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English Grammar

Letter Alphabet Article Word Kinds of Sentence Gender (Noun) Number (Noun) Parts of Speech Wh - Question Strong Verbs Weak Verbs Antonyms Formulae Exercise ( Sentence) Semi Formal Letter Social Letter (Family) Words with Similar Meanings Words with Similar Sound Words with Many Meanings Tenses Voice (Active Passive) Tenses & Voice Kinds of Sentence Direct & Indirect Speech Exercise(Direct & Indirect) Transformation of Sentences As soon as ,No Sooner Hardly--When Use If not----Unless too---to, So---that Not only-but also,Both-and Use many,much or some Either-or, Neither--nor Use Could, Can Negative, Affirmative

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Page.No 1

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Chart No. 1 2 3 4 5

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Edition :- 1999
Reprint :- Jul11

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant




LETTER :- is a symbol of sound. e.g. A, X etc.

There are two kinds of letter :1) Small Letter e.g. a, b, m or t. 2) Capital Letter e.g. A, B, M or T. There are two types of letter :1) Printed Letter e.g. book. 2) Cursive writing e.g., book. CAPITAL LETTER :- is used as the first letter of the word of a sentence or when the word in sentence is noun. e.g. Place, Thing or Person. There are 26 letters in English language and the group of those letters is called as ALPHABET.

ALPHABETS are divided in the following categories :1) VOWEL :2) CONSONANT :3) SEMI-VOWEL :a, e, i, o, u All remaining 21 letters. ( b, c, d etc.) y, w - when comes in the middle or end of the word is used as semi-vowel. e.g. Fly, Cry, My

ARTICLE:- There are two types of Article

1) Indefinite Article :A, An 2) Definite Article :The 1) INDEFINITE ARTICLE is used before common noun, singular number. When the word begins with a CONSONANT "A" is used. (a boy, a book, a plant, a pen, a tree) When the word begins with a VOWEL "An" is used. (an eye, an ear, an elephant, an orange) An uncountable noun do not take "A" or "An". (sugar, water, sand, sand, air, oil) 2) DEFINITE ARTICLE is used before singular countable noun, plural countable noun and uncountable noun. (the book, the books, the milk) DEFINITE ARTICLE is used before :1) Noun, person or things. 2) The things which are unique in the world. (Sun, Moon, Earth, Mercury) 3) Famous things and all wonders of the world. (Tajmahal, Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China) 4) All mountains, rivers, deserts, islands. (The Ganga, The Himalaya, The Andaman and Nicobar) 5) Noun which are used with speciality. (The President, The Head Master) 6) With collective nouns. (The Procession, The Assembly)

WORD :- is a group of meaningful letters. (Read, Run, Road etc.) SENTENCE :- is a group of meaningful words. (I read a book.)
Parts of Sentence :1) SUBJECT 2) PREDICATE e.g. :Monis Subject a) VERB reads Predicate (Verb) b) OBJECT new books. Predicate (Object)

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

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P2.Kinds of Sentence

SENTENCE :- A group of words, which makes complete sense.

Kinds of Sentence :1) Assertive Sentence (very, really, great, indeed, good, of course) a) Affirmative Sentence b) Negative Sentence 2) Exclamatory Sentence Which expresses strong feeling. (What, How) 3) Imperative Sentence Which expresses command, request or advice. 4) Interrogative Sentence Question.

Forms of Sentence :1) Simple Sentence :- is one that has only one subject and one finite word. (He sang a sweet song) 2) Compound Sentence :- It has more finite verbs leading to more sentences connected by conjunction. (He studies maths and history also.) 3) Complex Sentence :- contains one principle clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clauses. (1) He is poor yet he is honest. 2) Though I am weak I can walk.

Voice of Sentence :Speech of Sentence :Tense of Sentence :Parts of Sentence :GENDER (NOUN) :Kinds of Gender :-

ACTIVE DIRECT Present Subject

or or Past and


Comes from Latin word "GENUS". Kind or Sort. Male or Female. Which denotes male animal or male sex. (boy, man) Which denotes female animal or female sex. (girl, woman) Which denotes a thing that is neither male nor female. i.e. things without life (table, chair, pen, book, room) Which denote either male or female. (parent, child, friend)

1) Masculine Gender :2) Feminine Gender :3) Neutral Gender :4) Common Gender :-

NUMBER (NOUN) :1) Singular Number :that denotes one person or thing. (boy, girl, cow, bird) 2) Plural Number :that denotes more than one person or thing. (boys, girls, cows, birds) Plurals are formed by :1) Adding 's' (boy-boys, girl-girls, bird-birds) 2) Adding 'es' to the noun ending in s, sh, ch, x, o. (Class-Classes, Branch-Branches, Tax-Taxes, Buffalo-Buffaloes) 3) Replacing noun ending with 'y' by 'ies'(baby-babies, lady-ladies) 4) Replacing noun ending with 'f' or 'fe' by 'ves'. (life-lives, leaf-leaves, wife-wives) AUXILIARY :The verb be (am, is, was, have, do) when used with ordinary verbs to make sentence, question and negatives are called auxiliary verbs or Auxiliaries (helping). 1) Primary Auxiliary :am, is, are, was, have, has, do, does, did, shall, will. Use :1) Simple Sentence 2) Continuous Tense 3) Passive Sentence 4) Command or Order 5) Followed by infinitive 1) He is Working. 2) The gate was opened. 3) We are to be married next month. 2) Modal Auxiliary :can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, used to Use :Before, ordinary verbs, to express meanings such as permission, possibility, certainty and necessity, need and dare etc. Can also be used as modal verbs. 1) I can swim across the river. 2) It may rain tomorrow. 3) We will need the money on 15th. 4) You must improve your spelling. 5) There used to be a house there. 6) He need not go.

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

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P3.Parts of Speech PARTS OF SPEECH :1) Noun 2) Pronoun 3) Adjective 4) Verb 5) Adverb 6) Preposition 7) Conjunction 8) Interjunction 1) NOUN :is name of thing, place or person. There are five kinds. a) Proper Noun (Nagpur) b) Common Noun (Boy) c) Material Noun (Milk) d) Collective Noun (Class) e) Abstract Noun (Goodness) 2) PRONOUN :- ord which are used in place of noun. There are five kinds. w a) Personal Pronoun (I, We) b) Demonstrative (That, This) c) Relative (Who, Which) d) Interrogative (What, How) e) Reflexive and Emphatic (Itself, Myself) 3) Adjective :- word which describes noun (or qualifies noun). a) Adjective of quality (large, honest) b) Adjective of quantity (some) c) Interrogative Adjective (what) d) Demonstrative Adjective (this, that) e) Emphasizing Adjective (very) f) Exclamatory Adjective (what) g) Adjective of Number :i) Definitive (one, two) ii) Indefinite (some, many) 4) VERB :is a word which expresses an action or tells something about a person or thing. There are two types of verb. 1) Transitive 2) Intransitive 1) Transitive Verb :- that denotes an action which passes over from the doer or subject to an object. 1) He takes the horse for a walk. 2) The boys fly their kites. 2) Intransitive Verb :- that denotes an action which does not pass over to an object. 1) The horse walks. 2) The birds fly. Forms of Verbs:1) Infinitive :is the base of verb. (to play, to write, to eat) 2) Present Tense :verb that refers to present time. (play, write, eat) 2) Past Tense :verb that refers to past time. (played, wrote, ate) 3) Past Participle :is used after have/has/had and passive voice.(played, written, eaten) 4) Present Participle:- in order to show continuous action. (playing, writing, eating) Verbs are divided into three groups :1) Similar Verbs :All forms are same. (cut-cut-cut, put-put-put, shut-shut-shut) 2) Strong Verbs :are formed by merely changing inside vowel. (write-wrote, eat-ate) 3) Weak Verbs :are formed by adding t, d or ed. (play-played, spend-spent) (believe-believed) 5) ADVERB :- is a word that tells us something about the verb. It may be divided into the following classes according to their meaning, a) Adverbs of Time b) Adverbs of Frequency c) Adverbs of Place d) Adverbs of Manner e) Adverbs of Degree or Quantity f) Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation g) Adverbs of Reason 6) PREPOSITION :- is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show the relationship of the noun (pronoun) to other one. Kinds of Preposition :a) Simple Preposition b) Compound Preposition c) Phrase Preposition

7) INTERJECTION :- is a word which expresses some sudden feeling or emotion.

a) Wonder (Surprise) b) Happiness (Joy) c) Sorrow oh, ah hurrah alas 8) CONJUNCTION :- is a word which merely joins together sentence and sometimes words. a) He ran away. He was afraid. (Use Because) He ran away because he was afraid. b) He found his watch, He had left it. (Use Where) He found his watch where he had left it. i) Co-ordinate Conjunction / Co-ordinator :- for, nor, and, or, but, so, yet, still, then, until, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also, no sooner than. Co-ordinator joins together clauses / sentences of equal rank. 1) Take this and give that. 2) Since you say so I must believe it. ii) Subordinate Conjunction / Subordinator :- as, if, unless, though, since, when, after, than, because, till, while, that, what, who, have, whose, where etc. Subordinating conjunction joins a clause to another on which it depends for its full meaning. a) we arrived after you had gone. 2) Catch me if you can. 3) I will stay until you return. Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant Page 3



Wh-question begins with Wh like What, Who, Why ,How ,Whose, When, Where, Which. We wrote a Story. 1. What did you write ? 2. What do you eat ? You eat a Mango. 3. What shall I play ? You shall play Cricket. 4. What do you want from me ? I want Justice from you. 5. What are you doing in the class ? I am studying in the class. 6. What is your father ? He is an engineer. Sheela was singing in the garden. 1. Who was singing in the garden ? 2. Who came to a pool in a clearing ? Yudhishthira came to a pool in a clearing. 3. Who was sent in search of Nakula ? Bhima was sent in search of Nakula . 4. Who made the top score ? Sachin made the top score . 5. Who was the crowned person ? Yama was the crowned person . 6. Who was the last king ? The last king was Rama Raya. This may happen because there is not enough 1. Why may this happen ? oxygen circulating in the water. 2. Why do you drink milk everyday ? I drink milk daily to maintain my health. 3. Why are you sitting here ? I am waiting for my teacher. 4. Why you left your studies ? I left studies due to poor financial condition. 5. Why did Ramu run away ? Ramu ran away as he was late . 6. Why did he go there ? He went there to bring the book. He is good & Loyal . 1. How is he ? 2. How old are you ? I am Twenty. 3. How long has he been Away ? He has been away for three years. 4. How many miners got killed ? 41 Miners got killed. 5. How many tests did he take to reach He took 129 tests to reach Hadley's 84 landmark. Hadley's 84 landmark ? 6. How far is Yamunotri from Hanum ? Yamunotri is 13 Km from Hanum. 7. How did he exercise an influence over the He exercised an influence over the mind of men minds of men ? that a library could not surpass. 8. How would they take his invoices ? They used to take his invoices on trust. 9. How was the sight ? It was the most painful sight. 10. How did Nikunj Balris Uncle die ? Nikunj Balri's Uncle died of a high voltage shock. 1. When has the budget session of The budget session of parliament has been parliament been summoned to meet ? summoned to meet on Feb 21. 2. When will the Union general budget for The union general budget for 1994-95 will be 1994-95 be presented ? presented on Feb 28. 3. When did he first appear on the scene ? He first appeared on the scene in the late 70's. 4. When should we visit Gangotri and The best time to visit Gangotri and Yamunotri Yamunatri ? is May and June. I am going to School. 1. Where are you going ? 2. Where are you from ? I am from Achalpur. 3. Where did he drag himself to ? He dragged himself to the edge of the water. 4. Where is your school ? My school is near a park. 5. Where did you buy your books ? I bought my books from Khandelwal book Depot. 6. Where will you go now ? I shall return to my home. I prefer the game of cricket. 1. Which game do you prefer ? 2. Which is the highest peak of Himalaya ? Mount Everest is the highest peak of Himalaya. 3. Which travel is reliable for Haj tours ? Ashraf travels is reliable for Haj tours. 4. Which fruit is called as the king of fruits ? Mango is called the king of fruits. 5. Which book do you refer for the contest ? I refer Navneet publication for the contest. 6. Which design of the house do you like ? We like the rectangular design of the house.
Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant Page 4 Grammar

P5.Strong Verbs

Strong Verbs
V2 abode arose awoke was/were bore beat became began bent bade bit blew broke bred brought built burnt bought caught chose came crept dealt dug did drew drank drove dwelt ate fell feared fed felt fought found found flew forbade forgot forgave forsook froze got gave went grew hung Have/Has had V1 Abide Arise Awake Be/is Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bid Bite Blow Break Breed Bring Build Burn Buy Catch Choose Come Creep Deal Dig Do Draw Drink Drive Dwell Eat Fall Fear Feed Feel Fight Find Find Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Forsake Freeze Get Give Go Grow Hang V3 abode arisen awoke been bare/born beaten become begun bent bidden bitten blown broken bred brought built burnt bought caught chosen come crept dealt dug done drawn drunk driven dwelt eaten fallen feared fed felt fought found found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven forsaken frozen got given gone grown hung had

Strong Verbs
V1 Hear Hide Hold Keep Know Lay Lead Learn Leave Lend Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet Mow Pay Ride Ring Rise Run Say See Seek Sell Send Sew Shake Shine Shoot Show Shrink Sing Sink Sit Slay Sleep Smell Speak Speed Spend Stand Steal Stick Strike Swear Sweep Swim V2 heard hid held kept knew laid led learnt left lent lay lit lost made meant met mowed paid rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent sewed shook shone shot showed shrank sang sank sat slew slept smelt spoke sped spent stood stole stuck struck swore swept swam
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Strong Verbs
V1 Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Wake Wear Weave Weep Win Wind Wring Write V2 swung took taught tore told thought threw woke wore wove wept won wound wrung wrote V3 swung taken taught torn told thought thrown woken worn woven wept won wound wrung written

V3 heard hidden held kept known laid led learnt left lent lain lit lost made meant met mown paid ridden rung risen run said seen sought sold sent

Similar Forms
Bet Bet Bet Bid Bid Bid Burst Burst Burst Cost Cost Cost Cast Cast Cast Cut Cut Cut Hit Hit Hit Hurt Hurt Hurt Let Let Let Put Put Put Read Read Read Rid Rid Rid Set Set Set Shut Shut Shut Split Split Split Spread Spread Spread Intransitive words cannot be used Transitively. Come Go Sleep Fall Die Lie Walk Run Fly Work Came Went Slept Fell Died Lied Walked Ran Flew Worked Come Gone Slept Fallen Died Lied Walked Ran Flown Worked

shaken shone shot shown shrunk sung sunk sat slain slept smelt spoken sped spent stood stolen stuck struck sworn swept swum

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant


P6.Weak Verbs

Weak Verbs
V1 Add Admire Admit Advise Agree Allow Answer Appear Ask Beg Behold Believe Bereave Bind Bind Boil Borrow Call Care Carry Clean Climb Close Complete Cook Copy Cross Cry Deceive Decide Decorate Die Divide Dream Dream Earn Enter Fail Fear Fill Finish Free Hang Hear Hire Hold Hunt Invent Invite V2 added admired admitted advised agreed allowed answered appeared asked begged beheld believed bereaved bound bound boiled

Weak Verbs
V1 Iron Jump Kick Kill Knock Laugh Lean Lean Learn Learn Light Like Live Look Marry Move Need Notice Obey Offer Open Oppose Order Pack Paint Pick Play Please Plough Praise Pray Pray Prepare Print Prove Pull Punish Push Quarrel Rain Reach Refuse Remain Ruin Sell Shoot Sleep Smell Spoil V2 ironed jumped kicked killed knocked laughed lent / leaned learnt / learned lighted liked lived looked married moved needed noticed obeyed offered opened opposed ordered packed painted picked played pleased ploughed praised prayed prayed prepared printed proved pulled punished pushed quarrelled rained reached refused

Weak Verbs
V1 Study Suffer Sweep Talk Test Thank Tie Wait Walk Want Weigh Wish Work Yield Yoke

called cared carried cleaned climbed closed


V3 added admired admitted advised agreed allowed answered appeared asked begged beheld believed bereaved bound bounden boiled borrowed called cared carried cleaned climbed closed

cooked copied crossed cried deceived decided decorated decorated died died divided divided dreamt / dreamt / dreamed dreamed earned earned entered entered failed failed feared feared filled filled finished finished freed freed hanged hanged heard heard hired hired held held hunted hunted invented invented invited invited

cooked copied crossed cried deceived decided

V3 ironed jumped kicked killed knocked laughed lent / leaned learnt / learned lighted liked lived looked married moved needed noticed obeyed offered opened opposed ordered packed painted picked played pleased ploughed praised prayed prayed prepared printed proved pulled punished pushed

V2 studied suffered swept talked tested thanked tied waited walked wanted weighed wished worked yielded yoked

V3 studied suffered swept talked tested thanked tied waited walked wanted weighed wished worked yielded yoked

rained reached refused


ruined sold Shot slept smelt spoiled

Page 6

ruined sold Shot slept smelt spoiled

Bad Big Brave Clean Clever Deep Easy Far Fat Fine Fit Good Happy Healthy Heavy High Large Little Long Much Nice Old Pretty Safe Silly Small Smart Sweet Ugly White Wide Wise

worse bigger braver

cleaner cleverer

worst biggest bravest

cleanest cleverest

deeper easier farther fatter finer fitter better happier healthier heavier higher larger

deepest easiest farthest fattest finest fittest best happiest


longer more nicer older prettier safer sillier smaller smarter sweeter uglier whiter wider wiser

heaviest highest largest least longest most nicest oldest prettiest safest silliest smallest
smartest sweetest

ugliest whitest widest wisest


Beautiful more beautifulmost beautiful

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant


Absence Accept Active Admit Admit Agree Alert Always Anger Arrive Arrogant Attractive Attract Barren Beauty Beneficial Better Birth Birth Blame Boastful Bold Brave Bright Careless Choose Close/shut Coffees Collect Compare Condemn Construct Contract Cruel Curse Danger Dark Dark Defend Defy Disclose Distress Doubt Dubious End Entrance Evil Exterior Fact

presence reject passive deny discharge differ careless never calmness depart humble repulsive disperse fertile ugliness harmful Worse death death praise modest timid cowardly dull careful reject open deny distribute contrast praise destroy expand kind bless safety light fare attack obey conceal comfort certainly certain beginning exit divine interior fiction

Famous Farewell Fast Fault Few Firm Flexible Foolish Foreign Formerly Frank Front Gain Glory Gratify Handsome Happiness Harass Haste Hate Health Healthy Honour Hope Ignorance Ignore In Increase Initial Initially Interest Joy Junior Later Like Literate Logical Loosely Major Majority Make Moderation Natural Neglect Noise None Numerous Occupy Oral

notorious welcome slow merit many loose rigid wise native recently reserved back loss ignominy dissatisfy ugly misery help delay love disease Diseased shame despair knowledge heed out decrease final finally bore sorrow senior early dislike illiterate illogical firmly minor minority mar excess Artificial care/attend silence all few vacate Written
Page 7

Patriot Permit Persuade Pursue Plentiful Positive Precious Proud Push Raise Readily Receive Rejoice Remember Repress Resolve Restless Reveal Rich Right Rough Savage Security Shallow Similarity Simple Singular Solution Speedily Spend Start Stoop Strengthen Succeed Superior Take Thick Tighten Tragic Truth Vague Vertical Victory Virtue War Warmth Weary Weep Win

traitor prohibit dissuade avoid scarce negative worthless humble pull lower hesitantly give grieve forget encourage hesitate calm hide poor Wrong gentle civilised risk/peril deep difference complex plural problem slowly save stop erect weaken fail inferior give thin loosen comic falsehood clear horizontal defeat vice peace cold fresh laugh lose

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant


Active Voice
Simple present tense Present continuous tense Present perfect tense Pre. perfect cont. tense Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Simple future tense Future continuous tense Future perfect tense Future Perfect Continuous tense

He, She, I, We, They, It, You S +V+O S + am, is, are + Ving + O S + have/has + V3 + O S + have/has + been + Ving + O S + V2 + O S + was/were + Ving + O S + had + V3 + O S + had + been + Ving + O S + shall/will + V + O S + shall/will + be + Ving + O S + shall/will + have + V3 + O S + shall/will + have been + V3 + O Him, Her, Me, Us, Them, It, You O + am/is/are + V3 + by + S O + am/is/are + being + V3 + by + S O + have + been + V3 + by + S O + was/were + V3 + by + S O + was/were + being + V3 + by + S O + had + been + V3 + by + S O + shall/will + be + V3 + by + S O + shall/will + have been + V3 + by + S

Passive Voice
Simple present tense Present continuous tense Present perfect tense Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Simple future tense Future perfect tense

Simple present tense Present continuous tense Present perfect tense Present perfect continuous tense Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense

shall, will, can may, must, ought this, here, these, now ago, today, tonight tomorrow, yesterday Unchanged Unchanged

Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Affirmative Sentence Assertive Sentence Exclamatory Sentence Interrogative. Sen. Yes/No Interrogative Sen. Wh-que Simple Negative Negative(without meaning change)
Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

should, would, could might, must, ought that, there, those, then before, that day, that night
the next day, the day before

Unchanged Unchanged. S + Adj + V + O S+V+O How/What + Adj/Adv + S + V H.V. + S + V + O Int.Pronoun(Wh) + H.V + S + V S + H.V. + not + V + O. S + H.V. + not + V + Ant.of Adj + O
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Sentence (e.g.)
I eat soft bread in the morning. I am eating soft bread in the morning I have eaten soft bread in the morning. I have been eating soft bread in the morning I ate soft bread in the morning. I was eating soft bread in the morning. I had eaten soft bread in the morning. I had been eating soft bread in the morning. I shall eat soft bread in the morning. I shall be eating soft bread in the morning. I shall have eaten soft bread in the morning. I shall have been eating soft bread in the morning Soft bread is eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread is being eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread have been eaten in the morning by me Soft bread was eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread was being eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread had been eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread shall be eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread shall have been eaten in the morning by me.

He said, "I eat soft bread in the morning". He said, "I am eating soft bread in the morning". He said, "I have eaten soft bread in the morning". He said, "I have been eating soft bread in the morning". He said, "I ate soft bread in the morning". He said, "I was eating soft bread in the morning".

He said that he ate soft bread in the morning. He said that he was eating soft bread in the morning. He said that he had eaten soft bread in the morning. He said that he had been eating soft bread in the morning. He said that he had eaten soft bread in the morning. He said that he had been eating soft bread in the morning.

I eat very soft bread in the morning. I eat soft bread in the morning. How soft bread I eat ! Do I eat soft bread in the morning? What do I eat in the morning. I do not eat soft bread in the morning. I do not eat hard bread in the morning.
Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant Page 8 (10) Grammar

P8.Formulae A4

Active Voice
Simple present tense Present continuous tense Present perfect tense Pre. perfect cont. tense Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Simple future tense Future continuous tense Future perfect tense Future Perfect Continuous tense

He, She, I, We, They, It, You S +V+O S + am, is, are + Ving + O S + have/has + V3 + O S + have/has + been + Ving + O S + V2 + O S + was/were + Ving + O S + had + V3 + O S + had + been + Ving + O S + shall/will + V + O S + shall/will + be + Ving + O S + shall/will + have + V3 + O S + shall/will + have been + V3 + O Him, Her, Me, Us, Them, It, You O + am/is/are + V3 + by + S O + am/is/are + being + V3 + by + S O + have + been + V3 + by + S O + was/were + V3 + by + S O + was/were + being + V3 + by + S O + had + been + V3 + by + S O + shall/will + be + V3 + by + S O + shall/will + have been + V3 + by + S

Sentence (e.g.)
I eat soft bread in the morning. I am eating soft bread in the morning I have eaten soft bread in the morning. I have been eating soft bread in the morning I ate soft bread in the morning. I was eating soft bread in the morning. I had eaten soft bread in the morning. I had been eating soft bread in the morning. I shall eat soft bread in the morning. I shall be eating soft bread in the morning. I shall have eaten soft bread in the morning. I shall have been eating soft bread in the morning Soft bread is eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread is being eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread have been eaten in the morning by me Soft bread was eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread was being eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread had been eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread shall be eaten in the morning by me. Soft bread shall have been eaten in the morning by me.

Passive Voice
Simple present tense Present continuous tense Present perfect tense Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Simple future tense Future perfect tense




Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

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P8.Formulae A4

Simple present tense Present continuous tense Present perfect tense Present perfect continuous tense Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense

shall, will, can may, must, ought this, here, these, now ago, today, tonight tomorrow, yesterday Unchanged Unchanged

He said, "I eat soft bread in the morning". He said, "I am eating soft bread in the morning". He said, "I have eaten soft bread in the morning". He said, "I have been eating soft bread in the morning". He said, "I ate soft bread in the morning". He said, "I was eating soft bread in the morning".

Simple past tense Past continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Past perfect tense Past perfect continuous tense Affirmative Sentence Assertive Sentence Exclamatory Sentence Interrogative. Sen. Yes/No Interrogative Sen. Wh-que Simple Negative Negative(without meaning change)

should, would, could might, must, ought that, there, those, then before, that day, that night
the next day, the day before

He said that he ate soft bread in the morning. He said that he was eating soft bread in the morning. He said that he had eaten soft bread in the morning. He said that he had been eating soft bread in the morning. He said that he had eaten soft bread in the morning. He said that he had been eating soft bread in the morning.

Unchanged Unchanged. S + Adj + V + O S+V+O How/What + Adj/Adv + S + V H.V. + S + V + O Int.Pronoun(Wh) + H.V + S + V S + H.V. + not + V + O. S + H.V. + not + V + Ant.of Adj + O I eat very soft bread in the morning. I eat soft bread in the morning. How soft bread I eat ! Do I eat soft bread in the morning? What do I eat in the morning. I do not eat soft bread in the morning. I do not eat hard bread in the morning.

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Page 8 (12)



Exercise: Convert the sentences. As shown in the chart. No. 6 I Play football. We walk along the side of the road. I sing a song. They put a table cloth on the table of the school. I cut a tree. You leave my home at 2`o`clock. I shut the door. You win the match. I read a book. You swim in the pool. I go to market (N.P.). You send my book to my house. I bring a pen from my friend. You read novel. I enjoy the party. You pick my sunny. I kill a rat. You keep my pen. I catch a ball. You sell your sunny. We teach English. You say something to me. We cook food. It belongs to me. We study grammar. It prevents the layer. We watch television. His example inspires his commands. We make a design. The Pakistani tanks do not deter him. We throw our dirty clothes. Yudhishtra is embarrassed by Yama. We collect money. The gold necklace is found in his shoes. We buy books from bookstall. They steal a gold necklace. We cry loudly. Her mother doesn't understand her. They break a wall. I apply polish to my shoes. They come from Bombay (N.P.). Lamya gets reward of Rs.100. They stitch a cloth. India win the hockey match in the Olympic defeating They make a file. Brazil by three goals in the final match. They write a letter. They always thank me. They fascinate us. Their prince is praised by the people (P.V.). They talk in loud voice. The people do not praise their prince. They call my friend. The people praise their prince. He does his work. Where does the prince write letter that day. He digs a well. A soft humming is heard by him (P.V.). He fights with his friend. The great prince stands behind her. He flies kite in the sky. They wait till the arrival of train. He gets up early in the morning. He invites me to lunch at his house. He finds his way. Why does the inspector invite the boy to lunch. He comes late. We do not reach in time to the inspector's house. He writes a letter. What does the animal do with the huts. He runs on the ground. Sita is really a beautiful girl . He sits on the table. Mohan pays penalty of Rs. Ten thousand to the Govt. He chooses his dress. Grandfather refuses to answer to his son, regarding the She falls on the ground. dispute of their property. She meets her friend. Monis and Heena regularly goes for tuition. She learns English. Geeta tore her book, when she became angry. She loses her pen. Mother takes care of her children because she loves them She takes her friend's book. very much. She steals some money. Father signs on his property's paper in a bad mood. She stands on a table. Monika sings a song in her friend's birthday party. She stick a paper on a wall. Salim works hard in the school. She tells lies. I invited my friend to my sister's marriage but she failed to She runs a race. attend the marriage due to illness. She sits on a bench (N.P.). The Prince offered a bag of seeds to her. She hears soft humming. Where does the prince ride later that day .
Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant Page 9 Grammar

P10.Semi Formal Letter

Semi - Formal and Business Letter :Name Address Date To, Designation Company / Institution Address Subject :Salutation :Body of Letter Ending Subscription

Formal Letter :-

Your class is planning for an excursion at Daulatabad, Karnala and Nagzira. Write a letter to the Depot Manager, S.T. Depot of the town. You may ask for the following information through the letter. 1) Distance in km. 2) Rate per km. 3) Deposit required to book the bus. 4) Halting charges 5) Students concession 6) How many days journey would take.

Monis Anjum Rahmaniya High School Achalpur City Date :- 18.02.2000 To, The Manager S.T. Depot Achalpur City Subject :- Reservation of one bus for educational tour. Dear Sir, Our class of fifty students intends to go on an excursion to Daulatabad, Karnala and Nagzira on 29th, 30th and 31st of this month. We want you to kindly reserve a bus for us. This excursion is intended to enrich our knowledge. We are ready to pay the requisite amount on demand. The excursion will be of three days including two nights halt. We are eager to know the basis of charge, whether it is on per day or per kilometre. If you charge on the basis of per kilometre, let us know the distance to be covered. You are further requested to inform about the students concession if any. Kindly send us the required information as early as possible. Yours faithfully, ( Monis Anjum )

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Page 10


P11.Social Letter

Social Letter (Family and Friends) :Name Address Date

Salutation :-

Body of Letter



Family Letter :-

Your brother lives in pune. He has invited you to visit Pune. As you are visiting pune for the first time. Write a letter about going there. You may use these points. 1) Inform about your SSC exam. Hope of securing 80% marks. 2) You live in Achalpur. 3) By which bus you are leaving. 4) Is it direct bus. 5) Time of arrival of bus at pune. 6) Request him to attend at the bus station. Misba Merchant Merchant Complex Achalpur City 01.05.2000

Dear Brother, I am very happy to inform you that I am coming to Pune in the next week. My SSC examination is just over. I hope to secure at least 80 % marks. I have therefore decided to visit pune and enjoy my vacations there. I am leaving my place by Achalpur - Pune bus on 6th May 2000. I have reserved my seat on this bus. It reaches Pune at 4 p.m. As I do not know the proper way to reach you. Please attend the Pune bus station at about quarter to 4. Love to you. Your Loving Sister, (Misba Merchant)

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Page 11



1) Simple Present Tense
S+V+O (s.p.contains 's') I drink water. You throw a ball. Misba gets a reward of Rs.50

1) Simple Past Tense
S+V2+O I drank water. You threw a ball. Misba got a reward of Rs 50.

1) Simple Future Tense
S+Shall/will+V+O I shall drink water. You will throw a ball. Misba will get a reward of Rs 50.

Passive Voice
O+am/is/are(H.V)+V3+by+S Water is drunk by me. A ball is thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 is got by Misba.

Passive Voice
O+was/were(H.V)+V3 +by+S Water was drunk by me. A ball was thrown by you A reward of Rs.50 was got by Misba.

Passive Voice
O+shall/will(H.V)+be+V3+by+S Water will be drunk by me. A ball will be thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 will be got by Misba.

2) Present Continuous Tense

S+am/is/are(Hv)+Ving+O I am drinking water. You are throwing a ball. Misba is getting a reward of Rs.50.

2) Past Continuous Tense

S+was/were+Ving+O I was drinking water. You were throwing a ball. Misba was getting a reward of Rs.50.

2) Future Continuous Tense

S+shall/will+be+Ving+O I shall be drinking water. You will be throwing a ball. Misba will be getting a reward of Rs.50.

Passive Voice
O+am/is/are+being+V3+by+S Water is being drunk by me. A ball is being thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 is being got by Misba.

Passive Voice
O+was/were+being+V3 +by+S Water was being drunk by me. A ball was being thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 was being got by Misba.

No Passive

3) Present Perfect Tense

S+have/has+V3+O I have drunk water. You have thrown a ball. Misba has got a reward of Rs.50.

3) Past Perfect Tense

S+had+V3+O I had drank water. You had thrown a ball. Misba had got a reward of Rs.50.

3) Future Perfect Tense

S+shall/will+have+V3+O I shall have drunk water. You will have thrown a ball. Misba will have got a reward of Rs.50.

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

O+have/has+been+V3+by+S O+had+been+V3+by+S O+shall/will (H.V)+have+been+V3+by+S Water has been drunk by me. Water had been drunk by me. Water will have been drunk by me. A ball have been thrown by you. A ball had been thrown by you. A ball will have been thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 have been got by Misba. A reward of Rs.50 had been got by Misba. A reward of Rs.50 will have been got by Misba.

4) Present Perfect Cont. Tense

S+Have/has+been+Ving+O I have been drinking water. You have been throwing a ball. Misba has been getting a reward of Rs.50.

4) Past Perfect Cont. Tense

4) Future Perfect Continuous Tense

S+had+been+Ving+O S+shall/will+have+been+Ving+O I had been drinking water. I shall have been drinking water. you had been throwing a ball. You will have been throwing a ball. Misba had been getting a reward of Rs.50. Misba will have been getting a reward of Rs.50.

No Passive

No Passive

No Passive

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 1 (16)


C1.Tenses A4

1) Simple Present Tense
S+V+O (s.p.contains 's') I drink water. You throw a ball. Misba gets a reward of Rs.50

1) Simple Past Tense
S+V2+O I drank water. You threw a ball. Misba got a reward of Rs 50.

1) Simple Future Tense
S+Shall/will+V+O I shall drink water. You will throw a ball. Misba will get a reward of Rs 50.

Passive Voice
O+am/is/are(H.V)+V3+by+S Water is drunk by me. A ball is thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 is got by Misba.

Passive Voice
O+was/were(H.V)+V3 +by+S Water was drunk by me. A ball was thrown by you A reward of Rs.50 was got by Misba.

Passive Voice
O+shall/will(H.V)+be+V3+by+S Water will be drunk by me. A ball will be thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 will be got by Misba.

2) Present Continuous Tense

S+am/is/are(Hv)+Ving+O I am drinking water. You are throwing a ball. Misba is getting a reward of Rs.50.

2) Past Continuous Tense

S+was/were+Ving+O I was drinking water. You were throwing a ball. Misba was getting a reward of Rs.50.

2) Future Continuous Tense

S+shall/will+be+Ving+O I shall be drinking water. You will be throwing a ball. Misba will be getting a reward of Rs.50.

Passive Voice
O+am/is/are+being+V3+by+S Water is being drunk by me. A ball is being thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 is being got by Misba.

Passive Voice
O+was/were+being+V3 +by+S Water was being drunk by me. A ball was being thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 was being got by Misba.

No Passive

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 1 (17)


C1.Tenses A4

3) Present Perfect Tense

S+have/has+V3+O I have drunk water. You have thrown a ball. Misba has got a reward of Rs.50.

3) Past Perfect Tense

S+had+V3+O I had drank water. You had thrown a ball. Misba had got a reward of Rs.50.

3) Future Perfect Tense

S+shall/will+have+V3+O I shall have drunk water. You will have thrown a ball. Misba will have got a reward of Rs.50.

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

Passive Voice
O+shall/will (H.V)+have+been+V3+by+S Water will have been drunk by me. A ball will have been thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 will have been got by Misba.

O+have/has+been+V3+by+S O+had+been+V3+by+S Water has been drunk by me. Water had been drunk by me. A ball have been thrown by you. A ball had been thrown by you. A reward of Rs.50 have been got by Misba. A reward of Rs.50 had been got by Misba.

4) Present Perfect Cont. Tense

S+Have/has+been+Ving+O I have been drinking water. You have been throwing a ball. Misba has been getting a reward of Rs.50.

4) Past Perfect Cont. Tense

4) Future Perfect Continuous Tense

S+had+been+Ving+O S+shall/will+have+been+Ving+O I had been drinking water. I shall have been drinking water. you had been throwing a ball. You will have been throwing a ball. Misba had been getting a reward of Rs.50. Misba will have been getting a reward of Rs.50.

No Passive

No Passive

No Passive

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 1 (18)


C2.Voice(Active Passive)

Simple Present Tense (A.V.)


Present Continuous Tense (A.V.)

S+H.V+Ving+O I am eating an apple. Mother is cooking food. Mohini is wining the race. Teacher is teaching English. Seeta is singing a song. Gopal is collecting money.

Present Perfect Tense (A.V.)

S+have/has+V3+O. I have eaten an apple. Mother has cooked food. Mohini has won the race. Teacher has taught English. Seeta has sung a song. Gopal has collected money.

A c t i v e P a s s i v e A c t i v e

I eat an apple. Mother cooks food. Mohini wins the race. Teacher teaches English. Seeta sings a song. Gopal collects money.

(Passive Voice)
O+is/are+V3+by+S. An apple is eaten by me. Food is cooked by mother. The race is won by Mohini. English is taught by teacher. A song is sung by Seeta. Money is collected by Gopal.

(Passive Voice)
O+is/are+being+V3+by+S. An apple is being eaten by me. Food is being cooked by me. The race is being won by Mohini. English is being taught by teacher. A song is being sung by Seeta. Money is being collected by Gopal.

(Passive Voice)
O+have/has+been+V3+by+S. An apple has been eaten by me. Food has been cooked by me. The race has been won by Mohini English has been taught by teacher. A song has been sung by Seeta Money has been collected by Gopal

Simple Past Tense (A.V.)

S+V2+O I ate an apple. Mother cooked food. Mohini won the race Teacher taught English. Seeta sang a song. Gopal collected money.

Past Continuous Tense (A.V.)

S+was/were+Ving+O I was eating an apple. Mother was cooking food. Mohini was wining the race Teacher was teaching English. Seeta was singing a song. Gopal was collecting money.

Past Perfect Tense (A.V.)

S+had+V3+O I had eaten an apple. Mother had cooked food. Mohini had won the race. Teacher had taught English. Seeta had sung a song. Gopal had collected money.

(Passive Voice) P a s s i v e A c t i v e
O+H.V.+V3+by+S An apple was eaten by me. Food was cooked by mother. The race was won by Mohini. English was taught by teacher. A song was sung by Seeta. Money was collected by Gopal

(Passive Voice)
O+H.V.+V3+by+S An Apple was being eaten by me Food was being cooked by mother. The race was being won by Mohini. English was being taught by teacher. A song was being sung by Seeta. Money was being collected by Gopal.

(Passive Voice)
O+H.V.+V3+by+S An apple had been eaten by me. Food had been cooked by mother. The race had been won by mohini. English had been taught by teacher. A song had been sung by Seeta. Money had been collected by Gopal

Simple Future Tense (A.V.)

S+shall/will+O I shall eat an apple. Mother will cook food Mohini will win the race. Teacher will teach English. Seeta will sing a song Gopal will collect money.

Future Continuous Tense (A.V.)

S+shall/will+be+Ving+O I shall be eating an apple Mother will be cooking food Mohini will be wining the race Teacher will be teaching English Seeta will be singing a song Gopal will be collecting money

Future Perfect Tense (A.V.)

S+shall/will+have+V3+O I shall have eaten an apple Mother will have cooked food Mohini will have won the race Teacher will have taught English Seeta will have sung a song Gopal will have collected money

Passive Voice P a s s i v e
O+shall/will+be+V3+by+S An apple will be eaten by me. Food will be cooked by mother. The race will be won by Mohini. English will be taught by teacher A song will be Sung by Seeta Money will be collected by Gopal

Passive Voice

Passive Voice
O+shall/will+have been+V3+by+S An apple will have been eaten by me Food will have been cooked by mother The race will have been won by Mohini English will have been taught by teacher A song will have been sung by Seeta Money will have been collected by Gopal.

No Passive

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 2 (19)

C2.Voice(Active Passive) A4

Simple Present Tense (A.V.)


Present Continuous Tense (A.V.)

S+H.V+Ving+O I am eating an apple. Mother is cooking food. Mohini is wining the race. Teacher is teaching English. Seeta is singing a song. Gopal is collecting money.

Present Perfect Tense (A.V.)

S+have/has+V3+O. I have eaten an apple. Mother has cooked food. Mohini has won the race. Teacher has taught English. Seeta has sung a song. Gopal has collected money.

A c t i v e P a s s i v e A c t i v e

I eat an apple. Mother cooks food. Mohini wins the race. Teacher teaches English. Seeta sings a song. Gopal collects money.

Passive Voice
O+is/are+V3+by+S. An apple is eaten by me. Food is cooked by mother. The race is won by Mohini. English is taught by teacher. A song is sung by Seeta. Money is collected by Gopal.

Passive Voice
O+is/are+being+V3+by+S. An apple is being eaten by me. Food is being cooked by me. The race is being won by Mohini. English is being taught by teacher. A song is being sung by Seeta. Money is being collected by Gopal.

Passive Voice
O+have/has+been+V3+by+S. An apple has been eaten by me. Food has been cooked by me. The race has been won by Mohini English has been taught by teacher. A song has been sung by Seeta Money has been collected by Gopal

Simple Past Tense (A.V.)

S+V2+O I ate an apple. Mother cooked food. Mohini won the race Teacher taught English. Seeta sang a song. Gopal collected money.

Past Continuous Tense (A.V.)

S+was/were+Ving+O I was eating an apple. Mother was cooking food. Mohini was wining the race Teacher was teaching English. Seeta was singing a song. Gopal was collecting money.

Past Perfect Tense (A.V.)

S+had+V3+O I had eaten an apple. Mother had cooked food. Mohini had won the race. Teacher had taught English. Seeta had sung a song. Gopal had collected money.

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 2 (20)


C2.Voice(Active Passive) A4

P a s s i v e A c t i v e

O+H.V.+V3+by+S An apple was eaten by me. Food was cooked by mother. The race was won by Mohini. English was taught by teacher. A song was sung by Seeta. Money was collected by Gopal

O+H.V.+V3+by+S An Apple was being eaten by me Food was being cooked by mother. The race was being won by Mohini. English was being taught by teacher. A song was being sung by Seeta. Money was being collected by Gopal.

O+H.V.+V3+by+S An apple had been eaten by me. Food had been cooked by mother. The race had been won by mohini. English had been taught by teacher. A song had been sung by Seeta. Money had been collected by Gopal

Simple Future Tense (A.V.)

S+shall/will+O I shall eat an apple. Mother will cook food Mohini will win the race. Teacher will teach English. Seeta will sing a song Gopal will collect money.

Future Continuous Tense (A.V.)

S+shall/will+be+Ving+O I shall be eating an apple Mother will be cooking food Mohini will be wining the race Teacher will be teaching English Seeta will be singing a song Gopal will be collecting money

Future Perfect Tense (A.V.)

S+shall/will+have+V3+O I shall have eaten an apple Mother will have cooked food Mohini will have won the race Teacher will have taught English Seeta will have sung a song Gopal will have collected money

Passive Voice P a s s i v e
O+shall/will+be+V3+by+S An apple will be eaten by me. Food will be cooked by mother. The race will be won by Mohini. English will be taught by teacher A song will be Sung by Seeta Money will be collected by Gopal

Passive Voice

Passive Voice
O+shall/will+have been+V3+by+S An apple will have been eaten by me Food will have been cooked by mother The race will have been won by Mohini English will have been taught by teacher A song will have been sung by Seeta Money will have been collected by Gopal.

No Passive

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 2 (21)


C3.Tenses & Voice

Simple Present Tense


Present Continuous Tense

S+am/is/are(HV)+Ving+O I am drinking water. He is eating a banana. She is singing a song. We are speaking English. They are collecting funds. You are throwing a ball.
Misba is getting a reward of Rs.50.

Present Perfect Tense

S+have/has+V3+O I have drunk water. He has eaten a banana. She has sung a song. We have spoken English. They have collected funds. You have thrown a ball. Misba has got a reward of Rs.50. It has belonged to me. It has prevented the layer.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

S+have/has+been+Ving+O I have been drinking water. He has been eating a banana. She has been singing a song. We have been speaking English. They have been collecting funds. You have been throwing a ball.
Misba has been getting a reward of Rs.50.

S +V + O S.P contains P.P not "s" I drink water. He eats a banana. She sings a song. We speak English. They collect funds. You throw a ball. Misba gets a reward of Rs.50. It belongs to me. It prevents the layer.

It is belonging to me. It is preventing the layer.

It has been belonging to me. It has been preventing the layer.

Passive Voice
O+HV+V3+by+S Water is drunk by me. T A banana is eaten by him.

Passive Voice
O+HV+being+V3+by+S Water is being drunk by me. A banana is being eaten by me.

Passive Voice
O+have/has+been+V3+by+S Water has been drunk by me. A banana has been eaten by me.

No passive Past Perfect Continuous Tense

S+had +been+Ving+O I had been drinking water. He had been eating a banana. She had been singing a song. We had been speaking English. They had been collecting funds. You had been throwing a ball.
Misba had been getting a reward of Rs.50.

Simple Past Tense(S.P.T)

S + V2 + O

Past Continuous Tense

S+was/were(HV)+Ving+O I was drinking water. He was eating banana. She was singing a song. We were speaking English. They were collecting funds. You were throwing a ball.
Misba was getting a reward of Rs.50.

Past Perfect Tense

S + had + V3 + O I had drunk water. He had eaten banana. She had sung a song. We had spoken English. They had collected funds. You had thrown a ball. Misba had got a reward of Rs.50. It had belonged to me. It had prevented the layer.

I drank water. He ate a banana. She sang a song. We spoke English. They collected funds. You threw a ball. Misba got a reward of Rs.50. It belonged to me. It prevented the layer.

It was belonging to me. It was preventing the layer.

It had been belonging to me. It had been preventing the layer.

Passive voice
O+HV+V3+by+S Water was drunk by me. A banana was eaten by him.

Passive voice
O+HV+being+V3+by+S Water was being drunk by me. A banana was being eaten by him.

Passive voice
O+had+been+V3+by+S Water had been drunk by me. A banana had been eaten by me.

No passive Future Perfect Continuous Tense

S + shall/will+have+been+Ving+O I shall have been drinking water. He will have been eating a banana. She will have been singing a song. We will have been speaking English. They will have been collecting funds. You will have been throwing a ball. Misba will have been getting a reward of Rs.50. It will have been belonging to me. It will have been preventing the layer.

Simple Future Tense(S.F.T)


Future Continuous Tense

S+shall/will+be+Ving+O I shall be drinking water. He will be eating a banana. She will be singing a song. We will be speaking English. They will be collecting funds. You will be throwing a ball. Misba will be getting a reward of Rs.50. It will be belonging to me. It will be preventing the layer.

Future Perfect Tense(F.Pf.T)

S + shall/will +have + V3 + O I shall have drunk water. He will have eaten a banana. She will have sung a song. We will have spoke English. They will have collected funds. You will have thrown a ball. Misba will have got a reward of Rs.50. It will have belonged to me. It will have prevented the layer.


S + shall/will + V + O I shall drink water. He will eat a banana. She will sing a song. We will speak English. They will collect funds. You will throw a ball. Misba will get a reward of Rs.50. It will belong to me. It will prevent the layer.

N Passive Voice S O+shall/will+be+V3+by+S E Water will be drunk by me.

Passive Voice No passive

O+will/shall+have+been+V3+by+S Water will have been drunk by me. A banana will have been eaten by him.

No passive

A banana will be eaten by me. HV=helping verb V=verb SP=singular person PP= plural person

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 3 (22)


C3.Tenses & Voice A4

Simple Present Tense


Present Continuous Tense

S+am/is/are(HV)+Ving+O I am drinking water. He is eating a banana. She is singing a song. We are speaking English. They are collecting funds. You are throwing a ball.
Misba is getting a reward of Rs.50.

S +V + O S.P contains P.P not "s" I drink water. He eats a banana. She sings a song. We speak English. They collect funds. You throw a ball. Misba gets a reward of Rs.50. It belongs to me. It prevents the layer.

It is belonging to me. It is preventing the layer.

Passive Voice
O+HV+V3+by+S Water is drunk by me. T A banana is eaten by him.

Passive Voice
O+HV+being+V3+by+S Water is being drunk by me. A banana is being eaten by me.

Simple Past Tense(S.P.T)


Past Continuous Tense

S+was/were(HV)+Ving+O I was drinking water. He was eating banana. She was singing a song. We were speaking English. They were collecting funds. You were throwing a ball.
Misba was getting a reward of Rs.50.

S + V2 + O I drank water. He ate a banana. She sang a song. We spoke English. They collected funds. You threw a ball. Misba got a reward of Rs.50. It belonged to me. It prevented the layer.

It was belonging to me. It was preventing the layer.

Passive voice
O+HV+V3+by+S Water was drunk by me. A banana was eaten by him.

Passive voice
O+HV+being+V3+by+S Water was being drunk by me. A banana was being eaten by him.

Simple Future Tense(S.F.T)

S + shall/will + V + O
F I shall drink water.

Future Continuous Tense

S+shall/will+be+Ving+O I shall be drinking water. He will be eating a banana. She will be singing a song. We will be speaking English. They will be collecting funds. You will be throwing a ball. Misba will be getting a reward of Rs.50. It will be belonging to me. It will be preventing the layer.


He will eat a banana. She will sing a song. We will speak English. They will collect funds. You will throw a ball. Misba will get a reward of Rs.50. T It will belong to me. E It will prevent the layer.


Passive Voice

O+shall/will+be+V3+by+S E Water will be drunk by me. No passive A banana will be eaten by me. HV=helping verb V=verb SP=singular person PP= plural person

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 3 (23)


C3.Tenses & Voice A4

Present Perfect Tense

S+have/has+V3+O I have drunk water. He has eaten a banana. She has sung a song. We have spoken English. They have collected funds. You have thrown a ball. Misba has got a reward of Rs.50. It has belonged to me. It has prevented the layer.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

S+have/has+been+Ving+O I have been drinking water. He has been eating a banana. She has been singing a song. We have been speaking English. They have been collecting funds. You have been throwing a ball.
Misba has been getting a reward of Rs.50.

It has been belonging to me. It has been preventing the layer.

Passive Voice
O+have/has+been+V3+by+S Water has been drunk by me. A banana has been eaten by me.

No passive Past Perfect Continuous Tense

S+had +been+Ving+O I had been drinking water. He had been eating a banana. She had been singing a song. We had been speaking English. They had been collecting funds. You had been throwing a ball.
Misba had been getting a reward of Rs.50.

Past Perfect Tense

S + had + V3 + O I had drunk water. He had eaten banana. She had sung a song. We had spoken English. They had collected funds. You had thrown a ball. Misba had got a reward of Rs.50. It had belonged to me. It had prevented the layer.

It had been belonging to me. It had been preventing the layer.

Passive voice
O+had+been+V3+by+S Water had been drunk by me. A banana had been eaten by me.

No passive Future Perfect Continuous Tense

S + shall/will+have+been+Ving+O I shall have been drinking water. He will have been eating a banana. She will have been singing a song. We will have been speaking English. They will have been collecting funds. You will have been throwing a ball. Misba will have been getting a reward of Rs.50. It will have been belonging to me. It will have been preventing the layer.

Future Perfect Tense(F.Pf.T)

S + shall/will +have + V3 + O I shall have drunk water. He will have eaten a banana. She will have sung a song. We will have spoke English. They will have collected funds. You will have thrown a ball. Misba will have got a reward of Rs.50. It will have belonged to me. It will have prevented the layer.

Passive Voice
O+will/shall+have+been+V3+by+S Water will have been drunk by me. A banana will have been eaten by him.

No passive

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 3 (24)


C4.Kinds of Sentence

Affirmative Sentence

Assertive Sentence

Sita is a beautiful girl Sita is really a beautiful girl. That boy is very bold That boy is indeed very bold. Shivaji was courageous Shivaji was really very courageous. He is a rich man It is hot. He is really rich. It is very hot. He is very hungry. He is indeed very hungry. An elephant is a very wonderful creature. An elephant is indeed a wonderful creature. A cuckoo is a lazy bird. She is very proud. A cuckoo is a very lazy bird. She is really proud. The tomb of Taj Mahal is famous. The tomb of Taj Mahal is very famous. Rahmania High school is very good and famous. Rahmania High School is really very good and famous. Mr. B. A. Merchant is a pains taking research scholar Mr. B. A. Merchant is a great pains taking research scholar. Mr. Badruddin Merchant is a interested person in teaching activities. Mr. Badruddin Merchant is really a interested in teaching activities. Mr. Badruddin Merchant is fond of research work in English and Urdu languages. Mr. Badruddin Merchant is really very fond of research in English and Urdu languages. The President of Rahmania education society Mr. B. A. Merchant has keen interest in teaching The President of Rahmania Education society Mr. B. A. Merchant has really keen interest in teaching English grammar. English grammar.

Interrogative Sentence
Is Sita really a beautiful girl ? Is that boy really very bold ? Was Shivaji courageous ? Is he really rich ? Is it very hot ? Is he indeed hungry ? Is an elephant very wonderful animal ? Is cuckoo a very lazy bird ? Is she very proud ? Is the tomb of Taj Mahal famous ? Is Rahmania High School very good and famous ? Is Mr. B.A. Merchant a great pain taking research scholar ? Is Badruddin Merchant a interested person in teaching activities ? Is Mr. Badruddin Merchant really fond of research in Urdu & English languages ? Has Mr. B.A. Merchant keen interest in teaching English grammar ?

Exclamatory sentence (What/How + adjective + s !)

What a beautiful girl Sita is ! How bold that boy is ! How courageous Shivaji was ! How rich he is ! How hot it is ! How hungry he is ! What a wonderful animal Elephant is ! What a lazy bird cuckoo is ! How proud she is ! How famous the tomb of Taj Mahal is ! How good and famous Rahmania High school is ! What a great pain taking research scholar B.A. Merchant is ! What an interested person in teaching activities Mr. B.A. Merchant is ! How fond of research work in Urdu & English languages Mr. B.A. Merchant is ! What a keen interest in teaching English grammar Mr. B.A. Merchant has!

Simple Negative (No, Not, Never, None, Nothing, Nor,)

Sita is not a beautiful girl. That boy is not bold. Shivaji was not courageous. He is not very rich. It is not very hot. He is not bellyful. It is not very easy. An elephant is not very wonderful creature. A Cuckoo is not a lazy bird. She is not very proud. The tomb of Taj Mahal is not very famous. Rahmania High School is not very good and famous. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not pains taking research scholar. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not interested person in teaching activity as he knows teaching is twice learning. Mr. Badruddin Merchant of Achalpur is not very fond of performing the research work in Urdu language for the majority of the desirable students, getting entry into the age of second decade.
Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Negative (Without change in meaning )

Sita is not an ugly girl. That boy is not timid. Shivaji was not cowardly. He is not poor. It is not cold. He is not beautiful girl. It is not difficult. An elephant is not a simple creature. A Cuckoo is not an effective bird. She is not humble. The tomb of Taj Mahal is not unknown. Rahmania High School is not worthless and anonymous. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not inattentive in educational research. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not disinterested person in teaching activity as he is not unaware of the fact that teaching is twice learning. Mr. Badruddin Merchant of Achalpur is not unambitious to perform the research work in Urdu language for the majority of the desirable students, getting entrance into the age of second decade.

Chart 4 (25)

Affirmative Sentence
Sita is a beautiful girl. It is hot. That boy is very bold. She is very proud. Shivaji was courageous. He is a rich man. He is very hungry. An elephant is a very wonderful creature. Cuckoo is a lazy bird. The tomb of Taj Mahal is famous. Rahmania High school is very good and famous. Mr. B. A. Merchant is a pains taking research scholar Mr. Badruddin Merchant is a interested person in teaching activities. Mr. Badruddin Merchant is fond of research work in English and Urdu languages. The President of Rahmaniya Society Mr. B. A. Merchant has keen interest in teaching English grammar.

C4.Kinds of Sentence A4

Interrogative Sentence
Is Sita really a beautiful girl ? Is that boy really very bold ? Was Shivaji courageous ? Is he really rich ? Is it very hot ? Is he indeed hungry ? Is an elephant very wonderful animal ? Is cuckoo a very lazy bird ? Is she very proud ? Is the tomb of Taj Mahal famous ? Is Rahmania High School very good and famous ? Is Mr. B.A. Merchant a great pain taking research scholar ? Is Badruddin Merchant a interested person in teaching activities ? Is Mr. Badruddin Merchant really fond of research in Urdu & English languages ? Has Mr. B.A. Merchant keen interest in teaching English grammar ?

Simple Negative (No, Not, Never, None, Nothing, Nor,)

Sita is not a beautiful girl. That boy is not bold. Shivaji was not courageous. He is not very rich. It is not very hot. He is not bellyful. It is not very easy. An elephant is not very wonderful creature. Cuckoo is not a lazy bird. She is not very proud. The tomb of Taj Mahal is not very famous. Rahmania High School is not very good and famous. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not pains taking research scholar. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not interested person in teaching activity as he knows teaching is twice learning. Mr. Badruddin Merchant of Achalpur is not very fond of performing the research work in Urdu language for the majority of the desirable students, getting entry into the age of second decade.

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 4 (26)


C4.Kinds of Sentence A4

Assertive Sentence

Sita is really a beautiful girl. It is very hot. That boy is indeed very bold. She is really proud. Shivaji was really very courageous. He is really rich. He is indeed very hungry. An elephant is indeed a wonderful creature. Cuckoo is a very lazy bird. The tomb of Taj Mahal is very famous. Rahmania High School is really very good and famous. Mr. B. A. Merchant is a great pains taking research scholar. Mr. Badruddin Merchant is really a interested in teaching activities. Mr. Badruddin Merchant is really very fond of research in English and Urdu languages. The President of Rahmaniya Society Mr. B. A. Merchant has really keen interest in teaching English grammar.

Exclamatory sentence (What/How + adjective + s !)

What a beautiful girl Sita is ! How bold that boy is ! How courageous Shivaji was ! How rich he is ! How hot it is ! How hungry he is ! What a wonderful animal Elephant is ! What a lazy bird cuckoo is ! How proud she is ! How famous the tomb of Taj Mahal is ! How good and famous Rahmania High school is ! What a great pain taking research scholar B.A. Merchant is ! What an interested person in teaching activities Mr. B.A. Merchant is ! How fond of research work in Urdu & English languages Mr. B.A. Merchant is ! What a keen interest in teaching English grammar Mr. B.A. Merchant has!

Negative (Without change in meaning )

Sita is not an ugly girl. That boy is not timid. Shivaji was not cowardly. He is not poor. It is not cold. He is not beautiful girl. It is not difficult. An elephant is not a simple creature. Cuckoo is not an effective bird. She is not humble. The tomb of Taj Mahal is not unknown. Rahmania High School is not worthless and anonymous. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not inattentive in educational research. Mr. B.A. Merchant of Achalpur is not disinterested person in teaching activity as he is not unaware of the fact that teaching is twice learning. Mr. Badruddin Merchant of Achalpur is not unambitious to perform the research work in Urdu language for the majority of the desirable students, getting entrance into the age of second decade.

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 4 (27)


C5.Direct & Indirect

Present Tense (Direct)

He said, " I do it". He said, "I eat bread". He said, "I like to swim". The girl said, "We read a novel". Monis said, "I earn just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, "I know this part of the story". Arib said, "We go to Amravati". They said, "We play Cricket". Sumarna said, "I finish dinner". Mariya said, " I make Chapatti".

Simple Past Tense (Indirect Speech)

He said that he did it. He said that he ate bread. He said that he liked to swim The girl said that they read novel. Monis said that he earned just enough to make both ends meet. Ahmad said that he knew that part of the story. Arib said that they went to Amravati. They said that they played cricket. Sumarna said that she finished dinner. Mariya said that she made chapatti.

Present Continuous Tense (Direct)

He said, " I am doing it ". He said, "I am eating bread". The girl said, "We are reading a novel". Monis said, "I am earning just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, " I am knowing this part of the story". Arib said, "We are going to Amravati". They said, "We are playing cricket". Sumarna said, "I am finishing dinner". Mariya said, "I am making chapatti".

Past Continuous Tense (Indirect)

He said that he was doing it. He said that he was eating bread. The girl said that they were reading a novel. Monis said that he was earning just enough to make both ends meet. Ahmad said that he was knowing that part of the story. Arib said that they were going to Amravati. They said that they were playing cricket. Sumarna said that she was finishing dinner. Mariya said that she was making chapatti.

Present Perfect Tense (Direct)

He said, "I have done it". Ahmad said, "We have waited till tomorrow morning". Monis said, "I have worked in the field". Sumarna said, "They have finished their work".

Past Perfect Tense (Indirect)

He said that he had done it. Ahmad said that they had waited till the next morning. Monis said that he had worked in the field. Sumarna said that they had finished their work.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Direct)

He said, "I have been doing it". Ahmad said, "We have been waiting till tomorrow morning". Monis said, "I have been working in the field". Sumarna said, "They have been finishing their work".

Past Perfect continuous (Indirect)

He said that he had been doing it. Ahmad said that they had been waiting till the next morning. Monis said that he had been working in the field. Sumarna said that they had been finishing their work.

Simple Past (Direct)

He said, " I did it". He said, "I ate bread". The girl said, "We read a novel". Monis said, "I earned just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, "I knew this part of the story", Arib said, "We went to Amravati". They said , "We played cricket". Sumarna said, "I finished dinner". Mariya said, "I made Chapatti".

Past Perfect ( Indirect)

He said that he had done it. He said that he had eaten bread. The girl said that she had read a novel.
Monis said that he had earned just enough to make both ends meet.

Ahmad said that he had known that part of the story. Arib said that he had gone to Amravati. They said that they had played cricket. Sumarna said that she had finished dinner. Mariya said that she had made Chapatti.

Past Continuous (Direct)

He said, "He was doing it". He said, "I was eating bread". The girl said, "We were reading a novel". Monis said, "I was earning just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, "I was knowing this part of the story". Arib said, "We were going to Amravati". They said, "We were playing Cricket". Sumarna said, "I was finishing dinner".
Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Past Perfect continuous (Indirect)

He said that he had been doing it. He said that he had been eating bread. The girl said that he had been reading a novel Monis said that he had been earning just enough to make both ends meet. Ahmad said that he had been knowing that part of the story. Arib said that they had been going to Amravati. They said that they had been playing cricket. Sumarna said that she had been finishing dinner.
Chart 5 (28) Grammar

C5.Direct & Indirect

Past Perfect Tense (Direct)

( Tense remain unchanged ) He said, "I had done it". (He said that he had done it.) The girl said, "I had played Kho Kho very well". Sita said, "I had made chapatti." Ahmad said, "We had worked in the garden".

Past Perfect Tense (Indirect)

(Tense remain unchanged) (use pronoun "THAT") He said, "I had done it". (He said that he had done it.) Sita said that she had made chapatti. Ahmad said that they had worked in the garden.

Past Perfect Continuous

(Tense remain unchanged) (Use Pronoun "THAT") He said ," I had been doing it". ( He said that he had been doing it.)

Past Perfect Continuous

(Tense remain unchanged) (Use Pronoun "THAT") He Said ," I had been doing it". ( He said that he had been doing it.)

Universal Truth
If the direct speech contains or states:1. A universal truth. 2. An habitual fact. 3. A natural fact. 4. Any proverbial fact. Any one of the above fact is true at all time & at any place. 1) Universal Truth: The statement which are real or acceptable every where without any hesitation is a universal truth. (i) The Sun never sets. ii) The Sun shines all the 24 hours. 2) Habitual Fact: The statement that indicates our daily routine work as a habit are said to be the habitual facts. i) We get up early in the morning. ii) The labourers attend their working field. 3) Natural Facts: The statement which express the idea occurring naturally. i) Water is necessary for living being. ii) Seven days make a week. iii) Leap year consists of three hundred and sixty six days. 4) Proverbial Facts: The statement which is shown through the proverb & it is common to all are known as proverbial facts. i) Tit for tat. ii) Knowledge is power. iii) Health is wealth. iv) No pains no gains. iv) Lawyer are always liars. v) Children and fools always tells the truth.

Universal Truth
Rule:- 1. The present indefinite tense in the reported speech remain unchanged. e.g. 1. The teacher said, "Honesty is the best policy". 2. Children love toys. Rule:- 2. If the reported speech contains a statement which is true up to the present times the present indefinite tense in the reported speech remains unchanged. e.g. He said, "I take a walk everyday". He said that he takes a walk everyday. Rule:- 3. If the reported verb is in the present or future tense, the tense of the verb in the reported speech are not changed. e.g. He said, "God is great". He said that God is great. "Water finds its own level", he said. He said that water finds its own level. They said, "Blood is thicker than water". They said that Blood is thicker than water. He say, "I shall go to play". He says that he will go to play. He will say, "I know who did the work". He will say that he knows who did the work.

1: Sita said, "I do it". 2: Ahmad said, "I am reading a story". 3: He said to me," I drink Pepsi". 4: Mother said, " I am cooking food". 5: The teacher said to Pupils, "Don't talk please". 6: "What do you want", he said to her. 7: He said to her, " Why are you all sitting about there doing nothing". 8: "Call the first witness", said the judge. 9: He says, "I am glad to be here this evening". 10: He said to me, "I have often told you not to play with fire". 11: She said, "You are a lazy boy". 12: The prince said , "It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening". 13: The traveller said, "Can you tell me the way to the nearest in ?". 14: Her mother said, "You must go straight to your grandmother's cottage". 15: He said, "I shall go as soon as it is possible". 16: "Two and two make four", he said. 17: The teacher said, "The sun is a star". 18: The teacher said, "God helps those who help themselves". 19: "There are many slips between the cup and the lips". 20: "I breathe up to the end of life", he said.

1: I told him that I had not seen him for mother. 2: He said that the earth moves round the sun. 3: He said that he was tired, and that he wished to go to bed. 4: The boy said that he would go with us. 5: He told us that he had waited an hour. 6: Monis said that he had seen that picture. 7: Sita said that she had come to see them 8: Mohan said that he would never steal again. 9: The speaker said that it gave him great pleasure. 10: He said that he had come, it was against his will. 11: I told him that I had not seen him for a month. 12: Meena said that she was very busy then. 13: He said that his master was writing letters. 14: He ordered him to leave the room and forbade him to return. 15: Raja asked Ahmad if he would change places with him. 16: He said that he will go to play. 17: He will say that he knows who did the work.

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 5 (29)


C5.Direct & Indirect A4

Present Tense (Direct)

He said, " I do it". He said, "I eat bread". He said, "I like to swim". The girl said, "We read a novel". Monis said, "I earn just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, "I know this part of the story". Arib said, "We go to Amravati". They said, "We play Cricket". Sumarna said, "I finish dinner". Mariya said, " I make Chapatti".

Present Continuous Tense (Direct)

He said, " I am doing it ". He said, "I am eating bread". The girl said, "We are reading a novel". Monis said, "I am earning just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, " I am knowing this part of the story". Arib said, "We are going to Amravati". They said, "We are playing cricket". Sumarna said, "I am finishing dinner". Mariya said, "I am making chapatti".

Present Perfect Tense (Direct)

He said, "I have done it". Ahmad said, "We have waited till tomorrow morning". Monis said, "I have worked in the field". Sumarna said, "They have finished their work".

Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Direct)

He said, "I have been doing it". Ahmad said, "We have been waiting till tomorrow morning". Monis said, "I have been working in the field". Sumarna said, "They have been finishing their work".

Simple Past (Direct)

He said, " I did it". He said, "I ate bread". The girl said, "We read a novel". Monis said, "I earned just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, "I knew this part of the story", Arib said, "We went to Amravati". They said , "We played cricket". Sumarna said, "I finished dinner". Mariya said, "I made Chapatti".

Past Continuous (Direct)

He said, "He was doing it". He said, "I was eating bread". The girl said, "We were reading a novel". Monis said, "I was earning just enough to make both ends meet". Ahmad said, "I was knowing this part of the story". Arib said, "We were going to Amravati". They said, "We were playing Cricket". Sumarna said, "I was finishing dinner".

Past Perfect Tense (Direct)

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant Chart 5 (30) Grammar

C5.Direct & Indirect A4

( Tense remain unchanged ) He said, "I had done it". (He said that he had done it.) The girl said, "I had played Kho Kho very well". Sita said, "I had made chapatti." Ahmad said, "We had worked in the garden".

Past Perfect Continuous

(Tense remain unchanged) (Use Pronoun "THAT") He said ," I had been doing it". ( He said that he had been doing it.)

Universal Truth
If the direct speech contains or states:1. A universal truth. 2. An habitual fact. 3. A natural fact. 4. Any proverbial fact. Any one of the above fact is true at all time & at any place. 1) Universal Truth: The statement which are real or acceptable every where without any hesitation is a universal truth. (i) The Sun never sets. ii) The Sun shines all the 24 hours. 2) Habitual Fact: The statement that indicates our daily routine work as a habit are said to be the habitual facts. i) We get up early in the morning. ii) The labourers attend their working field. 3) Natural Facts: The statement which express the idea occurring naturally. i) Water is necessary for living being. ii) Seven days make a week. iii) Leap year consists of three hundred and sixty six days. 4) Proverbial Facts: The statement which is shown through the proverb & it is common to all are known as proverbial facts. i) Tit for tat. ii) Knowledge is power. iii) Health is wealth. iv) No pains no gains. iv) Lawyer are always liars. v) Children and fools always tells the truth.

1: Sita said, "I do it". 2: Ahmad said, "I am reading a story". 3: He said to me," I drink Pepsi". 4: Mother said, " I am cooking food". 5: The teacher said to Pupils, "Don't talk please". 6: "What do you want", he said to her. 7: He said to her, " Why are you all sitting about there doing nothing". 8: "Call the first witness", said the judge. 9: He says, "I am glad to be here this evening". 10: He said to me, "I have often told you not to play with fire". 11: She said, "You are a lazy boy". 12: The prince said , "It gives me great pleasure to be here this evening". 13: The traveller said, "Can you tell me the way to the nearest in ?". 14: Her mother said, "You must go straight to your grandmother's cottage". 15: He said, "I shall go as soon as it is possible". 16: "Two and two make four", he said. 17: The teacher said, "The sun is a star". 18: The teacher said, "God helps those who help themselves". 19: "There are many slips between the cup and the lips". 20: "I breathe up to the end of life", he said.

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 5 (31)


C5.Direct & Indirect A4

Simple Past Tense (Indirect Speech)

He said that he did it. He said that he ate bread. He said that he liked to swim The girl said that they read novel. Monis said that he earned just enough to make both ends meet. Ahmad said that he knew that part of the story. Arib said that they went to Amravati. They said that they played cricket. Sumarna said that she finished dinner. Mariya said that she made chapatti.

Past Continuous Tense (Indirect)

He said that he was doing it. He said that he was eating bread. The girl said that they were reading a novel. Monis said that he was earning just enough to make both ends meet. Ahmad said that he was knowing that part of the story. Arib said that they were going to Amravati. They said that they were playing cricket. Sumarna said that she was finishing dinner. Mariya said that she was making chapatti.

Past Perfect Tense (Indirect)

He said that he had done it. Ahmad said that they had waited till the next morning. Monis said that he had worked in the field. Sumarna said that they had finished their work.

Past Perfect continuous (Indirect)

He said that he had been doing it. Ahmad said that they had been waiting till the next morning. Monis said that he had been working in the field. Sumarna said that they had been finishing their work.

Past Perfect ( Indirect)

He said that he had done it. He said that he had eaten bread. The girl said that she had read a novel.
Monis said that he had earned just enough to make both ends meet.

Ahmad said that he had known that part of the story. Arib said that he had gone to Amravati. They said that they had played cricket. Sumarna said that she had finished dinner. Mariya said that she had made Chapatti.

Past Perfect continuous (Indirect)

He said that he had been doing it. He said that he had been eating bread. The girl said that he had been reading a novel Monis said that he had been earning just enough to make both ends meet. Ahmad said that he had been knowing that part of the story. Arib said that they had been going to Amravati. They said that they had been playing cricket. Sumarna said that she had been finishing dinner.

Past Perfect Tense (Indirect)

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant Chart 5 (32) Grammar

C5.Direct & Indirect A4

(Tense remain unchanged) (use pronoun "THAT") He said, "I had done it". (He said that he had done it.) Sita said that she had made chapatti. Ahmad said that they had worked in the garden.

Past Perfect Continuous

(Tense remain unchanged) (Use Pronoun "THAT") He Said ," I had been doing it". ( He said that he had been doing it.)

Universal Truth
Rule:- 1. The present indefinite tense in the reported speech remain unchanged. e.g. 1. The teacher said, "Honesty is the best policy". 2. Children love toys. Rule:- 2. If the reported speech contains a statement which is true up to the present times the present indefinite tense in the reported speech remains unchanged. e.g. He said, "I take a walk everyday". He said that he takes a walk everyday. Rule:- 3. If the reported verb is in the present or future tense, the tense of the verb in the reported speech are not changed. e.g. He said, "God is great". He said that God is great. "Water finds its own level", he said. He said that water finds its own level. They said, "Blood is thicker than water". They said that Blood is thicker than water. He say, "I shall go to play". He says that he will go to play. He will say, "I know who did the work". He will say that he knows who did the work.

1: I told him that I had not seen him for mother. 2: He said that the earth moves round the sun. 3: He said that he was tired, and that he wished to go to bed. 4: The boy said that he would go with us. 5: He told us that he had waited an hour. 6: Monis said that he had seen that picture. 7: Sita said that she had come to see them 8: Mohan said that he would never steal again. 9: The speaker said that it gave him great pleasure. 10: He said that he had come, it was against his will. 11: I told him that I had not seen him for a month. 12: Meena said that she was very busy then. 13: He said that his master was writing letters. 14: He ordered him to leave the room and forbade him to return. 15: Raja asked Ahmad if he would change places with him. 16: He said that he will go to play. 17: He will say that he knows who did the work.

Author :- Mr. B. A. Merchant

Chart 5 (33)


C6.As, No, If Not, Unless...

Simple sentence
S + V + C + 2nd part S + V + (s,es,ies) + C + 2.P. S + V2 + C + 2.P. S + am,is,are/was,were+Ving+C+2.P. S + have, has/had+V3+C+2.P. 1) The water touch his lips. Atmost the same time, he was struck down. 2) The fats collected on the surface. A layer was formed instantly. 3) Dhira dusted the shoe quickly and then opened a tin. 4) We had gone some distance. We saw a juggler with his monkey. 5) He saw a old man. He ran away. 6) I had reached, I found that he was not in the room. 7) I saw her, she closed the door.

As soon as
As soon as + S + V + C + 2.P. As soon as + S + V(s,es,ies) + C + 2.P. As soon as + S + V2 + C + 2.P. As soon as + S + am,is,are/was were+Ving+C+2.P. As soon as + S + have, has/had + V3 + C + 2.P. 1) As soon as the water touched his lips he was struck down. 2) As soon as the fats collected on the surface a layer was formed. 3) As soon as Dhira dusted the shoe he opened a tin. 4) As soon as we had gone some distance we saw a juggler with his monkey. 5) As soon as he saw the old man he ran away. 6) As soon as I had reached, I found that he was not in the room. 7) As soon as I saw her she closed the door.

Use 'If not'

If do not + V If does not + V If did not + V 1) If you can not behave yourself, you will have to find another job. 2) If you do not pay your bills, they will cut off the meter. 3) If he does not study hard, he will not get first class. 4) He would not bring back a stick to you if you do not throw one in. 5) If you don't feel cold, keep the window open. 6) If we don't listen to him, he will punish us. 7) If you do not help me, I can not find the way out. 8) If you do not ask him, he will not pay. 9) If rain does not come, crops will be ruined.

Use 'Unless'
Unless + V Unless + V + (s,es,ies) Unless + V2 1) Unless you can behave yourself ,you will have to find another job. 2) Unless you pay your bill, they will cut off the meter. 3) Unless he studies hard he will not get first class. 4) He would not bring back a stick to you unless you threw one in. 5) Unless you feel cold keep the window open. 6) Unless we listen to him he will punish us. 7) Unless you help me I can not find the way out. 8) He will not pay unless you ask him. 9) Unless rain come, crops will be ruined.

Use many, much or some.

Many ( Countable noun) 1: He told me many stories. 2: There were many flowers in the garden. Much (Uncountable noun ) 1: Much of the gas is coming from Bombay. 2: Much of the food was wasted. Some ( Countable, Uncountable noun.) 1: Only some of the invited guests were able to attend the party. 2: Let's take some examples.

Change into 'Not only.But Also'

1: We like tea and coffee. 2: Ahmad and Rahman read novel. 3: Sita is intelligent and beautiful. 4: He is hungry and poor. 5: B.A. Merchant is interested in teaching activities and fond of research in English & Urdu languages. 6: Rahmania high School is good and famous. 7: He was short-tempered and impatient. 8:He was grieved and surprise. 9:The weather was mild and sunny. 10:His people were good and loyal. 11:They were tired of war and tired of victories.

Use 'Could'(was/were + able to)

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: I could come in five minutes. We could play well. They could use both hands for counting. I could save the situation. He could win the match.

S + was/were + able to + V + O
I was able to come five minutes. We were able to play well. They were able to use both hands for counting. I was able to save the situation. He was able to win the match.

Negative (S + could not + V + O)

I could not come in five minutes. We could not play well. I could not save the situation. He could not win the match. Mini could not walk. We could not attend the function.

Negative (S+was/ were+not able to +V+O)

I was not able to come in five minutes. We were not able to play well. I was not able to save the situation. He was not able to win the match. Mini was not able to walk. We were not able to attend the function.

Negative (S + can not + V + O)

I can not write the story. We can not do that. She can not play well. Sita can not run fast. They can not catch the bus.

Negative (S+am/ is/ are+not able to+V+O)

I am not able to write the story. We are not able to do that. She is not able play well. Sita is not able to run fast. They are not able to catch the bus.

Use either


They will either stab or kill you. He is either deaf or dumb. He can offer either French or English.
Chart 6 (34)


1: They will stab or kill you. 2: He is deaf. He is dumb. 3: He can offer French. He can offer English.
Author :- Mr. B.A.Merchant


C6.As, No, If Not, Unless...

No sooner.than
No sooner + do+S+V+C+than + 2.P. No sooner + does+S+V+C+than+2.P. No sooner + did+S+V+C+than + 2.P. No sooner + am,is,are/was,were+S+Ving+than+2.P. No sooner + have, has/had+S+V3+C+than + 2.P. 1) No sooner did the water touch his lips than he was struck down.

Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. 1) Hardly had the water touched his lips when he was struck down.

2) No sooner did the fats collect on the surface than a layer was 2) Hardly had the fats collected on the surface when a layer was formed. formed. 3) No sooner did Dhira dust the shoe than he opened a tin. 3) Hardly had Dhira dusted the shoe when he opened a tin. 4) No sooner had we gone some distance than we saw a juggler with his monkey. 5) No sooner did he see the old man than he ran away. 6) No sooner had I reached than I found that he was not in the room. 7) No sooner did I see her she closed the door. 4) Hardly had we gone some distance when we saw a juggler with his monkey. 5) Hardly had he seen the old man when he ran away. 6) Hardly had I reached when I found that he was not in the room. 7) Hardly had I seen when she closed the door.

so.that + S + can/could + not

1) I was too small to defend my goalies. 2) Ahmad is too interested in reading to keep. 3) It was too hot for us to go out. 4) He is too small to handle the ball. 5) They were too tired to get up early. 6) The prince worked too hard to rejoice. 7) She was too busy to realise the presence of the prince. 8) It is too difficult to understand. 9) It is too far to go on foot. 10) The prince was too proud to thank the girl. 11) It became too dark for me to read easily.

1) I was so small that I could not defend my goalies. 2) Ahmad is so interested in reading that he can't keep. 3) It was so hot that we could not go out. 4) He is so small that he can not handle the ball. 5) They were so tired that they could not get up early. 6) The prince worked so hard that he could not rejoice. 7) She was so busy that she could not realise the presence of the prince. 8) It is so difficult that it can not be understood. 9) It is so far that one can not go on foot. 10) The prince was so proud that he could not thank the girl. 11) It became so dark that I could not read easily.

Not only.But also

1:We like not only tea but also coffee 2:Not only Ahmad But also Rahman read novels. 3:Sita is not only intelligent but also beautiful girl. 4:He is not only hungry but also poor 5: B.A. Merchant is not only interested in teaching activities but also fond of research in English & Urdu languages.
6:Rahmania High School is not only good but also famous

1:We like both tea and coffee 2:Both Ahmad and Rahman read novels. 3:Sita is both intelligent and beautiful girl. 4:He is both hungry and poor. 5:B.A. Merchant is interested in both teaching activities and fond of research in English & Urdu languages. 6:Rahmania High School is both good and famous 7:He was both short-tempered and impatient 8:He was both grieved and surprised. 9:The weather was both mild and sunny. 10:His people were both good and loyal. 11:They were both tired of war and tired of victories

7:He was not only short-tempered but also impatient 8:He was not only grieved but also surprised 9:The weather was not only mild but also sunny. 10:His people were not only good but also loyal 11:They were not only tired of war but also tired of victories

Use 'Can' (am/is/are + able to)

1: I can write the story. 2: We can do that. 3:She can play well. 4:Sita can run fast. 5:We can catch the bus.

S + am/is/are + able to + V + O
I am able to write the story. We are able to do that. She is able to play well. Sita is able to run fast. We are able to catch the bus.

Affirmative (S + was/were + unable to + V + O)

I was unable to come in five minutes. We were unable to play well. I was unable to save the situation. He was unable to win the match. Mini was unable to walk. We were unable to attend the function

Affirmative (S + am/is/are + unable to + V + O)

I am unable to write the story. We are unable to do that. She is unable to play well. Sita is unable to run fast. They are unable to catch the bus.

Use Neither




The prince was not satisfied. He was not happy Abdul Hamid was not daunted. He was not deterred. They did not try to open the doors or windows.
Author :- Mr. B.A.Merchant

The prince was neither satisfied nor happy. Abdul Hamid was neither daunted nor deterred.
They tried to open neither the doors nor windows.
Chart 6 (35) Grammar

C6.As, No, If Not, Unless.. A4

Simple sentence
S + V + C + 2nd part S + V + (s,es,ies) + C + 2.P. S + V2 + C + 2.P. S + am,is,are/was,were+Ving+C+2.P. S + have, has/had+V3+C+2.P. 1) The water touch his lips. Atmost the same time, he was struck down. 2) The fats collected on the surface. A layer was formed instantly. 3) Dhira dusted the shoe quickly and then opened a tin. 4) We had gone some distance. We saw a juggler with his monkey. 5) He saw a old man. He ran away. 6) I had reached, I found that he was not in the room. 7) I saw her, she closed the door.

As soon as
As soon as + S + V + C + 2.P. As soon as + S + V(s,es,ies) + C + 2.P. As soon as + S + V2 + C + 2.P. As soon as + S + am,is,are/was were+Ving+C+2.P. As soon as + S + have, has/had + V3 + C + 2.P. 1) As soon as the water touched his lips he was struck down. 2) As soon as the fats collected on the surface a layer was formed. 3) As soon as Dhira dusted the shoe he opened a tin. 4) As soon as we had gone some distance we saw a juggler with his monkey. 5) As soon as he saw the old man he ran away. 6) As soon as I had reached, I found that he was not in the room. 7) As soon as I saw her she closed the door.

Use 'If not'

If do not + V If does not + V If did not + V 1) If you can not behave yourself, you will have to find another job. 2) If you do not pay your bills, they will cut off the meter. 3) If he does not study hard, he will not get first class. 4) He would not bring back a stick to you if you do not throw one in. 5) If you don't feel cold, keep the window open. 6) If we don't listen to him, he will punish us. 7) If you do not help me, I can not find the way out. 8) If you do not ask him, he will not pay. 9) If rain does not come, crops will be ruined.

Use 'Unless'
Unless + V Unless + V + (s,es,ies) Unless + V2 1) Unless you can behave yourself ,you will have to find another job. 2) Unless you pay your bill, they will cut off the meter. 3) Unless he studies hard he will not get first class. 4) He would not bring back a stick to you unless you threw one in. 5) Unless you feel cold keep the window open. 6) Unless we listen to him he will punish us. 7) Unless you help me I can not find the way out. 8) He will not pay unless you ask him. 9) Unless rain come, crops will be ruined.

Use many, much or some.

Author :- Mr. B.A.Merchant Chart 6 (36)

Change into 'Not only.But Also'


C6.As, No, If Not, Unless.. A4

Many ( Countable noun) 1: He told me many stories. 2: There were many flowers in the garden. Much (Uncountable noun ) 1: Much of the gas is coming from Bombay. 2: Much of the food was wasted. Some ( Countable, Uncountable noun.) 1: Only some of the invited guests were able to attend the party. 2: Let's take some examples.

1: We like tea and coffee. 2: Ahmad and Rahman read novel. 3: Sita is intelligent and beautiful. 4: He is hungry and poor. 5: B.A. Merchant is interested in teaching activities and fond of research in English & Urdu languages. 6: Rahmania high School is good and famous. 7: He was short-tempered and impatient. 8:He was grieved and surprise. 9:The weather was mild and sunny. 10:His people were good and loyal. 11:They were tired of war and tired of victories.

Use 'Could'(was/were + able to)

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: I could come in five minutes. We could play well. They could use both hands for counting. I could save the situation. He could win the match.

S + was/were + able to + V + O
I was able to come five minutes. We were able to play well. They were able to use both hands for counting. I was able to save the situation. He was able to win the match.

Negative (S + could not + V + O)

I could not come in five minutes. We could not play well. I could not save the situation. He could not win the match. Mini could not walk. We could not attend the function.

Negative (S+was/ were+not able to +V+O)

I was not able to come in five minutes. We were not able to play well. I was not able to save the situation. He was not able to win the match. Mini was not able to walk. We were not able to attend the function.

Negative (S + can not + V + O)

I can not write the story. We can not do that. She can not play well. Sita can not run fast. They can not catch the bus.

Negative (S+am/ is/ are+not able to+V+O)

I am not able to write the story. We are not able to do that. She is not able play well. Sita is not able to run fast. They are not able to catch the bus.

Use either


They will either stab or kill you. He is either deaf or dumb. He can offer either French or English.


1: They will stab or kill you. 2: He is deaf. He is dumb. 3: He can offer French. He can offer English.

Author :- Mr. B.A.Merchant

Chart 6 (37)


C6.As, No, If Not, Unless.. A4

No sooner.than
No sooner + do+S+V+C+than + 2.P. No sooner + does+S+V+C+than+2.P. No sooner + did+S+V+C+than + 2.P. No sooner + am,is,are/was,were+S+Ving+than+2.P. No sooner + have, has/had+S+V3+C+than + 2.P. 1) No sooner did the water touch his lips than he was struck down.

Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. Hardly+had+S+V3+C+when+2.P. 1) Hardly had the water touched his lips when he was struck down.

2) No sooner did the fats collect on the surface than a layer was 2) Hardly had the fats collected on the surface when a layer was formed. formed. 3) No sooner did Dhira dust the shoe than he opened a tin. 3) Hardly had Dhira dusted the shoe when he opened a tin. 4) No sooner had we gone some distance than we saw a juggler with4) Hardly had we gone some distance when we saw a juggler with his his monkey. monkey. 5) No sooner did he see the old man than he ran away. 5) Hardly had he seen the old man when he ran away. 6) No sooner had I reached than I found that he was not in the room.6) Hardly had I reached when I found that he was not in the room. 7) No sooner did I see her she closed the door. 7) Hardly had I seen when she closed the door.

so.that + S + can/could + not

1) I was too small to defend my goalies. 2) Ahmad is too interested in reading to keep. 3) It was too hot for us to go out. 4) He is too small to handle the ball. 5) They were too tired to get up early. 6) The prince worked too hard to rejoice. 7) She was too busy to realise the presence of the prince. 8) It is too difficult to understand. 9) It is too far to go on foot. 10) The prince was too proud to thank the girl. 11) It became too dark for me to read easily.

1) I was so small that I could not defend my goalies. 2) Ahmad is so interested in reading that he can't keep. 3) It was so hot that we could not go out. 4) He is so small that he can not handle the ball. 5) They were so tired that they could not get up early. 6) The prince worked so hard that he could not rejoice. 7) She was so busy that she could not realise the presence of the prince. 8) It is so difficult that it can not be understood. 9) It is so far that one can not go on foot. 10) The prince was so proud that he could not thank the girl. 11) It became so dark that I could not read easily.

Not only.But also

Author :- Mr. B.A.Merchant Chart 6 (38)


C6.As, No, If Not, Unless.. A4

1:We like not only tea but also coffee 1:We like both tea and coffee 2:Not only Ahmad But also Rahman read novels. 2:Both Ahmad and Rahman read novels. 3:Sita is not only intelligent but also beautiful girl. 3:Sita is both intelligent and beautiful girl. 4:He is not only hungry but also poor 4:He is both hungry and poor. 5: B.A. Merchant is not only interested in teaching activities but also5:B.A. Merchant is interested in both teaching activities and fond of fond of research in English & Urdu languages. research in English & Urdu languages.
6:Rahmania High School is not only good but also famous

7:He was not only short-tempered but also impatient 8:He was not only grieved but also surprised 9:The weather was not only mild but also sunny. 10:His people were not only good but also loyal 11:They were not only tired of war but also tired of victories

6:Rahmania High School is both good and famous 7:He was both short-tempered and impatient 8:He was both grieved and surprised. 9:The weather was both mild and sunny. 10:His people were both good and loyal. 11:They were both tired of war and tired of victories

Use 'Can' (am/is/are + able to)

1: I can write the story. 2: We can do that. 3:She can play well. 4:Sita can run fast. 5:We can catch the bus.

S + am/is/are + able to + V + O
I am able to write the story. We are able to do that. She is able to play well. Sita is able to run fast. We are able to catch the bus.

Affirmative (S + was/were + unable to + V + O)

I was unable to come in five minutes. We were unable to play well. I was unable to save the situation. He was unable to win the match. Mini was unable to walk. We were unable to attend the function

Affirmative (S + am/is/are + unable to + V + O)

I am unable to write the story. We are unable to do that. She is unable to play well. Sita is unable to run fast. They are unable to catch the bus.

Use Neither




The prince was not satisfied. He was not happy Abdul Hamid was not daunted. He was not deterred. They did not try to open the doors or windows.

The prince was neither satisfied nor happy. Abdul Hamid was neither daunted nor deterred.
They tried to open neither the doors nor windows.

Author :- Mr. B.A.Merchant

Chart 6 (39)


P12.Words (Similar Meanings)

Words with Similar Meanings :Word Rat Air Big Old Ice Sin Sea ILL Few War Boys Test Lion Talk Wind Type Hill Empty Defect Lucky Reply Value Little Discover Excellent Beautiful Child Price Look Land Bank House Master Meaning Word Mouse Wind Large Senior Snow Crime Ocean Sick Some Battle Guys Exam Tiger Speak Victory Kind Mountain Vacant Fault Fortunate Answer Quantity Small Invention Wonderful Handsome Infant Value See Earth Edge Bungalow Coach Meaning Word Meaning

Baby Cost Watch Ground Beach Shore Home Cottage Teacher Instructor

. Author :- B. A. Merchant Page 12 Grammar

P13.Words (Similar Sound)

Words which Sound Similar or Same :Word Meaning Word Meaning Anti Aunty By Buy Bear Beer Hour Our Story Storey Week Weak Hole Whole Lade Laid Lean Lien Meet Meat Marry Merry Made Maid Mail Male Nice Niece No Know Price Prize Peer Pear Of Off To Too Tale Tail Try Tri Won One See Sea Sun Son Some Sum Pen Pain Word Knight Quite Root Right Strait Knot Nought Seen Seek Seem Sheep Access Shed Accept Team Wander Week Wait West Wood Wide Apposite Perfect Meaning Word Night Quiet Route Write Straight Not Not Scene Sick Seam Ship Excess Shade Except Teem Wonder Weak Weight Waist Would Vide Opposite Prefect Meaning

. Author :- B. A. Merchant Page 13 Grammar

P14.Words (Many Meaning)

Words with Many Meanings :Words Bat Date Kite Light Watch Fast Rest Well Will Table Fair Stick Fan Bank Just Old Arm Beer Cell Current Nail Lead Rest Seal Tie Horn Glass Ring Short King Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning Meaning

Author :- B. A. Merchant

Page 14



Abbreviations :TV UN UNICEF UNESCO MP B.A. B.Sc. B.Com. M.A. TB I.A.S. V.I.P. PS T.C. LC AC CM PM ZP BP S.S.C. S.T. C. P.A. POTA MACOCA TADA Television United Nations United Nations International Children's Education Fund United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Member of Parliament Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Commerce Master of Arts Tuberculosis Indian Administrative Service Very Important Person Post Script Ticket Collector Leaving Certificate Air Conditioned Chief Minister Prime Minister Zillah Parishad Blood Pressure Secondary School Certificate State Transport Celsius / Centigrade Personal Assistant Prevention of Terrorism Act Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act Terrorism and Disruptive Activities

Author :- B. A. Merchant

Page 15


P16.Words from 2

Words formed by combining two different words :Word tooth screw sun sun neck rain foot door any every hand note flour foot rain post post river water key ink hair wrist sun run play sales eye eye hand ear fore fore fore sun moon + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Word brush driver set rise tie fall ball bell thing thing bag book mill path drop box card bank bag chain pot clip watch glass way boy tax lash brow pump ring head cast father light light = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = One Word toothbrush screwdriver sunset sunrise necktie rainfall football doorbell anything everything handbag notebook flour-mill footpath raindrop post-box postcard river-bank water bag keychain inkpot hairclip wristwatch sunglass runway playboy sales tax eyelash eyebrow hand pump earring forehead forecast forefather sunlight moonlight + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + telephone + post + ice + ball + mother + money + road + street + medical + school + London + adult + sports + marriage + Indian + washing + face + Word village school shop gas gate check income bus railway hockey play hand table time head tooth Word girl boy keeper cylinder keeper post tax stand station stick ground writing cloth table master paste booth office cream game tongue order roller singer certificate master Times matters ground feast Express powder powder = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = One Word village girl school boy shopkeeper gas cylinder gatekeeper check post income tax bus stand railway station hockey stick playground handwriting table cloth timetable headmaster toothpaste telephone booth post office ice-cream ball game mother tongue money order road roller street singer medical certificate school master London Times adult matters sports ground marriage feast Indian Express washing-powder face-powder

Author :- B. A. Merchant

Page 16


Extras Except Age Bell Bad Leave Sooth Sleep Save Sad Stood Still Stir Test Than What Vice Peak Expect Edge Bail Bed Live South Slip Safe Said Stud Steel Steer Taste Then Watt Voice Pick

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