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1. He has written a letter. 18. They are making the arrangements.

A letter has been written. The arrangements are being made.

2. They knew it. 19. He will have finished the work.

It was known. The work will have been finished.

3. She was reading a book. 20. All love him.

A book was being read. He is loved by all.

4. They had sent a message. 21. Someone cheated John.

A message had been sent. John was cheated.

5. He has given me his book. 22. He is telling a story.

I have been given his book. A story is being told.
His book has been given to me.
23. They have broken the chair.
6. He teaches us English. The chair has been broken.
We are taught English.
English is taught to us. 24. The servant will polish the shoes.
The shoes will be polished.
7. They did not sing a song.
A song was not sung. 25. Do you know her brother?
Is her brother known by you?
8. I kept him waiting.
He was kept waiting. 26. Your performance surprised her.
She was surprised by your performance.
9. What do you want?
What is it wanted? 27. I can win this race.
This race can be won.
10. Open the door.
The door must be opened. 28. Please tell him about it.
He must / have to / should be told about it.
11. They elected him minister.
He was elected minister. 29. She was reading a novel.
A novel was being read.
12. Who teaches you English?
Who are you taught English by? 30. He plays football well.
Football is played well.
13. Smith buys two books every
month. 31. They have gathered all the things.
Two books are bought every month by All the things have been gathered.
32. Have they seen the Taj Majal?
14. She will not beat the dog. Has the Taj Majal been seen by them?
The dog won’t be beaten.
33. Where did you keep that thing?
15. He will invite her to the party. Where was that thing kept?
She will be invited to the party.
34. His behaviour vexes me.
16. This pot contains ink. I’m vexed by his behaviour.
Ink is contained in this pot.

17. She has read the book.

The book has been read.

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