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Interagency Transition Mtg 12/13/12 I. Introductions II. Mary Anne Cooper Dungarvin (passed out pamphlet) A. Where?

? Denver, El Paso, Fremont, Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, Jefferson, Mesa, Park, Teller, Weld, Larimer, Garfield, Eastern Colorado B. Services? Host homes; Family Care Giver Act (get paid to keep children at home and still get Services); Supported Living Services 16-21; Day Program with community activities, job coaching and living skills; Apartment Living Program on own with support to be as independent as possible; Mom and Child Program C. Funding? Medicaid; Mostly take individuals referred from TRE III. Annette Best & Dow Turner Community Smart (passed out several brochures) A. Where? Go to the individual; office is our own homes because everything we do is in the community. B. Services? Social Security Advocacy (work with DHS to help clients get disability benefits and help with appeal process); Help get employment for individuals with developmental disabilities, veterans, and children; Help individuals get housing and food stamps; PASS Plans (Plan for Achieving Self-Support help people set up own business); Provide job coaching based on the individual; Get grant money for items that Medicaid doesnt cover (ie: glasses and dental work); Get unemployment benefits for individuals released from jobs. C. Funded? Contract with SSA (if win case, paid 20% of money); once find job, take a flat fee or payments from individuals paycheck; do not turn anyone away; no eligibility requirements; use IRWE (Impaired Related Work Expense- to help defray several costs) D. Other? Sponsors for SAL (Speaking As Leaders) IV. Yasmin Shumate -Career Development Services-Ticket to Work Program

(passed out pamphlet) A. Who serve? Individuals must start through SSA to get an intake evaluation to see if s/he is a match (ie: dont serve individuals who are deaf, blind, or have developmental disabilities); mostly people on SSDI (stopped worked due to disability) and those on SSI (due to welfare). B. Services? Volunteer program to help people get back to work; individuals in this program will not get a medical review while working (this review determines whether or not a person is still disabled); can go to school while working; have 5 years while working to become self-sufficient (individuals must make an effort to find a job or they are dropped from the program); provide Best Tutors (educational support, test preparation, job coaching, and resources, fee based on individual tutors prices). V. Announcements: A. Technical Writing course through UCCS 1. Offering their services to any non-profit or school who wants feedback or suggestions for their flyers/advertisements 2. Contact Marcia Unruh for more information B. Adult Reading program have kick-off party on Jan 11th C. Fill out a form to put your info in the Brain Injury directory free for first listing VI. Transition Fair Feedback from last years fair - tables got moved at the last minute and had lots of blockage -health and safety issues vendors had hard time staying out of other peoples way -several people asked about electrical outlets -general public complained when food was gone (vendors ate food before public arrived) -door prizes- all kids won! Increased amount of products, but lost quality of surveys; many people walked out door without stopping at table cuz we were at back not near door Suggestions for this years fair -$45/table is a lot of money for non-profit -booth price stay at $15 -advertise different start times (schools, families, etc), bring students first before public -review intent of the interagency fair before accepting vendors (tables only for those who have resources to provide) -table set-up must allow for good flow and accessibility -need to follow what the manager suggests for set up -dont provide electrical outlets cuz dont want bottleneck at one table -tables must be 6ft

-get rid of food table dont have food for public pizza for vendors only -door prizes if extra money, get one nice door prize -possibly purchase a big banner for yearly fair

Goodwill Industries -Toured site -several rooms, including Possibilities is available (idea of charging different table prices depending on room location) -April 18th (3rd Thurs) is available open any date but the 25th -asking for a donation only, not a flat charge (will allow more money for advertising) -have 80 tables, will need to rent more -lots of parking available -accessible entrance/exit through Possibilities

Citizens Service Center -Angie Brown will check on dates available -may be possible if change table set up and limit number of vendors We will vote which location to use at January meeting. Send any vendor contact information changes to Sonja at

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