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theSun | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6 2009  7

news without borders

Hee yet to 28 PR reps to boycott

approach Zambry’s swearing-in
IPOH: The 28 Pakatan Rakyat by the state government the
any (PR) assemblymen in Perak
will boycott the swearing-in
past 10 months are worrying
them,” he said at a forum held
ceremony for the new Mentri at the menteri besar’s official
BN party Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul
Kadir today.
residence, here, last night.
More than 10,000 PR sup-
Datuk Seri Mohammad porters gathered there after
by Giam Say Khoon Nizar Jamaluddin said the PR a scheduled gathering at the
and Opalyn Mok assemblymen at a meeting Perak Stadium could not be held yesterday decided to boycott as the stadium was locked.
the ceremony as they believed At the forum, exco man
PETALING JAYA: Former DAP that legally, he was still the Nga Kor Ming said the DAP
Perak State Assembly Deputy mentri besar and had not top leadership fully supported
Speaker Hee Yit Foong has yet to resigned from the post. Mohammad Nizar’s leadership
approach any Barisan Nasional “I was ordered to resign as Perak mentri besar.
(BN) component parties for from the post and if I had done Nga also criticised State
membership. so, automatically all the state Secretary Datuk Abdul Rah-
Both MCA and Gerakan con- exco members would also have man Hashim for unreasonably
firmed with theSun yesterday relinquished their posts. ordering the state executive
that the Jelapang independent “The Barisan Nasional’s bad councillors to vacate their of-
assemblyman, one of four intention to topple the PR state fices and to hand over the keys
elected representatives who government stems from fear to their official cars. “We were
have destabilised the state gov- after it lost in the Permatang having a meeting at 3pm when
ernment, had not approached Pauh and Kuala Terengganu by- we received a phone call asking
either of the Chinese-majority elections. The fairness, transpar- us to vacate our offices before
BN parties for membership. Pakatan Rakyat supporters gathering at the mentri besar’s residence last night. ency and caring attitude shown 5pm,” he said. – Bernama
Hee quit the DAP on Wednes-
day and expressed her support
for the BN to form a BN-led state emies,” he said.
Contacted yesterday and
asked whether MCA would
accept Hee into the party if
approached, Wanita MCA chief
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun
secretary-general Lim Guan Eng
said Hee had not only betrayed
the party but also the people of
Perak who elected her on a DAP
Western media not telling
truth on Israeli brutality: Dr M
said: “We have to adhere to pro- “Hee has made a mockery of
tocol. We need to first consult the people’s verdict by quitting
the party president (Datuk Seri and causing the fall of the Perak
Ong Tee Keat) before taking in or state government. This is not
accepting new members. one single seat but one state
“However, the door is always government.
open to anyone who is partyless “She has abandoned the
to join MCA.” people, not only the party,” he by Tim Leonard For example, he said, a recent watching while Israel pounded the
Perak Gerakan chief Datuk said in a press conference in his newspaper report in Malaysia said Palestinians.
Chang Ko Youn said Hee was a office yesterday. the Israelis blasted a car in which He also said the Europeans,
victim of DAP as she had been Lim, who is also Penang chief KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime a terrorist was travelling. who had to give up their empires
sidelined and neglected in the minister, said Hee had never minister Tun Dr Mahathir Moha- “We know the Israelis are after World War II, also left behind
past 10 months. voiced her dissatisfaction or mad claimed yesterday the West- technologically advanced but how timebombs which regularly ex-
“Since she has made known anger over any issue with DAP ern media, “controlled mostly by could they know which car was ploded, making the development
that she will not join any political to him. the Jews in the United States and carrying a Palestinian ‘terrorist’?” of the former colonies filled with
party but remain as an independ- “Even if she feels angry and Europe”, did not report the truth on Mahathir asked. danger and obstacles.
ent assemblyman, we should want to leave the party, she Israel’s invasion of Gaza and the “Every time a car or a home is “Nearly all the newly-independ-
respect her decision,” he said in should never abandon the peo- killing of innocent people. blasted by the Israelis, we are told ent states emerging from European
a phone interview. ple. Even if she leaves the party, He told the Forum for Palestine, by our own papers that there were colonisation have not been stable,
On the rumour Hee was paid she should not show support for organised by the Kuala Lumpur terrorists in the car or the house. nor been able to develop them-
RM10 million to cross over to BN, BN,” he said. Foundation to Criminalise War “But what we do know for a selves, giving the impression that
Chang described it as “rubbish, He said PR garnered 54% of Mahathir
(KLFCW), freedom of the press is fact is that schools, including a UN these ex-colonies are unable to
unfair and vicious to Hee”. the votes in the March 8 general addresses
restricted in the United States and school, and hospitals have been manage independence. Of the ex-
“I believe that such a rumour election “which is a very clear the
even its president, Barack Obama, blasted by Israeli guns and the colonies which have to manage the
was spread by her political en- mandate by the people”. Forum for
is “paralysed by the Jewish media victims are children and ordinary continuously exploding timebombs,
controllers”. people. none is worse than the mandated
“Can we trust the “How come they failed to rec- territory of Palestine,” he said.

Ads to stop, new phase Jewish-controlled

Western wire service
and media to tell the
ognise that they were targeting
children when their guns and tanks
were so close?”
The other speakers at the forum
were Cynthia McKinney, a US
presidential candidate and former
to begin truth?” Mahathir
Mahathir said the Palestinians
have been portrayed by the West-
congresswoman, Prof Michel
Chossuddovsky, Matthias Chang,
PETALING JAYA: All the main- ably begin next week,” he said. ern press as “terrorists” for defend- Prof Salleh Buang and Prof Gurdial
stream newspapers, including “A lot of people have con- ing themselves against the Singh Nijar.
theSun, have been instructed tacted me on the advertisement onslaught by the Israelis. KLFCW is a non-governmental
to stop carrying the “rather and I think it is quite effective to “What kind of peo- organisation established in March
effective” anti-smoking adver- warn the smokers as well as to ple are these great 2007 to undertake measures and
tisement by the Health Ministry, let the family members tell the powers whose idea initiatives to criminalise war and
which shows the gruesome smokers to quit.” of fairness is to liter- energise peace.
effects of smoking, like lung and Liow said the campaign will ally tie up the hands The organisation also seeks
throat cancer and diabetes. be in various formats, including of the opponents so to provide relief, assistance and
However, Health Minister television commercials. that their thugs support to individuals and com-
Datuk Liow Tiong Lai told theSun It was learnt a meeting was can beat them munities suffering from the effects
yesterday the ministry did not held between the ministry and to a pulp?” he of war and armed conflict, without
intend to end the anti-smoking cigarette company representa- said, referring discrimination on the grounds of
campaign but planned to make tives because the manufactur- to the actions nationality, racial origin, religion,
it a year-long drive. ers were “unhappy” with the of the US, belief, age, gender or other forms of
“We have decided to show advertisement, but Liow rebut- which stood impermissible differentiations.
the advertisement in phases ted the claim the advertisement
so that it is enough to be put in was stopped because the ciga-
the newspapers throughout the rette manufacturers had said its

Bring Israel to justice, says Rais

year. The next phase will prob- content was not true.
under fire KUALA LUMPUR: The Foreign Ministry many people. Building Gallery here.
over will find ways to bring Israel to justice “Among the proof that can be Earlier, he received a cheque for
missing following the atrocities committed by furnished is the use of white phos- RM232,905.66 from Unity, Culture,
the Zionist regime gainst the Palestin- phorous by Israeli troops during the Arts and Heritage Minister Datuk Seri
supplies ians in Gaza, its minister, Datuk Seri Dr attacks on Gaza which resulted in Mohd Shafie Apdal, to be channelled
pg 9 Rais Yatim, said yesterday. many deaths. Israel must be respon- to the Humanitarian Fund for Palestin-
As such, he said, Malaysia sible for the crime against humanity ians.
would draw up a petition to seek in Palestine,” he told reporters after Rais said contributions to the fund
support from the other countries receiving contributions for the Hu- had reached RM14.7 million and the
to allow Israel to be brought to the manitarian Fund for Palestinians from ministry would meet soon to imple-
International Court for the excessive the Ministry of Unity, Culture, Arts and ment several projects to assist the
attacks on Gaza which had killed Heritage at the Sultan Abdul Samad victims in Gaza. – Bernama

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