LSDE December 22, 2021

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VOL. XXV NO. 001



DOH awards LGUs, other groups that helped in health promotions
news page 2

SMILE. Members of the Express it at the Park, an organization of media practitioners based in Tacloban lead by co-founders Dalmacio Massey Gral and columnist Alvin Arpon poses for posterity with City Mayor Alfred Romualdez and wife Councilor Cristina G. Romualdez. The photo opportunity was taken during the media group Christmas party held last Thursday night. ( LITO A. BAGUNAS)

RDC-8 pushing for uniformed monitoring tolls for good governance of LGUs
news page 7

Mendros to coordinate with PNP on priority areas in EV



TACLOBAN CITY-Elections Regional Director Jose Nick Mendros said that he would ask all his elections officials in the region to coordinate with their counterparts at the Philippine National Police relative to the identification of possible hot spot areas for the May 13,2013 midterm elections. to page 17

Mayor Alfred: Media is his best friend

TA C L O B A N CITY- Mayor Alfred Romualdez of this city said that when he said that he is medias best friend he meant it. And so much so that he is willing to be hit by them. This was said by Romualdez during the Christmas party by the members of the Express it at the Park(EIATP),a loose media organization of media practitioners, mostly from this city, last Thursday night. Romualdez, who is seeking for a third and last term as mayor of Tacloban,regaled the members of the media in his difficulties in handling the media. Now, I will talk. Before, I really find it difficult dealing with you. If I answer (an issue), you will say that I am becoming touchy. But if I will ignore you, you will say that youre being snubbed by the mayor, he said,

Sun and clouds mixed with a slight chance of thunderstorms during the afternoon. High 87F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%.


C ATA R M A N , N . other places, the governor Samar - The island of Biri reported to media. in this province is now Governor Paul Daza attracting more surfers said that more local and from Eastern Visayas and to page 23

Biri Island attracts surfers

to page 8



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Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

DOH awards LGUs, other groups that helped in health promotions

PA L O , L e y t e The Department of Health(DOH) awarded local government units(LGUs), academe, private health institutions and other agencies that helped on their health promotion and attaining universal health access through various programs that they implement in their respective locality. The award dubbed as Regional Health Achiever Aw a r d a i m s t o g i v e back and give thanks to the support of various groups especially local government units that had implemented programs to uplift health situation on the respective area, DOH Regional Director Jaime Bernadas said. But even if the LGUs had been given certain a u t o n o m y, B e r n a d a s said that they will still be providing assistance to them in the region to ensure sustainability of their projects and programs by providing technical assistance and even funds for projects. This recognition aims to inspire and recognize to give credit for individuals and all organizations that had exerted all their effort to help the health sector, Bernadas said. Leading recipients for the Health Achiever 2012 are the provinces of Southern Leyte, Leyte, Biliran and Northern Samar; cities of Maasin, Tacloban and Ormoc; municipalities of Limasawa, Almeria, Abuyog, Naval, San Juan and Saint Bernard for LGUs and Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center, PA S A R , R e m e d i o s Tr i n i d a d R o m u a l d e z Hospital and Tacloban City Hospital for health institutions. Both LGU and health institutions awardees had gather national recognition and award. Among those who were present during the giving of award was Leyte Governor Mimmiette Bagulaya, Mayor Maloney Samaco of Maasin City and Mayor Melchor Petracorta of Limasawa who head LGUs that are national health achievers. They had become instrumental in achieving our goal for universal health care which is one of our government targets in achieving the Millennium Development Goal, Bernadas said. Local government today had become the frontline in health sector providing the DOH and other government agencies in the background or support system, he added. He added that the DOH is recognizing the efforts of all local leaders to improve health situation in their localities as their success reflects their performance, the DOH regional director said. Government alone cannot deliver all the basic needs of our people therefore collaborative effort is a must.We should realize even the private service provider are now part of the public health system, Bernadas stressed. But the most significant contributor in achieving health program of the country, according to Bernadas, was the private health sector that had been tapped by the government to become part of their campaign to uplift the health condition of our country through government health insurance coverage. This is what we had achieved and become the significant part of our social health program, he added. (ROEL

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TACLOBAN CITY Media practitioners do not miss every year a chance to gather to celebrate Yuletide celebration. Through the Christmas Party of Express It at the Park, media practitioners from various media outfits from television, radio and print gather every year to

Tacloban media practitioners gather at Patio Victoria for Christmas Party

mingle with each other and strengthen camaraderie. This years Christmas party was held at Patio Victoria and was sponsored by City Mayor Alfred Romualdez and wife Councilor Cristina Romualdez, who made a promise last year to sponsor the gathering of the media.

In his speech, Mayor Romualdez reiterated his earlier pronouncement during the awarding of the Gawad Pamana ng Lahi award to the city government of Tacloban, that media practitioners are his best friends. This is one occassion that we can gather and put

things aside and celebrate something joyful, the city mayor said. Christmas, according to the mayor, had made him and other people from the other camp to see and mingle with each other and set aside politics and even personal indifferences. You can continue hitting me, because that is good and I reiterate what I had said before that media is my best friends, Romualdez stressed.

Replying to what the mayor s aid, D almacio Massey Grafil, Leyte Samar Daily Express publisher and co-founder of the group, thanked the mayor for the support that he and his wife has given

to media practitioners each time the organization asked help from them. He said that media practitioners, especially those who are from private entities, would continue
to page 8

Saturday, 22 December 2012

MESSAGE from the Publisher
In behalf of the Leyte Samar Daily Express and the entire family of Leyte Samar Express publications, our personnel and staff, including those at our offset printing press, I wish to thank here our news readers, subscribers, advertisers and patrons for their continued support to our advocacy as a free, independent,

Leyte Samar Daily Express

positive, fair and free news publishing sector. The 25 long years that we have completed together as partners in media advocacy and in advancing the cause of Philippine democracy have for the most part recorded our collective successes and achievements. These only indicate that we can work further for more meaningful partnership undertakings now and in the coming days and months. Of course, it is not impossible for us to achieve as we look towards completing a golden anniversary, after the next 25 years. The LSDE and our other Express publications may outlive as, but the younger among our present breed, will assuredly be willing to write the news up that far, and even beyond. May God bless us all, and merry Christmas! (Sgd) DALMACIO C. GRAFIL

Happy 13th Anniversary Leyte Samar Daily Express and 25th Foundation Day Express Publication


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Leyte Samar


Dalmacio C. Gral Publisher Ven S. Labro Editor-in-Chief Abelardo G. Orteza Managing Editor Alma M. Gral Business Manager
The Leyte Samar Daily Express is published daily with editorial and business ofces at G/F Knights of Columbus Bldg., 187 P. Zamora St. Tacloban City CONTACT Tel. Nos. 321-4833/ 523-7373 Fax. (053) 321-5591 WEBSITE EMAIL ADDRESS EDITORIAL ADVERTISING All rights reserve. Except as permitted by law, no part of Leyte Samar Daily Express may be re-produced or distributed in any form or by any means stored in a database or retrieval system without its prior written permission from the publisher. Commentaries from readers whose identities they prefer to remain anonymous can be accommodated as blind items. It will be our editorial prerogative, however, to verify the veracity of such commentaries before publication.


On its 25th year, LSDE remains steadfast and tough

publisher to be abreast with the times. Taking into consideration its readers who have been used to getting the current events in the region and in the country has pushed the management to be on top of competition among publications in the region. The recent acquisition of a digital printing press is just one of its responses to the continued demand to be number one in the region. It has greatly improved the paper in its presentation, production and appearance. Leyte Samar Daily Express is the only daily newspaper that is serving Leyte, Samar and Biliran since the late 80s when it was just a weekly newspaper. Today, LSDE is 25 years old, still pushing for more years of relentless service to the region and its people. As a leader in the industry, it will continue to delve on research, development, news hunting and fearto page 5

he Leyte Samar Daily Express has gone a long way, evolving into a daily newspaper from a weekly publication. As the only daily circulating newspaper in Region 8, it has started as a weekly paper for 12 years. Commitment to excellence and public service has pushed it to face the challenge to increase circulation. Its persistence and sensitivity to public needs have opened more avenues and opportunities to embark on a daily publication. On its 25th year, it has slowly metamorphosed into what it is now a reliable companion during early morning coffee breaks where the freshest news are known and gathered. True to form, the paper has remained steadfast in its motto that is anchored on positive, fair and free reporting of news and events and fearless views on issues and topics affecting the region and country. The need to suit the interest of the public and to realize their expectations has relentlessly pushed its

Letters should be as brief as possible, and sent with the writers name,signature address and phone numbers (if any) to: Many people and families Letters to the Editor, Leyte Samar Daily have been carried away by the Express, They may be edited for length supposed end of the world and clarity. theories that some in the United

Lessons to be had after the supposed world-end

Sister Publications
Samar Weekly Express Eastern Samar Bulletin


Leyte Samar Daily Express

is a member of the


The National Association of Philippine Newspapers

States and other affluent places in the world have gone to the extent of preparing for earth-shattering disasters, the magnitude of which have pushed these families to spend thousands of dollars to stash away food that would last for a year or two; bunkers that would house families in case of nuclear war, volcanic eruptions, biological warfare, aggression from outer space and other unlikely events.

Senses and Sensibilities

deeday a. cairo For many Filipinos who have philosophical views at such events, it is easy to just shrug off such eventualities. After all, the average Filipino family would rather spend on essentials than spend on such preparations. Partly, we account this on our fatalistic or accepting attitude. Most are

too impoverished to be able to spend on preparations. Also, we are a nation of believers in the divine. We know deep in our hearts that with just a fleck of the fingers, God could smite everything away that physical preparations are just useless. No bunker, no weapon and no fortress could stop Gods wrath if it happens. Rather, we believe in the power of prayer, of spiritual preparations rather than the physical one. We easily accept the adage that if it
to page 5

Saturday, 22 December 2012

from page 4

Leyte Samar Daily Express

sia, same sex marriages and other unnatural ways creating irrationality in societies. Worse, people have aversion for poverty; the poor are easy targets for experiments as Guinea Pigs. We fear for the end of the world? We cannot blame it on the environment for in the fastness of our lifes journey now, we only have ourselves to blame. Where before, walking was enjoyed; today, most would rather run even if they know that at the end they will drop dead. We are only temporary stewards of life; we got no right to quell it. Unless we return to the time when life was a simple joy of living and loving, man will never be able to subdue the Earth.

LSDE Celebrates 25th Anniversary

LSDE publishers on their 25th anniversary today, Saturday, December 22, 2012. Many thanks to Massey and Alma, shareholders, editors, pressmen and past and present staff. The founders, Mr. and Mrs. Grafil, Loly Isiderio, Alvin Arpon, have provided employment for so many. Keeping a newspaper on the road for 25 years is quite a feat. I take this opportunity to wish LSDE all the best and as my late dad always say about survival, Keep the ship afloat. Once again congratulations. Yours faithfully, Filamor Family As LSDE looks forward to the future, what are its plans? With a quarter of a century of history and social responsibility, the Group is global in scope. My sisters around the world can read me. Thanks to LSDE, with a current staff complement of more than 30 including correspondents and virtual employees like me, it is envisaged that 2013 will lead to an increased headcount as the Group digitizes and perhaps relocates and expands and continues its dominance in the region.

On its...

Of Cabbages & Kings...

dr. nila l. filamor The Leyte Samar Daily Express celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, marking an important milestone for the Group, as it also establishes its digital version with a view towards promoting its corporate brand and service offering on the international plane. The Groups inception came about in 1987 when Massey Grafil, now Chairman, founded LSDE Group after 25 years of non-experience in the business. Of course, except for the ever hard-working Alma, who never knew that her dedication with Leyte Forum would pay off. Her experience in running the newspaper business is uncontestable, and led me to believe that the information gap in the region was where LSDEs future lay. The Group commenced its operations from a tworoomed office in Zamora Street, providing news correspondents the venue for exchange of news. Having gained a wealth of commercial experience throughout their previous business involvements, Alma and Massey consequently ventured into providing an array of news promoting, supporting and protecting news writers of the region, this time in a spacious office of four big rooms complete with high end office equipments. Largely through a handson approach at every level of activity, and with his disarming public relations acumen and charm, Massey eventually led LSDE to develop a wider vision for the Group, namely to digitize and elevate LSDE to a higher platform. From the bottom of our hearts: Dear Editor, Congratulations to

LSDE goes silver

company is a testimonial of the age-old Filipino truism Kung may itinanim, mayroon ding aanihin. Indeed, running a newspaper is not an easy-does-it enterprise. With writers and account executives to pay for their efforts on top of the printing cost, keeping the books of account in good condition demands wise budgeting and financial prudence. Establishing rapport with stakeholders is another challenge to tackle if the publication needs to promote goodwill in the community, especially the clientele. Publisher Dalmacio Massey Candido Grafil, the man on top of the LSDE success story, ascribes the newspapers growth to certain essential points. He said, Factors for the sucto page 7

From a simple blank ink broadsheet that was like other weekly tabloids circulating those days in Eastern Visayas, the Leyte Samar (then Weekly and now Daily) Express shared the same pursuit - to provide relevant news and fearless views to the public and sustain life within limited source of revenue, such as business advertisers, government institutions and private individuals. Twelve years

from initial release, the Leyte-Samar Weekly Express grew steadfastly into becoming the primary local daily broadsheet in Eastern Visayas to be later known as what is now Leyte Samar Daily Express. LSDE is a package of hard work, wisdom, dedication and infallible sense of focus. Irrefutably a success story to boast, the celebration of the silver anniversary of the publishing

is our end, then we cannot prevent it from happening but to accept it as fate for all. Mans consciousness has become divided between technical and irrational. A part dictates the need to look at things scientifically; another part insists on looking at them instinctively. Through the confusion, we are unable to use the part that had been reserved by the divine, looking at things, events and essences in the mystical way; a higher form of intelligence. The Earth has slowly changed, not because God has willed it to change but because man has abused life, the earth and nature. Mother Earth has undergone massive change with the advancement of technology the same will lead man to his perdition and annihilation on the face of the Earth. The gadget he has made that makes his life easier, enjoyable and his work faster has brought many negative results and bad consequences than good ones. The many things that make his life better and more comfortable are actually the ones that have hastened his end. Mans greed to have more and more leading him to engage in illegal logging and mining, have resulted to the softening of the earth that during rainy days, his abode is easily washed away. The food that is supposed to nourish and strengthen him is the ones that bring him diseases and ailments. The world will not actually end as we see it. But our life will end as it should. In our quest to find the fountain of youth, we have resorted to killing life utilizing fetuses to make specialty and novel foods; the placentas as beauty products. Life has become cheap; people have less respect for it. Governments have their own ways and means of competing Natures way of population control. They cannot wait for natural death, most governments push for the fast way of de-populating the world through the various methods they press on. They go for the complicated insisting on divorces, euthana-

less views so that these are brought right at the breakfast table of every Taclobanon and every family in the region. As a non-partisan paper, its goal is to cater to the needs and demands of people regardless of color, party and persuasion. It has remained positive, fair and free in its efforts to carry out its goal. To the publisher, its staff and writers, it is hoped that you continue to be the first and to lead the region in nation-building through the relentless pursuit of positive, fair and free treatment of events, news and issues. Congratulations to everyone.

from page 4

The Sower
Saturday Late Advent Weekday 1 Sm 1:24-28 1 Sm 2 Lk 1:46-56


Mary said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. For he has looked upon his handmaids lowliness, Behold, from now on will all ages call me blessed. The Mighty One has done great things for me, And holy is his name. His mercy is from age to age to those who fear him. He has shown might with his arm, dispersed the arrogant of mind and heart. He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. The hungry he has filled with good things; The rich he has sent away empty. He has helped Israel his servant, remembering his mercy, according to his promise to our fathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever. Mary remained with her about three months and returned to her home.

As Ray knelt in his pew after communion, he reflected on his blessings. He had been, essentially, a cheater. He had spent his whole life cheating. He remembered being a kid in school and the many ways he tried to beat the system: copying homework, plagiarizing, buying reports, cribbing on tests. He cheated on his bar exam, cheated on his clients, cheated on his wife. And then he got caught and it all came apart. He went too far on a real state deal and one day the phone rang and that was the beginning of the end. He was convicted of embezzling, serve time in jail, was disbarred, lost his practice, lost his wife and family, lost everything. He turned back to God, and the Lord was there for him. God forgave him and restored him, healing his guilt and giving him a new start. Ray wept in thanksgiving when he thought of everything God had done for him. Prayer: You have healed me in many ways, Lord, and I give you thanks. I thank you, too, for the guidance that always leads me back to the right path when I go astray. Keep me always in the way that leads to you. Action: Look up and read the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin Luke 15:1-10. think about how God delights in saving you. (Between Sundays by Paul Boudreau, published by Paulines. Visit us at or at Paulines Media Center, Real St., Tacloban City. Tel. #321-31-95) Sowers Seeds: God is beauty and God has bathed creation with his splendor. This is especially true of Mary, Queen of beauty. She is beauty supreme: in her soul, in her heart and in her holy life. In heaven

Prayer for the Nation and for Those who Serve in Public Office
God, our Father, you guide everything in wisdom and love. Accept the prayers we offer for our nation; by the wisdom of our leaders and integrity of our citizens, may harmony and justice be secured and may there be lasting prosperity and peace. Almighty and eternal God, You know the longings of our hearts and You protect our rights. In your goodness, watch over those in authority, so that people everywhere may enjoy freedom, security and peace. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. (Courtesy of Daughters of St. Paul)

Pray the Holy Rosary daily for world peace and conversion of sinners (The family that prays together stays together)

Leyte Samar Daily Express

MARRIAGE x- - - - - - -x SUMMONS
spondent is likewise of legal age, Filipino, married to herein petitioner, with last known address at Brgy. Wilson, Mayorga, Leyte where she may be served with notices, orders and other legal processes of this Honorable Court; 2. That both parties have the capacity to sue and be sued. 3. That herein respondents became pregnant while they were still in a relationship with each other; that it is for this reason that they entered into a contract of marriage on May 13. 2000 at Viga, Catanduanes, Philippines; that despite this fact, petitioner became a good husband to herein respondent and was never oblivious of his responsibility of being the provider of the family; a copy of their marriage certificate is hereto attached as Annex A and made an integral part hereof. 4. That a year after their first child, Gwyneth Jasareno Bernal, was born, herein respondent labored their second child, Ian James Jasareno Bernal; machine copies of the childrens live birth are hereto attached as Annexes B and C respectively and made integral parts hereof; 5. That this prompted petitioner to look for a better and brighter opportunity abroad in order to provide sufficiently for thr needs of his growing family; that in as much as he would want to see his children grow, he chose to sacrifice and work in a place miles apart from his family to secure their future --- a temporary separation in exchange of a brighter and secured future together; that petitioner can only close his eyes while he faces the sad reality; 6. That their actual cohabitation lasted only for more than one (1) year since herein petitioner went to Dubai, United Arab of Emirates on August 11, 2001 (one month prior to the birth of their second child) to work as a supervisor in the butchery department of an enterprise; that he worked there for more than two (2) years and went back to the Philippines on January 22, 2004 only; that after a month of vacation in the country, he went back again to Dubai to

continue his work; 7. That during his employment in Dubai, herein petitioner has been hearing rumors from the townspeople in Viga, Catanduanes, which are corroborated by their relatives, that herein respondent is having an illicit relationship with petitioners first degree cousin, Joshua TuradoTuririt, who was only, during that time, 21 or 22 years old, that said illicit affair started just after petioner departed for Dubai; that it was not respondents first and last act of infidelity for she also had subsequent dishonest relationships with different men the petitioner was torn whether to identify all of them or not for the consequence was still the same; 8. That being far away and unable to go home as much as he wanted to, herein petitioner could do nothing but sop up the painful truth about his wifes infidelity, that he was as much worried about their childrens welfare as he also learned from their relatives that respondent started neglecting and reneging her obligations to their children; 9. That when petitioner returned to the Philippines on June 17, 2007, he immediately found a way to clear things up and thereafter conversed with his wife for him to see point blank the truthfulness of the report; that to his dismay, neither did her wife confirm nor belie the buzz; that for him, her apathy was a confirmation of the news; that either way, it was then impossible for respondent to deny everything for the surrounding circumstances would undoubtedly prove her infidelity; 10. That to avoid the overwhelmingly scandalous situation, petitioner, together with herein respondent and their children, decided to transfer to Mayorga, Leyte and start anew; that despite everything, he dicided to give his wife a chance to change and to be able to fix their marriage and family as petitioner values the importance of a family that is whole and instilled with great values; that this is the very reason why he is working hard abroad; 11. That petitioner left again and continue to work abroad; that contrary to his expectations, respondent had not, after all, changed; instead she continued her old doings and engaged into another relationship taking advantage of the fact that petitioner was nowhere near to monitor what is happening; 12. That words came to petitioners knowledge that respondent eloped with her boyfriend, who was said to be a teacher; 13. That petitioner tried his best, through the help of their relatives; to locate the whereabouts of his wife but they failed; respondent hadnt had any plan of showing herself up and explain everything to her husband; 14. That these negative attributes of the respondent which borders on her infidelity and irresponsibility are clear manifestations of her being unable to perform the essential marirtal obligations expected of a spouse; that her continued engagement into relationships with different men caused her to be truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants that concurrently must be assumed and discharged by her to their marriage which include their mutual obligation to live together, observe mutual love, respect, fidelity and render help and support; 15. That above premises considered, the respondent is psychologically incapacitated to assume and perform the essential obligations of marital life; thus, under the New Family Code, their marriage is practically null and void; 16. That the cause of this incapacity of the respondent is rooted on a psychological disorder which is deeply rooted from her childhood and has been persistent until her adulthood such as a cure of the same becomes vain; this mental or psychological condition will be medically or clinically certified by proven experts as grave and incurable; 17. That having been actually separated from the respondent for quite a time, petitioner no longer has the love and affection for her; earnest efforts towards a reconciliation have been made but the same have failed; hence, for

Saturday, 22 December 2012

society to compel petitioner to live together with his wife is tantamount to forcing him to once again suffer the insufferable, endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable; 18. That the parties hereto did not acquire substantial assets during their brief union. PRAYER WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing it is most respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that a decree be issued declaring the parties marriage void ab initio on the ground of psychological incapacity on the part of the respondent, with all the legal consequences thereof. Other reliefs just and equitable under the premises is also similarly prayed for. Tacloban City, Philippines. April 11, 2012. TIONER in the above-entitled case; that I cased the preparation of the foregoing PETITION and have fully read and understood the contents thereof; 2. That all the allegations therein are of my own and are true and correct to the best of my own and personal knowledge and certified true copies/authentic documents; 3. That I have not commenced any other action involving the same issues in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals or in any other court, board, tribunal or agency; that to the best of my knowledge and information, no such other action or proceedings involving the same issues is pending in the foregoing courts, board, tribunal or agency; 4. That if I should hereinafter learn that other similar action or proceedings have been filed or is pending in the foregoing courts, tribunal, board or agency, I will promptly inform that fact and state the status thereof to the Honorable Court and the other court, board, tribunal or agency concerned within five (5) days therefrom; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this April 11, 2012 at Tacloban City, Leyte, Philippines.

Finding the MOTION TO EFFECT PUBLICATION in a newspaper of General Circulation to be meritorious, the same is hereby GRANTED. Hereby directing Petitioner through counsel to effect service summons on respondent JENNY JASARENOBERNAL thru publication in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for two consecutive weeks, as provided in Section 6, paragraph 1 of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC. In addition, the Clerk of Court is hereby ordered to serve a copy of the summons on the respondent at her last known address. Furnish copy of this order to Solicitor General and counsel for the petitioner. SO ORDERED. IN CHAMBERS, Abuyog, Leyte, Philippines, this 4th day of December 2012.

Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Branch 10 Abuyog, Leyte WILLIAM TURADO BERNAL Petitioner Versus JENNY JASARENO BERNAL Civil Case No. 631 FOR: ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE x- - - - - - - -x ORDER


JENNY JASARENO BERNAL Brgy. Wilson, Mayorga, Leyte GREETINGS: You are hereby required within fifteen (15) days after service of this summons upon you to file With this Court and serve on petitioner your answer to the Petition, copy of which is hereto attached with annexes. You are reminded of the provision in the IBP-OCA Memorandum on Policy Guidelines dated March 12, 2002, to observe restraint in filing a Motion to Dismiss and instead allege the grounds thereof, as defense in the answer. If you fail to answer within the time fixed, the petitioner will take judgment and may be granted the relief applied for in the Petition. WITNESS my hand under the seal of this Court, this 13th day of June 2012, at Abuyog, Leyte.

BUENAVENTURA A. PAJARON Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Branch 10 Eight Judicial Court Abuyog, Leyte WILLIAM TURADO BERNAL Petitioner Versus JENNY JASARENO BERNAL Respondent CIVIL CASE NO. 656 FOR: NULLITY OF
Presiding Judge x- - - - - - - -x

PETITIONER, though the undersigned counsel and unto this Honorable Court, most respectfully states: 1. That petitioner is of legal age, Filipino, married to herein respondent, with residence at Brgy. Wilson, Mayorga, Leyte where he may be served with notices, orders and legal processes of this Honorable Court; that re-

ATTY. ISAGANI S. ESPADA Clerk of Court VI Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Branch 10 Abuyog, Leyte WILLIAM TURADO BERNAL Petitioner Versus JENNY JASARENO BERNAL Respondent Case No. 656 For: NULLITY OF MARRIAGE x- - - - - - -x PETITION

PEREZ, UY, MATO-SIA & ASSOCIATES (PUMA) Law and Accounting Offices Counsel for Petitioner Suite 007, 2nd Floor S&A Realty Building 221 AvenidaVeteranos cor. PaternoSts. Tacloban City 6500 By: (Sgd.) ATTY. NEIL M. SIA Roll No. 51379-2006 IBP No. 87670601/03/12; Leyte PTR No. 709369101/02/12; Tacloban City MCLE Compliance III No. 0013601 Issued on April 22, 2010

Copy furnished: OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL 134 Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village Makati City Republic of the Philippines) Tacloban City ) s.s. Province of Leyte ) VERIFICATION AND AFFIDAVIT OF NONFORUM SHOPPING I, WILLIAM TURADO BERNAL, of legal age and a resident of Mayorga, Leyte, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law hereby depose and say, 1. That I am the PETI-

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this at Tacloban City, Leyte Philippines, affiant exhibiting to me his________issued on______ at Tacloban City.


(Sgd.) ATTY. NEIL M. SIA Notary Public Until December 31, 2013 Notarial Commission No. 2012-01-39-Tacloban City Suite 07, 2/F, S&A Realty Bldg. 221 AvenidaVeteranos, Tacloban City Roll No. 51379 IBP No. 876700 01/03/12; Leyte PTR No.
LSDE: Dec. 22, 29, 2012

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Teresa Mesias extrajudiciallyy settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land situated in Brgy. Lucsoon, Naval, Biliran under Tax Dec./ ARP No. 00335, with an area of 2.978021 has., assessed value of P35,790.00 and subdivided into 5 lots; per Doc. No. 384, Page No. 77, Book No. 46, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Redentor C. Villordon. LSDE: December 8, 15 & 22, 2012 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Carmen S. Mendiola and Valentin Mendiola extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 5 parcels of land, under OCT No. 3723 (FP No. V-118152) situated at Brgy. Bagahupi, Babatngon, Leyte described as) a) Lot No. 135, Gss-247, covered by OCT 3723, containing an area of 24,640 square meters, more or less, b) Lot No. 142, Gss-247, containing an area of 103,768 square meters; c) Lot No. 144, Gss-247, containing an area of 51,151 square meters, more or less; d) Lot No. 74, Gss-247, containing an area of 119,314 square meters, more or less; e) an agricultural land, Lot No. 130, situatd at Gov. Jaro, Babatngon, Leyte, evidenced by Tax Dec. No. 2005-04008-00216, containing an area of 9.6160 hectares, more or less; pe Dc. No. 353, Page No. 59, Book No. 4, Series of 2010 of Notary Public Atty. Ultimo C. Servande. LSDE: December 8, 15 & 22, 2012 NOTICE is hereby given that Jose Sherwin T. Castillo and presently employed at St. Peter Life Plan, Catbalogan City executed an affidavit of Loss of 28 pages of St. Peter Life Plan Official Receipt Nos. 171023-1710503 was issued to Letecia G. Dabuet, 18 pages of Official Receipt Nos. 175333-125350, was issued to Calvin V. Cananua and 40 pages Nos. 190960-19100 was issued to Jose Uy, and was lost sometimes last year and the others were discovered lost this year; per Doc. No. 5087, Page No. 479, Book No. XII, Series of 2012 of Atty. Alma UyLampasa. LSDE: December 15, 22 & 29, 2012



NOTICE is hereby given that Maria Aurora B. Uyvico a stockholder of the Bank of the Philippine Island (BPI) executed an affidavit of Loss of a stock certificate bearing 129655 on November 8, 1996 together with her other important personal documents and despite diligent efforts exerted to find it and was never found and considered it lost; per Doc. No. 274, Page No. 56, Book No. XXIII, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Vispero Ll. Mayor. LSDE: December 22, 29, 2012 & Jan. 5, 2013


Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2012-0688 Ref. No. VIII-2007-0186

Application for Issuance of a CPC operate a VEHICLE FOR HIRE service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name FULGENCIO BRIONES Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Vicente Demain extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land, situated at Brgy. Poblacion District VI (New Road) Barugo, Leyte, designated as Lot No. 4068, containing an area of .0444 ha., under Tax Dec. No. 08-05-0028-00197 (R13). A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of Rosario M. Abejar, Cresente A. Aguja and Brigido M. Abejar as vendees for the above-described property; per Doc. No. 367, Page No. 74, Book No. XI, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Ulpiano U. Arpon, Jr. December 22, 29, 2012 & Jan. 5, 2013



NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Roque Dalag, Sr. extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcels of land situated in Balagtas, Matag-ob, Leyte described as: Parcel 1, covered by Tax Dec. No. 0474, Cad. Lot No. 2617-P, containing an area of 1.6880 hectares, more or less; Parcel 2, covered by Tax Dec. No. 0475, Cad. Lot No. 2617-P, containing an area of .1450 hectares, more or less. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of Sps. Ferdinand T. Dela Calzada and Josefa Noeme Rubillos as vendees for the above-described property; per Doc. No. 353, Page No. 72, Book No. XXI, Series of 2000, of Notary Public Marcelo C. Oate. LSDE: December 15, 22 & 29, 2012


NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE TO OPERATE A VEHICLE FOR HIRE SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF CONTRACTING PASSENGERS FROM MAYORGA, LEYTE TO/FROM ANY HOTELS, RESORTS & PORTS WITHIN REG. VIII & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON JANUARY 03, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 21st day of December, 2012. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Purificacion Gertos extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of corn land, situated at Brgy. Lunang, Hilongos, Leyte under Tax Dec. No. 02-14024-00237, with Cad. Lot No. 12584, containing an area of 18,380 square meters and covered by Katibayan ng Original na Titulo Blg. P-74590 and hereby settled and adjudicated wholly in favor of Priscila Gertos Francisco and Fe Gertos Mocoy; per Doc. No. 536, Page No. 108, Book No. 26, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Rico E. Aureo. LSDE: December 8, 15 & 22, 2012


Saturday, 22 December 2012

people working for the betterment of all. On the occasion of the silver anniversary of the Leyte Samar Daily Express, Massey Grafil articulated his words of thanks. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all our readers, advertisers, editors, writers, columnists, contributors, correspondents, news boys, bureau chiefs, for being with the Express family for the last 25 years and counting. May the Good Lord shower our families more blessings, graces and more years to come, he said. Indeed, this should resonate: Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Massey Grafil! Your goodness transforms into a more meaningful feat the continued growth of LSDE, Eastern Visayas partner in development. Congrats editors and staff, you equally made this success happen! Finally, as this writer would, Mr. Grafil seized this chance to greet every one, Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to one and all! To God be the glory forever!

Leyte Samar Daily Express

from page 5

cess (include) personal attention, hands on management of the industry, self-determination, courage, sincere relationship between the employees and the management, more prayers and thanksgiving, (and) above all, our faith in God. The effort would not be complete without the full support of his wife, Alma (nee Montallana). Being the papers business manager the brunt of the ventures economic viability rests upon her shoulders. Her business acumen and personal values blend to churn what gives perfection to the couples endeavor. A sincere, simple and frugal woman, she complements publisher Masseys public relations prowess and religiosity, which altogether make up what is now the LSDE success story. With a quite increasing size of the LSDE family, which members derive main if not additional income from the continuous circulation of the daily broadsheet, complacency finds no place in this busi-

ness. Trying to keep up with the latest trends in the industry, the paper strives to evolve to be equally competitive. Iconic it is called, LSDE now boasts of an editorial staff that is practically among the best in the local print news industry. The production staff has the loyalty and work proficiency that cannot be undermined. But then again, no matter how impressive the work force is, if the management has not what it needs to have the heart and mind of a just king, no teamwork will ever bear the good fruit. Rev. Fr. Amadeo Alvero, a parish vicar of Sto. Nio Parish of Tacloban and the Archdiocesan media coordinator, has this to say: LSDE has been true to its aspiration to be positive, fair and free. And it I may add, it has been a beacon of Good News to many people in the region. Fr. Alvero is also a member of Express It At The Park, news forum which is ably led by Massey Grafil for 12 years now since its inception. In congratulating the LSDE family for this milestone, he extends this pleasantry, More power to LSDE! May God continue to bless it with

RDC-8 pushing for uniformed monitoring tolls for good governance of LGUs
T A C L O B A N CITY The Regional Development Council (RDC) in Eastern Visayas is pushing for uniformed monitoring tools for good governance of local government units (LGUs). The RDC executive committee, in its recent meeting, approved a resolution urging the Department of Interior and Local Government to harmonize all existing good governance monitoring tools for the LGUs. This will respond to the misunderstanding and confusion on the existence of several monitoring systems and indicators on good governance, said RDC-Development Administration Committee (DAC) chair Imelda Laceras, regional director of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). The recommendation was culled out from a study of technical working group formed last year, which aimed at scrutinizing the different systems of monitoring the performance of government service providers such as LGUs, regional government offices, and other institutions. The group was chaired by the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Civil Service Commission (CSC), DILG, Commission on Audit (COA), Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF), National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), and a private sector representative. Our recommended uniformed monitoring tools will be guided by Administrative Order No. 25, which directs for the creation of an InterAgency Task Force on Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring, Information and Reporting Systems, Laceras explained. As an RDC secretariat, the NEDA regional office is expected to establish a one-stop site lodged at the RDC website with links to respective agency websites to inform stakeholders of existing governance monitoring system and get feedback for improvement of the systems. The agencies with good governance monitoring systems to make conscious effort to improve their respective monitoring systems by considering feedback coming from different sources such as onestop site fora, media and other sources, and report these feedbacks to their respective central offices Specifically, the system would measure the achievement of the good governance targets in the 20112016 Eastern Visayas Regional Development Plan (RDP). One strategy is the conduct of the RDP Assessment Report.

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Crispina Villejo and Tranquilina Verdejo extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land, covered by OCT No. P-35996, situated in Brgy. Owark, Hilongos, Leyte, designated as Lot No. 580, containing an area of 3,736 square meters, per Doc. No. 202, Page No. 42, Book No. VII, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Ma. Lourdes Madula-Vilbar. LSDE: December 22, 29, 2012 & Jan. 5, 2013




eFurnitures eSofa Beds eDining Tables


eOfficeTables e Sports e Supplies


Leyte Samar Daily Express

CEBU CITY -Still refusing to heed a suspension order, Governor Gwen Garcia announced Thursday that she will only yield her post to Vice Governor Agnes Magpale over my dead body. That, as Magpale, who took her oath as acting governor Wednesday, gave Provincial Treasurer Roy Salubre an ultimatum: report to my office or be replaced today, Friday. Salubre has to issue a certification that funds are available so that the Provincial Board can pass t h e b onu s ord i n an c e. Magpale also wants to find out from Salubre Capitols fiscal state. Capitol employees will have their Christmas party today and both Garcia and Magpale said they will be giving out bonuses to them. How they will go about it remains to be seen. In a press conference at the governors office Thursday afternoon, Garcia said she will exert all means to keep her post. I wi l l cont inue to discharge my function as governor of Cebu, and if they want to stop me, then they have to do that over my dead body, she said. Refusal G arc i a has re f us e d t o h e e d t h e ord e r of Malacanang suspending her for six months for usurpation of authority in a complaint filed by the late vice goveror Greg Sanchez Jr. in 2010. Tension has mounted at the Capitol where both Garcia and Magpale and their supporters have been keeping vigil since the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) served the suspension order Wednesday morning and Magpale taking her oath as acting governor. Police have secured the Capitol perimeters. Garcia said she will not yield her post to Magpale, who is running for vice governor in the May 2013 elections under Liberal Party, even if it means the office of the governor going to be padlocked. I ll be padlocked inside, she said. But if that happens, it would be totally un-Cebuano, she added. She said this while in a meeting with the mayors, vice mayors and barangay captains in the conference room of the governors office. Commitment of support She also advised

Cebu guv holds on

from page 1

Saturday, 22 December 2012

of reaction. But Im glad that you give me a warm welcome, Romualdez said. The venue of the gathering, the Patio Victoria, is owned by the Romualdez family. The city mayor said that he was glad that the present media practitioners, coming from different and competing media outlets, could still find time to enjoy and gather together. Romualdez debunked the allegations that he has media officers who talks in his behalf. I dont have a spokesperson. I am the one talking (with the people), he said. According to Romualdez, he is no perfect just like the rest but he is doing his best in addressing the needs of the city government and the people of Tacloban. He also reminded the media that just like other political leaders, he has his own loyal supporters who are willing to defend him at any given situation. But in whole honesty, I hardly talk to them, he said, alluding that he is not making an order from his loyal supporters to defend him before the media and the public.(JOEY A. GABIETA)


from page 1

depository banks to honor checks she has signed lest they find themselves in trouble. She said she has asked the court to issue a temporary restraining order. Garcia has not left her office since Wednesday. Ill stay here. Some mayors and others stayed too. So I did not want to just leave them here with all of the inconvenience of not having your own proper bed, she said. Garcia said the department heads went to see her to reaffirm their commitment to the duly elected governor. As f ar a s t h e y are concerned, theres only one governor and it is the governor who was given the mandate by the Cebuanos not just once, not just twice but three times and that governor is Gwen Garcia, she said. Forcible removal On a forcible removal, Police Regional Office (PRO) 7 Director Marcelo Garbo Jr. said he might resort to this if Garcia does not leave Capitol and if ordered. On whose order, he did not say. As of 7 oclock last night, he received no orders of such. Garbo and other top police officials in Central Visayas paid Magpale a courtesy visit in the vice governors office, located in the wing opposite the office of the governor. He s ai d he assu re d Magpale of the PRO 7s support and that he will have police secure her if needed. He also said that if needed too, he will have documents at the office of the governor secured. Daans predicament With two governors sitting at Capitol, PB Member Julian Daan, who received his appointment as acting vice governor yesterday, refused to take oath until the issue on the governorship is resolved. As acting governor, Daan will be PB presiding officer. A PB session has been scheduled today to take up the bonus ordinance. If he doesnt show up, the PB can still proceed with the session for as long as it has a quorum of members.

The bonus ordinance needs to be approved for the office of the governor to issue an order releasing the bonuses to the 1,600 Capitol officials and employees. The bonuses would cost Capitol P50 million for the employees and officials and another P12 million for the barangay health workers who would each get P2,400. Magpales order I assure Capitol workers and officials that everybody will be happy this Christmas, Magpale said. She showed reporters a draft of an order for the release of P103,000 worth of rice to be given as prize at the Capitol employees party. She said this would be the first document she would be signing as acting governor. S h e s ai d s h e n e e d s Provincial Treasurer Salubre to report to her so she can be apprised of the state of Capitols coffers. Salubres assistant Junilyn Arenas went to Magpales office yesterday. Aside from Arenas other department heads who went to her office were Budget Officer Emmanueal Gingoyon and Provincial Administrator Eduardo Habin. Other developments * Some of the members of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines, Vice Mayors League of the Philippines, Association of Barangay Council assured Garcia that they will hold special sessions to pass a resolution expressing that they recognize her as the governor and not Magpale.
* In the meeting with Garcia in her office were 23 mayors, four former mayors, presidents of the Association of Barangay Captains, and her younger brother Rep. Pablo John Garcia, who is running for governor against Hilario Davide III, Magpales runningmate. Liloan Mayor Duke Frasco, Governor Garcias son-in-law, said 50 percent of the mayors support Gwen. Congressman Garcia described whats happening at Capitol as akin to having martial law. Mura man ta og, sa akong termino, martial law with emphasis of Mar. Si Mar Roxas murag nakaminos sa mga Cebuanos. Kini binastos mani ilang gibuhat (Mar Roxas seems belittling the Cebuanos. What they did is uncivil), he told reporters. * Cordova Mayor Adelino Sitoy, a lawyer, said seeking a TRO from the Supreme Court is asking for a miracle. He said one needs to have all the justices meet together, having numerous holidays this month, and render an en banc decision. One is lucky if the justices find it meritorious to grant a TRO. (SUNNEX)

to the laughter of the members of the media. So, I guess I will just smile at you, Romualdez said. Among present during the gathering were some members of the media who are not really a Romualdez admirers. In his first term in office, members of the media often complained that Romualdez could hardly be accessed for interviews, delegating the interviews to his spokerspersons. But in an earlier interview, Romualdez claimed that he was medias best friend, a claim that generated mixed reactions from the members of the media. In his more than 20 minutes talks with the members of the EIATP, Romualdez appeared to be relax and comfortable that he even find it easy to poke fun with himself and the members present. And at one instance, the city mayor even said that he would not mind being hit by the press. When I entered this room, I had a feeling that you will give me a why-he-is-here kind

performing their job to inform people and by practicing professional journalism.

Aside from the Christmas party, the 5th EIATP Award was also launched were awarding was set on February next year. EIATP Award is a venue to give recognition to media practitioners who had showed exemplary performance in their field of work, an award not just given to members of EIATP but to other media practitioners who are connected and working with a functional media entity providing that they are not block timers for radio commentators. Furthermore, Grafil stressed that EIATP is not an organization of one media entity but by whole media entities that are affiliated and or members of the Express it at the Park. He added membership to EIATP is individual in form and not based on the membership of their media outfit. (ROEL AMAZONA)

Happy 13th year anniversary to Leyte Samar Daily Express and to your 25th year foundation day!

Greetings from:


Saturday, 22 December 2012


Leyte Samar Daily Express

The PROVINCIAL BUDGET OFFICE with its thrust of facilitating the Province of Samars budget, Greet The people behind the success of Leyte Samar Daily Express on its 13th Anniversary and 25th Foundation Day celebration May this celebration continue to inspire you in providing the people with relevant, timely and accurate news and other information in Eastern Visayas! MABUHAY! Greetings from:

Christmas Seasons
Happy 13th Anniversary of LSDE & 25th Foundation Day of the Express Publications
Greetings from:

Provincial Accountant & Staff

The Provincial Budget Officer and Staff

Capitol Building, Catbalogan City


Provincial Accountant Province of Samar

Happy 13th Anniversary of Leyte Samar Daily Express & 25th Foundation Day
Seasons Greeting from:

Greetings from
The Provincial Treasurers Office

Provincial Planning & Development Office

And Staff
Catbalogan City


Staff and personnel


Provincial Treasurer

Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year

Greetings from:

Wishing for a peaceful and progressive Catbalogan

Go Serve and Protect



Congratulations Leyte Samar Daily Express on your 25th Foundation Anniversary!

P/Supt. Avelino Bogtong Doncillo, Jr.,

Chief of Police Catbalogan City Police Station


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Daza graces UEPs College of Law 20th founding rites

CATARMAN, N. Samar- Deputy Speaker Raul Daza of the first congressional district this province graced the 20 th founding anniversary of the college of law of the University of Eastern Philippines, coinciding also to the alumni homecoming and Christmas party on Dec. 14, 2012 as their guest speaker. The veteran legislator said that this is not just a time for celebration, but rather its time to show all the people that the college purpose is to serve the public who are less in life, stressing during his message that man or woman regardless of their age as well as their economic condition, deserves quality of legal education, hence, the goal of UEPs college of law is to help those poor and aspiring law student and eventually in producing competent lawyers. Deputy Speaker Daza initiated in the opening of college of law at the UEP more than two decades ago for reason that those who want to take law coming from the province would no longer have to enrol in Tacloban City. Meanwhile, in his opening statement, Atty. Marlon Fritz BogtongBroto, dean of the college of law, extended his gratitude to all those in attendance particularly, his colleagues for their support as well as to Deputy Speaker Daza who despite of his hectic schedule never failed to grace their simple celebration. After acknowledging their visitors, the younglawyer dean was also happy to announce of an annex building to be constructed sourced-out from deputy speaker Dazas effort in Congress. The Northern Samar first district solon was an 11th placer of the Bar, a cum laude from his Bachelor of Law Course of the University of the Philippines and a Certified Public Accountant, and this is aside of his being a California Barrister coupled with numerous awards and citations coming from government and private institutions among others he received. Also joining the celebration was the university president and at same time a law professor here Mar De Asis among other product-lawyers here, law students, professors, other visitors who joined their one-day celebration with various activities highlighting their simple rites.

From the people and officials of Guiuan, Eastern Samar: Happy 13th year anniversary to Leyte Samar Daily Express and to your 25th year foundation day!

Mayor Annaliza Gonzales Kwan

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! From:

Northern Samar less-fortunates to benefit from FilAm surgical mission slated Jan 27-Feb 2 in Allen
ALLEN, N. Samar The Waray-Waray International Organization based in the USA headed by Wilmar Suan, a Certified Public Accountant by profession and the Fil-Am Surgical Mission Foundation in Michigan will undertake a medical outreach service on January 27-February 2, 2013 at the Allen District Hospital for the benefit of the underprivileged residents here, said Dr. Flora Tamparia, OIC-Chief of Hospital in this town. Of the intended beneficiaries, priority will be given to poor individuals and families who are suffering from various types of ailments such as; cliff-lip, ug besan nano nga klase sin sakit nga bukol sa lawas sugad san mayoma ug iba pa nga mga surgical procedures, added Tamparia. The medical mission is a manifestation of FilAm foundation in Michigan of their continuous commitment in providing quality health care to the poor. It also forges a strong partnership with this health institution in the mission of sharing its best practices in the medical profession among this province residents. Under the medical outreach mission, the beneficiaries will be treated according to their ailment after having been screened at the Allen district hospital which is still undergoing headed by Tamparia herself being aided by Dr.Dolina and the in-charge of the listing of patients is Nurse Shirly Ombrog. Tamparia also described the surgical mission team which composed of 80 to 100 medical professionals such as physicians, plastic surgeons, urologists, medical technologists, anaesthesiologists, nurses and dentists among other medical professionals, is vital in addressing the health and medical needs of the residents here this province, particularly those belonging to the less-fortunate sector. Meanwhile, according to Tamparia, aside from free treatment to the beneficiaries with medicines, the provincial government has also allocated funds as an aid together with other needs and among other supplies during the mission. To date, the provincial government headed by Governor Paul Daza had several forthcoming and undergoing constructions of health centers in responding to the needs of health concerns province wide particularly, the needy families as an additional health care facility to the eight existing district hospital of the province. As this develop, Gov. Daza said, gradually to ensure that residents of the province can get the easiest access to good but affordable medical care, the Public Private Partnership Program has been in placed with the recent launching of the Planet Drugstore stationed at the Northern Samar Provincial Hospital open 24 hours daily to take care of the needs of those who are confined patients without spending much for their needed medicines particularly, to patients who are Philhealth members. (PETER D. PAREDES)


Representative, 2nd District, Samar


Province of Samar
Leyte Samar Daily Express and to your 25th year foundation day!


Leyte Samar Daily Express



N. Samar SP oks resolution recommending 60-day preventive suspension against Mayor Tan of Pambujan
CATARMAN, Northern Samar-Acting on the approved resolution No. 166, series of 2012 of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan this province recommending to Gov. Paul Daza the issuance of a preventive suspension order to Rogelio S. Tan, municipal mayor of Pambujan, Gov. Daza has ordered on November 29, 2012 for a 60day preventive suspension. In the memorandum of the governor, he cited Sec. 63, paragraph (A) (2) 0f RA 7160, known as the Local Government Code of 1991 as well as the approved resolution of SP which was unanimously approved headed by Vice Gov. Ramp Nielsen Uy. In the said resolution, the administrative case stemmed when Conchita Tuballas, who was separated from her former position as human resource management officer-1, filed a case against Mayor Tan for abuse of authority and oppression The initial evidences attached to the complaint readily reveal that respondent Tan has violated the orders of the Civil Service Commission to reinstate complainant Tuballas to her position as administrative officer-11 while the alleged appeal of recall case is still pending. And whether said promotion of complaint is valid or not, this Sanggunian is at great quandary why complainant, Conchita Tuballas, separated from her permanent position and without any compensation until now, which is in violation of the complainants right to security of tenure. In the unanimous concession of all the members present of this Sangguniang Panlalawigan that on the basis of the evidence initially presented, there is an indication that the respondent is probably guilty of the allegations against him, subject, of course, to the benefit of the doubt given to him by the august body. Meanwhile, in an interview with Civil Security Office Chief of the province, Gerry Marquita, he confirmed that at around 4 in the afternoon of December 12, 2012, he and his group together with a representative from the DILG provincial office, he was able to served personally the suspension order to the Mayor himself in his office. Likewise, in its SP resolution, it said, given the gravity of the offense and being a high ranking public official, there is a great probability that the continuance in office of Mayor Tan could influence the witnesses or pose a threat to the integrity of records or evidences. Hence, issuance of said preventive suspension is in order while the case is pending investigation. (PETER D. PAREDES)

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100 school children from indigent families receive gifts from DPWH 2nd LED
CARIGARA, Leyte At least 100 school children from indigent families of this town benefitted the gift- giving activity yesterday of the Department of Public Works and Highways Second Leyte Engineering District (DPWH 2nd LED). District Engineer Ma. Margarita Junia said that its been a five-year tradition of their office every Christmas season to share blessings to less fortunate children in this town. The one-day activity held at the DPWH 2nd LED gymnasium was packed with games, talent presentations, and surprises for children. They were also treated with free lunch. Giving gifts to children of poor families made us feel good. We hope to inspire these young children to pursue their education, Junia said. Epifanio Bacolanta, Jr., principal of Carigara II Central School thanked the DPWH 2nd LED management for selecting their school as recipient of gift giving. These children deserve gifts this Christmas because they belong to the poorest of the poor families, Bacolanta said. Nine-year-old Almira Layague, a pupil of second grade, said that this is her first time to receive a gift

from an institution. I wont forget this day, she said after Junia handed her a bag full of food items. The activity was carried out through coordination with General Parents and Teachers Association President Vicenta Lim. (Sarwell Q. Meniano)



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Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

The Express Publications, Completing A Silver Jubilee of Media Service

By Chito D. Dela Torre
Today, December 22, the Leyte Samar Daily Express begins to navigate its next 365-day course as a positive, fair, and free regional daily newspaper as it commemorates the 25th year (a silver jubilee, indeed!) of the Leyte Samar Express publishing industry in simple anniversary activities at its main office, the first floor of the Knights of Columbus Building along Padre Zamora street, Tacloban City. As it does, the couple who are behind this trademark of free journalism in the Waray Region, Dalmacio Massey Candido Grafil and Alma nee Montallana, both from the province of Eastern Samar, renew their commitment of continually improving on their service of catering to the information needs of the news reading public in Region VIII. A solid proof to that renewal is their having aptly prepared themselves, their personnel, and their office for the rising challenges to chief. The Newsmagazine continued until the daily became the regular flagship publication of the Express family. True to its social obligation and duties, the Express family, notably the men and women behind the LSDE, adhere to the avowed ethics and principles of journalism and find active membership in such respectable media organizations as the national Philippine Press Institute, and some local groups, like the erstwhile and then defunct Leyte Private Media Inc., and the popular, now 12 years old, Express It At The Park (EIATP) which began with only four men Massey himself, now LSDE columnist,former PIA director Alvin G. Arpon, Atty. Ramon Cuyco,former LTO-8 director and engineer Wilson Chan, general manager of Leyte Park Hotel. Other regional and provincial organizations, such as the Philippine National Police Press Corps, Samar Island Press Club, the Catbalogan Cable TV Media Nucleus (CCATMAN), Region Eight Tri-Media Association (RETA), and other independent media groups. Besides responding to requests for reportorial coverage (like those from regional government agencies and local government units, and even requesting militant sectors), or participating in building advocacy lines as the media sector, the Express, specifically the LSDE, also closely coordinates with the Philippine Information Agency. This involvement accentuates the positive, or pro-active, character of LSDE. Among the pioneers in the Express family, aside from Massey and Alma themselves, had been David Genotiva, Loly Isiderio, Inocencio P. Maderazo, Atty. Aurelio D. Menzon, and this writer. LSDE in Directories Leyte Samar Daily Express appears in websites or blogs which present it as among those worth simply posting or displaying or as part of a directory, or fit for the marketplace (meaning, marketable). In the National Library of the Philippines, the Information Technology Division online public access catalogue posts the following for year 2012 under the link koha.nlp. in the NLP website: Results 1 through 19 of 261 records. Title Author Call Number Copies Available at Leyte Samar Daily Express. - 2001 - Dalmacio C. Grafil; Tacloban City : - -v. TO PAGE 21 THE PRINTING MACHINES organizer-NGO worker Socorro Intoy Cotejar of Naval (capital of Biliran province) until the birth in year 1999 of the Leyte Samar Daily Express (LSDE, or Daily Express, for short), thanks to the daring but encouraging idea of Emil Justimbaste who at once became its first editor-in-chief. During the days of the LSWE, the Leyte Samar Express Newsmagazine was born, with this writer, while serving as associate editor and columnist of the weekly, taking the cudgel as editor-in-

THE EDITORIAL SECTION counted from the time the editorial content navigates to the network until it gets its finished form on a plate the latest issue for the day of the Leyte Samar Daily Express is ready for printing. In the next hour or so, the newspaper gets off the offset printing process, commissioned to their fullest, produced their first print form of this paper. The other preparations corresponded to these innovative changes. This attribute further demonstrates the responsiveness of the editorial management. That is why it continues to attract advertisers and newsmakers. In another vein, it also helps prepare future journalists by enlisting interns from among mass communications and media-related courses. Its competent editorial force, themselves veteran journalists, headed by editor-in-chief Vicente Ven S. Labro, who hails from Catbalogan, Samar, provide the necessary guidance and mentoring (where needed) to all their staff members, including interns, and others who wish to work for the Leyte Samar Express publications. Yes, publications, for aside from the daily, the Express family has also been publishing weeklies in the different parts of the region, with provincewide circulation, apart from a city edition. The Express newspapering industry has kept on growing since its first newspaper publication, the Leyte Samar Weekly Express which first hit the streets exactly on December 22, 1988, less than two years after the Philippines regained its democracy from a dictatorial regime. The LSWE, acronym for that newspaper, became the mother of the weeklies subsequently published - the first inside-page provincial edition having been the Leyte Samar Weekly Express Biliran Edition under the editorship of community

THE COMPUTER TO PLATE PROCESSING SECTION the publishing industry. On the mechanical aspect, they acquired and caused the installation right at this office last October 28 two units of the latest brand of printing equipment that can hasten newspaper production: one platesetter and one plate processor. Just after about 3 minutes ready for distribution to its different circulation outlets around the region. Between 6 and 7 oclock in the morning of each day, from Monday to Sunday of each week, newsstands in Tacloban start selling this newspaper. By the middle of last month, these two acquisitions, having been


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Express It At The Park.... Christmas Party


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012



Engr. Pedro C. Rubio, Jr.

Division Manager, IMO

Staff & Personnel


Best Wishes on your anniversary

13th Anniversary & 25th Foundation Day!

Municipality of Tanauan, Leyte


ARSENIO A. FORTIN, CESO IV Regl. Technical Director for Operation & Extension

WILSON A. CERBITO, DVM Regl. Technical Director for Research & Regulations


Sangguniang Bayan LGU Dept. Heads & Staff

ANTONIO G. GERUNDIO, CESO III Regional Executive Director

Happy Holidays!
Rizal Aveue, Tacloban City We sell wholesale and retail

Happy Holidays!
We want to extend our warmest congratulations on Your 13th Anniversary & 25th Foundation Day!

Tacloban City


V&G, Tacloban City And family


Love and Cheers On Christmas Day!!


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Merry Christmas to All!

Dr. Allan Thomas A. Balano

Orthopedic Surgeon
Divine Word Hospital Tacloban City And family

For a 25th years old dream, Congratulations


Raffy Salazar
Marasbaras, Tacloban City


Cheers, on your 13th Anniversary and 25th Foundation Celebration

Have a cool Christmas, everyone!!

Enjoy the cherries of Christmas, beautiful people!

Wholesaler and Retailer
P. Burgos St., extension Tacloban City & family

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER National Conciliation and Mediation Board DOLE-Regional Office 8 Tacloban City

and family

Best Wishes on your 13th Anniversary & 25th Foundation Day!

A Happy 13th Anniversary and 25th Foundation Day celebration to the Leyte Samar Daily Express Congratulations!


And family

Marasbaras, Tacloban City

OBSTETRICIAN - GYNECOLOGIST Asst. Dean RTR Medical Foundation College of Medicine



Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Kaupod an hugpong san Junta Probinsyal, akon ginpapaabot an akon pakigsayo sa ngatanan nga mga igkasi ko Nortehanon sin pagrayhak ngan pagpasalamat sini nga adlaw san pagkatawo san aton Manunubos. Laum ko nga magin makahulugan an aton pagsalin-urog ngan magin inspirasyon naton an kada tagsa para sin mas mabinungahon nga kinabuhi sa tiarabot nga bag-o nga tuig. An pag-paangbit san aton katigayonan ngadto sa mga kablas naton nga kabugtuan mao an tinood nga tigaman san Kapaskohan. Hinaut nga igkinabuhi naton ini agud mahimo kita nga ehemplo san kadam-an sa aton. Happy Holidays! (Sgd.) RAM UY Bise-Gobernador

Saturday, 22 December 2012


Leyte Samar Daily Express



from page 1

But this early, the regional director of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said that all the three Samar provinces may just pose to be included in the hot spot areas in connection to next years elections. We h a v e y e t to receive official communication from the Philippine National Police (as to areas considered as hotspots). But I am planning to require all our election officials to request the PNP on peace and order report, Mendros said. He said that save for the provinces of Leyte, Southern Leyte and Biliran, the provinces of Samar, Eastern Samar and Northern Samar are

potential hot spot areas in the region for next years balloting. An area is considered to be hot spot due to number of reasons which could be due to presence of partisan armed groups (PAGS) and members of the rebel group, the New Peoples Army and intense political rivalry. Earlier, Samar was identified by no less than Interior Secretary Mar Roxas as one of the countrys 15 hot spot areas due to alleged presence of partisan armed groups ( PA G s ) a n d i n t e n s e political rivalry. But Mendros said that aside from Samar, he also sees potential problems related to the May,13,2013
to page 19

Congratulations to Leyte Samar Daily Express, the only daily newspaper circulating in the region, for its 13th Anniversary and 25th Foundation Day Express Publication of providing fair and reliable information to the people in the locality... From

Congratulations to Leyte Samar Daily Express as it marks its 13th Anniversary and 25th Foundation Day Express Publication of delivering reliable information to the public From:

Aty. Carlo P. Loreto

Board Member 5th District, Leyte

Abogado han Konseho City Councilor Tacloban City


Happy 13th Anniversary Leyte Samar Daily Express and 25th Foundation Day Express Publication

Happy 13th Anniversary Leyte Samar Daily Express and 25th Foundation Day Express Publication


DPWH - Catbalogan
Greetings from:

Hon. Anlie G. Apostol

Board Member Second District Province of Leyte

Engr. Ruben D. De los Reyes Assistant District Engineer


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Malipayon ako nga naduyog sa ngatanan nga igkasi ko Nortehanon ug san Katilingban Kristyanos sa paghinumdom san pagkatawo san aton Manunubos, an Ginoo Jesukristo. Hinaut unta nga masantop san kada tagsa sa aton an ungod nga kahulugan san iya pagkanhi sa kalibutan nga mao an pagtalwas sa aton. Kundi apisar san aton kalipayan, ayaw naton hingalimti nga ig-api san aton mga pangaraba an aton mga kabugtuan sa Compostela Valley ug Davao Oriental nga nagin biktima san bagyo Pablo. Igampo naton nga makatalwas sira san kahimtang nga ira gin-aagian sa yana ngan magpadayon unta an pagburublig san ngatanan para san ira mga panginahanglan. Hinaut nga an burabod san pagtoo, paglaum ngan paghigugma nga dara san natawo nga Cristo Hesus mao an magpabilin sa aton mga kasingkasing ngan mahimo nga hinungdan agud magin mas makusog an aton panalinguha sin pagsirbe sa aton nasud, sociedad ngan sa igkasi-tawo. Malipayon nga Pasko ug Mainuswagon nga bag-o nga tuig sa aton ngatanan! (Sgd.) ANTONIO BOY PELITO LUCERO Bise-Gobernador , Probinsya san Norte san Samar (2007-2010)

Sa ngaran san akon bug-os nga pamilya, kaupod an mga empleyado ug akon mga staff, eginpapa-abut ko an akon kinasing-kasing nga panhumalatag sin Malipayon Nga Pasko Ug Mabinungahon Nga Bag-o Nga Tuig San 2013 Ssa Aton Ngatanan!!! Mabuhay An Mga Taga-Mondragon!! Ini Nga Mensahe Pamasko Tumikang San Iyo Sorogoon:

Hon. Matias Mati B. Cabalitan

Municipal Vice Mayor/Presiding Officer

Saturday, 22 December 2012


Leyte Samar Daily Express


from page 17

elections in other Samar provinces. In Eastern Samar, we see some areas as possible hot spot areas and in Northern Samar, the suspension of several mayors could result to potential problem... Mendros said. The Comelec regional

director, however, did not name names as to where in particular in Eastern Samar they see as conflict areas relative to the midterm elections next year. In Northern Samar, the suspension of Victoria town Mayor Jose Ardales, Gamay town Mayor Ti m o t e o C a p o q u i a n Jr. and Pambujan town
to page 20

Merry Christmas!

DR. RAYMUND BALVERDE Divine Word Hospital Tacloban City & family

Maupay nga Pasko Mainuswagon na Bag-o nga Tuig

Liberty Jane Jingjing Sumayod Congratulations to the people behind this only daily publication in the region


Greetings comes from:


Yutangco Bldg. P. Burgos St.,
Tacloban City


The Rank & File Employees of the NORTHERN SAMAR

and OIC Assistant District Engineer

Ferdinand A. Briones

OIC District Engineer


Leyte Samar Daily Express

from page 19

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Mendros said that those hot spot areas would be given the needed augmentation of both police and the Army forces to ensure a peaceful and orderly conduct of elections. He,however, said that it is up to the officials of both the PNP and the Philippine Army in the region how many personnel they would deploy to those identified hot spot areas. We are aware that they also lack of personnel, Mendros said.

Happy 13th Anniversary Leyte Samar Daily Express and 25th Foundation Day Express Publication

Engr. Divina B. Mate

Provincial Engineer Provincial Engineering Office Province of Samar

Mayor Rogelio Tan could disturb the peaceful conduct of elections in said municipalities. Reports have also indicated that two other mayors in the same province could also be suspended.


COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Doctoral Programs: 1. B.S. in Civin Engineering 1. Ph.D. in Educational Management 2. B.S. in Electrical Engineering 2. Ph.D. in Technology Management 3. B.S. in Electronics & Comm. Engg. 3. DM in Human Resource Management 4. B.S. in Computer Engineering Master Programs: COLLEGE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY 1. Master of Arts in Education 1. B.S. in Industrial Technology 2. Master of Arts in Teaching 2. Bachelor of Industrial Technology 3. Master in Technician Education 3. Bachelor of Industrial Technology 4. Master in Education (Plan B) 4. Bachelor of Mechanical Technology 5. Master of Engineering 5. Competency-Based in Vocational Educ. 6. Master in Public Management (Plan A and B) COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1. B.S. in Information Technology 2. B.S. in Information Systems 3. B.S. in Applied Statistics 4. B.S. in Psychology COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 1. Bachelor of Secondary Education 2. Bachelor of Elementary Education 3. B.S. in Technician Education 4. Diploma Teaching 5. Four-Year Laboratory High School COLLEGE OF FISHEIRES and MARINE SCIENCES 1. B.S. in Fisheries 2. B.S. in Education (Fishery Education) 3. B.S. in Marine Biology 4. B.S. in Marine Engineering SSU PARANAS CAMPUS 1. B.S. in Industrial Technology 2. B.S. in Elementary Education SSU BASEY CAMPUS 1. B.S. in Industrial Technology 2. Bachelor of Elementary Education 3. B.S. in Technician Education

Happy Holidays!
Congratulations to the people behind this only daily publication in the region

Engr. Arthur B. Cuenco

Provincial Planning & Development Officer Province of Samar

Happy Holidays!

Arteche Boulevard Catbalogan City, Samar


Web Address http:/

Telephone No. (055) 251-2139 Telefax No. (055) 543-8394

Merry Christmas!

Ms. Pax M. Rojas

The secret of Christmas is sharing-Holiday Cheers -from


Congratulations on your 13th year anniversary & 25th Foundation Day


Sangguniang Bayan Tanauan, Leyte and family


Saturday, 22 December 2012

of both the newspaper itself and its writers. Thus, it gives space to all those who feel they are affected by any item it publishes, except in the case of opinion columns, where, as established and sustained by legal jurisprudence and clipped up by editorial newsrooms, the contents and claims therein remain the sole and full responsibility of the opinion column writer. Even then, here, where some parties are affected, columnists get up to that level of being able to provide clarifications especially when their claimed sources are challenged. Examples of how LSDE responds to this obligation, when not available during newsgathering and editing (which actually includes crosschecking for accuracy as I always emphasized in my lectures on news writing since 1975 to various audiences [high school and college students, community information officers, professionals, advisers of school or campus writers, fellow journalists, and government information officers]), are these references to letters to the publisher: denials and/or rectifications to allegations in a news item written by Alvin P. Cardines concerning the performance of nursing schools in the nursing board exams, sent in by ESSII/OIC, chief administrative officer Marcelo M. Uy of the Commission on Higher Education (letter dated March 2, 2011), Naval State University president III doctor of education Edita S. Genson, and Professional Regulation Commission regional director German P. Palabyab (the last two letters published on March 4, 2011). The effort on fairness went so far as to include this down-to-earth statement by

Leyte Samar Daily Express

Palabyab: .... May I suggest next time; your prestigious newspaper should send me an experienced reporter, instead of a cub reporter who conducts his interview on the phone only. A more matured and experienced writer might have a different report. Your reporter by the way came to see me and claimed that his original manuscript was changed by your editor. (Alvin called Marcelo on February 28, 2011 and the latter stated that the CHED Regional Office has no data available regarding the issue .... did not identify any school and told Alvin that his position was OIC, Chief Administrative Officer (not CHED OIC). Growth and Acceptance The preponderance of opinion column writers in a newspaper is in a way an indication of a newspapers growth and acceptance, gaug-


The Express...
from page 12

NLP - Serials (4) Leyte Samar Weekly Express - 2000 - Dalmacio C. Grafil ; 46 NLP - Serials From, tagging LSDE as company/Philippines/889095.htm, a screenshot of the entry says: In the Philippine Information Agency Region VIII website, via where the search link states lineagencies/pia/index. php?option=com_content&ta sk=view&id=22&Itemid=1, LSDE occupies the top space its PA VIII Daily News Reader: LEYTE SAMAR DAILY EXPRESS (LSDE) Publisher: Dalmacio C. Grafil Address: G. Floor K of C Bldg. 187 P. Zamora St., Tacloban City Contact Number(s): (053) 321- 4833, telefax (053) 3215591 E- mail Address: Web site: (The PIA is a Philippine government agency with a regional office in Tacloban, the first and only highly urbanized city in the Leyte-Samar-Biliran Waray Region.) Heres however a website entry, which is not (italicized texts) entirely true, from www., the LSDE being tag-linked as corp_644788_ Leyte-Samar-Daily.htm: Company Introduction Leyte Samar Daily Express is an exporter of Philippines Books products. Leyte Samar Daily Express is the only daily newspaper in Region 8 Philippines. We are serving Leyte, Samar and Biliran for almost two decades. The business started from a weekly newspaper for more than a decade (Leyte Samar Weekly Express). Before the end of the 20th century the Leyte Samar Daily Express was born. With independent export rights, our products have been exported to North America South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Eastern Asia Southeast Asia Mid East Africa Oceania, etc. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are popular in various markets around the world. If you are interested in our products ,for more details, please feel free to contact us. Company Information Main Markets : North America South America Western Europe Eastern Europe Eastern Asia Southeast Asia Mid East Africa Oceania The In its own website,, now, since 2011, finds a 3-column layout page with the following sections available only a mouse click after, below the date of posting: On the left column News with photo, and reference titles

(Categories) to what you may want to read from the archives: ANNOUNCEMENT, Editorial, Letter (letters to the editor), features, opinion columns, entertainment, message (such as that of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI for the 46th World Communication Day, published on May 20, 2012), opinion columns, news (banner [News 1] and second stories), Ulat Sa Bayan, and uncategorized items; The middle column is the main display board for the referenced items. A click on a chosen item leads to the full text of that item. Often it displays the top-billed photograph, followed by an editorial cartoon, a lead to the Second Story, and leads to the other articles. Opened after the Home page, the following information is given at the bottom of the full-display item: name of the writer (as tagline, if not mentioned in the beginning of the article as a by-line) or the source, date at which the item is published in the net page, guide as to where the item is found, and a folio on the previous topic and next topic. A feedback section is found at the bottom of the column, in which a net reader can write reactions or mere thoughts related to the item found in the upper section of the column, or to any other item accessed via this net page; and On the right column In the Home page, one finds leads to Opinion (often with photos of columnists, followed by a summary lead to News 1 and then leads to More news1 Headlines. The anchor section sometimes gives leads to the Feature stories, and titles of articles that are presently Trending (which also indicates how many are reading or have read each trending article), while the bottom liner gives exactly what number are you presently among those visiting the LSD net. Browsed, the net page next ushers your to a poll survey (today the survey is on the question How often you [then as you browse, the inside survey question faces you: How did you find LeyteSamaDaily. net], while for a longer time in the past, it was about rating the water service in Tacloban) which elicits readers participation, then it gives you the FaceBook Like pluggers, the Live Traffic Feed (a real-time view with menu) showing who reads what item and from which point of the globe, Latest Topics, and Recent Comments. Heres a screen shot of the Trending on the home page for December 19, 2011, as of 6:14 p.m.: Fair Newspaper The regions one and only daily newspaper, that the Leyte Samar Daily Express still is, demonstrates its adherence principle of fair reporting, or fair journalism. Publisher Massey Grafil sincerely and deeply views it likewise as an obligation on the part

ing likewise the potential number of followers each columnist has anywhere in the world. As of today, as could be gleaned from the LSDE net pages, this daily newspaper is endorsed by a total of regular columnists (otherwise, they would not anymore be writing for LSDE and their columns will no longer see print). Behind the regular Commentary are the opinions of Fr. Roy Cimagala and the veteran national journalist Juan Mercado who writes with depth and historical insights. There had been other columnists, editors, staff writers, and regular constributors (either as reporters or free lance writers) to both the LSDE and its sister publications, as well as in the harbinger Leyte Samar Weekly Express. The coming innovations will certainly see more com-

Happy 13th Anniversary Leyte Samar Daily Express and 25th Foundation Day Express Publication


We envision an institution of excellence in sustainable fisheries development and management that provides quality services to its stakeholders by 2016.


Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 8 Staff

Congratulations Leyte Samar Daily Express


Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 22 December 2012

Sa ngaran san mga taga Mondragon igin papaabot ko an akon kinasing kasing nga pag bati san iyo ika 13th. Anniversary Celebration san LEYTE SAMAR DAILY EXPRESS ngan ika 25th. Founding Day san EXPRESS PUBLICATIONS komo nangunguna nga regionwide newspaper dinhi sa reheyon 8. Sugad man igin papaabot ko liwat sa ngaran san akon mga igkasi Mondragonon upod na an mga miembro san Hunta Munisipal, mga opisyales ngan empleyado san bungto kaupod an akon pamilya sin Mamurayaw ngan Malipayon nga Pasko ngan Mainuswagon nga Bag-o nga Tuig sa aton ngatanan.

Sgd. Ismael Toto Bugna Jr.

Municipal Mayor Mondragon Northern Samar

Sa ngaran san akon Pamilya ug an ngatanan nga mga miyembro san konsejo, mga empleyado, kaupod an bug-os nga mga mulopyo san bungto sa Gamay nga ginkokomponir sin 26 nga mga kabaryohan, tuyange ak niyo sin pan-humatag sin Malipayon nga Pasko Ug Mabinungahon Nga Bag-o Nga Tuig Sa Aton Ngatanan!!! Ini Nga Mensaje Pamasko Tikang San Iyo Surogoon:

Hon. Moveble B. Martinico

Acting Municipal Mayor
Hon. Joeme Erroba Hon. Pablito Encio Hon. Bernardo Baldomaro Hon. Crisanta Montances Hon. Banilo Castillo ABC President Hon. Arnoldo Gomba Hon. Orlando Nueva Hon. Teresita Valles Hon. Belarmino Albino Hon. Remhie Ternal SK President

Saturday, 22 December 2012

their number peaks in the from page 1 months of December to foreign tourists are now January. visiting Biri Island to He said that the location enjoy surfing. of the island facing the Daza disclosed that Pacific Ocean and the the surfers are visiting Biri big waves that strikes the Island to enjoy the popular eastern shores makes the water sport starting on the place an ideal place for month of September and surfing.

The big waves from the Pacific Ocean that rise up to height of nearly 30 feet and the long rides on the foreshore during the high tides are what lure the surfers to visit the Island and enjoy surfing, he said. He said that his office is promoting Biri as the surfing capital of the province. We are planning to conduct surfing competition in Biri in the near future. The governor disclosed that surfing is just another added water sport that attracts the tourists to the

Leyte Samar Daily Express

Biri which is considered as the provinces icon tourists destination. He added that the seven unique magnificent rock formations about the height of a three storey building which include Magasang, Belat, Magsapad, Caranas, Macadlaw, Puhunan and Pinanahawan are the main attractions of said island.. Daza informed reporters that based on the scientific findings in 2010 of the National Institute Geological Sciences Research (NIGSR) in UP Diliman, it reveals that Biri Island rock formations were probably deposited 18 to 24 million years ago in shelfal continental slope. He added that based on the findings, the rock formations were believed to be formed by the



underwater tectonic plates movement generated by e a r t h q u a k e s . Daza also informed reporters that NIGSR is proposing that the Biri Island rock formations be considered as the 7th national geological monument because of its uniqueness and scientific importance Daza disclosed that aside from the rock formations, the clear blue waters, preserved coral gardens, considered to be rare in our country, and are ideal place for underwater sports like diving and swimming, lush mangrove and beautiful white beaches are other added attractions to the Biri 2,462 hectare island town with 8 barangays.


Leyte Samar Daily Express on your 13th year anniversary and Express Publications 25th Foundation Day Greetings from:


Representative and

Former Rep. Jun Ong

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