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Homoeopathy is a holistic science. It considers man as a whole and not his parts. Every event in the circle of nature has a conditional necessity i.e. to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction e.g. a spark of fire, put into a barrel of powder is the cause of the explosion that follows. Therefore the necessary conditions for the action of any cause in a human being are the peculiar bodily constitution, temperaments, predispositions and susceptibility. Disease is always due to a disturbance of the vital principle which exhibits itself in the form of reaction to the action of the cause in many different ways. Thus to understand the disease condition and its treatment, we have to understand our patients. Who are they? What do they look like? What is the mental and emotional character like? What kind of lifestyle do they have? What are their habits? How do they relate to other people? What are their family relationships like? How are they aging? What is their sexuality like? These areas of study include personal and group factors. This is very important if the homoeopath is to understand the layers by which complex chronic diseases have formed and recognize the reversal of the symptoms during cure. Therefore the present study has been taken up to understand the concept of disposition in individualization In this study 30 cases of different nosological entities have been taken. Type of research was case study/ clinical research based on sampling method. Simple random sampling was done, and subjects were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The subjects selected for the study were of all age groups of both the sexes and irrespective of socio-economic status. On the rule of thumb 30 cases were selected. All the patients registered between the periods of Feb. 2007 to Sept 2008 were selected, and were followed for a minimum period of 9 months and each follow up was done as per the requirements of the case. ix

The subjects for the study were taken only from the OPD/IPD and VILLAGE CAMPS of A.M.Shaikh Hospital. Result criteria were - Recovered, Improved, Not improved. Statistical method used was chi-square test of independence at 5% level of significance. Interpretation & Conclusion: The study showed that most of the patients were between the age group of 21 to 50 Yrs. In regards to the miasmatic diagnosis 19 cases presented with predominant symptoms of Sycotic miasm, 8 psoric and 3 syphilitic miasm. In regards to constitution and temperament; 19 Cases were of Hydrogenoid constitution, 8 cases of Carbo-nitrogenoid and 3 of Oxygenoid constitution and regarding temperament 9 were of melancholic , 6 choleric, 7 phlegmatic and 4 cases of sanguine and nervous temperament each The most commonly used remedy were Nat Mur, Lyc ,Calc.c and other remedies used were Arg.n, Sep, Phos , Stram, Kali.c ,Nat.c, Caust, Mag.c, Lach, Tub, Sil, Puls and Staph. After starting the treatment, the result shows that maximum number of patients i.e. 20 patients recovered 06 patients improved and 04 did not improve. Each case was repertorised using Kents repertory and based on the reportorial result individualistic remedy was selected. This study showed that individualistic approach to the case was effective.

Key words; Individualization; Constitution; Disposition

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