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2 Tutorial
COMSOL Multiphysics (formerly FEMLAB) is a finite element analysis, solver and Simulation software / FEA Software package coupled for various physics and or multiphysics.

engineering applications,



COMSOL Multiphysics also offers an extensive interface to MATLAB and its toolboxes for a large variety of programming, preprocessing and postprocessing possibilities. The packages are cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux,Unix.) In addition to conventional physics-based user-interfaces, COMSOL Multiphysics also allows for entering coupled systems of partial differential equations (PDEs). How to create a new model in COMSOL 1. Start COMSOL Multiphysics 2. Work through the COMSOL Model Wizard which will require you to select the coordinate system for the model, the relevant physics to the problem, and the type of study you wish to perform (Time dependant or stationary). 3. Define the parameters, equations and variables pertinent to the model (sub directory (Global Definitions). 4. Define the geometry of the model (Geometry). 5. Select the materials you wish to use in your model (Materials).

6. Select the boundary, bulk and initial conditions for your system for each physics you are using (This will be entered separately for each different physics you are using e.g. you will need to enter these for Laminar Flow and again for Heat Transfer if you are using both ). 7. Choose the element size to be used (Mesh). 8. Adjust solver parameters and compute (Study). 10. Display the desired results in the most meaningful way (Results). Not all of these steps are always necessary when building a model. The order is also variable depending on the complexity of the model. Example 1. (Heat transfer) Consider a cylindrical heating rod which is sheathed by a concentric tube of thickness 0.05 m and which starts 0.05 m away from the center. The entire assembly is immersed in a fluid and the system is at steady-state, as shown below. We wish to determine the temperature distribution within the sheath. After thinking about the problem, assume that we arrived at the following approximations (make sure you understand how we arrived at following approximations for your future quiz and test): The temperature of the heater is constant at 400K. The temperature at R1 is the same as the temperature of the

heater, 400K. The fluid temperature is constant at 300K and this is the temperature of the surrounding sheath at R2.

Given that heat diffusion should be the same at any given it is reasonable to define this problem in 2D as follows.

Solution using COMSOL:

Startup 1. Start COMSOL by clicking the COMSOL Multiphysics 4.2 icon. 2. When COMSOL starts, the Model Wizard will be open automatically. This wizard asks you to define the spatial dimension youll be using for the model as well as the applicable physics and the type of study you wish to perform (either time dependant or stationary). For this problem start by selecting 2D, continue by clicking the blue, right pointing arrow at the top right of the Model Wizard screen. 3. Next select the applicable physics for the model. In this case heat transfer in solids will be selected. This can be found under the Heat Transfer module. Click the triangle to the left of

the Heat Transfer module to see the drop down menu which contains Heat Transfer in Solids, left click this so that it is highlighted then click the blue, right pointing arrow at the top right of the Model Wizard menu screen. Multiple physics can be added to a single model by left clicking the physics to add and then left clicking the blue + sign at the bottom left of the Model Wizard menu screen. 4. The final step in the Model Wizard is to select the type of study you would like to

perform on our model. In our case stationary will be

sufficient to find the steady state solution to this problem. As with the physics add the stationary study by left clicking on Stationary below the

preset studies icon. Click the finish flag at the top right of the Model Wizard to finish startup. Model Builder and Saving

Now that we are finished with the Model Wizard we will turn our attention to the Model Builder portion of the program. This is just to the left of where the Model Wizard had been. Before we continue with the Model Builder let us take a second to save our model. This is done by clicking File at the top left of the screen and then selecting Save As as is the case with most programs. This file will be named Heat Transfer Example. By default COMSOL will save all COMSOL files in a

folder it creates called COMSOL42 however this folder name will change with the version of COMSOL being used. After giving our file a name and clicking the save button seen in the above image notice that the first icon within the model builder now has the name of our file. From this point on we can essentially just work our way down the Model Builders list of options filling in values and conditions where we need them.

Geometry Now we are ready to add the geometry of the model. This is very simple because our assumptions have placed the problem into only 2 dimensions. Our geometry consists of only of a rectangle. 1. To create this rectangle first find the geometry icon in the model builder menus and right click it, this will bring up the menu shown at right. 2. Find the Rectangle button in this new menu and left click this. 3. At this point the rectangle has been added, however the dimensions of this rectangle need to be changed to fit the dimensions in the problem. We do this by left clicking the white rectangle just to the left of the geometry icon. This will expand the geometry tab to show all the sub tabs contained within geometry. If you added the rectangle correctly you will see the tab called Rectangle 1. This contains all the information regarding this object and to adjust the dimensions and position of this rectangle this is where we do so. Left click the tab labeled Rectangle 1.

4. If you have completed the above steps successfully your screen should resemble the one above. Notice that by default the corner of the rectangle has been placed at the origin (position x= 0, y =0) and given width and height of 1m. For this problem the height needs to be 5 cm (0.05 m) and the width needs to be 30 cm (0.3 m). Enter these values into the designated fields and press the blue building icon at the top right of the rectangle menus. This is the Build All button and will add your rectangle to the model.

5. To get the graphical interface of COMSOL to center on the rectangle and adjust the axis bounds click the Zoom Extents button

Materials To give the rectangle thermal properties such as heat capacity and thermal conductivity we can either add these directly under the Heat Transfer tab or by selecting a material to build the rectangle from. In this problem we will make our rectangle out of copper and we will do this using the Materials tab.

1. Left click on Materials tab and then left click Materials Browser. Your screen should look like the screen below.

2. As can be seen above the Material Browser has a search bar that allows you to enter the name of the material in question and COMSOL will find any matches within its database. Enter copper into the search bar and click search. 3. Open the Built-In tab and then right click Copper. Your screen should now look like the one below. Left click Add Material to Model. You have now added copper to all domains by default which means the rectangle now has the properties of solid copper.

Heat Transfer It is under the Heat Transfer tab that the boundary, bulk and initial conditions for the equations of heat conduction can be input. In our case we only have boundary conditions. Initial conditions are used in conjunction with time dependant studies and bulk conditions apply to the entire domain, not just a boundary. In our case we have on boundary in contact with the heated rod which is at 400k and all other boundaries in contact with the thermostat bathe at 300k. 1. To input these boundary conditions first open the Heat Transfer tab by left clicking the white triangle to the left of the Heat Transfer icon. Your screen should look like this.

2. Right click the Heat Transfer icon to open a menu containing the various types of bulk and boundary conditions. Go through this menu and select Temperature by left clicking. A new icon will now appear under initial values that says Temperature this is where we will input one of our two temperature conditions.

3. Add another temperature boundary condition by repeating step 2.

4. After adding the two temperature boundary conditions your screen should

look like the image to the right. We now need to specify a value and a location for our temperature boundary conditions. Lets start with the warm surface. Start by left clicking Temperature 1. The interface region of COMSOL should now look like the image at left. We need to do 2 things here. The first is to add the surface to which we wish to apply this boundary condition and the second is to give a value to this temperature. We will choose the bottom of our rectangle as the location for our boundary condition. In the graphical interface left click this boundary (which should then turn red as seen below and click the button to add. Now set the

temperature to 400 k by typing 400 into the To field.

If done properly your screen should look like this.

5. We now need to apply the cooler boundary condition. Do this by clicking Temperature 2 to open the interface and select the top and side boundaries to apply the boundary condition. Then enter 300 into the To field. Your screen should look the one below. This concludes our activities within the Heat Transfer tab we can now proceed to calculate the solution.

Study To calculate the solution to our PDE we simply right click on the Study tab and click the green equals sign .

After solving the PDE the temperature profile will be

displayed as shown below.

Results To display the temperature at a given point left click the point you wish to probe and the result will be displayed under the results tab as shown below.

To make a graph showing the temperature profile along a line we will need to add a cut line to our solution and display the temperature along it. This may be done as follows. 1. Right click data sets under the results tab and select 2D cut line from the menu which will pop up. 2. The two points defining the cut line need to be selected. In this case we will have our cut line start at point (0.15,0) and end at point (0.15,0.05). To do this enter these coordinates into the cut line 2D screen that will come up after left clicking on the Cut line 2D icon under the data sets tab. Your screen should look like the one at left. 3. Press the paint brush button in the top right of the Cut line 2D screen to

have the cut line displayed. Your cut line should look like the one below.

4. We now need to add a 1D plot group to the results. As you may be beginning to realize COMSOL uses a right click interface for addition of most options. So right click Results and left click the 1D plot group. 5. We want to add a line graph to our 1D plot group, so to do this right click on 1D Plot Group and choose Line Graph from the menu. This will add a line graph under the 1D plot group 6. Finally left click on Line graph and for data select Cut Line 2D, this will take the temperature everywhere along the cut line we created. To create the graph left click the paint brush button . You should

obtain the following result.

As can be seen the temperature decreases linearly from the heated surface to the cooled surface. Adjusting The Problem At this point it is a simple matter to go back and change some of our boundary or bulk conditions. We will do so now. We will start by changing the lateral surfaces to perfect insulators. We do this as follows: 1. Go back to Heat Transfer and left click the arrow just to the right of this icon to open all of the options.

2. Go to the boundary condition Temperature 2 and de-select the lateral surfaces so that now only the upper surface is at constant 300 k. You de-select a subdomain by left clicking it and then pressing the minus button . If done correctly

your constant temperature condition should look like the one below. By default now the lateral surfaces will be insulated.

3. Right click on Study and press compute. The below result should appear.

Notice how only the region of the rectangle close to the lateral surfaces has changed from before. If you check the temperature profile along the cut line you shouldnt see much of a change because this cut line was exactly in the middle of our rectangle where the side effects were minimal. We will now add a heat generation term. This is a bulk condition and can be added in a similar way as the temperature boundary conditions. 1. Go back up to Heat Transfer and right click to open the list of possible boundary and bulk conditions. Left click on Heat Source, this will add a Heat Source 1 icon within Heat Transfer menu. Left click this to open the interface. 2. We need to add the domain over which this condition applies, and as a bulk condition it will apply over the entire geometry. So left click the rectangle and then left click the plus sign as done previously. 3. Now a value for a per volume heat generation term needs to be added. We will use 100,000,000 W/m3 as shown below.

4. Again after changing any boundary or bulk condition(s) a new solution must be found so right click on Study and press compute. The below result should be obtained.

It is elucidating to examine the temperature profile for this solution so click on your previously made line graph displaying the temperature across the cut line. This should look like the one below.

Note how this differs from the solution without heat generation, the maximum temperature is no longer at the heated surface, but instead near the center of the rectangle because of the large amount of heat being produced throughout the entire volume. Example 1.1 (2D Axisymmetric Heat Transfer) We will now solve the same problem as in example 1, but this time without the reduction of the problem into rectangular coordinates. To avoid redundancy only the steps that are significantly different from those in example 1 will be explained in detail. Startup 1. You will need to start a new model either be restarting COMSOL or by clicking New in the File menu.

2. You will now select 2D Axisymmtric instead of simply 2D. This will take whatever geometry you create and rotate it about an axis and is ideal for problems with symmetry about an axis. 3. You will select Heat Transfer as your physics and Stationary as your study as before. Geometry We will now create our geometry, this is the where the biggest differences exist between this model and the previous one. 1. Right click geometry and add a rectangle. 2. Have the corner placed at z=0m and r=0.05m. Notice that our geometry will be spun around the line r=0. 3. Click Build All and obtain the following result.

Materials Select Copper as the material and apply this to the geometry as before.

Heat Transfer We will use the same boundary conditions as before. Namely that @ r=R1 T=400k @ r=R2 T=300k @ z=0 T=300k and @ z= 0.3m T=300k This means that as before we will need to add two different temperature conditions. This is done by right clicking on heat transfer and clicking temperature. Enter the appropriate temperatures in the temperature field and select the appropriate surfaces to apply these boundaries (same as before). Study Now that the model has been built we are ready to examine the solution. Right click Study and left click compute. The below result should be obtained.

This is a pretty image but does not tell us much about the actual solution. To get a better understanding of the temperature profile we will add a Cut Line as before. 1. Right click on Data Sets under the Results tab. Click Cut Line 2D 2. Set the two points for the cut line as (r=0.05m,z=0.15m) and (r=0.10,z=0.15m) 3. Right click on Results and add a 1D plot group. 4. Right click on 1D plot group and add a line graph. 5. In the line graph interface select Cut line 2D as the data source and click the paintbrush icon to have the graph generated. The below result should be obtained.

Compare this solution to the solution from example 1.

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