DSP Question Bank

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Unit III

1) 2) Explain Characteristics of practical Frequency-Selective Filters? The ideal analog differentia tor is described by = where xa (t) is the input and ya(t) the output signal. (a) Determine its frequency response by exciting the system with the input xa (t)= ej2Ft (b) Sketch the magnitude and phase response of an ideal analog differentiator band limited to B hertz. (e) The ideal digital differentiator is defined as H(w) = jw |w| Justify this definition by comparing the frequency response |H (w)| with that in part (b).

(d) By computing the frequency response |H (w)|, show that the discrete-time system y(n) = x(n) - x(n - 1) is a good approximation of a differentiator at low frequencies. (e) Compute the response of the system to the input x(n) = A cos(w0n + ) Use the bilinear transformation to convert the analog filter with system function + 0.1 = + 0.1 + 9 into a digital IIR filter. Select T = 0.1 and compare the location of the zeros in H (z) with the locations of the zeros obtained by applying the impulse invariance method in the conversion of H(s). 4) Convert the analog bandpass filter designed in Example 10.4.1 into a digital filter by means of the bilinear transformation. Thereby derive the digital filter characteristic obtained in Example 10.4.2 by the alternative approach and verify that the bilinear transformation applied to the analog filter results in the same digital bandpass filter. 5) A digital low-pass filter is required to meet the following specifications: Passband ripple: 1 dB Passband edge: 4 kHz Stopband attenuation: 40 dB Stopband edge: 6 kHz Sample rate: 24 kHz The filter is to be designed by performing a bilinear transformation on an analog system function. Determine what order Butterworth, Chebyshev, and elliptic analog designs must be used to meet the specifications in the digital implementation. 3)


Figure P10.24 shows a digital filter designed using the frequency sampling method. filter

(a) Sketch a z-plane pole-zero plot for this filter. zero (b) Is the filter lowpass, highpass, or bandpass? owpass, (c) Determine the magnitude response |H( at the frequencies |H()| k = k/6 for k = 0, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6. (d) Use the results of part (c) to sketch the magnitude response for 0 w 0

Unit IV
7) Let us consider the use of the DFT (computed via the FIT algorithm) to compute the autocorrelation of the complex complex-valued sequence x(n), that is,

Suppose the size M of the FFT is much smaller than that of the data length N. Specifically, assume that N = K M. (a) Determine the steps needed to section x(n) and compute rxx(m) for + 1 1, by using 4K M-point DFT's and one M-point IDFT point (b) Now consider the following three sequences x1 (n), x2(n), and x3(n), each of du ), duration M. Let the sequences x1 (n) and x2(n) have arbitrary values in the range 0 n (M/2) -1, but are zero for (M/ n M -1. The sequence x3(n) is defined as 1, (M/2) 1.

Determine a simple relationship among the M M-point DFTs X1(k), X2(k), and X3(k).

(c) By using the result in part (b), show how the computation of the DFTs in part (a) can be reduced in number from 4K to 2K. 8) Determine the mean and the autocorrelation of the sequence x(n). which is the output of a ARMA (1,1) process described by the difference equation 1 = 1 + 1

where w(n) is a white noise process with variance . 9) The N-point DFT of a random sequence x(n) is

Assume that E[x(n)] = 0 and E[x(n)x(n + m)] = (m) [i.e., x(n) is a white noise process]. (a) Determine the variance of X(k). (b) Determine the autocorrelation of X(k). 10) Determine a Levinson-Durbin recursive algorithm for solving for the coefficients of a backward prediction-error filter. Use the result to show that coefficients of the forward and backward predictors can be expressed recursively as = = 0 0 + +

0 0

11) An ARMA process has an autocorrelation {xx(m)} whose z-transform is given as

(a) Determine the filter H(z) for generating {x(n)} from a white noise input sequence. Is H(z) unique? Explain. (b) Determine a stable linear whitening filter for the sequence [x(n)}. 12) Consider the ARMA process generated by the difference equation.

(a) Determine the system function of the whitening filter and its poles and zeros. (b) Determine the power density spectrum of {x(n)).

Unit V
13) Consider the two different ways of cascading a decimator with an interpolator shown in Fig. PlO.9.

(a) If D = I, show that the outputs of the two configurations are different. Hence, in general, the two systems are not identical. (b) Show that the two systems are identical if and only if D and I are relatively prime. 14) Prove the equivalence of the two decimator and interpolator configurations shown in Fig. PlO.10. These equivalent relations are called the "noble identities" (see Vaidyanathan, 1990).

15) We wish to design an efficient nonrecursive decimator for D=8 using the factorization = [ 1+ 1+ 1+ . 1+ ] a) Derive an efficient implementation using filters with system functions Hk(z)=(1+z-1)5 b) Show that each stage of the obtain decimator can be implemented more efficiently using a polyphase decomposition. 16) The prototype filter in a four channel uniform DFT filter bank is characterized by the transfer function = 1+ +3 +4 (a) (b) (c) 17) Determine the transfer functions of the filters H1(z), H2(z), H3(z) in the analysis section. Determine the transfer functions of the filters in the synthesis section Sketch the analysis and synthesis sections of the uniform DFT filter bank. Consider the following FIR filter transfer function = 3 + 19 +3 + 19 3 (a) Show that H(z) is a linear phase filter.

(b) Show that H(z) is a half band filter. (z) (c) Plot the magnitude and phase responses of the filter. 18) Consider the adaptive FIR filter shown in FigP.13.18. The system C(z) is characterized by the system function 1 = 1 + 0.9 Determine the optimum coefficients of the adaptive FIR filter B(z)=b0+b1z-1 that minimize the MSE. The addictice noise is white with variance = 0. .1.

Unit VI
19) a) What are the relative merits and demerits of RISC and CISC processors? b)What are the advantages of DSP processors in relation to general-purpose processors? What purpose c) Explain Von Neumann and Harvard architectures and explain why the Von Neumann architecture is not suitable for DSP operations. 20) a) What is a digital signal processor? Mention various generations of digital signal processors. Explain the broad applications of digital signal processors. b)What are the differences between fixed type processors and floating type processors? e fixed-type c) List the basic characteristics of a digital signal processor. List the family members of the first firstgeneration TMS processor and note down the distinguish features. 21) a) Explain arithmetic-logic unit. logic b) Explain the basic operation that takes place while implementing a typical ALU operation. c) Explain Barrel shifter. 22) a) What is the major advantage of having on chip memory? age onb) Explain MAC operation. c) Explain the operation of an FF processor with neat block schematic. FFT 23) Discuss the issues related with implementation of DSP algorithms as General purpose processors. 24) Explain the block diagram of a typical Digital Signal Processor.

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