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invocation of love, wisdom and Oneness

Beloved Sadguru Swami Sivananda Thank you. All of it is your will, your grace, your love. It was only when I visited your ashram in Rishikesh did most of this life make sense. For every manifestation of Divinity that I have seen, felt, remembered were names of divinity that I chanted in your ashram as a child. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Shakti, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Kali and all the nameless names of the formless forms with your guidance I bowed to them over and over. Even the words I did not understand vibrated their essence into my heart for my head need not understand what my heart already knew. Mother Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu

On this day Vaikunta Ekadasi, 23.12. 2012, the day on which Vaikuntha Dwaram the gate to Lord Vishnus Inner Sanctum is opened I invoke the love and wisdom of beloved Sadguru Swami Sivananda in the space called Inner Dance and Maia Earth Village for I see that you have guided everything here. In surrender to all true gurus who have sacrificed their egos for the sake of all sentient beings to realise their inner being so that all bubbles of individual consciousness may realize that all is in Union with God.

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara Guruh sakshath param brahma Tasmai Shree Gurave Namah
Brahma the Creator Om Tat Sat, Om Tat Sat, Vishnu the Sustainer Shiva the Destroyer

Om Tat Sat Om Tat Sat Om Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti Om Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize Be Good, Do Good, Be Kind, Be Compassionate Inquire Who Am I? Know Thy Self and be free Adapt, Adjust, Accommodate Bear Insult, Bear Injury, Highest Sadhana Om Tat Sat, Om Tat Sat, Om Tat Sat Om Om Shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti Om I surrender to you Sadguru Swami Sivananda and beloved Lord Vishnu who simply breathes bubbles of infinite bliss, recognizing that He is All and sees perfection in all knowing that all is One. All is Vishnu. All is One. All is God.

Inner Word: Self-inquiry Inquire who am I. Know thyself and be free Realising God: Who am I? Meditating on God: What is my purpose in life? Serving God: How am I sharing my true self? Loving God: What is my heart saying? Purifying to be union with God: How am I facing my fears and judgements? Being God: How am I being honest and in surrender to God? Doing God: Is what I am doing right now an experience of God?

Inner Word: Observing ones own integrity. Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize Inquiry: Is this who I really am? Observation: Am I really serving God? Declaration: Am I always sharing the truth of my heart? Affirmation: Am I listening deeply to my heart? Intention: Am I honestly letting go of fears and judgement? Manifestation: Am I being my true self? Embodiment: Am I doing what my heart is telling me to do?

In the mandala of impermanent and constant union, balance and perfection the colours are the manifestations of divinity. Red-Green: Lakshmi and Vishnu Yellow:-Indigo: Shakti and Shiva Blue-Orange: Saraswati and Brahma

Violet is Vishnu who is the Father of all formless forms. White is the process of all forms of divinity coming into union and then surrendering it all to Black. Black is Kali who is the Mother of all formless forms. The Mother is the most nurturing black taking into herself all illusions of separation by uniting with all. She destroys all fears of death as she destroys the individual self. She rebirths consciousness as she herself surrenders to her own death. On this day of Vaikunta Ekadasi I invoke the love and wisdom of the guru who is God in all the names and forms that are just ONE.

On this day of Vaikunta Ekadasi, the Vaikunta Dwaram the gateway to

heaven is opened which is the passage encircling the innermost sanctum of the Lord. This gateway could be the person you are married to. Or it could be the person who has hurt you the most. It could even be the event in your life that you wished never happened. And it could be the thing you fear the most. The simple acceptance that everything is God brings everything into perfection. Fear becomes love. Separation and illusion become Oneness.

Inquire who am I. Know thyself and be free. Realising God: Who am I? Meditating on God: What is my purpose in life? Serving God: How am I sharing my true self? Loving God: What is my heart saying? Purifying to be union with God: How am I facing my fears and judgements? Being God: How am I being honest and in surrender to God? Doing God: Is what I am doing right now an experience of God?

If just for one moment you choose to see all as perfection, the realization of God can be experienced within the simplicity of blowing bubbles, eating an apple, closing ones eyes and even looking into the mirror. All is God. Salutations to Sadguru Swami Sivananda who is Brahma in union with Saraswati, Vishnu in union with Lakshmi and Shiva in union with Shakti. Salutations to Vishnu who is Brahma and Shiva in union. When Creation unites with Destruction the Blissful bubble of breath that is non- breath is experienced and sustained. Vishnu opens his eye. All is One. I Am One.

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