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Coca- Cola Live Our Values

Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world.

Leadership: The courage to shape a better future Collaboration: Leverage collective genius Integrity: Be real Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me Passion: Committed in heart and mind Diversity: As inclusive as our brands Quality: What we do, we do well

Our core values are..

Integrity . . .
Integrity is the foundation of all enduring relationships and every successful business. We will always do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

Respect & Trust . . .

We respect and trust Our associates and colleagues, as we work together to reach our full potential; Our owners, who have entrusted their capital and resources to our care; Our consumers, who rely on our quality products; Our customers, who rely on our partnership and excellent service; and Our communities, which we serve with a great sense of civic responsibility and good will.

Quality . . .
We are committed to the highest quality standards for the products that are enjoyed by our consumers and the service we provide our customers. We dont compromise our standards and we dont take shortcuts. Quality assurance takes place every minute of every day and is everyones responsibility.

Excellence . . .
We will always strive for excellence. We will always work to exceed expectations. Second place is unacceptable; we intend to be the undisputed leader.

Nokia Core Value Customer Orientation:

Seeing customer as the basis of all Nokia activities Respect for the individual:

Treating employees, business partners and customers with respect. Achievement:

Working toward and well-defined common goal and strategy. Continuous Learning:

Constantly looking for ways to improve performance and having the courage to pursue new ideas.

1. Sony Elevation of the Japanese culture and national status. Being a pioneer not following others; doing the impossible. Encouraging individual ability and creativity.

2. Walt Disney No cynicism. Nurturing of wholesome American values Creativity, dreams and imagination. Fanatical attention to consistency and detail.
Intel Customer Orientation
We strive to listen and respond to our customers, suppliers, and stakeholders; clearly communicate mutual intentions and expectations; deliver innovative and competitive products and services; make it easy to work with us; and be a vendor of choice.


We strive to conduct business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism; ensure a safe, clean, and injury-free workplace; make and meet commitments; properly plan, fund, and staff projects; and pay attention to detail.

We strive to achieve the highest standards of excellence; do the right things right; continuously learn, develop, and improve; and take pride in our work.

Risk Taking
We strive to foster innovation and creative thinking, embrace change and challenge the status quo, listen to all ideas and viewpoints, learn from our successes and mistakes, and encourage and reward informed risk taking.

Great Place to Work

We strive to be open and direct, promote a challenging work environment that develops our diverse workforce, work as a team with respect and trust for each other, win and have fun, recognize and reward accomplishments, manage performance fairly and firmly, and be an asset to our communities worldwide.

Results Orientation
We strive to set challenging and competitive goals, focus on output, assume responsibility, constructively confront and solve problems, and execute flawlessly.


Open and honest communication Customer satisfaction Social responsiveness Quality in everything we do Respect for people and property Recognition and reward for effort Teamwork Fair and equal opportunities

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