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Punniya Bhoomi


Be the change you wish to seeMahatma Gandhi

Punniya Bhoomi
Every particle of dust in India seems sacred Swami Vivekananda.

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Students place here, your event of the month and invite friends and well wishers.

Paul Brunton : When do you think that the political and economic conditions everywhere will begin to improve? Kanchi MahaSwamigal: How can things improve when the nations spend more each year on the weapons of death?...Nothing but spiritual understanding between one nation and another, and between rich and poor, will produce goodwill and thus bring real peace and prosperity. nava Narasimha Bharati, who took a personal interest in his education. He studied at the pathasalas of Sringeri and Bangalore, and attained exraordinary proficiency in Sastras. At the age of 20, he became the head of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham and was very efficient in the conduct of its affairs. He was a great saint in the real sense, as he led a simple life without any worldly desires inspite of his exalted position at the prestigious Sringeri Samsthanam. He had the rare power to transform, by a mere glance, even the non-believers of God into believers. He was able to explain, with great ease and humility, any subject that his sishyas brought to him. Although he was a very learned man, he did not have the least ego. In the later years he did not take much interest in the affairs of the mutt, but he had an ingenious capacity to set right even the slightest mistake that occurred. He attained a high dispassion in life and wanted to provide more time for his own tapas. What is vidya? That which teaches dharma and which results in supreme bliss is vidya. We should not be content with the loukika-vidya (worldly education) we have learnt to earn our livelihood. We should strive to learn that vidya which is competent to give us eternal happiness. To this end, let us first have that eternal happiness can be attained by us if and only if we have faith in the sastras and we conduct ourselves in accordance with their teaching.

today!!! Let your work Inspire Others.

Invite students for your events by placing here details about the event for students/ teachers and school management. Reach to them and show you care for them.

Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati Mahaswamigal adorned the Sri Sringeri Saradha Peetham from 1912-1954 From his early years, Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati Swamigal came under the influence of his guru Sri Sachchidananda Sivabhi-

Divine voice-Sage of Kanchi

are assailed by such doubts. We eat to satisfy hunger, the stomach becomes full, there is no trouble or hunger. Then why can't we take cooked rice alone? Why should we eat so many side dishes? So, if we eat, it is just not to fill the stomach, but we want food tasty to the palate and pleasing to the eyes. Whoever is attracted to a particular God he worships that. If God is the ocean of mercy and if He knows everything, He must know what we want. Why should we appeal to Him to do this or that? The reasonable answer is that instead of begging useless people at useless places, we plead before the Highest and the Omniscient. Otherwise, we have no justification to ask Him to give us this or that. The reason for crores of our people remaining within the fold of HinduWhy so many Gods? Is it not ism, in spite of powerful propaganda of other religionists, wars, lure of enough to have only one? money, etc., is we see a great man (Mahatma) in our midst by whom we Other religions speak of one are impressed. God only and not many. We

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Punniya Bhoomi

Be the change you wish to seeMahatma Gandhi

Vaikunta Perumal Temple, Kanchipuram

Kanchipuram home to many temples is proud of Vaikunta Perumal temple. This was built by Pallava Kings in 7 AD. It is said, that this temple gave inspiration for kings to build Kailash Nath temple in Kanchipuram, which in turn inspired Chola King, Raja Raja Cholan to build Tanjavur Brahadeeshwara temple. Did you visit this temple which is so beautiful and admired by all? Make a visit and feel proud of our ancestors who built these for us. For the new year, make resolution for the new year to visit such temples and help in cleaning temples which have been built by our great Kings.

A child of Allah and Ram Kabir

to draw it. No earth, no sky, no time, no thing, is there: no shore, no ford! There, there is neither body nor mind: and where is the place that shall still the thirst of the soul? You shall find naught in that emptiness. Be strong, and enter into your own body: for there your foothold is firm. Consider it well, O my heart! go not elsewhere, Kabr says: "Put all imaginations away, and stand fast in that which you are." O BROTHER, my heart yearns for that true Guru, who fills the cup of true love, and drinks of it himself, and offers it then to me. He removes the veil from the eyes, and gives the true Vision of Brahma: He reveals the worlds in Him, and makes me to hear the Unstruck Music: He shows joy and sorrow to be one: He fills all utterance with love. Kabr says: "Verily he has no fear, who has such a Guru to lead him to the shelter of safety!"

To what shore would you cross, O my heart? there is no traveller before you, there is no road: Where is the movement, where is the rest, on that shore? There is no water; no boat, no boatman, is there; There is not so much as a rope to tow the boat, nor a man

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Punniya Bhoomi

Be the change you wish to seeMahatma Gandhi

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Punniya Bhoomi

Be the change you wish to seeMahatma Gandhi

Inspiring to Inspire others

Name: Mittal Patadiya Age: 12 Feat: Fought assailants Ask her to recount the incident that won her the prestigious Geeta Chopra Award, the girl from Ahmedabad doesn't talk about the 351 stitches on her wound but how she regrets the fact that one of the assailants managed to escape. On November 3, 2010, Tahiliani (Mittal's foster mother) answered the door after the bell rang. Standing outside was Ajit Singh, a driver she knew, and two other men. He asked for water. Mittal went to fetch it. The men then pushed Tahiliani inside and shut the door. They started beating her, demanding money. Mittal immediately caught one of the men by his hair. The miscreant stabbed her in the neck repeatedly. Blood oozing out of her neck, she held on to the man and managed to open the door. Neighbours caught Singh and one of the accomplices. Mittal is now called 'Jhansi ki Rani'.

Name: Dungar Singh Age: 7 Feat: Jumped into fire to save brother Dungar loves his brother so much that he didn't think twice about jumping into a fire to save his disabled brother when their father Haathi Singh wasn't at home. The youngest among the awardees knows no fear. Dungar jumped into flames to save his disabled brother on March 27, 2011. A fire had broken out at their hut in Rajasthan. Their father was away. Dungar and his brother Mahendra tried to run outside. While Dungar managed to run to safety, Mahendra got caught in the fire. Hearing his cries, Dungar immediately jumped into the flames and brought him out safely. Villagers then informed the police and called an ambulance. 'I love my brother very much. I could not have let him die,' says Dungar, who wants to become a Hindi teacher.
Source National-Bravery-Awards-2012-Big-courage-little-shoulders.html Real heroes whose actions inspire us to help others under all circumstances. Every year school children should be made to give a presentation on any of national award winners for bravery.
You can help your fellow friends who are in need or visit them as well to play with them and bring joy in their (and our) life. SRI SARADA ASHRAM New Edaikal, Trichy Trunk Road Ulundurpet 606 107 Villupuram District, Tamilnadu Ph:04149-220432 Mob:9487481452, 9487475432 Just for 8 Rupees you can feed a sister who is in need. Next time you go out for a dinner or ask your parents for a party think of these needy friends. Help them and show you care for them.

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Punniya Bhoomi

Be the change you wish to seeMahatma Gandhi

Did you know? Contributions of India to World

How do heavenly bodies remain in the skies? How is it that they do not fall? Everybody thinks that it was Newton who found the answer to such questions. The very first stanza in the Suryasiddhanta, which is a very ancient treatise, states that it is the force of attraction that keeps the earth from falling. Centuries ago, we knew not only about the earth's force of attraction but also about its revolution round the sun. Aryabhata, Varahamihira and others spoke of the heliocentric system long before the Western astronomers or scientists. Until the 16th century people in Europe believed that the earth remained still at the centre of the universe and that the sun revolved around it. They further believed that this was how day and night were created. If anybody expressed a different view he was burned at the stake by the religious leaders. "It is the earth that revolves around the sun, not the sun round the earth", declared Aryabhata. He used a beautiful term to describe the logic behind his view : "laghava-gaurava nyaya". "Laghu" means light, small, etc and "laghava" is derived from it. The opposite of "laghu" is "guru", weighty, big, etc. "Guru" also denotes a weighty personality, a great man, like an acarya or teacher, one who has mastered a sastra. If the acarya is guru the disciple must be laghu. The student is small and "light" compared to his guru. So he goes round the latter. This is based on "laghava-gaurava nyaya". By adducing this reason for the earth going round the sun, Aryabhata combined science with a traditional sastric belief.

We call the universe with all its galaxies, "Brahmanda". It means the egg created by Brahma (the cosmic egg). An egg is not exactly spherical in shape, but oval. According to modern science the universe too is oval in shape. The cosmos is always in motion, so observe modern astronomers. "Jagat" is the word by which we have known it from Vedic times. What does the word mean? That which does not stand still but is always in motion, that which "is going". The date of creation according to Jyotisa agrees more or less with the view of modern science. Kali yuga--the age of Kali--has a span of 432, 000 years. Dvapara yuga is twice as long, 864, 000 years, Treta yuga is 1, 296, 000 years and Krta yuga 1, 728, 000 years. The four yugas together, called maha yuga, are 4, 320, 000 years long. A thousand mahayugas add up to the period of 14 Manus. The Sanskrit word, "man", means to think. Manu was the first of the human race with its power of thinking. There is a saying in English :" Man is a thinking animal. " "Since man's distinctive characteristic is his capacity to think the descendants of Manu came to be called "manusyas. " The life-span of the fourteen Manus put together make one day(daytime) of Brahma, that is 4, 320, 000, 000 years. His night has the same length. While one day of Brahma is thus 8, 640, 000, 000 years his one year is 365 such days and his life-span is 100 such years. The life of his cosmos is the same. When Brahma's life comes to an end the Brahman alone will remain and there will be no cosmos. Then another Brahma will start creation all over again. It is believed that Hanuman will be the next Brahma.

Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka, Suvarloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka and Satyaloka comprise the seven worlds. The gods, mortals and so on live in these worlds. Bhuloka, Bhuvarloka and Suvarloka form one group. "Bhurbhuvassuvaha, " we pronounce this so often while performing rituals. The remaining four belong to higher planes. When Brahma goes to sleep at night the first three worlds will be dissolved in the pralaya (deluge). This is called "avantara-pralaya"("intermediate deluge"). All other worlds will perish when his life-span ends. Scientists say that the heat of the sun is decreasing imperceptibly. Without the warmth of the sun there will be no life on earth. Scientists have calculated the time when the sun's heat will be reduced so much that life on earth cannot be sustained. Then this world itself will perish. The date on which this will occur agrees with that given by our sastras for the next "avantara-pralaya". Source :

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Punniya Bhoomi

Be the change you wish to seeMahatma Gandhi

Dear Friends, This is an attempt to know the greatness of this land which produced so many great lives in the world of spiritualism. It is these lives that make this land a blessed one. To name a few Buddha, Mahavir, Adi Sankara, Gurunanak, Kabir, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.

Punniya Bhoomi
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Their life and message tell us that Truth is one sages call it differently. No land on the face of earth has produced so many lives in spiritual world. Share your contributions and make your

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thoughts/actions heard to others to know why this land of ours is a Punniya Bhoomi. Tell us and make others know how you are enriching it with your contribution in your school and community. Punniya Bhoomi team.

Be the change you wish to see Mahatma Gandhi.

He is the Chola King who requested Yeripatha Nayanar to punish him as the royal elephant committed offence against the temple priest. By Lords grace the elephant, mahouts came alive. Once when this Chola King saw a matted hair with holy ash on forehead on one of severed heads from a battlefield that was won, he was full of regret and guilt of committing sin against a devotee of Lord Siva. He is one of 63 Nayanmars. He entered the fire holding the severed head on his head, repeating Lord Sivas name and attained his lotus feet. Can you name the king and this Nayanmar?

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