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February / 2012






Waveguides Need
Characterization, Too
Power Distribution for
Industrial Lasers
Ready for Its Close-Up
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February 2012
Photonics Spectra editors curate the most significant photonics research
and technology headlines of the month and take you deeper inside
the news. Featured stories include:
Carbon nanotube forest hides 3-D objects
Probing microscopy technique produces green solar cells
Material glows in NIR for two weeks
Business and Markets
Funding reauthorization will stabilize SBIR programs
Optical engineering grabs the spotlight in Israel
Edmund Optics founder dies
by Marie Freebody, Contributing Editor
Fools gold is pretty smart for solar cells
Watch what you eat automatically
Featured is Contributing
Editor Hank Hogans article
on quantum communications,
which begins on page 44.
Photonics Spectra February 2012 4
212Contents_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:08 PM Page 4
PHOTONICS: The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant
energy whose quantum unit is the photon. The range of applications of photonics extends
from energy generation to detection to communications and information processing.
Vol ume 46 I ssue 2
www. phot oni cs. com
by Hank Hogan, Contributing Editor
Poised for deployment, it has some technical issues that must be resolved.
Meanwhile, commercial viability is sought for quantum key distribution.
by Marie Freebody, Contributing Editor
To keep up with demand, can manufacturers increase laser speeds
while simultaneously decreasing component sizes?
by Dave Proli, Marway Power Solutions
The quality, availability and distribution of electrical power are fundamental
to laser performance, longevity and uptime.
by Robert Ferguson, National Physical Laboratory, UK
Meticulous attenuation and isolation measurements are crucial
to the development of optical printed circuit boards.
by C. David Chaffee
The author explores the history and growth potential of this sector
as the demand for broadband intensifies.
PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Laurin Publishing Co. Inc., Berkshire
Common, PO Box 4949, Pittseld, MA 01202, +1 (413) 499-
0514; fax: +1 (413) 442-3180; e-mail: photonics@photonics.
com. TITLE reg. in US Library of Congress. Copyright 2012
by Laurin Publishing Co. Inc. All rights reserved. Copies of Pho-
tonics Spectra on microlm are available from University Mi-
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electro-optical, imaging, optoelectronics and related elds.
Communications regarding the editorial content of Photonics
Spectra should be addressed to the managing editor. Con-
tributed statements and opinions expressed in Photonics Spec-
tra are t hose of the contributors the publisher assumes no
responsibility for them.
Photonics Spectra February 2012 5
212Contents_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:08 PM Page 5
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Group Publisher Karen A. Newman
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Editors Caren B. Les
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Copy Editors Judith E. Storie
Patricia A. Vincent
Margaret W. Bushee
Contributing Editors Hank Hogan
Gary Boas
Marie Freebody
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212Masthead_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:08 PM Page 6
Security, unmanned vehicles, retail analytics and a range of other applications are about
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212_DRSTechnologies_Pg7_Layout 1 1/25/12 1:36 PM Page 7
8 Photonics Spectra February 2012
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212Masthead_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:08 PM Page 8
This is no optical illusion.
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Copyright 2012 Precision Glass & Optics. All rights reserved.
212_PrecGlass&Optics_Pg9_Layout 1 1/25/12 1:37 PM Page 9
Crazy for Quantum Communications
If anybody says he can think about quantum physics without getting giddy,
that only shows he has not understood the first thing about them. Niels Bohr
repare to get your giddy on. Photonics Media goes quantum this month, with
an exciting article in this issue as well as a webinar scheduled for Feb. 16 that will
feature a presentation on the subject by MIT professor Jeffrey H. Shapiro.
Advances in detectors and sources have brought quantum communication to the brink of
commercial rollout, according to contributing editor Hank Hogan, but he cautions that
technical issues remain, including increasing transmission distance or building a quantum
repeater and these must be worked out.
Photonics plays a key role in this technology, Hogan writes, thanks to the ability to
impose a quantum state on particles of light and to detect that state at a point many miles
away. Although there is a clear need for the technology, questions linger about the
commercial viability of quantum key distribution, the most ready application. Read the
article Quantum Communication Is Ready for Its Close-Up, beginning on page 44.
On Feb. 16, Photonics Media will present a webinar focused on photonics in communica-
tion, featuring Shapiro, the Julius A. Stratton Professor of Electrical Engineering at MIT.
His research interests center on the application of communication theory to optical
systems. He is best known for his work on the generation, detection and application of
squeezed-state light beams, but he also has published extensively in the areas of atmos-
pheric optical communication, coherent laser radar and quantum information science.
Recent development of nonclassical light sources whose photodetection statistics
require the use of quantum theory plus increasing interest in optics-based approaches to
quantum information processing, necessitates a thorough understanding of the similarities
and distinctions between the semiclassical and quantum theories of optical communica-
tion, Shapiro said.
In 2008, he was co-recipient of the Quantum Electronics Award from the IEEE Lasers and
Electro-Optics Society (now the IEEE Photonics Society) and also received the Quantum
Communication Award for Theoretical Research from Tamagawa University of Japan.
Shapiros webinar presentation, The Quantum Theory of Optical Communications,
offers what he describes as a brief primer on the topic, for which no prior knowledge
of quantum optics is required.
To register for the webinar, go to
As Edmund Optics rolled out its 70th anniversary commemoration, the industry paused to
remember the companys founder, Norman W. Edmund. News of Edmunds death came in
mid-January. Back in October 2006, Photonics Media carried an item about the company
that talked about its early days:
In 1942, after Norman W. Edmund had a hard time finding a lens he needed, he did
what any amateur photographer would do: He decided to publish a surplus optics catalog.
A year later, the first Edmund catalog was mailed, targeted to hobbyists and educators.
Read more about Edmunds life and company, and his impact on the industry, on page 38.
Editorial Advisory Board
Dr. Robert R. Alfano
City College of New York
Valerie C. Bolhouse
Walter Burgess
Power Technology Inc.
Dr. Timothy Day
Daylight Solutions
Dr. Anthony J. DeMaria
Coherent-DEOS LLC
Dr. Donal Denvir
Andor Technology PLC
Patrick L. Edsell
Avanex Corp.
Dr. Stephen D. Fantone
Optikos Corp.
Randy Heyler
Ondax Inc.
Dr. Michael Houk
Bristol Instruments Inc.
Dr. Kenneth J. Kaufmann
Hamamatsu Corp.
Brian Lula
PI (Physik Instrumente) LP
Eliezer Manor
Shirat Enterprises Ltd., Israel
Shinji Niikura
Coherent Japan Inc.
Dr. Morio Onoe
professor emeritus, University of Tokyo
Dr. William Plummer
WTP Optics
Dr. Richard C. Powell
University of Arizona
Dr. Ryszard S. Romaniuk
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Samuel P. Sadoulet
Edmund Optics
Dr. Steve Sheng
Telesis Technologies Inc.
William H. Shiner
IPG Photonics Corp.
John M. Stack
Zygo Corp.
Dr. Albert J.P. Theuwissen
Harvest Imaging/Delft University
of Technology, Belgium
Kyle Voosen
National Instruments Corp.
10 Photonics Spectra February 2012
212Editorial_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:10 PM Page 10
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Changes in Optical
Radiation Instrumentation
I have been involved in the light or optical
radiation measurement industry for more
than four decades. In the early years, a
major strength was that we continually
provided new, often unique, reliable in-
struments along with the assurance of
proper stable calibration, based on internal
hardware. We also supplied calibrated
incandescent sources, with and without
special filters, allowing the user to main-
tain calibration accuracy using an external
The calibration of a photometer, radi -
ometer or colorimeter is fundamentally
the comparison of the output of the instru-
ment system to the characteristics of a
known standard, be it a source or similar
instrument that exhibits a certified charac-
teristic, and then adjusting the instrument
to read the known parameter(s) correctly.
For example, if a calibrated source
with an output of 1000 lx is measured by
an illuminance meter, the meter should
accurately read 1000 lx. If the instrument
doesnt read the correct value, it must be
adjusted or calibrated. A variety of meth-
ods can accomplish this.
The values of internal variable resistors,
or values stored in firmware or software,
can be changed, or perhaps some other
type of mechanical adjustment can be
made. Although this is an obvious over-
simplification of the calibration process
and does not consider all of the precision
issues such as amplifier zero, dark current
offsets, linearity errors, dynamic range
tracking and major geometry variables
the concept applies to all such instruments
and systems. As for these inherent preci-
sion errors, instrument manufacturers have
always tried to limit or reduce them and,
with varying success, have done a
good job.
However, readings that are accurate
under one set of conditions are not guar-
anteed to be accurate when conditions
change. Many of the above-listed error
sources, unless fully accounted for, can
lead to highly inaccurate measurements.
Users must be able to verify the precision
of their instrument or system either on
their own or by consulting a qualified
and competent third party.
So much depends upon the accuracy a
manufacturer has built into an instrument;
I see no reason why this type of calibra-
tion or verification information should not
Letters to the Editor
Photonics Spectra welcomes letters from readers who would like to comment on
the publication's content or offer opinions on issues of importance to the photonics
community. Please send comments to
Topics must fall within the publication's scope. Libelous or inflammatory letters
will not be published. Letters will run as space is available and will be edited for
length, grammar and style. Anonymous letters will not be published.
212Letters_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:10 PM Page 12
be made available to the consumer/end
user, along with a disclaimer cautioning
against possible problems.
In the past, most manufacturers rou-
tinely included service instructions in
operator manuals. But todays consumer
will be hard-pressed to find such factory
support documentation or software that al-
lows calibration or verification by anyone
other than the manufacturer, despite in-
creasing instrument and configuration
complexity. Not allowing the customer
(or a technically qualified third party)
access to calibration resources has great
potential drawbacks for the end user.
It limits the customer to only one source
for service or calibration, which in turn
dictates the cost, turnaround and calibra-
tion cycle time. This greatly limits flexi-
bility for the customer, especially if the
manufacturer encounters difficulties, if
the user wishes to calibrate or verify cali-
bration against internal standards, or if
the customer wants to employ another
Furthermore, fundamental calibration
methods are not always adequate for spe-
cial applications for example, ultraviolet
radiation measurements.
Imagine the problems that might exist
if companies like Hewlett-Packard, Tek-
tronix, Keithley or Fluke required that
their test instruments be returned only to
them for service and calibration. Or what
if an automotive manufacturer did the
same? What if car dealers didnt have the
necessary documentation to allow them-
selves and others to reliably service their
These consumer companies were in-
sightful enough to provide resources that
allow a choice as to where we might have
our instruments repaired or calibrated,
and that allow free-market competition
to perform the best possible repairs or cal-
ibrations at reasonable costs and delivery
dates. Of course, the contrast in volume
between test instruments and vehicles,
along with other differences, is so signifi-
cant that there is no comparison. However,
if youre a customer with a production
line down for an extended period of time
because you cant quickly get your instru-
ments returned, that logic will most as-
suredly not soothe upper management,
your customers, or, in some cases, your
If you are considering the purchase of
a new instrument or system for optical
radiation measurements, give careful
attention to these issues. It may also be
prudent to contact the manufacturer and
explore whether arrangements can be
made to provide service and calibration
Bob Ruff
President, Opto-Cal
Lakeside, Calif.
Two photo captions in the January 2012
Photonics Spectra article Surprising
Surges, Cautious Expectations, Positive
Outlooks were swapped. The photo on
p. 64, courtesy of Jenoptik, depicts diode
lasers at the electroplating stage; the photo
on p. 66 features Sydor Optics products
and was taken by Laura S. Marshall.
212Letters_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:10 PM Page 13
Welcome to
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Photonics Medias industry-leading site features the latest industry news and events
from around the world.
Webinar: Expert Briefings
Join us for the first of our 2012 Webinar Series
Our expert panel includes Jeffrey H. Shapiro, the Julius
A. Stratton Professor of Electrical Engineering in the
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
and Dr. Rainer Martini, director of the Ultrafast Laser
Spectroscopy and Communication Laboratory at Stevens
Institute of Technology. Shapiro will provide insight into
the quantum theory of optical communications, while
Martini will discuss confronting the challenge of creating
ultrahigh-speed free-space communications in the mid-infrared spectrum.
To register, visit:
Sponsored by The Market for Fiber Optic Components: A Seven-Year Forecast
by C. David Chaffee and Laurin Publishing Co. Inc. See the Table of Contents and
order your copy at
Interactive Laser
Wavelength Chart presents a look
at the major commercial lasers lines,
the wavelengths they produce,
and their many applications.
2011 Prism Awards Winners
For the list of this years winners,
The 2011 Prism Awards for photonic innovation were
announced at SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco!
Upon reviewing nearly 150 cutting-edge product entries
from around the world, our esteemed panel of judges
selected the best and brightest and honored them at the
industrys most prestigious award ceremony.
Sponsored by
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16 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Check out a sample of the
new digital version of Photonics
Spectra magazine at www.pho Its a
whole new world of information
for people in the global photon-
ics industry.
In the March issue of
Photonics Spectra
You'll also find all the news that affects your
industry, from tech trends and market reports
to the latest products and media.
Laser Safety
In this new column, laser safety
professionals offer practical
advice on a variety of issues,
challenges and concerns that
arise when working on or with
laser systems.
Photonic Sensors for Energy Applications
Spectroscopic, fiber optic sensing, and light
detection and ranging technologies are
increasingly being employed in the wind and
geothermal energy sectors; in making fossil
fuel exploration, extraction and distribution;
in cleaner, safer and more efficient
fossil-fuel-based energy generation;
and in monitoring greenhouse
emissions and pollution and
their effects on the planet.
Lasers for PV
Contact-free laser printing could
spell a big change in the photovoltaics (PV)
industry, as it could allow the use of thinner
wafers without increased breakage losses. Another
new and promising approach in laser technology
is the tailoring of the temporal shape of the laser pulse
to obtain faster and cleaner processes.
Ultrafast Lasers for Materials
While ultrafast fiber laser technology is
perhaps the catalyst that will finally allow
the nascent industrial ultrafast laser market
to reach its full potential, researchers are also
embracing this technology for cutting-edge
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
Aircraft- and satellite-based remote sensing
equipment (using hyperspectral imaging
technologies, in which large ranges of
wavelengths are scanned simultaneously)
allow scientists and resource managers to
keep a close eye on all natural resources.
Prism Awards Winners
An in-depth look at the winning technologies
at the 2011 Prism Awards for Photonics
Innovation, held during SPIE Photonics West.
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Carbon nanotube forest hides 3-D objects
ANN ARBOR, Mich. A unique property
of carbon nanotubes the low refractive
index of low-density aligned nanotubes
also can camouflage 3-D objects, making
them look like nothing more than a flat
black sheet.
The tiny cylinders, composed of one-
atom-thick carbon lattices, are one of the
strongest materials known to science. Car-
bon nanotube forests have a low index
of refraction very close to that of air. Be-
cause the two materials affect the passage
of light in similar ways, there is little re-
flection or scattering of the light as it
passes from air into a layer of nanotubes.
Researchers at the University of Michi-
gan realized that they could use this prop-
erty to visually hide the structure of ob-
jects. They etched a 3-D image of a tank
in silicon. When the image was illumi-
nated with white light, its reflection re-
vealed the tanks contours; however, after
the researchers grew a forest of carbon
nanotubes on top of the tank, the coating
soaked up the light, so nothing more than
a black sheet was visible.
This work may inspire researchers to
use impedance-matched low-density and
absorbing material to develop stealth tech-
nology, said L. Jay Guo, a professor at
the university.
By absorbing light instead of scattering
it, the coating could cloak an object
against a black background, such as that
of deep space. In such cases, the carbon
nanotube forest acts as a magic black cloth
that conceals the 3-D objects structure.
We would be interested in searching
to see if low-density carbon nanomaterials
exist in outer space, as such materials
could form a dark veil that can render
large objects undetectable by our current
instruments, Guo said.
The research appeared online in Applied
Physics Letters (doi: 10.1063/1.3663873).
Photonics Spectra February 2012 18
A closer look at the most significant photonics research and technology headlines of the month
These scanning electron microscope images show a tank etched out of silicon, with and without a carbon
nanotube coating (top row). When the tank structure is viewed under white light with an optical microscope
(bottom row), the nanotube coating camouflages it against a black background. Courtesy of L. Jay Guo,
University of Michigan.
Probing microscopy technique produces green solar cells
PITTSBURGH A new microscopy tech-
nique will help engineers peer more
closely inside plastic cells to predict a new
way to make them more energy-efficient.
Most plastic solar cells today are made
from a blend of semiconducting polymers
and other carbon-rich molecules to form
bulk heterojunctions, said Guangyong Li,
assistant professor of electrical and com-
puter engineering at the University of
Pittsburgh. Although the material costs
very little and is usable, it does not assist
with energy efficiency although it could
he said.
Current plastic solar cells have achieved
an energy efficiency rate of 8.6 percent. Li
said that if he can produce solar cells with
a 10 percent or higher efficiency rate, they
would have a broad impact on the energy
market. For large-scale commercializa-
tion, the power conversion efficiency of
organic solar cells needs to be further im-
proved such that electricity can be gener-
ated at a comparable cost to that from
silicon-based solar cells.
But the cells complex makeup has im-
peded further improvements. The nano-
scale morphology of the bulk heterojunc-
tions is the critical link from material
properties and processing conditions to
the overall performance of organic solar
cells, Li explained. So far, the only fea-
sible way to optimize the device perform-
ance is through trial-and-error experi-
ments, which are not only expensive, but
also inaccurate.
Using traditional force microscopy does
not provide good enough resolution, so the
researchers could not properly study the
domains they needed to examine, Li said.
Instead, Li used Kelvin probe force mi-
croscopy (KPFM), a method that studies
the surface potential of cells. Although
KPFM is not a new idea, he plans to use
it in a different way.
He plans to develop an instrument to
help detect the domains formed from dif-
ferent materials. It could help him deter-
mine the conditions that plastic solar cells
should have for better energy efficiency.
By developing an instrumental tool to
characterize the nanoscale morphology,
we expect to unveil the blackbox; thus,
to find a simple and direct way to opti-
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:31 PM Page 18
mize the device for best performance,
Li said.
Next, he plans to develop multiscale
simulation on organic solar cells based on
the correct understanding of the nanoscale
morphology of the bulk heterojunctions.
Such simulation will help scientists find
the optimal materials, design and process-
ing conditions that could lead to the best
performance for the device.
The research was funded by the Na-
tional Science Foundation.
ATHENS, Ga. Move over, cheesy glow-
in-the-dark plastic toys that take forever
to charge up with light and that fade to
black in a blink. A new material can emit a
near-infrared glow for two weeks after a
single minute of exposure to sunlight, or
even fluorescent lights and its creators
envision applications more important than
playthings. It could revolutionize medical
diagnostics, supply a secret source of illu-
mination for law enforcement and military
agencies, or provide the foundation for
highly efficient solar cells.
While visible-light emitters are com-
monplace, there has been little success in
creating materials that emit NIR light
until now. The new material from the Uni-
versity of Georgia is composed of trivalent
chromium ion, a well-known emitter of
NIR light. When exposed to light, its elec-
trons at ground state quickly move to a
higher-energy state. As they return to the
ground state, energy is released as NIR
light. Typically the period of light emis-
sion is on the order of a few milliseconds.
The new material uses a matrix of zinc
and gallogermanate to host the trivalent
chromium ions. Its chemical structure cre-
ates a labyrinth of traps that capture ex-
citation energy and store it for an extended
period. As the stored energy is thermally
released back to the chromium ions at
room temperature, the compound persist-
ently emits NIR light over a period of up
to 360 hours.
We have successfully discovered a se-
ries of trivalent chromium ion-doped gal-
lates that have extraordinary capabilities in
excitation energy absorption, storage, NIR
light conversion and very long NIR light
afterglow, said Zhengwei Pan, associate
professor of physics and engineering at
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences; he
is also on the engineering faculty. We ex-
pect that this work will not only stimulate
the research in persistent luminescent ma-
terials, but also several important areas for
applications including defense and foren-
sics, solar energy utilization and in vivo
He explained that the material could be
19 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Zhengwei Pan, associate professor of physics and engineering, and postdoctoral researcher Feng Liu stand
in a darkened room, using only their recently invented ceramic discs, which emit NIR light, as a source of
illumination. Their phosphorescent material was mixed into the paint used to create the University of Georgia
logo behind them. There is no other source of illumination in the room; without the aid of a night-
vision device, the image would be completely dark. At right, 5 g of NIR persistent powder glowing
in a glass vial. Images courtesy of Pan and Liu.
These organic solar cells are
made from bulk heterojunctions
formed from blending donor and
acceptor. Courtesy of Guang-
yong Li, University of Pittsburgh.
fabricated into nanoparticles that bind to
cancer cells, for example, so doctors could
visualize small metastases that otherwise
might go undetected. For military and law
enforcement, the material could be fash-
ioned into ceramic discs that are visible
only to those wearing night-vision gog-
gles. It could also provide the foundation
for highly efficient solar cells, Pan said.
Besides three years developing the ma-
terial, the researchers spent an additional
year testing it indoors and out, as well
as on sunny, cloudy and rainy days to
prove its versatility. They placed it in
freshwater and saltwater and even in a
Material glows in NIR for two weeks
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:31 PM Page 19
corrosive bleach solution for three months
and found no decrease in performance.
Pan said the team will continue to tune
the compositions and processing condi-
tions to find materials that are more sensi-
tive to visible sunlight activation. They
also plan to explore the applications of
the materials in high-efficiency silicon
solar cells and deep-tissue bioimaging.
Lastly, they will expand the material
systems to discover other series of NIR
persistent materials.
The research was published online in
Nature Materials (doi: 10.1038/nmat3173).
Photonics Spectra February 2012
A cartoon featuring five monkeys was drawn with paint that was made by mixing NIR persistent powder
into a water-based indoor wall paint. Courtesy of Grace Pan and Zhengwei Pan.
Optical resonator builds better UV beam
ANN ARBOR, Mich. An optimized opti-
cal resonator can be a better way to build
compact ultraviolet light sources with low
power consumption, which could lead to im-
proved data storage and chemical analysis.
Researchers at the University of Michi-
gan optimized a whispering gallery res-
onator to take an infrared signal from
relatively cheap telecommunications-
compatible lasers, using a low-power non-
linear process to boost it to a higher-en-
ergy UV beam. The optical resonator is a
millimeter-scale disk with a precisely en-
gineered shape and smooth surface polish-
ing to encourage the input beam to gain
power as it circulates inside, allowing re-
searchers to make low-cost, wavelength-
tunable UV sources using low-infrared
power levels.
The researchers used their resonator to
generate the fourth harmonic of the in-
frared beam with which they started.
We experimentally demonstrate, for
the first time, continuous-wave cascaded
harmonic generation up to the fourth-har-
monic in a lithium niobate whispering
gallery resonator which allows us to
convert a telecommunications-compatible
infrared light beam to an ultraviolet light
beam at pump power levels as low as
200 mW, said Mona Jarrahi, an assistant
professor in the department of electrical
engineering and computer science at the
By pushing light beams through a non-
linear medium, they can coax out offshoot
beams that are double or, in this case,
quadruple the frequency and energy of
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/26/12 10:21 AM Page 20
the input beam, and one-quarter of the original wavelength.
The work appeared online in Optics Express (
UV light sources have applications in crisper medical imaging,
chemical detection and finer lithography for more sophisticated
integrated circuits and greater computer memory capacity.
Our results can also transform many nonlinear optical studies
which are currently only possible using femtosecond pulses to
offer the required high pump power levels, Jarrahi said. For
example, and despite many challenges on the way, extreme
light-matter interactions may be extended to be continuous in
time. Also, imaging crystals and molecular states with subatomic-
scale resolution will benefit from a continuous-in-time source.
The researchers hope to extend their work to generate light
beams at other wavelengths that are difficult to achieve through
standard solid-state laser sources, such as terahertz wavelengths
and extreme UV.
Photonics Spectra February 2012
A telecommunications-compatible IR beam is coupled to a whispering gallery
resonator through a diamond prism, and the generated near-infrared, visible
and ultraviolet light are collected by a multimode fiber. GRIN = gradient index.
Courtesy of Mona Jarrahi, University of Michigan.
Egg crate structure optimizes
QD-LED performance
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. A new quantum-dot (QD) LED egg
crate design turns formerly troublesome ligand molecules into
a critical element of a more versatile quantum-dot LED struc-
ture for applications in lighting, lasers and displays.
Ligands organic molecules that dangle from quantum dots
are essential to quantum dot growth but can interfere with current
conduction and cause functional problems later on. Researchers at
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have dis-
covered an alternative that uses ligands to build a more versatile
single-layer, egg-cratelike structure that better controls the flow
of electric current optimizing the QD-LEDs performance.
QDs are grown in a solution that can be deposited onto the
surface of an electrode, but because the ligands are attached, the
process gets complicated, according to the researchers. The core
of the QD is a perfect lattice of semiconductor material, but its
exterior is a lot more complicated. The dots are coated with lig-
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:31 PM Page 21
ands that are necessary for precise synthe-
sis of the dots in solution, but once the
QD is deposited onto the electrodes sur-
face, these same ligands make the steps
for typical device processing more diffi-
The ligands interfere with current con-
duction, and attempts at modifying them
could cause the quantum dots to fuse to-
gether, destroying the properties that make
them useful. Organic molecules also can
degrade over time when exposed to UV
The QD technologies that have been
developed so far are these big, thick, mul-
tilayer devices, said Rafael Jaramillo, a
Ziff Environmental Fellow at Harvards
Center for the Environment. Until now,
those multiple layers have been essential
for producing enough light, but they dont
allow much control over current conduc-
tion or flexibility in terms of chemical
treatments. A thin, monolayer film of
quantum dots is of tremendous interest in
this field because it enables so many new
The new QD-LED resembles a sand-
wich, with a single active layer of quan-
tum dots nestled in insulation and trapped
between two ceramic electrodes. To create
light, current is funneled through the
quantum dots, but the quantum dots also
must be kept apart from one another to
function. In an early design, the path of
least resistance was between the quantum
dots, so the electric current bypassed them
and produced no light.
Abandoning the traditional evaporation
technique they had been using to apply in-
sulation to the device, the researchers in-
stead used atomic layer deposition (ALD),
which involves jets of water. ALD takes
advantage of the water-resistant ligands on
the quantum dots, so when the aluminum
oxide insulation is applied to the surface,
it selectively fills the gaps between the
quantum dots, producing a flat surface on
the top and allowing more effective con-
trol over the flow of electrical current.
By exploiting the hydrophobic ligands,
the scientists insulated the interstices be-
tween the quantum dots, thus creating the
egg crate structure. This design enabled
the scientists to funnel current directly
through the QDs despite having only a
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In an early design (left), the path of least resistance was between the quantum dots, so the current bypassed
the dots and produced no light. Using the atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique (right), researchers funneled
current directly through the dots, creating a fully functional, single-layer QD-LED. AZO = aluminum zinc oxide.
Courtesy of Edward M. Likovich, Harvard University.
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/26/12 10:22 AM Page 22
212_Intertech_Pg23_Layout 1 1/25/12 1:40 PM Page 23
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single layer of them. They were able to
apply new chemical treatments to it, mov-
ing forward.
The research was published online in
Advanced Materials (doi: 10.1002/adma.
Through Harvards Office of Technol-
ogy Development, the team has applied
for a provisional patent on the device. The
next step will be to work toward optimiz-
ing its light-emitting efficiency. The re-
searchers are interested in exploring other
features of their ALD-QD composite. For
example, the ALD oxide could protect the
QD during postdeposition chemical treat-
ments that otherwise would cause the
quantum dots to agglomerate and lose
their valuable quantum properties.
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Electroluminescence spectra of two devices at 8-V bias. Device A (black) shows only emission
due to color centers in the oxide electrodes. Device B (red) clearly shows the peak due to quantum
dot excitonic emission at the expected wavelength. Courtesy of Edward M. Likovich.
Light from vacuum supports quantum principle
GOTHENBURG, Sweden The quantum
mechanical principle that says a vacuum is
not empty space but full of particles that
fluctuate in and out of existence, has been
observed for the first time as photons were
coaxed to leave this virtual state and be
captured as measurable light.
The 40-year-old principle, known as the
dynamical Casimir effect (DCE), states
that if virtual photons are allowed to
bounce off a mirror moving at near light
speeds, they will become real photons.
Scientists at Chalmers University of Tech-
nology have achieved this effect with
some modifications to the method. Instead
of varying the physical distance to a mir-
ror, the scientists altered the electrical dis-
tance to an electrical short circuit that acts
as a mirror for microwaves.
The mirror consists of a quantum
electronic component called a Squid
(superconducting quantum interference
device), which is extremely sensitive
to magnetic fields. By changing the
direction of the magnetic field several bil-
lions of times a second, the scientists
made the mirror vibrate at a speed of up
to 25 percent of the speed of light. By
transferring some of its kinetic energy to
the virtual photons, the mirror helps them
This resulted in the photons appearing
as pairs within the vacuum, and the pairs
were measured in the form of microwave
radiation. The scientists were able to es-
tablish that the radiation had the same
properties quantum theory predicts for
photons that appear in pairs in this way.
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The photons appeared because they lack
mass and require very little energy to be
excited out of their virtual state. This
observation could also, in principle, create
other particles from a vacuum, including
protons and electrons, but it would require
more energy to do so.
While the scientists think the photons
might prove useful for quantum informa-
tion and the development of quantum
computers, the main value of the experi-
ment is that it increases their understand-
ing of basic physical concepts, such as
vacuum fluctuations. Such fluctuations,
they said, may have a connection with
dark energy, which drives the accelerated
expansion of the universe.
Besides the DCE itself, this is one of
the first experimental demonstrations of
nonadiabatic (very fast) dynamics of the
electromagnetic field, which is a poten-
tially broader and more general field,
which could find some applications,
said Christopher Wilson, a Chalmers
The DCE and related effects are also
relevant to understanding some effects in
the cosmology of the early universe,
black holes, etcetera. This could point the
way for some tabletop experiments that
could simulate these more exotic sys-
The work appeared in the Nov. 17,
2011, issue of Nature (doi: 10.1038/
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Virtual photons bounce off a mirror that vibrates at near light speed. The round mirror in the picture is a
symbol, and under that is the quantum electronic component that acts as a mirror. This makes real photons
appear in pairs in a vacuum. Courtesy of Philip Krantz, Chalmers University of Technology.
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:32 PM Page 26
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212_SchottNA(Optics)_Pg27_Layout 1 1/25/12 1:42 PM Page 27
TOKYO As the world gets smaller and
smaller, microrobots and nanomachines
become more important for fabrication,
assembly and other tasks. Controlling such
tiny machines can be problematic cable-
based controls dont work at such small
scales or even, sometimes, in liquids.
Piezoelectric crystals have been shown
to move when exposed to electricity, but
electricity also relies on cables and can
cause problems with liquids.
The solution? A new cable-free micro-
robotic arm that can be controlled with
The robotic arms from Masahiro Irie
and colleagues at Rikkyo University are
made of crystals shaped like micron- or
millimeter-size flat rods. When exposed to
ultraviolet light, the rods bend toward the
light source; when irradiated with visible
light, they stretch back to their original
The molecules in the crystals are an
organic ring system containing five rings.
The central structural unit is a diaryleth-
ene group. UV light induces rearrange-
ment of the chemical bonds and causes a
ring closure within the molecule, resulting
in a shape change of each molecule. This
leads to a geometry change of the crystal,
which then contracts, but only where it is
exposed to the UV light that is, on the
outer layer of the irradiated side of the
rod. This causes bending similar to that
of a bimetallic strip. Visible light causes
the reaction to reverse. The newly formed
sixth ring opens, the original crystal
structure is restored, and the crystal
straightens out.
The crystal contains two slightly differ-
ent diarylethene derivatives that must be
present in just the right ratio. In this type
of mixed crystal, the interactions between
the individual molecules are weaker than
those in a homogeneous crystal. They can
withstand more than 1000 bending cycles
without any evidence of fatigue. Depend-
ing on the irradiation, it could be possible
to induce extreme bending, to the point of
a hairpin shape.
This research was published online in
Angewandte Chemie (doi: 10.1002/ange.
This new approach a contrast to previ-
ous concepts for molecular muscles
offers the possibility of translating the mo-
tion of individual molecules to the macro-
scopic level. In addition, unlike synthetic
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Light-triggered robotic arm bends, stretches
New microrobotic arms made of crystals show reversible curling to a hairpin shape upon irradiation
with ultraviolet light. The crystals return to the original straight shape upon irradiation with visible light.
Courtesy of Masahiro Irie, Rikkyo University.
Reversible bending of a rodlike crystal in water upon irradiation with UV and visible light.
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:32 PM Page 28
micromuscles based on polymers, the new microrobotic arm
is wireless and responds quickly, even in water and at low
The light-driven actuators can be remote-controlled even in
water, and the size can be reduced to micro- or nanometers, Irie
said. The robust actuators can find versatile applications in bio-
logical and medical fields as light-driven mechanical tools.
The scientists also observed that if one end of the crystal rod is
anchored, alternating irradiation with UV and visible light could
be used to induce the loose end to cause a small gear to turn. It
could also be used to work as a freight elevator: If attached to a
ledge, the rod can lift a weight more than 900 times as heavy as
the crystal itself. This makes it equivalent to piezoelectric crystals
and stronger than polymer muscles.
Next up, Irie said his team will work toward how to efficiently
prepare the rodlike crystals with controlled size.
Photonics Spectra February 2012
A gearwheel rotation operated by a light-driven molecular crystal actuator.
The 3.2-mm-diameter gear was rotated by the crystal, which showed reversible
bending upon alternate irradiation with UV and visible light.
Microplasma arrays promise
to revolutionize lighting
ARLINGTON, Va. A new plasma-based lighting system com-
prising microcavity arrays produces inexpensive, wafer-thin,
flexible sheets of light and its creators say it will revolution-
ize illumination.
Just as in a fluorescent light, a microcavity array is energized
by an applied voltage. The new technique, developed by Dr.
Gary Eden and Dr. Sung-Jin Park of the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, involves confining plasma in parallel
rows of microcavities within thin-sheet materials and introduc-
ing electricity.
The discovery began to take shape in 1996, when two graduate
students approached Eden with a block of silicon and asked if
they could drill a small hole in it to try to produce a plasma in-
side the hole. They did this with a hole about 400 m in diameter,
which Eden said was a crude forerunner of the current microcav-
ity array (MCA) lighting system.
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:32 PM Page 29
The issue of space and pressure in-
trigued Eden. A fundamental rule for
stable, steady-state plasma is pressure
times diameter scaling: the smaller the
plasma dimensions, the higher the pres-
sure can be. The very high pressures
that can be obtained in microplasmas
give rise to unique lighting and other
The microcavities in the flexible sheets
are key to these light arrays. In one of the
most important in-development implemen-
tations, a sheet of aluminum foil is placed
in an anodizing bath. By controlling the
bath parameters temperature and time of
anodizing large arrays of microcavities
can be formed with near-optimum shape
and with automatically placed intercon-
necting aluminum electrodes. The largest
array so far contains 250,000 luminous
microcavities. Thin laminated films on the
surface of the wafer contain the electrical
power interconnects that feed the individ-
ual cavities. When AC power is supplied
through the almost-invisible grid, the array
bursts to life.
Currently, the largest arrays produced
are 6 sq. in. These can be tiled together, in
different colors if desired, to make larger
arrays; much larger arrays can be made,
too, limited only by the size of the anodiz-
ing bath. Aluminum foil with a thickness
of 125 m is used. The cavities are then
sealed in very thin sheets of glass, result-
ing in an array that is 1 to 2 mm thick.
The plasma arrays are ruggedized to a cer-
tain extent and have an ultimate thickness
of about 4 mm; the resulting wafer weighs
less than 200 g.
Compared to contemporary lighting, the
MCA lighting has much greater efficiency.
Because the array is flat, it does not lose
the lumens per watt that a standard light
does. The MCA lighting lasts 20,000
hours before failure and is more environ-
mentally friendly because it does not con-
tain mercury, and its plastic, glass and alu-
minum contents are easily repurposed and
Eden and Park founded Eden Park Illu-
mination Inc. in 2007 to bring their new
technology to market. The lighting tech-
nology company is a close affiliate of the
Laboratory of Optical Physics and Engi-
neering at the university. The research was
funded by the Air Force Office of Scien-
tific Research.
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Arrays that confine plasma in parallel rows of microcavities within thin-sheet materials result in inexpensive,
wafer-thin and flexible sheets of light. Courtesy of Eden Park Illumination Inc.
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:32 PM Page 30
212_IPGPhotonics_Pg31_Layout 1 1/25/12 1:43 PM Page 31
Because of the rate of production, the
MCA is not cost-competitive with current
lighting options, but since Congress man-
dated that incandescent lights be phased
out in 2014, the research team believes
that there will be a much greater accept-
ance of MCA technology in the future.
It is suitable for light production and is
ideal for on-chip special chemistries. By
using the linear microchannel design, as
employed in an MCA lighting panel, a
large number of parallel receptors can be
placed within a small area to perform a
variety of sensory activities, depending
upon the chemical composition within the
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Blocked holes boost light on the nanoscale
PRINCETON, N.J. Capping a hole
should block light transmission through
that hole, right? Not on the nanoscale. In
fact, placing a metal cap over a small hole
in a metal film does not stop light from
passing through the hole, but rather en-
hances its transmission.
This finding by scientists at Princeton
University could have significant implica-
tions and various uses, particularly in opti-
cal instrumentation.
In an example of the twists in physics
that can occur at very small scales, electri-
cal engineer Stephen Chou and his col-
leagues made an array of tiny holes in a
thin metal film, then blocked each hole
with an opaque metal cap. When they
shined light into the holes, they found that
as much as 70 percent more light came
through when the holes were blocked than
when they were open.
Chou said that the result might require
scientists and engineers to rethink tech-
niques they use to block all light transmis-
sion. In very sensitive optical instruments
for example, spectrometers, telescopes,
microscopes and other optical detectors
it is common to coat a metal film onto
glass with the intention of blocking light.
Dust particles, which are unavoidable in
metal film deposition, inevitably create
tiny holes in the metal film, but these holes
have been assumed to be harmless because
the dust particles become capped and sur-
rounded by metal, which was thought to
block the light completely.
Chou said that this assumption is not
correct; rather, the plug greatly enhances
the leakage. He explained that in his own
field of nanotechnology, light often is used
to carve ultrasmall patterns in silicon or
other materials. Thin metal film patterns
on a glass plate serve as a mask, directing
light through certain locations and block-
ing others. Given the new finding, engi-
neers ought to examine whether the mask
blocks the light as expected, Chou said.
Chou said the metal disk acts as a sort
of antenna that picks up and radiates elec-
tromagnetic waves. In this case, the disks
pick up light from one side of the hole and
radiate it to the opposite side. The waves
travel along the surface of the metal and
leap from the hole to the cap or vice versa,
depending upon which way the light is
The findings were published in Optics
Express (
The research group is investigating how
the effect could be applied to enhancing
the performance of ultrasensitive detectors.
These electron microscope images show an experi-
ment demonstrating that blocking a hole in a thin
metal film could cause more light to pass through
the hole than leaving it unblocked does. The top
image shows an array of holes with gold caps, each
of which is 40 percent bigger than the hole on
which it sits. The bottom image shows a cross-sec-
tion view of one hole with the cap sitting on top.
Surprisingly, a hole covered with the cap allows
more light to be transmitted through the film than a
hole without the cap. Courtesy of Stephen
Chou/Princeton University.
212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:32 PM Page 32
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212_EuroPhotonicsAd_PG33_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:11 PM Page 33
DEXTER, Mich. A new and more effec-
tive radiometric diagnostic device will en-
able the International Space Station (ISS)
to collect data for droplet combustion ex-
periments, thanks to two small infrared
thermopile sensor detectors.
Along with the 2.9 tons of mission-
critical supplies of food, fuel and other ne-
cessities sent to the ISS in early November
2011, Dexter Research Center sent its ST-
60 and 2M precision noncontact IR sen-
sors for NASAs Combustion Integrated
Rack (CIR), which is used to perform
combustion experiments in microgravity.
The CIR can be reconfigured easily in
orbit to accommodate a variety of com-
bustion experiments. It includes an optics
bench, a combustion chamber, a fuel and
oxidizer management system, environ-
mental management systems, and inter-
faces for science diagnostics and experi-
ment-specific equipment. Five different
cameras are available for diagnostic.
The custom sensors help the instrument
to characterize droplets of fuel to de-
velop a model of droplet combustion in
microgravity, according to Victor Banta,
technical sales and applications engineer
at Dexter Research.
Banta explained that the research is
purely scientific at this stage. The main
goal of the experiment is to collect data
using the sensors to develop a model of
how combustion occurs in microgravity.
The findings could later be used by others
to develop models for whatever they
dream up, he said.
The data gathered from the experiment
could be used to develop a model for a
rocket propulsion system or for fire sup-
pression, Banta noted. For instance, if
there were a fire on the space station, sci-
entists would be able to study how it burns
and how to control it.
But for now, Banta said NASA is using
the sensors solely to develop the combus-
tion microgravity model.
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Ashley N. Paddock
Detectors collect data for NASA droplet combustion experiments
An instrument used for microdroplet combustion in
microgravity. It includes two each of the ST150
and 2M thermopile detector models from Dexter
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212_Tech News_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:32 PM Page 34
212_ILXLightwave_Pg35_Layout 1 1/25/12 1:43 PM Page 35
Funding reauthorization will stabilize SBIR programs
BELLINGHAM, Wash. The US House
committee leaders and the Senate recently
reached an agreement to reauthorize fund-
ing for the Small Business Innovation Re-
search (SBIR) and Small Business Tech-
nology Transfer (STTR) programs for
another six years, which will help to stabi-
lize and boost the photonics industry.
Legislation to reauthorize the programs
which are designed to spur technology
innovation within the small-business
R&D community will be included as an
amendment to the National Defense Au-
thorization Act (NDAA), which sets the
annual budget for the US Department of
The SBIR and STTR programs are two
of governments most effective programs
for spurring innovative ideas, said House
Small Business Committee Chairman Sam
Graves (R-Missouri). This deal not only
gives the program stability, but it also im-
proves the program by opening it up to
more companies regardless of their finan-
cial structure, it increases the Phase I and
II award sizes, and it puts a stronger em-
phasis on commercialization.
Key points of the agreement include
increasing venture capital participation to
25 percent for the National Institutes of
Health, the US Department of Energy
and the National Science Foundation, and
15 percent for the other participating fed-
eral agencies; raising Phase I and Phase II
award levels for the first time since 1982;
more access for small businesses to com-
pete for R&D funds; greater coordination
between the Small Business Administra-
tion and the participating agencies; and
performance-based standards that encour-
age companies to focus on commercializa-
tion through Phase III of the program.
House Science, Space and Technol-
ogy Committee Chairman Ralph Hall (R-
Texas) said the agreement will ensure the
greatest return on taxpayer investment by
helping us combat waste, fraud and
The news was warmly received by pho-
tonics industry professionals, including
SPIE CEO Eugene Arthurs, who pointed
out that the programs are admired around
the world.
Many of our 180,000-person con-
stituency work in small companies en-
gaged in the high-technology business of
photonics, and will greatly benefit from
the stabilization and expansion of this pro-
gram, said Robert Lieberman, chair of
the SPIE Engineering, Science and Tech-
nology Policy committee. The industry as
a whole and the world economy will
benefit as well.
The six-year extension will provide
needed stability for companies wanting to
participate, Lieberman added. SBIR-
initiated projects create photonics jobs
and products for applications ranging from
defense and security to biomedical diag-
nostics, he said. Participating companies
partner with other industry and academia
in developing innovations that improve
quality of life everywhere.
The House and Senate conference com-
mittee finished its work on the NDAA in
mid-December, and it passed with a final
vote of 283-186 in the House and 86-13 in
36 Photonics Spectra February 2012
A business must qualify as a small business, as defined by the federal government,
to participate in the SBIR program. A small business is eligible if:
It has 500 or fewer employees.
It is a for-profit and is independently owned and operated.
Its principal place of business is in the US.
It is at least 51 percent owned by US citizens.
The following criteria also must be met:
The proposing firm must be the primary employer of the principal investigator
involved in the research.
All work on the project must be done within the US.
Joint ventures and limited partnerships are permitted, but two-thirds of
Phase I and one-half of Phase II work must be accomplished by the
proposing firm.
For an STTR award:
The small business must qualify as a small business. (Joint ventures and
limited partnerships are permitted for the small business, provided that the
entity so created qualifies as a small business.)
The research institution must be a nonprofit university or college; a nonprofit
institution owned and operated exclusively for scientific or educational
purposes; or a contractor-operated FFRDC (federally funded R&D center).
The small business must carry out at least 40 percent of the STTR project.
The research institution must perform at least 30 percent of the effort.
The business and the research institution must negotiate a written agreement
apportioning intellectual property.
Research work in Phase I and Phase II must be performed by the small
business and the research institution in the US.
Source: An Explanation of SBIR, Jade Research Corp.,
212FastTrack_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:12 PM Page 36
the Senate before heading to the White
House to await approval by President
Obama, who already had committed
to signing it.
Because of this deal, businesses will
have peace of mind for the next six years,
said Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana),
chair of the Senate Small Business and
Entrepreneurship Committee and a long-
time advocate of SBIR programs. The
nations innovators will have more access
to federal research dollars, and the process
by which they get the funding will be
more efficient because we cut down the
time for final decisions and disburse-
Government support of technological
innovation and job creation through small
businesses is important, lawmakers said.
We should be doing what we can to fos-
ter a vibrant small-business community
and give our small businesses the tools
that they need to succeed, said Ranking
Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-
Texas), who was appointed as a member
of the conference committee of lawmakers
selected to reconcile the House and Senate
versions of the NDAA. The SBIR and
STTR programs are such tools they have
been critically important programs for fos-
tering innovation by small businesses.
As we continue our efforts to keep our
economy on the path to recovery, it is
more important than ever that we make
these programs more efficient, effective,
and more responsive to the ever-changing
high-tech sector and the demands of the
global economy. I think the provisions we
have included in the NDAA will have a
positive impact on both programs.
RAMAT GAN, Israel A diverse group of
optical engineering enthusiasts will gather
at Bar-Ilan University on March 20 for
the Optical Engineering 2012 Convention,
held by the Society of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers in Israel.
Optical Engineering 2012 is a photonics
networking event, bringing together prac-
ticing engineers, researchers, technology
providers, scientists and students. It offers
updates on the photonics community as
well as a place to exchange information
and present papers. Events also will in-
clude a contest for photonics startups, a
poster session and a technical exhibit.
The meeting covers a variety of topics
in optics, electro-optics and photonics
with an emphasis on engineering and aca-
demia-industry collaboration. The program
includes three tracks: imaging optics, non-
imaging optics and optics in medicine.
Specific topics will include optical im-
aging, computational imaging, solar con-
centrators, illumination, biomedical optics,
displays, 3-D, photonics for communica-
tion, unconventional optics, industrial ap-
plications, defense applications, applica-
tions for lasers, nonlinear optics and
organic photonics.
The 2012 Startup Contest will be held
37 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Laura S. Marshall
Optical engineering grabs the
spotlight in Israel
212FastTrack_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:12 PM Page 37
during the conference, and the winners
will be announced at the conclusion of the
event. Companies or startups less than 5
years old that are registered in Israel and
have no more than $6 million of funding
were eligible to enter until early February.
Finalists will give a five-minute elevator
pitch during the plenary morning session
and will set up a display for discussion
with visitors and contest referees.
Registration for the conference also in-
cludes admission to the exhibition and
presentation posters, and seating at the
conference and the startup competition
plus refreshments. Attendees who register
for the Society of Electrical and Electron-
ics Engineers in Israel (Optical Engineer-
ing chapter) will receive a discount; mem-
bership is free for the first year.
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Edmund, founder of Edmund Optics Inc.
(EO), has died. His son, Robert, made the
announcement on Jan. 17.
Norman Edmund began cultivating
an interest in optics in his mid-20s and
started a mail-order lens-kit business,
Edmund Salvage Corp., in 1942. His
office was a card table in the family home.
His wife, Pauline, served as the vice presi-
dent of operations, a position she would
hold for the next 30 years.
Edmund subsequently added prisms,
war surplus optical items, telescopes and
scientific items to his business, many
of which he sourced from the Franklin
Arsenal in Philadelphia. The expanded
optics company, now counting major
research labs and universities among its
clients, then changed its name to Edmund
Scientific Inc.
In 1948, Edmund completed construc-
tion on the Barrington office, dedicated
to both his company and his mission to
inspire subsequent generations of optical
scientists and engineers by offering the
best and most comprehensive selection of
optics in the world. He was known to read
as many as 200 periodicals per month in
search of clever ideas, new products and
innovative applications for his unique
By the beginning of the Korean War,
Edmund had accumulated approximately
$60 million worth of US surplus optics.
After his company responded to a US
Army need for optical equipment during
the war, an army representative remarked,
Gee, you have more optics than the
During the 1970s Edmund focused his
company away from surplus optics and
into the manufacture and distribution
of commercial quality optics and compo-
nents. He retired in 1975, passing the lead-
ership on to his son, Robert M. Edmund,
the current CEO. Edmund Optics is now
the largest supplier of off-the-shelf optical
components in the world as well as a pro-
ducer of imaging and photonics technol-
ogy. Led by a staff of skilled optical engi-
neers and scientists, EO is application-
focused and pursues new ways to imple-
ment optical technology, enabling ad-
vancements in semiconductor manufactur-
ing, industrial metrology and medical
Edmund focused much of his later years
on researching and publishing books about
The Scientific Method, where he is
credited with creating an advanced model
for educators to teach the method to future
Edmund Optics founder dies
3S Photonics Acquires Manlight In France,
3S Photonics Group of Nozay has announced
the acquisition of all shares of Manlight SAS of
Lannion. 3S Photonics completed the trans-
action with the help of Eurazeo, which holds
83 percent of the companys capital. Manlight
manufactures products for telecommunication
transport networks, broadband access networks,
and the defense and industrial markets. The
company will become a subsidiary of 3S Pho-
tonics Group. The latter company also reported
consolidated International Financial Reporting
Standards turnover of up to 51 million (about
$68 million) for fiscal 2011, which ended in
June. This represents a 64 percent growth year
over year.
AIA Teams with Association in Korea Ma-
chine vision trade group Automated Imaging
Association (AIA) has signed a memorandum
of understanding with the year-old Korean
Machine Vision Industrial Association (KMVIA)
to advance the understanding and use of imag-
ing and vision technologies. The agreement
outlines a range of activities on which the two
associations will collaborate, including an ex-
change of market data. They also will provide
mutual support for trade shows and technical
conferences and promote member companies
and global standards. AIA will support KMVIAs
first trade show, the Korea Vision Show, which
will be held April 3 to 6 in Seoul.
Zeiss Marks CrossBeams Anniversary Carl
Zeiss Microscopy recently celebrated the 10th
anniversary of its CrossBeam FIB-SEM (focused
ion beam-scanning electron microscope) tech-
nology. The ceremony was held at the Center
for Composite Materials at the University of
Delaware, which has acquired an Auriga 60
CrossBeam workstation for its Interdisciplinary
Science and Engineering Laboratory, under con-
struction. The Auriga includes both a Gemini
SEM and an FIB column. The SEM column
enables the Auriga to create high-resolution
nanoscale images, while the FIB column allows
it to remove material from the sample by ion
Trade Fair Launched in India Laser World
of Photonics India will be held Sept. 14 to 16 at
the Bombay Exhibition Centre in Mumbai. The
event, a collaboration of Messe Mnchen and
its subsidiary Messe Mnchen International
(MMI) India, will be the first Laser World of
Photonics trade fair to take place in that coun-
try. MMI India will take over the former Laser-
Tech India, integrating it into Laser World of
Photonics India. The fair will give laser and
photonics technology its own national platform
and enhance networking between research and
industry. The event is supported by the Indian
Laser Association.
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Elbit Receives Award to Update Head-Up
Displays Elbit Systems of America LLC of Tal-
ladega, Ala., a wholly owned subsidiary of Elbit
Systems Ltd., has received a $38.5 million, five-
year, indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity con-
tract by the Defense Logistics Agency-Ogden
to update head-up displays. Under the contract,
Elbit will manufacture reliability and maintain-
ing electronic module assemblies for all US Air
Force Block 30 and Block 50 f-16 wide-angle
conventional head-up displays. To date, the
company has received $3 million in orders
under the contract. The contract implements
the value engineering change proposal submit-
ted by Elbit Systems of America to replace the
legacy electronic module within the wide-angle
conventional head-up display.
Emcore Bolsters Cable Production Emcore
Corp. of Albuquerque, N.M., has announced
full-scale production of its new 56-Gb/s 14 data
rate active optical cables for computing, Ether-
net router and switch applications. The high-
speed cables are an addition to the Connects
Cables line. The company said it is the first
manufacturer in full-scale production of the
cables, which are produced at its contract facil-
ity in China. Designed for computers, telecom-
munication routers, storage networks, and grid
and cloud computing systems, the cables pro-
vide a high aggregated level of data throughput
in a compact, lightweight form that supports the
bandwidth needs of these advanced systems.
Leister Div. Becomes Axetris AG As part of
a general restructuring, Leister AG of Kaegiswil,
Switzerland, has converted its Microsystems Div.
Axetris into an independent company, Axetris
AG. The company plans to intensify its focus on
core competencies in microtechnology, sensing
and optics to provide innovative subsystems and
components that increase performance, reliabil-
ity and cost-effectiveness. Axetris serves OEM
customers with microtechnology-based infrared
light sources for gas sensing, mass-flow meter
and controller modules, laser gas detector mod-
ules based on tunable diode laser spectrometry,
and refractive and diffractive micro-optical com-
Huawei to Acquire Symantec Stake Huawei
Technologies Co. Ltd. of Shenzhen, China, and
Symantec Corp. of Mountain View, Calif., have
agreed on a transaction in which Huawei will
acquire Symantecs 49 percent stake in Huawei
Symantec Technologies Co. Ltd. for $530 mil-
lion. The contract will give Huawei full owner-
ship of Huawei Symantec, a Hong Kong-based
joint venture established by Huawei and Syman-
tec in 2008. The company provides security,
storage and systems management solutions.
The deal is subject to regulatory approvals and
other customary closing conditions and is ex-
pected to close in the first quarter of 2012.
Knight Optical Forms European Team Knight
Optical (UK) Ltd. has established a separate
division that focuses on serving its customers
in Europe and has recruited four multilingual
technical sales advisers to cover the German,
French and Spanish markets. A short distance
from the companys Kent headquarters, Knight
Optical (Europe) has made investments in its
infrastructure. The new staff is composed of
Robert Espley-Jones, who is fluent in Spanish;
Marc Arno, a technical sales adviser who will
cover the German-speaking countries; Bertrand
Marcillaud, who will cover France; and Adam
Nixon, who will provide sales support across the
Laser Components Pens Contract Laser Com-
ponents of Olching, Germany, has signed a dis-
tribution agreement with optical fibers manufac-
turer Polymicro Technologies of Phoenix that
applies to all German-speaking countries and
territories. The agreement enables the company
to offer hollow waveguides designed for CO
and Er:YAG lasers. Other new products, includ-
ing ultraviolet fibers, will be announced in the
upcoming months.
Teledyne Dalsa Secures Contract Teledyne
Dalsa of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, has re-
ceived a contract from Surrey Satellite Technol-
ogy Ltd. of Guildford, UK, to develop a multi-
spectral sensor for an advanced Earth observa-
tion application. The multimillion-dollar project
is expected to begin delivering high-resolution
images in 2014 and will be part of the DMC3
(Disaster Monitoring Constellation) series of
satellites. The multispectral sensors to be devel-
oped by Teledyne Dalsa will allow Surreys sub-
sidiary company and client, DMC International
Imaging, to acquire data for applications such
as urban planning, and environment and disas-
ter monitoring.
Newport Retires Notes Early To avoid cash
interest payments, Newport Corp. of Irvine,
Calif., retired $69.6 million of its 2.5% convert-
ible subordinated notes due Feb. 15, 2012, for
a sum of $70 million plus accrued interest. The
action will save the company $900,000 over the
remaining terms of the notes. The savings stem
from the amount the notes would accrue during
their maturity between Dec. 6, 2011 and Feb.
15, 2012. The principal amount of the convert-
ible notes that will remain outstanding is $51
million. The company expects to generate rev-
enue from operating activities and to capitalize
on new opportunities to effectively use its cash.
Lockheed Delivers Prototypes Global security
company Lockheed Martin of Bethesda, Md.,
delivered the first M-DSA (modernized day
sensor assembly) upgrade prototype to the US
Army for use on the Apache helicopter. Five
system design and development laser range-
finder designators (LRFDs) were delivered to the
Army under a three-year contract awarded to
Lockheed in September 2008 to modernize the
attack helicopters day sensor assembly. The
chief targeting aid for the Apache, the LRFD
establishes the range to the target for accurate
weapon aiming. For the Hellfire II missile, the
LRFD designates the aim point with a laser spot.
NeoPhotonics Increases Capacity Photonic
integrated circuit manufacturer NeoPhotonics
Corp. of San Jose, Calif., is doubling its capacity
for producing narrow-linewidth tunable lasers.
Offered in an Optical Internetworking Forum
Multi Source Agreement standard Integrable
Tunable Laser Assembly (ITLA), the devices
feature the low noise and narrow linewidths
Photonics Spectra February 2012
212FastTrack_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:12 PM Page 39
required for 40- and 100-Gb/s coherent appli-
cations. The products are optimized with up to
35-mW launch power in the C-band and 20
mW in the L-band. This is enabled by NeoPho-
tonics phase-shifted distributed feedback laser
chip and packaging technology, while the ITLA
assembly also includes an integrated wave-
length locker and industry-standard electrical
and firmware interfaces.
Potomac Photonics Adds Capabilities Poto-
mac Photonics of Lanham, Md., has expanded
its microhole drilling capabilities and opera-
tions. It has added several new precision laser
cutting systems, from the UV to IR wavelengths,
for applications including catheter hole drilling,
precision alignment of optical fibers, probe card
devices and leak test holes. In addition, it has
added a Micro-CNC system that mechanically
drills holes as small as 100 m. The company
also has developed processes to create preci-
sion holes as small as 4 m in a range of mate-
rials of varying thicknesses.
Prism Solar Concludes Funding Round Prism
Solar Technologies Inc. of Highland, N.Y., has
completed a financing round of more than
$4.4 million. With the funding, it expects to
bolster its holographic film and bifacial photo-
voltaic module pilot manufacturing capacity up
to 3 MW in 2012. The company produces solar
modules based on holographic optics to in-
crease kilowatt-hour output. Randy Stewart,
CEO and president, said Prism Solar has met
key milestones in technology and manufactur-
ing, providing investors with the confidence to
fund the operations and growth needed in the
coming year as its holographic solar product is
Samsung Produces Panels, Renews License
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. of Seoul, South
Korea, has begun mass production of its 40-in.
optical sensor in pixel interactive LCD panels,
which feature advanced optical sensors. The
panels can detect more than 50 touch points
simultaneously and can display images with
high-definition resolution and wide-angle view-
ing. The input functions of a keyboard, mouse
or scanner can be performed on the panel.
In other news, Samsung has renewed its license
agreement with miniaturization technologies
developer Tessera Technologies Inc. of San
Jose, Calif., for another five years. Tessera said
Samsung extended its Jan. 1, 2005, license
agreement scheduled to expire May 17,
2012 to May 17, 2017. According to the
agreement, Samsung will pay royalties on a
quarterly basis for semiconductor chip-scale
package patents owned by Tessera.
Dynasil Unit Garners Contracts The RMD
Research subsidiary of Dynasil Corp. of America
received $3.65 million in contracts to develop
nuclear detectors from the Department of
Homeland Securitys Domestic Nuclear Detec-
tion Office (DNDO). The contracts will foster
Dynasils continued research and development
of gamma and neutron radiation detectors that
identify illicit nuclear materials. The contracts
consist of $2.15 million under the DNDOs Ex-
ploratory Research Program and $1.5 million
under the Small Business Innovation Research
program. Earlier this year, RMD Research was
named a 2011 Department of Homeland Secu-
rity small-business winner for radiation and
nuclear detection. Dynasil is based in Water-
town, Mass.
Soitec, Reflexite Energy Ink Deal To create
competitive concentrator photovoltaic (CPV)
solutions, Soitec of Bernin, France, and Reflexite
Energy Solutions Inc. of Avon, Conn., have en-
tered a joint venture to establish Reflexite Soitec
Optical Technology LLC. The newly formed
company will produce the silicone-on-glass
(SOG) Fresnel lens plates used in Soitecs CPV
modules, and it will co-develop next-generation
technologies to increase the efficiencies and
lower the costs of SOG lens plates. The joint
venture will be located in part of the new CPV
manufacturing facility that Soitec plans to open
in San Diego. The companies are collaborating
on designing their factory space.
Telops Receives Hyper-Cam Order Telops of
Quebec City has received a contract order from
the Public Research Center Gabriel Lippmann
(CRP-GL) in Luxembourg, Belgium, for an air-
212FastTrack_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:12 PM Page 40
borne Hyper-Cam Fourier transform infrared
hyperspectral imaging system. The order in-
cludes the delivery and customization of the
Hyper-Cam, along with an airborne platform
that allows the system to be mounted in an air-
plane for advanced infrared hyperspectral map-
ping and for the detection and identification of
infrared substances. CRP-GL will use the plat-
form to enhance its environmental management
capabilities. Telops manufactures infrared cam-
eras and hyperspectral imaging systems for de-
fense and security, environmental and industrial
Zygo Secures $4M Order The Optical Systems
Div. of Zygo Corp. has been awarded a $4
million order from a major medical device man-
ufacturer to produce high-precision assemblies
used in an ophthalmic medical device. Zygo
will produce the devices at its Electro-Optics
Group in Tucson, Ariz., which specializes in
metrology-based manufacturing and precision
active assembly of optical systems for the life
sciences, semiconductor and defense markets.
Based in Middlefield, Conn., Zygo also is a sup-
plier of optical metrology instruments.
Jenoptik Expands in Berlin, China Laser
and optical systems manufacturer Jenoptik of
Jena, Germany, is doubling its semiconductor
laser capacity with a 10 million (about $13.2
million) expansion of its Berlin-Adlershof site.
The larger facility is expected to be available for
production in 2013. Jenoptik said the expansion
is the result of increasing demand, particularly
from Asia. The new building will be automated
and equipped with state-of-the-art production
technology and cleanroom facilities. Gallium-
arsenide wafers will be processed to create
high-power laser bars.
In other news, Jenoptik officially opened a
100 percent-owned subsidiary in China called
Jenoptik (Shanghai) Precision Instruments and
Equipment Co. Ltd. Three of the companys five
divisions Lasers & Material Processing, Optical
Systems, and Industrial Metrology will have a
local presence at the new location. Jenoptiks
other two divisions are Traffic Solutions and
Defense & Civil Systems. Jenoptik currently em-
ploys more than 60 people in China, with the
majority at the Shanghai location in the Pudong
Industrial Zone. It also has facilities in Beijing,
Chongqing and Wuhan.
Also, the Lasers & Material Processing Div.
will supply US plants with laser processing sys-
tems used in a new application to fabricate
high-tech glass for smart windows that can
be electronically adjusted to external lighting
conditions to save on energy consumption.
Jenoptik has supplied the laser processing
systems for thin-film solar cell manufacturing
since 2007. The company partnered with
Bystronic glass, a provider of glass processing
services, machinery, plants and systems, to
develop the new application.
Schweizer Eyes PV Market in Asia Schweizer
Electronic AG has entered the Asian photo-
voltaics market as part of a diversification strat-
egy. Schweizer Energy will operate a plant in
Nantong, China, with up to four 100-MW
production lines. Production of high-efficiency
photovoltaic modules is planned for 2013. The
investment for the first production line amounts
to $50 million to $60 million. Schmid Group of
Freudenstadt will be the technology partner for
the first production line. Schweizer is working
on setting up its own sales channels in Asia
and has closed two memorandas of under-
standing with the joint venture Sino Singapore
regarding projected solar parks in China.
Cree Unit Set to Grow Wisconsin-based Ruud
Lighting, a subsidiary of Cree Inc., announced
a 208,000-sq-ft expansion of its manufacturing
facility and a $24.5 million investment in the
fabrication and assembly of LED lighting. The
company estimates that 469 full-time jobs,
mostly assembly positions, will be created over
the next four years. The expansion is the com-
panys response to market demand for the lat-
est LED technology.
It will extend component and product storage
capacity and house several new manufacturing
lines for new and existing Cree LED production.
The company will also
invest in manufacturing equipment.
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Photonics Spectra February 2012
212FastTrack_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:12 PM Page 41
Coming February 16
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MIR spectrum.
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212_WebinarAd_PG42_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:39 PM Page 42
Fools gold is pretty smart for solar cells
ools gold may not live up to its
name after all. Iron pyrite aka iron
sulfide has been mistakenly over-
looked as an efficient solar cell material
for too long, according to researchers at
Oregon State University in Corvallis, who
took a closer look at its properties and
uncovered a promising alternative to
todays thin-film materials.
Todays thin-film solar cells are domi-
nated by copper indium gallium selenide
and cadmium telluride, which demonstrate
efficiencies greater than 10 percent. But
because the toxicity of cadmium and the
scarcity of indium pose a threat to these
technologies, viable alter natives are neces-
sary for high-efficiency thin-film solar
cells to continue to develop.
Iron pyrite has some winning attributes
when it comes to photovoltaic (PV) appli-
cations: An excellent absorber of solar
energy, it contains two of the most
abundant and least expensive elements to
extract from the earth, and it can be made
into layers 2000 times thinner than some
of its competitors, including silicon.
The stumbling block? Converting the
solar energy into electricity. Although
using thin layers lends itself well to effi-
cient light absorption, scientists have
found that the promising material iron
pyrite simply does not work in PV
Professor Douglas A. Keszler and col-
leagues from the universitys chemistry
department decided to find out why.
It turns out that, in the process of creat-
ing solar cells, which takes a substantial
amount of heat, pyrite decomposes and
forms products that prevent the creation
of electricity.
Armed with that knowledge, the group
sought to find the best of both worlds
combining the desirable capabilities
of pyrite with the stability offered by
traditional thin-film materials.
The result was iron silicon sulfide
) and iron germanium sulfide
We identified the failure mechanism
But despite the many promising find-
ings, Keszler and his colleagues are not
fooled they acknowledge that much
work remains to be done. In fact, Keszler
said, a marketable alternative to tradi -
tional solar cell materials is still about
10 years off.
The quality of Fe
and Fe
needs to continue to improve so that fun-
damental, intrinsic performance can be es-
tablished, he said. Appropriate contacts
need to be developed, and integration
issues with respect to cell fabrication
need to be addressed.
The group is working on advancing
thin-film quality so the properties and
performance of the materials can be
benchmarked against theoretical predic-
tions. They also are looking to refine
design rules so that other materials with
promise for higher performance in solar
cells can be identified. l
Photonics Spectra February 2012
This iron germanium sulfide thin-film solar absorber could be a promising new technology for solar energy.
Courtesy of Betterton Design.
of pyrite, formulated a few design rules
that preserved the favorable aspects of
pyrite, and identified Fe
and Fe
as new absorber candidates, Keszler said.
This relatively new approach to materi-
als science is known as inverse design.
As experimentalists, we work very
closely with theory groups at the National
Renewable Energy Lab [in Golden] and
the University of Colorado to first extract
design rules from a combination of high-
level calculations and chemical princi-
ples, Keszler said. We then go to the
lab to make new materials and examine
their physical properties.
Iron, silicon and sulphur are among
the three most available and low-cost
elements on Earth, and, thanks to their
high absorption coefficients, much less
of the material is required. This means
that they can be used in thin-film devices,
which can be fabricated at low cost.
The results of the study were published
Aug. 10, 2011, in the online edition of
Advanced Energy Materials.
212GreenLight_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:13 PM Page 43
Quantum Communication
Is Ready for Its Close-Up
uantum communication may be
ready for its big debut, but tech -
nical issues such as how to in-
crease transmission distance or construct
a quantum repeater still must be worked
out. There are also questions about the
commercial viability of the most near-term
application, quantum key distribution
(QDK). However, there is a clear need,
particularly in highly secure settings.
Key distribution and key generation
are key to the success of any transmission
security network, said Karl Fuchs, vice
president of technology for satellite com-
munications vendor iDirect Government
Technologies of Herndon, Va. The com-
pany sells products and services to the
US military and other demanding cus-
The biggest performance hit arises from
disseminating the initialization key, the
basis for all subsequent encryption, Fuchs
said. Consequently, overall system per-
formance and security would improve
with faster and more secure key switching.
Quantum key distribution achieves the
security objective absolutely by taking ad-
vantage of the ability to detect an eaves-
dropper via changes in the measured
quantum characteristics of a photon.
The operative words here are a pho-
ton, as in a single photon. Current com-
mercially available quantum key distri -
bution schemes require single-photon
sources and detectors. The former can be
approximated well enough by attenuating
a laser so that, on average, much less than
one photon is present in any given clock
cycle. That clock rate, in turn, is set by
the speed of single-photon detectors, and
here, progress has been made in the past
few years.
Rapid detectors
For example, Toshiba Research Europe
Ltd. of Cambridge, UK, a subsidiary of
Japans Toshiba Corp., has developed
technology that allows conventional ava-
lanche photodiodes to run 100 times faster
in single-photon mode than previously
possible. The advance involves comparing
detector output from the current clock
cycle to the one before, said Zhiliang
Photonics Spectra February 2012 44
Advances in detectors and sources have gotten quantum communication ready for rollout.
Photonics plays a key role in this technology, thanks to the ability to impose a quantum state
on particles of light and to detect that state at a point many miles away.
Run across Switzerland, a pilot quantum key distri-
bution (QDK) network was the longest running test
bed of the technology. CERN = European Organi-
zation for Nuclear Research; UNIGE = University of
Geneva; Hepia = Engineering School of Geneva.
Jet dEau is Genevas landmark water fountain.
Courtesy of ID Quantique.
This flow diagram shows the data path of the pilot QKD network in Switzerland. Courtesy of ID Quantique.
Raw Key Exchange
Key Processing
Key Buffer
Key Buffer
Raw Key Exchange
Key Processing
Key Buffer
Key Buffer
Sync Sync
Sync Sync


Quantum Channel
SwissQuantum Network Structure
212QuantumOpticsFeature_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:14 PM Page 44
Yuan, the quantum key distribution project
leader. This self-referencing removes an
unwanted periodic signal that interferes
with sensitive detection of single photons,
enabling devices to recover faster because
the detectors are in a more favorable con-
The detector can be moderately biased
for efficient single-photon detection, and
the detector recovery time is substantially
reduced. We have confirmed that the
detector recovery time is less than two
nanoseconds, Yuan said.
These and other developments have
made quantum key distribution at accept-
able data rates viable, said Grgoire
Ribordy, CEO of the Geneva-based ID
Quantique SA, a company commercializ-
ing the technology.
Unfortunately, the quantum nature of
the communication presents other hurdles.
For instance, its difficult to mix quantum
traffic with traditional telecom data. The
latter involves a multitude of photons,
and crosstalk from these can destroy the
single-photon signature.
One solution is to dedicate optical fiber to
quantum communication, but keeping fiber
dark for all other traffic is expensive. A pos-
sible solution is to spread the cost among
many users, something that can be done if
quantum key distribution is sold as a service
by a telecom provider, Ribordy said.
They would offer an optical network
which would be shared by several QKD
systems. You can do wavelength division
multiplexing, he said.
He noted that quantum key distribution
as a service is now a reality, with the first
customer using it announced in December.
Another firm involved in applications of
the new technology is MagiQ Technolo-
gies Inc. of Somerville, Mass. Because
quantum key distribution has yet to gener-
ate sufficient sales, companies are turning
to other revenue streams (see sidebar,
Making More Money in the Meantime
on p. 46).
Second-generation systems that circum-
vent these problems also are in develop-
ment. One is being pursued by Quintes-
senceLabs Pty. Ltd. of Canberra, Australia.
Rather than encoding information on indi-
vidual photons, the companys systems
perform encoding via the amplitude and
phase quadrature of a weakly modulated
coherent laser. This approach offers high
data rates because the receivers used are
basically off-the-shelf coherent homodyne
detectors that have a 10-GHz bandwidth,
said founding director and CEO Vikram
Peaceful coexistence
Another advantage can be seen in a test
done with Telstra Australias largest
telecommunications carrier in Mel-
bourne. In the test, one quantum channel
operated at one frequency. Running beside
it, but at another frequency, was a second
channel that carried synchronization and
timing information using classical
It offers the possibility of having
multiple quantum channels coexisting with
existing traffic, Sharma said of this proof
of successful mixing of quantum and
standard communications.
In November 2011, QuintessenceLabs
partnered with prime defense contractor
Lockheed Martin to showcase its technol-
ogy. QuintessenceLabs also plans to bring
out a commercial product in the third
quarter of 2012.
These and other efforts will be aided by
the implementation of standards governing
quantum communication, another neces-
sity for commercial deployment. The
Vienna-based Austrian Institute of Tech-
nology GmbH is spearheading the devel-
opment of standards and guidelines that
will outline the use and certification of
quantum cryptographic equipment and
Thomas Lnger is chairman of a group
setting industry specifications for the Eu-
ropean Telecommunications Standards In-
stitute. A scientist at the Austrian Institute
of Technology, he noted that standard
setting is quite demanding. On the low
level, the physics level, this is not so very
clear how to tackle this. We need new
models for that, new notions for security.
Lnger expects these efforts to bear
fruit within a few years. Having standards
in place will help convince large firms
to take the quantum plunge, either as
suppliers or as customers.
Further in the future looms complete
quantum communication and information
processing, but several devices must first
be invented and perfected. For instance,
one requirement will be quantum memory.
A simple version could function as a
45 Photonics Spectra February 2012
A test conducted in Melbourne, Australia, demonstrated successful coexistence of classical and quantum
communication over fiber. Courtesy of QuintessenceLabs.
A fully developed commercial entangled LED,
with an artists rendering of the entangled photon
pairs streaming forth. Courtesy of Toshiba Research
212QuantumOpticsFeature_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:14 PM Page 45
one another because of entanglement.
Since the original report on the research
appeared in Nature in 2010, work in this
area has continued. One goal is to make
pairs of emitted photons virtually identical
so that they can interact with one another.
One of the ways that happens is
through two-photon interference. The
photons have to be indistinguishable in
order for successful two-photon interfer-
46 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Quantum Communication
hile working on quantum
communication, companies
have turned elsewhere for
additional revenues. A case in point
comes from Genevas ID Quantique
SA. As with others, its implementa-
tion of quantum key distribution
requires a random number generator
as the basis for cryptography.
The company achieves this by
generating, then detecting, a single
visible photon in a secure enclosure.
A matchbox-size component converts
quantum-derived random fluctua-
tions into a string of 1s and 0s.
Because the device can be mounted
on a card in a computer or server,
the technology has found a home
in many applications far removed
from quantum communication.
Our largest market for this prod-
uct is the online gaming market,
where they need randomness. They
need good randomness, for example,
to draw winning numbers or to shuf-
fle card decks, said ID Quantique
CEO Grgoire Ribordy.
Another example comes from
MagiQ Technologies Inc. of Somer -
ville, Mass. Anton Zavriyev, director
of research and development, said
the company is engaged in a project
for the US Department of Energy.
The goal is to develop a passive fiber
sensor for harsh environments, such
as those found deep within geother-
mal or oil and gas boreholes.
The entire length of a quantum
key distribution system is a distrib-
uted single-photon interferometer
that can make such measurements,
Zavriyev said, adding that it operates
with extremely low signal levels and
offers other advantages.
By means of optical interferome-
try, you can be 100 kilometers away
from a location and yet know exactly
what happens there, he said.
Making More Money in the Meantime
repeater, extending the distance covered
by quantum networks. Today, the lack of
such a device restricts quantum communi-
cation to, at most, approximately 100 km
in fiber.
Another likely necessity will be the
integration of many devices into a small
volume, something difficult to do with
current sources. Work done by Toshiba
Research Europe with electrically driven
quantum-dot LEDs points the way toward
one solution.
R. Mark Stevenson, a senior research
scientist at Toshiba, helped create these
LEDs, which have quantum dots of very
precisely controlled size. Tests have shown
that the LEDs emit single pairs of entan-
gled photons. These pairs could form the
basis for subsequent quantum processing,
with the pairs split up but still connected to
Base Station
A quantum key distribution system can function
as a single-photon interferometer (right), creating a
passive fiber sensor for harsh, borehole environ-
ments (above). Courtesy of MagiQ Technologies.
212QuantumOpticsFeature_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:14 PM Page 46
212_OSA_CLEO_Pg47_Layout 1 1/25/12 1:44 PM Page 47
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Photonics Spectra February 2012
Quantum Communication
ence. We have recently achieved this with
light emitted by our entangled LEDs,
Stevenson said.
In work with a similar goal, researchers
at the Washington-based National Institute
of Standards and Technology have made
photons from two different single-photon
sources indistinguishable. NISTs Glenn
Solomon and others described their work
in a 2011 Physical Review Letters paper.
They used filters and other devices to alter
the photons spectral shapes and other
properties. The photons were then so alike
that a hybrid quantum network was con-
ceivable, Solomon stated.
Such advances are important to the
future of quantum processing in general,
said NIST physicist Joshua C. Bienfang,
because of the likely nature of future
quantum communication networks and
As Bienfang said, The device that
processes information, on which you can
implement quantum logic gates, and the
device that acts as a memory to store
quantum information for later use are
probably going to be different machines
with different optical properties.
Quantum communication and information processing requires virtually indistinguishable photons. NIST re-
searchers achieved this, producing (1) a single photon using a quantum dot (QD). Simultaneously, they created
a pair of photons by a parametric down-conversion (PDC) crystal. (2) One of the PDC photons which has
characteristics different from the QD photon is routed into a cavity and filter (3), rendering the PDC photon
and the QD photon nearly identical. Courtesy of Suplee, NIST.
212QuantumOpticsFeature_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:14 PM Page 48
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212_BioPhotonicsAd_PG49_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:15 PM Page 49
Lasers Evolve to Meet the Demands
of Optical Communications
ith ever-increasing demands on
bandwidth, speed and deploy-
ment, efforts to reduce the size
and cost of communications systems have
never been so important.
One technology that has continued to
keep pace with demand so far is the semi-
conductor laser, but can it continue to
evolve to provide optical communications
systems with higher speed, lower produc-
tion costs, lower power dissipation and a
smaller form factor? Opinions are mixed.
In optical systems, the laser itself
cannot be shrunk; its size is dictated by
physics, said Martin Zirngibl, head of
Physical Technologies Research at Bell
Labs in Murray Hill, N.J. However, you
can more tightly integrate everything that
is needed to operate the laser.
Optical systems contain footprint-con-
suming packaging that includes electrical,
optical and optoelectronic components, all
of which must work together.
You have to send light from one compo-
nent to another; these interconnections take
up a lot of real estate, Zirngibl said, so
one very important technology for shrink-
ing optical components is integration of
multiple functionalities onto a single chip.
This eliminates the interconnections. The
components still have the same size, but
they are put very closely to each other.
Laser technology must be improved
While there are techniques and design
advances that have evolved to keep pace
with our needs, next-generation technol-
ogy must step up its game.
Photonics Spectra February 2012 50
Top of page: Wavelength-division-multiplexed
VCSEL modules are used in high-bandwidth optical
fiber communications systems. Courtesy of
BeamExpress SA.
212_Feat Communication Laser_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:15 PM Page 50
Techniques such as wavelength division
multiplexing allow a number of optical
signals to be communicated over a single
optical fiber by using different wave-
lengths of laser light. In addition, devices
can be designed with well-controlled and
narrow lasing linewidths, thus minimizing
the effect of fiber dispersion. This allows
multiple wavelengths to be carried in the
same fiber without interference between
the channels.
But to keep up with increasing demand,
laser manufacturers must increase the
speed of lasers and decrease the size of
components at the same time, crucially,
bringing down costs.
Todays fiber optic transmission relies
on two basic semiconductor laser configu-
rations: edge emitters and vertical-cavity
surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). As their
names suggest, edge emitters are designed
to emit light parallel to the plane of the
wafer surface, whereas VCSELs emit light
perpendicular to the surface of the wafer.
Edge emitters such as Fabry-Perot
lasers are commonly used in short-reach,
low-speed applications, while distributed
feedback (DFB) lasers emit a narrower
spectral linewidth useful for long-reach
But it is the VCSEL that some say is the
most promising candidate for future com-
munications systems. It was invented in
the late 1970s and quickly gained popular-
ity for use in short-reach applications such
as fiber channel, Ethernet and intrasystems
links. By the end of the 1990s, VCSELs
had become the technology of choice for
short-range datacom, effectively displac-
ing edge-emitter lasers.
As in all semiconductor diode lasers,
layers of semiconductor material are
grown on top of each other on a substrate
known as the epi. In a VCSEL, the active
layer is sandwiched between two highly
reflective distributed Bragg reflectors.
The VCSELs can be designed for top
emission (at the epi-air interface) or
bottom emission (through a transparent
Todays VCSELs are cheaper to pro-
duce than edge emitters and can be used
for higher-speed fiber optic communica-
tion over short or long ranges.
Researchers at the Swiss Federal Insti-
tute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
have been working on the science and
51 Photonics Spectra February 2012
This silicon photonics integrated circuit comprises dual polarization and a dual-quadrature coherent receiver.
Courtesy of Alcatel-Lucent.
An 8-in. wafer of silicon photonic chips.
Courtesy of Alcatel-Lucent.
Comparison of the growth/processing flow of VCSEL and edge-emitter semiconductor lasers.
Courtesy of Princeton Optronics.
212_Feat Communication Laser_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:16 PM Page 51
technology of low-dimensional semicon-
ductors (semiconductor quantum wells,
wires and dots) and photonic nanostruc-
tures (micro- and nanocavities, photonic
crystals), as well as wafer-fused long-
wavelength VCSELs.
BeamExpress SA, an EPFL spin-off
company, was launched to manufacture
long-wavelength VCSELs for telecom
applications. The company delivers low-
power-consumption VCSELs with wave-
lengths ranging from 1250 to 1650 nm
and data rates up to 10 Gb/s.
With traffic in optical networks in-
creasing exponentially, the need for power
saving has emerged as a key constraint
limiting industry growth and profitability,
said professor Eli Kapon, founder and
chief scientist at BeamExpress SA and
director of the Laboratory of Physics of
Nanostructures at EPFL.
Due to the energy inefficiency and as-
sociated cooling requirements of existing
DFB and Fabry-Perot laser sources, the
physical footprint of higher speed and
higher density fiber optic transmission
equipment threatens to become impracti-
cal, he added. Further, electricity con-
sumption in optical networks has become
a significant operating cost as well as an
ecological challenge.
VCSELs: The future
of optical transmission?
By their very nature, VCSELs are dra-
matically more energy-efficient optical
sources than either DFB or Fabry-Perot
lasers. A drawback, however, is that they
do not have very high single-mode power,
so they have to be used with amplifiers to
boost their power for high-speed commu-
VCSELs operating in the visible and
short-wavelength-infrared spectral regions
(850 nm) have found broad and successful
applications in a variety of manufactured
products, including computer mice and
automotive control components.
But producing VCSELs that operate
at the longer wavelengths necessary
for fiber optic communications has
been a fundamental challenge due to
physical constraints imposed by the
semiconductor materials that make
them up, Kapon said.
The constraints are for growing the
epitaxial materials for VCSELs such as
distributed Bragg reflector mirrors and
quantum wells which are very difficult
at 1550 nm but are overcome with
BeamExpress wafer fusion technology,
Kapon claims.
The VCSEL wafer-fusion technol-
ogy licensed to and developed by Beam-
Express in cooperation with EPFL is
uniquely suited to overcome these con-
straints, and allows efficient manufacture
of VCSELs operating in the 1300- to
1550-nm-wavelength range necessary
for fiber optic communications, he said.
Compared to DFB and Fabry-Perot
lasers operating in the same applications,
the increased energy efficiency of long-
wavelength VCSELs enables significant
reduction in both component footprint
and power consumption.
The multimode 850-nm VCSEL has
been massively adopted by the industry
and is used in 95 percent of all optical
networking applications at the short reach
52 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Lasers for Communications
Three common types of VCSEL structures: (a) a top-emitting structure with proton implantation to
confine the current, (b) a selectively oxidized top-emitting structure to confine the optical modes
and/or the current, and (c) a mounted bottom-emitting selectively oxidized structure.
Courtesy of Princeton Optronics.
212_Feat Communication Laser_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:16 PM Page 52
(less than 100 m) and medium reach (less
than 1000 m).
VCSELs that can reach 10 Gb/s already
are being used for short-range communi-
cations, and in the future, the speed can be
increased to 40 or even 100 Gb/s, accord-
ing to New Jersey-based VCSEL manufac-
turer Princeton Optronics Inc.
Lasers are used for different applica-
tions; one is long haul in trunk routes. For
that, people use tunable lasers from com-
panies like JDS, Santur, etc., said Chuni
Ghosh, chief technology officer at Prince-
ton Optronics Inc. For data communica-
tion and short-range communication,
people use VCSELs from companies
like Finisar and Emcore.
While Princeton Optronics Inc., which
sells VCSELs for high-power applications,
does not currently sell products in the data
communications market, it is planning to
enter the market next year with its high-
efficiency, high-power datacom VCSEL
Princeton Optronics high-speed
VCSELs have higher power and higher ef-
ficiency, Ghosh said. For example, our
single-mode lasers deliver power levels of
4 to 30 mW, compared to the single-mode
power of the rest of the industry of 1 mW
or less. In terms of efficiency, our devices
deliver efficiencies of 45 percent com-
pared to the rest of the industrys number
of 20 percent.
Of course, some believe that the Holy
Grail lies in the realization of silicon pho-
tonics a pursuit that Intel is furiously
working on. Silicon photonics would
allow unprecedented integration and
would reduce cost, Kapon commented.
But Bell Labs Zirngibl points out one
major deficiency: You cannot make a laser
out of silicon. Whats more, the funda-
mental size of various components is
pretty much the same whether they are
on silicon or indium phosphide.
One advantage silicon photonics has is
that there is a huge embedded manufactur-
ing base. So scaling any solution to large-
volume production is pretty easy. The
dream would be to run photonic devices
just like you do CMOS today, but we are
still far away from that, he said. One
other advantage could be that you could
easily integrate a lot of electronics around
your optical devices. In current transmit-
ters and receivers, this is not really neces-
sary, but it could open up new applica-
Zirngibl and colleagues are trying
to build sources on silicon by attaching
pieces of III-V laser material onto
silicon wafers. The combo wafer
is then processed in a single step that
constructs the laser and electronics
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Lasers for Communications
Far-field beam profile of a 5 5-mm VCSEL array
at 100-W output power; however, the same shape
can also be obtained from a single device.
Courtesy of Princeton Optronics.
Schematic of a selectively oxidized, bottom-emitting 1064-nm VCSEL diode laser structure.
Courtesy of Princeton Optronics.
212_Feat Communication Laser_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:16 PM Page 53
Photonics Spectra February 2012 54
212PowerIssuesMarway_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:17 PM Page 54
asers are precise instruments, and all
components internal or external
must meet exacting requirements. This
includes the power supply.
Todays power distribution units
(PDUs) offer a wide array of options to
meet the strict specifications of laser sys-
tems. Thanks to technology advances,
product designers and integrators can
choose from standard off-the-shelf units,
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) units,
and COTS-modified or custom solutions
designed for specific applications. For
, direct-diode, excimer, fiber-based
and other laser systems, selecting the right
power distribution scheme is essential
to overall performance, longevity and
Laser systems need clean power
Stable power free of noise is paramount
for laser systems to perform optimally and
reliably. A clean AC signal has a perfectly
smooth sine wave (Figure 1) when viewed
on an oscilloscope. Any imperfections
in this signal can adversely affect laser
equipment, causing poor performance,
incorrect functionality or even damage to
sensitive circuitry.
Mobile power sources and power utili-
ties in some developing nations will not
deliver clean signals. Even the clean
power supplied by a developed nations
power utility will become degraded within
a facility. This degradation is caused by
the very devices that use the power, such
as air conditioners and compressors;
electric heating equipment; motor-driven
industrial machinery; elevators and
conveyors; computers, printers and copy
machines; and ballasts for fluorescent
Because signal problems are introduced
to power lines throughout a facilitys
wiring, it is beneficial to add power condi-
tioning at points throughout the facility.
An effective place to do this is at power
distribution points near the end-use equip-
ment with a PDU.
Several problems exist that can affect a
voltage signal. The most severe is a com-
plete loss of power for short- or long-term
durations. Similarly, significant periods of
excessively low or high voltage are also a
problem. Solutions generally are too large
or specialized to integrate within a near-
point-of-use PDU and are best applied
as external complements.
Most other conditioning problems in-
volve various forms of high-voltage surges
(aka spikes) and electromagnetic interfer-
ence (EMI), also known as electrical
noise, or just noise. The solutions to mini-
mizing these signal problems are well
suited to the integration within a PDU.
Voltage spikes
Spikes commonly come from power-
switching equipment such as circuit break-
55 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Power Distribution
Improves Industrial Laser Systems
Electrical power is vital to a lasers operation.
Power quality, availability and distribution play a vital role in the lasers performance.
Laser manufacturers must consider these factors when designing new systems
Figure 1. Signal conditioning of AC power seeks to
ensure as close to a perfect sine wave in the voltage
signal as possible. The upper waveform has no
noise, whereas the lower one is quite noisy.
Courtesy of Marway Power Solutions.
In laser system power distribution, many factors come into play, including:

What type of power conversion does the laser system require

(facility voltage/configuration vs. equipment needs)?

What type of power receptacle is required?

What types of control and monitoring capabilities are needed?

What type of power conditioning is required?

What kinds of noise and transients are present in the facility power?

How stable is the facility power (will brownouts and blackouts cause

How sensitive is my equipment to the issues listed above?

Before diving in and selecting a power distribution unit, its important to
understand the variety of power challenges, as this can determine what type
of power distribution is needed.
Key considerations
212PowerIssuesMarway_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:17 PM Page 55
noise on an AC power line causes devia-
tion in the signal from the desired perfect
sine waveform.
EMI can be classified in several ways.
One way is to identify how interference
gets into the power line, which includes
conduction, capacitive coupling and in-
duction. Another way is to address the
frequencies being added to the signal.
Radio-frequency interference (RFI) identi-
fies a subset of frequencies common to
communications and other equipment.
A third distinction is identifying com-
mon-mode and differential-mode noise.
Common-mode noise manifests identically
on multiple power conductors where the
noise signal flows in the same direction,
in phase, and typically returns through
ground. Differential-mode noise occurs
when the noise on each power line is not
identical. Here, the noise signal flows
through one power line and returns
through another.
The primary defense for reducing in-
ducted noise is shielding. This is com-
monly, but not exclusively, done to miti-
gate RFI. Cables and components are
encased in metal, and they may require
additional RFI gaskets with significant
design detail to eliminate all air gaps.
The remaining noise types can be re-
duced through EMI filters and isolation
transformers. Filters use a combination
of capacitors and inductors to block or
divert frequencies outside the 50 or 60 Hz
of the power signal. Isolation transform-
ers provide good reduction of
common-mode noise and
allow an isolated ground that
can offer significant bene-
fits in noise reduction on
downstream power lines
connected to the PDU.
Power conditioning
Surge protection
devices, EMI filters,
isolation transformers and
shielding are power condi-
tioning strategies well
suited to integration within
PDUs. Adding these capa-
bilities helps isolate sensi-
tive laser equipment con-
nected downstream of the
PDU from the noise cre-
ated by upstream power
consumers. When an inte-
grated solution is needed,
work with the PDU manu-
facturer to identify:
ers or contactors, or from other causes.
Less common sources include short cir-
cuits, static electricity, lightning and even
large electromagnetic fields. While spikes
are short, the increased voltage for even
that short time may be enough to damage
a lasers microelectronic components
and/or to cause malfunctions.
Voltage spikes are counteracted with
surge protection devices (or surge suppres-
sors). Surge protectors typically divert
excess voltage from the protected power
line straight to the ground, although there
are other techniques. There are a variety
of technologies to choose from, each with
advantages for particular power environ-
A voltage spike (Figure 2) may have a
very high voltage value, up to several
thousand volts, but the duration is on the
order of microseconds.
interference is a
broad term covering
multiple causes, the
net effect of which
is that electromag-
netic waves of a
wide spectrum of
frequencies cause
interference with the
power signal. This
Power Distribution
Figure 3. The HighLight
8000D-series direct
diode laser from
Coherent Inc. requires
a high-capacity PDU
that can be integrated
within the laser control
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Figure 2. A voltage spike may have a very high
value, up to several thousand volts, but the duration
is on the order of microseconds.
212PowerIssuesMarway_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:17 PM Page 56
uate the common-mode and differential-
mode noise by 60 and 90 dB, respectively,
at minimum. The transformer enables the
unit to be installed in the US and Europe,
allowing users to choose the input voltage
setting with a selector switch. The critical
loads are protected from transient voltages
with UL1449 standard-rated surge sup-
pressors in all modes: line to neutral, line
to ground and neutral to ground.
In addition, the laser manufacturer
needed the entire PDU to mount inside
the laser control unit so that it was not vis-
ible. However, the laser system designers
wanted to be able to switch the main cir-
cuit breaker for the PDU and to remotely
reset the EPO circuit without requiring
direct user access to the PDU. These
requirements, as well as an overall space
restriction, created some interesting design
and packaging challenges for the PDU.
To support ease of installation, special
pass-through terminals were used for all
electrical connections on the PDU. Cable
mounts were also included on the PDU
chassis to secure all connections. The cus-
tom design provided a solution that could
be cleanly integrated into the new laser
while meeting both the electrical design
and remote access requirements. Design-
ing from scratch would have taken the
laser manufacturer months to implement.
And, from a technical standpoint, off-the-
shelf products couldnt deliver what was
Whether an off-the-shelf, modified or a
complete custom power design is required,
todays PDUs offer a smarter, lighter and
more cost-effective solution than did those
of the past. Laser system designers have
to ask themselves what combination of
power performance, packaging efficiency
and reliability are most important for the
power distribution in their systems.
Meet the author
Dave Proli is engineering manager at Marway
Power Solutions in Santa Ana, Calif.; email:
57 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Power Distribution
Figure 4. Marways power distribution design incorporates power distribution, conditioning
and control components inside a single chassis.

The appropriate size surge suppres-

sion device

EMI filters to address application-

specific or general-purpose frequency
bands of common-mode and differen-
tial-mode noise

Unique details to control the per -

formance of isolation transformers

Power capacity and packaging


Any special weight, space or

environmental conditions
When only a custom solution
will work
Oftentimes a PDU becomes an inte-
grated component of an overall system
(Figure 3). As an example, laser manufac-
turer Coherent Inc. needed a PDU that
would house most of the power distribu-
tion, conditioning and control components
inside a single chassis to enable easy inte-
gration into a new direct diode laser dur-
ing manufacturing. Besides needing to be
field-replaceable and to run on various in-
ternational facility voltages, the PDU had
to provide the desired output power.
Although the laser required high-capac-
ity power from two PDU outputs, it also
required clean, conditioned, low-capacity
power from one output to run the intelli-
gent controller for the laser system. The
high-capacity outputs had to be managed
by a fail-safe emergency power off (EPO)
circuit so the laser system could be shut
down in an emergency without disrupting
the controller. The PDU (Figure 4) con-
trols AC/DC on and off, which is critical
to the laser. Should a problem arise, users
must be able to turn off the laser immedi-
ately. The PDU provides this fast discon-
nect from power.
Its important to note that the laser load
is a nonlinear or nonsinusoidal load. The
nonsinusoidal currents create voltage dis-
tortions, or harmonics, that need to be iso-
lated from the critical load. A shielded iso-
lation transformer and an active tracking
filter were designed into the PDU to atten-
212PowerIssuesMarway_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:17 PM Page 57
Need Characterization, Too
he demands of high-speed data
transfer in modern computing and
data storage systems have driven
the development of optical printed
circuit boards (OPCBs) to the point where
viable devices are now beginning to ap-
pear. The bandwidth capacity, size and
lower energy demands of these boards en-
sure continuing interest among interna-
tional communications companies.
Test and measurement are vital steps in
the fabrication of boards or backplanes,
but the actual waveguides themselves also
must be characterized. Knowledge of the
guides attenuation and isolation is critical
to their operation and to the development
and refinement of the boards.
Figure 1 shows the edges of different
boards with illuminated polymer wave-
guide end faces. Variations in the launch
numerical aperture (NA), defined here as
the sine of the half angle of the launch
cone of light entering the fiber, can lead
to very large differences in the measured
total attenuation values (Figure 2). The
attenuation of multimode polymer wave-
guides is more likely to be mode-depen-
dent than that of single-mode fiber be-
cause of the larger propagation angles
and core dimensions in the former.
A variable launch system from the Na-
tional Physical Laboratory in Teddington,
UK, measures the attenuation and isola-
tion of the polymer waveguides found
in these boards. The flexible system can
accommodate a variety of board and
waveguide sizes.
The amount of crosstalk light leaking
into adjacent guides is as important a
criterion as is the attenuation of a particu-
lar waveguide. Manufacturers of these
boards also need to know the end-face
quality of the guides. Assessments can
be made for both surface roughness and
geometrical form, and the corresponding
coupling losses into and out of the guide
can be determined.
Understanding the launch condition
The dimensions of these guides are typ-
ically 75 30 m and consist of the poly-
mer guide material overlaid with a mate-
rial of a suitably lower refractive index.
Although apparently simple in concept,
real difficulties must be overcome to
maintain integrity throughout the guides
length. The inclusion of various radii and
crossover structures in more complex
boards adds to the need for good metrol-
ogy. Because the guide can support many
Photonics Spectra February 2012 58
Figure 1. Images showing various illuminated
waveguides for different types of optical printed
circuit boards. Images courtesy of National
Physical Laboratory.
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Numerical Aperture

50-m Launch Spot
20-m Launch Spot
Figure 2. A typical plot of total attenuation against different launch numerical apertures
and spot sizes for a typical polymer waveguide.
212_Feat NPL_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:19 PM Page 58
modes, attenuation values are tied to the
conditions of launch, which must be
It is important to note that the measured
total attenuation of the waveguide includes
the propagation losses (intrinsic and ex-
trinsic, including joint and bend losses as
well as the effects of side-wall roughness)
and the coupling losses associated with the
end faces (Fresnel reflection and surface
scattering losses):
Total attenuation = Propagation losses +
Coupling losses
The new system can reproduce specific
launch conditions. The launch spot size
can be selected using a laser-punched
series of pinholes, and the NA can be
defined with a variable aperture to fully
explore the capability of these multimode
waveguides. The system can overfill and
underfill the waveguide, thereby exciting
different propagating modes within the
guide. Figure 3 shows part of this system
with a board mounted between the launch
and receive objectives. Operating using an
850-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting
laser source, the spot sizes range from 5 to
100 m, and the current NA range is 0.02
to 0.28.
Ideally, the launch condition can be pre-
selected to match the launch condition of
the board in its operating state. One-to-one
system imaging ensures the correlation of
the pinhole diameter to the spot that falls
on the front face of the guide under test. A
CCD allows viewing and careful position-
ing of the spot on the front face. Figure 4
shows a typical image from the launch
CCD with a spot positioned on the wave-
guide. With this particular board, light is
clearly leaked into the adjacent guides.
The measuring process
Once the correct launch condition is se-
lected, the transmitted output power from
the guide is measured using a character-
ized CCD. A reference signal using the
same launch condition is measured with
the guide removed. This allows the ratio
of the transmitted power to the reference
power to be determined. The total attenua-
tion, A, in decibels, of an optical wave-
guide within an OPCB is defined in Equa-
tion 1, where P
represents the power
entering the input surface of the wave-
guide and P
the power exiting the wave-
guide. Because the measured attenuation
includes all the loss components of the
waveguide, it can be termed the insertion
loss. Throughout, any fluctuations in the
source output power also are monitored
using a reference detector and are elimi-
nated from the final values.
The use of a CCD allows imaging of
the output signal and setting of a software-
generated virtual pinhole to capture all the
light exiting the waveguide, and it corre-
sponds to the expected photodiode that is
intended for the OPCB, typically 70 m in
diameter. The diameter of this virtual pin-
59 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Waveguide Characterization
Figure 3. An optical printed circuit board mounted
and aligned with respect to the launch and receive
Figure 4. A CCD image showing the 50-m launch spot centrally located on the input face of a
70 50-m waveguide.
Figure 5. Isolation investigation across adjacent waveguides showing measured output crosstalk in
first- and second-order guides. The corresponding CCD image shows the virtual pinhole diameter
that defines the area in which the total power of a particular guide is measured.
( )
10 log
Eq. 1
212_Feat NPL_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:19 PM Page 59
hole can vary between 50 and 200 m.
Crosstalk also can be carried out on
more complex boards where radii and
crossover structures are incorporated
within the board design. With a waveguide
spacing of ~200 to 250 m, the CCD can
accommodate the output signals from sev-
eral guides. This allows isolation measure-
ments of the first- and second-order guides
to be carried out. The isolation is derived
by the ratio of the total illuminated wave-
guide output power divided by the total
neighboring waveguide output power.
Figure 5 shows an example of the out-
put isolation levels between adjacent
guides. In this case, the level between
first- and second-order guides is ~13 dB.
The corresponding CCD image shows the
virtual pinhole diameter that defines the
area in which the total power of a particu-
lar guide is measured.
Attenuation measurement uncertainties
include contributions associated with the
launch and the waveguide condition, the
power measurements as well as the mea-
surement repeatability and reproducibility.
For low attenuation waveguides of <2 dB,
an uncertainty of 0.25 dB has been as-
signed at the 95 percent confidence level.
This can increase to ~1 dB for waveguides
with a loss of 25 dB.
Coping with increasing complexity
Larger and more complex OPCBs with
greater numbers of guides are envisaged
for the near future. The new measurement
system allows for a wide range of board
dimensions and configurations accommo-
dating boards from approximately 50 cm
down to ~1 cm. It also can measure wave-
guide outputs up to 90 to the input, in-
creasing the flexibility.
Besides planar waveguides, other
guides involving radii and crossovers have
been measured using a 50-m launch spot
and a 70-m virtual pinhole on the receive
CCD, and with an NA of 0.16. Prelimi-
nary results showed that the inclusion of
relatively shallow radii in a waveguide of
15 mm can produce a relative increase
in loss of between ~3.1 and 4.5 dB, de-
pending upon the launch NA and an in-
crease in the attenuation coefficient of
~0.32 dB/cm, indicating a notable increase
in propagation loss resulting from the
deviation of the waveguide path.
The inclusion of further similar bends
in the length of the guide increases the
total attenuation resulting from the in-
crease in overall guide length but shows
little difference in the measured attenua-
tion coefficient. More work is intended
to investigate a range of bend radii.
The same launch conditions were ap-
plied to measure boards containing a range
of crossing structures to simulate actual
waveguide crossing points (Figure 6).
Each board contained planar waveguides
as well as guides with structures possess-
ing various crossing angles, grouped in
batches of 10. The loss per crossing struc-
ture was determined by comparison with
the respective planar guides on each
board. Greater attenuation was found for
low crossing angles, with the loss per
crossing structure for a 10 angle as high
as ~0.4 dB, reducing to about 0.2 dB for
a 30 crossing angle. Crossing angles
greater than 60 reduced the loss per
crossing structure to ~0.13 dB for 10
crossings to a minimum of about 0.05 dB
over 100 crossings as a modal power dis-
tribution steady state is reached.
This system is intended for systematic
study of the attenuation and isolation of
these and other optical waveguides as a
function of the optical launch. Further
measurements are planned on prototype
boards produced using a variety of
processes. As these boards become estab-
lished as high-speed computer backplanes,
the system can provide the necessary
means to characterize them and enable
the manufacturers to improve their tech-
Further development of the system will
increase its operating dynamic range, and
an investigation into the coupling loss
component associated with the quality
of the waveguide end faces is expected.
Meet the author
Robert Ferguson is a higher research scientist at
National Physical Laboratory in Teddington,
UK; email:
60 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Waveguide Characterization
Figure 6. A series of adjacent waveguides showing
repeated 60 crossing structures in a prototype
optical printed circuit board.
212_Feat NPL_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:19 PM Page 60
he market for optical fiber and cable
is a critical piece of the broader opti-
cal components pie. Its installation is
also the most labor-intensive part of the
network, particularly for underground and
undersea connections.
The optical fiber and cable cost for a
fiber optic system represents less than 10
percent of the total system installation cost
if labor is included. Although price reduc-
tions have affected all types of optical
components, they have been most unkind
in some ways to optical fiber and cable.
Until recently, price erosion had been
10 to 15 percent annually. However, the
damage to the Sumitomo Electric Indus-
tries plant in northern Japan has shifted
that trend at least for now.

To understand todays market for opti-

cal fiber and cable, one must go back to
its origins. Scientists at Corning Inc. de-
veloped the first commercial optical fiber
in 1970. In 1976, Corning and the then
AT&T signed a cross-licensing agree-
ment to share the basic discoveries that
surrounded the technology. AT&T has
since sold its fiber business to Furukawa
Electric Co. Ltd., which operates it under
the name OFS.
Corning and OFS remain the No. 1
and No. 2 optical fiber makers in the
world, respectively, although other ven-
dors, such as Prysmian SpA and Draka
Holding NV which have since become
one company are very competitive.
Corning and OFS control every aspect
of the optical fiber-making process, in-
cluding extruding the glass from draw
towers, doping it, cooling it, stringing it,
testing it, marking it, and then either
cabling it or shipping it to other cablers.
Although Corning, OFS and some other
vendors have cabling facilities near their
fiber-producing plants, each also sells a
substantial amount of its fiber to outside
cablers, including Superior Essex and
General Cable.
There are many reasons for this. For
one, carriers often like to have multiple
cablers submit competitive bids. For an-
other, outside cablers might deal in mar-
kets that the in-house cabler may not.
The market at one time was fairly
evenly divided between optical fiber on
the one hand and cable and accessories
on the other. For years, Corning has held a
fun internal competition between Corning
Optical Fiber and Corning Cable Systems
to see which one would generate more
revenue in a year. However, because of the
density of access installations, the balance
has shifted to as high as 70 percent acces-
sories and 30 percent fiber. Besides cable,
Corning Cable Systems provides connec-
tors, splicing, housing, jumpers, cabinets
61 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Editors note: The ever-increasing
demand for broadband data access on
a global scale driven largely by
mobile backhaul and fiber to the X
(known as FTTX and representative
of fiber to the premise or business or
terminating close to them) continues
to push fiber optic component manu-
facturers to record production and
deployment. Last year saw the produc-
tion of millions more kilometers of
fiber than ever, but does that necessar-
ily mean continued success is assured?
In this passage, adapted from the
July 2011 report, The Market for Fiber
Optic Components: A Seven-Year
Forecast, from Laurin Publishing, the
author explores this key question.

The Sumitomo Electric plant has

since returned to full operating
Coming Market
and Fiber
The market for optical fiber cable has shifted
dramatically in the past five years to local
deployments, away from long haul and regional.
212OpticalFiberDesign_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:39 PM Page 61
Inc., which was acquired by Microsemi.
Emcore says that it has shipped more
than 100,000 Emcore Connects Cables, a
feat that it says makes it the market leader
in active optical cables. Emcore Connects
Cables are used in interconnect applica-
tions, including high-performance comput-
ing, storage-area network systems, distrib-
uted-grid networks, cloud computing sys-
tems and telecom data centers. The com-
pany says it was the first to bring optical
interconnects to the high-performance
computing market and has led the industry
in shipments of 20-Gb/s and now 40-Gb/s
Ultrabend fiber and cable
The rise of fiber to the premises (FTTP)
led to the need to toughen optical fiber
and cable as they got closer to the resi-
dence. Because optical fiber cable is
sometimes stapled to drywall in new
construction sites and treated by laborers
as any other type of wire, it has been
critically important to make the product
durable enough to withstand the strain
of such applications.
That need became particularly critical
as carriers began to install optical fiber
cable in multiple dwelling units, or
MDUs, such as in Verizons deal to bring
FTTP to the entire city of New York. It
also has signed deals to install FTTP in
other major cities.
OFS and Corning have shown leader-
ship in this area, although all of the major
fiber producers have now come to market
with some form of ultrabend product.
Cornings innovations are usually well
thought out, and this one was no excep-
tion. The company recognized that the
fiber market generally was moving to the
premises. As a qualified vendor for the
Verizon FiOS program, it also saw ultra-
bend fiber as giving it an opportunity to
lead when Verizon started the stage of its
program where it was bringing fiber to
MDUs. From an economic point of view,
Clearcurve also costs more than more
common types of fiber, increasing the
margins for this product.
OFS, a Furukawa subsidiary and the
second-largest maker of optical fiber
behind Corning, also has been an innova-
tor through its EZ bend product line.
OFS said that the fiber has zero water
Prysmian introduced CasaLight Xtreme,
its ultrabend-insensitive fiber, in 2008.
It has a bending radius down to 5 mm, far
exceeding the requirements of the toughest
specifications currently used in the telecom
62 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Fiber Markets
The global drive to implement FTTX into more new venues is good news for makers of optical fiber
and related components.
and strength members to go into the cable.
In fact, a dominant theme is that the
market for optical fiber cable has shifted
dramatically in the past five years to local
deployments, away from long-haul and
regional. This is the impact of FTTX,
which calls for far more dense applica-
tions in neighborhoods, cities and other
highly focused areas. Savvy optical com-
ponents vendors are making the changes
necessary for optical fiber to succeed in
these markets, including preterminated
cables and ultrabend fiber.
Optical fiber cable is being caught up in
the global move to broadband. There will
be a generally firm growth trajectory for
it over the life of this report. In fact, opti-
cal fiber production should increase from
147 million kilometers of fiber in 2011 to
204 million in 2017.
Active optical cables
Active optical cables (AOCs), a fast-
growing market that started up in the
past five years, have a built-in transmit-
ter and receiver, so there is no need for
Last year, the AOC market was in the
neighborhood of $50 million, with sales
in the range of 160,000 units. The market
will triple during the life of this report.
The market continues to be driven by
high-performance computers or supercom-
puters using the Infiniband protocol and,
in fact, one potential area for enormous
market growth is data centers.
AOC vendors include Emcore Corp.,
Finisar Corp., TE Connectivity Ltd., AFL
Telecommunications, Molex Inc. (which
acquired Luxteras active optical compo-
nents division) and Zarlink Semiconductor
The real growth
potential is in data
centers using VCSELs
with multimode fiber.
212OpticalFiberDesign_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:40 PM Page 62
industry. It has been designed specifically
for fiber-to-the-home applications where
cables must withstand sharp 90 bends,
rough handling and severe installation
techniques, such as the use of staple guns,
according to the company.
Draka Communications Americas, now
a subsidiary of Prysmian, reintroduced its
BendBright Elite ultrabend product in
early 2009. The fiber can tolerate bends
as small as 5 mm, while achieving attenu-
ation values of 0.1 dB. The fiber can
tolerate as many as 150 90 bends and
500 crown staples.
There are four types of ultrabend fiber
made by Corning, OFS, Prysmian and
Draka. Table 2 sums up the characteristics
of each.
Multimode fiber/specialized fiber
Multimode fiber has a much larger di-
ameter core than single-mode fiber. The
internal diameter can range from 50 m
up to hundreds of microns, while the core
of a single-mode fiber is 8 or 9 m.
Although single-mode fiber is by far the
predominant fiber for telecommunications,
multimode is used in short-reach applica-
tions, including for data centers and some
other local area networking deployments,
as well as for numerous specialized appli-
cations not for telecom, such as medical
uses, imaging and some illumination.
Multimode fiber represents between
3 and 5 percent of the total 2011 optical
fiber market, with single mode accounting
for the balance. The amount of multimode
fiber deployed in the 2011 to 2017 time
frame of this report will range up to 5 per-
cent, primarily as the result of its use in
data centers.
Multimode is not cheaper than single-
mode fiber. However, the inexpensive
LEDs or vertical-cavity surface-emitting
lasers (VCSELs) and detectors used to
power it are generally less expensive than
its single-mode fiber counterparts.
Multimode fiber has a number of uses,
including in military transport to provide
internal communications in planes and
ships, sending telemetry, data and tele -
communications. Multimode fiber also
may be used in tactical military applica-
63 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Fiber Markets
Table 1. The seven-year forecast for optical fiber production.
The last three rows are in billions of dollars.
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Optical Fiber 147 162 159 172 182 190 204
(in millions of
Unit Price (US$) 9.00 8.75 9.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.75
Total 1.32 1.42 1.43 1.46 1.55 1.62 1.79
Fiber Cable 2.1 2.4 2.43 2.62 2.79 2.92 3.04
Total Fiber, 3.42 3.82 3.86 4.08 4.34 4.54 4.83
Cable and
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212OpticalFiberDesign_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:40 PM Page 63
tions and for imaging in doctors and
dentists offices.
Major optical fiber makers generally
separate the single-mode fiber operations
from multimode fiber production. For ex-
ample, OFS makes single-mode fiber in
Atlanta as part of the former AT&T works,
and manufactures some specialty fiber in
Standard product types for multimode
fiber include 50 125, 62.5 125 and
100 140 m. There are other, much
larger sizes as well, but these are the
standard sizes listed in most catalogs.
The 50- and 62.5-m multimode fiber
is generally used for short-distance tele-
com and datacom applications such as
for data centers as patch cords and for
local area networks. Although there are
some datacom and telecom uses, larger-
area diameters are used for more general
purposes, such as optical pumping and
beam delivery, closed-circuit TV and med-
ical imaging, and for sending a fiber down
an oil refinery.
Specialty fibers with higher diameters
may be used to make fiber lasers.
The ratio of multimode fiber to single-
mode fiber is higher in more industrialized
nations. In countries such as China, where
large amounts of single-mode fiber are
being installed for telecom and datacom,
the amount of multimode fiber used is
The amounts are still significant, how-
ever. In 2011, about 147 million kilome-
ters of fiber were being installed. That
means that some 6 million kilometers of
multimode fiber were being installed. This
is a significant market share. Remember,
multimode fiber sells at a higher price
than single-mode fiber.
Specialized applications remain gener-
ally stable from year to year. The amount
of multimode fiber going for illumination,
for military uses and for sensing does not
vary much. Although fiber optic sensing
has been growing recently, along with the
amount of fiber that often enables it, this
is still a relatively small market.
The real growth potential is in data cen-
ters using VCSELs with multimode fiber.
Optical component vendors that can use
VCSELs to carry signals in duplex or
multistrand multimode fibers may find
a market in local area networks or the
growing number of data centers through-
out the world.
There is a real need for transmitting
data short distances in data centers; e.g.,
large enterprise customers and data from
governmental agencies often are located
in proximity to carrier vendors in data
centers. These short-range links would
appear to be perfect for multimode fibers.
The data center owner, already strapped
by cooling and power expenses, will
welcome the price breaks that multimode
fiber systems afford.
The Market for Fiber Optic Components:
A Seven-Year Forecast is available in
print and as a digital download (pdf) at
64 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Fiber Markets
Table 2. The four types of ultrabend optical fiber.
Company Product Name Introduction Types Characteristics
Corning ClearCurve 2007 Single- and Hundreds of times more bendable than
multimode fiber standard single-mode fiber; multimode
fiber can withstand bends below 10 mm
OFS EZ Bend 2007 Single- and Can absorb 5-mm bend losses
multimode fiber
Prysmian CasaLight Xtreme 2008 Single- and In accordance with ITU G652
multimode fiber recommendation
Draka BendBright Elite 2009 Single-mode fiber 1-million-plus km installed; can
withstand bend loss of 2 to 3 mm
212OpticalFiberDesign_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:40 PM Page 64
65 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Lasers, Laser Accessories & Light Sources
Deep-UV DPSS Lasers
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longitudinal-mode operation.
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(continuous) and 55,500 Hz (burst), respectively. As part of the iStar family,
the 312T platform also features a 40 C thermoelectric cooling interface,
low-noise electronics and high-quantum-efficiency photocathodes for the
highest sensitivity. It also offers ultraprecise timing control through low-jitter
electronics and a comprehensive software control interface, as well as
ultrafast gating better than 2 ns.
+44 28 9023 7126
Phase-Locked Loop Optical Chopper
The C-995 phase-locked loop optical chopper provides crystal-controlled
chopping rates of 4 Hz to 5 KHz using only one blade. The use of direct
digital synthesis permits the rate to be set to a precision of 0.001 Hz
and provides quartz crystal stability. Frequency settings may be made
via front panel controls or its bidirectional RS-232 port, additionally
it may be phase-locked to a user-supplied external clock. Both enclosed
and open style chopper heads are available.
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66 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Lasers, Laser Accessories & Light Sources
Precision Optical Spanner Wrenches
New SPRO adjustable spanner wrenches are designed for strength, rigidity
and safe operation. The SPRO wrench guide feature prevents disengagement,
protecting valuable optical equipment from damage. Interchangeable flat or
round tip bits are hardened and tempered tool steel, available in a variety of
sizes. SPRO-100 spanner: 9 to 132 mm; SPRO-200 spanner in three models:
9 to 185 mm, 9 to 325 mm and 9 to 510 mm.
(520) 722-9145
Filters from The Leader in Optical Filter Solutions
IR gas-BPF filters in sizes of up to 25.4 mm for discrete detection of IR spectra
for common gases. UV/IR blocking filters for applications such as projection
systems. These reflect UV and IR, while transmitting in the visible region.
A definite advantage: They are not subject to the same color formation/stress
as the absorbing ones.
(613) 741-4513
Laser Wavelength Chart
Exciton is dedicated to providing its customers with the highest-quality
laser dyes on the market today. To assist its customers in choosing laser
dyes, Exciton offers a free four-color laser wavelength chart, an essential
reference for your laboratory or office wall.
(973) 252-2989
Mid-IR Optical Isolator
4 m to >14 m
Low-power and high-power models
5-mm aperture
Isolation: inquire
Insertion loss: inquire
(973) 857-8380
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(413) 499-0514
212_Spotlight_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:20 PM Page 66
67 Photonics Spectra February 2012
Lasers, Laser Accessories & Light Sources
High-Resolution Laser Spectrum Analyzer
The model 721 is a unique instrument that operates as both a high-accuracy
wavelength meter and a high-resolution spectrum analyzer. It is for scientists
and engineers who need to know the absolute wavelength (0.0001 nm) and
the spectral properties (2 GHz) of their CW or high-repetition-rate pulsed
lasers. Operation is available from 375 nm to 12 m.
(585) 924-2620
D2-125 Servo Controller
The D2-125 with both side and peak lock options enables high-bandwidth
(10 MHz) servo control of lasers. Dual outputs provide feedback to both PZT
and current. The PI
D loop filter, with two-stage internal feedback, gives tight
locking to cavities and atomic/molecular transitions. Full user control over the
loop-filter parameters enables optimization for a wide variety of plants.
(303) 296-6766
212_Spotlight_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:20 PM Page 67
Laser Optics
For the low-power lasers used in cutting fabrics, filter mats,
canvas, clothing, textiles and synthetics, Laser Research
Optics, a division of Meller Optics Inc., has released a line of
field-replacement CO
optics. The optics meet OEM and ISO-
10110 specifications and are offered in
2- to 1
sizes, with 1- to 25-in. focal lengths in
2-in. increments. Avail-
able from stock, they ship within 24 h to minimize laser produc-
tion downtime. The optics are optimized for use at 10.6 m
and are suitable for Amada, Bystronic, Cincinnati, Mazak,
Mitsubishi, Prime, Strippit and Trumpf lasers. Mirrors and reflec-
tors made from silicon, molybdenum and copper, from 2 to 10
mm thick, are available in
2- to 3-in. diameters.
Laser Research Optics
CMOS Camera
Hamamatsu Photonics has introduced the ORCA-Flash4.0
scientific CMOS camera. Featuring good quantum effi-
ciency, low noise, high resolution and fast readout, it de-
livers better signal-to-noise characteristics than electron-
multiplying CCDs, cooled CCDs and first-generation
scientific CMOS cameras, the company says. Its high
sensitivity means that one camera can accommodate a
variety of imaging needs, including superresolution
microscopy, total internal reflection fluorescence micros-
copy, live-cell green fluorescent protein imaging and high-speed calcium ion imaging. The
camera offers quantum efficiency values of >70% at 600 nm and 50% at 750 nm, and it
produces only 1.3 e

of read noise at 100 full-resolution frames per second. The combina-

tion of high quantum efficiency and low noise, in the absence of electron-multiplying CCD
multiplicative noise, means that images are no longer limited by the camera.
Hamamatsu Photonics
Picosecond Pulsed Diode Laser
Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.s Photonics Div.s EPL 515, an addition to the EPL diode laser family, is a picosecond
pulsed diode laser that emits at a nominal 512-nm wavelength. Optimized for time-correlated single-photon-
counting applications, the compact, robust, fully integrated system is preadjusted for an optimum pulse width of
150 ps at 10 MHz and features 10 preset repetition frequencies from 20 kHz to 20 MHz. The company says
that the EPL diode lasers provide a cost-effective and reliable alternative to nanosecond flashlamps and expen-
sive mode-locked Ti:sapphire femtosecond lasers. The new model brings an additional wavelength into the
range, allowing more fluorescent dyes to be excited and extending the applications.
Edinburgh Instruments Ltd.
Thermal Imaging Camera
For detection of carbon monoxide (CO), Flir Advanced Thermal Solutions offers the Flir GF346 ther-
mal imaging camera. Able to remotely scan large areas rapidly and to pinpoint gas leaks in real time,
it monitors plants where it is difficult to reach components with contact measurement tools such as
gas sniffers. The camera enables fast detection of CO emissions and other toxic gases and vapors,
helping to ensure safety and protect the environment. It operates over a temperature range from 20
to 300 C, and in high-sensitivity mode, the camera can detect even the smallest amounts of leaking
gas. Lightweight and robust, it offers an easy method for tracing leaks to their source by visualizing
them as an image.
Flir Advanced Thermal Solutions
OEM-Ready DPSS Lasers
Klastech-Karpushko Laser Technologies GmbH has launched the next generation of its diode-pumped solid-state
(DPSS) lasers. The company says that it has radically redeveloped the series of continuous-wave lasers to ensure
that they are truly OEM-ready. Major design changes have been made to the laser heads, further improving their
efficiency and ensuring that they exhibit extreme longevity in high-usage environments. The lasers achieve <1%
power stability over 24 h. Klastech-Karpushko also has developed electronics to complement the iMAT laser tech-
nology. The electronics provide remote monitoring and control features and come equipped with a graphical user
interface that allows customers to operate the laser and monitor its performance. The electronics are configured
to enable ongoing software and firmware upgrades.
Klastech-Karpushko Laser Technologies GmbH
Integrated AFM Platform
Anasys Instruments Corp. has launched the afm+, a
fully integrated atomic force microscopy (AFM) platform
for research and analysis. Using thermal probe technol-
ogy for nanoscale thermal analysis (nano-TA), the afm+
allows the user to obtain transition temperatures on any
local feature of a sample or to obtain a transition tem-
perature map. It facilitates measurement of glass transi-
tion and melting temperatures. This mode also includes
scanning thermal microscopy, which allows the user to
map relative thermal conductivity and temperature dif-
ferences across the sample. Transition temperature mi-
croscopy is used to quantify and map thermal transitions
in heterogeneous materials. It is a fully automated mode
in which an array of nano-TA measurements is rapidly
performed and each temperature ramp analyzed to
determine the transition temperature.
Anasys Instruments Corp.
Photonics Spectra February 2012

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Mounts for Laser Optics
Laser Components (UK) Ltd. now offers a large
selection of multiaxial mounts. Users can easily
adjust the optics along two to four axes (FHL
series). Depending upon the model, 0.5- to 2-
in. lenses can be integrated. The pivotal point of
the tilt lies outside of the optical element. The
number of offset pairs of threaded bore holes
integrated increases the flexibility of the align-
ment options.
Laser Components (UK) Ltd.
Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers
The 3F series quadrupole mass spectrometers
from Hiden Analytical Ltd. now feature direct
digital signal detection that provides fast re-
sponse and sensitive detection levels. Designed
for research in the ultrahigh-/extremely high
vacuum regime, they also are suitable for use in
specialized fast-event gaseous studies at pres-
sures to atmosphere and beyond. The 3FD
system integrates triple-stage mass filter tech-
nology with digital data acquisition by direct
positive ion counting (pulse counting). This com-
bines a continuous detection range of seven full
decades with a detection rate from just one ion
per second and abundance sensitivity measure-
ments to the parts-per-billion regime. The inte-
gral data accumulation mode enables operation
with time-functioned data acquisition for sup-
pression of fundamental ion statistical noise.
Hiden Analytical Ltd.
Scientific Camera
Photonis USA Inc. has introduced xSCELL, a dig-
ital scientific camera that operates at 1000 fps.
Performing high-speed, low-light, low-dark-
noise imaging, its applications include fluores-
cence imaging, spinning disk confocal micros-
copy, high-throughput screening and gene se-
quencing. The camera delivers 1024 1024-
pixel resolution, readout noise of <2 e

and quantum efficiency of 65%. It offers flexible
readout modes, in-camera processing and true
pixel binning as standard. The company says
that the camera represents a breakthrough in
molecular biology and that researchers currently
using common superresolution microscopy tech-
niques such as photoactivated localization and
stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy will
now be able to spend less time acquiring data
and more time analyzing it. The camera is pow-
ered by InXite, a CMOS-based technology.
Photonis USA Inc.
NIR Spectral Engines
BaySpec Inc. has released the f/1.8 series
SuperGamut near-infrared spectral engines.
They feature ultrahigh throughput, have no
moving parts and provide rugged performance
suitable for applications in process automation
technology; petrochemical facilities; pharmaceu-
ticals; food processing; agricultural feed, semi-
conductor wafer, pulp and paper monitoring;
breweries; cosmetics; counterfeit goods detec-
tion; water quality; and medical diagnostics.
The series employs an efficient volume phase
grating (VPG) as the spectral dispersion ele-
ment, customizable to any wavelength range,
and an ultrasensitive InGaAs array detector as
the detection element, providing high-speed
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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parallel processing and continuous spectrum
measurements. The devices use a fiber optic
input or slit optics arrangement, based on cus-
tomer preference. The signal is spectrally dis-
persed with the VPG, and the diffracted field is
focused onto the InGaAs array detector.
BaySpec Inc.
Programmable Linear Actuator
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions Inc., a division of
Ametek Inc., has announced the RoHS-compli-
ant IDEA size 23, a noncaptive linear actuator
that combines high-output force, rotary to linear
motion, stepper drive and programmable con-
trol in a single integrated package. Linear travel
per step ranges from 0.0031 to 0.127 mm, and
output force is up to 200 pound-force. Besides
full programmability through a graphical user
interface, the linear actuator configuration is
capable of up to 20 in. of stroke length with a
variety of screw pitches, allowing fine-resolution
linear motion. It is suitable for small gantry ro-
bots, motion systems for optics and lasers, high-
resolution imaging, precision fluid dispensing
and other applications requiring precise linear
motion. Programming the actuator is done via
onscreen graphic buttons.
Haydon Kerk Motion Solutions Inc.
Fiber Laser Welding
Designed for fine microwelding with focused
spot sizes down to 10 m, the LF fiber laser
welding system manufactured by Miyachi Unitek
Corp. offers precise control of pulse width and
peak power. The laser is available in single-
and multimode options. Applications include
welding of flexure arms on hard disk drives,
medical spring attachment and medical compo-
nent assembly. The LF laser features an internal
air-to-water cooling mechanism, ensuring good
power and pulse-to-pulse stability, irrespective
of the ambient air temperature. It can be oper-
ated in either pulsed or continuous-wave mode
and offers the features necessary for control
of the weld. The control interface can be inte-
grated into the laser or provided separately for
workstation use. The LF laser can be integrated
with any motion platform.
Miyachi Unitek Corp.
Laser Machining Tool
Coherent Inc. has unveiled the MetaBeam
1000, a turnkey laser-based machining tool that
enables cost-effective cutting of sheet metal, in-
cluding stainless steel, mild steel, aluminum and
brass. It uses the proprietary Diamond E1000
1000-W CO
laser, a completely sealed-off kilo-
watt device with a peak power >2500 W and
an M
value of <1.2. The company says that the
MetaBeam offers lower acquisition and opera-
tional costs when compared with legacy systems
based on fast-flow CO
lasers. The long-wave-
length-infrared CO
laser output and added
power enable the system to cut a variety of
metals as well as organic materials such as
wood and plastic. The laser machining tool pro-
duces cutting accuracy of 25 m over its entire
Coherent Inc.
Variable Field Module
For applications with MFP-3D atomic force
microscopes (AFMs), Asylum Research has
introduced the variable field module2 (VFM2),
intended for use by researchers who want to
apply magnetic fields to their atomic force
microscopy experiments. It applies continuously
adjustable magnetic fields parallel to the sam-
ple plane approaching 1 T with 1-G resolution.
The module is useful for magnetic force micros-
copy, conductive AFM and other applications
where the samples properties are magnetic
field-dependent. It attaches easily to the MFP-
3D AFMs and features adjustable pole tips for
optimal choice between maximum required
field, sample placement and minimum field
gradients. It incorporates rare-earth magnets
to produce the magnetic field. Maintaining a
steady field produces no heat, thermal drift or
mechanical vibration. Field intensity is software-
Asylum Research
Infrared LED
The IR Power Topled with lens (SFH 4258S/
4259S) from Osram Opto Semiconductors Inc.
has an 80% higher optical output than the stan-
dard version of the infrared LED, while retaining
the same surface area and drive current. Using
Nanostack thin-chip technology, the result is
two p-n junctions, grown one on top of the
other. The increased range benefits applications
in security and gesture recognition. The IR
Power Topled has the same footprint as the
standard version and can be used as a drop-in
replacement. Because of the series circuit, the
voltage is higher by a factor of ~2. The device
produces optical output power of 80 mW from
an operating current of 70 mA and emits at
850 nm.
Osram Opto Semiconductors Inc.
Inverted Microscope
The Axio Vert.A1 from Carl Zeiss is an inverted
compact cell culture microscope that combines
all standard contrasting techniques in a single
stand. In transmitted light, it offers bright-field,
phase contrast, polarization contrast, PlasDIC
(allows use of plastic culture vessels and slides),
VAREL (specimen structures show up in relief)
and improved Hoffmann modulation contrast
(iHMC). The microscope also offers differential
interference contrast (DIC) methods, making it
possible to record very fine structures in cells. It
is suited for use in reproductive medicine, par-
ticularly in vitro fertilization. The iHMC, PlasDIC
and DIC contrasting techniques are integrated
to allow observation of egg cells and sperm
without the need to reconfigure the system. In
fluorescence applications, the microscope uses
long-life LED illumination.
Carl Zeiss
100-Gb/s Transponder
Oclaro Inc. has released the MI 8000XM, a
low-power 100-Gb/s MSA-compliant coherent
transponder that leverages its competencies in
indium phosphide and lithium niobate materials
technologies, and its vertical integration in opti-
cal components. The transponder uses a polar-
ization-multiplexed quadrature phase-shift key-
ing modulation format combined with coherent
detection, a technology for enabling 100-Gb/s
and higher optical transmission, and for deliver-
ing the scalability and flexibility needed for
transmitting more bandwidth cost-efficiently
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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over fiber optic networks. The instrument inte-
grates the latest-generation digital signal
processor with a control and management im-
plementation to deliver suitable performance in
a module that can be integrated into network
equipment. It complies with the OIF 100-Gb/s
MSA Implementation Agreement. It uses a low-
power digital signal processor large-scale inte-
grated circuit supplied by NTT Electronics Corp.
Oclaro Inc.
Explosion-Proof LED Light
Larson Electronics LLC has introduced an explo-
sion-proof surface-mount infrared LED light de-
signed to provide illumination in the 1145-nm
range normally applied in spectroscopic testing
and analysis applications. The EPL-SMLED-20W-
1445 is designed for Class 1 Division 1 loca-
tions and produces infrared light without lenses
or filters. Cool running and portable, it is suit-
able for use in wet or corrosive environments
and can be operated in the range of 9 to 48
VDC. Designed for analysis processes such as
infrared spectroscopy, the 1445-nm light is in-
visible to the naked eye and suitable for spe-
cialized applications where testing and observa-
tion of molecular structures and chemical
composition are performed. A flat base with
preformed mounting slots provides secure, per-
manent mounting to flat surfaces.
Larson Electronics LLC
Deep-Violet Laser Diode
Elk Industries LLC has announced a rugged and
robust variable-power OEM/laboratory deep-
violet continuous-wave laser diode operating at
401 nm with output power of 400 to 500 mW.
It operates on 2-W power input at 100 and 240
VAC, 50 to 60 Hz, and on laser diode input of
393 mA at 5 VDC, for full output power. The
highly collimated output appears as TEM
, with
a focal point of 500 m. Additional collimation
allows for transmission at distances of >1 km.
The ~4 6 5-in. laser enables new research
in fluorescence lifetime studies, materials, di-
rect-diode laser pumping of dye liquid lasers,
laser ablation spectroscopy, laser marking and
engraving, micromachining of organic materi-
als, forensic studies, near-UV laser illumination,
laser light shows, laser projection systems
and displays, and counterfeit detection.
Elk Industries LLC
Princeton Optronics Inc.s single-mode near-
infrared vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
(VCSELs) offer output power up to 100 mW.
Suitable for applications including sensing,
machine vision, bioinstrumentation and Raman
detection systems, the single-transverse, single-
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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longitudinal-mode emitters can be provided
in a variety of packages, including TO can,
chip-on-submount and custom platforms. An
increased signal-to-noise ratio, lower detection
limits and increased measurement speed are
some of the benefits that high-power single-
mode VCSELs provide. The proven reliability
of VCSEL technology ensures that these lasers
meet the demands of rigorous operating condi-
tions. They are designed to replace the complex
and costly amplified systems that once were
the only means to achieve these single-mode
power levels.
Princeton Optronics Inc.
Software-Based PLC
Aerotech Inc.s A3200 MotionPAC is a software-
based programmable logic controller (PLC) that
is integrated with the companys A3200 motion
controller to increase programming efficiency
and decrease development time. It can be used
independently for full machine control or in
conjunction with AeroBasic programs, and it
complies with IEC 61131-3, .NET and PLCopen.
Users can program in ladder diagrams (LDs),
function block diagrams (FBDs) or structured text
(ST). The integrated automation reduces pro-
gramming and commissioning time by 30% to
50% and is suitable for machine control pro-
gram development. The tight integration with
the A3200 motion controller allows users to
command asynchronous, coordinated, blended,
geared or cammed motion directly from LD,
FBD or ST, or to directly start or stop AeroBasic
Aerotech Inc.
Microscope Z-Drive
Till Photonics has introduced a fast microscope
Z-drive, the VoiceCoil. The system combines the
22-mm range of a stepper motor-driven coarse
drive with piezo precision at high speeds. It of-
fers 20-nm pattern placement accuracy at full
range, enabling high-quality 3-D scans. A 10-
ms settling time for a 2-m step enables Z-
stacks that are limited only by camera speed.
The Z-drive works like a dynamic loudspeaker,
where the coil moves the membrane of the
speaker. The microscope objective in the Voice-
Coil replaces the membrane, and a precise op-
tical position measurement system with closed-
loop feedback ensures nanometer-precise
position control of the objective. The VoiceCoil
Z-drive will be used in the companys digital
microscope, the iMIC.
Till Photonics
Rack-Mountable Multimeter
Gigahertz-Optik Inc.s X1-RM multimeter, a
rack-mountable version of the X1 series hand-
held universal optometer, can be used with a
variety of detectors. It combines a powerful
microprocessor and electronics for integration
into standard 19-in. housings. The multimeter
can operate up to four photodiode detectors,
with all four signals displayed on its four-line
display with on/off backlighting. It is compatible
with most of the companys light-detector heads
for flexible use over a wide range of radiomet-
ric, photometric and colorimetric measurement
applications. It provides a high linear current-
to-voltage-to-current amplifier, with seven man-
ually or automatically selected gain ranges.
Maximum error within this wide dynamic range
is 0.2%. The four signal inputs operate in multi-
plex mode with one amplifier.
Gigahertz-Optik Inc.
Collimation, Beam Shaping
AdlOptica GmbHs water-cooled Focal-Shaper
is designed to operate with high-power (>1 kW)
fiber lasers. It combines the functions of colli-
mation and beam shaping, converting with
nearly 100% efficiency a divergent Gaussian
laser beam into a collimated beam optimized to
create flattop, doughnut and inverse Gauss pro-
files near lens focus. Advantages include effi-
cient laser energy use, a reduced heat-affected
zone, high-quality materials processing, com-
pactness, easy integration into existing equip-
ment, and operation with scanning optics. It is
suitable for use in marking, selective laser melt-
ing, welding, scribing, dicing, micromachining,
photovoltaics and drilling.
AdlOptica GmbH
Objective Lens
Olympus Europa Holding GmbH has released
the XLPLN25XSVMP ScaleView 25 objective
lens with a numerical aperture of 1 for deep
imaging of thick biological samples. The Scale-
View approach allows researchers to create ac-
curate 3-D structural representations of brain
tissue. The use of such samples has been lim-
ited by the effects of tissue opacity and light
scattering. To counter this, the new objective
has a working distance of 4 mm and works
alongside Olympus ScaleView-A2 clearing
agent, which renders samples nearly translucent
while preserving fluorescent signals. Image
quality is then maximized as the objective is op-
timized to match the refractive index properties
of the clearing agent. When used as part of an
Olympus FluoView FV1000MPE multiphoton sys-
tem, the objective makes it possible to peer
deeper into samples.
Olympus Europa Holding GmbH
Blue Lasers
Modulight Inc. has added 465-nm single-
emitter blue lasers for acne treatment and teeth
whitening to its LimeLight product line. The
1-W lasers are supplied with an SMA-905
connector, an integrated driver and a cooling
controller. They can be controlled through a
USB port with a standard PC user interface or
directly by an analog/digital control signal.
Operating in both continuous-wave and pulsed
modes, they measure 140 56 41 mm.
Other package types, as well as an OEM ver-
sion with varying wavelengths and power con-
figurations, are available upon request. The
following wavelengths and maximum power
outputs are offered as standard configurations:
465 nm (1 W), 635 nm (400 mW), 650 nm (750
mW), 808 nm (1.5 W), 1470 nm (700 mW) and
1550 nm (500 mW).
Modulight Inc.
Wide-Dynamic-Range Sensor
The NSC1105 manufactured by New Imaging
Technologies is a 1.3-megapixel wide-dynamic-
range sensor with a 10.6-m pixel size. It pro-
vides a dynamic range of >140 dB in a single
frame. Because of its native wide dynamic
range technology, it does not require any set-
ting or exposure time control, and it produces
good image quality under any illumination con-
ditions. Other features include an extended
spectral response in the infrared and good low-
light sensitivity. It is supplied in a compact pack-
age that enables easy integration into printed
circuit board cards in socket or surface-technol-
ogy mounting. Applications include fluorescence
and laser imaging, welding monitoring and
New Imaging Technologies
Five-Megapixel Sensor
Steinbichler Optotechnik GmbH has unveiled
the 5-megapixel Comet L3D 5M sensor. The
company says that, in comparison with the basic
model, Comet L3D, the 5M offers improved
camera resolution for a higher level of surface
detail. Even highly structured components can
be captured in great detail. Maximum measur-
ing field size is 500 mm. The sensor has a
newly developed pulsed operation adapted to
the LED, which provides for higher light inten-
sity. The Comet L3D 5M opens up a new di-
mension of efficient 3-D data acquisition with
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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its innovative LED lighting technology. The
portable device represents an entry-level solu-
tion for operators who would like to use the
wide range of optic measuring technologies. It
also is suitable for use in challenging applica-
tions, such as quality control.
Steinbichler Optotechnik GmbH
Fiber-Pigtailed Option
Laser Lines Ltd. has released a true fiber-pig-
tailed option for Cobolt ABs 04-01 series sin-
gle-longitudinal-mode lasers. In the compact
and robust fiber delivery option, the single-
mode polarization-maintaining fiber is fixed in-
side the hermetically sealed package using pro-
prietary HTCure technology, resulting in a
permanently aligned, true fiber-pigtailed laser
with stable output power. The Cobolt 04-01 de-
vices are continuous-wave diode-pumped solid-
state lasers. The ultraviolet and visible models
have a narrow spectral bandwidth and produce
a high-quality beam over a wide range of oper-
ating temperatures. The lasers are based on
proprietary periodically poled potassium titanyl
phosphate technology, which provides improved
power efficiency, wavelength flexibility and mul-
tiline emission capability. Features include
CW power up to 300 mW and low noise of
<0.25% rms.
Laser Lines Ltd.
Packaging Submounts
Remtec Inc. has added new capabilities for laser
diode, LED and photodiode submounts and sub-
strates, giving designers a wider variety of pack-
aging options with ceramic submounts (alu-
mina, beryllia, aluminum nitride), metal heat
sinks and enhanced plated gold tin metalliza-
tion. The improvements, along with the advan-
tages of plated copper on thick-film technology,
enable many more options to gain higher per-
formance from smaller, more cost-effective
packages for electro-optical applications. The
laser and photodiode submounts offer 25- to
75-m-thick copper metallization with zero
pullback metallization from a burr-free ceramic
edge, enhancing the performance of edge-emit-
ting diodes. An additional benefit is gold tin
plating on ceramic submounts, used for both
edge-emitting and vertical external-cavity sur-
face-emitting laser diodes. This option also can
be applied to copper tungsten submounts and
laser bars.
Remtec Inc.
Video Surveillance Camera
Toshiba Surveillance & IP Video, a business unit
of Toshiba America Information Systems Inc.,
has introduced the IK-WD14A indoor IP mini
dome camera. The instrument features full
high-definition 1080-pixel streaming resolution
for securing areas where sharp video detail is
required, such as the identification of facial fea-
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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tures or license plates. The camera also offers
built-in SR infrared LEDs to assist image capture
in near-complete darkness, along with a wide
dynamic range for challenging backlighting en-
vironments. Designed to optimize image quality
and provide maximum network efficiency, the
RoHS-compliant camera offers simultaneous
H.264/mpeg4/jpeg streaming for automatic
bandwidth prioritization, enabling seamless full
frame 1920 1080 video at up to 30 fps for
live viewing and recording. Applications include
motion detection, day/nighttime imaging and
anti-camera tampering.
Toshiba Surveillance & IP Video
Software for Life Sciences
FEI Co. has announced the MAPS (modular au-
tomated processing system) software, which en-
ables research scientists to see large-scale con-
text and small-scale detail in one overview. Its
capabilities improve work flow in a cell biology
microscopy laboratory. MAPS provides a solu-
tion for importing and correlating an image
from any type or brand of light microscope with
the ultrastructure obtained from an FEI scanning
electron microscope (SEM) or DualBeam (fo-
cused ion beam/SEM) system. Researchers can
then quickly navigate to a region of interest
identified in the light image, using the full re-
solving power of the electron microscope to re-
veal ultrastructural detail. The software enables
assembly of high-resolution, large-field images
by automatically acquiring a grid of smaller
electron microscope image tiles and stitching
them together in a composite image.
Laser Diode
Eblana Photonics Ltd. has launched a 1653.7-
nm single-wavelength laser diode for methane
detection. The EP1654-DM is built on propri-
etary discrete mode technology and delivers
good spectral purity and uniformity for high-
volume deployments. Features include good
wavelength precision and stability; typical side-
mode-suppression-ratio spectral purity of 45 dB;
linear response for high-sensitivity gas detec-
tion; and good device-to-device wavelength and
performance uniformity.
Eblana Photonics Ltd.
Polarization Extension for LSMs
PicoQuant GmbH has released a polarization
extension for its upgrade kit for confocal laser
scanning microscopes (LSMs). Previously, com-
mercially available upgraded LSMs could per-
form time-resolved fluorescence measurements,
but with the new extension, upgraded micro-
scopes also can perform polarization measure-
ments. The extension permits access to single-
molecule dynamics such as fluorescence
anisotropy and polarization-resolved fluores-
cence correlation spectroscopy. Applications
include the study of membrane dynamics,
molecular rotation and orientation, molecule
aggregation and cluster formation. Static an-
isotropy can be calculated via the newest re-
lease of the proprietary fluorescence lifetime
imaging and correlation software SymPhoTime.
The extension is directly mounted to the scan
head of the confocal microscope. It is adaptable
to the following microscopes: Olympus FluoView
FV300 and FV1000; and Zeiss LSM 510, 710
and 780.
PicoQuant GmbH
Polymer Measurement
B&W Tek Inc. and Gnosys Global Ltd. have in-
troduced the PolymerIQ software for real-time
nondestructive identification and quantification
of polymers. Combining B&W Teks i-Raman
high-resolution portable Raman spectrometer
system with Gnosys PolymerIQ chemometric
software, users can perform multivariate statisti-
cal analysis to relate all available spectral infor-
mation to the chemistry, properties and metrics
of interest with the click of a button. Working
with major additive producers, Gnosys devel-
oped PolymerIQ to deliver rapid measurement
of polymers and additives. The rapid analysis
reduces the need for more laborious analytical
methods and enables a more intelligent ap-
proach for the reuse of material test data. When
used with the i-Raman, PolymerIQs analysis in-
troduces greater speed and cost efficiency into
the routine inspection of master batches and
compounds during production.
B&W Tek Inc./Gnosys Global Ltd.
Modulation Analyzer
The IQScope from Southern Photonics is an op-
tical complex modulation analyzer for fully char-
acterizing the optical performance of modula-
tors and transmitters. Its hardware and software
enable any appropriate equivalent-time oscillo-
scope to extract the relevant amplitude, phase
and polarization information from complex
modulation formats. The analyzer can charac-
terize any coherent modulation format, such as
16-QAM (quadrature amplitude modulation)
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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and QPSK (quadrature phase-shift keying)
including polarization multiplexed transmission
formats such as dual-polarization QPSK up to
800 Gb/s, using currently available equivalent-
time oscilloscope modules. The IQScope inter-
faces directly with commonly used oscilloscopes
such as the Agilent 86100C/D and the Tektronix
DSA8300. Its software runs on the host oscillo-
scope, providing seamless transition between
the coherent modulation analysis tools and the
oscilloscopes general-purpose functionality.
Southern Photonics
Fiber Laser
The Mentad fiber laser from RPMC Lasers Inc.
is now available at 1 m and produces pulse
energies up to 50 J, with pulse widths from
500 ps to 1.25 s and repetition rates from 5
kHz to 2 MHz. The laser measures 4.25 2.7
0.8 in. It also is available in a 1.5-m model
that produces up to 100 J of pulse energy with
the same repetition rate and pulse width specs.
Applications include light detection and ranging,
rangefinding, telemetry, target identification,
3-D and topography scanning, and weather
and pollutant detection.
RPMC Lasers Inc.
Thermal Imagers
The newly developed PI400 and PI450 from
Optris GmbH are additions to the companys
family of online infrared cameras. Measuring
56 46 90 mm, they weigh 320 g, with the
lens included. Thermal sensitivity is 80 mK for
the former and 40 mK for the latter. Radiomet-
ric thermal images and infrared videos can be
displayed and recorded at full 382 288-pixel
resolution at 80 fps. The company says that,
compared with other infrared cameras, four
times more pixels are available for the same
target surface area. In combination with the
appropriate lens assembly, with a 30 or 13
aperture, the cameras enable more detailed
measurements and widen the field of applica-
tions. The rugged thermal imagers are IP67-
and NEMA4-rated.
Optris GmbH
Metrology Instrument
Taylor Hobson has released a single-platform
metrology instrument that performs three core
measurements. The Talyrond 500 series offers
a solution for accurate roundness, contour and
surface measurements that previously required
three separate instruments. Measurement reso-
lution is 0.3 nm. The metrology instruments use
rotary, vertical and horizontal measuring data
to duplicate a machine tools movement to ex-
actly reproduce the workpiece shape. This ultra-
high-precision simulation of a cutting tool path
allows for accurate control of a manufacturing
process. The instruments are suited for measur-
ing applications including precision bearings,
fuel injectors, crankshafts and turbocharger
parts. Standard and specialized accessories
accommodate various applications. Features
include a high-resolution gauge and low axis
noise for linear or circumferential surface
roughness measurement.
Taylor Hobson
Radiation-Tolerant Lens
Resolve Optics Ltd. has introduced a 15-mm-
focal-length lens, expanding its line of fixed-
focus radiation-tolerant lenses. Designed for
the cameras and sensors used in environments
subject to radiation, the f/2 lens delivers high
image resolution and minimal geometric distor-
tion from 400 to 750 nm. Manufactured from
cerium-doped glass or synthetic silica, the non-
browning lens can withstand radiation exposure
of up to 53 million rads and temperatures up to
55 C without discoloration. Available in 6-, 9-,
15- and 25-mm fixed-focus formats, it is de-
signed for use with
3- and 1-in. CCTV cam-
eras, and with Newvicon and Chalnicon tubes.
Resolve Optics Ltd.
Scanning Electron Microscope
Tescan has unveiled the FERA3 XMH, a high-
resolution Schottky field emission scanning elec-
tron microscope with an integrated plasma
source focused ion beam. The system was de-
veloped in cooperation with Orsay Physics.
Besides electron and ion columns, the micro-
scope can be configured with gas injection sys-
tems, nanomanipulators, secondary electron
detectors, backscatter detectors, secondary ion
detectors, cathodoluminescence detectors, and
energy-dispersive and electron backscatter dif-
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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fraction microanalyzers. The use of a xenon
plasma source for the focused ion beam allows
the FERA3 to satisfy high-resolution focused ion
beam requirements (imaging, fine milling/pol-
ishing) as well as to produce the high ion cur-
rents needed for ultrafast material removal
rates. The resolution of the plasma ion beam is
<100 nm, and the maximum xenon ion current
is >1 A.
Gooch & Housego has announced the release
of the OL 730E series radiometers/photometers.
The newest model has a smaller footprint, while
providing similar research-grade precision and
accuracy. Its internal preamplifier delivers sensi-
tivity of 1 10
A. It is controlled via a USB
interface. Response time is 0.1 s, and full-scale
sensitivity ranges from 2 10
to 2 10
Also being offered with the radiometers/pho-
tometers is a series of thermoelectrically cooled
detectors that provide enhanced temperature
stability over time while using a smaller control
Gooch & Housego
CMOS Camera
Raptor Photonics Ltd. has introduced a 4.2-
megapixel cooled scientific CMOS camera. The
Osprey OS4MPc-CL features a 2k 2k low-
noise 2048 2048-pixel scientific CMOS sen-
sor that produces high sensitivity, high resolu-
tion, high speed and good quantum efficiency.
It is Peltier-cooled to 20 C, uses a 12-bit
analog-to-digital converter and offers standard
Camera Link output. The camera is suitable for
use in low-light applications, such as hyperspec-
tral, high-resolution fluorescence and live-cell
imaging; biochemiluminescence, astronomy,
electrophoresis, x-ray and hyperspectral imag-
ing. Features include an active pixel size of 5.5
5.5 m, up to 37.5-Hz full-frame 12-bit
Camera Link output, and dimensions of 86
65 61 mm.
Raptor Photonics Ltd.
Laser Flash Measuring System
Ulvac-Riko Inc. has released the TC-1200RH, a
laser flash thermal constant measuring system
for research and development of electrical heat-
ing materials. It enables stable measurement in
low temperature ranges and cuts down mea-
surement time with the use of an infrared gold
image furnace. In the laser flash method, tem-
perature changes of samples are measured by
infrared sensors. With the infrared gold image
furnace, it was difficult to measure a samples
temperature because infrared light from both
an infrared lamp and a sample were mixed. So
the company developed a technique to separate
them, enabling measurement of the tempera-
ture change by infrared sensors during infrared
lamp heating. Applications include R&D of ther-
mal diffusion of materials such as semiconduc-
tor devices.
Ulvac-Riko Inc.
Self-Blocking SWIR Filters
Optics Balzers AG offers customized bandpass
filters with a self-blocking design for the short-
wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectral region. The
filters combine a wide blocking range and high
bandpass transmittance in a single all-dielectric
interference coating. All filters are deposited by
in situ monitored plasma-assisted sputter and
evaporation processes, and show high stability
in terrestrial and space environments. The com-
pany also offers compatible broadband dichroic
beamsplitters. SWIR optical sensing applications
in the spectral region between 900 and 3000
nm require filters with high transmittance in the
passband, blocking ranges over the full detector
response, and long-term shift-free spectral per-
formance with good environmental stability. Ap-
plications include optical remote sensing of the
Earth from air and space; near-infrared, Raman
and emission spectroscopy; plasma diagnostics;
and blood analysis.
Optics Balzers AG
UV Solar Simulator
Oriel, a Newport Corp. Brand, is offering the
Sol-UV solar simulator for photobiological appli-
cations including testing over-the-counter sun-
screen products sun protection factor (SPF). The
new unit simulates the solar ultraviolet radiation
required to induce a minimum erythemal re-
sponse for in vivo and in vitro SPF testing. The
simulators spectral output complies with the
FDAs Sunscreen Drug Products for Over-the-
Counter Human Use (June 2011), the Interna-
tional Sun Protection Factor Test Method (May
2006) and ISO Cosmetics sun protection test
methods: in vivo determination of the sun pro-
tection factor, ISO 24444:2010. The simulator
features a patent-pending optical design to
achieve spectral compliance, using a proprietary
filter and special geometry to meet all applica-
ble standards. Output beam sizes are 2 2,
4 4 and 6 6 in.
Oriel, a Newport Corp. Brand
Multipixel Photon Counter
Vertilon Corp. has launched the SIB416 for test-
ing and evaluating the Hamamatsu S11064
multipixel photon counter. It is designed to give
researchers and developers a quick way to eval-
uate the S11064 low-light-level sensor. Multi-
pixel photon counters offer a lower-cost, solid-
state alternative to photomultiplier tubes in
select applications. The S11064 is used in
positron emission tomography, single-photon-
emission computed tomography, gamma cam-
eras and radiation detection. Designed for di-
rect interface to Vertilons PhotoniQ charge-
integrating DAQ systems, the SIB416 includes
all of the electrical and mechanical hardware
to support data acquisition from up to 64 input
channels from up to four Hamamatsu multipixel
photon counters. The S11064 devices mount
to the SIB416, and their cathode signals are
routed to connectors that interface to charge-
integrating preamplifiers in the PhotoniQ DAQ.
Vertilon Corp.
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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Video Borescopes
For on-site remote inspection, Titan Tool Supply
Inc. has introduced two portable articulating
video borescopes. The instruments feature two-
way articulation (120) with onboard stand-
alone image processing and battery-powered
operation. Model TTSVS.6-1 has a braided,
stainless steel waterproof insertion tube mea-
suring 1 m long and 5.7 mm in diameter, and it
is resistant to oil, fuel and 3.5% concentrated
salt water. Model TTSVS.6-3 is identical but with
an insertion tube length of 3 m. A 3.5-in. LCD
screen with 320 240-pixel resolution provides
clear images. Four built-in LED lights with inten-
sity control and automatic white balance en-
hance image quality, including on highly reflec-
tive surfaces. The units include 5 electronic
zoom control and depth of field from 3 to
50 mm, with a 65 wide field of view.
Titan Tool Supply Inc.
Green Lasers
For fluorescence imaging, optical tweezers and
Raman spectroscopy applications, Laser Quan-
tum Ltd. has announced the redesigned Ventus
532 green lasers. The family of products, which
was launched in 2001 as midpower green lasers
for scientific laboratories, has grown to include a
power range from 50 mW to 1.5 W, with a
number of laser heads. The redesign includes a
more compact head and improvements in beam
quality. Noise levels are down from 2% to 0.5%
(0.15% for the higher powers), and power stabil-
ity has been reduced from 2% to 0.4%. M
, di-
vergence and weight also have been improved.
The compact devices produce a diffraction-lim-
ited beam, offer a lifetime of >40,000-h mean
time to failure, are hermetically sealed and have
a permanently aligned cavity.
Laser Quantum Ltd.
Deep-UV Laser Sources
Teem Photonics SA has unveiled two deep-UV
laser sources. For applications ranging from
materials ablation to laser-induced fluores-
cence, the 266-nm MicroChip range has been
enhanced by the introduction of the SNU-20F-
000 laser, increasing the average power from 2
to 12 mW and the pulse repetition rate from 6
to 20 kHz. Multiple options such as collimation
and photodiode synchronization further adapt
the product to customer needs. For transparent
materials marking and micromachining, the
PowerChip series is now extended to 266 nm
with the new PNU-M01510-000. Producing
more than 15 J with a <350-ps pulse, the
laser produces >40 kW of peak power. Both
passively Q-switched subnanosecond lasers
benefit from the companys UV Long Life
Process, which extends deep-UV lifetime.
Teem Photonics SA
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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Plastic Acylinder Lenses
Edmund Optics has introduced its TechSpec
plastic hybrid acylinder lenses. Similar to
aspheric and cylinder lenses, they provide dif-
fraction-limited focusing performance in only
one dimension. Designed at 587.6 nm, they are
suitable for use in the visible wavelengths. The
lenses reduce spherical aberration along the
focusing axis for creating precise thin-line pro-
files with broadband sources. The hybrid lens
design offers negative optical dispersion and
good color correction. The lenses feature a high
numerical aperture, enabling their use with di-
vergent light sources such as laser diode bars
and LEDs. They are available with a 25-mm di-
ameter in focal lengths of 20, 25, 30, 40 and
50 mm for ease of integration into a variety of
applications. They are offered either uncoated
or with a visible coating.
Edmund Optics
Intensified CCD
For time-resolved imaging applications, Andor
Technology plc has launched an addition to its
iStar range of scientific-grade intensified CCDs.
The iStar 312T imaging platform operates at ac-
quisition rates of >15 fps, rendering it suited to
combustion analysis and plasma studies. Crop
mode and fast kinetic mode enable acquisition
rates in excess of 5500 spectra per second,
continuous, and 55,500 Hz, burst, respectively.
Features include a 40 C thermoelectric cool-
ing interface, low-noise electronics and high-
quantum-efficiency photocathodes for high sen-
sitivity, ultraprecise timing control via low-jitter
electronics and a comprehensive software con-
trol interface, and gating of better than 2 ns.
The integrated digital delay generator delivers
ultralow insertion delay and timing accuracy
down to a few tens of picoseconds, allowing
synchronization of complex experiments through
a range of input/output triggering options.
Andor Technology plc
2-D Optical Micrometer
Keyence Corp. of Americas TM-3000 2-D opti-
cal micrometer introduces technological ad-
vancements to 100% automated high-speed,
in-line or off-line measurement and inspection
applications. It combines the functionality of a
laser scan micrometer, a machine vision system
and an optical comparator. Available in three
sensor head sizes, it enables use of two trans-
mitter-receiver pairs simultaneously. The mi-
crometer employs a dual telecentric lens to cre-
ate uniform collimated light with a green LED.
A 2-D CMOS array then detects the light-to-dark
transitions on the array to measure the dimen-
sions. High speed and high precision are a re-
sult of subpixel processing only in the areas or
points designated for measurement. Because the
system works in two dimensions, it can measure
up to 16 points within the measurement area.
Keyence Corp. of America
Photonics Spectra February 2012
Advertise your new product in
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Spotlight section of Photonics Spectra.
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212_Bright Ideas_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:36 PM Page 78
OFC/NFOEC (March 4-8) Los Angeles.
The Optical Fiber Communication Conference
and Exhibition and the National Fiber Optic
Engineers Conference. Contact +1 (202)
416-1907;; www.
Laser Beam Diagnostics and Process
Monitoring Course (March 5-8) Las Vegas.
Contact Elaine Bower, Department of Engineer-
ing Professional Development, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, +1 (800) 462-0876;;
SIAF Guangzhou, SPS Industrial
Automation Fair Guangzhou (March 7-9)
Guangzhou, China. Contact Guangzhou
Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co. Ltd., +86 20
3825 1558;;
Pittcon 2012 Laboratory Science
Equipment Conference and Exposition
(March 11-15) Orlando, Fla. Contact The
Pittsburgh Conference, +1 (412) 825-3220
(local) or +1 (800) 825-3221;;
SPIE Smart Structures/NDE (March 11-15)
San Diego. Contact SPIE, +1 (360) 676-3290;;
TMS 2012: Linking Science and Technology
for Global Solutions, 141st Annual Meeting
& Exhibition (March 11-15) Orlando, Fla.
An event of The Minerals, Metals & Materials
Society. Contact TMS Meeting Services, +1
(724) 776-9000, Ext. 243;;
CREOL @ 25 Symposium and Industrial
Affiliates Program (March 15-16) Orlando,
Fla. Contact Denise Whiteside, CREOL, the
College of Optics & Photonics, University of
Central Florida, +1 (407) 823-6800; denise@;
Research in Optical Sciences: OSA Optics
and Photonics Congress (March 19-21)
Berlin. Includes High Intensity Lasers and
High Field Phenomena: International Confer-
ence on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics, and
Quantum Information and Measurement.
Collocated with Laser Optics Berlin. Contact
Optical Society of America, +1 (202) 223-8130;;
Laser Optics Berlin: International Trade
Fair and Congress for Optical & Laser
Technologies (March 19-21) Berlin. Contact
Messe Berlin GmbH, +49 30 3038 2159;; www.laser-
Optical Engineering 2012 (March 20)
Ramat Gan, Israel. An event of the Society
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Israel,
Optical Engineering Chapter. Contact Zeev
Zalevsky, Bar-Ilan University, +972 3 531
Phosphor Global Summit 2012
(March 20-22) Scottsdale, Ariz. Contact
Rebecca Kotsimpulos, +1 (207) 781-9616;;
Laser World of Photonics China 2012
(March 20-22) Shanghai. Contact MMI
(Shanghai) Co. Ltd., +86 21 2020 5500;; www.photonics
ETOP 2012: Education and Training in
Optics and Photonics (March 29-31)
Tunis, Tunisia. Contact +216 7185 6240;; www.esprit-
PSDM 2012: First EOS Topical Meeting on
Photonics for Sustainable Development
Focus on the Mediterranean
(March 31-April 3) Tunis, Tunisia. Contact
Julia Dalichow, EOS Events & Services GmbH,
+49 511 277 2673;;
AACR Annual Meeting (March 31-April 4)
Chicago. Contact American Association for
Cancer Research, +1 (215) 440-9300;;
Focus on Microscopy 2012 (April 1-4)
Singapore. Contact Fred Brakenhoff, University
of Amsterdam, +31 20 5255 189; brakenhoff; www.focuson
Photonix 2012 Expo & Conference
(April 11-13) Tokyo. Contact Mitsuru
Takazawa, Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd., +81
3 3349 8549;;
SPIE Photonics Europe (April 16-20) Brussels.
Contact SPIE, +1 (360) 676-3290; customer;
Experimental Biology 2012 (April 21-25)
San Diego. Contact Yvette Clark, Federation
of American Societies for Experimental Biology,
+1 (301) 634-7016;;
SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing
(April 23-27) Baltimore. Contact SPIE, +1
(360) 676-3290;;
Optics and Photonics International 2012
Congress & Exhibition (April 25-27)
Yokohama, Japan. Includes Laser Expo 2012.
Contact The Optronics Co. Ltd., +81 3 3269
Biomedical Optics and 3-D Imaging:
OSA Optics and Photonics Congress
(April 29-May 2) Miami. Contact Optical
Society of America, +1 (202) 223-8130;;
CLEO: 2012 Laser Science to Photonic
Applications (May 6-11) San Jose, Calif.
Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics.
Contact Optical Society of America Customer
Service CLEO Management, +1 (202) 416-
1907;; www.cleoconference.
SPIE Photomask Technology 2012 (September 10-13) Monterey, California
Deadline: abstracts, March 12
Authors are invited to present their research at SPIE Photomask Technology. Among the suggested
topics for paper submission are mask making, including mask data preparation, and substrates
and materials; emerging mask technologies, including EUV mask making, inspection and repair;
mask applications, including double- and multipatterning, and design for manufacturability; and
mask business, including manufacturing control. Contact SPIE, +1 (360) 676-3290; customerservice;
OSF-22 (October 14-19) Beijing
Deadline: manuscript submission, March 22
Organizers of the 22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors encourage papers for
oral and poster presentation on topics related to fiber optic, guided-wave and optical sensing devices,
systems, theories and techniques for research and applications. Topics to be considered include fiber
optic gyroscopes, fiber grating systems, chemical and environmental sensors, and photonic crystal
fibers and sensors. Contact OFS-22,;
SPIE Remote Sensing/SPIE Security + Defence (September 24-27) Edinburgh, UK
Deadline: abstracts, April 2
Papers are invited for these collocated meetings, which will address remote sensing for agriculture
and ecosystems, image and signal processing for remote sensing, optics in atmospheric propagation
and adaptive systems, unmanned sensors and sensor networks, electro-optical and infrared systems,
technologies for optical countermeasures, and military applications in hyperspectral imaging and
high-spatial-resolution sensing. Contact SPIE, +1 (360) 676-3290;;
79 Photonics Spectra February 2012
212Happenings_Layout 1 1/25/12 2:22 PM Page 79
The Vision Show (May 8-10) Boston. Contact
Automated Imaging Association, +1 (734) 994-
Mfg4 (Manufacturing 4 the Future)
Conference & Exposition (May 8-10) Hart-
ford, Conn. Contact Society of Manufacturing
Engineers, +1 (800) 733-4763; service@;
AKL International Laser Technology
Congress (May 9-11) Aachen, Germany.
Contact Silke Boehr, Fraunhofer Institute
for Laser Technology ILT, +49 241 8906 288;; www.laser
Quantum Interfaces: Integrating Light,
Atoms and Solid-State Devices
(May 14-15) Milton Keynes, England.
Contact Jon Mackew, Institute of Physics,
+44 20 7470 4800;;
Sensor + Test 2012 (May 22-24) Nuremberg,
Germany. Contact AMA Service GmbH, +49 50
33 96 39 0;; www.sensor-
OPTATEC 2012 (May 22-25) Frankfurt,
Germany. Contact P.E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG,
+49 7025 9206 0;;
Display Week 2012 (June 4-8) Boston.
Contact Society for Information Display, +1
(408) 879-3901;;
3D Microscopy of Living Cells Course
(June 9-21) and 3D Image Processing
Postcourse Workshop (June 23-25) Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada. Contact James
Pawley, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
+1 (608) 238-3953;;
Lasys 2012: International Trade Fair
for System Solutions in Laser Material
Processing (June 12-14) Stuttgart, Germany.
Contact Meike Mayer, +49 711 18560, Ext.
euroLED 2012 (June 13-14) Birmingham, UK.
Contact Michelle Cleaver, +44 121 250 3515;;
Advanced Photonics Congress (June 17-21)
Colorado Springs, Colo. Includes Access
Networks and In-house Communications; Bragg
Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass
Waveguides; Integrated Photonics Research,
Silicon and Nano-Photonics; Photonic Metama-
terials and Plasmonics; Nonlinear Photonics;
Specialty Optical Fibers & Applications; and
Signal Processing in Photonic Communications.
Contact Optical Society of America, +1 (202)
TechConnect World 2012 (June 18-21)
Santa Clara, Calif. Contact Sarah Wenning,
+1 (925) 353-5004; wenning@techconnect.
BIO International Convention (June 18-21)
Boston. Contact Biotechnology Industry
Organization, +1 (202) 962-9200; reg2012@;
Imaging and Applied Optics: OSA Optics
& Photonics Congress (June 24-28)
Monterey, Calif. Includes Applied Industrial
Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging, and Metrology;
Computational Optical Imaging and Sensing;
Imaging Systems Applications; Optical Fabrica-
tion and Testing; Optical Remote Sensing of
the Environment; and Optical Sensors. Contact
Optical Society of America, +1 (202) 223-8130;;
2012 Astronomical Telescopes +
Instrumentation (July 1-6) Amsterdam,
Netherlands. Contact SPIE, +1 (360) 676-3290;;
Photonics Spectra February 2012
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81 Photonics Spectra February 2012
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Andor Technology .................65
Applied Scientific
Instrumentation ....................34
Argyle International ...............30
Asahi Kasei
E-Materials Corp. .................14
Bristol Instruments Inc. ......28, 67
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CREOL ..................................67
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Diagnostic Instruments ............20
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DRS Technologies Inc. ..............7
Edmund Optics .................12-13
Technology Inc. ...................64
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ILX Lightwave Corp. ...............35
Image Science Ltd. .................52
Imaging Solutions Group ........32
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Systems Inc. ..........................3
t, v, z
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Photonics Inc. ................24, 53
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This multidimensional approach looks
at the overall health of eButton wearers,
which is more important than just food
and exercise alone, Sun said. He added
that the eButton was created to help com-
bat obesity, which has become a major
health concern in the US.
Watch what you eat
uick, think back: How many calo-
ries worth of potato chips did
you eat last week? Unless you
dont like chips, making the answer zero,
it might be tough for memory alone to
supply the exact number. But keeping
track of your intake could help you change
any unhealthy eating habits and develop
new ones. And soon, tracking calories,
exercise and other health-related informa-
tion could be as easy as getting dressed
in the morning.
A new device called eButton attaches to
a shirt or blouse and automatically records
the wearers eating and exercise habits;
later, the wearer or a dietician can upload
the recorded data for an objective review.
Any unscheduled exercise or high-calorie
snacking will point the way to healthy or
unhealthy patterns, helping people control
weight and generally maintain a healthier
The prototype eButton from the Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh contains a camera, a
powerful central processing unit, a global
positioning system and a six-axis accel -
erometer/gyroscope sensor. Optional com-
ponents could include a wireless connec-
tion to a smartphone and the Internet, plus
methods of physiological measurement
such as electrocardiography. A software
platform could allow the user to write
apps that target specific objectives.
The instrument could determine how
much time the wearer spends watching
TV, working on a computer, walking on
a treadmill or participating in outdoor
activities. It could track where the user
buys food, how the food is prepared,
which restaurants the user visits and what
items are ordered. It also could analyze
how long the whole dining experience
takes, including interactions with family
and friends.
Retrieving the eButtons data is as sim-
ple as transferring pictures from a digital
camera onto a computer, said Mingui Sun,
lead investigator on the project. For pri-
vacy protection, the information is coded
to block human faces so that it cannot be
read until scanned by a computer.
82 Photonics Spectra February 2012
The eButton (right) takes pictures of your meal, then
analyzes it. Courtesy of University of Pittsburgh.
Caren B. Les
The eButton does not (yet) nag you
to eat more healthily.
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