BOSE Professional Loudspeaker Design Guide

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Panaray Design Guide Summary (2009 Simplified; By Engr.

Christor Pancho)
1. Determined a design approach. 2. Mark Cluster Locations. a. Centralize Cluster localization (Yes), W<50M, D<25M, Balcony (No). 4. Determine required number of speakers. Number of cluster elements: 502A Yaw =45 Yaw = 90 (3 elem.) 1 element 2 Elements
=> 1 but <90

=> 90 but <180

=> 180

Add more clusters

Number of cluster elements: 402-II, 802-III & ST 802-III 1 element


b. Decentralize Cluster - localization (Yes), W>50m, D>25m, Balcony (Yes).

2 Elements 3 Elements
Y=30 Y= 60

c c

c c c c

c c

=> 1 but <60 => 60 but => 120 <120 <180 => 180 Add more Cluster

50% Larger than Delay Zone

c. Distributed Cluster - localization (No), Balcony (N/A).


5. Calculating dn(Normalized Throw Distance) a. Calculate Effective Cluster Height(H) H= C - L b. Calculate Throw Distance(D)
c. Calculate Normalized Throw Distance(dn) Dn = D/H

Spacing Multifliers Product A B 402-II 0.7 1.4 502A 0.75 1.4 802-III 0.8 1.6
Note: Limit Spkr Spacing to 20m

c c c

2.2xH BxH

c c c

c c c


ECH(H)=CH-LEH(1m or 1.5m)

Overhead Distributed Cluster Design

Surface Distributed Cluster

H>3m use 8m *mxH H<3m use 6m *mxH

3. Determine Total Cluster Dispersion a. Centralize Cluster = Nominal Horizontal Coverage Angle o 90% of listening Area.

c 90%

b. Decentralized Cluster

6. Determined the speaker pitch. a. Locate required pitch chart. b. Draw a horizontal line across pitch chart that corresponds to the dn. c. Identify the floor rake curve. d. Where the dn horizontal line and the floor rake curve intersect draw a line vertically down to read the speaker pitch angle.

90% of Main/

Satellite Listening Zone.



Main is 50% larger than delay cluster

Legend: c = Cluster of Loudspeakers

Bose 402-II Pitch Chart

7.1 Balancing direct field levels. (For Decentralized cluster)

Bose 502A Pitch Chart

Bose 802-III Pitch Chart

a. Draw a horizontal line from the left hand scale that matches your speaker to listener distance. b. Locate the loudspeaker curve that corresponds to the loudspeaker used to cover this coverage zone. c. Draw a vertical line down to the bottom scale from the intersection of the speaker to listener distance and loudspeaker curve. d. Read the direct field level on the bottom scale of the chart. 7.2 Setting alignment delay. (For Decentralized cluster)

7. Finalizing Satellite Cluster Locations (For Decentralized cluster)

To calculate the lateral spacing that is required:

1. Identify the floor rake that most closely matches your design. 2. Read the normalized lateral distance, dL, that corresponds to the loudspeaker pitch. 3. Calculate lateral spacing. dL x H (cluster height). 4. Space the satellite clusters according to the lateral spacing.
a. Measure the delay distance, (DD). b. Divide the delay distance by 0.343 add 15ms for the haas effect. Delay time = (DD/0.343ms)+15ms c. Group similar delay times to determine the total channels of the delay that are required for this design. Total Delay Channels =__________

8. Calculate total acoustic power

402-II Acoustic Power Full Bandwidth: 0.470AW w/502B: 0.671AW w/MB4: 0.819AW 802-III Acoustic Power 0.802AW 1.61 AW 1.965 AW

(By Engr. Christor Pancho)

502A Acoustic Power ST802-III Acoustic Power Full Bandwidth: 0.182AW 2.265AW w/502B: 0.326AW 4.162AW w/MB4: 0.398AW 5.081AW MA12 Acoustic Power = 0.0AW in all range

9. Estimating Reverberation Time (RT60)

12. Estimating the system Speech Intelligibility. - To use the STI charts you will first need to determine the Speaker to listener Distance for three representative locations.

10. Estimating Room Volume. Room Volume = L x W x H 11. Estimating continuous System SPL.

a. From the STI charts, locate the chart that corresponds to the type of loudspeaker that is covering the listener and the rooms T60. b. Draw a vertical line that corresponds to the rooms volume. c. Locate the curve that most closely corresponds to the Speaker to listener Distance for this location. d. At the point where the Speaker to listener curve and the room volume line intersect draw a horizontal line to the left. e. Read the estimated STI score.

Note: If the estimated STI score is lower than 0.50 you Draw a line RT60 and Room Volume. may want to consider a new design approach. Draw a second line from Acoustic Power to the SPL that intersects in the index line. Curves correspond to the following speaker to listener, DL, distance Meters 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 30.0 Upper curve = 1.5m, lower curve = 30m STI CHART

(By Engr. Christor Pancho)

Meters 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 30.0 Upper curve = 1.5m, lower curve = 30m STI CHART

Meters 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 30.0 Upper curve = 1.5m, lower curve = 30m

FreeSpace Design Guide Summary.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create a sketch or drawing of the room or project. Confirm what loudspeaker to be used. Confirm that the loudspeakers will meet the response required. (Vocal/Full or Extended Range) Create a loudspeaker spacing layout that meets your coverage requirement. Calculate the required amplifier size.

Panaray Design Guide Summary

1. Determined a design approach. (centralize, decentralize and distributed) 2. Mark Cluster Locations. 3. Determine Total Cluster Dispersion 4. Determine required number of speakers. 5. Calculating dn(Normalized Throw Distance) 6. Determined the speaker pitch. 7.0 Finalizing satellite cluster locations. (For Decentralized cluster) 7.1 Balancing direct field levels. (For Decentralized cluster) 7.2 Setting alignment delay. (For Decentralized cluster) 8. Calculate total acoustic power 9. Estimating Reverberation Time (RT60) 10. Estimating Room Volume. 11. Estimating continuous System SPL. 12. Estimating the system Speech Intelligibility.

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