Va Lngress

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Valngress - City of Ruins is a setting for Dungeonslayers (, which itself is an old fashioned roleplaying game of traditional fantasy, simple mechanics and dynamic action. As the author of this supplement, my goal was to create an interesting and diverse environment that still matched the troupes of its parent game. Inspired by James Wolf Strehles work (, I struck on the idea of an abandoned city full of dangers and riches. Although this background is often used in fantasy games, what better place for a party of adventurers to test their strength, fortitude and luck! The result is Valngress, City of Ruins, the heart of an ancient Elven kingdom that is lost to both time and the jungle. Finally, I would like to thank Colin Chapman (the author of the fantastic Atomic Highway RolePlaying Game) for his assistance in editing my first draft. Without his assistance, this manuscript would likely still be nothing but another of my unrealised ideas. I hope you enjoy both reading and playing in Valngress, and that many great adventures will arise from the darkness beneath the city of ruins!

All content (excepting the cover art - James Wolf Strehle 2009) is released under a creative commons license.

It is known as Valngress, the City of Ruins. For decades the known races have whispered its name, speaking of it both in fear and anger. No one truly knows what it was that lead to the downfall of this grand Elven city and the empire it governed, and after so long all that remains is the sprawl that is so shunned by all good peoples

But it was not simply through strength of arms alone that the Elves gained an Empire. After many centuries of study, the great Elven mages had learnt to harness magic and power in ways the world had not seen before nor has seen since. And so it was that with this knowledge none could resist them. With the Known World at their feet, the Elves interests turned inwards, and a great period of city building and culture began. Yet, while many great structures were built around the empire at this time - some of which survive to this day - the subjugated races faired poorly under their new lords. Under their cruel and uncaring ministrations, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, died; the conquered races used as little more than slave labour in the Elven pursuit of greatness. Worse still are rumours of the Elves search for ultimate magic. So perverse and corrupt were the deeds of the wizards who embarked upon this search, that even after a thousand years, Elven magic is still viewed with distrust.

into magic. Indeed, so important was this metropolis that even once it was abandoned it remained protected by powerful wards and runes left by its former citizens. The magic used in these protective wards were obviously designed to last until their masters surmised return, as even decades later they remained active. With so many bad memories and deadly wards it is not surprising that for many years the region around Valngress was abandoned.

History of Valngress
Time has not been kind to this once majestic city; her stone walls stand broken, massive towers smashed to the ground, and streets subjugated by the hot and leafy jungle. Today, Valngress stands as a silent witness to a civilisation lost to memory. Barely a thousand years have past since her builders proudly walked her broad avenues and watched an empire grow from her lofty heights, yet there is now little of her history, art and glorious design left in the shattered ruins.

Valngress Today
It is only in recent years that the Civilised races have tentatively returned to the Valngress region. Those who arrived first were amazed to discover that the wards protecting the city had failed; it seemed that even elven magic was no match for the inexorable advance of the jungle. Today, adventurers from all corners of the Known World come to Valngress to seek their fortune. However, the City of Ruins, as it is known, hides its dangers well. While many of the magical wards have been destroyed, numerous other traps and creatures remain within the city, and the jungle itself houses its own terrors. Here to, in the shadows of a long lost power, the evil races have congregated, growing stronger and more corrupt in its presence. Despite this, the city is purported to hold untold riches - be it gold, silver or magic - that more than makes up for the risks inherent in exploring it. It is said that within Valngress untold fortunes can be found. The only real question is - what are YOU willing to sacrifice to gain them?

Rise of an Empire
Despite the passing of a millennium Valngress remains unclaimed. To most of the Known World this sprawling city represents nothing but an age best left forgotten; a time when all Elves united under one banner and as one enslaved the free peoples of the world. Under the leadership of a powerful dynasty, this great and vicious empire set aside the caring and natural ways of the Elves to wage bloody war against the upstart nations that looked so enviously upon them. Over battles, campaigns and wars that lasted decades, the Elven Empire conquered all who stood against them; from the youthful Human tribes to quiet earthbound Dwarves, the brash and violent Orcs through the cunning yet timid Goblins.

And its Fall

No one quite knows what heralded the end of the Elven reign, or what event saw them abandon their Empire and return to the deepest parts of the forest. Whatever the cause, this return to nature occurred quickly, and in as little as a generation the Elven Empire was no more, its slave races freed from their bondage. It is too much to think that no retribution was sought against the Elves at this time, but there remains nothing to say that any uprising or war of freedom took place. Despite this rapid collapse of the Elven Empire, Valngress survived. A massive city by the time of its abandonment, some believe it was here that the elves delved deepest

No one can guess as to how many souls have tempted fate in the jungles over the years, although few have lived long enough too to tell their tale. Yet, despite the perils they face, foolhardy adventurers from across the Known World continue to journey to Valngress, the one place that offers as many chances of making it rich, as it does to end up dead!

mornings dawn bright and blue with the temperature quickly rising. By noon, a low cloud cover will have built up bringing short, sharp storms late into the evening. Nights in the jungle region are warm and humid, and are the preferred environment for swarming insects and small hunting animals.

The Jungle
It is suspected that Valngress has always been surrounded by jungle. However, why the Elves chose this place out of all their natural environments to create the largest city the Known World has ever seen remains a mystery. Some suggest that the jungle is some sort of natural defence, while others theorise that it may have contributed to Empires eventual fall. Whatever the true reason, the jungle and the city do seem to have somewhat of a symbiotic relationship; the flora growing faster and most tenaciously in and around the city. The jungle is a dangerous place to travel. Not only is navigation difficult the thickness of foliage often resulting in little progress despite hours of cutting but the jungle is also home to some of the most deadly creatures found in the Known World. In fact, although no comprehensive studies have been made, it seems that the jungle in and around Valngress seems to attract such beasts. Further, the flora in the city of ruins can be just as life threatening as any monster. Great, venomous, spitting plants are known to grow in certain locations, along with man-catchers and creeper vines that are known to attack human sized quarry for their next meal. The rainy season also brings other dangers, from loose ground and slick surfaces, through to swollen rivers and flash floods. As the most dangerous time to travel, only the foolhardy spends much in the jungles during the rains.

The Rainy Season

The rainy season covers the other quarter of the year. Unlike the dry season, the rainy season sees a persistent rainfall that ranges from light showers to torrential storms and flash flooding. The temperature during this period is also generally much cooler which while eliminating most of the night-time insects, does place individuals caught unprepared at the risk exposure. The actual amount of rainfall during the rainy season fluctuates, although there are few days when there is none at all. Life during this season is even more trying that other times in Valngress, with moisture seemingly able to inundate even the most water tight of locations.

The Valngress Region

Valngress sits in the equatorial zone of the Known World. A largely abandoned area, it has long been thought of as nothing more than a breeding ground of evil and monsters. The region, also known as Valngress (or the Valngress Jungle), is a tropical wonderland, that is similar in many ways to our own Amazon Basin. A large and fairly constant rainfall, combined with humid heat, makes the area a veritable breeding ground for exotic fauna and flora.

The Seasons
Although the Valngress region (like all areas of the Known World) officially has four seasons Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring in all practicality the jungle and ruins knows just two the rainy and the dry seasons.

The Ruins
It is hard to define what exactly is The city of Valngress and what might have been other outlying towns or small communities. Geographically the ruins cover at least a hundred square miles, and of these only a few dozen have been thoroughly explored. No one has thus far attempted to map the city, and most of it still lies covered by thick jungle. In general, people refer to the three distinct parts of the city: the Jungle, the Upper City and Under City.

The Dry Season

A misnomer, the dry season actually sees more precipitation than most winters in the rest of the Known World. In general, however, this period sees sweltering higher temperatures and a more regular rain fall pattern than during winter. Extending over about three quarters of the year, each day follows a predicable weather pattern. Most

The Upper City

A massive sprawling ruin, Valngress must have been an imposing city in its hey-day. Rumoured to have been home to hundreds of thousands of

Elves and their slaves, there remains little to indicate this dark period in the Known Worlds history, above ground at least. Time has not been kind to the parts of the city exposed to the elements. Under the best of circumstances the city should have rightly been subsumed by the jungle long ago, with nothing more than a few odd structures left amongst the dark green wildness. However, whatever their original purpose, the magical wards cast here have lasted a lot longer than their makers could have ever expected, and so it is only now that Mother Nature is reclaiming what is rightfully hers. While the destruction may not have been as widespread as it might have, there still remains little to divine the original purpose of individual locations within the city. Where the jungle has not taken hold, one can still see glimpses of what Valngress may have looked like all those years ago, but such views are few and far between. As a general note, based purely on the observations of those who have explored the ruins, the city itself seems roughly circular in shape. The construction of this main city seems to have been completed in rings with large walls some of which are still intact in places forming the outer boundary of each. It has been observed that the inner rings have fared much better than those on the outside, and in places (so says the rumour) the jungle has not yet taken hold. In addition to these central rings, two branches of the city seem to extend directly north and south. Here the jungle has all but destroyed the original streets and buildings, and so little remains to define what these wings were actually constructed for. Around the main city there are also numerous other ruins of various sizes. It is impossible to say if these were once part of the Valngress, or other independent communities, as the jungle runs rampant here.

and is where most of the adventure and the rewards - can be found. No one knows for certain why there are so many subterranean locations in the ruins. Some say the Elves were forewarned of their impeding doom and tried to hide, while others postulate that the environment itself drove the citizens underground. Whatever the reason, the ruins of the city extend far into the depths of the earth.

permit access to the citys hidden complexes.

Valngress is also criss-crossed with a massive network of tunnels, though as with so much of the city, the purpose of these passageways is now a subject of mystery. While there seems little rhyme or reason for these passages, tunnels often connect to underground complexes or citadels (see below), or lead to yet further confusing networks of corridors and chambers. It has been theorized that these tunnels may have been the way in which the Elves of Valngress actually preferred travelling, as, upon further examination, they seem to be well worn from years of use. Further explanations gravitate around the use of the tunnels to transport goods or gain access to locations for various nefarious acts, but this is little more than wild speculation. The tunnels have remained fairly intact over the years and are perhaps the most mapped part of the entire city. Still, for each mile hastily scratched on paper, ten more are discovered each year.

Almost every large building in Valngress has some sort of basement. These range in size from a few small rooms through to large complexes of damp and dark chambers. Most basements have been hidden by the ever-growing jungle and the weight of time, and as such remain intact. When finally discovered, these cellars are often treasure troves of magic and ancient Elven items.

While the luxury of enclosed sewers is a rarity in even the most civilised cities of the Known Worlds even now, the elves of Valngress clearly realised the health benefits of a dedicated, secure sewerage system. While the majority of this detailed and intricate system is hidden deep underground, or ruined by the ravages of time, many of the larger tunnels and connections have survived intact. However, while such tunnels often seem safe enough, they are actually extremely dangerous. In the Dry season, the sewers are ideal resting places for the various creatures that call the ruins home, while the Valn (see below) often use them as temporary shelters; weary adventurers will find little welcome from any such residents. In the Rainy season, the sewers are prone to rapid flooding. Explorers caught in such down-pours are more than likely swept away into the depths, never to be seen again. And yet, it is these same flash floods that also make the sewers such a rich location. With more and more of Valngress surface structures being eroded forever by the elements, it is the large and robust sewers that still

The adventurers call them citadels, though in reality these massive subterranean complexes of rooms and chambers are unlikely to have been purpose-made fortifications. Seemingly randomly scattered in the bowels of the earth beneath Valngress, some can be accessed from the well-trod tunnels, others connect directly to the surface, and just as many seem to be connected only to the sewers. Finding an undiscovered citadel is the ultimate goal of all treasure hunters in Valngress. Here the true riches of the city can be found; untouched since the fateful day the city was abandoned. While numerous adventurers have made their fortunes upon discovering a citadel, many more have died attempting to find the same. For while the citadels offer the greatest rewards, most are still protected by both the guardians and

Under the City

While the surface of Valngress is little more than jungle and ruins, under the city seems mostly intact,

magic left to defend the very items the explorers seek.

The Outpost
While adventurers and explorers have been coming to Valngress for almost a decade, only a minority see out more than a few seasons. As a result, there are few permanent communities in the region, and practical all the equipment and goods needed for exploring the ruins must be carried in by hand! One community that has arisen in recent times, however, is a ruined keep colloquially known as the Outpost. This rambling structure is situated at the edge of the city proper, and consists of a rebuilt tower and a few simple outbuildings. Starting life as nothing more than a hunting camp under a particularly strong expedition leader, it quickly became known as a safe place for explorers to rest and recover for a small price of course! Over the years, the Outpost has changed hands a number of times, surprisingly, always under peaceful circumstances. The current owner is Harven Battleforge, a Dwarven explorer who decided to settle down to a (very) slightly quieter lifestyle after losing his right leg to an ancient Valngressian trap. Under the dwarfs ministrations, the Outpost has grown into a taverncome-warehouse that supports the entire region. The rebuilt keep houses a dozen private rooms and a large common room for explorers. More importantly, Harvens storeroom is amply supplied with the equipment need by parties looking to explore the ruins. Of course, all of these services dont come cheap, but when the only other option is camping in the wet jungle, few complain. Harven also allows individuals to use his building as a place where trades and deals can be arranged (and thus is often a meeting place for traders and treasure hunters). While not expecting a cut of any deals done in his building, he does draw the line at some types of trade, in particular the purchasing of trade and the procurement of beer or other common commodities he offers behind the bar. Recognizing all too well the dangers of exploring Valngress, Harven retains the services of Pardure Nordal an experienced healer who

Despite its remote location and inhospitable surroundings, there is much life within the sprawling ruins. Many wicked peoples and creatures call Valngress home, drawn by the ramshackle chaos that pervades Valngress, or seeing the ruins as a defendable and readymade lair. Thankfully, the ruins and the surrounding jungle are home to many scattered camps, and a single larger outpost on the edge of the city, serving explorers, hunters, sages, and adventurers.

will aid any adventurer in need for a suitable fee. Pardure able to cure most common ailments and is possibly the most powerful spellcaster in the region. All-in-all, Harven has set himself up as a powerful figure in Valngress, one who can influence the fortunes of those wanting to make their future in the ruins.

Other places of Note

Only a small portion of Valngress has been explored in any great detail. The region itself is so large, and so diverse than even areas once thought stripped of any worthwhile finds still offer a great deal of adventure and reward.

Hunting Camps
The term Hunting camp is given to the scattered encampments set up by the various adventuring parties entering the ruins. These camps, usually crude but sturdy affairs by necessity, are often semipermanent sites, with often returning to the same locations season after season. While most adventurers are ambivalent about one anothers exploration the city is certainly big enough and dangerous enough for most groups to avoid direct competition few are willing to share their precious resources food, water, and most importantly, finds - with other treasure hunters. Suffice to say, exploring Valngress or even trying to living in it, exacts a toll in even the hardiest individuals. Most fall prey to jungle diseases, vicious flora and fauna, traps, violence, or simply depart for more civilized climes. With such risks, smaller groups are often interested in recruiting more bodies, especially anyone who claims to have previously explored the ruins. Living in Hunting Camps also brings its own dangers. The Evil races often target such sites for raids tribes of Goblins and Orcs find it easy to overwhelm hunting camp defences and the handful of adventurers left to defend them. It is not uncommon for adventurers to find such sites, busy one day, ruined and uninhabited the next.

Azran, or in the common Elven tongue, The Circle of Life, seems to have been some sort of junction or meeting place for the Elves of Valngress. Today, although its original inhabitants are long gone, the plaza has once again taken on its old purpose. Situated not too far from the Outpost, Azran is used as a staging point for many groups journeying deeper into the city or jungle. Here, parties of adventurers look to sign on more swords, patrons seek potential employees to undertake their own particular expeditions, and lone merchants attempt to sell their often over priced and typically shoddy goods. Of all the traders here, most adventurers are likely to be interested in the forge of Talsa Ferryman. A travelling weaponsmith and carpenter, Talsa has temporarily set up camp in the Azran. He provides a range of good quality weapons and armour (at a fair mark-up), and boasts excellent metal and wood working skills.

The Monastery
The Monastery, named after its seemingly endless number of small cell-like chambers, is one of the few largely intact complexes discovered on the surface of Valngress. Initially thought tapped-out by the first adventurers to strike into the

region, recent finds have led others to believe that the building (or buildings) extend underground and further than anyone previously imagined.

purpose for this land grab has yet to be determined, it seems likely that this tribe will soon outnumber the adventurers in the region many times over.

Bartars Folly
This series of tunnels links one section of Valngress to an obviously smaller township on the edge of the region. Named after its discoverer, Bartar Parazm, it was original regarded as a safe way of travelling to the city proper without having to face the tribulations of the jungle and creatures on the surface. However, Bartars other claim to fame is the discovery of the Valn, whose presence in the tunnels soon ended not only any hopes of easy access to the main ruins but also the explorers life.

The Valn
Of all the creatures and races to be found in Valngress, the Valn are probably the most interesting. Only found in this region of the jungle, these tribal-based humanoids possess more than a passing resemblance to large birds. An intelligent race, the Valn are able to craft tools the equal of any of the civilised nations, and seem to possess an intricate and complex written language. Yet for all this obvious knowledge, the Valn are either unwilling or unable to communicate with the few adventurers who have attempted to meet or trade with them. Exceedingly territorial, the various Valn tribes bear great animosity towards anyone entering their designated lands, including Valn from other tribes, and attack en mass. Up until recently this has had little effect on the treasure hunters, but as the numbers of explorers continues to increase it seems inevitable that confrontations will soon arise.

Others in the Ruins

The Civilised races arent the only ones who have found Valngress an intriguing location. Numerous representatives of the evil races have also discovered the power that the ruins offer and look to exploit it for their own ends. For details on some of the new and interesting creatures to be found in the City of Ruins see Appendix 2 The Creatures of Valngress.

Other Creatures
The Valngress region is also home to numerous other aggressive creatures, ranging from the Night Panthers, predators who stalk lone adventures in the dead of night, through to the Razorbacks the enormous and belligerent boars that range the jungle rooting for food.

The OrRisKa (People of the Battered Sun) are a particularly aggressive tribe of Orcs who, it is believed, seek to exploit the Valngress region for exactly the same reason most treasure hunters do the lost magic of the Elves. Lead by a group of surprisingly cunning (and strategically-minded) warlords, this group actually represents many varied Orc tribes driven together out of necessity. While most other Orc tribes seem determined to wage war against the Civilised races, the Battered Sun have focused their efforts on claiming a territory in the region for themselves, and where possible avoid direct confrontation (although they are not adverse to killing treasure hunters should they be encountered). While their ultimate

Valngress is a dangerous and daunting place at the best of times, and all too often groups entering the ruins are never heard of again.

If a characters ST is reduced to below zero, then they will collapse from exhaustion and remain unconscious for 1D20 hours (before awaking with ST 0). Strength lost from Fatigue is recovered at the rate of one point per hour of full rest and appropriate treatment (i.e. when camping overnight).

given day (8 litres). This can be bothersome as water is difficult and heavy to carry, especially in large amounts. To supplement the supplies carried by a group, individuals may collect half of the drinkable water they require per day for every 2 hours of dedicated searching for potable water (this includes the preparation time needed to make it drinkable) with a successful MIN+RE (+4) roll. On the roll of a 1, an entire days supply can be found for all of the party in just one search period. Failure to consume enough water each day results in the temporary lose of 1 point from all of their Attributes in addition to any losses from heat fatigue. This loss affects all skills and tasks associated with the Attributes. If any of the are reduced collapse and themselves. If negative 4 dehydration. characters attributes to zero then they are unable to help any attribute reaches they will die of

Supplies in Valngress
There is very little in the way of merchants or traders in the ruins of Valngress, and importing supplies to the city is an arduous undertaking. As such, the costs of many common supplies are considerably more expensive than one would expect to find in even the smallest civilised village. To reflect these increases a separate price list for supplies is presented below (see the Appendix 1 Equipment Costs).

Valngress is a maze of jungle and ruins that seem to be ever changing. Very little of the actual city has been mapped, and the traditional forms of navigation (the sun, stars and tall landmarks) are almost totally obscured by the thick foliage in and around the ruins. As a result, careless or foolhardy adventurers face the very real threat of becoming lost in the city. For every 4 hours spent travelling in the jungle, characters need to make a MIN+RE roll. Success indicates they have continued on their desired path, while failure means that they must add an additional 2 hours to their journey as they retrace their steps and otherwise correct their path.

Adventuring in the Ruins

While many think that the creatures and monsters lurking in the city are the greatest threat to adventurers, exposure and deprivation are more likely to claim an unprepared explorer.

Lost Attributes are recovered at the rate of 1 per day once the character is fully hydrated.

It almost goes without saying that the heat and humidity of Valngress is oppressive, even during the Rainy season. For those characters travelling through the jungle and wearing metal armour the temperatures can quickly become unbearable, swiftly leading to exhaustion, heat stroke and dehydration. As a rule, characters can only wear metal armour for a number of hours equal to their BOD per day. If worn for longer then the adventurer will temporarily lose 1 point of ST per hour thereafter. This reduction in Strength affects all associated tasks and skills, i.e. Melee Attack, etc.

As the old saying goes - A well prepared soldier is a lucky soldier. This proverb goes doubly so in Valngress. While food and water can be found with abundance in the region, the dangers inherit in foraging in the jungle are also great. As noted early, the floral in region is particularly hostile, while the majority of the standing water is unsuitable for consumption.

Food and Starvation

Food can be gathered or hunted in the jungle (although any hunted creature might give an adventurer a decent fight). As a rule, food foraged from the jungle has the potential to be poisonous to Civilised races. For each meal collected, a MIN+RE should be made. On a success the food is edible, while a failure means it is poisonous. A roll of a 20 indicates that the character has poisoned him or herself in the process of securing food and must make a BOD+TO roll versus a poison of 10. Characters failing to eat one decent meal a day will temporarily lose 1

Water and Dehydration

As a rule, individuals in the jungle will consume twice the amount of water they would normal do on any

BOD point (see Water and Dehydration above for the effects of this loss and recovery).

Defence. Note that these bonuses only apply when on the surface of the city. All characters attempting to be stealthy gain a plus 1 to their Skills. The natural foliage in the city also limits a ranged weapons accuracy. All targets gain +1 Defence when in the jungle, and +2 when amongst the citys ruins.

earn from selling on the black market, it does significantly reduce the chances of complications arising from any other entanglements.

Rain, heat and travel will soon take their toll on characters in the jungle. Thankfully, as there are plenty of ruins hidden in the jungle, reasonable shelter can be found with relative ease. Characters caught out in the elements are generally fine (barring attack) unless it is the rainy season. During this period of the year, adventurers can quickly develop hypothermia and die if exposed to the rain and cold for too long. As a rule, if a party is forced to spend the night outside during the rainy season, then a BOD+TO roll is required. Characters failing this roll will lose one point from all of their Abilities until they are once again warm and dry. A Character rolling a 20 on this roll has hypothermia and will lose 1 BOD point per hour unless treated (see Water and Dehydration above for the effects of this loss and recovery).

Black Market
Valngress has an active black market for objects of power and magic extracted from the ruins. All sorts of individuals and groups seek such objects, from lone Black Mages, through to representatives of the Evil races, and even those parties disaffected by the official rulers of various nations in the Known World. One of the largest groups to actively seek items through the black market is a group of Elves calling themselves the Seekers of Valn. The Seekers, as they are colloquially known, are purportedly looking for relics from the ruins that might help restore the Empire of the Elves to its former glory. Of course, given the legends of what the Elves once attempted to do with this glory still etched in the minds of the Civilised Races, and it goes without saying that trading with this group is frowned upon, to say the least. Trading on the black market usually requires a contact that has access to such buyers, although parties may wish to risk making their own arrangements. As a rule, such unofficial groups are willing to pay 50 to 80% of an items cost. Of course, characters making deals on the black market not only run the risk of being double-crossed, but also face the very real prospect that official agents of the Civilised races will become involved, and will employ means fair and foul to keep powerful objects out of the hands of undesirables.

Rewards from Valngress

When considering the many perils that await a hero in Valngress, one could naturally enough to ask Why would anyone risk life and limb in such a place? The answer is simple the riches on offer. A few (and not a high percentage when one realises how many wouldbe treasure hunters come to the ruins) fortunate souls have made their fortunes scouring Valngress for treasure. Beneath the city lie wonders the like that the Known World has not seen in centuries. Such powerful and magical items are prized by the Civilised races, and convey a great deal of fame and wealth to their finders.

Using Magic
While much of Valngress active magic has been destroyed by the encroaching jungle, the ruins remain a strange and mystical place. Moreover, many adventurers have claimed that the city, or maybe the jungle itself, seems to leach the magical power from spellcasters. Although the reason for this is unclear, it is true enough that spellcasters who overexert themselves seem vulnerable to the effects of the magical energies that still linger in the city. Spellcasters rolling a 20 (a fumble) when attempting either a Spellcasting or Targeted Spell roll, will temporarily lose 1 point from that Combat Value. Points lost from this effect are recovered at the rate of one point per hour of full rest (i.e. when camping overnight).

Legal Trade
While no single nation holds direct ownership over the ruins in Valngress, most have passed laws and regulations about objects being extracted from the city. Most of these decrees have been issued to ensure the safety of not only their own nation, but also the Known World at large; many fear the powers brought from the city may bring about wars and devastation that no country is prepared to face. In general, each of the Civilised races maintains agents or privateers to act in their interest in the city. These officials, while often treasure hunters themselves, are warranted to purchase items of interest off of third parties such as player characters. As a rule, such agencies are willing to pay 15 to 25% of an items cost in gold. While this is potentially only a quarter of what an individual may

The jungle and ruins of Valngress provide both hunters and the hunted bonuses to the Stealth and

Adventuring in Valngress
Below is some advice for new (and experienced) GMs on how Valngress may be used in your games. Of course, none of this is definitive and just reflects my thoughts and concepts as he developed the setting. In all cases, I encourage you to make Valngess your own! Valngress has been created as a fairly simple backdrop into which Game Masters can create their own Dungeonslayers adventures. While some effort has been put into creating a diverse and interesting location, there should be little detail that will limit the types (or style) of adventure that might be of interest to you and your players.

The Ruins
Foreboding and endless, the ruins of Valngress seem as if they always have and always be hidden here deep in the jungle. Although on the surface (both metaphorically and literally), the ruins seem abandoned, they are, in fact, teaming with life. The whole city seems to hum with some unknown energy that in the same instant vitalises explorers and dulls them to the dangers within. And there are many dangers in the city, from the evil races, the Valn, and even other, more ruthless bands of explorers. But more than that there is the atmosphere of the city, as if it watches all that is going on within it, taking note and somehow knowing when to confront its intruders with their worse nightmares. In the ruins you feel as if you are always being watched!

that unsuspecting party might stumble across when travelling the jungles of Valngress. 1. OrRisKa Warband 2. Lone Valn 3. Abandoned Treasure camp 4. Sink hole 5. Stalking Night Panthers 6. Quicksand 7. Watering hole 9. Sole Survivor 10. Lost Map. 11. Rubble 12. Razorback Den 13. Good Camp site 14. Fire Ants 15. OrRisKa Warcamp 16. Aggressive Vines 17. Eatable Plants 18. Slips 19. OrRisKa Scouts 20. Battle site

A Note on the World at Large

As you would have likely have noticed, this setting does little to detail the world outside the region of Valngress. This is intentional, beyond placing the jungle and ruins in a tropical climate, and presenting enough background to bring purpose to the setting I wanted GMs to make the world their own. Game Masters are encouraged to set Valngress deep within their own favourite fantasy world, one populated with races (of both good and evil), and that you (and your players) want to play with.

The Jungle
The thick, dark jungle seems to pervade everything in Valngress; the flora grows a little too fast, while the fauna watches on impassively from beneath every leaf. Game Masters should play up the atmosphere that surrounds the jungle - the howls of predators at night, the constant drip of sweat on the characters necks and the insistent buzzing of insects. Additionally, there are many potential events and encounters that can be used to highlight the true dangers that await an unwitting party in Valngress jungle, from discovering the long dead body of another explorer, barely avoiding a washout on an otherwise well trodden path, or being caught a dangerous flash flood. Christian The Jungle encounters section could be a sidebar?

The Communities
As you would have likely noticed most of the residents of Valngress are, for the most part, out to achieve their own ends; profit is to be made in the ruins and death to anyone who stands in their way. There are communities and networks of course, but most are closed to outsiders. What civilisation there is available is almost as dangerous as the jungle itself. All resemble frontier towns, which, like those of Americas Old West, are brutally lawless and violent, and yet also seem eternally shrouded in fear and anxiety - as if they believe the citys true owners may one day reappear and claim back what is rightful theirs.

Setting Atmosphere
One aspect of the setting a GM should attempt to convey to their players is the atmosphere that surrounds Valngress and the jungle. In some ways these are characters of their own in any story set within this backdrop. Perhaps the best way in which to use Valngress is to ensure that the characters are aware of the dangers it posses for their group. While making players constantly make rolls for fatigue and navigation quickly becomes annoying, it is important to highlight only the jungle pervades every aspect of dayto-day life.

Jungle Encounters
The following encounters represent a sample of events and discoveries


To Valngress
Any journey to Valngress is long and fraught with dangers. The city itself sits with miles and miles of jungle and often new adventures may not even survive this. The opportunity for encounters at this point is of their travel is almost limitless, from encounters with fleeing explorers, through to battles with the Evil races that pervade the jungle in great numbers.

that almost any existing (or future) Dungeonslayers adventure could be adapted to this setting.

Legends of Valngress
This collection of adventures will explore a number of locations discussed in this supplement, and more besides. It will include quests for a range of levels from 1st through 20th.

The Chambers of Magic

To give you a taste of what Valngress may in store for unsuspecting adventurers, a sample quest, The Chambers of Death, is available in Appendix One. This a brief adventure that gives a taste of the typical quest for a band of treasure seeking adventurers in the city.

Fate of the Valn

The mysterious Valn watch over the ruins of Valngress, waiting some say for the day when the citys masters will return. This series of interconnected adventures will form a story that will draw a rage-tag group of adventurers into the unknown secrets of the city and its most vicious inhabitants.

There are many reasons why an adventurer may want to travel to Valngress, ranging from the simple to make ones fortune through to the most complex the ruins must hold the answers to reversing the Kings curse!

Adapting Existing adventures

The potential for adventures in Valngress: The City of Ruins is unlimited. Most, if not all of the Dungeon 2 Go adventures available on the Dungeonslayers website can be easily adapted to the Valngress with little effort. The following are examples of this.

Valngress is a growing community, and is always in need of supplies. While it is not the safest way of making a living, there is definitely profit to be made carting equipment, arms and armour, or even the basics of life to the city. People like Harven at the Outpost and the traders in the Arzan play well for most goods.

Lord of the Rats

This adventure, included in the core Dungeonslayer rulebook, could be set in the basement of the Outpost. Harven is looking to employing a likely group of adventurers to clear his basement of small, but vicious rats.

Why not join the rest of the brave and bold who make for the ruins? There is plenty of riches to be found within the city, if one things the risks are worth it. The Monastery is a good place to start for most new treasure seekers, and rumour has it that a new wing may have been discovered deep within (see Within the Darkness adventure below).

The Brigands of Lyrkenfenn (D2G #1)

The ruined tower in this adventure is a prefect locale for a Valngress adventure. This group of unruly thugs (otherwise known as failed treasure hunters) has stolen from Talsa Ferryman and the other traders in the Arzan. Feed-up by such brazen acts of thievery, the merchants have banded together to rid the ruins of this brigands once and for all. Christian The Returning to Valngress section could be a sidebar?

Not all who come to Valngress are after a quick fortune. Many of the Civilised races send representatives to the city looking for specific artefacts rumoured to be in the ruins, while others undertake quests for honour, duty or absolution.

Returning to Valngress
The process of writing this supplement produced a number of ideas for new and exciting adventures in the ruins of Valngress. These will be written over a period of time and will appear on the Dungeonslayers website when complete.

Adventures in the Ruins

One of the underlying ideas when creating Valngress was to ensure


Appendix 1 The Chambers of Death

The Chambers of Death is a brief adventure for the Valngress setting (although it can easily be adapted to any other location with ease). Ideal for adventurers new to the City of Ruins, it is best suited for characters of between levels 1 and 4. deep in The Monastery. Obviously untouched for many ages, they seem to be a rich source of treasure. Unfortunately we were ambushed by zombies one guesses those left to guard this section of the site when we started exploring, and in the ensuing fight most of my group were wounded. What does this have to do with you, you might ask? Well, my men are not yet ready to return to the Monastery, and Im afraid that some other group might lay claim to our find. To belay this, Im willing to tell you the location of the dungeon, and split the profit from any finds 50/50. I will be bargain down no further. I have men to pay and Pardure to placate, and Im also sure that few threats remain in the chambers all the zombies having been defeated. Do we have a deal? Jacom is telling the truth, he has found new room the Chambers of Magic, and has put to the sword most of the areas defenders. He does not know what might be found in the rest of the rooms, nor can he join them. hangs slightly ajar (and is from where the zombies came). 2. The Cloak Room: This room is laid out in the style of a changing or cloak room. The remains of small benches line the wall, while holes indicated where wooden hooks once stood. Lying on the floor is a number of black robes that seem mysteriously untouched by age. These robes are used to pass through the Guardians way (see 3 below), and will magically disintegrate when removed from the dungeon. This room is obviously from where the zombies came from, as the Eastern door shows no signs of ever being opened. 3. Guardians Way: This corridor is lined with carved demon faces. Anyone moving more than a few feet into the hallway and is not wearing one of the black cloaks from the Cloak Room is attacked by a flying needle trap (Ranged Attack 13). Anyone attempting to run this gauntlet will be exposed to two attacks before reaching the end door, and then one additional attack if they must open it. 4. The Servants Room: This room was once used as the waiting chamber for the servants of Elves who once frequented the chambers. Waiting here is 1 Zombie (see page 16 of the Dungeonslayer rules) for every 2 PCs. Other than the undead, this room is laid out similarly to Room 3 The Cloak Room above. 5. The Cells: This long corridor has four wooden doors leading from it, in addition to the large ornate set of iron double doors in the east. 5A. Cell One - The door to this cell is jammed shut (requiring a DIFFICULT BOD+ST roll to open). The Cell itself is empty, although a NORMAL Perception check (MIN+RE) reveals dark patches under the layers of dust that cake the floor.

While no-one knows what went on in the city before it was abandoned, the signs and remains of various magical experiments can still be found. One such location that seems to house more than its fair share of such research is the complex of tunnels, chambers and underground structures known as The Monastery. While the majority of this complex has been explored, new halls and dungeons are regularly discovered. The most recent of these is the Chambers of Death, a dark and dangerous place where long ago chaotic magics were practiced.

What Are the Chambers of Death?

Once, long ago, Elven mages looked to master various aspects of the magical world, and in particular how natural death could be cheated. Over the decades and generations the coven toiled in their quest to find ever lasting life. Eventually they found a solution, the use of a special crystal the Death Crystal - that would allow ones soul to be transferred to another body. Unfortunately, for the group at least, the great disaster befell Valngress before they could use this power to its full potential, and to this day remain trapped in the chambers, awaiting release.

Into the Monastery

Finding the newly discovered section of the Monastery is easy enough with Jacoms directions. Here a set of recently trampled stairs lead down into the darkness. The atmosphere in the chambers of magic is dry and dusty. The entire complex is eerily silent, as it al sound seems to be absorbed by the thick stone walls. 1. Entrance Room: This large room shows signs of battle. Half-adozen desiccated corpses obviously the zombies Jacom and his men faced - are strewn around the floor. The door to the south is jammed shut (requiring an EASY BOD+ST roll to open), while the one to east,

Starting the Adventure

The party is approached by the leader of another group of treasure hunters, Jacom Karlwill, who seeks their discreet assistance. My party and I recently discovered a new set of tunnels


5B Cell Two This chamber has collapsed from the weight of the earth above it, and is now home to particularly aggressive nest of Fire Ants. While the door opens easily enough, it is obvious that the room is impassable. However, characters succeeded in a VERY DIFFICULT Perception check (MIN+RE) will notice that their lantern catches a red sparkle. Deep within the stone and dirt is a small ruby (30 GP). Anyone wanting to risk reaching through to grab the gem needs to succeed in a VERY DIFFICULT AGL+DX roll. Success or failure they retrieve the ruby, however those failing find their arm covered in Fire Ants. These creatures do 1d20/4 damage (no Defense) per round until removed with a successful AGL+TO roll. 5C. Cell Three This cell is similar to 5A above, except the skeletal remains of an elf is slumped in one corner. The obvious victim of some foul deed (its ribs are smashed and broken) it is a mute witness to the horrors that occurred in these chambers. If touched, the brittle bones collapse into dust. 5D. Cell Four This cell is also similar to 5A above and is completely empty. However, characters succeeding NORMAL Perception check (MIN+RE), will see writing scrawled in blood on one of the walls. It reads Fear the black light. 6. The Chapel Upon entering the room the group will be dazzled by the few remaining (3) starlight crystals that light this room (worth 50 Gold each). The crystals give of a sickly light (much like that of the moon), which bathes everything in an eerie glow. Once recovered, it becomes obvious that this large chamber was once used as meeting room. The walls here are lined with desiccated and dusty benches and shelves, while hung high are the remains of numerous long faded tapestries. A large stone alter lies in the southern end of the room, upon which lies the mummified corpse of a victim of the experiments once held in these chambers. Unlike others in this complex, this fortunate soul was never subjected

to the rites of the Death crystal, and is truly dead. However, if the group makes too much noise (attempt to remove the light jewels from the walls, etc.) the four zombies from Room 9 will burst into the Chapel and attack. 7. The Vault This series of corridors surrounds the large vault that was once used to protect the Elven mages most precious goods. To access any of the vaults characters will either have to bash down the doors an EXTREMELY DIFFICULT Bash in Doors check (BOD+ST) - pick the locks a DIFFICULT Open Locks check or cast the Open spell (at -4 due to the powers protecting these rooms). 7a. Money Vault This vault is where the cult kept their financial reserves. While most of the chests and shelves here have been open and the riches taken, one chest remains locked. If opened (using brute strength, lock picks or magic), it reveals a small trove of Elven coins equating to 400 gold pieces. 7b. Weapons Vault This vault is lined with weapon and armour racks. While none of these artefacts remain, a fine Elven dagger can be discovered thrust into the wooden door frame leading to 7c. This gem encrusted knife is worth 120 gold pieces. 7c. Magic Vault This room is empty, except for an unnatural inky blackness that radiates from a sphere that seems to float in the middle of the vault. If a character is brave enough to put their hand into the sphere, they will touch objects inside. This Sphere of storage still holds a magical +1 Hammer, 2 Healing potions, and a mages cap (+1 to the casters Casting Bonus when worn). 8. Hidden Entrance At first glace this small room is nothing more than an empty storeroom. However with a VERY DIFFICULT Perception check (MIN+RE), characters notice that a door lies flush with the eastern wall. This can be opened with a NORMAL Open Locks check (MIN+RE). 9. Inner Sanctum Immediately upon opening the door to this

chamber, the characters will be almost blinded by the black light that seems to emanate from a fist sized crystal floating, seemingly without support, in the middle of the room. If they have not already, four robed Elven Zombies, will immediately attack anyone entering the chamber. The room itself is circular and is dominated by the light of the crystal. Surrounding this floating wonder is a number of low benches, all of which are cover in dark brown stains (very old blood). The crystal can be removed without harm, although the black light immediately dims into a more purple hue. To the right people, the Death Crystal is worth 500 Gold pieces.

The Crystal of Death

It is through Crystal of Death that the Elven Mages sort to extend their natural lives. While the power to bring back those lost in battle had long been masters, natural death had been not. So it was that a small coven of Elven Mages discovered the Crystal of Death, an item of legendary power. After many experiences, the true ability of the gem was discovered to store and transfer the soul of a sentient being. Anyone holding the crystal when they die has their soul placed within it safe until a new body can be found for them (although unfortunately the knowledge to achieve such a ritual is now lost to time - rendering the crystal more of a prison than a sanctuary). However, what the Elves did not expect, was that the bodies of those taken into the crystal would arise as mindless zombies, easily commanded by great wizards anyway to do the bidding of the coven. When the great disaster came, the coven rushed to their chambers, and knowing that all was lost, undertook to save themselves in the crystal. And there they remained, slowly going insane in their isolation. Characters holding the crystal will be able to hear the voices of the souls trapped within, although they will be unable to communicate with them.


Appendix 2 Equipment Costs

The following list details the equipment available in Valngress, and differs from the one presented in the Dungeonslayers rulebook both in cost and availability. Of course, GMs still have the final say on the prices listed here.
Item Compass Grappling hook Tent (2 men) Thick, warm travel blanket Water skin (5 litres) Writing utensils Pot/pan Daily ration (3 meals) Rope (10m) Sack Bullglass-lantern Candle Flint & tinder Lantern Lantern oil Torch Mug of wine Mug of beer Regular meal Private room Common Room space Healing herbs Bandages Healing (potion) Healing (spell) Resurrection (spell) Axe Battle axe (2h) Bow, Short (2h)** Bow, Long (2h)** Crossbow, light (2h)** Crossbow, heavy (2h)** Dagger Hammer/Mace Quarterstaff (2h)* Spear* Sword, Short Sword, Long Sword, Broad Throwing dagger Two-handed sword (2h) Availability 1 in 6 3 in 6 4 in 6 Always Always 2 in 6 Always Always Always Always 3 in 6 Always 5 in 6 4 in 6 5 in 6 Always Always Always Always 5 in 6 Always 4 in 6 Always 3 in 6 Always Always 4 in 6 2 in 6 5 in 6 3 in 6 3 in 6 1 in 6 Always 4 in 6 5 in 6 5 in 6 5 in 6 4 in 6 3 in 6 Always 2 in 6 Cost 30GP 2GP 10GP 1GP 1GP 2GP 1SP 5SP 5SP 2 SP 2GP 5CP 5SP 1GP 1SP 2CP 5SP 5CP 2SP 1GP 3SP 5GP 1GP 15GP 2SP N/A 6GP 15GP 10GP 20GP 25GP 40GP 5GP 15GP 2GP 5GP 10GP 15GP 20GP 5GP 25GP Per night Per Night Check Value 10 Heal 1 HP Heals d20 HP Per HP healed Pardure will negotiate on cost Burns for 4 hours Burns for 2 hours Notes The Outpost (Harven Battleforge)

The Outpost (Pardure Nordal - Healer)

Azran (Talsa Ferryman- Weaponsmith)


Appendix 3 The Creatures of Valngress

OrRisKa Orcs
The People of the Battered Sun are spread throughout Valngress. Usually found in small groups, they seem intent on conquering the region for their own nefarious purposes. Melee Attack: 14 (Sword) Ranged Attack: 11 (Short Bow) Initiative: 10 Speed: 5 Dodge: 9 Defense: 14 AV: 1(Leather Jerkin) Hitpoints: 23 Talents: Stealth I (+1) XP: 60 Body: 12 - Strength 3, Toughness 3 Agility 6 - Reflexes 2, Dexterity 2 Mind 2 - Reason 1, Aura 0 Melee Attack: 18 (Two-handed weapon) Initiative: 8 Speed: 4 Dodge: 7 Defense: 14 AV: 1(Leather Jerkin) Hitpoints: 25 XP: 58

OrRisKa Warrior
All members of the Battered Sun tribe are trained as warriors from a young age. Most are skilled in the use of sword and shield, while others prefer two-handed weapons. Body: 10 - Strength 2, Toughness 3 Agility 8 - Reflexes 2, Dexterity 2 Mind 2 - Reason 1, Aura 0 Melee Attack: 14/15 (Sword/Twohanded weapon) Ranged Attack: 7 Initiative: 8 Speed: 4 Dodge: 6 Defense: 15 AV: 2 (Leather Jerkin and Wooden Shield) Hitpoints: 23 XP: 55

OrRisKa Shaman
While magic is not easy to master, some of the brighter orcs have learnt to manipulate the energies required to be Black Mages. These tribal Shamans often direct the warriors in battle. Body: 8 - Strength 2, Toughness 2 Agility 8 - Reflexes 2, Dexterity 2 Mind 8 - Reason 1, Aura 2 Melee Attack: 11 (Quarterstaff) Ranged Attack: 10 Initiative: 10 Speed: 5 Dodge: 10 Defense: 10 AV: 0 (Robe) Hitpoints: 20 Base Spellcasting: 10 Base Targeted Spells: 10 Spells: Fireray, Magic Weapon, others as required. XP: 56

OrRisKa Chieftain
The OrRisKa have a highly detailed and complex system of leadership (which considering we are talking about orcs is quite unusual). The people of the Battered Sun have many leaders, each of whom commands tribe-orcs of warriors, hunters and others. Body: 12 - Strength 2, Toughness 4 Agility 8 - Reflexes 2, Dexterity 2 Mind 2 - Reason 1, Aura 0 Melee Attack: 16 (Sword) Ranged Attack: 7 Initiative: 8 Speed: 4 Dodge: 6 Defense: 15 AV: 2 (Leather Jerkin and Wooden Shield) Hitpoints: 26 XP: 55

OrRisKa Hunter
The Order of Hunters (or KaGanYa) is a cult that has grown in importance within the OrRisKa tribe. These scouts and explorers seem to be responsible for the Battered Suns increased interest in the region. Faster and more agile than their warrior brethren, they are more than a match for most adventurers. Body: 10 - Strength 2, Toughness 3 Agility 8 - Reflexes 2, Dexterity 2 Mind 2 - Reason 1, Aura 0

OrRisKa Brute
It is not known whether the OrRisKa have actually attempted to breed a larger, more aggressive orc, or if the Brutes (as they are known) are just a natural progression of their racial development. Regardless, this breed of OrRisKa seems to be growing in number.

The Valn
Extremely territorial and aggressive towards anyone entering their tribal lands, the Valn are a threat to all intruders in Valngress. Little is known about these creatures or their social structure, as


only the warrior caste have thus far been encountered far.

Valn Warrior Caste

These tall, birdlike humanoids are known for both their aggression and prowess in combat. Tough and resilient, they often out last their opponents in a stand-up fight. Body: 12 - Strength 1, Toughness 5 Agility 6 - Reflexes 2, Dexterity 2 Mind 4 - Reason 1, Aura 1 Melee Attack: 14 (Spear) Ranged Attack: 9 (Spear) Initiative: 8 Speed: 5 (+1 for Long Legs) Dodge: 7 Defense: 19 AV: 2 (Leathery Skin and Wooden Armour) Hitpoints: 35 (regenerates 1 point every combat round) XP: 85

Body: 12 - Strength 4, Toughness 2 Agility 8 Reflexes 1, Dexterity 3 Mind 0 - Reason 0, Aura 0 Melee Attack: 17(+2 Tusks) Initiative: 9 Speed: 5 Dodge: 9 Defense: 14 Hitpoints: 24 XP: 59 Special: Charge (A Razorbacks initial attack is done at 22 and can only be Dodged).

Night Panthers
These deadly predators are expert trackers with unsurpassed senses of smell and taste. Night Panthers are also mindful hunters, with groups known to have patiently tracked parties of treasure seekers for days before attacking. Although these beasts prefer to hunt at night, they are just as effective during the day. Body: 10 - Strength 3, Toughness 2 Agility 8 Reflexes 3, Dexterity 1 Mind 0 - Reason 0, Aura 0 Melee Attack: 16(+3 Claws/Bite) Initiative: 15 (+4 Lightening Fast) Speed: 7 (+2 Lightening Fast) Dodge: 15/18 (During Day - +4 Lightening Fast, during Night +7 Lightening Fast & Hard to See) Defense: 13 (+1 Fur) Hitpoints: 22 XP: 70 Special: Bite Attack (Night Panthers can make a free bite attack in any round it successfully hits with its claws)

Other Threats
Maybe its due to the magic, or the jungle, but in Valngress even the most mundane creatures seem larger and more aggressive.

These come in all shapes and sizes, with some more aggressive than others. A typical example is the Valngressian Deathvine Body: 8 - Strength 4, Toughness 0 Agility 6 Reflexes 0, Dexterity 3 Mind 0 - Reason 0, Aura 0 Melee Attack: 15(+3 Death Vine) Initiative: 6 Speed: 0 Defense: 8 Hitpoints: 18 XP: 42

The largest boars in the Known World can be found in the Valngress jungles. These Razorbacks are known to hunt in family packs and some have developed a taste for humanoid flesh.


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