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Self-Awareness chart

Characteristics Recognize and identify your feelings Capitalize on your strengths Work on improving your weaknesses Understand what or who triggers your emotions Know the implications of different emotions you display Maintain a sense of humor about yourself you dont take yourself too seriously Tips for Developing Verbalize emotions rather than ignore them Ask for feedback about your actions and behaviors from trusted friends Analyze your physical reactions when youre in stressful situations (quick breathing, ushed face, sweaty palms, etc.) Keep a journal where you record stressful situations and how you responded so you can learn from your mistakes and improve on your successes

Self-Management chart
Characteristics Use a variety of techniques for handling feelings in a productive and appropriate manner Think before you act Able to control impulses Even in difcult situations you are able to stay poised and positive Tips for Developing Take a deep breath and count to 10 before you respond in emotional situations Make a list of all your hot buttons (people, circumstances, etc., that set you off) and develop a strategy for what you can do to keep these hot buttons from causing you to lose your self-control Reduce your stress through common techniques such as physical activities and relaxation techniques

Self-Motivation chart
Characteristics Are goal oriented Can overcome obstacles through perseverance to get what you really want Tips for Developing For the next project you have to complete, write out a measurable goal statement that includes the specic steps you will need to take to complete the project and put due dates on each step Write down the obstacles that might occur and have a plan for dealing with each obstacle so that you wont allow obstacles to keep you from nishing your project

Empathy chart
Characteristics Sensitive and understanding of other peoples feelings Have good listening skills Can read others moods Respect and relate well to people who are different than you (age, race, gender, education, etc.) Tips for Developing Try putting yourself in someone elses shoes and asking yourself how you would feel in his or her situation Practice reading peoples facial expressions and other nonverbal cues to gauge their true feelings Consider taking a course in developing listening skills Ask questions to help you understand the other persons point of view from both a content and emotion perspective

Characteristics Sensitive and understanding of other peoples feelings Have good listening skills Can read others moods Respect and relate well to people who are different than you (age, race, gender, education, etc.)

Tips for Developing Try putting yourself in someone elses shoes and asking yourself how you would feel in his or her situation Practice reading peoples facial expressions and other nonverbal cues to gauge their true feelings Consider taking a course in developing listening skills Ask questions to help you understand the other persons point of view from both a content and emotion perspective

Social Skills chart

Characteristics Interact with others in a positive and productive manner Find areas of common interest and build rapport with most people you meet Tips for Developing Those who have mastered the other four aspects of EI are usually adept at social skills Become active in social events or professional associations in order to network and strengthen relationships

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