MGT Assg by SL Jawad PH I

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Ans to Q 1



1. 3 An organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve a wide variety of goals, both goals of the various individuals in the organization and goals of the organization as a whole. It is essential that leaders have a basic understanding of motivation because highly motivated individuals are more likely to give ultimate performance than individuals who lack motivation. According to McClelland the needs for affiliation, power, and achievement are most important for motivation. Empowering the subordinates by giving them responsibility and authority plays a vital role in motivating the subordinates.


2. 3 Empowerment can be defined as the process of enhancing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes; or giving or delegation of power or authority; or the giving of an ability, enablement or permission.

Empowering Subordinates

3. 3 Empowerment of subordinates means increasing employees' involvement in their work through greater participation in decisions that control their work and by expanding responsibility for work outcomes.

4. 3 Empowering others through delegation is one of the most powerful managerial tools for increasing productivity. Delegation is assigning the authority and responsibility for work to others. It allows a subordinate to make decisions by transferring authority from one organizational level to another, lower level. Delegation should not be confused with participation, which is a sharing of authority when making decisions. With delegation, subordinates make decisions on their own.




Delegation is depicted as a four-step process:(a) Allocation of Duties. Duties are the tasks and activities that a manager wants to have someone else do. Before an authority is delegated, a subordinate must be allocated with the duties over which the authority extends. (b) Delegation of Authority. The core of the delegation process is empowering the subordinate. It is passing to the subordinate the formal right to act on ones behalf. (c) Assignment of Responsibility. When authority is delegated, responsibility must also be assigned; that is, when someone is given rights, then that person must also be assigned to a corresponding obligation to perform. Authority in excess of responsibility creates opportunities for abuse; however, people should not be held responsible for what they have no authority over. (d) Creation of Accountability. Accountability means the subordinate has to perform the assignment in a satisfactory manner. The subordinates must be held responsible for properly carrying out their duties.

Creating an Empowered Working Environment 6. Every person has a need to be highly valued and treated well. They want to be respected and feel appreciated thus making them more confident about themselves. Empowering subordinates will increase their self-esteem and their respect towards the leader. 7. by:A working environment in which the subordinates are empowered can be created

(a) Giving Them the Respect They Need. Respect is not about always saying kind words. Its about being fair and praising when praising is needed. People will respect a leader who is fair. This means that if he makes a judgment call on someone he must ensure that it is warranted. He should also be careful of the words he uses with people to ensure that he is never seen as being rude etc. (b) Acknowledging Their Contributions. Many superiors do not acknowledge the contribution made by their subordinates. It should be ensured that the subordinates must know that every task they do helps in achieving the organizations goal. It should be explained to them that they play a very important role for the team and the organization. This can really boost a subordinates selfesteem. 6 RESTRICTED

RESTRICTED (c) Promoting Self-management on the Part of Subordinate. Everybody likes to feel that they can make choices within their job role. As a leader, why not try giving them freedom on what they do, but of course their actions can still be observed, a chance to explore what they can do must be given to them. By doing this some very capable people may be found. (d) Making Them Part of the Planning. It also plays an important role in enhancing the confidence of the subordinates. They will not only have a sense of belonging to the organization but also will try to contribute towards the achievement of organizations goal with more sincerity and loyalty. (e) Complimenting Subordinates for Their Achievements. Every task the subordinate completes is an achievement for him. More credits should be given to them on the things they did correctly rather than just highlighting the incorrect things. No one is perfect and everybody is learning something new every day. An atmosphere of constant learning must be encouraged. If there are areas of improvement then they should be told sincerely. Benefits of Empowerment 8. Empowering the subordinates has the following benefits. (a) Empowerment is an excellent device for stimulating subordinate growth and development. (b) It encourages subordinates to expand their job capabilities and knowledge. (c) It helps them develop their decision-making skills and prepares them for future promotion opportunities. (d) Empowerment positively influences commitment; that is, subordinates are much more likely to enthusiastically embrace a decision that they personally made than one imposed from above. Conclusion 9. The explicit demonstration of empowering a subordinate often leads to better interpersonal relations between the manager and the subordinate and a better working environment which helps in attainment of organizations goal efficiently. (Word Count = 884)


RESTRICTED Ans to Q 2 Introduction 1. Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals. Leaders can have dramatic effects on followers and organizations, literally transforming them. They use different methods to improve the performance of their employees. Some believe that motivating an employee by fulfilling his needs (monetary or psychological) can improve his performance while some have a strong belief that using reinforcement and punishment can keep an employee on the right and desired track. Practical Problem under Discussion 2. The problem under discussion shows that one of my subordinates lacks job satisfaction, lack of organizational commitment and lack of motivation. (a) Job Satisfaction. Job satisfaction is one of the most important factor which is determined by personality, values, the work situation, and social influence. Workers who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to perform better than the workers who are not satisfied with their job. Job satisfaction also has a positive effect on worker well-being. It is an individuals general attitude toward his/her job. A high level of job satisfaction equals positive attitudes toward the job and vice versa. (b) Job Involvement. It can be defined as the measure of the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his/her job and considers his/her perceived performance level important to self-worth. A high level of job involvement is thought to result in fewer absences and lower resignation rates. (c) Organizational Commitment. It is a state in which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals, and wishes to maintain membership in the organization. An individuals level of organizational commitment is a better indicator of turnover than the far more frequently used job satisfaction predictor because it is a more global and enduring response to the organization as a whole than is job satisfaction. This evidence, most of which is more than two decades old, needs to be qualified to reflect the changing employee-employer relationship. (d) Motivation. Emotional commitment to work and high motivation are strongly linked. Motivation theories basically propose that individuals are motivated to the extent that their behavior is expected to lead to desired outcomes. Motivating and rewarding employees is one of the most important and one of the most challenging activities that managers/leaders perform. Effective managers who want their employees to put forth maximum effort 8 RESTRICTED PROBLEMS IN LEADERSHIP

RESTRICTED recognize that they need to know how and why employees are motivated and to tailor their motivational practices to satisfy the needs and wants of those employees. Problems with Leadership Styles 3. The essence of leadership is to hire, train, motivate, and discipline employees. Motivating and rewarding employees is one of the most important and one of the most challenging activities that leaders perform. Effective leaders who want their employees to put forth maximum effort, recognize that they need to know how and why employees are motivated and to tailor their motivational practices to satisfy the needs and wants of those employees. 4. The problem with my leadership may be that I did not adapt transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership occurs when a leader changes followers in ways that lead to trust and motivation towards organizational goals. Transformational leaders increase subordinates awareness of task significance and high performance levels. Transformational leaders make subordinates aware of their needs for personal growth, development, and accomplishment. They motivate subordinates to work for the good of the organization, not personal gain. I may have failed to:(a) Recognize individual differences in terms of needs, attitudes, personality, and other important individual factors allow them to fulfill those needs. (b) To specify goals and obtain feedback on how well theyre doing in pursuit of those goals. (c) Individualize rewards, because employees have different needs, what is a reward and reinforce to one may not work for another. (d) Link rewards to performance by making rewards contingent on desired levels of performance. (e) Check the system for equity. Employees should perceive that the rewards or outcomes are equal to the inputs given. (f) To act as a Directive leader who lets employees know what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks. (g) To act as a Supportive leader who is friendly and shows concern for the needs of employees. (h) To become a Participative leader who consults with employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision. 9 RESTRICTED


(j) To become an Achievement-oriented leader who sets challenging goals and expects employees to perform at their highest levels. Conclusion 5. It is the leaders job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide the necessary direction and/or support to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the firm. The core characteristics will increase worker motivation only if workers experience three critical psychological states; workers must feel that the work is meaningful; workers must know they are responsible for the outcomes; and workers must actually find out results. (Word Count = 819)



Ans to Q 3 Introduction


1. Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or adversely affected by one or more other parties. Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. A conflict can be internal (within oneself) to individuals. Conflict as a concept can help explain many aspects of social life such as social disagreement, conflicts of interests, and fights between individuals, groups, or organizations. In political terms, "conflict" can refer to wars, revolutions or other struggles, which may involve the use of force as in the term armed conflict. Without proper social arrangement or resolution, conflicts in social settings can result in stress or tensions among stakeholders. When an interpersonal conflict does occur, its effect is often broader than two individuals involved, and can affect many associate individuals and relationships, in more or less adverse, and sometimes even way. Types of Conflict 2. Conflict can be:(a) Organizational Conflict. It is a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. (b) Personal Conflict. A conflict between two people, most often from a mutual dislike or personality clash is known as personal conflict. Causes of Conflict 3. A clash of interests, values, actions or directions often sparks a conflict. There are a number of causes of conflict. (a) (b) (c) (d) Scarcity of resources. Goals of different organizational members may be incompatible. Communication may fail due to distortions or lack of communication. Differences in personality, experience, and values may breed conflict.

(e) Poorly designed reward systems may foster competitions when cooperative behavior is necessary for organizational success.


RESTRICTED Effects of Conflicts 4. Conflict situations should be either resolved or used beneficially. Conflicts can have positive or negative effects for the organization, depending upon the environment created by the manager as she or he manages and regulates the conflict situation. (a) Positive Effects of Conflicts. (i) Diffusion of more serious conflicts.

(ii) In organizations where members participate in decision making, disputes are usually minor and not acute as the closeness of members moderates belligerent and assertive behavior into minor disagreements, which minimizes the likelihood of major fights. (iii) When two parties who respect each other face a conflict situation, the conflict resolution process may help in clarifying the facts and stimulating a search for mutually acceptable solutions. (iv) Increase in group cohesion and performance. When two or more parties are in conflict, the performance and cohesion of each party is likely to improve. In a conflict situation, an opponent's position is evaluated negatively, and group allegiance is strongly reinforced, leading to increased group effort and cohesion. (v) In a conflict situation, the relative ability or power of the parties involved can be identified and measured. (b) Negative Effects of Conflicts. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Destructive effects of conflicts include:

Impediments to smooth working. Diminishing output. Obstructions in the decision making process. Formation of competing affiliations within the organization.

Conflict Management 5. A number of approaches can be used to reduce and resolve conflict. They are:(a) Avoidance. It involves ignoring or suppressing a conflict in the hope that it will either go away or not become too disruptive. 12 RESTRICTED

RESTRICTED (b) Accommodation. It focuses on solving conflicts by allowing the desires of the other party to prevail. (c) Competition. partys expense. It involves attempting to win a conflict at the other

(d) Compromise. It aims to solve conflict issues by having each party give up some desired outcomes in order to get other desired outcomes. (e) Collaboration. It involves devising solutions that allow both parties to achieve their desired outcomes. Conflicts in PAF 6. As we know that organizational conflict is a state of disagreement caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests between people working together. Conflict takes many forms in organizations. There is the inevitable clash between formal authority and power and those individuals and groups affected. There are disputes over how revenues should be divided, how the work should be done, and how long and hard people should work. There are jurisdictional disagreements among individuals, departments, and between unions and management. There are subtler forms of conflict involving rivalries, jealousies, personality clashes, role definitions, and struggles for power and favor. There is also conflict within individuals between competing needs and demands to which individuals respond in different ways. 7. Similarly, conflicts are unavoidable in our organization as well. So we can witness different conflicts around us. They are negative as well as positive. We can see that different flying squadrons have different roles. Therefore, as a consequence, there exist opportunities for role conflict. Depending upon these roles and assignment of tasks some squadrons are given more responsible tasks than others. But at the same time they may enjoy some privileges also in recognition of their services. This may give rise to a conflict between that squadron and other flying squadrons because they are only seeing the privileged side of that squadron not the other side that is of extra responsibility and extra work load. But our field commanders are doing their best. They take it as an opportunity and motivate their squadron pilots to perform better in the joint exercises when conducted with that particular squadron. Conclusion 8. Conflict is a dynamic process. In any organization a modest amount of conflict can be useful in increasing organizational effectiveness. Conflict situations should be either resolved or used beneficially. Conflicts can have positive or negative effects for the organization, depending upon the environment created by the leader as he manages and regulates the conflict situation. These have to be integrated and exploited efficiently to achieve organizational objectives. (Word Count = 946) 13 RESTRICTED

RESTRICTED Ans to Q 4 Introduction 1. Leaders are those persons who are able to influence others toward the achievement of goals. There is no defined criteria that what traits should a leader have, but generally we say that the individuals who are ambitious, have high energy, a desire to lead, self-confidence, intelligence, hold job relevant knowledge, are honest and trustworthy, are more likely to succeed as leaders than individuals without these traits. 2. If we take examples of our own history, we can see many successful leaders like Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah, Johar brothers, Liaqat Ali Khan etc but at the same time we also have a long list of unsuccessful leaders. Successful Leader 3. The most successful leader of our history was Quaid-e-Azam (The great leader) Muhammad Ali Jinnah. With his untiring efforts, indomitable will, and dauntless courage, he united the Indian Muslims under the banner of the Muslim League and carved out a homeland for them, despite stiff opposition from the Hindu Congress and the British Government. He had all the traits of a true leader. (a) True Visionary. Initially he joined Indian Congress to begin his political career but soon he found out that miseries of Muslims of sub-continent would not be over without a separate homeland and which is not under the influence of Hindus. Foreseeing this he joined All India Muslim League and supported the Two Nations Theory. (b) True Communicator. One of the chief responsibilities of leadership is articulation. Articulation means to join together. Thats precisely what good communication achieves. People need to know that there is a clear destination that they are heading towards. With his speeches he motivated the people and gathered them on one platform made them to visualize an independent State in which they could spend their lives in accordance with their religion. (c) Indomitable Will. The establishment of Pakistan brought even greater responsibilities for Jinnah. The refugee problem, the withholding of Pakistani assets by India, and the Kashmir problem were a real test for the Quaid. However, his indomitable will prevailed. He worked out a sound economic policy, established an independent currency and the State Bank for Pakistan. He chose Karachi as the federal capital. 14 RESTRICTED


RESTRICTED (d) Flawless Character. He had a strong character. Even his all the opponents could not found a single defect. Before becoming first governor general of Pakistan his earnings were quite handsome but when he took over the charge, he fixed 1 Rupee as his salary 4. In a journal article on Pakistan's first governor-general, historian R. J. Moore wrote that Jinnah is universally recognized as central to the creation of Pakistan. Wolpert summarizes the profound effect that Jinnah had on the world: Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three. Unsuccessful Leader 5. When times turn hard, the failures or defects of leadership are exposed for all to see. There is widespread agreement that the current economic crisis has been brought about by poor leadership and greed. We have seen problems emerging in all sectors: housing, banking, commodities, stocks, services, pensions and manufacturing, to name a few. Our foreign debts are increasing and reserves are decreasing day by day. In a latest statement by Chairman National Accountability Bureau (NAB), the daily corruption is 7 to 10 billion rupees per day. Inflation rate has gone upto 5.6% whereas unemployment rate is touching 12%. Every profit generating organization is going towards dissolution whether it is railways, PIA or Pakistan Steels. We can say that our leadership has failed disasterly. The failure of our present leaders is due to the following reasons:(a) Lack of Vision. Our leaders lack vision. Without a clear vision, we live in a reactionary world. We grab what we can to serve our immediate needs, and are driven by agendas that are not our own. A lack of vision leaves us in the dark, unable to navigate the complexities of the world. Were incapable of seeing the pitfalls and the opportunities emerging around us. Lack of vision has undermined our ability to foresee the calamities that we must now face and overcome. How do we overcome the destructive patterns in our leadership behaviors that sabotage us consistently? (b) Poor Communication. A good communication eliminates the gaps and builds bridges. Our leaders are not able to communicate among themselves as well as the outer world due to which many internal and external conflicts have emerged. They have refused to recognize that the campaign for the future is won by those that build a bridge of common understanding, shared goals and effective teamwork. Thats the leaders job. (c) Character Flaws. Leaders require strength of character to resist the temptations of worldly success, which seek to seduce us into believing that the 15 RESTRICTED

RESTRICTED rules were made for other people and that we are entitled to bend them. Of course, these transgressions usually end badly. Character is fundamental to the humane and ethical approach to conduct. It allows us to adhere to a code of ethics, values and principles even when others are unable or unwilling to abide by such standards. Greed, peer pressure, opportunism and hubris eventually lead to breakdown. The character we were born with and the character we derive from lifes experience guides our behavior and reveals our integrity. Franklin Delano Roosevelt provides an important reminder of why a moral compass is a requirement for leaders, especially those in the highest offices: The presidency is not merely an administrative office. That's the least of it. It is more than an engineering job, efficient or inefficient. It is predominantly a place of moral leadership. All our great presidents were leaders of thought at times when certain historic ideas in the life of the nation had to be clarified. In other words, they were possessed by their visions. Conclusion 6. Nations need strong leadership to achieve glory. Leaders must challenge the status quo; establish direction by developing a vision of the future; then they align people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles. (Word Count = 1021)


RESTRICTED References 1. Blanchard, Kenneth H., John P. Carlos, and Alan Randolph. Empowerment Takes More than a Minute. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1996. 2. Thomas, K. W. and Velthouse, B. A. (1990) "Cognitive Elements of Empowerment: An 'Interpretive' Model of Intrinsic Task Motivation". Academy of Management Review, Vol 15, No. 4, 666-681. 3. Stewart, Aileen Mitchell. Empowering People (Institute of Management). Pitman. London: Financial Times Management, 1994. 4. Wilkinson, A. 1998. Empowerment: theory and practice. Personnel Review. Vol. 27, No. 1, 40-56. Accessed February 16, 2004. 5. 6. 7. Manktelow, James. "Leadership Style". Mind Tools. Retrieved 2 November 2012.

8. Griffin, Ronald J. Ebert, Ricky W. (2010). Business essentials (8th ed. ed.). Upper 9. Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. pp. 135136.

10. Blake, R.; Mouton, J. (1964). The Managerial Grid: The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.. 11. Carlyle, Thomas (1841). On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic History. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 1-4069-4419-X. 12. Fiedler, Fred E. (1967). A theory of leadership effectiveness. McGraw-Hill: Harper and Row Publishers Inc.. 13. Carlyle, Thomas (1841). On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic History. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. 14. Fiedler, Fred E. (1967). A theory of leadership effectiveness. McGraw-Hill: Harper and Row Publishers Inc..


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