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theSun | FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6 2009 11

news without borders

Stop large-scale water

extraction: Fomca
KUALA LUMPUR: The Federation of Malaysian
Consumers Associations (Fomca) objects to the
large-scale commercialisation of ground water
extraction as it would deplete water resources.
Its president Datuk N. Marimuthu told Ber-
nama that there is a shortage of water sources
Jui Meng’s ‘gracious’ gesture
for the MCA
to meet the needs of a growing population. He then you are not doing battle as Suffice to say, the effective-
said extraction would: enemies. ness of its implementation would
» cause a reduction in river flow and surface “I have been in (MCA) depend not only on substance and
water including wetlands, lakes and springs; presidential battles twice (against action, but also unity, especially
» destroy the ecosystem by affecting living Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting in 2005 among the grassroots, that is so
organisms depending on ground water; and Tee Keat last year), and on crucial for the party’s administra-
» allow intrusion of sea water into soil; and analysis by Ng Kee Seng It was heard coming from a both occasions, I lost graciously. tion.
» create sinkholes due to increased soil politician who had campaigned Friendship can outlast contests.” Former Johor MCA chief and
instability. twice for the MCA presidency and In terms of national delegates, deputy president Datuk Seri Dr
It was understood that Sime Darby was plan- FOR decades, Chinese New Year lost on the platform of “a contest the Johor MCA has the largest Chua Soi Lek has since the party
ning commercial ground water extraction at its parties and concerts have been between friends is to win or lose number. Being a veteran leader elections been seen to be causing
estate in Slim River. the norm for Chinese politicians graciously”. from the state, Chua’s political “discomfort” to the leadership by
Marimuthu said this would necessitate deeper in Malaysia. So a concert in Muar Chua pleasantly surprised stand in the party is seen as a projecting himself as “sidelined”.
bore holes, which in turn would cause the water organised by party veteran Datuk those present when he said: “The “unifying” factor in the leadership Grassroots see this as an attempt
table to be lowered. “The lower the water table, Chua Jui Meng last night was to contest is over. MCA’s national proving itself during its current to destabilise the party, and it has
the more difficult it would be for plants to survive many going to be just another delegates have elected Datuk Seri three-year term. also fuelled rumours that Soi Lek
as their roots cannot reach the water.” event for the occasion. Ong Tee Keat as president. Give For Tee Keat (right), who is is to gather support to petition an
However, what Chua (below) him a chance to perform.” also transport minister, it is a emergency general meeting.
had to say in his address to party That speaks volumes of his welcome opportunity for him With Jui Meng openly
Civil servants can claim up to grassroots and the Bakri constitu- current stand in the MCA. It’s to proceed with his transforma- expressing support for Ong, there
RM90 for parking e n t s who had sup- hands-off to any party leader har- tion plan to rebrand the MCA to is now greater pressure
KUALA LUMPUR: Effective Feb 1, civil serv- ported him for bouring hopes of getting Chua’s overcome the political tsunami on Soi Lek
ants can claim a maximum of RM90 a month 22 years, giv- support to sow seeds of discord to of March 8, 2008, so that it might to march
in parking charges. Public Services director- ing him a destabilise the new leadership. see a resurgence of support in the to the
general Tan Sri Ismail Adam said in a circular more than Chua said: “This is an event to next general election. beat of
yesterday that the reimbursement was for 19,000- show my appreciation to the peo- Ong has announced that the Ong’s
staff who were entitled to use cars in the v o t e ple of Bakri for having given me plan would be unveiled on March drums.
course of their work. The reimbursement majority the opportunity to serve you all as 1 in conjunction with the party’s
would be for the sum incurred, up to a RM90 each time MP. I am still with you, although 60th anniversary celebrations.
maximum, whichever is lower. Cuepacs, how- he stood for I was not given the chance to He has also said the plan,
ever, has urged the government to increase elections, defend Bakri (on March 8). being drafted with feedback from
the quantum, particularly for those working was not just “Political contests must be various quarters including party
in urban areas, where parking is more expen- music to based on principles, not on members and the public, would
sive. – Bernama many. personal interests. When friends set the party’s immediate and
contest based on principles, future directions.

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