the city entirely until laws were written down and not changed. This was called theConict of Orders. Finally, in the middle of the fth century B.C.E, Patricians agreed to write down the laws on

theTwelve Tables,and show them in a public place. This way, laws were portrayed so that everyone would know not to break them, and laws couldnt be changed. The second rule needed for a successful civilization to happen, is to allow people to debate on laws so that laws could benet all people, instead of just a few. This is extremely important for a government to be successful because if political leaders passed laws without consulting with the people rst, unfair laws will be made and the government will be able to take advantage of the people. This happened inSparta, wherethe Council of Elders, along withtwo kings, ran the govern-

ment. The Council of Elders consisted of28 men over the age of 60, and coming from noble families. Laws were created by the Council of Elders and presented to theAssembly. The Assembly is made up of the male citizens of Sparta. Unfortunately, the Assembly was only allowed to vote yes or no on the law, and not debate it at all. Also, if the Council of Elders did not like the way the voting went, they couldvetothe vote to enable the law to be passed or not. Because of this, Spartan citizens had very little say in the government, and the Council of Elders could easily take advantage of them. The nal rule in order to maintain a successful government is not to exclude peo-

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ple for the government. This way, people who didnt care about the governments needs were not forced to join, and people who did care would be able to have a voice in the government. Athensdid a great job of using this rule in their government system. In Athens, acouncil of 500Athens men above the age of30 years oldmade the laws. The laws were then brought to theAssembly. The Assembly consisted of6,000 or more male citizens. In Athens, 6,000 men had to be present on the Assembly in order to have a meeting, so those that wished to come could, as those who didnt wasnt to come didnt have to. If less then 6,000 showed up, slaves would bring people in using a rope dipped in red paint. It was considered
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very embarrassing if someone showed up to a meeting with red paint on his or her robes. During a meeting, any person citizen above the age of 18 could debate the law, and anyone that wanted to speak could. They did this until everyone decided that the law was fair to everyone. Making sure that everyone could be a part of the government was very important in Athens.

Code of Laws The laws Noatopians have created compare to another code of law called theTwelve Tables.These laws compare to the

Twelve Tables because both codes of law say that you mustshow up to court if called. This law helps a civilizationmaintain order, because this law lets people know how important it is to come to court. Both civilizations havesevere punishmentsif you do not show at court, so people will be sure to show up. Another rule that both civilizations share is a rule referring tonot doing any activities at night. This rule keeps a civilization running smooth, because if people cannot leave their house at night, no meetings can be held that may berebelling against the government.The rule that familiesmaintain their own irrigation system or pay someone else to do it does not compare to any other civilizations, but Noato16
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pians think this rule will help their civilization a lot. The people of Noatopia think that this will help their civilization a lot because this way, irrigation pipes will run smoothly because people will clean out their systems regularly because they need water. This law also gives people an opportunityto get a joband get paid.

It is written that all people shall follow these laws: -Killing, stealing, or any other crime will be decided by the court on what penalty they receive. These penalties include exile, imprisonment, becoming a slave of the family stolen from, or death.

-If you are called to court and do not show up, your fate will be decided by the person that had the crime committed against them. -Citizens will vote upon government ofcials. Two presidents will be elected to run the military and day-to-day laws, and a council of 100 elected to serve as judges and law enforcers. All people can vote above the age of 18. -All families will be granted with farmland to grow food. This farmland can be passed down through their will. If they wish to sell their food they will be paid with money. Tools or weapons can be bought with money. Taxes will be collected from all sales.
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-Families must maintain their own irrigation system, or pay someone else to do it. -If someone kills another persons cattle or pigs and is caught, they will have to give them all of their own cattle or sheet. If they do not own any cattle or sheep, they will go to court. -People must not hunt alone or at night. -Any person that is caught destroying another persons property will be exiled immediately. - All soldiers will swear allegiance to the presidents. - Governors of provinces will serve a 10 year term or until they die or is voted out of the ofce by the senate.

Assassination of Julius Caesar

- Married families of 4 kids or more kids will not need to pay taxes. - If you serve ten years in the army then you will be granted lush farmland. - Unmarried women or childless couples will pay a special tax. ar/ On March 15, 44 C. E., the Roman senate assassinated Julius Caesar by ganging up on him and stabbing him 23 times.

Lessons on Leadership - Julius Caesar One important lesson that Noatopians have learned from Julius Caesar is to be careful of your political enemies. When the senate granted Caesar power, they were trying to make him happy because the senate was scared of him. They were so scared that even though Caesar improved the unemployment and protest
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problem in Rome, they ended up killing him despite the fact that he had a positive impact on Rome. There were a lot of things Caesar did that helped Rome, but the people of Noatopia think the most important was the law preventing farmers from having to many slaves. This law created more jobs for citizens because farm-

ers could no longer only use slaves on their farm. Caesar used his power in the government for good in creating more jobs for people and granting land to his soldiers and the poor. The idea of granting land to his soldiers was a great idea because this way, people wanted to join the army because that meant they would be granted land. Before he came up with this idea, people were forced to join the army with no reward, but now people could serve their country for a few years until they were ready to settle down, where a farm would be awaiting them. Because of the laws and ideas Caesar brought to Rome people actually like being ruled by him, making him a great leader.
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Lessons on Leadership - Augustus Caesar Noatopians learned that being popular with your people is a very important lesson to learn. Augustus did a good job of this by referring to himself as First Citizen instead of king, gaining alliances with senators by asking them about political matters to prevent Civil War, and making new statues and temples in Rome to make it more beautiful. Augustus also made re and police departments to make Romans feel safer. Augustus also rebuilt far-out provinces and built new roads for easier trade and communication. Another good thing Augustus did

was building Romes rst library and encouraging learning and art. One thing he did that didnt make him popular with his people was taxing unmarried women and childless couples special taxes. This was a good idea because he wanted people to have more children as to expand is empire, but unmarried women and childless couples felt this law was extremely unfair, and these people thought lower of Augustus because of this. Augustus also passed a law that prevented actors from preforming anything that might harm family values. These laws made Augustus less popular with his people, but because of how much good things Augustus did for Rome, and

all Noatopians agree that Augustus turned out to be a great leader. Lessons from the Decline of the Western Roman Empire Out of all the possible reasons why the Western Roman Empire could have fallen, the main reason was theunemploymentrate of Rome. Largelandownerswere taking advantage of thegovernmentby using moreslavesto do their work thenpaid workers. This forcedfarmersout of business because they could not keep up with the amount of goods produced by the landowners. This lled cities with unemployed people. OnFrey 8, it says, Unemployment was a serious problem. Wealthy families

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Downfall of the Western Roman Empire

used slaves andcheap laborto work their large estates. Small farmers could not compete with the large landowners. They ed to the streets looking for work, but there was not enough jobs for everyone. Another reason why unemployment was the reason for Romes down fall was because of the unemployedcitizens committing crimesandcausingriots. Because unemployed people had nothing else to do but cause trouble, Romescrime levels increaseddramatically. And no one was there to stop them because Romes police force had becomecorrupt and unreliable; also, most policemen were unemployed, too.

Chaos erupted in the streets of Western Rome, as crimes broke loose, the government collapsed and neighboring countries attacked.

In Noatopia, government ofcials and the presidents will make sure people continue to work by constantly building new structures or repairing old or failing water systems. These jobs will increase employment because they require a lot of people to complete and will take a long time to complete. This way, people

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canmake money for themselvesand less people will be unemployed. Also, like Augustus, rules will be passed that willlimit the amount of slavesa landowner can have, makingmore paying jobs for citizens.The Noatopian police force will also be strong and will keep violence down in their civilization. By studying the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Noatopians will make sure that their civilization does not fall due to unemployment.

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