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PM Meeting called to order at 7:00PM by President, Barry Smith. TREASURERS REPORT: Susan Holland presented financial reports and led a general discussion. Barry Smith approved the report, seconded by Andrew Miller. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Web Development: Rick Austin reported that the Norman Downes Facebook page has approximately 48-50 residents who have liked the page. Pool: Rob Welch reported that the pool is closed until next Spring. One of his priority is to keep cost down. Rob is doing a lot of the needed repairs himself. The pool is sound, the deck needs repairing. Barry suggested volunteers in Norman Downes be recruited to help with repair of the deck. Tennis: Barry Smith reported the tennis operation is going well. (Mark Carter absent) GeneralMaintenance: Sam Carr reported the street sign project is partially done. Supplies have been purchased for sign brackets. Landscape Maintenance: Andy Miller reported the current landscapers cost will remain the same. He will continue to use the current landscaper. The water bill has increased about 20% over budget. Lake Recreation: Bill Smith reported the lawn mowing needs to be maintained on a regular basis. Development: Barry Smith reported the details of cleaning up the tennis courts areas were detailed in past two meetings. Security needed in the tennis area. Suggested that the same procedure be used in the tennis areas as currently being used at the swimming pool. (Must be accompanied by a Norman Downes resident.) Need new restrooms in pool area. Social Events: Cheryl Smith reported on the social events during the past year. Stacy Humphrey has expressed an interest in reviving the Womens Club. Cheryl will continue to print the NORMAN NEWS. Welcome baskets for new residents are done by Yvonne Hunter-Cabell. NEW BUSINESS: Adopting the Community Standards: Barry Smith opened a discussion on how we plan to enforce the compliance standards. Currently, there is no written procedure as to how to handle non-compliance with the Community Standards. Who Do We Want To Be?: Discussion of the lack of communication in the Norman Downes community. Peter Van Arsdale suggested that one way to possibly improve communication would be to reduce the NORMAN NEWS newsletter to not more than one page. Send residents e-mail to direct them to the website. MEETING ADJOURNED: Peter Van Arsdale made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Susan Holland, approved by majority vote. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM by Barry Smith.. /yhc

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