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com IMT 60 Training & Development M2



Q1. What are the elements of learning?

Q2. Discuss expectancy theory from training s perspective.

Q3. Briefly describe the coordinating responsibilities of a training manager.

Q4. Why is it a challenge to run training operation as a profit center?

Q5. What are the broad features of action research?


Q1. Give one example of each of the three types of institutional objectives.

Q2. Define pedagogy and distinguish it from andragogy.

Q3. Analysis the business Embedded model of organizing the training functions.

Q4. What are the various variants of Lecture method?

Q5. Briefly describe the components of training modules.


Q1. What aspects of facilities should be considered during the design phase?

Q2. What effect does a training aid have on the retention span of a trainee?

Q3. When is eye contact made and when it is avoided?

Q4. Discuss the methods for identifying training benefits. Q5. What are the different types of evaluation designs?


Focus on training objectives

Arjun Enterprises (AE) is a fairly large consumer goods firm holding a market sh are of approximately 12% and ranked 8th in terms of sales volume in its major pr oducts toiletries and cosmetics.

The company in the last three years had organized residential training programme s for its salesmen, held over 4 days in a five star hotel with drinks and partie s every evening. Guest speakers and wives joined on the last day. It was an exci ting experience.

The course was designed and conducted by a well-known training consultant. It in cluded relevant know how and skill development through lectures and sub-group de liberations and video films.

The participants uniformly rated the programme as excellent on a five point scal e. However when an evaluation was done three months later at the peak of the sel ling season, the rating was largely satisfactory to the open ended questions. Th e salesmen attributed improved sales to their day and night efforts and increase d market demand price parity, etc.

Questions: 1. What purpose does this training programme serve?

2. Analyse limitations of: a.) training process b.) training methods c.) evaluation method


Reluctance to undergo training

Rahul has been working as a manager (credit appraisal) in Syndicate Bank since 1 971. He is a first rank holder of the Karnataka University in 1910. He rose from the rank of officer grade N to officer grade I in a span of 10 years. Records o f the bank show that he is an extremely efficient manager in Agricultural credit , Industrial credit and credit to small businesses etc. The bank is planning to computerize the project appraisal department. In this connection, Rahul was aske d to take up training in computer operation. But he was quite reluctant to under go training.

Questions: 1.) How do you design an appropriate programme for Rahul to acquire computer ski lls? 2.) How do you bring about attitudinal change in Rahul? Contact for best and lowest cost solution or email solvedhub@g

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