Christmas Newsletter

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And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth Philippians 2:8-10


Merry Christmas from Gonaves!

December 2012 Dear Friends and family, Pat, Melinda, Massenda and Manessa arrived back in Haiti on December 11th to join Pastor Massenat. Our flights were uneventful and after only two breakdowns in our rickety truck we made it home at 7 pm. Amanda remained in the US with the Saint-Hilaire family so she could continue her education. Our family was happily greeted in our new home by Grandpa, Sonson, our neighbor, Julio, and our dog, Reggie. The Lord provided a home for us much sooner than we anticipated and Pastor Massenat already had the house rented for us by time we arrived! What a relief not to have to stay in a guest house as we originally thought we would. We have been busy settling in and making the house feel like home. The house is set off the main road a little bit so we dont have too much noise from the city and we are blessed to have very nice neighbors. Our neighbors have been so kind and have taken very good care of us. When they found out our well was not working and we didnt have water they immediately brought over a couple of drums so we could go get water. Another man offered to let us use his truck to haul water when he found out ours broke down three away last week and yet another brought over a submersible water pump so Pastor Massenat could pump water to the tank on the roof so we could have running water in the house! We have been so blessed and humbled by the beautiful reception the people of Gonaives have given us and we thank God for them. Pastor Massenat has made several trips to Roche Plate to speak with the people and work out the details so we can start ministering there soon. He has been made several trips to visit homes and pray with the people. Grandma Pat stayed with the children so Melinda could go along on one trip and meet the people. Melinda was able to sit and talk with the local ladies for a couple of hours and identify what some of the medical needs are in the area. During the discussion one of the ladies told about her two daughters who are mute. Melinda was able to meet them and observe them for a while; it didnt take long to be sure that the girls are deaf. The mother has developed her own way of communicating with them but they are going to need some special education in the future. We are looking into a deaf school for them and we hope we will be able to facilitate some help for them. As we were leaving Roche Plate that day we met a very special lady by the name of Sylvanie. Sylvanie is expecting a baby soon. She is very malnourished and her husband is sickly. Sylvanie

does not know when her baby is due, she cannot read and she does not know the months of the year and even more sad, she does not know Jesus. Sylvanie lost two babies in the past; from the information she shared they probably died due to lack of nutrition, clean water and basic medical care. Before we left Sylvanie, Melinda had special prayer with her. Please keep Sylvanie and her unborn baby in your prayers as well. Thank you for your support and prayers. May the love and peace of Jesus surround you this Christmas. Merry Christmas to each of you,

Pastor Massenat, Melinda, Massenda and Manessa Ulysse and Patricia Smith

~Living everyday by His grace~

Our temporary bed and bathtub. Please keep praying for us as we learn a new way of life.

Website: E-mail: Financial Support can be sent to: Hilltop Chapel 11700 Spring Arbor Road Concord, MI 49237 *Include a memo designating the funds for Haiti Ministries

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