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Case Study: Annual Festival, DA-IICT Event Workflow Event Workflow <<Information>> Identification of People and defining skill

sets. Allocation of Responsibilities Event Planning and Conceptualization + Content Transfer to Web Design Event Description + Content Transfer to Web Design Design of Corporate Brochure Completion of Corporate Brochure triggers move for Sponsorship. Advertising and Marketing of Event (In House + Core Workflow Design Workflow Sponsorship PR Workflow Workflow <<Event>> Present Situation and Cause of the call of the workflow. <<Information>> Companies and Event Information Finalize target companies <<Information>> Event and Audience Information Finalize target audience Finance and Resource Allocation Workflow

<<Information>> Requirements pertaining to Request. Intellection

<<Information>> Requirements pertaining to Request Conceptualization

<<Information>> Event information Analyze requirement and the urgency relating to the same.

<<Information>> Ideas relating to request processing. Negotiation <<Result>> Answer to Request.

<<Information>> Ideas relating final conceptualization. Design by appropriate usage of software <<Physical>> Final Designs

<<Information>> List of target companies Approach to the companies <<Information>> Discussion

<<Information>> List of target audience Ideas relating to approach to different audience <<Result>> Publicity and Environment Build Up

<<Information>> Cost analysis and feasibility of grant approval. Negotiation <<Result>> Grant approval or rejection.



Media) Event Definitions Event Execution Design of Newsletter + Posters + Brochures + CD In House Publicity (Newsletter) External Publicity (Posters + Brochures + CD) Support (Establishment of a Help Desk) Starting Registration for Events @ Synapse Hospitality (Accommodation and Catering) Local Marketing Resource Allocation and Management Memento Design Other Give Aways Scheduling Ambiance Travel Our Travel <<Result>> Idea Approval and final product <<Result>> Monetary funds or Sponsorship in kind. <<Result>> Information Transfer to Web Design Hospitality Volunteer Web Design Workflow Workflow Workflow <<Event>> Present Situation and Cause of the call of the workflow. <<Information>> Details of people Choosing people apt for the required task <<Information>> Final list of people for a particular job. Allocation of jobs <<Result>> Assignment of Proper people for the job. <<Information>> Content/Request Design Ideas pertaining to the website <<Information>> Finalization of Design and content. Update the website with content <<Result>> Website with continuous updates of content.

Event @ Synapse Workflow

<<Information>> Event Definition Event Refinement <<Information>> Final Event Plan Execution of the Plan <<Result>> Event

<<Information>> Expected people and request Feasible options relating to request fulfillment <<Information>> List of viable options Approach the viable options <<Information>> Monetary details Negotiation Finalization of contracts <<Result>> Proper facilities @ Synapse

Guests and Participants Help and Support (Volunteers) Certificates and Prize Distribution Resource Packaging and Clearance Archiving

The Proposed workflow is supposed to work in accordance to the following statechart diagram.

Trigger: Call of the event

Trigger: Task Accomplished

Started Follow the workflow details as mentioned in the table above Team Hierarchies

Core Team One Member from each teams specified directly below in the hierarchical order. Responsible for the overall management of the event as a whole

Decision Board: Organization Type

Design Team Responsible for the design work and conceptualization of Synapse

Event Management Team Responsible for the proper effective management of the festival and its events

Finance Team Responsible for resource allocation and monetary sanctions

PR Team Responsible for Publicity and Environment Build Up for the Festival

Sponsorship Team Responsible for bringing in the companies as sponsors for Synapse

Department: Organization Type

Publishing Team Responsible for design of posters, brochures, certificates, mementoes etc

Web Design Team Responsible for design and continuous update of website

Hospitality Team Responsible for hospitality for the guests and the external participants

Volunteer Management Team Responsible for management of volunteers and proper job allocation

Events @ Synapse Responsible for management of events at Synapse

Team: Organization Type

An Iterative Sponsorship Workflow

Company and Event Analysis Finalize Target Companies

Approach Target Companies




Monetary Funds and Sponsorship in Kind


An Iterative Design Workflow

Event Analysis


Ideas relating to Final Design



Final Designs




Idea Approval and Final Product

Short Term Project Outline The project would be relating to a model for the organization of the team that would organize the Annual Festival for DA-IICT, Synapse. It would involve the account management of each member of the team involved in the Festival and apart from featuring their profiles; it would also involve features such as Task Allocation with deadlines and their final outcomes. The project would also take into consideration the workflow of the festival and the hierarchies in the teams which would streamline the task delegation process and would also involve a basic system of inquiry wherein the various team members get to know the progress of the task allocated by them and report the progress of the task allocated to them. Data Tables and Attributes: Profiles:

o Individual:
o o o o o o ID (Primary Key) Team ID (Foreign Key) Password Name Batch Contact

Team: o o o Team ID (Primary Key) Password Team Description

Tables specific to a Team: o Events at Synapse: o o o o o o Event ID (Primary Key) Name Description Definition Resource requirements Status

o Colleges:
o o o o o College ID (Primary Key) Name Contact Focus events Status


Companies approached:

o o o o

Name Description Approach ID (Foreign Key) Status

o o o o o

Approach ID (Primary Key) Focus events Focus sponsorship amount ID of the person responsible for the contact with the company Results


Finance: o o o o o Transaction ID (Primary Key) Amount Involved Nature (Expenditure/Income) Description Status

o Participant Team ID (Primary Key)

o o o o o Name Event College Room Allotted Contact

Resources: o o o o o o Resource ID (Primary Key) ID of person who made the request. (Foreign Key) Event Amount Required Schedule Status of procurement

o Guests:
o o o o o o Event ID (Foreign Key) Name Purpose Travel Details Accomodation Contact

Tables for all Teams: o Task: o o Task ID (Primary Key) ID (Person/Team Allocating Task)

o o o o o

ID (Person/Team Assigned Task) Task Description Deadline Priority Status

ER Models of the Database

Task ID Individua l Perform Task

Allocation ID

Assignment ID Description Deadline Priority

Team ID






Team ID Member of Team




Core Team Design Team

Event Management Team

Sponsorship Team

PR Team

Finance Team

Web Design Team Publishing Team Events @ Synapse Team

Hospitality Team

Volunteer Management Team



Takes care of

Target s

Approache s






Event ID Name Description Definition Resource Requirement Status

Name Purpose Travel Details Accommodatio n Contact Event ID

Team ID Name Event College Room Allotted Contac t

Name Description Approach ID Contac t

Approach ID Results Focus events Focus Sponsorship Amount Approached by ID


Maintain s


College s

Audit Log

Resource s

Name Transaction ID Focus Events Amount Status Status College ID Contact Nature Request ID Schedule Description Event Status Amount Required Resource ID

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