Assignment of Research Methodology in Communication

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Assignment of Research Methodology in Communication

Grounded theory takes a case rather than variable perspective, although the distinction is nearly impossible to draw. This means in part that the researcher takes different cases to be wholes, in which the variables interact as a unit to produce certain outcomes. A case-oriented perspective tends to assume that variables interact in complex ways, and is suspicious of simple additive models, such as ANOVA with main effects only. Part and parcel of the case-orientation is a comparative orientation. Cases similar on many variables but with different outcomes are compared to see where the key causal differences may lie. This is based on John Stuart Mills' (1843, A system of logic: Ratiocinative and Inductive) method of differences -- essentially the use of (natural) experimental design. Similarly, cases that have the same outcome are examined to see which conditions they all have in common, thereby revealing necessary causes. Although not part of the grounded theory rhetoric, it is apparent that grounded theorists are concerned with or largely influenced by emic understandings of the world: they use categories drawn from respondents themselves and tend to focus on making implicit belief systems explicit. The basic idea of the grounded theory approach is to read (and re-read) a textual database (such as a mass of field notes) and "discover" or label variables (called categories, concepts and properties) and their interrelationships. The ability to perceive variables and relationships is termed "theoretical sensitivity" and is affected by a number of things including one's reading of the literature and one's use of techniques designed to enhance sensitivity. Of course, the data do not have to be literally textual -- they could be observations of behavior, such as interactions and events in a restaurant. Often they are in the form of field notes, which are like diary entries. Open coding is the part of the analysis concerned with identifying, naming, categorizing and describing phenomena found in the text. Essentially, each line, sentence, paragraph etc. is read in search of the answer to the repeated question "what is this about? What is being referenced here?" Grounded theory is used for both analyses, qualitative as well as quantitative. It is a complete reverse theory which starts from Data collection, through variety of methods such as IN DEPTH INTERVIEWS: Most commonly used Relies on open ended questions Questions can be modified to reflect emerging theory OBSERVATION METHODS AND FOCUSED GROUP

From the data collected, the analysis is made on four categories that is the CODES: Where the key points of the data are gathered. CONCEPTS: Data from codes which are of similar content is grouped for better understanding of the problem. CATEGORIES: Broad groups are formed from which the theory can be made. THEORY: A complete collection which shall explain the subject of the research Grounded theory is used when the main concern is to discover the participants dissatisfaction and to understand his problem and then resolve it. It does not aim for truth, but whats going on according to the direct and indirect observation and experience by the researcher. The research can be stopped when the saturation point reaches. It does not mean no additional data can be formed, but that the researcher has got adequate information to come up to a conclusion. Eg.

A Uses & Gratification Approach upon the quality & quantity of news coverage made by Top two English Dailies i.e. Times of India & DNA of Ahmedabad
The thing which is being discussed here is about newspapers. Implied here is a certain parameter of Newspapers and that is quality & quantity. The consequences can be drawn from the uses & gratifications theory and in order to solve the problem, we need to understand and have knowledge about both the newspapers that is TOI & DNA The process of naming or labeling things, categories, and properties is known as coding. Coding can be done very formally and systematically or quite informally. In grounded theory, it is normally done quite informally. For example, if after coding much text, some new categories are invented; grounded theorists do not normally go back to the earlier text to code for that category. However, maintaining an inventory of codes with their descriptions (i.e., creating a codebook) is useful, along with pointers to text that contain them. Analysis: 1. If you are being provided TOI/DNA for free, which one of them would you prefer and why? Field Note: Respondent 1: Being a TOI reader I would choose definitely TOI as it has targeted the major audience and had created its own goodwill and is known by everyone. Moreover, there is source of reliability and getting this newspaper for free can even save money.

Code Note: We are talking here about a particular type of newspaper that is TOI/DNA. This association gives the readers to experience its specific properties along the dimensional continua. Being a TOI reader and choosing the same newspaper to read is expected. (Degree of expectancy). But the reader can even switch on to DNA which cannot be controlled (Degree of uncontrollability). Demanding for TOI due to the source of reliability and goodwill (Degree of Trust). Saving Money (degree of continuity). From this field note I come up with the following potential relationships: 1. People will choose a reliable and trustworthy newspaper, but it doesnt mean that they wont switch on to some other newspaper as here in case with DNA. 2. Expecting the same newspaper for free, which shall even save money was expected but cant be controlled as the idea of getting anything for free can excite the readers in due advantage of saving money. Other potential categories, properties to come out of this field note to be explored in future memos are: Readers need information, & they will demand any newspapers which are reliable and has a greater goodwill in sense of Trust. This Field note suggests but does not address: 1. What does the reader mean when he says reliability, goodwill and trust 2. What should be done to keep the readers involved with the same newspaper that is by merging the degree of uncontrollability and degree of expectancy. 3. How much money does the reader save by getting the newspaper for free

Submitted to: Dr. Ruchi Tewari Submitted by: Siddhi Jain

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