Pruebas Puertorriqueñas de Aprovechamiento Académico 2011 5 Grade English As A Second Language Script For Practice Test Listening Section (Section 1)

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Pruebas Puertorriqueas de Aprovechamiento Acadmico 2011 5th Grade English as a Second Language Script for Practice Test Listening

Section (Section 1)
(Narrator): This is the English Listening Test for 5th grade. In this section of the test, you will show how well you understand spoken English. The Listening section has three parts.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Part One

(Pause 2 seconds) (Narrator): Directions: In this part of the test, you will listen to a question or short sentence followed by four answer choices. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Look for question number 1.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following sentence.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman): The baby chick was yellow.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Which question does the sentence answer?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A Did the chicken lay an egg? B C What color was the chick? Do you like chicken?

D How old was the chick?

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(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the sentence, the question, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman repeats the sentence and Narrator repeats the question and the answer choices) (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Look for question number 2.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following question.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Man): What color are Jaimes mothers shoes?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Which option is the BEST way to answer the question?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A Jaimes mothers shoes are black. B C Jaimes mother likes black shoes. I dont like shoes, Mother.

D I like Jaimes mothers shoes. (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the sentence, the question, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds)

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(Man repeats the sentence and Narrator repeats the question and the answer choices) (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Look for question number 3.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following question.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman): What type of tree is that?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Which option BEST answers the question?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A red apples B C an apple tree for apples

D a tree for apples (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the sentence, the question, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman repeats the sentence and Narrator repeats the question and the answer choices)

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(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Part Two

(Pause 2 seconds) (Narrator): Directions: In this part of the test, you will listen to a short paragraph followed by a question and four answer choices. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Look for question number 4.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the following paragraph. You will be answering question number 4 based on the information from the paragraph.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the recipe for making playdough.

(Pause 2 seconds) (Woman): Pour a cup of flour in a bowl. Add one-half cup of water and a teaspoon of salt. Stir with a spoon. You will need a bag to keep the dough in once you are done playing with it. Store it in the refrigerator.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): According to the recipe, when will you need a bag?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options)

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(Narrator): A after playing with the dough, but before putting it in the refrigerator B before playing with the dough, but after putting it in the refrigerator C after pouring the flour, but before adding the water D before playing with the flour, but not with the water (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the paragraph, the question, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman repeats the paragraph and Narrator repeats the question and the answer choices) (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Look for question number 5.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following paragraph. You will be answering question number 5 based on the information from the paragraph.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Man): Fold a piece of paper in half. Draw a picture on the cover. Open the paper and write your message on the right side of the fold. Now you have a card.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Where should you draw the picture?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options)

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(Narrator): A on the cover B C on the left side of the fold on the back

D on the right side of the fold (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the paragraph, the question, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Man repeats the paragraph and Narrator repeats the question and the answer choices) (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Look for question number 6.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following paragraph. You will be answering question number 6 based on the information from the paragraph.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman): It was a cloudy day. Suddenly, it got windy, and thunder shook the house. I could hear rain pounding on the roof. Dad ran into the house. He said, Its raining cats and dogs.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): What does Its raining cats and dogs mean in this passage?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options)

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(Narrator): A There were cats and dogs falling from the sky. B There were animals in the rain. C The cats and dogs were getting wet. D It was raining very hard. (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the paragraph, the question, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman repeats the paragraph and Narrator repeats the question and the answer choices) (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Part Three

(Pause 2 seconds) (Narrator): Directions: In this part of the test, you will listen to several passages. When each passage is finished, you will listen to some questions, each followed by four answer choices. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Look for questions 7 through 9.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following story. You will be answering questions 7 through 9 based on the information from the story.

(Pause 3 seconds)

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Roberto, I know youre hungry. Im almost finished cooking. Please dont eat any candy before dinner. You can have an apple after you wash your hands. Then call your brothers and tell them to come and set the table. Ok, Mom. But I could eat a horse.


(Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to question number 7.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Who was cooking?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A a boy B C Robertos grandmother a friend

D Robertos mother (Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to question number 8.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): When can Roberto eat the apple?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A before dinner B C after the table is set before cooking

D after calling his brothers

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(Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to question number 9.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): In the story, what was the LAST thing Robertos mother told him to do?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A to set the table B C to eat an apple to call his brothers

D to eat some candy (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the story, the questions, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman and Roberto repeat the story and Narrator repeats the questions and the answers) (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer for each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Look for questions 10 through 12.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following story. You will be answering questions 10 through 12 based on the information from the story.

(Pause 3 seconds)

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Wake up Samantha! Its time to go school, said Samanthas mother as she poked her head through her bedroom door. Today was Samanthas first day in a new school. The truth was that Samantha was very worried. Her father got a new job, and they had to move to a different city. Change is good! her mother tried to reassure her. They had packed up all their things in big boxes and left behind her friends. And now she had to face a new school! Dont worry, Samantha. Youll make friends in no time, her mother told her during breakfast. As she waited for the bus, Samantha felt butterflies in her stomach. The girl standing next to her looked over and exclaimed, We have the same backpack! Just then the bus arrived. My name is Linda. Do you mind if I sit with you? Today is my first day and I dont know anyone. Samantha gave Linda a big smile. Its also my first day! replied Samantha. The girls giggled as they got on the bus.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to question number 10.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): What did Samantha do BEFORE she got on the school bus that day?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A She packed her things in boxes. B C She ate breakfast. She went to school.

D She made a friend. (Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to question number 11.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Which sentence BEST describes the ENDING of the story?

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(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A The girls became good friends. B C The backpacks did not fit in the bus. The girls liked having breakfast.

D The bus arrived late. (Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to question number 12.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Which question can be answered using the information from the story?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A Where does Samantha live? B Is Samantha worried about making new friends? C How old is Samantha? D At what time does Samantha wake up? (Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to the story, the questions, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman repeats the story and Narrator repeats the questions and the answer choices) (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer for each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

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(Pause 5 seconds)


Look for questions 13 through 15.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following story. You will be answering questions 13 through 15 based on the information from the story.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to a story about a boy named Johnny.

(Pause 2 seconds) (Man): Johnny got up to the plate. He took a couple of practice swings, then took his stand just like his coach had taught him. The pitcher released the ball, and Johnny swung with all his strength. The ball flew through the air, and Johnny ran like the wind toward first base. He continued to second, then third. The crowd cheered loudly as he headed for home. Johnny dove toward the plate just as the catcher was about to get the ball. (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to question number 13.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Which answer BEST describes where the story takes place?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A in a back yard B C (Pause 3 seconds) at a baseball field in a dream

D at a movie

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Listen to question number 14.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Put the following events in order as they happened in the story:

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): I. Johnny ran to first base.

(Pause 2 seconds) (Narrator): II. The pitcher threw the ball.

(Pause 2 seconds) (Narrator): III. Johnny got up to the plate.

(Pause 2 seconds) (Narrator): IV. Johnny took a couple of practice swings.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the answer choices.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A I, II, III, IV B C II, III, IV, I IV, I, III, II

D III, IV, II, I (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to question number 15.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Choose the sentence that would be the BEST ending to the story.

(Pause 3 seconds)

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(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A Even though the sounds of the crowd were loud, Johnny didnt hear a thing. B Johnny smiled when he thought about the game. C As Johnny looked up through the cloud of dust, the referee yelled, Safe! D If Johnny practiced more, then he would be able to run faster. (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the story, the questions, and the answer choices again.

(Man repeats the story and Narrator repeats the questions and the answer choices) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer for each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds)


Look for questions 16 through 18.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen carefully to the following passage. You will be answering questions 16 through 18 based on the information from the passage.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Woman): Rainbows are multicolored arches of light. They are caused when a ray of sunlight enters a drop of water and bounces back out. Most of the time, they appear in the sky after it has rained, when there are still tiny drops of water in the air. But you can also see rainbows near waterfalls or fountains. Try making your own rainbow by standing with your back to the Sun and spraying a fine mist of water in front of you.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to question number 16.

(Pause 3 seconds)

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According to the passage, where is it possible to see rainbows?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A in the desert B C near mountains on the ground

D near fountains (Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to question number 17.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): What is the main idea of the passage?

(Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options) (Narrator): A why rainbows are important to people B C who can see rainbows why there are many colors in a rainbow

D how rainbows are made (Pause 3 seconds)


Listen to question number 18.

(Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): When you make a rainbow, where should the Sun be? (Pause 3 seconds) (Note: Pause 2 seconds between options)

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(Narrator): A in front of you B C on your left side in back of you

D on your right side (Pause 3 seconds) (Narrator): Listen to the passage, the questions, and the answer choices again.

(Woman repeats the passage and Narrator repeats the questions and the answer choices) (Narrator): Now, choose the letter of the correct answer for each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

(Pause 5 seconds) This is the end of the 5th grade listening test. Put your pencil on your desk and wait for instructions from your teacher.


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