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2103-. /01-.

5.=>-. 9::;< 4.5.678

Air Conditioning Processes

ij^jk`^ X[jl mn ockdg` pZ[`^ ]^Z_`^ mgY pj[d md`^ efbgWh`^ VW XYZW[W Z\ ]^Z_`^ abbcd Vcf*W+ Z+ f*W )XbYf"*$ )XbgWh`)q'f"Wf(q$b` pj#s^ Xqg$`^ ef %b&[`^Z Xqjds^ VW db!"dZ XqZrj`^Z Vb['*cs^Z Vb[Zj*d"`^ /4W e^&f2 ilY VW rbg# Z\ pZ[`^ ]^Z_`^Z 3/Wh`^Z XWf01` Vf'",^ f_g-.b X*nf[`^ e^&f*-`^ V*W rbg#`^ ^7\Z 3]fW`^ jf#q m`5 Xnf6,fq pj#+ e^&f2 ilYZ VZqjc`^ lb'c+ m"f4Z X*qZrj`^ pZ*dkW Z+ ]f*W`^ jf#q Xq'" Vs )^j:"Z 3Moist air 8rj`^ ]^Z_`^ bgY 9grb ]fW`^ jf#qZ 8hgd f_";n VfcWg` Xb#f"W`^ aZj:`^Z ij^jk`^ X[jl mgY a0Zdd pZ[`^ ] ^Z_`^ mn Moisture content 8fq6*`^ >Zl*kZ <"^Z*W`^Z e^jf*rW`^Z 9jr`^ mgY Xb=j`^ plW lblkdZ Vf'",^ Xk^j` fW_W) ^jZl) e^Zj6*#`^ :@kZ efdfq"`^ ZW" A`7cZ pl"`^ Xr!" m`5 ij^jk`^ X[jl ? f@#"5 l"Y ]fW`^ jf#q a4fcdZ 3Xbq'*"`^ X*qZrj`^ 3X*qrj`^Z X*nf[`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl /4W pZ[`^ ]^Z_`^ B %f$#Z 3X[&fr c^Z@`^Z 8*rj`^ ]^Z*_`^ X*rbj# m*n f_h6Z od fbq`f4",^Z mYZ"`^ o[k`^ 3XqZrj`^ Xq'" Z+ X!grW`^ XqZrj`^ 8*rj`^ ]^Z*_`^ B^Z*# l*blkd VcWb mc` (D-C) /c. mn VbqW Z\ fWc Psychrometric chart ij^j*k`^ /*WhW Efb!W Xrbj#`^ mgY l[Zb f6b+Z 3]^Z_`^ abbcd e^]^j[5 X[`fhW`)Vbdb$f# XbWZghWq .mgc`^ /Wk`^ m`5 EZ'kW`^ pj^jk`^ /Wk`^ Vbq Xq'"`^Z\Z Sensible heat factor, SHF X'Z'kW`^

Fig. 7-1 Psychrometric chart


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

:m} ]^Z_`^ abbcd e^]^j[5 mn 8rj`^ ]^Z_`^ B%f$# o}+Z (Humidity Ratio, w)?1=@6-. ?13A

fic or absolute humidity or X*qZrj`^ Xq'*" Z+ X*bYZ"`^ X*qZrj`^ Z+ X*!grW`^ XqZrj`

` af[`^ ]^Z_`^ Xgdc m`5 ]fW`^ jf#q Xgdc Vbq Xq'"`^ m} humidity ratio or moisture c

`^ X[jlZ rbg#`^ VW o[k`^

w= mv PvVv RaT Ra Pv M v Pv 18.01 Pv = = = = ma RvT PaVa Rv Pa M a Pa 28.966Pa

P P w = 0.622 v= 0.622 v Pa Pt - Pv


X*nf[`^ e^&f-g` m%b&[`^ r-6`^Z P mgc`^ pZ[`^ r-6`^ mn ]fW`^ jf#q` m%b&[`^ r-6`^ Z} P t v>bk

P >bkZ 3 P a Z+ X*qZrj`^ Xq'" V;n fW X!r"W mn eqf4 pZ[`^v r-6`^ V+ = P + PX0Fh`^ 8'k a Z}

kd m*n lYf'd XqZrj`^ Xq'"Z 3r!n ]fW`^ jf#q r-6 mn X`^l VZcd 8rj`^ ]^Z_g` XqZrj`^ pZ

n X*qZrj`^ Dehumidification ?*@# Z+ Humidification G*nj` X*W&F`^ ]fW`^ jf#q XbW

rjd`^Z lbjqd`^Z Vb#'d`^ e^]^j[5

ew Point Temperature) BCA-. ?@DA 5 8*rj`^ ]^Z_`^ ljqb fWl"Y a4fcd`^ mn ]fW`^ jf#q f}l"Y ]lqb md`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl m} pl"`

_`^ lbjqd l"Y XW_W pl"`^ Xr!"Z 38rj`^ ]^Z_`^ mn ]fW`^ jf#q r-6` ij:f"W`^ Gq.d`^ ij^j

d`^ a*gW (r' ij^jk X[jl e"fc ^75 ]fW`^ jf#q a4fcd VZlq r!n EZ'kW lbjqd`^ ]^j[5 VZcbn

VZ*cd fWl*"Y ]f*W`^ jf#q a4fcd lbjqd`^ ]^j[5 8k$b Z+ 38rj`^ ]^Z_g` pl"`^ r!" VW mg

^ ]^Z_g` pl"`^ Xr!" VW /0+ lbjqd`^ agW (r' ij^jk

ative Humidity, f)?:13A-. ?1=@6-. jf#q Xgdc m`5 ij^jk`^ X[jl l"Y 8rj`^ ]^Z_`^ VW VbhW o[k mn ]fW`^ jf#q Xgdc Vbq Xq

^ X[jl E@" l"Y ]fW`^ jf#q VW ]^Z_`^ Gq.d l"Y o[k`^ E@"`
s s

mv PvV RT Pv = = m RT P V P


q Gq.*W ]^Z*_` 100 % Z XqZrj`^ VW m`f# af[ ]^Z_` 0 Vbq f_dWb0 HZ^jdd Xbq'"`^ Xq

^ jf#qq Degree of saturation ]^Z_`^ Gq.d X[jl` o_W Efb!W Xbq'"`^ XqZrj`^Z 3]fW`^

halpy of Moist Air)/@6-. .=>-. 0:1-0EA8

Website: ?? Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

h 8'*k h ]fW`^ jf#q fbq`f4"5Z Xnf[`^ e^&f-`^ fbq`f4"5 IZW[W m} fbq`f4"5 ]^Z_`^hmn 8rj`^ ]^Z_`^

+ wh X0Fh`^ a v ]^Z*_g` X*bYZ"`^ ij^jk`^Z ij^jk`^ X[jl mn X`^lc af[`^ ]^Z_`^ fbq`f4"5Z 3 h = h

= CP t ` X'Z'*kW`^ ij^jk`^ m m`Zs^ 3efbWc X4F4 VW VZcdd m_n ]fW`^ jf#qhfbq`f4"5 fW+ 3 a

.]fW`^ jf#q` X'Z'kW`^ ij^jk`^ o4 jb#qdg` X"Wfc`^ ij^jk`^ Xb"f4`^Z jb#qd

(Dry and Wet Bulb Temperature) ?1@6-.= ?F07-. G6.6H-. ?76C nZ /gq p+ VZlq af[ jdbWZWj4`^ IlZd'WZ X'f!W`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl m} Xnf[`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl

4`^ IlZd'WZ X'f!W`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl m} Xqrj`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl fW+ 3pj^jk Ifh.5 p+ VY ^lbhq)

ij^jk`^ X[jl eq4dZ ]fWg` jbb#qd >lkb mdk ]^Z_`^ VW jfbd` ?jhWZ JfW!`^ VW Xhr!q /g

*n m*!qdW`^ ]f*W`^ lbjqd mn eqq'd l0 jf#q m`5 ]fW`^ /Zkd` XW&F`^ X"Wfc`^ ij^jk`^

Wl"YZ 3Xnf[`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl VW /0+ X`lfhdW ij^jk X[jl m`5 jdbWZWj4`^ IlZd'W /Zk JfW!`^

`^Z X*nf[`^ ij^j*k`^ X[jl pZf'dd f = 100 % Xbq'" XqZrj l"Y ]fW`^ jf#qq Gq.W ]^Z_`^

X[jl e6@#"5 ^75 abb4cd >lkb /q jbb#qd >lkb

5.=>-. 9::;<- ?:303I. 40:J !-.

8*rj`^ ]^Z*_`^ m*gY 9qrd md`^ e^]^j[,^ VW XYZW[W m} ]^Z_`^ abbcd` Xb'f's^ efb

`^Z 3X*qZrj`^ /$nZ lbjqd`^ 3XqZrj`^ Xnf65Z Vb#'d`^ 3EZ'kW`^ lbjqd`^ 3EZ'kW`^ V

g` ]fW`^ Z+ jf#q`^ Xnf6;q mcbdfqfbls^

sible Heating) $=3H -. ":#3<-.

7-2 Sensible heating

Gnj mn 8q'dd md`^Z 8rj`^ ]^Z_g` X'Z'kW`^ ij^jk`^ VW XbWc Xnf65 Z} EZ'kW`^ Vb

W mgY 8rj`^ ]^Z_`^ jZjWq odb ]^Z_`^ Vb#'d ]^j[5Z 3(L-C) /c.q fWc r!n Xnf[`^ ]^Z_`^



Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

b ]^j*[,^ ^7* 3Vb#'d`^ agW /#^l olfY e^&f2 Z+ V#f' ]fW jZjWq Z+ mqj_c`^ jfbd`fq V

= c ]^Z_g` Moisture content XqZrj`^ pZdkW Z+ XqZrj`^ Xq'" eZq4q

sible heating process 1?2,

& Q =ma (h2 - h1 ) w1 = w 2

(7-3) (Sensible Cooling) $=3H -. C:61<-.

7-3 Sensible cooling

?*@# m*n 8q'dd md`^Z 8rj`^ ]^Z_g` X'Z'kW`^ ij^jk`^ VW XbWc l!n Z} EZ'kW`^ lbjq

d agW mgY 8rj`^ ]^Z_`^ jZjWq odb ]^Z_`^ lbjqd ]^j[5Z 3(M-C) /c.q fWc Xnf[`^ ]^Z_`^

VW mgY+ lbjqd`^ agW (r' ij^jk X[jl VZcdZ lbjqd`^ agW /#^l ljfq ]fW jZjWq Z+ VZbj@

_g` Moisture content X*qZrj`^ pZdkW Z+ XqZrj`^ Xq'" eZq4q odb ]^j[,^ ^7 3]^Z_g` p

ible cooling process 1?2,

& Q =ma (h2 - h1 )
1 2



Example 7-1 Air is heated to 37 ?C without addition of water from 5 ?C dbt and RH of 90 % with a rate of 2.5 kg/min. Find the relative humidity of the final state and the amount of heat added in kW. &= Data: 1db = 5 oC, RH1= 0.9, 2db = 37 oC, w1 = w , ma 2.5 kg / min t t 2 , Power Required: RH 2 Solution



Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

= = = 49.72 kJ / kg , 1w w 4.86 g / kg h 17.23 kJ / kg ,=h 1 2 2 da 2f = 12.5 % ) kW & Q =ma (h2 - h1= 0.0333 ? (49.72 - 17.23) = 1.354

(Cooling and Dehumidification) ?1=@6-. ?-.%8= C:61<-.

@# mn 8q'dd md`^Z 8rj`^ ]^Z_g` X'Z'kW`^ ij^jk`^ VW XbWc l!n Z} XqZrj`^ X`^&5Z l

_g` Gq.*d`^ X`fk) Dew point temperature pl"`^ Xr!" m`5 /Z$Z`^ mdk Xnf[`^ ]^Z_`^ ij^

) /c.*q f*Wc XqZrj`^ Xq'" ?@#"dZ ]fW`^ jf#q a4fcdb lbjqd`^ ]^j[5 j^jWd'fqZ 3(f = 100 % 3Apparatus dew point agW`^ (r'` pl"`^ Xr!" m ]^Z_g` pl"`^ Xr!" ef*%b&[ ?hq Vs ^j:"Z

*0+ ]^Z_g` EWFW`^ kr' ij^jk X[jl lbjqd agW mgY 8rj`^ ]^Z_`^ jZjWq odb ]^j[,^ ^7

Y+ dj^jk X[jl VZcd lbjqd`^ agW VW Ojf#`^ ]^Z_`^ V;n )FWfc lbjqd`^ agW (r' EWFd K ]^

l*bjqd`^coilh 8*b"[d /*WfhW Z+ 3a*gW` i]f@c l[Zd 8q'`^ ^7_`Z agW`^ (r'` pl"`^ Xr!" VW )Fbg .lbjqd`^ agW (r' EWFd K md`^ ]^Z_`^ Xq'" Z} Bypass factor, BF

Fig. 7-4 Sensible cooling Cooling and dehumidification process 1?2,

& Q =ma (h1 - h2) h coil = h1 - h2 w1 - w2 = h1 - hS w1 - wS ??

(7-5) (7-6)
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning


BF =
S 1 S

h2 - hS w2 - wS = , or BF = 1 -h coil w -w h -h


cdn (N-C) /c.*q f*Wc XbZ^&`^ o%f0 >g4W mn h6Z VcWb 1?2 XqZrj`^ ?@#Z lbjqd`^ ]^
L S :mgb fWc Qmn X"Wfc`^ ij^jk`^]^j[,^ mn X'Z'kW`^ ij^jk`^ XbWc ]^j[,^ XbWcZ Q

Q =m (h - h ) &a a S 2 & Q =m (h - h )
w L a 1 a

(7-8) (7-9)
& m a4fcdW`^ ]fW`^ jf#q XbWcZ

:m} ]^j[,^ mn

& & m =m (w - w )


f6b+ f_qf'k ]^j[,^ L X*"Wfc`^ ij^j*k`^Z a4fcdW`^ ]fW`^ )XbWc VWVcWb Q mn X"Wfc`^ ij^jk`^ XbWcZ :mgb fWc h jb#qdg` fg

Q =m hfg =m (w -2w )h w & a & 1 fg


Example 7-2 o o Air flow of 2 m /min 3at condition of 30 C dry bulb and 20 C wet bulb. The air passes through cooling coil undergoes a cooling and dehumidification process. The

moisture content at leaving of cooling coil is 4 g / kg than entering and lower

relative humidity of leaving air is 60 %. Find the cooling capacity and the water condensate in lit/hr.
w Data: 1db = 30 oC, t1wb= 20 o Dw = 1 - w2= 4 g / kg , RH2= 0.6 t C, da

Required: RC ,& m


From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

h1 = 57.08 kJ / kg , h2= 31.99 kJ / kg , v1= 0.874 m 3 / kg Website: ?? Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

w1 = 10.52 g / kg , w2 = 6.52 g / kg , t2db = 15.4 da da & 2 V & = 0.0381 kg / s ma = = v1 60 ? 0.874 & h= 0.0381? (57.08 - 31.99) = 0.956 RC =ma () 1 - h2 & ) & 0.0381? = mw =ma (w1 - w2 (10.52 - 6.52) ?10

0.956 kW = 0.273 TR = 3.5 ? 3600 = 0.549 lit / hr

Example 7-3 Moist air enters a refrigeration coil at 37 ?C dbt and relative humidity, RH 30 % at
3 a rate of 0.5 m /s. The cooling coil surface temperature is 10 ?C and by pass factor

is BF = 15 %. Calculate the dry bulb temperature of the air leaving the coil, refrigeration capacity and the moisture removed from the air.
3 & = Data: 1db = 37 oC, RH1 30 %, Adp = 10o C, BF = 0.15,a 0.5 m / s t V=


& Required: t , RC , m w

Solution From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

h1 = 67.52 kJ / kg , hS = 29.29 kJ / kg , v1= 0.8955 m 3 / kg w1 = 11.79 g / kg , wS = 7.63 g / kg da da

BF = BF = BF =

h2 - hS 2 h - 29.29 , 0.15 = , } h= 35.025 kJ / k 2 h1 - hS 67.52 - 29.9 t2db - tSdb t - 10 , 0.15 =2db , } t2db 14.05o C = 37 - 10 t1db - tSdb w2 - wS w - 7.63 , 0.15 2 = , 2 da }w= 8.254 g / kg 11.79 - 7.63 w1 - wS

& m( V / 2 ) - (0.5 / 0.8955)(67.52 - 35.025) = 18.1435 kW RC =1& 2 h -ah ) = 1( 1 v )(h =h RC = 18.1435 / 3.5 = 6.048 TR



Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

& & & mw =ma (w1 - w2) = ( a / v1)(w1 - w2 ) V & mw

-3 = (0.5 / 0.8955)(11.79 - 7.63) ?10

? 3600 = 8.362 kg / hr

(Air washer) 5.=>-. /:@6<= ':3&

+ /F*# VW Jj`^ Xnj2 mn ]fW`^ e^jr0 VW jfbd mn ]^Z_`^ jZjWq odb ]^Z_`^ 8brjdZ /b'2

b-*$ e^j*r0 /c. mgY ]fW`^ Jj odbZ 3(P-C) /c. mn (6ZW Z} fWc Spray nozzles

^Z*_`^ jZj*WqZ 3JZ.jW`^ ]fW`^Z ]^Z_`^ jfbd Vbq Xgdc`^Z ij^jk`^ /f!d"5 Xkf'W lb&d m

Z pj*#s^ Xqg$`^ ef%b&[`^Z Xqjds^ /4W ]^Z_`^ f_gWkb md`^ 9`^Zh`^ /c /$n odb Jj`^

*.jW`^ ]f*W`^ ij^jk X[jl mgY a0Zddn ]^Z_g` ij^jk`^ X[jlZ XqZrj`^ Xq'" fW+ 3)fb!" ]^Z_

jZ$ r'q+ mn Z+ /!d Z+ ` XqZrj`^ Xq'" lb&d Z+ ljqb Z+ V#'b V+ VcWb ]^Z_`^Z 3/b'-`^

`^ eKfk`^ mn VbqW Z} fWc Xqrj`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl eZq4q fbcbdfqfbl+)XqZrj`^ Xq'"

ing and humidification 1?2a) 5.=>-. /:@6<= ":#3< 1db t ]^Z*_`^ ij^jk X[jl lb&dn> t ]^Z_`^ ij^jk X[jl VW mgY+ ij^jk X[jlq ]fW`^ Jj odb Xnf[`^

jl m*gY :f*@kg` Jj`^ ?Zk mn j^jWd';q ]fW`^ Vb#'d o&gbZ 3fbq`f4",^Z XqZrj`^ Xq'"Z Xn

qf4 ]fW`^ ij^jk

umidification 1?2b) 5.=>-. /:@6< t =t w 1db X*qZrj`^ Xq'*" l*b&dnX*nf[`^ ]^Z*_`^ ij^jk X[jl pZf'd ij^jk X[jlq ]fW`^ Jj odb

.Xdqf4 ij^jk`^ X[jl mgY :f@kg` Jj`^ ?Zk mn j^jWd';q ]fW`^ Vb#'d o&gbZ 3fbq`f4 (Cooling and humidification 1?2c) 5.=>-. /:@6<= C:61< tXnf[`^ ]^Z_`^ ij^jk X[jl VW /0+ ij^jk X[jlq ]fW`^ Jj odb ij^jk X[jl VW mgY+ Vc`Z<t 1db

t >tXqrj`^ w 1wb bjqd o&*gbZ 3fbq`f4",^Z XqZrj`^ Xq'" lb&dZ Xnf[`^ ]^Z_`^ ij^jk X[jl /!dn ]^Z_`^
.Xdqf4 ij^jk`^ X[jl mgY :f@kg` Jj`^ ?Zk mn j^jWd';q ]fW`^

Fig. 7-5 Air washer

Website: ?? Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

(Adiabatic saturation0:;:<010:C)( 5.=>-. /:@6< 1?2d)

`lfhdW ij^jk X[jl m`5 /$b mdk Jj`^ Xnj2 mn ]fW`^ jbZldZ lbjqd Z+ Vb#'d VZlq ]fW`^ Jj X*[jl /*!dZ X*qZrj`^ Xq'" lb&d ]^j[,^ ^7} mnZ1wb tw =t 3 ]^Z_g` Xqrj`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl pZf'dZ . Xdqf4 fqb`f4",^ /:dZ ]^Z_g` Xnf[`^ ij^jk`^ h=c (Cooling 1?2e) 5.=>-. C:61<

= 1dp t ]^Z_g` pl"`^ Xr!" ij^jk X[jl pZf'd ij^jk X[jlq ]fW`^ Jj odb Xdqf4 XqZrj`^ Xq'" /:dn t

m*n j^jWd';q ]fW`^ lbjqd o&gbZ 3/!d fbq`f4",^ A`7cZ ]^Z_g` Xnf[`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl /!dZ

f4 ij^jk`^ X[jl mgY :f@kg` Jj`^

oling and dehumidification 1?2f) 5.=>-. ?1=@6 *%A= C:61< /!dZ j^jWd'fq ]^Z_`^ ljqbn ]^Z_g` pl"`^ Xr!" ij^jk X[jl VW /0+ ij^jk X[jlq ]fW`^ Jj odb

?Z*k mn j^jWd';q ]fW`^ lbjqd o&gbZ 3/!d fbq`f4",^ A`7cZ XqZrj`^ Xq'" /!dZ Xnf[`^ ij

f4 ij^jk`^ X[jl mgY :f@kg` (Adiabatic dehumidification) (0:;:<010:C) ?1=@6-. *%A

bl+ ]^Z_`^ XqZrj I&" qZrj`^ BdWd /[fcbg' /4W Xb%fbWc ilfW mgY ]^Z_`^ jWbZ Adsorption

cdb XqZrjg` X$fW`^ ilfW`^ mgY ]^Z_`^ jZjW l"hn 3(Q-C) /c. mn (6ZW Z} fWc ]^Z_`^

Z_`^Z X$fW`^ ilfW`^ ij^jk X[jl Gnjd md`^ X"Wfc`^ ij^jk`^ l!@bZ X$fW`^ ilfW`^ (r' m

G*@djb Rl[" 1?2 ]^j[,^Z 3pj#+ ijW ]^Z_g` X'Z'kW ij^jk /c. mgY ij^jk`^ R7} /!d"d o4 Fb*g0

4cd V*Y X[df"`^ X"Wfc`^ ij^jk`^ /Zkd 8q'q Xqrj`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl eZq4q mcbdfqfbl`^ ]^j

kW ij^jk m`5 ]fW`^ jf#q

Fig. 7-6 Adsorption dehumidification process



Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

(Water injection) 50 -. "DH

Sb'*"`^Z /&-`^ XYf"$ mn XWf_`^ ef!bqrd`^ lk+ XqZrj`^ Xq'" Gnj` ij.fqW ]^Z_`^ mn ]f XqZrj`^ Xq'" Gnj mn 8q'db fWW rbkW`^ r'Z`^ mn )^l[ ijb-$ e^jr0 /c. mgY ]fW`^ Jjq

c. mn (6ZW Z} fWc Xnf[`^ ]^Z_`^ ij^jk X[jl

Fig. 7-7 Liquid water injection process fW+ tw =t1wbXqrj`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl pZf'd ij^jk X[jl l"Y ]fW`^ V!kq odb 1?2a ]^j[,^Z 3 ]^Z_g`

]^Z_g` Xqrj`^ ij^jk`^ X[jl VW mgY+ VZ!kW`^ ]fW`^ ij^jk X[jl VZcdn 1?2b ]^j[ 3 t >t

]^Z*_g` X*qrj`^ ij^j*k`^ X*[jl VW /0+ VZ!kW`^ ]fW`^ ij^jk X[jl VZcd ^jb#+Z) 1?2c ]^j[,^ . Heat and mass balance of the process,
w2 = w + 1 mw ma

tw <t1wb

(7-12) (7-13)

h2 = h1 +ma (w2 - w1)hfg

Example 7-4
o Moist air at 12 C dbt and RH of 80 % enters air duct to control the air properties

with flow rate of 1.5 m /s. 3 The air absorbed sensible heat and picks up moisture
o from hot water at 50 C until its relative humidity increased to 40 % and dry bulb o temperature of 32 C. Determine the heat added and the water consumed in the

3 & Data: 1db = 12 oC, RH1= 80 %, 2db = 32 oC, RH2= 40 %, Va 1.5 m / s t t =

& Required: Q,mw Website: ?? Refrigeration and Air Conditioning


From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

h1 = 29.65 kJ / kg , h2= 62.7 kJ / kg , v1= 0.8175 m 3 / kg w1 = 6.97 g / kg , w2 = 11.91 g / kg da da

& & Q =ma (h2 - h1 = ( a / v1)(h2 = h1 ) ) - (1.5 / 0.8175) ? (62.7 - 29.65) = 60.642 kW V & & & mw =ma (w2 - w1) = ( a / v1)(w2 - w1 ) V & = (1.5 w 0.8175) ? (11.91 - 6.97) ?10 -3 m/ ? 60 = 0.544 kg / min

Example 7-5
o Moist air at 35 C dbt and RH of 40 % enters adiabatic air washer with flow rate of 3 0.5 m /s. The relative humidity of air leaving the air washer is 90 %. Determine

the dry bulb temperature of air leaving, air washer efficiency, and the water consumed in the process.
3 & Data: 1db = 35 oC, RH1= 40 %, RH= 90 %, Va 0.5 m / s t = 2

Required: t , h

& , 2db m



From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

3 = h1= 71.49 kJ / kg , v1 0.893 m / kg



Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

w1= 14.14 g / kg , w2 = 18.25 g / kg , ws = 18.81 g / kg da da da t2db= 25.25 o C hair


w2 - w1 18.25 - 14.14 = = 0.88 ws - w1 18.81 - 14.14

& & & mw =ma (w2 - w1) = ( a / v1)(w2 - w1 ) V & mw = (0.5 / 0.893) ? (18.25-3- 14.14) ?10 ? 60 = 0.1381 kg / min

(Adiabatic mixing process) +;:<010:C) @J# 5.678

6`^ eZq4q X@gd#W ij^jk ef[jl l"Y ]^Z_`^ VW X@gd#W efbWc rg#q odb mcbdfqfbl+ r

c. mn VbqW Z} fWc rbkW`^ r'Z`^ m`5 ij^jk l!n

Fig. 7-8 Adiabatic mixing process Moisture and mass balance of mixing process,
& & w & w ma1w1 +ma 2 2 =ma 3 3


& +& & m a 2 m a 3=m

Heat balance is,

& & & h ma1h1+ma 2h2 =ma 3 3


Example 7-6 Room is being maintained at 25 ?C and 50 % RH and outside air conditions are 10 ?C dbt and 90 % RH. The outside air is mixed with return room air as
=m : m , determine the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of the 3 & 2 o & R

mixed air.
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& & Data: t = 25 oC, RHR= 50 %, o = 10 oC, RHo= 90 %,mo / mR= 3 / 2 t R


Required: t, RH M


From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

ho = 27.35 kJ / kg , hR = 50.34 kJ / kg w = 6.86da g / kg , w = 9.89da g / kg o R

Mass balance,
&/& & & o& m m o m = o3 / 2, } = R1.5?& , M m m and m =m +R& R

Heat balance,
& & & & & moho +mRhR =mM hM , moho +mRhR = (&o+ &R)hM m m & & 1.5&R 27.35 + ? 50.34 = (1.5R +mR )hM m? mR m & } h= 36.55 kJ / kg , M t= 16 oC, RH M = 0.7 M

Example 7-7 Air flow of 11 kg/s at 10 ?C and RH of 90 % is first preheated and then humidified adiabatically to RH of 90 % in air washer, then reheated to a final condition of 37 ?C dbt and 35 % RH. Calculate the power required of the two heaters, the consumed water in air washer, and the dry bulb temperature of the air after leaving the pre-heater. &= = t Data: 1 = 10 oC, RH1= 90 %, RH 90 %, 4 = 37 oC, RH4= 35 %, ma 11 kg / s t 3

& Required:2 Power Power , m , t , w 2db

Solution From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

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h1 = 27.35 kJ / kg , h4= 72.68 kJ / kg , h3 = h = 55.87 kJ / kg 2 w= 6.86 g / kg, w= 13.8 g / kg 1 da 4 da t 2db = 37.44oC & )= ower =ma (h2 - h111? (55.87 - 27.35) = 313.72 kW P 1

& )= Power =ma (h4 - h311? (72.68 - 55.87) = 184.91 kW 2 & & ) = 11? mw =ma (w3 - w2 (13.8- 6.86)? 10

? 3600 = 274.824 kg / hr

Example 7-8 Moist air at dbt of 15 ?C and RH of 90 % with a rate of 1.5 3m /s enters a chamber, the air is first pr-heated with 25 kW electric heater, and humidified with steam injection of 1.25 kg/min by saturated steam at 120 ?C. Determine the dry and wet bulb temperatures of leaving air.
& Data: 1db = 15 oC, RH1= 90 %, ma 1.5 m 3 / s, Q = 25 kW t = = 120 C o & = ms 1.25 kg / min, ats t

Required: 3db, t3wb t Solution



Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

From Psychrometric chart, the air properties are,

h = 39.29 kJ / kg , v1= 0.829 m 3/ kg , w= w = 9.57 g / kg 1 1 2 da & 1.5 V & = 1.8094 kg / s ma = a = 0.829 1 & Q =ma (h2 -),1 } 25 = 1.8094 ? 2 39.29), = 53.11 kJ / kg (h h h 2 t2 db = 28.49oC
o Process 2?3, heating and humidification with steam injection at 120 C,

Process 1?2, sensible heating with electric heater,

Mass balance,
& & ms =ma (w3 - w2 ), } 1.25 = 1.8094 ? (w - 0.00957), = 0.0211 kg / kg w 3 3 da 60

o Heat balance, steam enthalpy at 120 C from steam table 2706 kJ/kg = is, h s

& & mah2 +mshs = (&a +ms )h3 m & 1.25 1.25 1.8094 ? 53.11 +? 2706 = (1.8094 + ) ?h3 , } h3 83.31 kJ / kg = 60 60 t3db = 29.23oC

1. Air is heated from 17 ?C dbt and RH of 90 % to 35 ?C with adding sensible heat and the flow rate is 11 kg/min. Find the relative humidity of the original state and the amount of heat added in kW. 2. Moist air enters a refrigeration coil at 32 ?C dbt and 18 ?C wbt and at a rate of 500 lit/s. The surface temperature of the coil is 10 ?C and the apparatus capacity is 10 kW. Determine the dry bulb temperature of the air leaving the coil, the cooing coil efficiency, and the moisture removed from the air in Lit/min. 3. Moist air at 35 ?C dbt and 45 % RH enters a refrigeration coil at a rate of 2 3 m /min. The apparatus dew point is 15 ?C. Calculate the RC, if the cooling coil efficiency is 85 %. 4. Stream of outside air is mixed with a stream of return air in an air conditioning system. The flow of the outside air is 2 kg/s and its conditions 35 ?C dbt and 25
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C wbt. The flow rate of return air is 3 kg/s and its conditions are 24 C dbt and 50 % relative humidity. Determine the different properties of the mixture. 5. Room is being maintained at 24 C and 50 % RH and outside air conditions are 5 C dbt and 80 % RH. Return air from the room is cooled and dehumidified by the mixing it with a fresh ventilation air from the outside. The total air flow to the room is 60 % outdoor and 40 % return air by mass. Determine the dry bulb temperature and relative humidity of the mixed air. 6. Saturated air at 5 C is first preheated and then saturated adiabatically. This saturated air is then reheated to a final condition of 40 C dbt and 30 % RH. Determine the air temperature leaving the pre-heater and relative humidity. 7. A hall of a textile factory is to be maintained at 30 C dbt and 80 % RH and the outside air conditions are 37 C dbt and 30 % RH. The outside air is mixed with re-circulated air and the mixture is then humidified through an adiabatic saturation process. The air leaves the humidifier at a temperature equal to 25 C dbt and 90 % RH. If the total air quantity is 10 kg/s. Determine, the quantity of outside air condition, and the water added in the humidifier.


Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

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