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2 theSun | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6 2009

news without borders

IPOH: The Perak government POLITICAL TURMOIL

filed a suit in the High Court here Suit filed to declare seats vacant
yesterday to declare the Behrang,
Changkat Jering and Jelapang state
seats vacant.
Ngeh Koo Ham were present.
The assemblymen for the three
after being elected in March, were
made under duress.
were no longer elected representa-
tives of the said constituencies.
The suit was filed by Leong & Tan seats – Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Be- Sivakumar and Ngeh, in a joint “This declaration is sought to Yesterday
Advocates and Solictiors in the Ipoh hrang), Kapt (B) Mohd Osman Mohd statement, reiterated that Sivakumar compel the Election Commission to 9.50am: Najib and Perak deputy Umno chief
High Court at 11.40am. Perak assem- Jailu (Changkat Jering), and Hee Yit had accepted the resignations of the recognise that the said three seats Ahmad Zahid Hamidi arrive at the Istana
bly speaker V. Sivakumar and senior Foong (Jelapang) – had claimed that three assemblymen and the state have fallen vacant and by-elections Kinta in Ipoh for an audience with Sultan
state executive councillor Datuk their resignation letters, signed soon government had recognised that they must be called.” – Bernama Azlan Shah, and left at 10.30am.

11am: Najib returns to Istana Kinta with the

four former Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen
– Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi, Mohd Osman

Nizar refuses to step down as MB

by Humayun Kabir
no longer members of the assembly.
It added that the assembly speaker
Nizar requested Sultan Azlan Shah
to await the outcome of the applica-
stated that a mentri besar could only
step down from his post if he will-
Mohd Jailu, Hee Yit Foong and Datuk Na-
saruddin Hashim to meet the Sultan. They
leave at 11.30am.

11.38am: Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin tells

reporters at a function in Bagan Serai he has
just been summoned to Istana Kinta.
had filed an application in the high tion before deciding on the future of ingly resigned or did not get a vote of
IPOH: The political turmoil in Perak court for a declaration that the trio the Pakatan government. However, he confidence from the state assembly. 11.50am: Najib tells a press conference at
is far from over with Datuk Seri Mo- were no longer assemblymen. said, the Sultan asked him to resign. He told about 150 reporters and the Perak Umno HQ the Sultan wants to meet
hammad Nizar Jamaluddin refusing to “How can the BN then claim to Nizar said he told the Ruler he photographers at his residence here all BN assemblymen and three independents
resign as mentri besar on the order of have the majority to rule the state?” would not and would only do so at about 4.30pm that he is still legally before deciding whether to dissolve the state
Sultan Azlan Shah, saying the action Nizar said. as per the state constitution which the mentri besar of Perak and that assembly or call for Nizar’s resignation.
by Barisan Nasional to grab control of he will go to his office at the state
the state is illegal. secretariat as usual today. 11.57am: Perak Speaker V. Sivakumar leaves
the High Court after applying to the court to

He told a press conference yester- When told the police had sealed
day afternoon: “We are not rejecting off the secretariat, he said that will not declare the resignation letters of the three
the decision of the Sultan but plead- stop him from performing his duties. assemblymen as valid, and that their seats
ing to the Tuanku for the dissolution Nizar said when he rang up the are vacant.
of the state assembly.” state secretary to ask why his of-
Nizar had an audience with the fice had been locked up, the official 12.30pm: IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan warns
Sultan yesterday, and had submitted responded by saying: “I am in charge of stern action against those who take part
a letter in which he presented two of the building now and you are no in any illegal gatherings in the state.
arguments to justify his request for longer the mentri besar of Perak.”
a dissolution. With Nizar at the press confer- 12.50pm: Najib chairs an Umno meeting
He said the 28 Pakatan Rakyat ence were parliamentary opposition where the choice of a new MB is dis-
members of the Perak assembly had leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, cussed.
taken a decision to call for the dis- DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang and PAS
solution of the assembly and to get a president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang. 1.10pm: Nizar leaves the palace, waving
new mandate from the rakyat. Anwar said the wishes of the and smiling at reporters, after a 15-minute
The letter said both Pakatan Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Perak people to elect a state govern- meeting with the Sultan.
and BN have the same number of Ahmad Badawi and Nizar at the ment of their choice should be given
assemblymen at 28, and that three launch of a Sime Darby agricultural preference, and that fresh elections 1.30pm: Najib ends his Perak Umno meeting
former Pakatan assemblymen were project in Bagan Serai yesterday. should be called. and left without meeting the press.

2pm: PKR de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim

Abdullah: PR should accept Perak Sultan’s decision arrives at the mentri besar’s house. Also
present were Penang Chief Minister Lim
Guan Eng and PKR vice-president Azmin Ali.
SLIM RIVER: Prime Minister Datuk Seri could accept it,” he said after visiting stitution but from the Interpretation seemed to contradict, so one has to
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Pakatan Sime Darby’s groundwater project at Act which says the power to appoint look beyond the Perak constitution 2.15pm: Sultan’s office issues statement,
Rakyat (PR) should accept the decision the Cluny-Bedford Estate in Batang also includes the power to remove, and into the Interpretation Act, which saying Mohd Nizar had been told to resign
of the Perak Sultan, Sultan Azlan Shah, Padang, near here, yesterday. said Prof Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi. states the power to appoint includes with the entire state executive council.
for Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Moham- Abdullah said: “We cannot go “Article 16 Clause 7 of the Perak the power to remove.
mad Nizar Jamaluddin and the state against the law and the parties con- Constitution says a member of the “In a situation where the person
3.20pm: All top Pakatan leaders except
executive councillors to resign from cerned should not be politicking over executive council other than the MB (MB) doesn’t want to step down de-
their posts. the matter.” holds the office at the pleasure of the spite having lost (the support of the Kedah MB Azizan Razak and Kelantan MB
Abdullah believed the decision In KUALA LUMPUR, a constitu- Sultan. In other words, the MB cannot majority), I think the Sultan will have Niz Aziz Nik Mat converge at Nizar’s official
was made in accordance with the tional law expert said the Sultan of be dismissed. the power to remove. residence.
law. “I believe Sultan Azlan Shah had Perak has the power to dismiss his “But Article 16 Clause 6 says if he “I’m sure he (the Sultan) doesn’t
thoroughly considered the issue and mentri besar even though the latter loses the confidence (of the majority) relish (having to remove the MB) but 4.05pm: State Secretary Abdul Rahman
the legal provisions before making the refuses to tender his resignation after he must resign. So the gray area is the whole world is watching. The Hashim instructs Nizar and all exco members
decision. being decreed to do so. what happens if he doesn’t resign,” government is collapsing not due to to vacate their offices at the state secretariat
“Just accept it. When PR won Perak However, the power to do so is not he told Bernama. popular mandate but due to defec- as soon as possible. They are also told to hand
in the last general election, we (BN) within the provision of the Perak Con- He said the two separate provisions tions. “ in their official car keys and the keys to their
offices. All Pakatan officials in the complex
are told to pack up and leave by 5pm.

4.10pm: Roads leading to the state secre-

tariat are blocked by police to stop people
from gathering there. Police and FRU secure
the State Secretariat building.

4.40pm: Nizar tells a press conference that

he will not resign, and called on the people
to back his Pakatan government, saying the
BN’s majority may not be a valid one.

4.45pm: PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang

says Pakatan leadership fully backs Nizar’s
government which will not resign unless a
special state assembly session is called or
fresh elections are held. However, PM Datuk
Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi calls on Pakatan
Rakyat to accept Barisan’s rule in Perak.

4.50pm: Anwar says Pakatan Rakyat wants

to meet the Sultan to convince him to dis-
solve the assembly.

4.58pm: Najib and Perak BN representatives

arrive at Istana Kinta.

5.50pm: Abdullah arrives at Istana Kinta for

an audience with the Sultan Azlan Shah. He
left at 6.15pm.

8.30pm: Abdullah announces that Pangkor

assemblyman Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir
is the new MB for Perak.

New government to be sworn in.

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