Adam Lanza Truth John Castaldo St. Rose of Lima Newtown

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Death threat prompts police response to Newtown church on Sunday | The...

Death threat prompts police response to Newtown church on Sunday
By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News | The Lookout Sun, Dec 16, 2012

[Updated at 2:40 p.m. ET] NEWTOWN, Conn.--St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church was evacuated during its noon mass on Sunday due to an anonymous threat made by phone. A spokesman for the church told Yahoo News that an unidentified male called the rectory, threatening to "kill everyone." "My friend didn't finish the job," the caller said, according to the church official. The church alerted state police, who said it was a credible enough threat and ordered the church be evacuated, the spokesman said. At approximately 12:30 p.m., Monsignor Robert Weiss interrupted a younger priest, "calmly told the parishoners there was a threat," and led the evacuation of approximately 500 people, he said. Heavily-armed patrolmen and SWAT team members surrounded the church with weapons drawn. Police formed a perimeter around the church and several adjacent buildings, including an empty education center. The media, which had been barred from attending the mass at St. Rose but were camped out across the street, swarmed to capture footage of the chaotic scene. Approximately a dozen police and SWAT officers surrounded a white building just west of the church, taking cover behind trees with guns drawn. A Newtown police officer declared the scene was "clear" at approximately 1:15 p.m., but declined to answer any questions about the threat. At 2 p.m., a Humvee carrying the tactical unit left the church parking lot. The Newtown Police Department headquarters also declined to comment on why officers rushed to the church. "No, we don't have any information on that," a hurried police dispatcher told Yahoo News. At least 10 of the 20 children killed during Friday's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School were parishoners at St. Rose, the church spokesman said, adding that funerals for eight of the children are scheduled to be held there. It's the second threat in as many days for St. Rose, according the Washington Post. On Saturday, the church displayed
Armed officers surround a church building in Newtown, Conn., on Sunday. (Dylan Stableford/Yahoo News)

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12/22/2012 6:10 PM

Death threat prompts police response to Newtown church on Sunday | The...

posters for parishioners to express their grief. However, an unknown prankster wrote, "This is just round one," on one of them, the pastor said. By 2:30 p.m., the church had closed its doors and cancelled their evening mass.

Copyright 2012 The Lookout Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. | Yahoo! - ABC News Network | /

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12/22/2012 6:10 PM

Jury Selection Starts in Priest Abuse Trial, by Daniel Tepfer, Connecticut...
Jury Selection Starts in Priest Abuse Trial By Daniel Tepfer Connecticut Post January 11, 2005 STAMFORD Jury selection is scheduled to begin this morning in the civil trial of a Roman Catholic priest accused of molesting a Trumbull altar boy in the early 1990s. The Superior Court lawsuit, filed against the Diocese of Bridgeport, charges that the church hierarchy failed to protect children from the Rev. John Castaldo. Ernest Teitell, who with Paul Slager, represents the former altar boy, confirmed jury selection is scheduled to begin this morning, but Monday declined further comment on the case. Diocesan spokesman Joseph McAleer said the diocese does not comment on pending cases. The lawsuit claims Castaldo kissed the then-13-year-old altar boy on the mouth at least five times in the sacristy at St. Theresa Church in Trumbull in 1990. It states the priest took the plaintiff and two other altar boys on a trip to Disney World in Florida in August 1991 and sexually assaulted the plaintiff during that trip. Castaldo served as parochial vicar at the Trumbull church from 1987 to 1992. The priest did not face criminal charges in connection with the Trumbull case. After his Trumbull post, Castaldo was subsequently reassigned by then-Bishop Edward Egan to St. Mark in Stratford, where he served from 1992 to 1994. He then went to St. Edward the Confessor in New Fairfield from 1994 to 1998 and St. Rose of Lima in Newtown until 1999. In May 2001, Castaldo, 46, then chaplain at Trinity Catholic High School here, was suspended following his arrest in an Internet sting operation run by authorities in Westchester County, N.Y., and charged with trying to entice an underage boy he contacted via the Internet to have sex. Police said Castaldo posed on the Internet as a gym teacher and attempted to solicit sex from someone he thought was a 14-year-old boy. He later pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to one weekend in jail and five years probation. Because Egan, now cardinal of New York, was in charge of the Bridgeport diocese at the time of the alleged molestation, the plaintiff's lawyers have sought to have him deposed or give a pre-trial interview under oath. Egan initially resisted, but recently agreed to give the deposition. However, sources said that neither a date nor location for the deposition have been agreed upon. The deposition could lead to Egan having to testify during the trial, which diocese sources say they want to avoid. During a similar civil trial in federal court in New Haven in 1997, Egan, testifying by videotape, claimed that neither he nor the 268 priests in the Diocese of Bridgeport are diocesan employees. "Every priest, like every minister or every rabbi, is self-employed," he said. That testimony so upset parishioners that Egan wrote a letter, which was read at Mass in every church

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12/22/2012 3:26 PM

Jury Selection Starts in Priest Abuse Trial, by Daniel Tepfer, Connecticut...

in the diocese, to explain his testimony.

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12/22/2012 3:26 PM

Classmate says Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook school

Classmate says Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook school

Gary Stoller and Oren Dorell, USA TODAY 8:09a.m. EST December 19, 2012 64 Comments Share

Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook Elementary School, the same place where he fatally shot 20 first-graders
NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The gunman who killed 20 elementary school students in their classrooms had once attended the same school, according to a school administrator and a former classmate. Superintendent Janet Robinson said Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook elementary, although she could not remember the year. "I know that he was a student at Sandy Hook at some point," she said. Investigators have said nothing about a possible motive or why Lanza targeted the school. FULL COVERAGE: Connecticut school shooting ( USA TODAY)

aee1-eef43a1e81e4/connecticut-school-shooting/) STORY: School shooting survivor tells her story (

/18/connecticut-school-shooting-survivor/1778431/) OBAMA: Backs new assault weapons ban ( Relatives have denied that Lanza attended the school. But at least one former classmate said that he apparently attended the school in fifth grade in fall 2002. Lanza, 20, killed 20 children and six adults and wounded two others at the school Friday morning. Earlier, he had shot and killed his mother at their home. He fatally shot himself after the attacks. The signatures of Lanza and his fifth-grade classmates are on a Sandy Hook Elementary T-shirt made by the school and given to each student. Lanza and other fifth graders attended the school in fall 2002. The Sandy Hook School T-shirt says "2003," but Lanza and his classmates actually left Sandy Hook at the end of 2002. In January 2003, they moved to newly built Reed Intermediate School for fifth- and sixth-graders. Lanza was home-schooled for some of his education, family members have said. Fifth-grade classmate Dan Lynch, now a junior at the University of Connecticut, remembers Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary. "I was in class with him in fifth grade, and he was extremely introverted," Lynch says. "He was really skittish, always anxious and nervous."

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12/23/2012 4:23 AM

Classmate says Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook school

Adam Lanza's signature on Sandy Hook Elementary T-shirt.(Photo: USA TODAY)

Lynch says he remembers watching a sex-education movie, and Lanza saying he was about to throw up and needed to leave the room. Lynch says Lanza was "a nice kid when he did talk to you," and "not a bad person." Lanza "kept to himself, and everyone left him alone," Lynch says. "I can never recall him getting bullied." Details of the drama surrounding the school continued to surface. One firefighter in the initial rescue squad to respond to the 911 call last week at Sandy Hook Elementary had a son in the school at the time of the shooting, Sandy Hook Fire Chief William Halstead told Fire Chief magazine in an interview published Tuesday. Halstead's daughter, Karin Halstead, the EMS captain, spotted the boy, who was safe. The wife of another firefighter was visiting the school and hid behind a dumpster during the shooting, Halstead said. Halstead told the magazine that the firefighters set up a triage area, expecting dozens of wounded people, but cared for only two victims: one woman with gunshot wounds in her hand and thigh and one woman with gunshot wounds in her leg and foot. Halstead said his ex-wife and the school nurse hid in a closet when the shooting started.

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12/23/2012 4:23 AM

MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault


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MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

By Yoichi Shimatsu 12-20-12 My long-distance interest in the Sandy Hook events is based on ongoing work with a team of anti-pedophile journalists and activists who for over a decade have tracked and exposed American pedophile rings from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam) to Beijing, China. In all cases so far, our team discovered that these frontline pedophiles supply children for sexual services to VIPs traveling in Asia, including diplomats from the highest levels of the White House and State Department, top executives of major corporations, and heads of universities and aid agencies. Nearly all the patrons involved in this cruel pastime have backgrounds in US intelligence the CIA, NSA or State Department intelligence. The individuals are from diverse religious backgrounds Catholic, Jewish and Orthodox - while the core facilitators are often priests with Jesuit order, and to a lesser degree Franciscans and Benedictines. At an orphanage in Cambodia, it took three years for our multinational team against death threats from armed policemen and undisguised hostility from NGOs to realize the expulsion of a pedophile coven, which included a former US ambassador to the United Nations, the celebrated head of a new media program at an Ivy League campus and a renowned correspondent based at the Tokyo American Club. When the police shut down their strong-encryption computer center and satellite uplink, used for sweetheart messaging and exporting child-porn videos, the American pedophiles stripped out all the programs, rendering a room of Apple computers inoperable. Later, at a celebration for the liberation of the orphans from the grip of these abusive men and their compliant wives, the teachers told me that the average age of the boys and girls who had been invited to sleep over at weekend parties was 10 years old. One member of our team who resided in Cambodia suffered an accident in a cowardly act of retaliation by that viscous coven with all the fingers on both hands broken and bleeding from his ears as he lay unconscious along a highway. Its taken our brave friend three years to regain his formidable intellectual powers as a former political speechwriter. I use the term coven because these predators work as families parents, children and grandchildren indoctrinated from infancy that inflicting trauma on helpless children is life's greatest pleasure.

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12/23/2012 4:34 AM

MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault


Pedophilia is a psychiatric illness that is spreading worldwide because the globalist elite, much like a deranged fraternity from hazing hell, use it to control their peers and underlings through the commission of shameful and often lethal crimes. The photos are enough to prevent defection, informing to the police or sending leaks to the media. The American power elites predilection for young boys has always been a privilege as shown in past scandals involving White House pages. One of the first postwar American ambassadors to Tokyo was a voracious pursuer of teenage boys inside gay bath houses frequented by rightwing Japanese militarists, the very same war criminals who had committed unspeakable atrocities against civilians for example converting Christian boys schools into male brothels. The shared lust of the former soldiers from both sides corrupted and ultimately reversed the attempt by a victorious Allied Supreme Command to transform Japan into a peaceful democracy. Authoritarian perversion remains in command. In recent years with the rise of Internet file-sharing, a major shift in pedophile profiles has appeared in the increasingly lower age of pedophiles. It is shocking that college-age men, who should be involved in same-age affairs (with either sex we are not being judgmental about preference) are instead eager to abduct kids who are barely out of infancy and videotape brutal rape scenes to share with their online fellows. Today, young men of college age serve as procurers, pimps and producers of child porn for their sugar daddies. These younger pedophiles, at least while in Asia, are often studying abroad on US government fellowships, CIA grants or working for Soros-funded NGOs. In Beijing, I had a verbal sparring match with a young American video producer who was making a documentary on child abductions by Chinese adoption rings. He had no intention of saving kids from these criminals, since his stated ambition was to launch a pornography industry in China. This was the son of a leading faculty member at a Connecticut prep school, which sponsors troubled boys and prepares them for a life of male prostitution with dormitory screenings of videos showing the gang rape of preteen girls with the knowledge and sometimes approval of teachers, according to testimony submitted to court. After first being a victim of sexual assault and then acting as a perpetrator against younger boys or girls, many of these young men develop passive-aggressive personalities. When challenged, they tend react with suppressed rage under a blank expression and then get their revenge with a strange prank against their accusers. Many women might nod in agreement that men are awful creatures, but from our experience in Southeast Asia, there are also many female predators. On an early-morning visit to a Peace Corps camp on the Laotian border, a friend in the U.S. Army was stunned to discover that every American women all graduates of elite East Coast colleges was asleep with a 12-to-14 girl tucked inside her bed. Americans are not alone in this sickness of mind and body Europeans, Australians and Japanese are among the notorious child molesters. Sexual domination of weaker individuals, especially children who cannot defend their rights, is a hallmark of imperialism. There is one more element involved in the pedophile industry: the organized crime groups that finance the purchase or kidnapping of children. These gangsters are not just low-life elements but also include professional gangsters - businessmen with connections to politicians and bankers. A point that needs mentioning is that during youth, I spent a summer at a prep school in Connecticut

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12/23/2012 4:34 AM

MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault


on a National Science Foundation program but it had nothing to do with MK-ULTRA. Mind Control in Connecticut: Catcher in the Rye In 1942, at the start of World War II, the Jesuit order opened Fairfield University in southern Connecticut. The new Catholic college was erected on the country estate of Brewster Jennings, then chairman of the Socony Mobil Oil Company, which after a series of mergers became ExxonMobil. After serving as a naval officer in World War I, the Hartford-born oil executive graduated from Yale and became closely associated with the OSS and CIA. He founded the Avalon Foundation, since renamed the Mellon Foundation, which has funded pacification programs inside American society. (Outed spy Valerie Plame worked under cover at the Brewster Jennings brass plate company, which acted as the CIAs counter-proliferation department.) Although the information remains classified, it had to be OSS chief Bill Donovan who prompted the formation of Fairfield University as an intelligence training center for potential CIA recruits vetted from the elite preparatory schools in Connecticut. During the war in Europe, a noncommissioned office of Russian Jewish descent assigned to U.S. Defense Intelligence worked on Operation Paperclip (the transport of Nazi scientists to U.S. laboratories) and Project Artichoke (smuggling German Jews into Palestine in support of a Zionist state). His name was J.D. Jerry Salinger. Later, he served in the Counter-Intelligence Corps, debriefing and reassigning Nazi officers, including those who had conducted psychiatric experiments on prisoners of war. At wars end, Salinger lived in Tarrytown, New York, but was soon ordered to move across the state border to Stamford, Connecticut, close to Fairfield University. He resided in a converted barn, out of public view, presumably to continue his special area of intelligence work, the field testing of the MK-ULTRA methods refined by the sadistically clinical Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (the pseudonym of Joseph Schieder), who ran the main mind-control lab at Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., which is also a finishing school for diplomats in the State Department. In the Connecticut countryside during his lost years, Salinger penned The Catcher in the Rye, which contains the command code-words for MK-ULTRA assassins. The protagonist Holden Caulfield is a study of a paranoiac passive-aggressive character, whose favorite expression is: Youre killing me. CIA Partners with Organized Crime in New England Around 1950, while Salinger was in Stamford, the CIA recruited a South Boston convict nicknamed Whitey Bulger to supply young runaways for mind-control experiments under the fast-expanding MK-ULTRA programs being set up at 44 universities across the United States. The centers for the New England drug experiments were probably the Whiting Forensic Facility at the Connecticut Valley Hospital in Middleford, Connecticut, and Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts, the regions psychiatric facilities for the criminally insane. With CIA backing, Bulger built up his Winter Hill Gang, composed mainly of Irishmen, who strong-armed their way to control over the Bostons gambling scene and drug trafficking. While little is known about the political activities of the Bulger gang, its rise to crime dominance coincided with the expansion of weapons smuggling into Northern Ireland in support of the IRA. A parallel cross-Atlantic traffic in drugs (and illegal immigration in the reverse direction) began at the same time. The

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MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault


predominantly Irish political machine of Boston from the Prohibition Era smuggling tycoon Joseph Kennedy Sr, to House Majority Leader Tip ONeill gave their blessings to the flourishing organized crime network and voiced support for the patriotic IRA freedom fighters, who returned the favor to Washington with murderous attacks on American-loathing British figures such as Lord Montbatten. Connecticut, under control of the Patriciarca crime family, was off-limits to Bulger. The day-to-day operations of the Sicilian immigrants were run by Bill Grasso, head of the clan that later produced Connecticuts first female governor. Starting in the 1980s, the DOJ, FBI and CIA launched an all-out war against the Patriciarca mob in order to install their puppet Whitey Bulger as crime boss of New England. FBI agent John Connelly took credit for infiltrating and busting up the Patriarca clan, but later he was exposed as a mole for Bulger. By the early 1990s, Bulger set up his Jai Alai Associates, a betting syndicate based in Connecticut and Florida. Finally, all of New England was safe for CIA smuggling, support for terrorism, money-laundering and mind-control operations. In 2011, Bulger made headlines with his arrest in Malibu, California, where he had lived for more than a decade undetected despite being on the FBI most wanted list - on a long vacation thanks to his relationship with the CIA. If there was one point of irritation, however, between the Irish mobster and his controllers, it was his opposition to drug use by teenagers. After seeing first-hand how MK-ULTRA had destroyed the minds of his young recruits, Bulger ordered his gang members never to sell drugs to teenagers. Even a ruthless mobster has more decency that the self-styled patriots who run the intelligence services. Child Porn Hub for New York and Washington Whatever its genteel image of colonial homes and autumnal foliage, Connecticut has a sleazy underside embedded in its servant pool, welfare households and the chronic unemployed. Bridgeport, with its low-income Puerto Rican population, is a major center for prostitution and recruitment of prostitutes for VIP clients in New York and the nations capital. The pedophile rings have a social-economic hierarchy at the top are the VIP clients, then the intermediaries, often Catholic priests or social-services managers, further down the ladder the operatives losers recruited from prep schools and college campuses - and finally the supply itself money-hungry willing parents and the unwillingly abducted children. Newtown, like Fairfield and Stamford, is part of the Diocese of Bridgeport, which got into legal trouble in 2001 due to lawsuits by 23 victims of pedophilia committed by priests. Bishop Edward Egan, then diocese head, was a protector of sexual offender priests, sending them to other areas when parental complaints reached the ears of the police. After the plaintiffs won an out-of-court settlement, the Diocese petitioned the US Supreme Court to quash the thousands of documents detailing the beastly sex crimes. In 2009 Opus Dei honcho Justice Antonin Scalia determined that the court records should not be made public. In this past years pedophile scandal at Penn State, another Opus Dei leader, former FBI director Louis Freeh, was hired as a consultant by the Nittany Lions football team. His whitewash report put most of the blame on head coach Joe Paterno, while suppressing the names and backgrounds of the wealthy

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MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault


and powerful boosters who were provided sexual services from the young football players. In Connecticut, the Vatican had an interest in wiping the slate clean, and so did the CIA. The clean slate turned out to be a bloody mess. Agency-Spawned Pedophiles The MK-ULTRA program that reached into campuses across Connecticut quickly created a human garbage heap of wrecked minds and twisted souls. The child abuse and drugs routinely administered to young trainees led to a permanent social fixture of sadism and sexual abuse throughout New England from the gutter up to the governing class. In 2011, a Newtown resident named Edwin Wilson was arrested for having a months-long sexual relationship with a 4-year-old girl and producing child-porn videos of their sexual encounters. The arrest was a part of a wide crackdown order the state attorney general, Richard Blumenthal which boosted his successful campaign in the U.S. Senate race. Other cases included: a 24-year-old Hispanic male in Hartford who shot videos of sex with a pre-teen girl; a DJ in Plainfield arraigned on similar charges, an older theater and film teacher accused of using Taft schools equipment to make kiddie porn the list goes on in sickening detail. Fairfield University, where MK-ULTRA was implanted into New England, recently saw two staffers implicated in the rape of 23 Haitian boys during the earthquake relief effort. Adam Lanza fits the profile of a pedophile-ring recruit young enough to approach children at the local schools and in the churches, possessing the computer skills to produce child-porn videos and typically passive-aggressive in personality. The Lanzas attended the Saint Rosa of Lima Church, where eight child parishioners were among the shooting victims. Santa Rosa is the very same order that sponsors the western-state hospital that employed Michael Jacksons physician Dr. Conrad Murray. As in the case of Jacksons Neverland, after a child-sex experiment blossoms, it must be shut down. The Lone Gun-Boy Theory Nancy Lanza kept an arsenal of firearms, and ordered her son to be constantly under watch by older boys. She must have had good reason for being armed to the teeth. Judging from her hoard of rifles and hand guns, she was expecting an all-out assault from a coven of pedophiles, not an attack by a single shooter. The lone gun-boy theory is sheer nonsense her son may have been an accomplice in giving the assailants access to his home but ended up murdered as a patsy. The coven is larger and more powerful than Mrs. Lanza could ever have imagined. Sexual violation is the key to creating intelligence agents and assassins who are impervious to reason and mercy, lacking any original thoughts or moral qualms. Plus a supply of children is needed in Congress and the White House to entertain the satraps and moguls from Colombian drug lords to Israeli weapons dealers and French money launderers, not to mention Americas own homegrown pervs. The Motive: Payback for a Double-Cross If the culprits had been Adam Lanza and his pals, then their response to grounding would have been something like posting photos and address of naked children. The method of the shooting point-blank

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MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault


execution-style gun shots indicate that the assailants were professional hit men, probably allied with the Winter Hill Gang. The Sandy Hook assault happened probably because of a split between competing institutions and diverging policies. On one hand, the gangland figures who cooperated with CIA mind-control program that promoted child-sex as a means of ensuring obedience and secrecy were being challenged by politicians playing up parental demands to clean up the scandalous child-sex problem in Connecticut. The dirty FBI agent John Connelly was more of a double agent and go-between for the Feds and not simply a Winter Hill mole as portraying at his sentencing. The arrest of Whitey Bulger was a pure-andsimple double-cross by the FBI and CIA, who had used him as an ally in MK-ULTRA and informant for more than a half-century. In his ambitious drive to win a U.S. senatorial seat, state attorney general and now Senator Blumenthal broke the basic rules of mob cooperation. And now that has led to a war on the streets and in the schools. Unlike the Sicilian crime families who went down easy, the fighting Irish criminals can be counted on to put up a street battle with the same flair as in the movie The Gangs of New York. The gangsters have no shortage of allies in the pimps, drug dealers, pedophiles, punks and deranged freaks who have been caught up in the sudden dragnet. The police are outnumbered and easily outgunned. Its happened before, as in Fort Apache in the South Bronx. Sandy Hook is just the first installment of a payback. If the Feds push any harder, then Bridgeport and Boston will soon be looking like Belfast during the troubles or Beirut in the bad old days. Stop Drugging the Kids The mass media is under pressure to cover up the incident with sympathetic blather instead of a sustained probe. Forensic evidence is being literally buried. America is moving on where to, nobody knows. The politicians and cops are now silent and glum. Relying on arrests and wiretapping, they have forgotten that the fight against crime begins with addressing social justice, economic fairness and education and in some unfortunate cases, psychiatric care. Was a Senate seat worth the lives of all those children and teachers? Blumenthal, who paints himself as a clone of the erstwhile New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, will have to live with that question for the remainder of his life. Is the CIA satisfied that its mind-control techniques that have created hordes of homicidal monsters from Iraq to Libya and now Connecticut? The lesson of Sandy Hook is that mind-control cannot itself be controlled. Programmed killers are like robots without power-off switches. The process of transforming innocent children into robots through sexual abuse is inhumane and a crime. Whatever MK-ULTRA is called today - since we know it still exists after seeing the Abu Ghraib Prison photos - it must be shut down forever or the murderous nightmare will go on and on. And mind-altering drugs are not just for sinister purposes, since at least 60 percent of U.S. children are on a pharmaceutical dosages long before they can learn how to think. Even parents act as mind-controllers against their own kids. Now, with the investigation terminated, comes the diversionary exercise of gun control, a national effort led by Joe Biden, a member of the Knights of Malta, a politician with an intelligence background who is sworn to protect the interests of the Vatican. Say it ain't so, Joe. Leave intact the right of armed

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MK-ULTRA Links To the Sandy Hook Assault


self-defense or the gangsters will take over everything, but get rid of the drugs and end the mind control and America will be a safer place, especially for its children. Yoichi Shimatsu, a science writer based in Hong Kong, provides herbal therapy and health counseling to the victims of the Fukushima radiation crisis.

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John Castaldo |

John Castaldo
Web References In 2001, John Castaldo, a ... [1], 1 Jan 2010 [cached] [2] In 2001, John Castaldo, a former spiritual director of Trinity Catholic High School, was sentenced to one weekend in jail and five years probation for having sexually explicit online conversations with someone he thought was a 14-year-old boy. He has since been sued for sexual molestation. WELCOME TO STRATTON FAXON - Connecticut's Firm for Trial Law [3], 23 Jan 2009 [cached] [4] A Trumbull man, identified in court papers only as "David Doe," is suing the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport and one of its defrocked priests, John Castaldo, for allegedly molesting the plaintiff a number of times in the 1980s. Also named as defendants are the estate of the late Walter W. Curtis, bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport from September 1961 through June 1988, and Cardinal Edward Egan, archbishop of New York, who was the Bridgeport bishop from November 1988 through May 2000. The suit, filed on Friday in New Haven Superior Court, states that Doe, now 33, "suffered severe and emotional and bodily pain" when Castaldo "repeatedly forced Doe to perform oral sex. It also states that the Trumbull priest "attacked Doe for his own deviant sexual gratification." According to the plaintiff's lawyer, Joel T. Faxon of New Haven, the molestation occurred when Castaldo was assigned to St. Theresa's Roman Catholic Church in Trumbull. Castaldo, who was defrocked in 2001, was sued by a "John Doe" in 2004 in a similar molestation case, also at St. Theresa's. That case, involving a then-12-year-old boy, was settled in January 2005 during the jury selection process. The amount of that settlement was kept secret. In that case, Castaldo admitted in a deposition to having a "sickness" before and during his assignment to St. Theresa's. After his stint at St. Theresa's, Castaldo was reassigned as the spiritual advisor at Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford and was also a priest at the St. Maurice Catholic Church in that city's Glenbrook section. Castaldo's 2001 removal from the church came after he was arrested and later found guilty in a sex sting operation in which he was found to have had explicit online sexual conversations with a police officer posing as a 14year-old boy. He pleaded guilty in that case and was assigned to five years of probation and a weekend in jail. The 30-page, 17-count indictment charges the defendants with such wrongs as infliction of emotional distress, battery and improper supervision of Castaldo. It also states that Egan and the Bridgeport diocese "either knew or should have known" that Castaldo had "disturbing" psychological assessments, yet still was allowed to have contact with children and teenagers. Priest who pleaded guilty gets one weekend in jail [5], 28 Nov 2001 [cached] [6] Father John Castaldo was sentenced today to one weekend in jail and five years' probation for describing online _ to an investigator he thought was a 1/3


John Castaldo |

old boy _ the sex act he wanted to engage in.He promised the judge that it would never happen again.Several other priests were in the courtroom to support Castaldo, who was chaplain at Trinity Catholic High School when he was arrested in May.Castaldo had been removed from his chaplaincy and from parish work at St. Maurice Church in Stamford.The diocese said his "authorization to function as a priest has been removed" and said Castaldo is getting psychological counseling. Catholicism in the News: June 2001 [7], 1 June 2001 [cached] [8] 1 John 1:7 says, "THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST HIS SON CLEANSETH US FROM ALL SIN." "Our Most Important Task" is - do we believe a Roman bishop who says God's love forgives sins, or the bible which shows that it took Jesus' blood, not His love, to cleanse us from all sin?Jesus said in John 8:32, "AND YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU FREE."He also said in Matthew 18:11, "FOR THE SON OF MAN IS COME TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST." However, as the article reports, the Benedictines do not seem so much concerned with man's sinful nature and his need for a Saviour, but in promoting a political correctness through this endeavor that would certainly win warm applause at the United Nations. I'll tell you what's exciting 1 John 3:2 says, "BELOVED, NOW WE ARE THE SONS OF GOD."The bible says I have a Father in heaven, "NOW," not possibly, not later, not maybe, but, "NOW." Jesus promises in John 6:37, "HIM THAT COMETH TO ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT."Roman priest John Castaldo, the spiritual leader at Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford, Connecticut, has been arrested on charges of "attempted dissemination of indecent material to a minor." The priest was caught responding, "to a posting on a sexually explicit Web site from an undercover investigator posing as a 14-year-old boy."Authorities said, "During online conversations in April and May, Castaldo described in explicit detail the sex acts he wanted to engage in with the 'boy.'" In addition, one student at the high school recounted a time when Castaldo called him into his office and asked, "What kids at the school were having sexual relations?"Evidently the vile stench of the confessional was not enough for 'Father' Castaldo!'Father' Castaldo will also undergo "psychological evaluation in accordance with the diocese's sexual misconduct policy."John Castaldo's only hope is to confess the sin of Catholicism to the real Christ (not a Roman priest posing as an 'alter Christus') and receive the gift of eternal life by faith in Christ ALONE. Castaldo was a spiritual ... [9], 3 Mar 2010 [cached] [10] Castaldo was a spiritual adviser to Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford and a priest at St. Maurice Parish in Stamford in the late 1990s. He was removed from both posts in May 2001 after he was arrested on charges of engaging in a sexually explicit online chat with someone he believed was a 14-year-old boy. He pleaded guilty in 2001 to a felony charge of attempted dissemination of indecent material to a minor and was sentenced to one weekend in jail and five years' probation. Similar allegations came up in another sexual abuse lawsuit filed against Castaldo and church officials. Egan was subpoenaed to testify in that case, but did not have to testify after the case was settled. According to Thopsey's lawsuit, the diocese knew or should have known before Castaldo was assigned to St. Theresa's Church that Castaldo had psychological assessments that suggested he had serious emotional problems. The suit said the Bridgeport Diocese knew or should have known before 1987 that Castaldo had been 2/3


John Castaldo |

expelled from a seminary for "remarkably bizarre behavior" and that the president-rector of the seminary had warned diocese officials about Castaldo. The Bridgeport diocese said in a statement that church officials were surprised to learn of Thopsey's claim. "The diocese has credible information dating back to 2004 that Mr. Thopsey was not sexually abused by John Castaldo," the diocese said. "In the past, a representative on behalf of Mr. Thopsey had contacted us to claim that Mr. Thopsey had experienced some psychological harm related to another matter, but not as a result of being sexually abused by John Castaldo.

1. 2. archive_id=0&page_id=-1015984529&page_url=// 3. 4. archive_id=0&page_id=-1476274317&page_url=// 5. 6. archive_id=0&page_id=231738710&page_url=// S=566265&page_last_updated=2001-11-29T02:21:10&firstName=John&lastName=Castaldo 7. 8. archive_id=0&page_id=1607685308&page_url=// 9. archive_id=0&page_id=-798487367&page_url=//


Priest Guilty in Sex Chat Former Chaplain of Catholic School Faces 6 Mo...
Priest Guilty in Sex Chat Former Chaplain of Catholic School Faces 6 Months' Jail By Jonathan Bandler Journal News September 8, 2001 WHITE PLAINS - A priest from Connecticut who was the chaplain of a Roman Catholic high school pleaded guilty yesterday to having sexually explicit online conversations with someone he thought was a 14-year-old boy. The Rev. John Castaldo, 42, will face a maximum of six months in the Westchester County Jail and 4y years of probation when acting state Supreme Court Justice John Perone sentences him Oct. 25. The priest was caught as part of a continuing sting operation by the Westchester District Attorney's Office that has resulted in 43 arrests since July 1999. Castaldo conversed online with an undercover investigator between April 28 and May 24, discussing sexual activity, telling him he was a gym teacher and arranging to meet for a sexual liaison. He eventually canceled the meeting, but he was arrested and his computer was seized at St. Maurice Church in Stamford, Conn., where he was a resident priest. "He called it off because he knew it was wrong," defense lawyer Vincent Briccetti said. He hadn't done that before, and he didn't think it was right. He is very sorry for what he did and the people he let down. He is determined to accept responsibility and remain a priest, which is his calling." The Bridgeport Diocese relieved Castaldo of his duties as chaplain of Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford and from having any public role as a priest. "This is a time of sadness in the life of our church and our community," Joseph McAleer, a diocese spokesman, said in a statement yesterday. "It is also a moment in which to renew our pledge to deal with any such cases openly and promptly. Prayers are requested for Father Castaldo and his loved ones." Castaldo remains a priest while the diocese continues its investigation, and he lives at a residence for Catholic priests in Larchmont. He pleaded guilty yesterday to first-degree attempted dissemination of indecent material to a minor, a felony punishable by up to four years in state prison. Assistant District Attorney Michael Delohery asked that Castaldo be incarcerated and lose his computer. Perone said Castaldo could go to jail for less than six months - or even avoid jail time - if he abides by certain conditions and gets a positive presentence report from the county Probation Department. The judge released him without bail pending sentencing. One of the conditions prohibits the priest from using the Internet. He can use a computer for professional or volunteer counseling only if a supervisor is monitoring him, but McAleer said Castaldo is no longer authorized to do any church-related counseling. The priest said he was taking anti-depressant medication but that it did not affect his ability to plead guilty yesterday. He appeared with his mother, sister and a priest friend. They declined to comment outside the courtroom. Castaldo, who was ordained in 1987, was a respected spiritual adviser who worked at Attica prison and helped Connecticut state police. He spent several years as a sports referee and umpire and was

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12/22/2012 1:48 PM

Priest Guilty in Sex Chat Former Chaplain of Catholic School Faces 6 Mo...

noted for his marriage-preparation classes for couples. A longtime friend of Castaldo's, Jeff Corrigan, said he was saddened by the turn the priest's life had taken. "He took part in my wedding. He baptized both of my kids, and in 20 years of friendship, I've never seen him doing anything that was close to illegal," said Corrigan, a former federal prosecutor now living in Edison, N.J. "I just hope that this one mistake, which he obviously regrets, doesn't wipe out all the years of good that he's done."

Any original material on these pages is copyright 2004. Reproduce freely with attribution.

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12/22/2012 1:48 PM

Connecticut Priest Arrested in Sex Sting, by Jim Fitzgerald, Associated Pr...
Connecticut Priest Arrested in Sex Sting By Jim Fitzgerald Associated Press State & Local Wire May 25, 2001 A priest who is the spiritual director for 425 students at a Catholic high school in Connecticut was arrested for engaging in sexually explicit online conversations with someone he believed was a 14-year-old boy, the Westchester County district attorney said Friday. The Rev. John J. Castaldo, 42, was caught in an ongoing Internet sex sting, which has resulted in 42 arrests and 35 convictions. "At this point nothing surprises us," said District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, whose office runs the sting operation. "It's very disconcerting that an individual would be in this occupation and do this kind of work, but not surprising at all." Castaldo is spiritual director for the 425 students at Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford. The school, which charges $5,800 a year for tuition, referred questions to the office of the Bridgeport Diocese. A spokesman there, Joe McAleer, said he could not comment immediately and did not return calls later. The school's Web site includes a photo of Castaldo standing next to Cardinal Edward Egan, now the archbishop of New York, who was formerly bishop of Bridgeport. Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the cardinal, said Egan was in Rome and was unaware of the arrest. Zwilling said he did not know if Castaldo was a friend of Egan. Pirro said that in online conversations during April and May, Castaldo said he was a gym teacher, gave out his phone number and described the explicit sexual activity he wanted to engage in to an undercover agent posing as a 14-year-old boy. He was charged with trying to send indecent material to a minor, which is punishable by up to four years in prison. Castaldo was arrested and arraigned Thursday and released without bail. As of Friday morning, no lawyer had been listed as representing him. Castaldo did not respond to an e-mail message seeking comment. Six other educators have been arrested in the ongoing sting. On May 17, Christopher Prato, 25, a teacher at the private 100-acre Harvey School, in Katonah, was arrested after he appeared in a Westchester park for what he thought would be a meeting with a boy, Pirro said. Pirro said Castaldo, too, had indicated he wanted to meet with the "boy." According to Marianne Walsh, a spokeswoman for the district attorney, people living throughout the Northeast have been arrested in connection with the sting. The defendants are prosecuted in Westchester because the undercover investigator is stationed in Westchester, making the county the scene of the alleged crime. Pirro called Castaldo's arrest "a wakeup call for parents." "It matters not what a person's title is or what their position is," she said. "Our children have to be aware of the fact that they are in danger sometimes when they are communicating with individuals on the Internet that they don't know."

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12/22/2012 1:42 PM

Diocese loses lawsuit in priest sex abuse case - Connecticut Post

Diocese loses lawsuit in priest sex abuse case

Daniel Tepfer, Staff Writer Published 11:26 pm, Friday, November 19, 2010

A state Superior Court judge in Waterbury Friday issued a judgment against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport in a lawsuit brought by a man who claimed he was abused by a priest at a Trumbull church in the 1980s. Judge William Cremins issued the judgment without a trial for the plaintiff, who is only identified in court papers as "David Doe," after the diocese did not comply with the judge's order to turn over hundreds of secret documents purporting to detail abuse of children by priests at St. Theresa's Church. "We are very pleased that our state court judges will not be intimidated by the stonewalling and bullying tactics of the Catholic church," said Joel Faxon, who represents the plaintiff in the lawsuit. Diocese officials did not immediately return phone calls for comment. If the diocese does not successfully appeal the judgment, the judge would then decide how much money to penalize the diocese for the case. In January 2009, Faxon filed the lawsuit on behalf of the Trumbull man against the diocese, claiming the plaintiff was severely abused by the Rev. John Castaldo in the 1980s. The suit claimed while a parish priest at St. Theresa's, Castaldo repeatedly forced the then-child to perform oral sex and also, under extreme threat and intimidation, attacked the boy for purposes of his own deviant sexual gratification. The lawsuit also claimed Castaldo's superiors in diocese, including former Archbishop Edward Egan, knew about his "bizarre sexual proclivities" and not only did nothing about it, but proceeded to hire and promote Castaldo as fully fit to carry out his duties in the church, including those involving children. All this occurred despite the fact that prior to Castaldo's assignment at St. Theresa's, there were very disturbing psychological assessments documenting that Castaldo "was fearful of his own aggressive drives," and was preoccupied with his "unresolved sexual urges," according to previously released court documents. Previously, documents showed Castaldo was expelled from his seminary for "remarkable bizarre behavior" of which the seminary's president-rector warned the Bridgeport Roman Catholic Diocese. Two other lawsuits were filed against the diocese claiming abuse by Castaldo.

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12/23/2012 6:02 AM

Sex Abuse Lawsuit Says Bridgeport Diocese Knew Of Priest's 'Bizarre' Behavior - Hartford Courant 03- 04/community/hc- priest- case- 0304.artmar03_1_sexual- abuse- diocese- drug- abuse December 23, 2012

Brooks Thopsey as a child, around the time he says he was molested by then (SHAWN SIENKIEWICZ, FOX) March 04, 2010|By JOSH KOVNER, The Hartford Courant By the time the Rev. John Castaldo began molesting a boy named Brooks Thopsey at a Roman Catholic church in Trumbull roughly two decades ago, he had already exhibited behavior that should have kept him from the priesthood, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday on Thopsey's behalf. Despite his expulsion from a Long Island seminary for "remarkably bizarre behavior" and a psychological assessment that said he was "preoccupied with his own sexual urges," Castaldo was ordained by the Rev. Walter Curtis and given his first posting, St. Theresa Church in the Diocese of Bridgeport, in 1987, said one of Thopsey's attorneys, Joel Faxon of New Haven. The lawsuit, filed in Superior Court in New Haven, names four defendants: Castaldo; the diocese; Curtis, who is deceased; and Cardinal Edward Egan, who was bishop of the Bridgeport diocese at the time of the alleged abuse. The suit seeks monetary and punitive damages. The diocese denies that it brought in a known sexual deviant and said it was surprised by Thopsey's allegations. "To say we wantonly brought in a sexual predator that we knew was going to prey on youth is absolutely not the case," said Brian Wallace, a diocesan spokesman.

In a statement, the diocese said it was told in the past by a representative of Thopsey's family that he had suffered psychological harm but that the episode was unrelated to any sexual abuse by Castaldo. The diocese said it "reached out" to Thopsey but he never responded. Faxon said that Thopsey only recently disclosed the abuse to his therapists, that he went back and forth about bringing a lawsuit, and that he discussed the abuse publicly for the first time during a press conference at Faxon's office on Wednesday. "We're happy to have the diocese defend the actions of Castaldo in court," Faxon said, adding that the diocese, in 2005, settled a sexual abuse lawsuit brought against Castaldo by Thopsey's brother, Ryan. Faxon said the dollar amount in the settlement was "substantial." Thopsey, 30, of Stratford, says in the suit that he was sexually abused by Castaldo from 1989 to 1992 and that he still carries the pain and emotional scars. "This is such a huge step for me," Thopsey said at the press conference. "Walking out of here, I'm going to be holding my head up high. I'm going to feel good about myself. ... What happened to me was wrong. But it wasn't my fault. I know that now." He spoke of going to confession and hearing Castaldo tell him to say Hail Marys so his sins could be forgiven. He said that over the years, he has considered suicide and has been hospitalized for alcohol and drug abuse. Castaldo, who graduated from Sacred Heart Seminary in Wisconsin, was snagged in a sex sting in Westchester County, N.Y., in 2001. He was convicted of having explicit sexual conversations on the Internet with a police officer posing as a 14-year-old boy. Castaldo was given a short jail term and five years of probation. He was defrocked in 2001. After leaving St. Theresa, Castaldo served at parishes in Newton, Ridgefield, Darien and Stamford. He was working as the spiritual adviser to 425 students at Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford at the time of his arrest in 2001, Faxon said. The commentary about Castaldo's expulsion from the New York seminary and the psychological assessment were sent to the Bridgeport diocese, Faxon said. He said the information was there for Egan to see when he arrived in 1988 as bishop to take the helm of the diocese. Wallace said the diocese "would not characterize the record that way. In retrospect, the record looks different than it actually was." Faxon said that Curtis never should have hired Castaldo and that Egan never should have let him remain. Egan, elevated to cardinal, was archbishop of New York from 2000 to 2009 before he stepped down. He has since received assignments from Pope Benedict XVI. "We will go to the Vatican if we have to, to take a sworn deposition from Cardinal Egan," Faxon said. "There's one question I want to ask him: 'Why did you allow a sexual deviant to consort with children?'" Reports from Rebecca Stewart of Fox 61 and the Associated Press are included in this story.

Diocese, Egan face new lawsuit on priest abuse - NewsTimes

Diocese, Egan face new lawsuit on priest abuse

By Daniel Tepfer, Staff writer Published 11:43 pm, Wednesday, March 3, 2010

TRUMBULL -- A man filed suit Wednesday against the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport and retired Cardinal Edward Egan, claiming he was abused by a priest at St. Theresa's Church in the early 1990s. In the suit filed at New Haven Superior Court, Brooks Thopsey, 30, claims he was molested numerous times by then-Rev. John J. Castaldo when he was 10 years old. This is the fourth lawsuit filed against the diocese by people who claim they were abused by Castaldo, who also served at St. Edward the Confessor in New Fairfield from 1994 to 1998, and St. Rose of Lima in Newtown until 1999. Two other suits, including one brought by Thopsey's older brother, Ryan, have already been settled for undisclosed sums.. "Castaldo had been grooming this entire family for this abuse," said Joel Faxon, Brooks Thopsey's lawyer. "The Diocese of Bridgeport is surprised to learn through a press release of the claim by Brooks Thopsey that he was abused by former priest John Castaldo," said diocesan spokesman Brian Wallace. "The diocese has credible information dating back to 2004 that Mr. Thopsey was not sexually abused by John Castaldo. "In the past, a representative on behalf of Mr. Thopsey had contacted us to claim that Mr. Thopsey had experienced some psychological harm related to another matter, but not as a result of being sexually abused by John Castaldo. Three years later, his father called the diocese suggesting that Brooks Thopsey had been harmed. The diocese immediately reached out, but Brooks Thopsey (who was already an adult) never responded." Wallace also said the plaintiff in the other pending lawsuit against the Diocese of Bridgeport and Castaldo had contacted the diocese on Monday to say that he had instructed his lawyer to withdraw the case because he has severe memory problems and now doubts the truth of his claims. Castaldo's lawyer, Robert Golger, said he hadn't seen the latest lawsuit and couldn't comment on it. Castaldo was arrested in 2001 and charged with having explicit sexual conversations via the Internet with a person he thought was a 14-year-old boy, but was actually an undercover police officer. He later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one weekend in jail in New York and five years of probation. The chaplain at Stamford Catholic High School at the time of his arrest, Castaldo was later defrocked by Bishop William Lori.

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12/23/2012 6:09 AM

Diocese, Egan face new lawsuit on priest abuse - NewsTimes

The lawsuit contends that Egan assigned Castaldo to St. Theresa's Church even though he had prior information that Castaldo had exhibed bizarre behavior and had "disturbing psychological assessments that noted he was fearful of his own aggressive drives and had difficulty accepting his own sexual urges and desires as normal."

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12/23/2012 6:09 AM

Rev. John J. Castaldo-Assignment Rev. John J. Castaldo

Ordained: 1987 Start 1987 Stop 1992 Assignment St. Teresa's Town/Accusations State Position Trumbull Accused in 2001 of molesting a 14 year old boy in the early 1990s, while at St. Teresa's. (NBC 30 [Stamford CT] Downloaded January 19, 2005.) St. Mark's Stratford CT 2/2 CT 2/6 Notes Parish had a school with 280 students and a CCD program with 637-650 students.

Bishop of Bridgeport diocese was Walter W. Curtis (1961-1988), followed by Edward M. Egan (1988-2000) 1992 1994



St. Edward the Confessor

New Fairfield





St. Rose of Lima



3/5, 3/6



St. Maurice's



3/3 In residence

1999 William E. Lori became Bishop of Bridgeport in 2001


Trinity Catholic High School

Stamford Arrested for having sexually explicit internet conversations with an undercover police agent posing as a 14 year old boy, and arranging


Spiritual Director

Parish had a CCD program with 674-680 students. Parish had a CCD program with 1,083-1,219 students. See also a news article, on this assignment (Associated Press State & Local Wire May 1, 2002). Parish had a CCD program with 1,266 students. Parish had a CCD program with 198 students. After 2001, Castaldo is no longer listed in Official Catholic Directories.

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12/22/2012 1:16 PM

Rev. John J. Castaldo-Assignment

to meet him at a motel. (Associated Press State & Local Wire May 29, 2001.) Source: Official Catholic Directory (New York: Kenedy & Sons, 1988-2001). Priests in a Parish: We use the following convention to show a priest's place among the clergy of a parish: 1/2 means that he is the first priest listed in the Official Catholic Directory (usually the pastor) and that there is a total of two priests at the parish. The shorthand 3/4 means that the priest is listed third on a four-priest roster. See our sample page from the Directory. Note: The Official Catholic Directory aims to report the whereabouts of Catholic priests in the United States on January 1 of the Directory's publication year. Our working assumption is that a priest listed in the Directory for a given year was at the same assignment for part of the previous year as well. However, Kenedy & Sons will sometimes accept updates well into the year of publication. Diocesan clergy records are rarely available to correct this information. The Directory is also sometimes misleading or wrong. We have tried to create an accurate assignment record, given the source materials and their limitations. Assignment records are a work in progress and we are always improving the records that we post. Please email us with new information and corrections.

Any original material on these pages is copyright 2004. Reproduce freely with attribution.

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12/22/2012 1:16 PM

Print News - St. Rose of Lima Threat: Church of School Gunman Adam...

St. Rose of Lima Threat: Church of School Gunman Adam Lanza Evacuated
Sun, Dec. 16, 2012 Posted: 06:52 PM EDT

Multiple threats have been reported in the aftermath of Friday's tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, which saw 20 children and 6 adults gunned down by a lone shooter. In the latest incident, a Newtown church attended by the killer and his family in the past, has been evacuated following a telephoned threat on the house of worship. On Sunday morning St. Rose of Lima Church in Newtown, Conn. was evacuated, following the phone threat, with one man warning in a call that he would attend the noon mass and open fire. "He started talking about 'I'm coming to kill, I'm coming to kill'," a priest who worked at the church said, according to reports. The church was evacuated after the unidentified caller was deemed a "credible threat." "My friend didn't finish the job," the caller said, according to the church official who spoke with Yahoo News. The official explained that the caller said it was his intention to "kill everyone." Police responded with a S.W.A.T. team and formed a perimeter around the church. "Approximately a dozen police and SWAT officers surrounded a white building just west of the church, taking cover behind trees with guns drawn," a Yahoo News report stated. The area was cleared at around 1:15 p.m. local time, according to the reports, although police did not offer any further information about the caller. "I'm just sad that these people needed to be at Mass today and that this had to happen," Monsignor Robert Weiss said during an interview with OraTV. "This is just hard for parents to be able to explain to their children." The church is the same one that was attended by shooter Adam Lanza and his mother, according to the Daily Freeman. It has now emerged that Lanza shot his mother dead at their residence on Friday morning before driving to Sandy Hook Elementary School and shooting his way into the building to kill 26 people, including 20 first grade children. Lanza shot and killed himself after his massacre. Other threats have also emerged since Friday. In Indiana a man threatened this weekend "to kill as many people as he could" at an elementary school near his home. Police later found 47 guns and ammunition hidden in the home. Another man was arrested in Newport Beach, California on Saturday after firing at least 50 shots in a mall parking lot, terrifying Christmas shoppers. Brittney R. Villalva Christian Post Reporter

Copyright All rights reserved.

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12/22/2012 12:57 PM

Gunman's family at a loss to explain Connecticut shooting

By Holly Yan , CNN updated 2:05 PM EST, Mon December 17, 2012

(CNN) -- As with many murder-suicides, the gunman in the Newtown, Connecticut, shooting took to his grave the reasons that compelled him to kill more than two dozen people before taking his own life in the second-deadliest school shooting in U.S. history. But those who knew the shooter struggled to reconcile the difference between the quiet, withdrawn 20-year-old without a criminal record and the man who wore black fatigues and a military vest and brought death to Sandy Hook Elementary School Friday. Police say the shooter, Adam Lanza, killed his mother, Nancy, in their home before walking into the school and fatally shooting 26 more people -- 20 of them children no older than 7. The rampage ended when Lanza apparently took his own life in a classroom. With him were three firearms: a semiautomatic .223-caliber rifle made by Bushmaster and two handguns, a Glock and a Sig Sauer. Connecticut law requires gun owners to be at least 21. The guns, authorities said, belonged to his mother. Police have yet to disclose whether they know a motive for the attack, which has left those who knew Lanza trying to discern whether anything in his past could have foreshadowed the present. "He was a shy kid, quiet," said Alan Diaz who knew Lanza several years ago. "He would sometimes stand in the corner. We knew he was socially awkward and we just accepted it. But he was never threatening." Diaz told CNN that he tried many times to to talk to Lanza to "try to include him." Comforting survivors: 'Hug them' and 'cry with them' 'Definitely the challenge of the family' Lanza moved to Connecticut from Kingston, New Hampshire, with his parents and older brother Ryan, according to a booklet for Newtown's Bennetts Farm neighborhood. He enjoyed soccer, skateboarding and video games, the publication said. In September 2009, when Lanza was 17, his mother and father divorced, court documents show. What happened in the young man's life after that isn't clear, except that he continued to live in Newtown. His father, Peter Lanza, remarried and moved to an area not far from the town, an official said. Peter Lanza was questioned by authorities after the shooting, as was Adam Lanza's 24-year-old brother, Ryan. Authorities have offered few details about Adam Lanza. He had no known criminal record, a law enforcement official said. One of Lanza's aunts, Marsha, described him as a "quiet, nice kid" who had issues with learning, she said. Her husband is Lanza's paternal uncle. "He was definitely the challenge of the family in that house. Every family has one," she told CNN affiliate WLS. "They have one. I have one. But never in trouble with the law, never in trouble with anything."
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23/12/2012 04:18 AM She said Lanza's mother "battled" with the school board and had to home-school her son. "She had issues with school," said the aunt, who lives in Crystal Lake, Illinois. "I'm not 100% certain if it was behavior or learning disabilities, but he was a very, very bright boy. He was smart." Slain Connecticut principal just implemented new security system A 'genius' Alex Israel was in the same class at Newtown High School with Lanza and lived a few houses down from him. "You could definitely tell he was a genius," Israel told CNN, adding she hadn't talked with him since middle school. "He was really quiet, he kept to himself." Alan Diaz said he was in the Technology Club with Lanza at Newtown High School. The group broadcast sports and other school events at school, and worked on computers. Because Diaz was one of the few students at school who talked to Lanza, Diaz said, he thought Adam probably considered him a friend. "Eventually he started opening up more to us on the tech team, telling us jokes even," Diaz recalled. "I never would have thought he was capable of something like this," he said. "I once wondered that if he became isolated he might hurt himself, but never another person." Diaz recalled that Lanza loved to wear khakis with a belt and green plaid shirt. "He had a briefcase, really a laptop bag all the time," Diaz recalled. "He was smart. I would call him a genius." Lanza took honors classes and once taught other students how to build a computer. "He was really into it and very good at that class," Diaz said. Diaz ran into Nancy Lanza, Adam's mother, not too long ago, he said. "When I talked to Nancy that time, about how he was doing, she said he's been going to the (gun) range a lot recently," Diaz said. "That he'd taken that up as a hobby." As a 13-year-old, Lanza would occasionally ride the bus to school, often sitting in the back, usually alone, said his former bus driver. "He didn't sit with the other kids and didn't seem to have any friends," said Marsha Moskowitz, 52, who said she drove Lanza to school for three years. "He was quiet, a very shy and reserved kid," she said, noting that Lanza was one of the older kids on the bus and did little to interact with the others. "No 13-year-old wants to ride the bus to school. It's kind of embarrassing for them." The shooter's mother was also a quiet woman, said Moskowitz, though she admits she had limited interactions with her. A 'polite' mother "I didn't know (Nancy) as well as the other parents, but she was always very polite," said Moskowitz, who said she's been devastated by the news.
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23/12/2012 04:18 AM How do we stop the violence? A relative told investigators that Lanza had a form of autism, according to a law enforcement official, who spoke under condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the investigation. But a national autism committee cautioned against speculating about a link between autism and violence. "Autism is not a mental health disorder -- it is a neurodevelopmental disorder," said the Autism Research Institute's Autistic Global Initiative Project. "The eyes of the world are on this wrenching tragedy -- with 1 in 88 now diagnosed, misinformation could easily trigger increased prejudice and misunderstanding." A former classmate told CNN affiliate WCBS that Lanza "was just a kid" -- not a troublemaker. "I don't know who would do anything like this," the ex-classmate said, before walking away distraught. "This is unspeakable." Lanza's father was also at a loss for explanation. He sent his condolences to the families of victims in a statement released Saturday. "Our family is grieving along with all those who have been affected by this enormous tragedy," Peter Lanza said. "No words can truly express how heartbroken we are. We are in a state of disbelief and trying to find whatever answers we can." In New Hampshire, relatives of Nancy Lanza released a statement in which they, too, expressed shock and sadness. "On behalf of Nancy's mother and siblings we reach out to the community of Newtown and express our heartfelt sorrow for the incomprehensible and profound loss of innocence that has affected so many." How you can help CNN's Susan Candiotti, Mary Snow and Lisa Desjardins reported from Newtown, Connecticut. CNN's Tim Lister, Terry Frieden, John King and Greg Botelho also contributed to this report.
2012 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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23/12/2012 04:18 AM

No danger at Connecticut church after phoned threat | Mansfield News Journal | danger- Connecticut- church- after- phoned- threat December 23, 2012

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) Police say theres no danger at a Connecticut church following a phonedin threat days after 20 children and six adults were massacred at a school. Deborah Metz, a Trumbull police officer on the scene, gave the all-clear after an hour in which armed police in SWAT gear searched the church and adjacent buildings. The evacuation unnerved worshippers in the wake of the worst shooting of school-age children in U.S. history. Police say the church will be on lockdown for the rest of the day. Shooter Adam Lanza, his mother and eight of the child victims attended St. Rose of Lima. It is a Roman Catholic Church with an adjacent school, which Lanza attended briefly.

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut Admin...

December 23, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut Administrators, Students Among Victims, Reports Say
Posted: 12/14/2012 10:28 am EST | Updated: 12/16/2012 10:05 am EST

Authorities in Connecticut responded to a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Friday morning, the local NBC station reports. Police reported 27 deaths, including 20 children, six adults and the shooter, according to the Associated Press. Following hours of uncertainty during which many media outlets reported the shooter's identity as Ryan Lanza, an official identified the suspected gunman as Adam Lanza, Ryan's 20 year old brother, according to the Associated Press. Ryan Lanza, 24, is being questioned by police in New Jersey.
Police reported a shooting Friday morning at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

CLICK HERE FOR LIVE BLOG UPDATES Reports say that the gunman carried four weapons, and wore black clothing as well as a bullet

proof vest. He died on the scene. Unconfirmed reports say that principal Dawn Hochsprung and a school psychologist were killed, according to a parent who claimed to witness part of the attack, CNN reported. Danbury Hospital's emergency room staff has readied its wing for the arrival of an unknown number of victims, a spokeswoman for Western Connecticut Health Network told News Times. Do you have information on this developing story? Let us know: Reports say that the alleged shooter appeared in the building's main office at about 9:40 a.m., approximately 30 minutes after the school day began. The initial 911 call said that students were trapped in a classroom with the adult shooter who had two guns, according to WABC. Students were led single file from the schoolhouse to a nearby fire station. Parents alerted to the catastrophe by text messages and emails sent by the school district arrived hoping to find their children safe. There are approximately 626 students enrolled in kindergarten through 4th grade classes at Sandy Hook Elementary, with another 46 faculty members, Newtown Patch reported.

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12/23/2012 6:37 AM

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut Admin...

More from the Associated Press: The 20-year-old killer, carrying two handguns, committed suicide at the school, and another person was found dead at a second scene, bringing the toll to 28, authorities said. The rampage, coming less than two weeks before Christmas, was the nation's second-deadliest school shooting, exceeded only by the Virginia Tech massacre that left 33 people dead in 2007. Panicked parents looking for their children raced to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, a prosperous community of about 27,000 people 60 miles northeast of New York City. Youngsters at the kindergarten-through-fourth-grade school were told to close their eyes by police as they were led from the building. Schoolchildren some crying, others looking frightened were escorted through a parking lot in a line, hands on each other's shoulders. "Our hearts are broken today," a tearful President Barack Obama, struggling to maintain composure, said at the White House. He called for "meaningful action" to prevent such shootings. Youngsters and their parents described teachers locking doors and ordering the children to huddle in the corner or hide in closets when shots echoed through the building. Authorities didn't say exactly how the shootings unfolded. They also gave no details on the victim discovered at another scene, except to say that the person was an adult found dead by police while they were investigating the gunman. A law enforcement official identified the gunman as 20-year-old Adam Lanza, the son of a teacher. A second law enforcement official said his mother, Nancy Lanza, was presumed dead. Adam Lanza's older brother, 24-year-old Ryan, of Hoboken, N.J., was being questioned. The law enforcement official who said Adam Lanza had a possible personality disorder said Ryan Lanza had been extremely cooperative, was not believed to have any involvement in the rampage and was not under arrest or in custody, but investigators were still searching his computers and phone records. Ryan Lanza told law enforcement he had not been in touch with his brother since about 2010. All three law enforcement officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record about the unfolding investigation. The gunman drove to the school in his mother's car, the second official said. Three guns were found a Glock and a Sig Sauer, both pistols, inside the school, and a .223-caliber rifle in the back of a car. State police Lt. Paul Vance said 28 people in all were killed, including the gunman, and one person was injured. Robert Licata said his 6-year-old son was in class when the gunman burst in and shot the teacher. "That's when my son grabbed a bunch of his friends and ran out the door," he said. "He was very brave. He waited for his friends." He said the shooter didn't utter a word. Stephen Delgiadice said his 8-year-old daughter was in the school and heard two big bangs. Teachers told her to get in a corner, he said. "It's alarming, especially in Newtown, Connecticut, which we always thought was the safest place in America," he said. His daughter was fine. Mergim Bajraliu, 17, heard the gunshots echo from his home and ran to check on his 9-year-old sister at the school. He said his sister, who was fine, heard a scream come over the intercom at one point. He said teachers were shaking and crying as they came out of the building. "Everyone was just traumatized," he said. Mary Pendergast, who lives close to the school, said her 9-year-old nephew was in the school at the time of the shooting, but wasn't hurt after his music teacher helped him take cover in a closet. Richard Wilford's 7-year-old son, Richie, is in the second grade at the school. His son told him that he heard a noise that "sounded like

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12/23/2012 6:37 AM

Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut Admin...

what he described as cans falling." The boy told him a teacher went out to check on the noise, came back in, locked the door and had the kids huddle up in the corner until police arrived. "There's no words," Wilford said. "It's sheer terror, a sense of imminent danger, to get to your child and be there to protect him." On Friday afternoon, family members were led away from a firehouse that was being used as a staging area, some of them weeping. One man, wearing only a T-shirt without a jacket, put his arms around a woman as they walked down the middle of the street, oblivious to everything around them. Another woman with tears rolling down her face walked by carrying a car seat with a young infant inside and a bag that appeared to have toys and stuffed animals. "Evil visited this community today and it's too early to speak of recovery, but each parent, each sibling, each member of the family has to understand that Connecticut we're all in this together. We'll do whatever we can to overcome this event," Gov. Dannel Malloy said. Adam Lanza and his mother lived in a well-to-do part of Newtown where neighbors are doctors or hold white-collar positions at companies such as General Electric, Pepsi and IBM. The shootings instantly brought to mind episodes such as the Columbine High School massacre that killed 15 in 1999 and the July shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., that left 12 dead. "You go to a movie theater in Aurora and all of a sudden your life is taken," Columbine principal Frank DeAngelis said. "You're at a shopping mall in Portland, Ore., and your life is taken. This morning, when parents kissed their kids goodbye knowing that they are going to be home to celebrate the holiday season coming up, you don't expect this to happen. I think as a society, we need to come together. It has to stop, these senseless deaths." Obama's comments on the tragedy amounted to one of the most outwardly emotional moments of his presidency. "The majority of those who died were children beautiful, little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old," Obama said. He paused for several seconds to keep his composure as he teared up and wiped an eye. Nearby, two aides cried and held hands as they listened to Obama. "They had their entire lives ahead of them birthdays, graduations, wedding, kids of their own," Obama continued about the victims. "Among the fallen were also teachers, men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children." ___ Associated Press writers Jim Fitzgerald and Pat Eaton-Robb in Newtown, Samantha Henry in Newark, N.J., Pete Yost in Washington and Michael Melia in Hartford contributed to this report. CORRECTION: A previous version of this story quoted the AP as stating that Adam Lanza's mother, Nancy Lanza, was a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School. It has since been reported that Nancy Lanza was not a teacher at the school.

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12/23/2012 6:37 AM

Police Identify Gunman In Deadly Connecticut Elementary School Shootin...

December 22, 2012

Police Identify Gunman In Deadly Connecticut Elementary School Shooting (UPDATE)

The Huffington Post | Posted: 12/14/2012 2:29 pm EST | Updated: 12/14/2012 6:12 pm EST

EDITOR'S NOTE: Following hours of uncertainty during which many media outlets reported the shooter's identity as Ryan Lanza, officials identified the gunman as Adam Lanza. According to WNBC, Adam Lanza was carrying his brothers' identification, which led to the initial misidentification. Adam Lanza's brother, 24-year-old Ryan Lanza, is being questioned by police in New Jersey. From the AP: Adam Lanza's older brother, Ryan, 24, of Hoboken, N.J., is being questioned by police, said the first official. Earlier, a law enforcement official mistakenly transposed the brothers' first names. EARLIER: CNN has identified the alleged gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. as Ryan Lanza. According to police, Lanza, 24, is suspected of killing 27 people -- including 20 children -- at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. A neighbor of Ryan Lanza's parents in Sandy Hook told The Huffington Post that police are at Lanza's parents house. The shooter was killed during the rampage and several others were injured. The identities of the shooting victims has not yet been released. The gunman was wearing dark clothing, a mask, a bulletproof vest, and was carrying four guns. A cause and manner of death is pending, police said. Police continue to investigate if there was a second shooter involved. CLICK HERE FOR LIVEBLOG UPDATES Unconfirmed reports say that principal Dawn Hochsprung and a school psychologist were killed, according to a parent who claimed to witness part of the attack, CNN reported. The masked gunman entered the school administration office around 9:40 a.m., about 30 minutes after the school day began. The first 911 call was received by police one minute later. Investigators said the gunman fired his weapon at least 100 times. Students inside the building were escorted out in a single-file line. There are about 626 students enrolled in kindergarten through fourth grade classes at Sandy Hook Elementary, with another 46 faculty members, Newtown Patch reported. Authorities have not commented on whether the deadly encounter was captured on video surveillance. Friday's shooting comes just two days after a gunman in Oregon shot and killed two people at a crowded Oregon mall. The suspect in that case was identified as 22-year-old Jacob Tyler Roberts. Police say Roberts took his own life inside a mall store. Authorities in that case are still piecing together a possible motive. Sandy Hook Elementary School is closed Friday while police continue to investigate the shooting. CORRECTION: The original story in this entry misidentified a Facebook page as that of the shooter. HuffPost reporter David Lohr was not the author of that report. We regret the error.

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12/22/2012 10:49 AM

27 killed, including 20 children, in Connecticut school massacre - WRCBt...

27 killed, including 20 children, in Connecticut elementary school massacre

Posted: Friday, December 14, 2012 1:04 PM EST Updated: Friday, December 14, 2012 8:44 PM EST

By Pete Williams, Miguel Llanos and Tracy Connor, NBC News NEWTON, CT. (NBC) -- A teacher's son, clad in black and carrying two pistols, rampaged through a Connecticut elementary school Friday, killing 20 small children and six adults, including his mother, in the nation's second-worst school shooting, law enforcement officials said. The gunman, identified as Adam Lanza, 20, was also found dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, law enforcement officials said. Officials initially told NBC News the gunman was Lanza's brother, Ryan, who is cooperating with investigators and said Adam has a history of mental illness, according to a senior official. An unidentified woman was also found fatally shot in the face at a home in Newtown after police showed up with there a bomb squad, officials said. Lanza's mother is a kindergarten teacher at the hilltop school, and most of the dead were found inside her classroom, according to Some young survivors -- ages 5 to 10 -- described the terror of the shooting and a massive police response that included SWAT officers going room to room to search for victims as students huddled in classroom corners. Robert Licata said his 6-year-old son was in class when the gunman burst in and shot the teacher. "That's when my son grabbed a bunch of his friends and ran out the door," he told the Associated Press. "He was very brave." One student told NBC Connecticut she was in the gym when she heard "seven loud booms." "The gym teachers told us to go in the corner, so we all huddled," she said. "And I kept hearing these booming noises. And we all started crying. "All the gym teachers told us to go into the office where no one could find us," she added. "So then a police officer came in and told us to run outside. So we did and we came in the firehouse." The high death toll and the tender age of many victims sent shock waves all the way to the White House, where the flag was lowered to half-staff. President Obama, his voice cracking at times, said he reacted to the tragedy first as a parent. "Our hearts are broken today,'' he said. "The majority of those who died today were children. Beautiful little kids between the ages of five and ten years old." Authorities in the small bedroom community 60 miles from New York City were alerted to the unfolding carnage by a 911 call around 9:30 a.m., and then reached out to state police and neighboring police departments for help. Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance said troopers fanned out across the school and searched "every door, every crack, every crevice" of the building. Most of the bodies were found in two rooms in one section of the 600-student school, which goes up to the fourth grade. Two children were taken to Danbury Hospital, but they died. A third person was being treated at the hospital, which went into lockdown mode and cleared trauma rooms as doctors waited for an influx of survivors that never came.

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12/22/2012 10:42 AM

27 killed, including 20 children, in Connecticut school massacre - WRCBt...

After police finished searching the school and determined there was only one gunman, they led the children outside, telling them to close their eyes, apparently to avoid seeing anything gruesome. At a staging area ringed by police vehicles that raced to the school from across the state, the dazed and crying kids were reunited with worried loved ones. Brenda Lebinski, mother of a third-grader, said she found a "horrendous" scene. "Everyone was in hysterics - parents, students. There were kids coming out of the school bloodied. I don't know if they were shot, but they were bloodied,'' she said, according to Reuters. One parent picking up his 7-year-old son said the shooting was "the most terrifying moment a parent can imagine" and described the anguish of waiting to find out if his son was a victim and then running to his child. "It was the greatest relief in my existence," the father said. "I'm just happy that my kid's OK." Two 9mm handguns were recovered from the scene, an official told A rifle was found in the back of a car parked outside the school. The FBI was assisting with the widening investigation, and authorities said there were many unanswered questions, including the motive. "There is a great deal of search warrant activity in and out of the state," Vance said, without giving specifics.

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy was meeting with grieving families. "As you can imagine, the governor is horrified by what's happened," said aide Roy Occhiogrosso. The death toll is the highest from a school shooting in U.S. history since a gunman killed 32 people at Virginia Tech in 2007. At Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, two teens killed 13 people and wounded 24 in 1999. Parent Stephen Delgiadice, whose 8-year-old daughter was not hurt, said he never could have imagined such bloodshed in the quiet town of 27,000, where the police force has only three detectives. "It's alarming, especially in Newtown, Connecticut, which we always thought was the safest place in America," he told The Associated Press. Obama said Friday's shooting, following the massacre at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and other murder sprees, showed the need for "meaningful action regardless of the politics" to prevent more blood from being spilled. New York City Mayor Bloomberg, who has been pushing for tougher gun laws, called for Washington to act immediately. "Not even kindergarteners learning their A,B,Cs are safe," he said. "We heard after Columbine that it was too soon to talk about gun laws. We heard it after Virginia Tech. After Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek. And now we are hearing it again."

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12/22/2012 10:42 AM

20 Children Among 28 Dead In Newtown, Conn. Elementary School Massacre respond- to- report- of- school- shooting- in- conn/ December 23, 2012

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Unidentif ied people react to the af termath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. (credit: DON EMMERT /AFP/Getty Images)

Updated at 12:27 a.m., Dec. 15, 2012 CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST UPDATES NEWTOWN, Conn. (CBSNewYork) A heartbreaking and unforgettable tragedy beset the town of Newtown on Friday morning as 28 people, including 20 children, were killed at an elementary school by a lone gunman. Evil visited this community today and its too early to speak of recovery, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy said. Each parent, each sibling, each member of the family has to understand Connecticut were all in this together. PHOTOS: Shooting At Sandy Hook Elementary School While the families of victims were notified, authorities on Friday night were still in the process of positively identifying those killed. Officials had been briefing the public on the situation throughout the day, while local officials were still looking at various angles as they continued their massive investigation in coordination with the FBI and ATF. While authorities have still not officially identified the gunman who opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School, law enforcement sources have named him as 20-year-old Adam Lanza. Lanzas mother, Nancy Lanza, was found dead Friday inside her Newtown home, CBS News reported. After Adam Lanza shot and killed his her, he drove her car to the school, where he opened fire on adults and children, 1010 WINS Al Jones reported. Nancy Lanza was shot in the face, CBS News John Miller reported. State Police Lt. Paul Vance said 18 children and six adults, including the schools principal, Dawn

Hochsprung, were pronounced dead at that scene. Two other children later died at the hospital. One other person was injured, Vance said. 1010 WINS Al Jones With More From Authorities Adam Lanza was found dead inside the building from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, sources told CBS 2. CBS News Miller reported Friday night that friends of the family described Lanza as socially awkward, while others said he was brilliant. Police believe Adam Lanza may have shot through a glass partition to get to the schools front office before going to classrooms and carrying out the rest of the attack, Miller reported. Authorities found at least three guns at the scene, including a Glock 9mm and a Sig Sauer 9mm both pistols. Also found was a Bushmaster .223 assault rifle, which was discovered in a nearby car. A federal official also told CBS News on Friday evening that all three weapons recovered in the shooting were, according to state records, bought legally and registered to the gunmans mother. The Associated Press reported that more guns were found inside of the school and that state and federal authorities were tracing them. Police were still looking at various aspects of the situation, but did not immediately have a motive for the massacre. An investigation like this is like a puzzle. We want to put this puzzle together and form a complete picture, so that everyone without any doubt whatsoever can truly understand what occurred, Lt. Vance said Friday evening. Authorities said there was one survivor, teacher Nancy Hammond, who they hope will be helpful to the investigation. The horror of it all continued to

The horror of it all continued to sink in throughout the day. At sunset a woman checked on her friends missing child and relayed the awful news. They just told us everyone thats missing and is presumed missing is in the school and theyre dead. The two they transported to the hospital are dead as well, Newtown resident Janice Markey told CBS 2s Lou Young. GUNMANS BROTHER QUESTIONED Law enforcement sources had earlier told CBS News that the killer was 24-year-old Ryan Lanza, the gunmans older brother. However, Ryan Lanza was not charged with anything and was only questioned by police.

Nancy Hammond (credit: Personal Photo)

Adam Lanza was carrying his brother Ryans identification which spurred law enforcements confusion about who the shooter was, Miller reported. Police took the shooters brother out of a squad car in handcuffs and brought him back into his Hoboken, N.J., apartment. On the day he lost both his brother and mother, he was taken away by authorities along with his roommates. Those roommates were located. Theyre in our custody so that we can talk to them, ease some of the pain that they have, said Hoboken Police Capt. James Fitzsimmons. 1010 WINS Gary Baumgarten Reports From Hoboken Ryan Lanza was reportedly very cooperative with police and told law enforcement officials that he believed his brother suffered from a personality disorder and was somewhat autistic, according an Associated Press report. Reporter Gary Baumgarten of 1010

Reporter Gary Baumgarten of 1010 WINS reported the FBI left Ryan Lanzas apartment with a desktop computer. CBS 2s Sean Hennessey reported that Ryan Lanza apparently did not have contact with his younger brother for the past couple of years. Ryan Lanzas neighbors were stunned at the family connection to the deaths in Connecticut. You dont think its going to happen anywhere near you, but it does, said neighbor Michael Chipchase. It brings it home. This is something I never expected, neighbor Yayoi Sawaba added. WHAT HAPPENED INSIDE THE SCHOOL?
Ryan Lanza is detained by authorities in Hoboken on Dec. 13, 2012, the day his brother Adam Lanza, 20, is believed to have committed the second worst school shooting in U.S. history in Newtown, Conn. (credit: CBS 2)

Gunfire erupted inside the school around 9:40 a.m. Parents said they received an automatic message that there had been a shooting incident in the district and that schools were being placed on lockdown. An 8-year-old student said he was on his way to the schools office when he saw the gunman. I saw some of the bullets going down the hall and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom, the boy told CBS 2s Young. Vance said several agencies, including local and state police, responded to the scene and immediately began a search of the building. The entire school was searched and a staging area was set up, he said. WCBS 880s Sean Adams reports: Students Showed Great Poise Students and staff were then evacuated from the school. As they were walking out of the building, some of the children were told to
State police personnel led children f rom the school, f ollowing the shooting. (credit: Newtown Bee Photo, Shannon Hicks)

close their eyes and walk fast, WCBS 880s Sean Adams reported. We had to climb into the closets and we heard a lot more gunshots and the ambulance came, but then the policeman directed us to run out of the building [and] go to the Fire Department, one student told 1010 WINS Jones. Students were then taken to a nearby firehouse to be reunited with their parents. Schools in surrounding areas were also placed on lockdown. Danbury Hospital spokesperson Diane Burke told CBS 2 that the hospital was also put on lockdown as a precautionary measure. Lisa Bailey, a Newtown resident with three children in local schools, told, Newtown is a quiet town. Id never expect this to happen here. Its so scary. Your kids are not safe anywhere. The school district had recently installed new safety protocols. In a letter to parents, strict guidelines were outlined for the districts four elementary schools. PRESIDENT OBAMA, GOV. MALLOY REACT An emotional President Barack Obama spoke about the massacre at the White House Friday. Fighting back tears, he said he reacted to the news not just as the president, but as a parent. The majority of those who died today are children. Beautiful little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old, he said. They had their entire lives ahead of them. Birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. At times, Obama wiped away tears from the corner of his eyes, adding Our hearts are broken. As a country, we have been through this too many times, he said. These children are our children and we are going to come together to take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this regardless of the politics. The president ordered that U.S. flags be flown at half-staff through Tuesday. Gov. Malloy has also ordered all U.S. and state flags be flown at half-staff. Malloys office said several state agencies are working together to coordinate the states response. Speaking a news conference, Malloy called the shooting a tragedy of unspeakable terms. Stay with as this story continues to develop

As nation mourns, investigators try to figure out what led to tragedy in Ne...



As nation mourns, investigators try to figure out what led to tragedy in Newtown, Conn.
Published December 16, 2012 |

Federal investigators planned to visit dozens of shooting ranges and gun stores across Connecticut Sunday, attempting to figure out what led smart but painfully awkward 20-year-old Adam Lanza to murder 26 children and adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, while townspeople and President Obama attended an interfaith vigil amid sorrow and confusion. The tragedy brought forth soul-searching and grief around the globe. Families as far away as Puerto Rico began to plan funerals for victims who still had their baby teeth, world leaders extended condolences, and vigils were held around the U.S. Police said they had found "very good evidence" they hoped would answer questions about the motives of the gunman, described as brilliant but remote, who forced his way into the school in one of the world's worst mass shootings. But Lt. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police said Sunday that there is no timeline for the motive to be revealed, and authorities still have an "immense" number of witnesses to interview. Vance warned that those posing as the gunman online or on social media -- and posting misinformation -- will be investigated and prosecuted for possible violations of Connecticut state and federal law. Click here to see a list of the victims. On Friday morning, Lanza shot his mother, Nancy Lanza, four times in the head, authorities said. He then drove to the school in her car with four guns, including a shotgun that was left in the back of the vehicle, and shot up two classrooms around 9:30 a.m., police say. Police added that multiple 30-round magazines and hundreds of bullets were also found at the scene. The rifle used was a Bushmaster .223-caliber, according to an official with knowledge of the investigation who was not authorized to speak about it and talked on condition of anonymity. The gun is commonly seen at competitions and was the type used in the 2002 sniper killings in the Washington, D.C., area. Also found in the school were two handguns, a Glock 10 mm and a Sig Sauer 9 mm. Sources told Fox News the guns used in the shooting were owned by and legally registered to Nancy Lanza. Dean Price, director of the Wooster Mountain State Range -- a shooting range in Danbury -- said on Sunday that two ATF agents visited the range Friday night and stayed into the early morning looking through thousands of names on sign-in logs. Lt. Vance said investigators are trying to trace the weapons back to the workbenches where they were assembled to try to figure out how and why they were used. When Lanza arrived at the school, he forcibly entered, according to Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy. "What we know is he shot his way into the building. He was not buzzed in," Malloy told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday. "He penetrated the building by literally shooting an entrance into the building." A custodian ran through the halls, warning of a gunman on the loose, and someone switched on the intercom, alerting people in the building to the attack -- and perhaps saving many lives -- by letting them hear the hysteria going on in the school office, a teacher said. Teachers locked their doors and ordered children to huddle in a corner or hide in closets as shots echoed through the building. Malloy said Lanza committed suicide when he heard first responders coming. A Connecticut official said Lanza killed himself with a

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12/22/2012 10:00 AM

As nation mourns, investigators try to figure out what led to tragedy in Ne...

single bullet to the head from the10 mm gun, and the bullet was recovered in a classroom wall. "We surmise that it was during the second classroom episode that he heard responders coming and apparently at that, decided to take his own life," Malloy said. Eighteen of the children and six more adults were dead at the school and two more children died later, Lt. Vance said Friday. The gunman's father released a statement on Saturday. "Our hearts go out to the families and friends who lost loved ones and to all those who were injured," Peter Lanza said. "Our family is grieving along with all those who have been affected by this enormous tragedy. No words can truly express how heartbroken we are. We are in a state of disbelief and trying to find whatever answers we can. We too are asking why. We have cooperated fully with law enforcement and will continue to do so. Like so many of you, we are saddened, but struggling to make sense of what has transpired." The victims of the shooting were shot multiple times by a rifle, a medical examiner said Saturday, and Dr. H. Wayne Carver said the deaths are classified as homicides. Police began releasing the identities of the dead. The well-liked principal, Dawn Hochsprung, was among them. A 27-year-old teacher, Victoria Soto, also reportedly hid some students in a bathroom or closet and died trying to shield them from bullets. A funeral for one of the victims, 6-year-old Noah Pozner, is being planned for Monday. Pozner's uncle, Alexis Haller, says the funeral is scheduled for 1 p.m. at the Abraham L. Green & Son Funeral Home in Fairfield, Conn. As the town mourned the deaths Sunday, a church service was temporarily evacuated after a caller "threatened to kill people in the church," a spokesman said. Sunday evening, President Barack Obama attended an interfaith memorial service Sunday in Newtown -- the fourth time he has traveled to a city after a mass shooting. The president had planned to travel to Maine Wednesday for an event promoting his positions in "fiscal cliff" negotiations, but the White House canceled that trip because of the shooting. Obama was notified of the shooting about an hour after it occurred, White House officials said. "Our hearts are broken today," Obama said in a brief address to the nation on Friday. "We've endured too many of these tragedies in these past few years, and each time I receive the news I react not as a president, but as a parent." "Most victims were children, between five and 10 years old...They had their entire lives ahead of them, birthdays, graduations weddings, kids of their own," he said, pausing before wiping tears from his eyes. The shooting came than two weeks before Christmas, was the nation's second-deadliest school shooting, exceeded only by the Virginia Tech massacre that claimed 33 lives in 2007. On Friday, Lanza's brother, Ryan Lanza, 24, who was widely and erroneously reported to be the suspect, was questioned in Hoboken, N.J., but authorities said he was not involved. An FBI source tells Fox News that Ryan Lanza and the father, Peter Lanza, have both been cleared and are not longer being questioned. Law enforcement officials have said they've found no note or manifesto from Lanza of the sort they have come to expect after murderous rampages such as the Virginia Tech bloodbath. Vance said during Friday afternoon's news conference that police arrived at the scene "within minutes" of a 911 call placed shortly after 9:30 a.m. Friday.

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12/22/2012 10:00 AM

As nation mourns, investigators try to figure out what led to tragedy in Ne...

"Every door, every crack, every crevice of that school" was checked, Vance said. The entire school was searched. He said the shooting occurred inside two rooms in "one section of the school." Lanza was believed to suffer from a personality disorder and lived with his mother, said a law enforcement official who was briefed on the investigation but was not authorized to discuss it. Education officials said they had found no link between Lanza's mother and the school, contrary to news reports that said she was a teacher there. Investigators said they believe Adam Lanza attended Sandy Hook Elementary many years ago, but they had no explanation for why he went there Friday. Sandy Hook Elementary School has close to 700 students. Newtown is in Fairfield County, about 45 miles southwest of Hartford and 60 miles northeast of New York City. A fund has been set up for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Click here for more information. Click for more from's Cristina Corbin, Jana Winter, Perry Chiaramonte, Mike Levine and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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12/22/2012 10:00 AM

SANDY HOOK UPDATE: NEW EVIDENCE SUGGESTS 2 ADDITIONAL GUNMEN WERE INVOLVED bin/blog.cgi?blog_id=243024&cid=10 December 23, 2012

By Prof. James F. Tracy, December 20, 2012 Evidence suggests that 2 additional Sandy Hook shooting suspects were apprehended by police in the minutes following 9:35AM when officers were dispatched to the elementary school. Emerging Contradictions Several independent researchers and most recently reporter Rob Dew have over the past few days pointed to evidence strongly suggesting how two additional Sandy Hook shooting suspects were apprehended by police in the minutes following 9:35AM when officers were dispatched to the elementary school. Recordings of the 911 dispatcher and first responders to the campus all but wholly corroborate initial reports of at least two persons attempting to flee from the scene, with audio evidence of law enforcement officers actually encountering the suspected assailants at around 9:40AM. Excerpts were replayed on Fox News the evening of December 14. Dispatcher: All units: The individual that I have on the phone is continuing to hear what he believes to be gunfire. Dispatcher: All units are responding to Sandy Hook School at this time. The shooting appears to have stopped. It is silent at this time. The school is in lockdown. Dispatcher: I have reports that the teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gym, which would be rear ([inaudible] to the shooting. Officer: Yeah. Weve got him [Voice quickening] Theyre coming at me [inaudible] down the left side. In the above encounter one suspect is apparently detained by police outside the school and subsequently referenced in an Associated Press interview with a Sandy Hook student who briefly sees the detained man while being evacuated from the school building. Unidentified student: And then the police like were knocking on the door, and theyre like, Were evacuating people! Were evacuating people! So we ran out. Theres police about at every door. Theyre leading us, Down this way. Down this way. Quick! Quick! Come on! Then we ran down to the firehouse. Theres a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. And we thought that was the victim [sic]. We really didnt get a good glance at him because there was a car blocking it. Plus we were running really quick. Accompanying aerial footage depicts officers pursuing another suspected shooter in a wooded area outside the aforementioned gym and behind school grounds. They apprehend him and he is seen prone and surrounded by police before being escorted in front of students parents to a squad car, an episode recounted by one anonymous bystander interviewed on a local CBS affiliate. Unidentified Witness: They did walk a guy out of the woods. I saw them walk a guy out earlier with handcuffs. He walked by us and said he didnt do it.

Reporter: It was a grown man? Witness: A grown man. Yeah, hes sittin in the front of the police car over there now. So, I mean Reporter: He didnt have a gun? Witness: No, I didnt see any gun. [They] just had him handcuffed and he walked by us and looked into the parents eyes and said, I didnt do it. Reporter: How was he dressed? Witness: Ah, camo pants with a dark jacket. Sandy Hook Official Narrative Such information was carefully expurgated from the official narrative presented by corporate media within hours of the massacre, a storyline Americans are painfully familiar with. Here the 20 year-old Adam Lanza is depicted front and center as the chief culprit of the killing spree. Predictably there is not the slightest reference of additional suspects in ABC News representative t imeline example below. Reporter Don Harris: 9:40AM: Reports of gunfire at Sandy Hook Elementary Police Dispatch: Sandy Hook School. Caller is indicating that she thinks someone is shooting in the building. Harris: Police say 20 year old Adam Lanza, seen here as a teenager, wore a bulletproof vest and was carrying at least three semi-automatic weapons, including a rifle. Alexis Wasik, 8 year old: Everybody was a little scared crying and I felt, actually, a little sick. Harris: Within five to ten minutes the first SWAT teams arrived. Police Officer: I need units in the school. I got bodies here. Harris: Officers helped to lead several hundred students to a nearby fire station. [By this time Connecticut law enforcement had apprehended the additional two shootings suspects.] Ben Paley [student]: When the policemen came in to get us he told us to close our eyes andlike on the picture on the newsdo this [demonstrates hands-on-shoulder position with other child] and run. Harris: At 10:30AM President Obama was briefed on the situation while police discovered a second crime scene. The shooters mother, Nancy Lanza, who authorities believed may have worked at Sandy Hook at some point, was found dead. Police say Adam Lanza shot her before he stormed the school. Empowering Myths and Media Manipulation As the lessons of 9/11 impart, when public knowledge of such horrific events is so woefully deficient the nations recollections become the fodder for empowering myths dangerously removed from reality. Devoid of information and effective means for political expression the masses are cajoled to exercise faith and hope in empty promises and an system providing the semblance of empathy, hope and change. Under such circumstances violent calamity, appropriately propagandized by mass media, often provides ample public distraction for decisive political maneuvering. Journalists capable of exercising a modest degree of autonomy and personal insight would have clearly recognized such leads, thereby extending them to a more rigorous examination of law enforcement spokespersons and the broader Newtown community. Instead, the news media once again wholly abdicated any such responsibility to serve the public by unquestioningly parroting official pronouncements and carefully instructing their audiences on exactly how to interpret the event. T he anchors are the priests at the funeral before the funeral happens, journalist Jon Rappoport notes. T hey set the stage. They convey to the public the meaning and atmosphere and essence

of the whole event. And having done that, there is simply no room for anything that would intrude on this sepulchral mood. Behind the meticulously crafted faade a deep vagueness and sorrow remains that cannot be wholly explained away by the made-for-television storyline of an awkward and lagging young man who inexplicably murders his mother, destroys his computer hard drive, gains access to a supposedly high security facility and proficiently executes 26 individuals within minutes. Yet only in an age of almost universal deceit is the public asked to accept such without further inquiry and comment. All the while amidst mass grieving political leaders and public figures showboat their legislative priorities. It is difficult to imagine a more profound marker of an utterly decrepit politics and civil society than the shallow and unquestioning media that churns out a monochromatic worldview while giving adherents the insidious impression of being informed. Posted By: Siebra Muhammad Friday, December 21st 2012 at 12:44PM

Adam Lanza destroyed hard drive and other potential clues to his motive | left- little- for- investigators/story- fndir2ev- 1226541458089 December 23, 2012

A week of intensive investigation has turned up little to shed light on what motivated Adam Lanza to kill. Killer's computer expertly destroyed, phone records few He hid in his basement, playing violent computer games Mother, who was repeatedly shot, kept weapons collection there AFTER a week of int ensive invest igat ion f ollowing t he slaught er of 20 f irst -graders and six women at a primary school in Newt own, normally promising lines of inquiry have t urned up lit t le if anyt hing t o shed light on what mot ivat ed Adam Lanza, t he reclusive, 20-year old gunman, t o kill. A preliminary examination of his mobile phone showed that he had made or received few, if any calls, investigators and others familiar with the matter said. No information has yet emerged from investigators on any possible text messages he may have sent or received. Obama begins war on milit ary weapons Lanza appears to have spent much of his time during the weeks before the shooting in the basement of the home he shared with his mother, Nancy, playing violent video games on his computer, investigators believe based on interviews. His X-Box, an electronic game playing device that might have led investigators to Lanza's game playing partners across the internet, apparently was not used. And the thin, withdrawn, young man - a computer tech club member while in high school destroyed his home computer in a fashion that experts believe may have left it worthless to forensic examiners, as if he had set out to erase clues to his thinking, or who he may have communicated with, before he set out to commit mass homicide. Before shooting his way into the Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, investigators and others familiar with the matter said Lanza also repeatedly shot his mother Nancy, killing the only person with whom he is believed to have been socially engaged. Details emerge on Adam Lanza's past as Fox News investigate his school and tech club activities. "He killed the only person who really knew him well and knew what made him tick, so figuring out the why here is going to be difficult," a law enforcement official said. State police detectives returned to the home on Yogananda Street home he shared with his mother on Wednesday night. They have been combing the house since moments after the gunfire stopped inside the school. Lanza had two bedrooms in the house, including one in the basement in which he kept his

computer, his computer video games and other possessions. Lanza had thousands of dollars worth of video games as well as an X-Box, although it appears he rarely if ever used it, preferring to play violent video games on his computer with other anonymous gamers, investigators were told. The basement also is where Nancy Lanza, a gun enthusiast and target shooter, kept her collection of weapons in a locked box. She had at least five weapons - two handguns a semi-automatic rifle, a .22 calibre rifle and a shotgun. Lanza had all the weapons except the .22 with him when he drove to the school. With the hard drive destroyed, investigators will not be able to trace what games he was playing, who he was playing with and, more importantly, whether he gave anybody forewarning of the horrific violence he unleashed. Anything he may have written on his computer that could have provided a glimpse into Lanza's thinking also would be irretrievable.

Two state A 2005 picture of Adam Lanza, who carried out one of the deadliest school shootings in the US. police crime squads have been processing the evidence at the school, with the third one at the house. Five days after the shootings, investigators still are collecting bullets from inside and outside the school. Lanza fired so many rounds that many bullets pierced cars in the school parking lot. Sources said that Nancy Lanza owned at least five guns and that all of them were purchased legally since her divorce in 2009. Adam Lanza was carrying three weapons when he entered the school, two pistols and the Bushmaster rifle that he used to spray the hallway and two classrooms with bullets. A source said

that he left a shotgun in the boot of his mother's car, which he drove to the scene. Police also are still trying to determine how long Lanza had been planning Friday's massacre. There is no indication that he made any purchases in the days before.

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control By Neil Bradley. hook- massacre- official- story- spins- out- of- control- by- neil- bradley/ December 23, 2012

Teddy bears left at a memorial for the child victims of the Sandy Hook massacre The massacre of 20 children and 7 adults at the Sandy Hook elementary school last Friday was one more in a long line of atrocious mass murders committed in the USA. By now, four days later, an official version of events has more or less solidified to explain the chain of events. The familiar lone gunman narrative has once more stoked the hot-button issue of gun control and left the general population as clueless as ever as to why people suddenly go postal and target the most vulnerable members of society. On closer inspection, however, there is clearly more to many of these mass shootings than meets the eye. Very often the earliest reports present information that directly contradicts key foundations of the final official analysis of events. Granted, confusion is natural when a story breaks, but some of the initial reports conflict so completely with the lone gunman narrative that Im going to compile them here and then try to put this tragedy in a more objective context. In his speech at the Sandy Hook Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown, Connecticut on Sunday night, President Obama quoted the following biblical passage: So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. ~ 2 Corinthians 4:18 The traumatised Newtown community deserves the facts without the spin. Everyone touched by this brutal event deserves to know what really happened, so lets fix our eyes on what remains unseen A 20-year-old tech geek named Adam Lanza is supposed to have snapped early last Friday, December 14th, shot dead his mother Nancy Lanza, loaded her car up with her guns and ammo, then driven it across town to his former school, the Sandy Hook Elementary School, shot dead 27 people in two classrooms and an adjoining hallway, then turned one of his guns on himself. Thats how most will now remember the shooting, but is that actually what happened? All the child victims were first-graders between the ages of 6 and 7. If theres any saving grace to be found in this event, its that it was all over within minutes. Police were reportedly on the scene instantaneously and by then the shooting had ended. Listed among the slain school teachers and administrative staff was the school principal, 47-year-old Dawn Hochsprung. Right here we encounter our first problem: The Newtown Bee December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots more than she could count that went on and on.

The Newtown Bee How could the principal have survived to give this statement to local press describing what happened if she was one of the first to be killed? Incidentally, The Newtown Bees article was taken down yesterday. Of course, a plausible explanation is that a reporter mistook another teacher for the principal. We were initially told that two handguns a Glock and a Sig Sauer were found next to the body of the dead shooter, while a third weapon, a .223-caliber rifle was also recovered in the trunk of a car later, in the schools parking lot. All of the weapons were allegedly legally bought and registered in Nancy Lanzas name. The car was later identified as a black Honda, also registered in her name. More weapons have since been introduced to the story but well get back to those later on. Besides anonymous law enforcement officials telling the media that Adam Lanza was a former pupil at the school, they also said his mother was currently a teacher there, that she was found among the dead and that her son had specifically sought out her classroom first. But when it emerged that teaching staff at the school had never heard of a Nancy Lanza, it was suggested that she was a substitute teacher whose name therefore mightnt appear on staff lists. But this claim too has disappeared down the memory hole because its now known that neit her Nancy nor her son had any connect ion wit h t he school what soever. Adam Lanza was in fact home-schooled. Nancy Lanza has since been painted as a survivalist who loved firearms, taught her sons how to shoot and was stockpiling because she was worried about economic collapse. Daily Mail, UK December 16, 2012 Last night it also emerged Nancy was a member of the Doomsday Preppers movement, which believes people should prepare for end of the world. Her former sister-in-law Marsha said she had turned her home into a fortress. She added: Nancy had a survivalist philosophy which is why she was stockpiling guns. She had them for defense. She was stockpiling food. She grew up on a farm in New Hampshire. She was skilled with guns. We talked about preppers and preparing for the economy collapsing. Its not difficult to see that their efforts to insinuate that Nancy Lanza was somehow responsible for this massacre by being an irresponsible mother also serve to rile the large contingent of gun owners in the country, particularly the far right who see a conspiracy on the governments part to take back our guns. More on that later, but for now I just want to note that all of the Lanza family members seemed to live more or less normal middle-class lives. Yes, the parents were divorced but it was apparently amicable and both put their own needs second to those of their children (and anyway, divorce in the US these days is decidedly normal middle class). Despite family insiders claiming that he was a deeply disturbed kid, Adam Lanza, like so many other alleged lone(r) gunmen before him, does not fit the profile of a mass-murdering maniac. His 24-year-old brother, Ryan Lanza, said he hadnt seen his brother since 2010. This fact brings into question Ryans claim that his younger brother may have had his identity card on his person at the school shooting. Although perhaps the question that needs to be asked here is, why would a person bother to carry identification with them after going to the trouble of dressing up in a bulletproof vest, mask and black camouflage gear and going on a killing spree The live emergency services audio feed from the scene reveals some interesting observations from first responders that have been completely overlooked by the mainstream media. Note that the unedited version lasts over two hours, so the abridged version Im going to quote from has a compressed sequence of events that are not in real time. In this abridged version, we hear at 1.38 a report that gunfire is still being heard, even t hough t he shoot ing was supposed t o have ended by t he t ime police arrived. The next report at 2.35 says that the shooting has stopped and the school is in lockdown. At 3.23, the police relay a teachers report that she saw t wo

shadows running past t he gym [not "two shooters", as we previously reported on]. This is followed by another officer on the scene who says, Yeh, we got em, t heyre coming at me! [inaudible] Coming up t he driveway real slowly! That same officer at 5.40 says he has them proned out , which presumably means he has apprehended them and they are laid out on the ground, before another officer comes on to say, be aware t hat we do have a second [inaudible] Later on, at 19.10, an officer who sounds out of breath, like hes just given chase, reports what I think sounds like these guys followed certainly by mult iple weapons, including long rif les and shot gun. If these were found so early on, why were they not included in the initial press reports which stated that three firearms had been found the above mentioned Glock, Sig Sauer and Bushmaster AR-15 rifle? Further conflicting, and possibly planted evidence was thrown into the mix by law enforcement officials when they published video footage of a long weapon being retrieved from the trunk of a car. Look closely and youll see that its a shotgun, not a rifle. In addition, this discovery was made late in the day (its dark outside), while the Bushmaster rifle was first reported found in the trunk of a car much earlier in the day. Besides the above two suspects proned out in front of the school, another suspected gunman was apprehended after he gave chase, this time in the woods next to the school: The police are clearly chasing someone whom they appear to apprehend in the middle of the woods next to the school, a fact confirmed by several eyewitnesses: This fleeing suspect, wearing camouflage gear, a bulletproof vest and armed with four guns, has since disappeared from media coverage. Who was this person and how did he know what it was when he protested that I didnt do it? Perhaps most astonishingly, this suspect arrested in the woods was named in an Associated Press report as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. The original report has long since vanished of course, but you can see it referenced here. This was despite the fact that Ryan had already been named as the deceased suspect inside the school, lying next to two handguns. Ryan Lanza was actually at work in Hoboken, New Jersey, that morning when his name and photo began circulating in the media. And so, for most of Friday, the lone shooter was erroneously reported as Ryan Lanza, confirmed dead. At the same time, we were being told that Ryans girlfriend and a room-mate were reported missing, also from Hoboken, New Jersey. So this isnt just a case of mistaken identity, as later claimed when it was suggested that Adam had a piece of identification belonging to his brother on his person. Not one, but BOTH Lanza brothers were being placed by law enforcement officials at the scene of the shooting. It could be that Ryans quick reflexes to leave his workplace to get on a bus to go back to his apartment while protesting innocence via his Facebook page may have saved his life. Now remember, all of this confusion somehow resulted from a single guy going into a school and shooting children and teachers and then shooting himself, all within three minutes. Surely it should have been fairly easy to rapidly and concretely identify the details of such a crime and the scene. What its starting to look like is that the Lanzas were framed for this mass shooting in advance. Long before any suspects were named, and even as we were being told that Nancy Lanza was among the dead at the school, we were told that police were investigating a murder in Hoboken, New Jersey, where a body had been found at the home of Ryan Lanza! An older confirmed version of events had RYAN, not Adam, travelling to Hoboken that morning to murder his father before going to the school in Newtown, Connecticut. Other variants had Ryan OR Adam going to both their divorced parents homes and killing them before going to the school. The narrative has now settled on the younger brother killing his mother in Newtown then going to the school. So what about the rest of it? Do we just put it down to keen journalism that was having a field day last Friday as media outlets sought to bring us the latest breaking news? Confusion and Chinese whispers undoubtedly play a part in the early stages of national media events, but I think back to those news anchors reading scripts about Osama Bin Laden within minutes of the first plane being hit on 9/11 and I think, Wait a minute! All these misleading reports

had to have been issued by someone or some people confirming to Associated Press and other media outlets that the Ryanss father had been murdered [he wasn't even aware that the shooting at the school had taken place until journalists turned up on his doorstep], or that Ryans girlfriend had gone missing from Hoboken, or that either Ryan or Adam were pulled out of the adjacent woods in handcuffs yelling I DIDNT DO IT to assembled parents. These arent just little details that can be confused for other details, these are detailed narratives. So how, or why, would any member of the press come up with such details? They strike me as a set of alternative scenarios that might have found their way into the official narrative had facts on the ground turned out differently. Watch this snippet of State Police Lt. Paul Vance at the press conference he gave the day after the shootings. His answer is as bizarre as it is revealing. When asked whether Nancy Lanza had any connection with the school, he replied defensively about something that is both unrelated and arguably the most significant fact that completely undermines the official narrative: the arrest of a second gunman in the woods: Most of the initial mainstream media reports have since been rewritten to fit new facts proclaimed by law enforcement officials. Heres an example from Business Insider. The following excerpts are the opening paragraphs from the same article, one earlier original version, followed by the later revised version: The massacre [...] was reportedly perpetrated with a .233 caliber rifle, a Glock pistol and a Sig Sauer pistol. The Bushmast er rif le was f ound in t he t runk of t he shoot ers car. The Sig Sauer and Glock pistols were the only weapons used in the shooting, according to CBS. Now the question is what kind of magazine would allow a shooter to fire 100 rounds in such a short period. Indeed, I was wondering the same thing. How could two pistols do so much damage? The report was updated as follows: The massacre in Connecticut thats taken the lives of at least 26 people was reportedly perpetrated with a .223 caliber rifle, a Glock pistol and a Sig Sauer pistol, according to NBC: The shooter was using one Sig Sauer and one Glock pistol, according to CNN. Later details emerged that the primary weapon was the Bushmaster assault-style rifle. Altogether, though, it doesnt mat t er what t ype of weapon t he shoot er used. The bottom line is that it was likely a magazine fed, semi-automatic, with enough rounds to shoot 100 shots in a matter of minutes, as quoted in USA Today. What actually happened may not matter to some, but surely a journalists role is to at least try to find out? This Associated Press/Newsday article on Saturday, December 15th, reported that Only the rifle was used on t he vict ims, a statement that is supported by Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, Connecticut states chief medical examiner. Of the seven autopsies he personally performed on Sandy Hook victims, all of t hem had t hree t o 11 wounds apiece. He also said that the gunman used a milit ary-st yle rif le rigged t o quickly reload, and that the shooter was able to reload so quickly because he had t aped t wo magazines t oget her. Even before the State Chief Medical Examiner had given these statements, it had been stated that spent shell casings from .233-caliber (rifle) bullets were found inside the school. So all the victims wounds were the result of rifle-fire, specifically from t he rifle, the one we were told in early reports was found in the trunk of a car in the parking lot! This is simply not credible. New York Daily News The three guns Adam Lanza is supposed to have brought to the school with him. The rifle was left in the trunk, leaving him just the two

handguns to let off hundreds of rounds firing .233 caliber bullets that belonged to the rifle which was left in the car Remember that only the rifle was used on all the victims. If only this rifle was used, and if we try to make this claim fit into the (admittedly fluid) official version of events, then the alleged lone gunman would have had to leave the school, place the rifle back in his trunk, then return inside the school and shoot himself. No one reported any such maneuver on the part of any gunman or gunmen. What we do have, however, is live emergency services radio feed in which we hear that two men have been apprehended and are proned out AND live video footage supported by eyewitness testimony showing what appears to be a THIRD man being arrested by police in the woods. We can see how the authorities hands are tied because they need to fit all the facts into the usual lone gunman narrative. For that, there can only be ONE rifle and a couple of handguns. The problem is that they have already claimed to find that solitary Bushmaster rifle in the trunk of a car in the school parking lot, so the earliest police reports of a cache of long arms being found inside the school will no longer fit with the lone gunman narrative, especially as theyre now saying that he had already opened fire as he burst into the school. Could scrawny 20-year-old Adam Lanza have stormed the school, solo Rambo-style, while carrying multiple long arms, including rifles and shotguns? Only one person was wounded. Everyone else who was shot was killed. How could Adam Lanza achieve such deadly accuracy, in such a short length of recorded time? Similarly heavily armed men wearing black combat gear from head to toe their job is to kill terrorists to keep us safe, which they do by terrorising us all Initial reports put the beginning of the shooting in the school administrators office, where someone, reportedly the school principal, had a row with the gunman(men). We know this because someone supposedly turned on the school intercom system, alerting the teaching staff to the loud swearing and commotion in the principals office and probably saving many more children from being gunned down as teachers took measures to hide the children in closets. One brave teacher, Kaitlin Roig, bundled a bunch of children into a bathroom and locked the door. Whats interesting about her testimony to ABC News is that when police arrived and asked her to open the door, she refused, saying that if they were really cops, theyd know where to find keys to open the door. In addition, she requested that they slide their badges under the door. Now, this is generally a smart thing to do in any and all interactions with the police, especially in the U.S. But to have the wherewithal to do so under such traumatic circumstances strongly suggests that Ms. Roig had logically deduced by that point that multiple perpetrators were involved, and that they were either impersonating police officers or were indistinguishable from SWAT team police commandos, either in the way they dressed or the way they behaved upon entering the building. It also reminds us just how narrow the time window of the actual shooting was. The shooting appears to have barely ended when men knocked on that bathroom door and told Ms. Roig they were police. There are also conflicting reports about how the gunmen entered the building. We were told initially that they came in through the main front entrance and proceeded straight to the administrators/principals offices. But Sandy Hook elementary school has a security system with a

video monitor, which allows staff to screen visitors before buzzing them in. A masked gunman dressed in black tactical combat gear from head to toe would kinda raise red flags, dont you think? Another possible anomaly is that Victoria Soto, one of the teachers killed at the school, appears to have had an in memoriam Facebook page created in her name four days before the shooting. Regarding this alleged LIBOR scandal connection between this shooting and the Aurora theater shooting, there is as yet zero evidence to support the claim that either father of Lanza or Holmes were going to testify to anyone about anything, so for now this must remain just another rumor. I rather think that this is being spread to create the impression of a direct link that can be easily refuted, as in a straw man argument. The obvious and direct link staring everyone in the face is that the U.S. governments accounts of these events are hocus-pocus. The glaring connection between these two shootings, the Sikh Temple shooting and the Fort Hood shooting is that multiple gunmen were reported at the time by eyewitnesses, but they are now all officially claimed to have been carried out by lone gunmen. This logically tells us that the real perpetrators are being protected with cover stories of what really happened because if the truth were known, some section of the U.S. government would be implicated. Wade Michael Page, the lone gunman in the Sikh Temple shooting in Wisconsin in August this year, was a highly decorated U.S. army psychological operations specialist, according to the Pentagon. But what happened to the three other gunmen seen by witnesses? It cant surely be coincidence that Wade was (former?) military psy-ops. The thought has crossed my mind more than once during the aftermath of the Connecticut shooting. Others too have suggested this was a false-flag event, or that Lanza was some sort of Manchurian Candidate. But maybe theres a simpler explanation (albeit more outrageous) than that? Was that really Adam Lanza they found inside the school? Do we even know for a fact that one of the gunmen was found dead inside the school? What we have instead are reports of two or three masked gunmen, apparently all dressed similarly in black tactical gear from head to toe, being wilfully forgotten about at best, or protected by the state at worst. Based on the authorities persistent but futile efforts to connect the Lanzas to this school, the multiple eyewitness reports of two shooters, the Connecticut State Medical Examiners report that all the victims were riddled with bullets from a rifle that were simultaneously being asked to believe was in the trunk of a car the whole time, similar reports of multiple shooters in previous mass shootings in recent years and the media focusing the emotional outcry onto the hot-button topic of gun control Im left wondering if this was actually the work of some highly trained professional hit team? Was the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, a psy-op, using what amounts to a death squad and a carefully planned mission to terrorise people on behalf of the government, in combination with perception management to shape the narrative and vector the emotional fallout? Gun control isnt the issue here. The US government would long since have taken measures, quietly, to limit the supply of weapons, the 2nd Amendment of the constitution be damned (its just a goddamned piece of paper, remember?), if it was really concerned with limiting civilian access to weapons. The psychopaths in power have absolutely no compunction about using state terrorism, in this case organising the deliberate massacre of innocent children, to control people. In effect, this is little different from the U.S. government calls counter-insurgency or counter-terrorism in foreign countries, where it attacks innocent civilians to create the impression that they were killed by communists, terrorists, insurgents or militants, with the aim of generating public support for the illusion that the common people need a strong, ruthless government to protect them from the evil-doers. When the common people buy into this manipulation, the end result, as history shows repeatedly, is an overt and brutal police state.

Niall Bradley

Niall Bradley has been an editor at since 2009. He is also an editor of Sott.nets print publication, the Dot Connector Magazine and has appeared as a guest commentator on Press TV. Niall has written numerous articles for, where he focuses on analysing geo-political trends in the context of so-called climate change.


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27 people reported dead in Connecticut school shooting | | Great Falls, Montana people- reported- dead- in- connecticut- school- shooting/ December 23, 2012

Posted: Dec 14, 2012 10:53 AM by CBS News Updated: Dec 14, 2012 11:11 AM NEWTOWN, Conn. (CBSNewYork) - Twenty-seven people are dead including 14 children after a gunman opened fire at an elementary school in Newtown, CBS News has confirmed. Officials say the gunman was also killed. It happened around 9:40 a.m. Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Police believe there may be a second gunman and are looking for a red or maroon van with its back window blown out, 1010 WINS' Al Jones reported. Two guns have reportedly been recovered. One 8-year-old student told CBS 2s Lou Young he was on his way to the school's office when he saw the gunman. "I saw some of the bullets going down the hall and then a teacher pulled me into her classroom," he said. Click here for more information at CBS New York. Broadcasting live with Ustream

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